phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations


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Page 1: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 2: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 3: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 4: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations
Page 5: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations


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Page 6: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 7: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 8: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 9: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 10: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 11: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 12: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations
Page 13: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations


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Page 14: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 15: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 16: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 17: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 18: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 19: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 20: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 21: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 22: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 23: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 26: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 27: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 28: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 29: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 30: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 31: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 32: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations
Page 33: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 34: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 35: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 36: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations


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Page 37: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 38: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 39: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 43: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

Acta mater. 49 (2001) 573–



1Department of Mechanics, KTH, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden and2Department of Materials Science andEngineering, KTH, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

( Received 27 June 2000; received in revised form 18 October 2000; accepted 23 October 2000 )

Abstract—A phase-field method for two-dimensional simulations of binary alloy solidification is studied.Phase-field equations that involve both temperature and solute redistribution are formulated. The equationsare solved using the finite element method with triangular elements on unstructured meshes, which are adaptedto the solution. Dendritic growth into a supersaturated melt is simulated for two temperature regimes: (a)the temperature is prescribed on the boundary of the computational domain; and (b) the heat is extractedthrough the domain boundary at a constant rate. In the former regime the solute redistribution is comparedwith the one given by an isothermal model. In the latter case the influence of the size of the computationaldomain and of the heat extraction rate on dendritic structure is investigated. It is shown that at high coolingrates the supersaturation is replaced by thermal undercooling as the driving force for growth. 2001 ActaMaterialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Phase-field; Kinetics; Diffusion


Over the last 10 years the phase-field method hasbeen extensively used for simulations of dendriticgrowth. In the phase-field method a new variablef(x, y, t) is introduced to indicate the physical stateof the system at each point.f takes on constant valuesin solid and liquid and changes steeply but smoothlyover a thin transition layer that plays the role of theclassical sharp interface. The governing equationcoupled with modified transport equations are appliedin all of space without distinguishing between thephases. This permits simulations of growing morpho-logies without explicitly tracking the phase bound-aries.

Solidification of a binary mixture has been studiedby Caginalpet al. [5, 8]. It is shown that the phase-field equations reduce to the traditional sharp inter-face models in the limit when the thickness of theinterfacial regiond vanishes. At the same time com-putations demonstrate that the phase-field methodsproduce an interface close to the sharp interface prob-lem even for relatively larged.

Despite the great success in predicting qualitativelyrealistic microstructures, the phase-field method has

* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. Fax:146-8-796-9850.

E-mail address:[email protected] (I. Loginova)

1359-6454/01/$20.00 2001 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.PII: S1359-6454(00 )00360-8

only been applied to very simple systems. Typicallyheat flow during solidification of pure substances orisothermal diffusion in binary alloys obeying idealsolution thermodynamics have been studied. How-ever, from a technological point of view, it would bevaluable to perform simulations on real alloys, whichare usually multicomponent and have complex ther-modynamic interactions.

Warren and Boettinger [1] derived a phase-fieldmodel for isothermal solidification of a binary alloy,applying constant diffusivities within the solid andliquid phases, and performed two-dimensional simul-ations of dendritic growth into a highly supersaturatedliquid. This model has been explored in several pap-ers, for example, [9–12]. A desirable extension of themodel is to study the effect of heat flow due to releaseof latent heat. However, the numerical implemen-tation is not trivial since the temperature and soluteevolution occurs on completely different time-scales.A simplified approach was proposed in Ref. [4],where the spatial variation of the temperature is neg-lected and the heat equation is replaced by a heat bal-ance of an imposed heat extraction rate and the latentheat release rate.

The present report is part of a project where theultimate goal is to apply the phase-field method tosimulate processing of real alloys. As a first step, thephase-field formulation [1] is applied, with the majordifference being that simultaneous heat flow and dif-

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fusion are taken into account. The paper is organizedas follows: Section 1 gives an overview of the modelderivation; numerical aspects are presented in Section2; in the next two sections results of truly non-iso-thermal calculations of dendritic growth for two tem-perature regimes are presented and discussed.


In this section the phase-field model given in Ref.[1] is considered with modifications accounting fortemporal and spatial evolution of the temperaturefield. The formulation is based on an entropy func-tional



2|=f|2DdV (1)

where the thermodynamic entropy densitys is a func-tion of the phase-field variablef varying smoothlybetween 0 in the solid and 1 in the liquid, the molefractionxB of a solute B in solvent A and the internalenergy densitye, andV is a spatial region occupiedby a mixture.

Anisotropy is included in the system because thephase change kinetics depends upon the orientationof the interface

e 5 eh 5 e(1 1 g coskb) (2)

where e is related to the surface energys and inter-face thickness,g is the magnitude of anisotropy in thesurface energy,k specifies the mode number and theexpressionb 5 arctan(fy/fx) gives an approximationof the angle between the interface normal and theorientation of the crystal lattice.

The evolution of the non-conserved phase-fieldvariable is governed by

f 5 MfδSδf (3)

whereMf is related to the interfacial mobility. Theevolution ofxB ande is governed by the normal con-servation laws



5 2=·JB (4)

e 5 2=·Je (5)

whereVm is the molar volume. The diffusional flux

JB and the heat fluxJe are given by the linear lawsof irreversible thermodynamics



1 LABe=



Je 5 LAeB=


1 LAee=




ee are related to the inter-diffusionalmobility of B and A and the heat conduction, respect-ively. The coefficientLA

Be 5 LAeB describes the cross

effects between heat flow and diffusion and will beneglected. The second law requiresMf, LA

BB and LAee

to be positive. It should be emphasized that the gradi-ents=(δS/δxB) and=(δS/δe) are to be evaluated iso-thermally and under fixed composition, respectively.The variational derivatives in equations (6) and (7)are given by




5 2mB2mA







where T is the temperature and the quantity on theright-hand side of equation (8) is known as the inter-diffusion potential in binary substitutional alloys. Thechemical potentialsmA andmB under the assumptionof an ideal mixture have the following form

mA 5 °mA(f, T) 1 RT ln(12xB) (10)

mB 5 °mB(f, T) 1 RT ln xB (11)

The expressions of the molar Gibbs energy for purematerials are presented as in Ref. [7]



5 WAg(f)T 1 [esA(TA

m)2cATAm (12)

1 p(f)DHA]S12TTA

mD2cAT ln





5 WBg(f)T 1 [esB(TB

m)2cBTBm (13)

1 p(f)DHB]S12TTB

mD2cBT ln



where g(f) 5 f2(12f)2 and WA, WB are

A(TAm) and es

B(TBm) are the energy densities of pure

Page 45: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations


solid A and B at their melting pointsTAm and TB

m,respectively.DHA and DHB are the heats of fusionper volume,cA and cB are the heat capacities andRis the gas constant.p(f) is a smoothing function,chosen such thatp9(f) 5 30g(f).

