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    A Fresh Lookat Depression

    September 2011 | thetrumpet.comThe PhiladelPhia


  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia Trumpet


    COVER1 | from the edItor|Worlds Greatest Danger:Germany Domineers Over Europe Again!

    5 |World | Greece: Now a German Vassal State

    7 |World | Clearing the Biggest Obstacle

    TSeptember 2011

    V. 22, N. 8CIrC. 330,232


    16 |WorldWatChMaking the neighbors nervous Manifesto anticipates massacre On the huntfor a reliable ally Reaching new heights, depths How not to solve race problems

    22 | Canceled, Capped, Ended The U.S.sfrontline defenses are being attacked by a pooreconomyand an even greater, unseen force.

    25 |What the Future May Holdfor the Worlds Newest Nation

    33 | prInCIpleS of lIvIngThe Secret to Success

    34 | letterS

    35 | CommentaryDo YouIgnore Reality?

    36 | televISIon log


    9 | lIvIng |A Fresh ook at Depression

    12 | SCIenCe |What Is the Behemoth?

    15 | hIStory|A esson From the GreatestMan in the World

    26 | lIvIng |What Psychologists DontKnow About Child Rearing

    28 | SoCIety|A Nation Worth ApplaudingWhy Germany has such a promising future!

    30 | SoCIety| How the Perverse Becamethe Norm

  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia Trumpet



    Worlds Greatest Danger: GermanyDomineers Over Europe Again!


    A H N Sparty a movement; he thought of it as a religion. He sawhimself as a religious leader. He was motivated and in-spired by his evil god.

    The Nazis had a colossal assembly hall, and they called it ahall ofworship. Nazism was an extreme cult worship in a way.Hitler said he followed the Jesuit order, the part of the Catholicleadership that expresses fierce allegiance to the pope; he pat-terned the elite SS after that. It was a religion. It was, in fact, theHoly Roman Empire.

    Pope Pius subscribed to the same principles. These twomen formed quite a church-state relationship. This was provedin 1933 when the Vatican and Hitler signed a concordat: Thechurch agreed to keep priests and religion out of politics whileHitler, among other things, granted complete freedom to confes-sional schools throughout the country, a notable victory for Ger-man Catholics , wrote John Toland in his bookAdolf Hitler. TheVatican was so appreciative of being recognized as a full partnerthat it asked God to bless the Reich. On a more practical level,it ordered German bishops to swear allegiance to the NationalSocialist regime. The new oath concluded with these significantwords: In the performance of my spiritual office and in my so-licitude for the welfare and the interest of the German Reich, I

    will endeavor to avoid all detrimental acts which might endangerit (emphasis added throughout).This is history you would think people would

    never want to forget! Its right there in the his-tory books for everyone to see. But few pay anyattention to it. They think it is all in the past. Butit isnt, really. The worst is yet to come, if youlook at it prophetically.

    One million Jews were killed in Auschwitz!Seven hundred and fifty thousand Jews died inTreblinka. Over half a million perished in Belzec; 200,000 weremurdered in Sobibr, and another 200,000 in Chelmno and Lub-lin. All told, 50 to 60 million people died in World War .

    This is what the Holy Roman Empire is all about: destroyingpeople. Above all, it is a machine of destruction! That is what itis famous for.

    This is pretty recent history. We need to understand thatbe-cause its only a small forerunner of what is about to spring upon us.

    A Warning Ignored!Thursday, July 21, was a historic and powerfully prophetic day.I would imagine that almost 100 percent of Americans were to-tally unaware of it. They were wrapped up in discussion over thedebt ceilingand yet they dont even realize what that means.It means America is finished, but they wont look at it that way.

    None of us would understand the historic and prophetic signif-

    icance of July 21 if not for the Bibles prophecies revealed through aman named Herbert W. Armstrong. God sent a message through

    this man to warn the world of what was comingyet few listened.Now the world is on the threshold of World War , and we aretrumpeting that same warning as loudly as we possibly can.

    Back in 1945, at the conclusion of World War and duringthe inaugural session of the United Nations, Mr. Armstrong saidto his radio program listeners, The war is over in Europe. Oris it? We need to wake up and realize that right now is the mostdangerous moment in United States national history, instead ofassuming we now have peace. What this man warned about over65 years ago is exactly what this world is coming face to face with

    today, though people are very ignorant about it.Men plan here to preserve the peace of the world, he con-tinued. What most do not know is that the Germans have theirplans for winning the battle of the peace. Yes, I said of thepeace. Thats a kind of battle we Americans dont know. We knowonly one kind of war. We have never lost a warthat is, a militarywarbut we have never a conference, where leaders of othernations outfox us in the battle for the peace. We dont understandGerman thoroughness. From the very of World War theyhave considered the possibility of losing this second round, asthey did the firstand they have carefully, methodicallyplannedin such eventuality the third round, World War ! This was re-ally a warningfrom Godyet people laughed and scoffed.

    Hitler has lost. This round of war, in Europe, is over, and

    the Nazis have now gone underground,he said. In France andNorway they learned how effectively an organized undergroundcan hamper occupation and control of a country. Paris was liber-

    ated by the French underground, and Allied armies. Now a Naziunderground is methodically planned. They plan to and to on the third try (May 9, 1945).

    Todays headlines M. A - . What happened on July 21 was a towardfulfilling that prophecy!

    Some years later, in the June 1952 Plain Truth, Mr. Armstrongwrote, The United States is determined now to let nothing standin the way of building up a rearmed independent Germany. Thiswill be the heart and core of the united Europe, and that willrevive the Roman Empire.

    The February 1957 issue reminded readers, Even during WorldWar , while Allied bombers were busily pounding Ger-

    many to a shattered, bleak pile of rubble, Mr. Armstrongwas warning his listeners and readers that Germany was

    Germany has the bloodiest history of any nation when it comes to starting

    wars. Now it is leading Europe again. Let the world beware!

    None of us would understand the historicand prophetic significance of July 21 if not

    for the Bibles prophecies revealed througha man named Herbert W. Armstrong.

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    going to rise again! He was ridiculedfor those warnings: Peoplethought the world would neverlet Germany do such a thing. Win-ston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an agreementsaying, It is our inflexible purpose to destroy German milita-rism and Nazism and G . Germany hasthe worst history of any nation when it comes to starting wars!Have we forgotten that it started World Wars and ?

    But what is happening today? How much do you know aboutwhats happening in Europe right now?In a letter to Plain Truth readers on July 24, 1983, Mr. Arm-

    strong wrote, The very first issue of the Plain Truth magazineappeared February 1934just 50 years ago lacking about sixmonths. The article starting on the cover page warned of a com-ing sudden appearance of a resurrected Holy Roman Empire inEuropea union of 10 nations in Europe under one government,with one united military force. For 50 years I have been cryingout to the world the Bible prophecies of this coming UnitedStates of Europea new united superpower perhaps more pow-erful than either the Soviet Union or the United States!

    In 1984, nearly 30 years ago, Mr. Armstrong explained to his

    readers exactly how Europe would unite. A global financial crisiscould erupt, he wrote, which could suddenly result in trigger-ing European nations to unite as a new world power larger thaneither the Soviet Union or the U.S.

    On July 21 this year, a giant part of that financial crisis erupted.

    What Happened on July 21?The July 21 edition of the Telegraph featured this headline bythat newspapers chief political commentator, Peter Oborne:T G .

    That stunned me when I read it. Germany has been dreamingall this time of having an againthe H R E-

    ! M. A 50 ! Somany people ridiculed himbut todays headlines say what he warned about!

    I have to tell you, this sends a few chills through my bodybe-cause I ! I know what the Bibles prophe-cies say! The suffering of World War was nothingcompared towhat is about to descend on this world very soon !

    Mr. Oborne was commenting on a eurozone meeting in Brus-sels that took place on July 21. Many observers thought it was justanother meeting. Some economists thought European leadersjust kicked the can down the road once again. But the truth is thatEuropes leaders made several important long-term decisions that

    catapult the continent toward becoming a European superstate!Oborne wrote, I E . That sounds like he un-derstands the prophecies Mr. Armstrong talked about! There arequite a number of people out there who dobut they dont wantto talk about it!

    T the Holy Roman Empire that Mr. Armstrong proph-esied of so many times! It is proofthat those prophecies did notcome from a man. The Godwho gave him that prophetic under-standing ! Mr. Armstrong has been dead for over 25 yearsbut G , and everything He said through Mr. Arm-

    strong in those prophecies is coming to pass !

    Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a lady notprone to exaggeration or speaking in dramatic terms,

    announced, T .Oborne continued, By authorizing a huge expansion in th

    bailout fund that is propping up the EUs peripheral member(largely in order to stop the contagion spreading to Italy andSpain), .

    What does that mean? Well, if the eurozone becomes a fiscal union, must have the to makit work! And whom do you suppose it will be? G. T

    G E U. Germany has the economic might anthe political will to do what it feels must be done, and nobodyelse does. Whoever controls the money controls the empire.

    The eurozone leaders decision turns the bailout mechanisminto a European Monetary Fund, and even the prototype oa European treasury. The fund will now be allowed to help ouSpain and Italy without those nations having to submit to a formal bailout. It will also be allowed to buy government debt frombanks and investors.

