phase viii: self-care & protective factors photo by us department of education on flickr

PHASE VIII: Self-Care & Protective Factors Photo by US Department of Education on Flickr

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PHASE VIII:Self-Care & Protective Factors

Photo by US Department of Education on Flickr

Page 2: PHASE VIII: Self-Care & Protective Factors Photo by US Department of Education on Flickr

Self-care and Protective Factors

To teach HOPE Squad members how to take care of themselves so they may assists others.

To help them know who to talk to if they are having feelings of depression,

and the importance of debriefing.

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• Learn proper self-care techniques, the importance of debriefing, and how/who to ask for help when needed.

• Learn about maintaining good mental, emotional, and physical health in order to better help others.

• Understand how to set healthy boundaries with student peers.

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“Self-care is not selfish or self-indulgent. We cannot nurture others from a dry well.

We need to take care of our own needs first, then we can give from our surplus,

our abundance.”

Jennifer Louden

Self-Care & Protective Factors

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HOPE Squad members go “above and beyond” to help student peers who are struggling with depression, thoughts of suicide, or being bullied, but often times they ignore or put aside their own feelings and emotions they may be struggling with.

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“It is a lot easier to deal with someone else's stress and emotions,

then to deal with your own.”

-Joyce Starks, LCSW

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Not dealing with your emotions can cause unneeded stress, anxiety, depression,

and can lead to exhaustion or burn out if not addressed.

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• What does it mean to manage your own stress and emotions?

• Who do you think is responsible to manage your stress? Why?

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Identifying Protective Factors

In many situations, the only thing we can control is our own response. Identifying protective factors is an excellent way to be prepared for the unexpected.

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Identifying Protective Factors

Everyone relieves stress in different ways – some ideas are:

Listening to music

Reading a book

Participating in sports or exercising

Creative – writing, painting, drawing

How do you relieve stress?

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Identifying Protective FactorsLesson & Questions:

1. Write down four things YOU can do to relieve stress.

2. Pick a recent stressful event or experience. Write down how you handled this event and whether or not you used any of the activities listed above.

3. Is there something you could have done to more effectively manage your stress? If so, what is it?

4. If a friend or peer were dealing with this event, what would you suggest they do?

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Identifying Protective Factors Questions cont.

5. Who can you tell about this stressful event?

6. Write down two things you can do today to relieve stress.

7. Imagine that you completed these two things, how do you feel?

8. To be more effective, how might you apply it differently?

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ActionIf you feel like you need to talk to someone about how you are feeling - DO IT!

• HOPE Squad Advisor

• Counselor or Social Worker

• Parent

• Church clergy

• Trusted adult

• Other HOPE Squad members

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Advisors are encouraged to provide time for open discussion about what you are experiencing as a HOPE Squad member. A good time to talk to an advisor is during your HOPE Squad meeting.

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Always debrief with your advisor after a tragic event or suicide.

Remember - some individuals will take their life even if they are being helped and have a strong support network.

It is important not to blame yourself or anyone else in the event of a suicide.

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Review and DiscussKnowing who to seek help from during a stressful event is essential to relieving stress and taking care of yourself.

1. Name 10 people you could talk to about a stressful event.

2. How would you get in touch with them? Do you know their name, number, and email?

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Review and Discuss

• What happens when you forget to plug in your cell phone?

• What happens to your car if there isn’t enough gas in it?

• How might these two examples relate to self-care, protective factors, and suicide prevention?

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You must first take care of yourself, before you can take care of others.

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Discussion & Questions

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