The phase-field equation (3) in the present modelis used as derived in Ref. [1]

f 5 Mfe2F=·(h2=f)2∂∂xShhb9∂f∂yD (14)

1∂∂yShhb9∂f∂xDG2Mf((12xB)HA 1 xBHB)


HA(f, T) 5 WAg9(f) 1 30g(f)DHAS1T




HB(f, T) 5 WBg9(f) 1 30g(f)DHBS1T



The diffusion equation is now obtained by combin-ing equations (4), (6), (8) and (10)–(13). However, aspointed out earlier, the gradient=(δS/δxB) must beevaluated isothermally, therefore the diffusional fluxmay be written



=xB (16)

1 (HA(f, T)2HB(f, T))=fGComparison of equation (16) with the normal Fick’slaw of diffusion gives that




whereD is the normal Fickian coefficient of interdif-fusion of A and B. In this case the so-called thermo-dynamic factor is unity because the ideal solution isassumed. The final diffusion equation is then obtainedby combining equations (4), (16) and (17) and takesthe form

xB 5 =·DF=xB 1Vm

RxB(12xB)(HB(f, T) (18)

2HA(f, T))=fGThe diffusion coefficient is postulated as a functionof the phase-field variable

D 5 DS 1 p(f)(DL2DS) (19)

whereDS, DL are the classical diffusion coefficientsin the solid and liquid, respectively.

To complete the derivation of the model, theinternal energy density is postulated according toRef. [5]

e 5 (12xB)eA 1 xBeB (20)

The internal energy densities of pure materials underthe assumption of equal solid and liquid heatcapacities are

eA 5 esA(TA

m) 1 cA(T2TAm) 1 p(f)DHA (21)

eB 5 esB(TB

m) 1 cB(T2TBm) 1 p(f)DHB

Inserting equation (20) into equation (5) withLA

ee 5 KT2 implies that the heat equation has the form

cT 1 30g(f)DHf 1 NxB 5 =·K=T (22)

where the following formulae are introduced

c 5 (12xB)cA 1 xBcB (23)

DH 5 (12xB)DHA 1 xBDHB (24)

andN 5 ∂e/∂xB. Similar to the heat capacity and thelatent heat of fusion of the mixture the thermal con-ductivity of the mixture is approximated by aweighted sum of conductivities of the pure materials

K 5 (12xB)KA 1 xBKB (25)

Again, equal solid and liquid thermal conductivitiesof both materials are assumed. Following Ref. [8], theheat equation is simplified by dropping thexB term

cT 1 30g(f)DHf 5 =·K=T (26)

A similar heat equation was derived in Ref. [12] forthe case of a dilute alloy.


For convenience, the governing equations (14),(18) and (26) are transformed into dimensionlessform. Length and time have been scaled with a refer-ence lengthl50.94d and the diffusion timel2/DL,respectively. The non-dimensional temperature is

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defined asq 5 (T2T∗)/DT, whereT∗ is the tempera-ture of the liquidus associated with an initial solutecomposition.

In the present phase-field formulation the interfacethickness is treated as an input parameter. From aphysical point of view, it is desirable to taked closeto the capillary lengthl057.1310210 m. However,this requires extremely dense grids and time-consum-ing computations. To validate the choice ofd, the ste-ady growth of a dendrite tip was investigated ford54.931028, 1.731028, 4.531029 and 2.231029 m.The same rate of convergence of the liquid concen-tration at the interfacexB towards the sharp interfacetheory prediction xSI

B was obtained here, as thatreported in Ref [1]. The dendrite tip speed for thesevalues ofd is 1.2, 1.0, 0.94, and 0.93 cm/s, respect-ively. With d54.931028 m, as chosen for the presentcalculations, the tip speed thus varies,30% whenthe interface thickness is reduced by a factor of 20,almost down to the nominal value. This indicates thatthe phase-field method produces an interface reason-ably close to the sharp interface problem even forrelatively larged.

Following Ref. [1] a Ni–Cu alloy is chosen for thesimulations. All the phase-field parameters are relatedto the physical properties of the alloy and given inRef. [1]. The physical data used in the calculationsare presented in Table 1. The magnitude of anisotropyg is 0.04 andk54 employs four-fold symmetry, whichallows one to reduce computational costs by per-forming calculations only in one-fourth of thedomain.

The whole region initially contains supersaturated(0.86) and undercooled (DT520.5K) melt, specifi-cally for the alloy compositionxo

B 5 0.4083 andT51574K, except for a small nuclei of a circularshape with non-dimensional radiusr052, placed inthe centre of the domain. The initial distribution offis based on the solution of one-dimensional phase-field equation for isothermal coexistence of liquid andsolid at a planar interface of a pure metal

f(x, y, 0) 512F1 1 tanhS√x2 1 y22r0

2√2 DG (27)

Zero Neumann boundary conditions forxB and fare imposed at the boundaries. The boundary con-ditions for temperature will be defined later.

It was shown in Ref. [1] that stochastic noise intro-

Table 1. Physical data for Ni, Cu

Nickel(A) Copper (B)

Tm (K) 1728 1358DH (J/m3) 23503106 17283106

s (J/m2) 0.37 0.29DL (m2/s) 1029 1029

DS (m2/s) 10213 10213

c [J/(Km3)] 5.423106 3.963106

K [J/(Ksm)] 84.0 200.0

duced into the phase-field model causes fluctuationsat the solid/liquid interface, that leads to the develop-ment of a dendritic structure. According to Refs.[13,14] the physical origin of the noise is stochasticforces appearing in the system due to thermodynamicfluctuations near the dendrite tip. The noise isincluded as proposed in Ref. [1] by modifying thephase-field equation

f→f2Mfar16g(f)((12xB)HA 1 xBHB) (28)

where r is a random number distributed uniformlybetween21 and11, a new number is generated forevery point of the grid, at each time-step.a is anamplitude of the fluctuations taken as 0.4.

A specific feature of binary alloy solidification isthat the changes ofxB andf are highly localized overthe solid/liquid interface. The width of the interfaceis much smaller than the other length scales, whichmakes the use of an adaptive unstructured mesh ben-eficial. Initially the computational domain is spatiallydiscretized with large triangular elements and then theinterface region gets the highest resolution. As theinterface evolves during the computation the mesh isadaptively changed by splitting or merging theelements according to an error-function


(=f 1 =q 1 25f=xB)·ndG (29)

1 100EVel


where Vel is the area of an element andGel is itsboundary with normaln. This technique providesaccurate results with a minimum number of elements.For more details the reader is referred to Ref. [6].

The system of non-dimensional equations is trans-formed into a discrete problem by the use of Galerkinformulation of the finite element method, with linearbasis functions. The time derivatives are discretizedby a first order finite difference approximation, thediffusion terms are made implicit and when it is poss-ible the other terms are also chosen implicitly.Although the numerical scheme is quite stable, thetime-step is chosen significantly below the stabilitylimit to satisfy an accuracy requirement. A Fortrancode was developed by means of FemLego [2,3]which performs automatic code generation from ahigh-level Maple specification.

The numerical scheme was verified on the iso-thermal model, equations (14) and (18). A squarecomputational domain of non-dimensional size7503750 is used in the simulations. Minimum andmaximum mesh resolution was defined as a compro-mise between number of gridpoints and an implicitnumerical noise produced by the model. With 0.625and 10 no secondary sidebranches are developed

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when a50. The steady-state growth velocity of thedendrite tip was chosen as a reliable quantity to definetime-step. It was found that withDt50.2 the numeri-cal scheme gives an error of the tip speed ca 3%.Solute redistribution obtained for isothermal calcu-lations is given in Fig. 1.


To complete the model describing cooling of a meltwith growing nuclei, thermal boundary conditions areto be specified. Different types of boundary con-ditions determine different thermal regimes affectingthe temperature variation in space. In this section

Fig. 1. Concentration field, isothermal model. Time is 2.75 ms.

Fig. 2. Concentration field given by the non-isothermal modelwith temperature fixed on the boundary. All the physical andphase-field parameters are the same as in isothermal calcu-lations. Time is 2.75 ms. The color scheme uses yellow–redpalette in grey scale for low and high concentration values,


equations (14), (18) and (26) are solved withT51574K as initial and boundary conditions for theheat equation. This is done in order to fit the non-isothermal temperature regime to the isothermal case.The results of this simulation are shown in Figs 2and 3.