    I , E GOborne explained, Their economic sovereignty has been

    obliterated; they face a future as vassal states [or, you could say

    ], their role reduced to the one enjoyed by the European colonies of the 19th and early 20th centuries. They wilprovide cheap labor, raw materials, agricultural produce and ready market for the manufactured goods and services provideby the far more productive and efficient northern Europeans.

    Germany is now telling these countries how to run their business. These countries are not democratic anymore. Germany icalling the shots.

    It is important to understand that the crisis is not fundamentally about Greece or even about the indebtedness of the entircurrency bloc, wrote MarkoPapic. [T]he real crisis is the morfundamental question ofhow the European continent is to bruled in the 21st century (Stratfor, June 28). How true that is

    And as has become clear, it is to be ruled by Germany!For all practical purposes,

    BiG nws Ccrmrk rrivs i brusss r eU sui, v s

    v vrk.

  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia Trumpet



    E, wrotePeter Zeihan andMarko Papic for

    Stratfor on July 26.Regardless of inten-tions, Germany has just experienced animportant develop-ment in its abilityto influence fellowEU member statesparticularly thoseexperiencing finan-cial troubles. I

    -. Rather thanconstraining Ger-manys geopolitical

    potential, the European Union now enhances it; G . Ger-manys reemergence does force a of theEuropean and Eurasian architectures.

    Yesterdays witching hour of the European Union means thatGermany has come very close to realizing Bismarcks dream ofan economic empire stretching from central Europe to the east-ern Mediterranean, Oborne wrote. And that is very similar towhat Hitler was striving for as well.

    This was a giant-size leap into what we have come to know asthe Holy Roman Empire. And it is almost totally controlled bythe very people who tried to obliterate the Jewish race and killed6 million of them in World War ! People say we shouldnt talkabout such thingsthat those horrible events are in the past, andwe dont want to give the Germans or the Vatican a guilt com-plex. They want to pretend the truth doesnt exist.

    But it does! This is the power that is rising before us! Mr.Armstrong warned it would happen. He prophesied that Europewould consist of 10 kings, dominated by one king, helped by agreat universal church. Today there are 27 nations in the Euro-pean Union, and theyre beginning to morph into 10 kings al-readyand are about to gain unprecedented power!

    Be He God or the DevilIt was always obvious to anyone with an ounce of discern-ment that a single currency would fail in the absence of politicalunion. These words were written on July 20 by a man with thepseudonym Archbishop Cranmer; he runs the sixth-most inf lu-ential independent political blog in the UK.

    Sothat currency is on the verge of failure, and in order torescue it, Europe is about to have a full political union. Who willlead it? Everyone is looking to Germany, in spite of that nationshistory. I am not saying this to condemn the Germans, becausethe prophecies say that Godis doing this work through them. But

    they have a history of starting wars time and time again, andprophecy tells us they will do so one more time. Then comes thebest news this world could ever hear!

    When we hear talk of German destiny, we are talking about

    the self-perceived divine mission to preside over a unified Eu-rope, achievable through a German state, Cran-mer wrote. He is right. The Nazis talked about that plan overand over, and here it is. Now they have it, and theyve gotten itthrough what most people would call peaceful means.

    Cranmer continued, Such a notion of destiny or divineright was also in the mind of Kaiser Wilhelm , when he said:[A]fter the elimination of the British and the Jews the resultwill be a United States of Europe. The hand of God is creating anew world: a United States of Europe under German leadership.They think they are the chosen people!

    Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl for many years de-clared his dissatisfaction with a common market of independent

    states, and believed it was German destiny not merely to leada European union, but to in true Holy RomanEmpire tradition! Another former chancellor of Germany, Kon-rad Adenauer [who came to power right after Germanys defeatin World War ], declared: G W E. Did Germany save Western Europe inWorld War ? Is that what it was doing in those concentrationcamps all over the Continent?

    Since the era of Charlemagne, the notion of a German des-tiny has been deeply ingrained in the national psyche, Cranmerwrote. They believe they have a and that G E andtheyre ready to take on the job! And repeatedly throughout his-

    tory, they have shown that if you dont believe in God the waythey believe in God, they think they need to kill you! Isnt thatwhat they have done time and time again?

    What Europe needs most of all right now is -. Cranmer concluded his blog entry, [W]e await the man ofsufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people; the one whowill lift us out of the economic morass in which we are sinking.Send us such a man and, , - . And so the plan will be perfected: the Germaniza-tion of Europe will be complete; her destiny fulfil led.

    We have often written about how Germany is waiting for astrongman. But these events show that all of Europe is waiting forsome kind of a strongman to make this system work. They must

    have somebody with real authority.The broader concern in Europe, warned Jim ONeill, chair-man of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, is that we are stillwaiting for some sort of true leadership out of Europe. Evenpeople in America are waiting for that!

    As Greece, Ireland, Portugal and now Italy wobble, Europeis realizing that it must take drastic and far-reaching measures,which require active, , . Thataligns perfectly with Germanys thinking.

    [I]n attempting to quell the economic crisis, policymakersmay only have succeeded in creating an almighty political one,Jeremy Warner wrote in the Telegraph (July 21). Ofcourse that is

    he latest news about Germany and the European Union is updated regularly

    The Europe that was a cage for Germany is no more.PEER ZEIHAN AND MARKO PAPIC, SRAFOR


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    what they have done. Its prophesied. Despite the compromiseswon from reluctant political leaders, this crisis is far from over,Warner wrote. What does that mean? It becomes increasinglyclear as you look into this. We are seeing how a strongman is go-ing to come on the scene very soona man prophesied in Daniel8, Habakkuk 1, Isaiah 10, Daniel 11, and other scriptures.

    T . The power is already there, andGermany is directing nearly everythingthough people wont

    admit it. But the leadership they have now simply isnt up to thejob. The Europe project cant really move forward until they havea strongman with the power to make it happen! O , !

    Where Is the Man?Right now, Germans are upset, and Chancellor Merkel is walkinga rough road. Before the July 21 meeting, she told people not toexpect a spectacular step, but just a controlled process of grad-ual steps and measures. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard wrote in the Telegraph, Given the simmering wrath from top to bottom of

    German society, it may be impossible for her to do much more(July 19). The Germans are angry that their taxes went to pay offthe debt for the Greeks. They see the economic crisis in Europeand theyre getting anxious and afraid.

    Every time the German mindset becomes that way, they want

    a strongman to lead them!This is exactly what happened before World War . The Ger-man economy had runaway inflation; it took a wheelbarrowfull of money to buy a loaf of bread. They all wanted someoneto solve the crisisand in stepped Adolf Hitler. The same thinghappened with the Kaiser in World War .

    But people say not to worry. Dont worry about what the Ger-mans did in 1870, or World War , or World War , or repeatedlyover the centuries. Weve got to get this economy straightened out!

    The German people are upset, and if this crisis doesnt endsoonand it wontMerkel is probably going to go, perhaps eventhis year. Above her head hangs a sword of Damocles, a ruling

    by her constitutional court in September that may curb

    or even block German participation in the EUs rescuemachinery, Evans-Pritchard wrote. That would really

    throw things into chaos! Yet it probably will happen, and that mabe the beginning of the end of Angela Merkeland the beginninof the strongman coming on the scene to get things under contro

    On July 12, Evans-Pritchard wrote about the overarching structural question that Europes economic crisis poses: The implications of this are profound. Germany must now be willing either tbuy or guarantee Spanish and Italian debt, and in doing so to crosthe Rubicon to fiscal and political union, or accept that [Europea

    Monetary Union] must break up with calamitous consequences foGerman foreign policy. Large matters, beyond the intellectual vision of Germanys current leaders.That is putting it bluntly. Nonof the current leaders have the intellectual power and strength ocharacter to do the job! Of course the Germans can see that.

    Where is that man? Theyre looking and waiting for him! Andwe think we know who he is.

    Once this man comes on the scene, the world is going to bdeceived, and then shocked, frightened and brutalized by him!

    On July 21, Germany crossed the Rubicon. There is no looking back. It is committed. The Holy Roman Empire is here! Altheyre waiting for now is a strongman to whip everybody int

    line financially, politically and militarily

    and the Holy Roman Empire is in busines , for the final time!

    A Mind ChangeThe Prophet Daniel said this of the cominstrongman: And in his estate shall stand upa vile person, to whom they shall not give thhonour of the kingdom: but he shall come inpeaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries (Daniel 11:21). Hes not even going to bvoted in, but hes coming into power! And hedoing it because God wants to correct the modern nations of Israelchiefly the United State

    and Britain (this is proven in our free book ThUnited States and Britain in Prophecy).In Habakkuk 1:6 God says, For, lo, I rais

    up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadthof the land, to possess the dwellingplaces thaare not theirs. God is going to bring the Chaldeans, or the Holy Roman Empire, into th

    U.S. and into Britain and into the Jewish state called Israel todayin order to correct them for their evil! Verses 7 and 8 describe whaa fearsome war-making machine they are, terrible and dreadful.Just look at the concentration camps to see how true that is!

    Verse 11 says of the strongman leading this empire, Then

    shall his , and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power unto his god. Isaiah 10:7 tells the samstory: Howbeit he meaneth not so, neither doth his heart thinkso; but it is in his heart to . There will come a point when this man will realize whapower he really has, and he will probably become possessed bthe deviland his mind will change!