As one would expect, the temperature does notvary much, neither in time nor in space, for example,the spatial temperature difference does not exceed1.6K all the time (Fig. 4). However, comparison ofthe solute patterns (Figs 1 and 2) shows that the com-position behaviour is very sensitive to even smallchanges in the temperature field. Increased melt tem-perature reduces sources of instability, which leads toless developed structure of the non-isothermal den-drite. The length of the primary arms is about 6% lessthan the corresponding one calculated under iso-thermal conditions. The solute diffusion length islarger compared to the isothermal growth, as well asspacing of interdendritic liquid pockets. The value ofthe composition at the solid/liquid interface isdecreased since the operating point in the phase dia-gram has moved to the left due to the increased tem-perature.

Figure 3 demonstrates spatial redistribution of thetemperature field with imposed interface location attime 2.75 ms. As predicted by the Gibbs–Thomsoncondition, the tips are the coldest parts of the dendritedue to the large curvature here. The location of thehottest point during the crystal growth varies and ingeneral corresponds to one of the tips of those sideb-ranches which grow towards each other and form aclosed liquid pocket. Melt in this pocket is of highesttemperature due to release of latent heat by thesegrowing sidebranches. The less sharp the sidebranchtip, the higher temperature of the sidebranch.

The maximal value of the system temperature as afunction of time is given in Fig. 4. The curve isslightly oscillating because the temperature is takenat different grid points wherever the maximum valueoccurs. The local peaks occur when two or more side-branches growing towards each other merge and stopgrowing and consequently to produce the latent heat.Then another sidebranch surrounded by hot meltstarts to release more latent heat than the others andbecomes the hottest place in the system. Fig. 5 showsthe area of the dendrite tip with imposed isotherms,which are refracted over the interface. This reflectsthe change of the temperature gradient owing to therelease of latent heat.

The results presented in this section indicate clearlythat for a supersaturated binary alloy the developmentof dendritic patterns is governed mainly by solute dif-fusion, but the temperature variation alters signifi-cantly the morphology of the microstructure.


This section represents the results obtained forsimulations of dendritic solidification in the thermal

Page 48: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations


Fig. 3. Temperature field corresponding to the solute redistri-bution in Fig. 2. The lighter color, the higher the temperature.The solid/liquid interface is shown as a band where

0.1,f,0.9. Time is 2.75 ms.

Fig. 4. Maximal temperature of the system vs time, minimaltemperatureT51574K is kept on the boundary all the time.

regime when a heat flux is extracted from the domain.This regime is modeled in two ways: (a) the iso-thermal model is coupled with a heat balance [4]which neglects temperature variations in space


5 2T 1DHc



f(x, y, t)dSG (30)

where T is the cooling rate,S is the area of thedomain,DH and c are evaluated for the compositionfar away from the interface; (b) non-isothermal modelwith Neumann boundary conditions for the heat equ-ation. The heat fluxQ imposed on the outer boundary

is related toT by Q 5cTa4

, wherea is the side length

of the computational domain.

Fig. 5. Location of isotherms near the dendrite tip. The picturecorresponds to the run in Fig. 3.

There is a lot of numerical and physical issues,which should be investigated for these types of simul-ations. In these calculations the effect of the coolingrate and the size of the domain is analyzed. The com-putations are performed in two square domains6.931025 and 2.2831025 m on a side (which will bereferred to as “large” and “small” boxes), for threecooling rates: 2.13103, 3.43104, and 1.33105 K/s.In order to keep the same non-dimensional geometry,d51.6231028 m is chosen for the “small” box.

Figure 6(a and b) shows the temperature–time his-tory for all cooling rates, in the “big” and “small”box, respectively. Three curves represent each simul-ation: two dashed lines show the minimal and maxi-mal value of the system temperature calculated by thenon-isothermal model, the solid line isT(t) obtainedthrough the heat balance [equation (30)]. It is neces-sary to note thatT(t) calculated by the isothermalapproach differs significantly (2K as the worst) fromthe short-termT(t) dependence in Fig. 6 in Ref. [4].T(t) is very sensitive to the choice of numerical aswell as physical parameters which were not unam-biguously defined in Ref. [4].

In general, both the models give a similarT(t)behaviour. Initially, at the highest cooling rates(3.43104 and 1.33105 K/s) the temperature fallsdown because the composition needs more time to bechanged and to cause solidification. As a crystal startsto grow, the latent heat release increases the tempera-ture, that is, recalescence occurs. For the lowest coo-ling rate, the initial growth of the nuclei is fast enoughto overcome the imposed heat extraction rate and,hence, the temperature–time curve initially has a posi-tive slope.T(t) given by the isothermal model initiallyapproximates an average temperature, but later thelatent heat of fusion is released faster, and therefore,for all three cooling rates the time evolution is faster.As a result, the isothermal model gives an overesti-mated values of the temperature.

Comparison of the dashed curves in Fig. 6(a and

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Fig. 6. Temperature–time dependence for the boxes of size2.2831025 m (a) and 6.931025 m (b). Results for the coolingrates 2.13103, 3.43104, and 1.33105 K/s are shown from top

to bottom.

b) obtained for the same cooling rates shows theinfluence of the domain size. In outline, at the sametime the temperature of the melt in the “large” boxhas a lower value than the temperature in the “small”domain. This feature can be explained by the fact thata larger box contains fewer nuclei per area, and thus,less latent heat is produced in the box. It is interestingto notice that a larger computational domain andhigher heat extraction rate cause greater spatial vari-ations of the temperature field. The maximum tem-perature alteration is ca 9° in the “large” box and 1.2°in the “small” one. The tendency of a slightlydecreasing difference of maximum and minimumtemperature as time goes is due to reducing fractionof melt. Therefore, the assumption made in Ref. [4]about absence of the temperature gradient in spacecan be accepted for a small computational domainwith a low imposed heat extraction rate, but in othercases spatial variation of the temperature field shouldbe taken into account.

The calculated growth morphologies vary signifi-cantly among the three cooling rates and the compu-tational domains. Solute patterns and corresponding

temperature fields are presented in Figs 7 and 8. Com-paring these figures one should remember that the realside sizes of the boxes differ by a factor of three.At the lowest cooling rate [Figs 7(e) and 8(e)] thetemperature rise reduces the melt undercooling whichgives the least developed crystal. In this case the sol-idification is driven by solute change in both phases,solid and liquid. The higher the heat extraction rate,the greater the influence of the size of the compu-tational domain on the crystal growth. While the den-dritic morphology calculated in the “small” box [Fig.7(c)] consists only of primary stalks with no pertur-bation on the interface, the corresponding mor-phology in the “large” box [Fig. 8(c)] has welldeveloped secondary arms. It should be noted, thatdue to the high value of heat extraction rate the inter-face stays planar (which gives the crystal a diamondshape) before perturbations appear at the interfaceand secondary sidebranches start to develop.

The most intriguing morphology is presented inFig. 8(a) and obtained for the highest cooling rate inthe “large” domain. The morphology growth exhibitsan almost circular shape with cells developing at thelater times. The explanation is that for very high coo-ling rate, the solidification of a binary alloy is gov-erned mainly by the heat transfer. When a meltfreezes quickly, composition does not have time tobe changed and to cause instability. The presence ofsolute trapping in this simulation is observed whenthe interface velocityV reaches its maximum valueof 0.03 m/s, which corresponds to the largestundercooling of the melt. The partition ratio at themoment iscS/cL 5 0.97, as opposed to an equilibriumvalue of 0.85.

The solute trapping effect in the phase-field modelswas studied in Ref. [15]. It was shown that for aplanar interface the solute trapping occurs when thesolute diffusion length ahead of the interface is com-parable with the interface thicknessDI/V|d whereDI 5 D(f 5 0.5). For thed used in the calculationsthis givesV50.01 m/s. The simulations of directionalsolidification [16] demonstrate that the interfaceremains stable for velocities above 0.024 m/s. Hence,qualitatively, the growth behaviour of the dendrite isconsistent with the significant solute trapping.

It should be concluded that a crystal morphologydepending on the heat extraction rate varies fromsmooth primary stalks without secondary arms (lowcooling rate) to well-developed dendritic structure toplanar or cellular shape at extremely high coolingrate.


The presented results are thought to be a firstattempt to model non-isothermal dendritic solidifi-cation of a binary alloy. Removing the isothermalassumption makes the computations much more timeconsuming, due to the large difference between ther-mal and mass diffusivities.

Page 50: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations


Fig. 7. Solute and temperature redistributions (top and bottom rows, respectively) obtained in the “small” box(2.2831025 m), for the cooling rates 1.33105, 3.43104 and 2.13103 K/s varying from the left column to theright one. Time is 1.4 ms. The concentration and the temperature fields employ the same color scheme as inFigs. 2 and 3, respectively. The black line shown with the temperature field represents the location of the

solid/liquid interface.

Fig. 8. Solute and temperature redistributions (top and bottom rows, respectively) obtained in the “large” box(6.931025 m), for the cooling rates 1.33105, 3.43104 and 2.13103 K/s varying from the left column to the

right one. (a) and (b) are given at time 1.7 ms, while the others are at 2.5 ms.

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For low cooling rate and many nuclei the spatialtemperature variation is small and may be neglected,and thus the isothermal approach is applicable. How-ever, the non-isothermal effect becomes visible forhigher cooling rate and fewer nuclei, when the spatialtemperature difference is not small compared to thedifference between solidus and liquidus in the phasediagram.

On increasing the cooling rate, the growth eventu-ally becomes governed by thermal diffusion ratherthan redistribution of solute. Due to limitations on thewidth of the diffuse interface the results for the high-est cooling rate, showing strong solute trapping, maynot be quantitatively correct. However, qualitativelythe predicted behaviour is in agreement with what isexpected at high cooling rates.

Acknowledgements—This work was supported by the SwedishResearch Council for Engineering Science (TFR).


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Page 56: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 57: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 59: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 60: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 61: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 62: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Acta Materialia 51 (2003) 1327–

The phase-field approach and solute drag modeling of thetransition to massiveg → a transformation in binary Fe-C


I. Loginovaa, J. Odqvistb,∗, G. Amberga, J. Agrenb

a Department of Mechanics, KTH, 100 44 Stockholm, Swedenb Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KTH, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Received 18 April 2002; accepted 25 October 2002


The transition between diffusion controlled and massive transformationg →α in Fe–C alloys is investigated bymeans of phase-field simulations and thermodynamic functions assessed by the Calphad technique as well as diffusionalmobilities available in the literature. A gradual variation in properties over an incoherent interface, having a thicknessaround 1 nm, is assumed. The phase-field simulations are compared with a newly developed technique to model solutedrag during phase transformations. Both approaches show qualitatively the same behavior and predict a transition toa massive transformation at a critical temperature below theT0 line and close to thea/a + g phase boundary. It isconcluded that the quantitative difference between the two predictions stems from different assumptions on how theproperties vary across the phase interface yielding a lower dissipation of Gibbs energy by diffusion in the phase-fieldsimulations. The need for more detailed information about the actual variation in interfacial properties is emphasized. 2003 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Diffusion; Thermodynamics; Gibbs energy; Dissipation; Interfacial properties

1. Introduction

If austenite (g) in low-carbon iron alloys isquenched to sufficiently low temperatures, but stillabove the martensite start temperatureMs, it willbe decomposed by a massive transformation thatyields a characteristic blocky or massive micro-structure. The massive transformation is par-titionless like the martensitic transformation, i.e. it

∗ Corresponding author. Fax:+46-8-100411.E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Odqvist).

1359-6454/03/$30.00 2003 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S1359-6454(02)00527-X

does not involve any composition change, and thuslong-range diffusion is unnecessary. The growth ofmassive ferrite (a) occurs with a constant growthrate that is more or less independent of crystallo-graphic orientation relationships in contrast to themartensitic transformation. Thermodynamically apartitionless transformationg →a is possiblebelow theT0 temperature, at whicha andg of thesame composition have same Gibbs energy. How-ever, at what temperature the massive transform-ation really becomes kinetically possible has beena matter of considerable controversy over theyears. It may be argued that if the interfacial reac-

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tions of the migrating a/g are rapid enough theinterface will be essentially in thermodynamicequilibrium, the so-called local equilibriumhypothesis. In that case the transition to a massivemode of transformation would occur when theundercooling is so large that the composition ofthe parent g falls on the a /a � g phase boundaryof the binary Fe–C phase diagram. On the otherhand it has been claimed that the massive trans-formation may occur far inside the a � g two-phase field. The subject and the different view-points were recently discussed in an extensivereview by Hillert [1]. He emphasized that the inter-actions between solutes and the migrating phaseinterface are essential in order to understand thetransition to the massive mode of transformation.It is thus necessary to analyze the so-called solutedrag effect in detail. Hillert and Sundman [2] werefirst to show by simulation that the solute drageffect during solidification of binary alloys predictsa transition to a partitionless mode of solidificationat high undercoolings. Their approach was to solvea steady state diffusion equation over the interfa-cial region and evaluate the part of the availabledriving force that is dissipated by diffusion. Dif-fusion in the parent liquid was treated analyticallyby a Zener–Hillert type of approach. Agren et al.[3,4] replaced the diffusion profile inside the phaseinterface with a single representative compositionand were able to model the transition betweenWidmanstatten growth of a into g and a par-titionless mode of transformation at high super-saturations.

Over the last decade the phase-field approachhas been tremendously successful in predictingmicrostructures during solidification [5] and solidstate transformations [6]. In this approach the inter-face between two phases is treated as a region offinite width having a gradual variation of the differ-ent state variables, i.e. the diffuse interface model.So far, neither the actual properties of the interfacenor the thermodynamic and kinetic properties ofthe alloys have been emphasized. The attention hasmainly been drawn to the capability of the methodto predict very realistic microstructures and thetreatment of the interface has been regarded as amathematical “ trick” to solve the difficult movingboundary problem.

Nevertheless, the physical pictures behind thesolute drag modeling and the phase-field approachare very similar. Of course, the similarity is usuallyless evident because the interface thickness usedin the numerical phase-field calculations has beenmuch too large to have any physical significance.However, recently Ahmad et al. [7] compared thephase field model with various solute-drag modelsand they found that under steady-state conditionsthe two approaches are indeed very similar and thephase-field calculations will exhibit both solutetrapping (massive growth) and solute-drag effect.Their results thus suggest that the phase fieldapproach is capable of treating the transition tomassive transformation as well as solute drageffects provided that the interface is givenrealistic properties.