    The devil concentration camps! He to see humanity suffer! He hates the exalted potential God has given human beings, who are made in His likeness and image. The devidoesnt want human beings to rule as God intended. He is gointo seize this opportunity and annihilate as many people as he possibly canespecially Jews and the descendants of the Israelites!

    O mighty God, thou hast established them [the GermansSee GREAES DANGERpage 36

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  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia Trumpet


    HE PHIADEPHIA RUMPESeptember 2011 5

    Greece: Now aGerman Vassal State


    Greece is the most impor-tant thing to have happened

    in Europe since the Balkanwars, one observer wrote in London Re-view of Books on July 14.

    War can be cultural, economic ormilitary in its strategy, but the goal is thesame: the conquering of the state that isthe object of the aggressor.

    A lot of publicity has been given to theeconomic sins of Greece, with the Greekpeople receiving much of the blame. Yetthe reality is that this nation has been by deliberate strategy.

    Back in early 2009, when the masses

    were rioting in Athens to protest perceivedgovernment mishandling of their econo-my, our editor in chief headlined a lead-ing article in the February 2009 Trumpet,Did the Holy Roman Empire Plan theGreek Crisis? In that article, Gerald Flur-ry wrote, The Greek government can dolittle to fix the nations economy . Thereis no way outand, according to some an-alysts, it was designed from the beginningto become that way. Those analysts agreewith the brutal facts unfolding in Europe(emphasis added throughout).

    Those brutal facts are revealed inBernard Connollys riveting account of

    the behind-the-scenes imperial strategiesof European elites. In his book The Rot-ten Heart of Europe, Connolly recounts his

    direct, personal observations of the ma-chinery of the European Monetary Union() in action, its motive and its means.His conclusion, since validated by the EUsdealings most especially with Greece, isthat was deliberately created to pro-voke a financial crisis in Europe as a means

    for the elites of Europe, specifically Germa-ny, to gain power over EU member nations.

    Greece is only the first case. A numberof EU member nations are about to be re-duced to vassal states, yielding their sov-ereignty to a single, centralized imperial-

    ist authority. They will have to hand overcontrol of their economies to that over-arching authority. In the process, they willlose control of major strategic assetsin-deed, of whole national economies.

    This is all happening in direct and spe-cific accordance with Bible prophecy!

    aking Over GreeceIn exchange for the bailout funds it hasreceived, Greece is being robbed of itsnational sovereignty. It is having to selloff government firms on a massive scale.

    Observers have compared this to theprivatization of some 14,000 former East

    German companies in the 1990s after thefall of communism, at a huge loss of bothjobs and profits.

    Greece is also being forced to sell offhuge portions of its tangible national as-sets in an effort to raise 50 billion ($72billion) to offset the massive debt it in-curred with the EU bailouts. This sell-offwill inevitably include vital strategic as-sets once deemed crucial to its nationalsecurity. German bankers and merchantsare jostling for the best of the pickings. Isthis by pure coincidence?

    Look at a map of the crucially strategicMediterranean Sea. Greece, incorporat-ing the island of Crete, is the southern-

    most tongue of the European continent,bounded by the Ionian Sea to the west,the Aegean to the east and the Mediter-ranean to the south. Possession of thisland is most strategic to any Europeanpower with imperialist aims. It is a crucial

    gateway to Eurasia, North Africa and theMiddle East. Twice in modern times, dur-ing World Wars and , Germany soughtto occupy Greece as a strategic milestonein its effort to establish a Teutonic empire.It succeeded on its second try.

    Greece has been conquered just as surely as if by invasion.More European nations are certain to follow. B RON FRASER

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    In more recent times, it has been Ger-man industrialists who have invaded andplundered Greece, taking advantage of aunique situation that nation faces.

    Greece lives under a permanent mili-tary threat from its huge neighbor on theAnatolian peninsula, Turkey. The Turkstaunt their smaller neighbor across the

    crucial Bosporus sea gate, daily violatingGreek airspace with their fighter jets. Ten-sions are made worse by continuing dis-putes over Greek sovereignty attached tocertain islands in the Aegean. To counterTurkeys aggression, Greece has spent hugeamounts on defense budgetsas much as4.3 percent of gross domestic prod-uct, proportionately the highestamong the EU nations.

    Who has been the greatest ben-eficiary of this defense expendi-ture? The major supplier of defense

    equipment to Greece: the Germanarmaments industry.How much have EU elites actu-

    allymanipulatedongoing Greek-Turkishtensions for the advantage of the EUsthriving defense industries? As one Greeksource observed: In this volatile game ofgeopolitics, the bosses of Euro familyhave always been playing the major role incultivating and manipulating an unguar-anteed stability in the area, thus creatingmarket conditions for their influentialmilitary industries to flourish. German

    defense corporations in particular havebeen major contractors with the Greek(and Turkish) army for more than two de-cades (, Nov. 29, 2010).

    The same source points to huge fraudand corruption that marks the dealingsbetween German defense corporationsand the Greek government. The industrialgiant Siemens, used often by the Germangovernment as a front for international in-telligence operations, has apparently beena major offender: One of countless scan-dals in Greece involves millions of euros

    smuggled under the table by Siemens andsiphoned to the leading Greek politicalparties of New Democracy and ascommissions or direct bribes for winningcertain contracts worth billions. The keyperson (a Siemens top executive of Greekorigin and German citizenship) involved inthe plot escaped arrest and trial in Greeceand currently shelters in Germany wherehe is protected by German law (ibid).

    The facts are that Greeces coffers havebeen substantially drained into huge prof-

    its for German defense industry

    barons. This includes multibil-lion-euro contracts for Greece

    to purchase big-ticket military hardwareranging from tanks to missiles to navalvessels, including submarines.

    One of the worst cases of manipula-tion by German corporatists was the debacle. German corporations were con-tracted to upgrade the Greek nationaltelecommunications system. The wholeproject was financed by Greece, only tosee a 30 percent stake in the system sold to

    a German company through what appearsto be dubious procedures. is the majorpower supplier to the Balkan nations.

    All these sum up to hundreds of bil-lions of euros and, under other circum-stances, could have been more thanenough to balance the Greek budget deficitand even drastically alleviate the externaldebt, that same Greek source observed.One thing is for sure, those billions wereadded to the profits of German industrial-ists, bankers and intermediaries.

    Thus, the most recent German inva-

    sion of Greece has not been by armed ag-gression: It has been by aforceful economicstrategy.

    Germany is now completing its greysuit invasion of Greece by forcing theloss of that countrys national sovereignty,the fire sale of its national assets and thenations eventual submission to absolute

    fiscal controlby Berlin/Brussels. That isthe guaranteed outcome of this so-calledtemporary default by Greece, which wasarranged, above all, by Germany.

    Moving In for the KillIt is now obvious that certain imperialist

    elites in Germany are gaining confidencas they successfully promote German interests above those of their EU counterparts. On the surface, this appears to bthe opposite of the policy that Berlin, andpreviously Bonn, stuck to after signing thTreaties of Rome launching the Continenon the road to unification back in 1957. U

    till recently, Germany always seemed to tryto merge its interests with those of the EUas a whole. But over the past two years, ihas become more overt in pursuing its ownagenda, defying the wishes of other EU nations. One reason for this is that Germaneliteswho created the euro in order t

    force weaker economies to becomdependent on the strongernowsee that their strategy is working anare moving in for the kill.

    EU nations are being throwninto crisis. The folly of mem

    bers sacrificing their own sovereignmeans of exchange upon the altar othe euro, and thus giving up thei

    right to change interest rates to compensate for cyclical boom and bust trends intheir economies, is now clear.

    Germany, the strongest European economy by far, now holds the whip hand whentroubled member nations raise thbegging bowl for bailout funds. Germansets the rules. Among the winners will bGerman merchants who seize state assetat knock-down prices (Revelation 18).

    The formula we see playing out inGreece day by day will now continue toplay out elsewhere in Europe as each domino falls.

    But why push Greece to default?It was a natural progression, strategi

    cally, for German elites to move south toacquire control of Greece once they hadthe Balkan Peninsula firmly in their grasp(Daniel 8:9). Yet, whereas Bonn undeHelmut Kohl was able to entice toseize the Balkan Peninsula on Germanybehalf by forcewith expenses largel

    paid by the United States and BritainGreece presented a different challenge. Iwas a fellow member nation. Thusan alternative strategy was brought intplay. Germany encouraged massive expenditure by Greece and Turkey on armaments, fomenting the tensions across thBosporus. This broke the Grecian economy while enriching German industrialists

    Now, with the Greek default, we seonce again its game, set and match tGermany, just as this magazine has consistently predicted would be the case.

    Greece is the latest colony to be addeto the Balkans in the German elites gran

    Germany, the strongest Europeaneconomy by far, now holds the

    whip hand when troubled EMU

    member nations raise the beggingbowl for bailout funds.

  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia Trumpet


    Clearing the OBSACE

    HE PHIADEPHIA RUMPESeptember 2011 7


    E . B

    one obstacle remains: Britain.For years the British have fought against a two-speedEurope, where the more gung-ho nations would speed to-

    ward a superstate while nations like Britain poke along in the slowlane. Thus they have forced Europhile nations to slow down anddrag Britain along. In July, for example, virtually the whole Euro-pean Union backed the idea of a common military headquartersfor the whole EUuntil Britains foreign minister slapped it down.

    But the British brake is about to be released. Comments byboth the British Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellorof the Exchequer George Osborne reveal that they believe greatereurozone integration is necessary if the euro is to survive.

    This reverses centuries of British foreign policy. The primary

    objective of this policy has been to prevent a single power fromdominating the Continent. By taking its foot off the brake, Brit-ain wil l be encouraging the rise of a German-led united Europe.

    Maximizing British IndependenceAs Europe begins to speed toward integration, Cameron suggestsBritain may turn around and head the other way: creating not somuch a two-speed Europe, but a two-directionalone.

    Cameron hinted he may allow the eurozone to unite morequickly if the EU allows Britain to distance itself. As the eurozoneintegrates, There will be opportunities for Britain to maximizewhat we want in terms of our engagement with Europe, he said.

    While Germany builds a new European empire, Britain will

    go its own wayas the Trumpethas forecast for years.The economic crisis is hardening British opposition to theEU. Half of Britons would vote to leave the European Union ifgiven the option in a referendum, according to a YouGov@Cam-bridge and Politics Home poll published in July; 34 percent saidthe Greece financial crisis had made them more favorable towardwithdrawing from the EU. Only one third would vote to stay.

    Britains Parliament is also moving against Europe, passing alaw on July 13 requiring the nation to hold a referendum beforetransferring any significant power to Brussels.

    As Europe integrates, The British are feeling extremelythoughtful, Stratfors Peter Zeihan wrote. They have alwaysbeen the outsiders in the European Union, joining primarily so

    that they can put up obstacles from time to time. [T]he Britishare in need of a national debate about their role in Europe. TheEurope that was a cage for Germany is no more, which meansthat the United Kingdom is now a member of a different sort oforganization that may or may not serve its purposes (July 26).

    A Dangerous AssumptionBritains entry to the EU was a mistake. AsHerbert W. Armstrong pointed out at the

    time, Britain is going to look back onMonday, January 1, 1973, in all prob-ability, as a most tragically historicdatea date fraught with ominouspotentialities!

    For years, Britains freedom and economy has been stifled bythe EU. But now, its emerging strategy of disengagement could be

    just as dangerous. Why? Because, as the Financial Times noted,one of the main reasons Britain is reversing its policy is thatBritain no longer fears invasion from continental Europe (July27). The very idea seems almost unimaginable in the modernworld, it wrote. So the idea of a united Europe is no longer aquestion of national security, as it was in the age of the Kaiseror Napoleon. These days, the worries are much more prosaicsimply that Britain will lose influence in the European Unionand will no longer have much influence over the third horse boxdirective, or whatever other nonsense happens to be coming outof Brussels.

    This assumptionthat history is over, that the world is differ-ent now than it has been for thousands of yearsis deeply dan-

    gerous. Historically, often in the good times before a major warhits, people have believed mankind has finally banished majorwars for good. Before World War , it was common to think that,in Churchills words, the interdependence of nations in tradeand traffic, the sense of public law, the Hague Convention, lib-eral principles, the Labor Party, high finance, Christian charity,common sense have rendered such nightmares impossible. In the18th century, people argued that modern weapons and enlight-ened thinking had rendered devastating battles a thing of the past.

    In both joining the EU and in turning away from it, Britainmakes this mistake. It joined the Union depending on its Euro-pean allies to never instigate war again; now as it encourages Eu-ropean integration, it trusts that its former enemies will remain

    forever friendly.Hosea 7:11 warns Britain of the danger: Ephraim [modernBritain] also is like a silly dove without heart: they call to Egypt,they go to Assyria. Hosea was prophesying of Britains proclivityto foolishly flock to its enemies. The Matthew Henry Commen-tary explains that the dove is easily enticed by the bait into thenet, and has no heart, no understanding, to discern her danger,as many other fowls do. The Bible reveals that in the end time,Britain will rely on foreign lovers instead of turning to God.

    The EU isnt the root cause of Britains problemsrefusingto trust God is. Withdrawing from the EU will cut the Britishoff from stifling European regulation. It will not, however, savethem from the rising German empire.

    But Hosea also has good news for Britain. Hosea 5:15 states,I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their of-fence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early.Britain will learn its lesson, but only after it suffers at the hand ofthe cross-Channel enemy it ultimately cannot control. n


    imperial game. Soon Germany will ownmost of what has any real worth in Greece.

    he Next MoveNow, take another look at the map. Withthe Balkans and Greece firmly in the

    grasp of EU elites, what should we nextlook for as their most obvious strategic

    move? A headline in the July 22 Guardiannewspaper gave more than a hint: Cypruscould be the eurozones next crisis point.

    Given the overarching strategy of EUelites to colonize the southern Mediterra-nean region, there is little doubt that this

    headline is already becoming a reality.Already, influential high-level Germans

    are preparing for this very scenario. It willhappen a lot faster in Cyprus than it didwith the Balkan and Grecian takeovers.

    This island country in the east-ern Mediterranean was thrust into the

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    HE PHIADEPHIA RUMPESeptember 2011 9

    AFresh ookat Depression

    This darkness affects over 100million people every year.Are you one of them?

    Here is good news: There isa way to get your life back!Let us shine some light onthis important subject.


    N ? Hsmiled or laughed in a while?Continually sadfilled with de-spairhopeless? Ready to give up

    and end it all by taking your life? It is timeto face reality are likely depressed.

    Yet, take heart that you are not alone.In his book Lincolns Melancholy, JoshuaShenk tells us, Affecting more than 100million people a year, depression is theworlds leading cause of disability. In 2000,about a million people worldwide killedthemselvesabout equal to the number of

    deaths from war and homicide that year puttogether. Adjusting for population growth,unipolar depression is 10 times more preva-lent than it was 10 years ago. Depressionis at epidemic proportions. Alarmingly,depression is even moving into the ranksof the very youngour teens and preteens.

    Even though medical science is re-searching a cure for this mind-altering,personality-changing malady, the causeremains mysteriously elusive. The truthis, depression is not like any other infir-mity. It is estimated that over 10 million

    people in the United States are takinganti-depressant drugs. These drugs are

    admittedly dangerousjust listen to thelist of warnings in a commercialandthey treat the symptoms, not the problem.

    You cannot wait for science to providea cure. You can escape this horrible, de-bilitating black plague, and suicide is notyour only option.

    Want to break free from the blackcloud crowd?

    We have good news for you: There is away out of depression! Here is even bet-ter news: You will not have to invest a lotof money in psychiatric sessions, medical

    doctor visits or dangerous drugs to find theway out. However, you will have to workvery hard at times to change your think-ing and your behaviorhow you conductyour life. Prepare yourself for some joyful,positive change. Lets get started.

    Many Have Found a Way OutMen and womenthe great and thenot-so-greathave found the way out ofdepression.

    Abraham Lincoln, one of Americas tru-ly great presidents, survived severely debil-

    itating depression, or what todays mentalhealth professionals call major depressive

    episode. Mr. Lincoln told Robert L. Wilson,a political associate, that mental depressionoverwhelmed him so much at times that henever dared carry a knife in his pocket. Yetthis gentle giant was able to lead the UnitedStates of America through one of the mostcritical crises in its history, the Civil War.Abraham Lincoln became world renownedfor his wit, wisdom and leadership.

    Winston Churchill, the man who cou-rageously kept the Western world freefrom a permanent scourge of Nazi thugs,made frequent reference to his personal

    war against a lifelong enemydepression.Mr. Churchill called depression his blackdog, a perfect name for a mental state thatconstantly nipped at his heels, intendingto devour him if given the chance. I dontlike standing near the edge of a platformwhen an express train is passing through,he wrote. I like to stand right back and ifpossible get a pillar between me and thetrain. I dont like to stand by the side ofa ship and look down into the water. Aseconds action would end everything. A

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    few drops of desperation. His periods ofdepression were intense and prolonged.However, his productivity and heroic lead-ership are unparalleled in modern times.

    More than one biblical hero had tofight off and overcome depression. Kings,prophets, wise and righteous men wereforced to face human frailty and weak-

    ness while suffering from deep depres-sion. Overburdened with despair, someof Gods chosen leaders even begged fordeath to escape its intense torture (studyJob 7:13-15; Numbers 11:14-15; 1 Kings 19:4-5; Psalm 88; Ecclesiastes 2:17-20; and Lam-entations 3:15, 17-18).

    However, Job, Moses, King David andKing Solomon of Israel, the great prophetsElijah and Jeremiah, and many others sincethen, were able to harness the right powerand mental resources to conquer anxiety,

    fearand worry and successfully deal with

    hopeless situations. Out of their action-numbing weakness, they were made strong(Hebrews 11:34). In fact, their intense suf-fering made them more stable, more com-passionate and more mature men of God.

    You can make your way out too. Howev-er, you need truthful education to get your-self moving forward on the correct path.

    Understanding Depression SymptomsMental depression is a chameleon of manycolors. Each case is unique to the individ-ual experiencing it. Depression includes

    a wide range of negative states of mindfrom relatively mild to severe.Doctors readily admit that the cause of

    major depressive episodes is difficult topin down. Those seized by its iron clawsare often caught completely off guard.Family members or friends often cant seethe major depressive episode coming un-til its too late. This fact makes depressioneven more disheartening for the suffererand those around him or her.

    Basically, there are four broad categoriesof depression. I have chosen the more tra-

    ditional names for these categories; somenewer, more clinical-sounding jargon ex-ists, yet the definitions remain the same.