The purpose of the present report is to apply thephase-field method to the g →a transformation inbinary Fe–C and demonstrate that a transition tomassive transformation is predicted during iso-thermal growth if reasonable properties are givento the a/g phase interface. The predictions will becompared with a newly developed technique tomodel solute drag and we shall investigate underwhat conditions the two approaches are qualitat-ively or even quantitatively consistent. No com-parison will be made with other solute-drag treat-ments e.g. sharp-interface models.

The main purpose is thus to study the situationat the phase interface and all calculations will bemade for a one-dimensional geometry although thephase-field formulation is readily extended to thefull three-dimensional geometry.

2. Phase field formulation of the g →atransformation in Fe–C

The phase-field formulation of the isobarother-mal g →a transformation is based on the Gibbsenergy functional:

G � ��



2��f�2�d� (1)

where Gm denotes the Gibbs energy per mole ofsubstitutional atom and Vm is the molar volume per

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substitutional atom and will be approximated asconstant, � is the phase-field variable taken 0 ina and 1 in g. The u-fraction uC is defined from thenormal mole fraction of C, xC as

uC �xC



As already mentioned, the temperature T isassumed constant all over the whole system. How-ever, it may of course vary in time but heat con-duction is assumed so rapid that all temperaturegradients can be neglected. The molar Gibbsenergy Gm is postulated as a function of the phase-field variable:

Gm � (1�p(f))Gam � p(f)Ggm � g(f)W (3)


g(f) � f2(1�f)2 (4)

p(f) � f3(10�15f � 6f2) (5)

and the choice of the parameter W will be dis-cussed later. Gam and Ggm denote the normal Gibbsenergy functions of the a and g phases and aretaken from the assessment of Gustafson [8]. Thecomplete expressions are given in Appendix A. Itshould be mentioned that g(f) and p(f) have beenchosen so that dp /df � 30g(f).

The evolution of the phase-field variable � isgoverned by the Cahn–Allen equation [9]

f � �MfdGdf

� �Mf� 1Vm


∂f �e2�2f� (6)

The kinetic parameter Mf is related to the interfa-cial mobility as will be shown later.The evolutionof the concentration field is governed by the nor-mal diffusion equation. When u-fractions are usedand the molar volume is approximated as constantthe normal diffusion equation can be rewritten as



� ��·JC (7)

The diffusional flux of carbon JC is given by theOnsager linear law of irreversible thermodynamics:

JC � �L���d Gd uc

� (8)

The quantity dG/duC is the normal chemicalpotential of C denoted by mC. If the so-called gradi-ent terms are neglected we have∂ Gm /∂ uC � mC

and Eq. (8) may be expanded in terms of the con-centration and phase-field gradients

JC � �1



∂u∂f�f (9)

The first term corresponds to the normal Fick’s lawand we may thus identify the normal diffusioncoefficient of C as

DC � VmL�∂2Gm



The second-order derivative corresponds to Darken’sthermodynamic factor and the parameter L� is relatedto the diffusional mobility [10] MC by means of

L� �uC


yVaMC (11)

where yVa denotes the fraction of vacant inter-stitials, i.e. 1-uC for g and yVa � 1�uC /3 for a. Fora given C content the fraction of vacancies wouldthus depend on the character of the phase, i.e. itwill depend on the phase-field variable. We havepostulated

uCyVa � (1�p(f))uC(1�uC / 3) � p(f)uC(1�uC)


The diffusional mobility in the two phases coulddiffer by several orders of magnitude, therefore wehave chosen the following combination:

MC � (MaC)1�p(f)(MgC)p(f) (13)

For substitutional solutes the mobility in thecenter of the interface is most probably muchhigher than in the any of the crystalline phases. Forinterstitial solutes like carbon it may not be muchhigher and the approximation represented by Eq.(13) may not be too crude. The mobilities of car-bon in a and g were taken from Agren [11,12].The complete expressions are given in AppendixB.

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3. Solute drag modeling of the g→atransformation in Fe–C

In the solute drag modeling the thickness (δ) ofthe interface is considered small enough comparedto the curvature of the interface to approximate thediffusion field inside the interface as planar, seee.g. in ref. 2. The steady-state solution of Eq. (7)will be a good approximation inside the interfacebecause it is so much thinner than the distance ittravels. Eq. (7) takes the form


(uC�uaC) � JC (14)

where v is the interface migration rate. The flux isgiven by Eqs. (8) or (9) and is set to 0 in the grow-ing a phase. For a given combination ofv and uaC the solution of Eq. (14) yields a concen-tration profile across the interface and thus also theC content on the g side of the interface, i.e. ug /aC .

The dissipation of Gibbs energy due to diffusioninside the interface, expressed per mole of Fe anddefined as positive, is given by

�Gdiffm � �


v �d



d zdz (15)

By combining Eqs. (14) and (15) and makinguse of ∂ Gm /∂ uC � mC one obtains

�Gdiffm � ��



d z∂ Gm

∂ uC

dz (16)

In order to perform calculations the variation inthermodynamic properties and mobility inside thephase interface must be known. In the solute dragtheory Gm is postulated as a function of both dis-tance and composition. Several choices are poss-ible. One choice is to use Eqs. (3) and (13) insidethe interface but rather than Eqs. (4) and (5) onesimply postulates that g(f) � 0 and p(f) � z /d.This approach was taken by Hillert and Sundman[2] and will be used in the present report.

The interface has a finite mobility due to interfa-cial friction and often a linear relation betweeninterface migration rate and driving force isobserved experimentally, i.e.

v �MVm

�Gim (17)

where �Gim is the driving force needed to move

the interface and M is the interfacial mobility.�Gi

m is defined positive for a spontaneous reactionand is the Gibbs energy dissipated by the interfacefriction. The total Gibbs energy dissipated in theinterface is thus given by the sum of�Gdiff

m and �Gim. The dissipation must be supplied

from the total driving force available over the inter-face. It is given per mole of atoms and expressedin terms of the individual chemical potentials onp. 152 in ref. [13]. By instead introducing theGibbs energy per mole of Fe, Gm, and its firstderivative we obtain

�Gtotm � Ggm�Gam�(ug/aC �uaC)

∂Ggm∂ ugC


where �Gtotm is defined as positive for the con-

sidered reaction to occur. For a given migrationrate v we may, by combining Eqs. (9), (14) and(16)–(18) find the uaC and ug /aC that makes the dis-sipated Gibbs energy exactly match�Gtot

m . In thelimit of low migration rates uaC and ug /aC willapproach the local equilibrium values predicted bythe phase diagram but at high velocities they willapproach each other.

The solute-drag modeling of the interfacial reac-tions may be combined with a treatment of C dif-fusion in g ahead of the interface. By such anapproach it is possible to describe the gradual devi-ation from local equilibrium as the interfacemigration rates increases. In principle such mode-ling could be based on numerical methods as inthe DICTRA software [14] or semi-analyticalmethods as the Green function formalism usedrecently by Enomoto [15]. For the sake of sim-plicity we will here take a simpler approach basedon the linear-gradient approximation. For the thick-ening of a grain-boundary precipitate it yields thefollowing expression

v �D2�

(ug/aC �ugC ) 2

(uaC�ug/aC )(uaC�ugC )(19)

where � is half the thickness of the grain-boundaryprecipitate and ugC is the carbon content in g faraway from the interface, i.e. the initial content of

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g. By combining Eq. (19) with the previous resultwe may calculate the thickness corresponding to agiven velocity. It should be emphasized that thesolute drag calculations may be performed inde-pendently of the alloy composition ugC . As alreadymentioned, we then obtain uaC and ug /aC as func-tions of migration rate v at a given temperature.For a particular alloy content ugC we may use Eq.(19) to establish a relation between v and �.