    One category of depression is called re-active depression. This is a very mild de-pression, one from which everyone suffersat some time. It is normal to feel temporar-ily blue or experience a low moodat times.Solomon tells us in the Proverbs, Hopedeferred maketh the heart sick (Proverbs13:12). Reactive depression can be expectedas a result of the death of a spouse or fami-

    ly member. Those going through

    a divorce generally are depressedfor a time. People who lose a job

    or suffer some other severe personal set-back go through a period of feeling down.The causes of reactive depression are asnumerous as the number of people in thisworld. Americas current financial crisis isa perfect example of one cause of severepersonal setback. This problem has af-fected the whole nation. People naturallytend to get blue when they lose their homeor when their future financial security iswrecked. Generally, the symptoms relatedto reactive depression lift after a period ofweeks. Generally, those experiencing re-

    active depression still go about their dailyactivities without much diff iculty.A second category is called toxic de-

    pression. This is generally brought on bydrug or substance abuse; it can also comeas the result of chemical poisoning. Forsome people, certain foods or viral infec-tions can cause depression. It is not dif-ficult to understand why drug users andalcoholics suffer from depression. Whena person experiences a highespeciallya substance-induced onea low follows.Our bodies are wonderfully made to nat-

    urally adjust to highs and lows. A long-term, artificially sustained high results ina protracted, dangerous low. In addition,substance abuselarge amounts of alco-hol and drugs, including barbiturates, co-caine, heroin, prescription painkillers andmarijuana ingested into the bodysevere-ly damages the brain and the central ner-vous system. Mental and nervous break-down is unavoidable for alcoholics anddrug users. Generally, once the toxic sub-stance is removed, the depression clears.Those suffering from toxic depression

    struggle with carrying out daily activities,most likely because of the substance abuse.

    A third category is known as psychotidepression. Psychotic depression comeabout as the result of brain disease or severe mental disorder. For example, a braintumor can bring on psychotic depressionPeople experiencing psychotic depressionare likely to experience hallucinationsBehavior can be wildly erratic. A personwith psychotic depression can be uncontrollably crying one minute, then becomecstatically euphoric the next. Most peoplthink all depression has the symptoms othe psychotic type. This is far from th

    truth. A lot of people work hard to hidtheir depression so as not to be thought oas psychotic wackos. This kind of vanitonly makes the problem worse. It is far better to admit the problem and do somethinto correct it than to mask it. Most peoplwith psychotic depression are generallhospitalized and often heavily medicateto prevent harm to themselves or to others

    Endogenous DepressionA fourth categorythe most prevalentoday, and the most debilitatingis en

    dogenous depression. Endogenous meanstemming from within. This term ian apt description of a major depressivepisode. Any one of the three previousldiscussed types of depression can developinto a major depressive episode if not puin check.

    Most experts today call endogenoudepression unipolar, as distinguished frombipolardepression. Bipolar depression includes a manic, or up cycle; some refer tit as a double cycle. Some experts believthe term bipolar depressionis a misno

    mer since manic is not a depressed mentastate. By contrast, there is no up cycle t

    A number of notable historical leadersstruggled with depression and even suicidal

    thoughts.abraham lInColntold an

    associate that despair overwhelmed him so

    much at times that he never dared carry a

    knife in his pocket.WInSton ChUrChIll

    called depression his black dog, a mental

    state that constantly nipped at his heels.

    moSeSbecame so depressed at one point

    that he asked God to take his life.


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    HE PHIADEPHIA RUMPESeptember 2011 11

    endogenous depression. Generally alwayssevere, endogenous depression operates inthe deep recesses of the mind and emo-tions. It is crippling, causing its victims toexperience futility, hopelessness, empti-ness and lack of joy. Major depressive epi-sodes are painful physically and mentally.Endogenous sufferers lose physical energy,

    making it extremely difficult to performsimple routine tasks. Personal hygieneshowering, shaving, laundering clothesstops. A loss of appetite causes quick andextreme weight loss. Concentration andmemory are impaired, making reading,rational thinking and right decision-mak-ing nearly impossible. Individuals experi-encing a major depressive episode lose allself-esteem, carry continual guilt, and feelintense shame. Major depressive episodesstop highly creative and productive peoplein their tracks for months. It is not sur-

    prising that most people with endogenousdepression lose their employment.With endogenous depression, the cen-

    tral nervous system and endocrine glandsstop functioning normally. Some glandu-lar diseases cause depression. Diabetes,hypoglycemia and thyroid illnesses arewell-known contributors. The brain andcentral nervous system need the right bal-ance of nutrients and hormones to func-tion properly. In studying depression, sci-ence is still working to uncover whetherdepression disrupts the endocrine system

    or if a disrupted endocrine system bringson depression. A key to answering thischicken or egg question is found withinthe advancing knowledge of how stressaffects the body: Researchers are comingto understand that our highly stressedsociety is one of the leading causes of ourphysical and mental maladies.

    Sadly, many endogenous depressionsufferers extinguish their agony throughsuicide.

    If all this sounds familiar to you, thenyou must see how serious your symptoms

    are and begin to identify the cause of yourdepression.

    How Major Depression StartsHumans have struggled with depressionfrom our very beginning. As far back as thefifth century .., what we call depressionwas known as melancholia. Hippocratesis believed to have developed a biologicaltheory of human personality known as hu-moraltheory. Hippocrates held that onespredominant body fluid gave rise to onestemperament and character. Hippocrates

    believed that a person with a preponder-ance ofblack bile had a melancholy or sad

    temperament and character as well. At thattime it was thought that people with a mel-ancholic temperament were considered tocarry an awful burden.

    This ancient attempt to explain themystery was a small step at understand-ing a complicated process. It is true thatcertain personalities are more susceptible

    to depression than others. Vulnerability todepression often depends on the kind of en-couragement, values, self-esteem, love andsupport (or lack of it) that people receivedduring their early childhood. Thankfully,we have come to better understand thisdreadful problem. Although depressed feel-ings can come upon us for no apparent ra-tional reason, in truth there is always a rea-sonwhether physical, mental or spiritual.

    For the most part, feeling blue or downbegins in response to a specific loss, fearof loss, or adverse occurrencebeing

    fired, losing a house, having a spouse die.Most people do not suffer a major depres-sive episode after such loss; in time, theyrecover. As the saying goes, time heals allwounds. There is a wealth of inspiring his-tories of people bravely overcoming dev-astating losses. These testify of the humanspirits wonderfully strong ability to meetand overcome even the worst losses.

    However, when endogenous depressionstrikes, pinpointing the specific loss isusually very difficult. A major depressiveepisode can develop suddenly or slowly.

    Since humans have the capacity for self-deception, our fears, anxieties, negative

    emotions, unmet needs and other emo-tional problems can be pushed far intothe backgroundfor years. Major depres-sive episodes can come as the result ofa

    final straw pushing a person beyond theirbreaking pointthe last of a series of un-fortunate setbacks in life.

    Unseen Spiritual ForcesThe majority of people are completelyblind to the fact that even the unconsciousviolation of Gods spiritual lawsthe TenCommandments, Gods means to guar-antee human happinesssets one up toexperience mental, emotional and per-sonal problems and negative attitudes. TheTen Commandments are in force just likethe law of gravity. When we obey them,the result is peace of mind, inner joy and

    happiness. Yet if we break them, we becomebroken. We must face the reality that con-sciously doing things we know are wrongresults in negative or depressed feelings.

    Here is a point that few recognize. Un-resolved anger, bitterness, envy or jealou-sy leads to feelings of loss. We must learnto conquer these self-destructive, sinful

    emotions. All of these are the bricks of thepath that leads to depression. Envy makesthe bones rot, warns the Bible (Proverbs14:30; English Standard Version).

    Although it is not socially acceptable tobelieve in evil spiritual forcesSatan thedevil and his army of demonsthey doexist, and they have made it their expressgoal to influence and disrupt the mindsand attitudes of unsuspecting humans.Satan is the author of angelic and humansin. He is the most depressed being in theuniverse, and he desires for all humans to

    feel the same way he does. In Ephesians2:2-3, the Apostle Paul calls Satan theprince of the power of the air, becausethis evil being broadcasts his negative at-titudes of mind worldwide.

    No wonder so many people dont un-derstand the negative attitudes and moodsplaguing them. The Bible warns that wedo not wrestle against flesh and blood, butagainst the rulers, against the authorities,against the cosmic powers over this pres-ent darkness, against the spiritual forcesof evil in the heavenly places (Ephesians

    6:12; English Standard Version). Satan andthe demons place damaging and negative

    moods in unwary minds. The sudden im-pulse to end your life comes directly fromthem.

    he Way OutYes, you can escape depression, hopeless-ness and despair. How badly do you want

    to be free of depression? Honest medicaldoctors will tell you that no pill will cureyou. Realize that depression is a symptom,an effect caused by either a mental, emo-tional, physical or even a serious spiritualproblem in your life. There is a cause foryour depression, and you must take the re-sponsibility to uncover and eliminate thatcause from your life. No one can do this foryou. Your way out of depression can onlycome byyou identifying, facing and con-quering the cause ofyourdepression. n

    his is the rst in a series of articles on this subject.

    Watch for further installments in future issues.

    t is cus u ssi, u us k ssiii uc ii cus u i.