4. Approximate equivalence of the twoapproaches for Fe–C

In order to demonstrate the similarity betweenthe phase-field and solute drag approaches Ahmadet al. [7] considered a planar case and the steadystate formulation of the phase field, i.e.

f � �vdfdz


where f is given by Eq. (6). Their approach willnow be applied to the g →a transformation and itwill thus be slightly modified. However, for theconvenience of the reader the derivation will nowbe given in some detail.

By multiplying both sides of Eq. (20) withdf /dz and integrating across the interfacial region,with a thickness d, we obtain


Mf� 1Vm




dfdz�dz � (21)




Applying integration by parts we find that the lastterm inside the left-hand side integral vanishesbecause df /dz � 0 outside the interfacial region.The first term may be expanded because








d z(22)

and Eq. (21) thus becomes








dz �dz � (23)











dz �dz� � (24)




Integrating Eq. (16) by parts and rearranging wefind





dz �dz � (ug/aC �uaC)∂Ggm∂uC

� �Gdiffm (25)

Inserting Eq. (25) in Eq. (24) and dropping theminus sign on both sides yield


Vm�(Ggm�Gam)�(ug/aC �uaC)


��Gdiffm � (26)

� v�d



By comparing Eqs. (18) and (26) we find



[�Gtotm ��Gdiff

m ] � v�d


dz (27)

The quantity inside parentheses on the left-handside is clearly �Gi

m in Eq. (17) and it only remainsto evaluate the integral on the right-hand side ofEq. (27). It should be emphasized that the left-handside of Eq. (27) comes out as an exact result whensteady state is assumed. The right-hand side ismore difficult but Ahmed et al. assumed it wasmore or less independent of the quantities on theleft-hand side and set



[�Gtotm ��Gdiff

m ] � va (28)

Comparing Eqs. (28) and (17) we may thus ident-ify.

M �1a

Mf (29)

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where a � �d

(df /dz)2dz. For the simple case where

we approximate the variation in f as linear insidethe interface we obtain a � 1/d. However, itshould be emphasized that generally the interfacethickness is less well defined for a diffuse interfacethan in solute drag modeling. In principle the inter-face extends over the whole region where f varies,which is strictly � z for the diffuse inter-face. Thus, the integration should be performedover that region. However, in practice it may yieldsufficient accuracy to extend the integration over afinite region somewhat thicker than the thicknessused in solute drag modeling. In the present casea more realistic variation in f is given by the equi-librium solution of Eq. (6):

f �12�1 � tanh�z /�2d�� (30)

where d � e /√W /Vm. By numerical integrationover a the region �3d z 3d and adopting Eq.(30) one obtains a � 0.235 /d.

5. Physical parameters

As already mentioned, the complete set of ther-modynamic and kinetic parameters for the Fe–Csystem is given in appendices A and B, respect-ively. The phase-field mobility Mf is related to theconventional interfacial mobility M by means ofEq. (29). In the present study different choices ofa will be tested. The interface thickness will bechosen as d = 10�9 m. For a pure element the para-meters W, �, d and the surface energy s are relatedas follows [16]:

W �sd




s � e� W18Vm


i.e. e2 � 3√2sd. With the surface energy s � 1J/m2 and Vm � 7 10�6 m3 mol�1 we obtain W =29.698 103 J/mol e2 � 4.24 10�9 J/m. We shallassume that W and � are independent of tempera-ture and composition.

6. Numerical details

6.1. Phase-field simulations

The standard second order central difference inspace and first order in time transform Eqs. (6) and(7) into a discrete problem. Zero Neumann bound-ary conditions are applied for both variables. Theresulting non-linear systems of equations aresolved using the Newton–Raphson method.

From the experimental observations, we expecttwo different regimes: “slow” growth, controlledby C diffusion in g, and “ fast” massive growth con-trolled by the interfacial reactions. During slowgrowth, we thus expect a parabolic behavior withan interface velocity v that is essentially pro-portional to 1/√t except for the later stages whenimpingement sets in and the system finallyapproaches the state of equilibrium. During the“ fast” or partitionless growth, the solution shouldyield a single concentration spike traveling withconstant velocity v until all the initial γ is transfor-med into a. In order to simulate these regimes thetime step is adjusted to the interface dynamicsaccording to

�t �chn


where h is the space resolution in a uniform gridand c is the Courant number taken as 0.01. Withthis approach simulations of massive growth areperformed with constant time step equal to itsinitial value 3.5· 10�10 s. In the case of parabolicgrowth, the time step is gradually increased andat the final time, when the equilibrium is nearlyachieved, �t is 106 times larger than initially. Thechoice of the grid resolution was verified based onthe known content of carbon in both phases at theequilibrium. With h � 0.1125 nm the relativeerror of equilibrium uC is 1.2%. Another test is thatthe slope of the interface position vs √t is a con-stant except for the later stages.

6.2. Solute drag simulations

The steady-state diffusion equation, i.e. Eq. (14),reduces to an ordinary differential equation for the

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concentration of each solute over the interface. Avariable order backward differentiation formula,usually referred to as Gear’s method [17], is usedto solve this differential equation. We have usedthe algorithm of Gear’s method that isimplemented in the HARWELL SubroutineLibrary [18].

7. Results

7.1. Phase-field simulations

Phase-field simulations were performed at anumber of temperatures and alloy contents. Thesize of the system was 10 µm, corresponding to anaustenite grain size of 20 µm if ferrite is formedat the austenite grain boundaries. As mentionedearlier, d was chosen to be 10�9 m. Thus both thesize of the system and the interface thickness weregiven physically realistic values. In a first set ofcalculations the parameter a in Eq. (29) was chosenas 1/d, i.e. Mf � M /d was applied in the phase-field equation.

The initial state was always homogeneous g witha very thin layer of a (� 4.5 nm) formed at theleft side of the system. The composition of theinitial layer of a was taken as 0.1·ugC if parabolicgrowth was expected. However, the compositionof this layer does not affect the calculation becauseit is adjusted automatically during the first few timesteps. In case of massive growth the initial compo-sition was uniform over the domain.

As an example, Fig. 1 shows the con-centration profile for an alloy with ugC � 0.01at T � 1093 K and different instancest � 1, 10, 20,...,60 s. Fig. 2 shows the half thick-ness � as a function of √t. As can be seen, thegrowth is indeed parabolic up to t � 10 s whereimpingement sets in. These results are in excellentagreement with DICTRA [14] simulations usingthe same set of data. The DICTRA simulations arebased on a sharp interface model and local equilib-rium at the interface. At the same temperature acompletely different behavior is found for an alloywith ugC � 0.001. In this case the massive growthoccurred with a constant growth rate of ca. 0.1 m/s

Fig. 1. Phase-field calculation of carbon concentration profilesat different instances, t = 1, 10, 20,… 60 s. ugC � 0.01 at T =1093 K.

Fig. 2. Phase-field calculation of half-thickness of ferrite pre-cipitate as function of √t.

until all g was transformed into a. The concen-tration profile, a traveling wave, is shown in Fig. 3.

By performing phase-field simulations for alarge number of alloy compositions at each tem-

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Fig. 3. Phase-field calculation of carbon concentration profileat interface during massive growth of ferrite, v � 0.1 m/s, forugC � 0.001 at T = 1093 K.

perature it is possible to establish a critical compo-sition below which the massive growth occurs atthat temperature. Of course the critical compositiondepends on the value of Mf. In Fig. 4 we havesuperimposed, on a part of the calculated Fe–Cphase diagram, curves a and b representing thecritical composition calculated for two differentchoices of Mf. The T0 line, where the Gibbs energyof the g and a phases have the same value for thesame composition, has also been included in thediagram. The simulations also reveal that the inter-face velocity as well as the non-equilibrium par-tition coefficient k decrease when the alloy compo-sition ugC is increased and approaches the criticalvalue. This behavior is in agreement with the velo-city dependence on k discussed in [7].