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    What Is the Behemoth?The book of Job describes this massive animalbut it is shrouded in mystery. Is it proof

    that giant dinosaurs lived with man? Why would God even create such a creature?B ROBER MORE

    P 7- Aelephant charging toward you.Trunk outstretched, eyes dilated,massive post-like legs pounding

    the earth. The ground shakes under yourfeeta deafening trumpet blast piercesyour earsand there is nothing betweenyou and him but flat grass. Your heartbeats wildly. How do you escape? Whatdo you do?

    This would certainly get the adrenalineflowing.

    Did you know that animals far morefearsome and mighty than African el-ephants once roamed the Earth? I am nottalking about the dinosaurs.

    Consider this creature described in Job40:15-24: Behold now behemoth, which Imade with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.Lo now, his strength is in his loins, andhis force is in the navel of his belly. Hemoveth his tail like a cedar: the sinewsof his stones are wrapped together. Hisbones are as strong pieces of brass; hisbones are like bars of iron. He is the chief

    of the ways of God: he that made him canmake his sword to approach unto him. Behold, he drinketh up a river, andhasteth not: he trusteth that he can drawup Jordan into his mouth.

    Thats a pretty spectacular creature:the chief of the ways of God, he drin-keth up a river. Is it possible that such abeast used to roam the Earth with people?Or did the author just make up the storyto illustrate a point?

    What Was the Behemoth?

    There are two prevailing views on whatthis creature really is. Young Earth cre-ationists, those who believe the Earthis only 6,000 years old, say this passageproves that dinosaurs lived recently. Theypoint out that the behemoth moveth histail like a cedar. This, they say, indicatesthat the behemoth is most likely a sauro-pod dinosaur such as diplodocus or bra-chiosaurusdinosaurs with long necksandgigantic tails.

    Yet this argument falls far short. Canyou imagine Adam and Eve

    living in a world dominatedby ferocious giant carnivores

    sporting jaws full of razor-sharp, banana-size teeth? Eden wouldnt have been a verywell-manicured garden if Adam were con-stantly hiding in caves to escape from be-ing eaten. For that matter, imagine Job try-ing to farm or keep his crops and animalsfrom being flattened by herds of stamped-ing stegosaurus or horned triceratops.

    It is not very logical that God wouldplace puny man in a world overrun withpacks of hungry velociraptors and preda-tory pterodactyls with 20-foot wingspans.

    What many creationists dont under-stand is that the seven-day creation weekspoken of in Genesis is really describingthe re-creation of Earth after it had beendestroyed. In Genesis 1:2 the word wasshould actually be translated became. Inother words, Earth became without formand void (Hebrew tohu and bohu)im-plying it was not always in this state oftotal disrepair.

    Pre-Adamic WorldThe Bible reveals two creations. Earths

    initial creation may have occurred billionsof years before the creation of Adam. TheBible does not reveal how long ago thisinitial creation took place. During thistime, dinosaurs and other animals werecreated and may have lived and died fortens or hundreds of millions of years priorto Earth becoming so destroyed it couldno longer support life. (For additional in-formation, request a copy of our February2009 article Dinosaurs and the Bible.)

    Geologists refer to this massive world-wide destruction as the Cretaceous

    extinction.But following this mass extinctionevent, geologists note something amaz-ing about the fossil record. In newer rocksfound immediately adjacent to these Cre-taceous rocks, they find a completely newand different cast of characters. In thesemore recent rocks, theyonly find the fos-sils of modern-type animals like mam-mals and birds, as well as modern plants.

    Vertebrate paleontologist Dr. George G.Simpson described this amazing chronolo-gy in the fossil record as the most dramat-

    ic and in many respects the mostpuzzlingevent in the history of life on the Earth.

    The sudden change in thefossil record from the Age ofReptiles to the Age of Mam-mals is well known and undis-puted. It is as if the curtainwere rung down suddenly onthe stage where all the leadingroles were taken by reptiles,especially dinosaurs in greatnumbers and bewildering va-riety, and rose again immedi-ately to reveal the same setting

    but an entirely new cast, a castin which the dinosaurs do notappear at all, other reptiles aremere supernumaries and theleading parts are all played bymammals,Simpson wrote.

    It is only in post-Creta-ceous rocks that the remainsof modern-type animals andman are found.

    Behemoth Created With ManWhy is all this important? No-

    tice Job 40:15: Behold nowbehemoth, which I made withthee . The behemoth wasan animal created at the sametime as man. It did not exist inthe pre-Adamic world that wasdominated by the giant, reptile-like dinosaurs and other strangecreatures. It was a unique crea-ture created with manfor aspecific purpose.

    Additionally, the descrip-tion of the behemoth in the

    book of Job doesnt really fitthat of any of the dinosaursthat Young Earth creationistsput forth. For example, sauro-pod dinosaurs are character-ized by their almost comicallytiny-looking heads perchedatop extremely long necks.Scientists say their heads wereso small that they were probably amongthe least intelligent of dinosaurs. Yet inJob, it describes the behemoth as havinsuch a large head that, as the New Ameri

    can Standard Bible translates it, If a riverages, he is not alarmed; He is confident


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    HE PHIADEPHIA RUMPESeptember 2011 13

    though the Jordan rushes to his mouth.Sauropods, with their tiny mouths andlong necks, would drink water in a waymore like sucking water through a straw.

    Long-necked sauropods are alsoknown for eating leaves of trees, not grass

    as an ox, as it says in Job. Geologists notethat grass did not even exist on Earth be-fore the beginning of mans world (Gen-esis 1:11-12). Evidence of grasses, flower-

    ing and fruiting plants and trees dontexist in Cretaceous and earlier rocks. As

    ScienceWeek reported in 2005,the earliest unequivocal grassfossils date to well after thedemise of non-avian dinosaurs atthe end of the Cretaceous period.

    Grasses and fruiting trees donot show up in the fossil recorduntil the age of man because God

    created these plants specificallyfor mans use. You can read aboutit in Genesis 1:11-12: And Godsaid, Let the earth bring forthgrass, the herb yielding seed, andthe fruit tree yielding fruit afterhis kind, whose seed is in itself,upon the earth: and it was so. Andthe earth brought forth grass, andherb yielding seed after his kind,and the tree yielding fruit, whoseseed was in itself, after his kind:and God saw that it was good.

    God specifically records thecreation of grasses and fruitingtrees during this re-creation ofthe Earth. Prior to this time, theydid not exist. The geological re-cord confirms it.

    There is one other problemwith the behemoth is a dinosaurclaim. There is not a single fossil-ized example of human bones be-ing found with dinosaur bones.And as far as the purported petro-glyph art in Utah depicting dino-

    saurs, that has been thoroughlydisproven too.

    What the Others hinkMany modern scholars and the-istic evolutionists realize thatthe Earth is far older than 6,000years. They know that dinosaursdid not live at the same time asman. These Old Earth believersalso have an interpretation of thebeast described in Job.

    Most of these Bible apologists

    say the behemothwhich, in He-brew, literally means four-leggedbeastis referring to an elephant,hippopotamus or crocodile. Thosewho favor hippopotamus do sobecause of Job 40:23, which talksabout the behemoths huge mouthdrinking up the gushing JordanRiver. The gaping mouth of the

    hippo provides a pretty compelling picture.However, there are two problems with

    this theory, and they apply to elephants

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    HE PHIADEPHIA RUMPESeptember 201114

    too. First, Job describes the behemoth ashaving a big tail that moves like a cedar.Hippopotami have short tails; elephantshave small, weak, pig-like tails. Second, Jobdescribes the behemoth as being so massivethat man cannot control it. No one cancatch it off guard or put a ring in its noseand lead it away (Job 40:24; New LivingTranslation). Verse 19 implies that it was toobig for people living during Jobs day to kill.

    These descriptions could obviously not ap-ply to crocodiles or any other animals alivetoday. People have been hunting and kill-ing animals as far back as recorded history.There are ancient pictographs of Egyptianshunting hippos and crocodiles. And peo-ple have been domesticating elephants forwork and warfare for thousands of years.

    But if the behemoth was not a dino-saur, and it is not an animal alive today,what could it be?

    What the Fossil Record Says

    In 1910, a British scientist was dumb-founded when he found massive bonesfrom what appeared to be an enormous,previously unknown type of rhinoceros.The bones were so huge that they madeelephant bones look small. He namedthe animal baluchitherium, which meansbeast of Baluchistan, after the provincein Iran where he found the bones.

    For almost a decade, the creature re-mained an enigma because no further in-vestigation was carried out. Then, after theend of World War , additional discover-

    ies began to emerge. A true picture of thebeast of Baluchistan began to take shape.In 2003, a team of French scientists re-

    turned to Baluchistan to conduct furtherfossil hunts. The results were astounding.They found the complete remains of manymale and female baluchitherium simplylying on the ground, which, according toone report, was a quite rare event in pa-leontological findings that suggested thatthe massive creatures were swept away bya river [or flood] and had accumulated onthe banks (Dawn, Dec. 20, 2010).

    The creatures were confirmed to bean extinct, gigantic, hornless rhinoceros!And their description neatly fits Jobs de-scription of the behemoth.

    When the book of Job described thebehemoth as the chief of the ways ofGod, so powerful that only he that madehim can make his sword to approach untohim, it was no exaggeration. If the be-hemoth was the baluchitherium, it wasprobably the largest land animal that Godmade for mans world.

    In an age when a 7-ton African elephantor 2-ton hippopotamus seem big, the bal-uchitherium seems almost impossibly huge.

    This animals head averaged 5 feet longand had a gaping mouth, yet still doesnot appear overly large upon its body.Estimates suggest it stood 18 feet tall atthe shoulder and 26 feet tall with its neckfully outstretched. From nose to rump itmeasured a whopping 30 feet. By compar-

    ison, the biggest elephant ever recordedstood only 13 feet at the shoulder; the tall-est known giraffe measured in at only 20feet tall. Based on its bone size and length,the baluchitherium may have weighed agargantuan 20 tonsequivalent to aboutthree African elephants.

    The baluchitherium is the largest landmammal that is known to have ever ex-isted, and represents about the maximumsize to which a land-living mammal candevelop (The Illustrated Library of theNatural Sciences, Volume 2). Its long legs

    also probably made it faster than any el-ephant or smaller species of rhinoceros.This mammal was so big and strong

    that after adolescence, it probably had nonatural predators. No animal could touchit. If it felt threatened, scientists say itsdefense would have been to charge at op-ponents and try to crush them beneath itsmassive weight.

    There is yet more evidence that thebaluchitherium could be the behemothof Job. His bones are as strong piecesof brass; his bones are like bars of iron

    (verse 18). The fossil evidence shows thatthe baluchitherium had huge, post-likelimbs and bones, bigger than all otherland mammals.

    It had a large 8-foot-long thick tail, apt-ly described as like a cedar in Job (verse17). It is the only known mammal with atail that approaches the description.

    Also, its possible habitat and diet, asnoted by observing living rhinoceros spe-cies, matches the description in the Bible.Today you find species of rhinoceros in-habiting both savanna and mountain-

    ousecosystems. They eat a range of foli-

    age includinggrass, sedges, shrubs, ferns,

    submerged and floating plants, twigs, fruiand leaves of trees (see verses 15 and 22), jusas the Bible indicates. The fact that somrhinoceros species eat aquatic plants indicates that the baluchitherium may havspent considerable time in rivers, whichwould have also helped keep it coolandwhy the book of Job mentions it drawinup the Jordan into his mouth (verse 23).

    Then there is the fact that the descrip

    tion in Job does not mention any tuskor horns. Surely if it was an elephant, oregular rhinoceros, God would not havleft out those dominant features. If it was crocodile, wouldnt He have mentioned itscaly skin, or sharp teeth? And if it were giant extinct sloth, surely there would be mention of its huge claws.

    No, the best candidate for the behemothat least so far discovered in thfossil recordis the beast of Baluchistan, the giant hornless rhinoceros.

    ake-Home essonBut why would God have created such animpressive animal? And what lesson waHe trying to teach Joband for that matter, all of uswith it?

    God was teaching a lesson in humility. In order to counter Jobs aggrandizeopinion of himself, He wanted to showthis man just how insignificant he was inthe grand scheme of things.

    If you were alone next to an angry African elephant, surely you would feel quitsmall and helpless. How much punier and

    more terrified would you feel, though, if behemoth were charging you? Would younot be inclined to seek God for protection? Would you not hurriedly repent oany wrongs?

    God used this largest and most powerful of all land mammals to help crushJobs self-righteousness. God created thigiant of mammals to humble people, wholike Job, let vanity swell their sense ogreatness and importance.

    God recorded the behemoth in Scripture for a reason. He wants us to realize jus

    how insignificant we are apart from HimThat is the lesson of Jobs behemoth. n

    Size ComparisonAn adult male, a rhinoceros, and

    even an elephant appear small next

    to the baluchitherium.

  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia Trumpet


    A esson Fromthe Greatest Man

    in the WorldB MICHAE DAOO


    T .Thats how King George of Eng-land described George Washing-ton after hearing that he would not

    attempt to become the king of Americaafter the Revolutionary War.

    The kings feelings were not unusual.

    In leading the amateur American Armyto victory over the mighty British Em-pire, Washington had become the pre-eminent American celebrity of his time.He had sustained an American Armythat was underpaid, often short on am-munition, and many times shoeless foreight years. He led the victorious siegeon Yorktown, which resulted in thesurrender of over 7,000 British soldiersand precipitated the treaty that grantedAmerican freedom. Everywhere he wentafter the war, Washington was thronged

    by exhilarated crowds hailing him as thesavior of America.With Washingtons new popularity

    came a torrent of visitors to his home. In18th-century rural America, where innswere rare, it was considered commonhospitality to feed and house those whoshowed up at your door. For George andMartha Washington, this meant hous-ing legions of veterans and curious visi-tors who wanted to meet the man wholed them to liberty. The stream of visitorswas so constant that the Washingtons

    were rarely alone. In one diary entry twoyears after the war, Washington wrote,Dined with only Mrs. Washington,which I believe is the first instance of itsince my retirement.

    The visitors expected to hear thrillingtales of Washingtons bravery and geniuson the battlefield. And if anyone had ex-periences to brag about, it was Washing-ton. But in this respect, Washington dis-appointed his guests. He simply did notlike to talk about his accomplishments.Nelly Custis, Mrs. Washingtons grand-

    daughter from her first marriage, wasliving with them at the time. She said of

    Washington: I never heard him relate asingle actof his life during the war.

    One visitor, a French journalist, wasamazed after probing Washington fordetails of his experience in the war. Hismodesty is astonishing, wrote the jour-nalist. He speaks of the American warand of his victories as of things in whichhe had no direction.

    This was Washingtons customarybehavior: He did not boast. When elect-ed commander in chief of the Continen-

    tal Army, he didnt talk about his accom-plishments in prior battles; rather, heprofessed great distress at the thoughtthat he was not qualified for the job. Hedid the same when later elected presi-dent: Despite being greeted with paradesby near-worshiping crowds in every cityon the way to the capital, Washingtondid not lay out grand promises of whathe would accomplish, or refer with prideto past victories. Instead, he honestlyand humbly spoke of his own inferiorityand lack of experience.

    Washingtons consistent refusal tobrag reflected a sincere humility. It also

    fulfilled a wise proverb: Let anotherman praise thee, and not thine ownmouth; a stranger, and not thine ownlips (Proverbs 27:2).

    It can be all too easy to brag aboutour accomplishments, to make sureeveryone knows when we have donesomething good. Though that desire isnatural and understandable, that doesntmean it is right. What if no one seems tonotice the good things you do? Realize:This happened to Washington when he

    was younger, too. In his early militarycareer, despite bravery and sound judg-ment, Washington was not promotedas he deserved to be. Because of this hefelt severely discouraged at times. But hedidnt resort to braggadocio. He simplykept working hard.

    We dont remember George Wash-ington today for anything he saidabouthimselfwe recognize him for what hedid, and for what others have said of himfor hundreds of years. Learn a lessonfrom Americas first president: Focus onwhat you do, and let your actionsandthe words of othersspeak for you. n

  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia Trumpet


    HE PHIADEPHIA RUMPESeptember 201116


    a Rand France in June tells a remarkable

    story. Russia agreed to buy two of themost advanced amphibious assault shipsin the world: French Mistral Class landingvessels. Each ship can carry 16 helicopters,four landing barges, 40 tanks and over400 soldiers for up to six months. Withone of these, the Black Sea fleet could havecompleted its part in the 2008 invasionof Georgia in 40 minutes, not 26 hours,said Russian naval commander VladimirVysotsky. The government-approved sale

    is the most significant transfer of Westernmilitary technology to Russia since the endof World War , wrote Stratfor (June 21).

    This is just part of a new alliance thatis revolutionizing geopolitics. Russia isflush with cash and natural resources,but it needs technology and moderniza-tion in its military, its oil and gas indus-try, and in its economy. This alliancehas given Russia an edge in the battle tocontrol Europes resources.

    In 2006, Europe woke up to the factthat Russia controlled most of its gas

    supply. Amid a cold winter, Russia shutoff the gas to Ukraine to try to bludgeonit into compliance. All of Europe soonfelt the pinch. Quickly Europe began tolook for ways to wean itself off Russiangas. Enthusiasm grew for the proposedNabucco pipeline, a conduit through Tur-key that would bring natural gas directlyfrom the Caucasus, skirting Russia.

    Germanys negotiating power in suchstrategic energy projects is strengthened byits having ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schrder

    as a senior executive of the Nordstreamproject and ex-Foreign Minister JoschkaFischer at senior level in the SouthstreamNabucco project. This gives Germanyleverage to enhance its role as a major hubfor the provision of gas to Europe.

    Despite opposition from virtually everyother country on the Baltic shore, Russiaand Germany completed a 760-mile un-dersea gas pipeline on May 5. It is sched-uled to begin operation this autumn, anda second pipeline will be completed later.

    The pipeline gives both Russia and Ger-

    many more power. Russia can cut off gas toEastern Europe while still pumping gas toWestern Europe through Germany. Thismeans it can bring Eastern Europe to heelwithout antagonizing the west. Germany,meanwhile, will be able to control WesternEuropes gas suppliesin effect hold-ing the same gas supply trump card overdownstream countries that Russia holdsover many Eastern European countries.

    Across Europe, nations are renounc-ing nuclear power. These countries willalmost certainly have to replace their

    nuclear power with natural gas, at least inthe short term. It is readily available andless polluting than coal or oil; the Inter-national Energy Agency recently pre-dicted a golden age of gas. This meansmore power to Russia and Germany.