7.2. Solute-drag simulations

Solute-drag simulations were now performedaccording to the approach outlined in section 3.For a given temperature and composition of thegrowing a Eq. (14) was solved for a series ofinterfacial velocities. For each velocity the C con-centration profile across the phase interface as wellas the C content of g at the g-side of the phase

Fig. 4. Calculated Fe–C phase diagram with the T0 line super-imposed. Curves a and b are the critical compositions fromphase-field simulations using different choices of Mf: a) M /dand b) 0.235M /d. Curve c) is the critical composition from sol-ute-drag simulations. M is given in Appendix B.

interface were obtained and the Gibbs energy dissi-pation due to diffusion, �Gdiff

m , across the interfacewas subsequently obtained by integration of theconcentration profile and adding the contributiondue to interfacial friction, �Gi

m. From the C contenton both sides of the interface the available drivingforce, �Gtot

m , was calculated using Eq. (18). Atgiven temperature and composition of the growinga the total dissipated Gibbs energy, �Gdiff

m ��Gi

m, and the available driving force may be plot-ted as functions of interfacial velocity. The generalappearance of the two curves is shown in Fig. 5.The total dissipation, solid curve, starts from zeroat low velocities, and grows due to dissipationcaused by diffusion inside the interface, i.e. solutedrag. After a maximum it decreases at high velo-cities but at very high velocities there is an increasedue to the interfacial friction. If the interfacialmobility is low in comparison with the diffusivityinside the interface the dissipation caused by dif-fusion and friction may overlap and there will beno minimum. The available driving force derivesfrom composition differences across the interface.At low velocities they will yield a negative value

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Fig. 5. Dissipated Gibbs energy by diffusion inside the inter-face as a function of interface velocity obtained by solute-dragtheory. The solid line represents the dissipation inside the inter-face. The dashed line denotes available driving force over theinterface.

if the a phase is chosen inside the equilibrium a+ g phase field. It stays constant until the compo-sition on the g side starts to decrease due to limiteddiffusion inside the interface. Then it increases andturns positive if it started from a negative value.At very high velocities it will approach the differ-ence in Gibbs energy between a and g when evalu-ated for the same C content, ug /aC � uaC.

Figs. 5 and 6 are based on uaC values inside thea + g phase field where the driving force startsfrom a negative value. From Fig. 5 it is evident thatthe curves must then intersect at an even number ofpoints. We have found that two cases occur. Eitherthe curves intersect at two points, one at a highvelocity corresponding to partitionless growth andone at low velocity corresponding to slow growthcontrolled by C diffusion in g, or they do not inter-sect at all. We have not found any cases wherethere are four but that could very well occur if car-bon has a tendency to segregate to the interface.At the intersections the dissipation exactly matchesthe available driving force. On the left side of thelow velocity intersection and on the right side ofthe high velocity intersection the available driving

Fig. 6. Carbon contents on the α and γ side of the interface,uaC and ug /aC , as functions of growth rate corresponding to theintersections in Fig. 5. The dot denotes the highest C contentthat a could grow with.

force is lower than required by the interfacial reac-tions. In the range between the two intersectionsthe available driving force exceeds what is requiredfor the interfacial reactions and this range thus rep-resents physically possible states. Moreover, if weassume that Gibbs energy is only dissipated by dif-fusional processes and interfacial friction then thetwo intersections represent the only combinationsof growth rate, uaC and ug /aC that are physicallypossible. As we increase the C content of the grow-ing a the two intersections move towards eachother until they finally meet in a point of tangencybetween the two curves. At higher C contents ofα no solution at all is obtained. If uaC values insidethe a one-phase field had been chosen the dashedcurve in Fig. 5, denoting the driving force, wouldhave started from a positive value at low velocities.However, since we are primarily interested in thepossibility of partionless growth in the two-phasefield no such uaC values were considered. In Fig. 6we have combined the information on growth rate,uaC and ug /aC for the intersections from a largenumber of calculations. The parts stemming fromthe high-velocity intersections have been dashed.At low growth rate uaC and ug /aC correspond to the

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contents given by the phase diagram, i.e. localequilibrium is established, but they approach eachother at higher growth rates. The point of tangencybetween the dissipation and driving force curves inFig. 5 appears as a maximum on the curve foruaC denoted by the dot in Fig. 6 and the two curveshave then got very close to each other. Thismaximum represents the highest C content that acould grow with. With a mobility according toAppendix B, the maximum C content of a fellclose to the equilibrium phase boundary for a.However, the maximum C content and the corre-sponding growth rate depend on the properties ofthe interface. The higher the interfacial mobility,compared to the diffusivity, the higher themaximum content and the corresponding growthrate. In order to demonstrate clearly the generalbehavior the calculations presented in Fig. 6 weremade using an interfacial mobility ten times largerthan the one given in Appendix B. These calcu-lations gave an a well inside the a + g phase fieldand a growth rate about ten times higher. A calcu-lation with the mobility 100 times larger than theone in Appendix B yields a maximum even closerto the thermodynamic limiting value, i.e. the T0


7.3. Effect of diffusion in g and the transition tomassive growth

We would now like to study the transition frompartitional to partitionless growth and it will benecessary to investigate how g of a given compo-sition will transform to a. In the phase-field simul-ations such a transformation occurs when g has acontent below a critical limit, presented by curvesa and b for different Mf values, in Fig. 4. In orderto investigate the predictions of solute drag theoryit is necessary to account for C diffusion in g aheadof the migrating g/a interface. It should first of allbe realized that the calculations for the interfacewere made under steady-state growth, whichstrictly implies that the transformation is par-titionless. However, it has already been mentionedthat the results could be used as a good approxi-mation for non-steady state conditions, i.e. for par-titional transformations.

We now apply Eq. (19) and take uaC and ug /aC

as functions of growth rate from Fig. 6, or similardiagrams calculated using different values of theinterfacial mobility. For a given alloy we may thusestablish a relation between half thickness � andgrowth rate. The result of a series of such calcu-lations is given in Fig. 7. The alloys havingugC � 0.008 and 0.005, respectively, are rep-resented by the two curves at the bottom left cornerof the diagram. When � is close to zero in the veryearly stages, the assumption of local equilibriumpredicts an infinitely high growth rate. From Fig.6 and Eq. (19) it is obvious that this could neveroccur because as the growth rate becomes veryhigh ug /aC will approach uaC and the numerator inEq. (19) becomes very small. It should be emphas-ized that Eq. (19) is only physically meaningfulfor ug /aC � ugC when a grows with equal or lowerC content than g. In these two alloys ferrite willthus grow under partitioning with a very high butfinite rate in the very early stages. For the alloyhaving ugC � 0.003 there is a similar curve to theleft in Fig. 7 but, in addition, there is now a possi-bility of having a partitionless transformationbecause ugC is lower than the maximum C contentof a. The partitionless growth could then occur

Fig. 7. Relation between half thickness � and growth rate pre-dicted from Eq. (19) and Fig. 6. Each curve holds for a differentalloy content as indicated. The hatched area represents velo-cities where no physical solutions are possible.