    In June, Russian state-controlled gascompany Gazprom made a move to forma strategic partnership with German util-ity company to build gas- and coal-fired energy plants across Europe. is also the main partner in the Nabuccoconsortium.

    German-Russian cooperation is alsogrowing elsewhere. Until recently it was

    rumored that Russiawould buy GermanLeopard tanks. In-stead, the Russiandefense industry isnow interested in using German armorin Russian vehicles.

    In July, during talksbetween the twogovernments in Hanover, Russia offeredGermany a partnership to develop Russiareserves of rare earth minerals, metals thaare vital in many modern devices.

    A month earlier, Germanys Rhein-metall signed a $398 million contract tobuild a state-of-the-art troop-trainingcenter in Russia. This, wrote the Na-tional Interest, brings back memoriesof the post-Rapallo 1920s and early 1930ssecret cooperation between the s Re

    Army and the Weimar Germanys Reichswehr, which allowed the latter to developand test weapons in Russia, forbiddenunder the Treaty of Versailles (July 21).Rheinmetall is not controlled by the Ger-man government, but Berlin is allowingthe deal to go ahead. Can you imaginethe U.S. allowing Lockheed Martin to selstate-of-the-art equipment to Russia?

    These are small beginnings forGerman-Russian military cooperation.But any kind of cooperation is bound tomake the central European countries tha

    were invaded by both Germany and Rus-sia nervous.In fact, it is the growing Russian-

    German relationship that pushed Francetoward making the Mistral deal. Francesees Berlin and Moscow cooperating andwants to make sure it develops its ownrelationship with Russia independent of itsrelationship with Germany, wrote Strat-for. The easiest way to do this is to offerRussia military and energy technology thaGermany simply does not have (op. cit.).

    History is consistent on this point:

    Germany and Russia are not closefriends, and any appearance that they areportends conflict. The Kremlin knowsEuropean history and sees that Germanyhas restored itself as the dominant powerand natural leader of Europe. By forgingcloser ties with Berlin, the Russians aregetting on good terms with the political,military and economic entity that wil ldetermine Europes future. Just as in thepast, Russia and Germany both benefit,in the short term, from the alliance. Butas Germany grows in power, the two willbecome competitors. Watch this relationship closely as history repeats itself.


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  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia Trumpet


  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia Trumpet





    4 |AFGhAnisAn Not getting any saferAfghan President Hamid Karzais younger half-brother, AhmedWali Karzai, was killed July 12 at his home in Kandahar city.Ahmed Wali was a powerful figure in southern Afghanistanwho had been influential in securing support for the presidentin Kandahar province, the Talibans birthplace. His death leavesa dangerous power vacuum in the province; it will likely weaken

    support for President Karzai and diminish the governments ne-gotiating power with the Taliban, which could complicate Ameri-cas drawdown in the region. Government officials say the kil lingwas carried out by one of Ahmed Walis bodyguards; the Talibanalso claims responsibility. It is possible both claims are true.

    The Taliban conducted one of its boldest terrorist attacks todate in the Afghan capital on June 28 when nine heavily armedsuicide bombers stormed the Intercontinental Hotel, battlingsecurity forces and targeting foreign hotel guests. While just 12people were killed, the incident highlights the fact that the Tal-iban can strike anywhere in Afghanistan. The hotel was consid-ered a safe fortress, and the attack came during a conference onthe transfer of security authority from the International Security

    Assistance Force to the Afghan government. Expect such attacksto continue as the U.S. draws down its forces in Afghanistan.

    2 |irAn Confident and brazenNew forensic evidence proves that weap-ons being used by Iraqi insurgents againstU.S. troops are being supplied by Iran.

    According to senior U.S. officials, Irani-an-backed militias in Iraq are using moresophisticated weapons than in the past totarget U.S. troops and military bases. Junewas the deadliest month for U.S. troops inIraq in the past two years, with 15 beingkilled in Iranian-backed attacks. ThreeShiite militia groups, which have beentrained and supplied by Iranian Revolu-tionary Guard special forces, are mainlyresponsible for the violence, according toU.S. officials. Michael Eisenstadt, directorof military studies at the Washington In-

    stitute for Near East Policy, said Iran haslittle reason to hide its support for groupsattacking Americans in Iraq. Theyrefeeling a lot more confident now, as thesupreme leader is not worried about anAmerican attack on Iran, he said.

    a I J 11 I

    are far more positive about Europe than is generally imag-ined. The Ben-Gurion University of the Ne-

    gev survey showed strong and growing supportfor Israeli membership in the European Union.It indicated that 81 percent of Israelis would

    like to join the EU, an increase of 12 percentagepoints since the last survey in 2009.The results demonstrate that the Israeli

    public views the European Union as a crucial player and thatIsraelis believe in stronger cooperation and not in isolation,said Dr. Sharon Pardo, who compiled the poll. The surveyalso found that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is themost popular European leader among Israelis, and that 64percent of Israelis would support the deployment of troops in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

    Israel has never applied to join the EU, and we dont expectit to do so. However, this survey reveals an Israeli mindsetamenable to European involvement in peace-keeping respon-

    sibilities in the region. The Bible specifically prophesies thatwhen Israel sees the futility of the peace process, it will seekhelp from Germany (Hosea 5:13). Biblical prophecy also reveals,however, that Europe will prove to be a counterfeit peacemaker.

    5 |sriA

    Apparentlythey dontlike foreignambassadorsAs demonstrationsand crackdownscontinued in Syriacrowds broke intothe U.S. Embassyin Damascus onJuly 11, smash-ing windows andtearing down the

    American f lag,and also tried toattack the FrenchEmbassy. Thisfollowed protestsagainst a visit byU.S. AmbassadorRobert Ford andFrench envoy EricChevallier to thecity of Hama. TheU.S. accused Syrianauthorities of insti-

    gating the attackson the embassies inan attempt to de-flect internationalattention fromAssads repressionof activists. Asthe WashingtonPostreported, theembassy attackshighlighted thelimits of U.S. state-craft. About 1,600

    civilians have beenkilled in the crack-down by Syrian authorities that beganin mid-March, ac-cording to humanrights groups.

    1 |sADi ArABiA

    Not alone in hoping to stop IranGermany has agreed to sell 200 state-of-the-art Leopard battle tanks to SaudiArabia, according to reports publishedJuly 3. The deal marks a major change inGermanys arms-export policy. Thoughthe decision has stirred much controversyin Germany, the government has defend-ed it. Diplomatic and military experts say

    the delivery of the tanks is aimed at im-proving Saudi Arabias military capabili-ties in case of war against Iran. In lightof biblical prophecy, we can expect rela-tions between Riyadh and Berlin to growstronger as the Iranian threat grows.

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  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia Trumpet


    19HE PHIADEPHIA RUMPESeptember 2011 19

    6 |chinA

    rci w is, s

    o C -rency to climb against the U.S. dollar, the country is abigger exporting force than ever before, compounding its

    trading dominance and complicating attempts by other coun-tries to boost their manufacturing sectors. On July 10, Beijing re-ported that its exports reached $874 billion in the first half of theyear and $162 billion for June alone. Both f igures were recordsrepresenting increases of almost 20 percent over the previousyear. Chinas improving performance comes in spite of increas-ing costs for Chinese manufacturers, which face the highest in-flation in three years, mandatory wage increases, and a Chinesecurrency that has strengthened more than 5.5 percent against thegreenback since Beijing began allowing it to climb in mid-2010.

    As Chinas economic might grows, so will its military ca-pability and assertiveness.The nations Jiaolong deep-sea submersible conducted

    four test dives in the central Pacific Ocean in July, reachingover 5,000 meters below sea level and surpassing current U.S.capabilities. The Jiaolong is designed to become the worldsdeepest-diving manned craft, giving it extensive mining andmilitary potential. Next year, Beijing will send the Jiaolong toits maximum operation depth of 7,000 meters, which wouldmean the craft could navigate nearly all of the worlds oceanfloors. It would also place China at the top of an exclusive listof deep-sea submersible operator nations, ahead of the U.S.,Russia, Japan and France. Beijing aims to use its superior div-

    ing technology to boost its leverage over resources in watersthat are also claimed by Japan and Southeast Asian nations.In a powerful symbolic gesture, the Jiaolong used a roboticarm to plant a Chinese f lag on the f loor of the South ChinaSea during a dive in 2010. Although Beijing makes no effortto hide its ambitions to use the Jiaolong to harness resources,it has said little about the submersibles military potential.The crafts stated capabilities suggest that it could executekey expeditions for Chinas national security forces, such asdeveloping high-resolution maps of seabeds to facilitate thenavigation of Chinas expanding fleet of submarines; tappinginto other nations undersea fiber-optic cables to interceptmessages; and recovering lost nuclear weapons. Expect China

    to continue to invest in projects that bolster its claim to re-sources and its military power.

    10 |pAkisAn

    ooking to China for protectionAnti-Americanism in Pakistan has risento extraordinary levels in recent months,prompting calls by Pakistans media forIslamabad to draw closer to Beijing. Paki-stans highest-circulation newspaper, the

    Jang, said U.S. Secretary of State HillaryClintons manner during her May visit tothe country seemed more like dictation

    than reconciliation.