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with two different growth rates represented by thetwo sides of the hatched area in Fig. 7. However,as shown by Hillert [1] only the case of the highestgrowth rate represents a stable situation. The criti-cal C content below which the transformation g →a is partitionless thus is the maximum of the uaCcurve in Fig. 6. That value and correspondingvalues at other temperatures are plotted as curve cin Fig. 4.

7.4. Comparison between phase-field and solute-drag simulations

The critical C content was calculated as a func-tion of temperature by means of the solute-dragtheory and phase-field simulations. With themobility taken according to Appendix B solute-drag theory predicts a critical composition close tothe a /a � g phase boundary, see curve c in Fig.4. Phase-field simulations using Mf � M /d gavea critical composition almost in the middlebetween the T0 temperature and the phase bound-ary, see curve a. However, it was argued in section4 that a more realistic variation of f should betaken into account when evaluating Mf. Therelation Mf0.235 M /d was then derived and thecorresponding critical compositions are given bycurve b. The discrepancy between solutedrag andphase-field simulations is much smaller for thischoice of Mf but is still not acceptable. However,even though Eq. (28) was obtained as an exact resultit does not necessarily imply that the twoapproaches must give the same result because thediffusional mobilities and the thermodynamicproperties have a different variation across the phaseinterface in the two approaches. In addition, in thephase-field method all thermodynamic and kineticproperties as well as all their derivatives withrespect to distance are continuous over the wholeregion where φ is defined ( � z ). Theinterface is truly diffuse in this case. However, inthe solute drag theory these properties vary piece-wise linearly over the interface, i.e. already the firstderivatives with respect to distance are discontinu-ous. Thus, both the concentration profile and thequantity �Gdiff

m evaluated from the concentrationprofile using Eq. (16) will differ and as a conse-quence the part of driving force available to over-

come the interface resistance will differ. In Fig. 8the concentration profile has been plotted at 1000K for the velocity 0.0122 m s�1 and uC �0.00201. The dashed curve is obtained from the

solute-drag calculations and the solid curve fromphase field. In this case phase field and solute draggave a diffusional dissipation of 150 and 232 Jmol-1, respectively. The total driving force, i.e.including the spike ahead of the interface, is 270J mol-1 in both cases. That driving force leaves 120to overcome the interface friction in the phase-fieldsimulation. From M � 7.2 10�10 m4J�1s�1at 1000K and Vm � 7 10�6 m3mol�1 we obtain by meansof Eq. (17) v � 0.0123 m s�1 in very good agree-ment with the phase field result. On the other hand,as can be seen from Fig. 8, this growth rate is notenough to make the transformation partitionlessaccording to the solute-drag simulations and thedriving force across the interface, excluding thespike in g, is 265 J mol-1 leaving only 33 J mol-1

to overcome the interface friction. However, evenif we neglect that slight decrease in driving forceit is obvious that not enough driving force is leftto overcome interface friction and we conclude that

Fig. 8. Phase-field calculation of the concentration profile atT = 1000 K, v � 0.0122 m s-1, uC � 0.00201 usingMf0.235M /d (solid curve). Solute-drag calculation of theconcentration profile at the same temperature and uaC �0.00201 (dashed curve). M is given in Appendix B.

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according to solute drag theory the alloy uC �0.00201 cannot grow partitionless at 1000 K.

We may thus conclude that the discrepancy inthe predicted critical composition for massivetransformation stems from a different variation inthermodynamic properties and mobilities acrossthe interface in the two methods and that the inter-face is not as diffuse in the solute-drag theory asin the phase-field method. It should be emphasizedthough, when the interface velocity is so high thatall the dissipation of Gibbs energy is due only tointerfacial friction the two approaches give exactlythe same results, provided that we choose theinterfacial mobilities in a consistent way. This issimply because in Eq. (17) no assumptions aboutthe variation of properties across the interfaceenter.

8. Conclusions

As shown recently by Ahmad et al. isobarother-mal phase-field simulations predict a transition topartitionless transformation when the supersatu-ration is high enough. Here we have consideredformation of ferrite from austenite in binary Fe–Calloys and compared a novel method to simulatethe solute-drag effect with phase field simulationsusing an interfacial thickness in the order of atomicdimensions. The methods predict qualitatively thesame behavior although the quantitative agreementis less good. However, if the kinetic parametergoverning the evolution of the phase field is chosenconsistent with the actual variation of the phase-field variable the discrepancy is much reduced. Infact, in the limit of no dissipation by diffusionexact agreement is obtained between the phase-field simulations and conventional modeling basedon interfacial friction and an interfacial mobility.The reason that a discrepancy remains when thereis diffusional dissipation is that different assump-tions are made for the variation of properties acrossthe interface in phase-field and solute-drag mode-ling, respectively. In the phase field method thevariation is expressed as a function of the phasefield variable, obtained from the solution of thephase-field equation, whereas in solute-drag mode-ling a function of distance is postulated. At present

the detailed variation is unknown and thus one can-not say that one assumption is better than another.One thus needs to evaluate the variation in proper-ties that best fit the experimental information onthe critical temperature. Another possibility is tocalculate the variation ab initio. Both theseapproaches will be explored in the near future.


The authors would like to thank professor MatsHillert for valuable advice and stimulating dis-cussions. This work was financed by the SwedishResearch Council for Engineering Science and theSwedish Foundation for Strategic Researchthrough the Brinell Centre.

Appendix A. Thermodynamic description ofFe–C system, from Gustafson [8].

Gam � 0Gam �uC


� 3RTuC


3 � � �1�uC

3 �ln�1�uC

3 �� (A1)


3 �1�uC

3 �LaCva � Gmom

Ggm � 0Ggm � uC(0GgFeC�0GgFe)

� RT{uClnuC � (1�uC)ln(1�uC)} (A2)

� uC(1�uC)LgCva

The quantities introduced in the expressions aboveare given functions of temperature:0GaFe � 1224.83 � 124.134T

�23.5143TlnT�0.00439752T2 (A3)

�5.89269·10�8T2 � 77358.5T�1

0GaFeC�0GaFe � 322050 � 75.677T (A4)

LaCva � �190T (A5)

Gmom � �6507.5�t�4



1500� (A6a)

if t � 1

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Gmom � �9180.5 � 9.283T

�9309.8�t46 �t10


600� (A6b)

if t 1

where t � T /TC and Tc � 1043 K is theCurie temperature.0GgFe � �237.57 � 132.416T

�24.6643TlnT�0.00375752T2 (A7)

�5.89269·10�8T3 � 77358.5T�1

0GgFeC�0GgFe � 77207�15.877T (A8)

LgCva � �34671 (A10)

Vm � 7 10�6 m3mol�1 (A11)

Appendix B Kinetic parameters for Fe–C

Diffusional mobility in a [11]:

RTMaC � 0.02·10�4exp��10115

T �exp0.5898 (B1)

�1 �2p


T ���m2s�1

Diffusional mobility in g [12]:

RTMgC � 4.529·10�7exp���1T

�2.221·10�4� (B2)


Mobility of a/g interface [19]:

M � 0.035exp��17700

T �m4J�1s�1 (B3)


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Page 85: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 86: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 87: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 88: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 89: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 90: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 91: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 92: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 93: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 94: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 95: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 96: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 97: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 98: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 99: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations


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Page 100: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations
Page 101: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 102: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations
Page 103: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 104: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 105: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 106: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 107: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 108: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 109: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 110: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 111: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 112: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 113: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 114: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 115: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 116: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 117: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 118: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 119: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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Page 120: Phase-field modeling of diffusion controlled phase transformations

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