philippians1 philippians unity and service to others lesson eleven: the mind of christ - peace

Philippians 1 Philippians Philippians Unity and Service to Unity and Service to Others Others Lesson Eleven: Lesson Eleven: The Mind of Christ - Peace The Mind of Christ - Peace

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Page 1: Philippians1 Philippians Unity and Service to Others Lesson Eleven: The Mind of Christ - Peace

Philippians 1

PhilippiansPhilippiansUnity and Service to Unity and Service to


Lesson Eleven: Lesson Eleven: The Mind of Christ - PeaceThe Mind of Christ - Peace

Page 2: Philippians1 Philippians Unity and Service to Others Lesson Eleven: The Mind of Christ - Peace

Philippians 2

Review - Chapter 1Review - Chapter 1Christ is Our Life (Vs 21)Christ is Our Life (Vs 21)

• Rejoicing in Harmony (1:1-11) – Joy – Vs Rejoicing in Harmony (1:1-11) – Joy – Vs 44– Personal Affairs (vs 1-2)– Their Fellowship with Paul in the Gospel (vs 3-8)– Paul’s Prayer on Their behalf (vs 9-11)

• Rejoicing In Hardship (1:12-30) – Joy – Rejoicing In Hardship (1:12-30) – Joy – Vs. 18Vs. 18– Paul was in Prison Yes , but the Gospel was

Spreading ! Rejoice! (1:12-18)– Whether He Lives or Dies Matters Little (19-26)

• What is more needful, what will bring God glory?

– Serious Responsibility to Live Righteously (27-30)

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Philippians 3

Christ is Our LifeChrist is Our Life• 1:8 – “…1:8 – “…I long for you with the affection of Jesus I long for you with the affection of Jesus

ChristChrist””– We have the feelings of Christ (chapter 2:1-5)

• 1:12-181:12-18 – – “…in every way, whether in pretense or in “…in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached and in this I rejoice…”truth, Christ is preached and in this I rejoice…”– We have the interests of Christ (18)

• 1:191:19 – – “this will turn out for my deliverance through “this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ”your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ”– We have the attitude, motives, and aim of Christ

• 1:20 1:20 – – “…so now Christ will be magnified in my body”“…so now Christ will be magnified in my body”– Christ is our chief concern, nothing else matters

• 1:21-23 1:21-23 – – “While I live my life is to glorify Christ, and I “While I live my life is to glorify Christ, and I long to leave this world and be with Him”long to leave this world and be with Him”– Christ is unspeakably dear to us

• 1:27 – 1:27 – Let you conduct be worthy of the gospel of ChristLet you conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ– Our conduct is determined by Christ

• 1:28-30 – 1:28-30 – “It has been granted to us by Christ to suffer”“It has been granted to us by Christ to suffer”– Attitudes toward us are determined by our living for Christ.

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Philippians 4

Review Chapter 2Review Chapter 2Christ is Our MindChrist is Our Mind

• Rejoicing In Humility 2:1-18 (Joy - Vs Rejoicing In Humility 2:1-18 (Joy - Vs 2)2)– Exhortation (1-2) – Be Like-Minded, Love– Exhibition (3-4) – Show your love and Unity– Exposition (5-11) – Christ’s Perfect Example

• Vs 9-11 – Christ, and His Name were exalted

– Explanation - Be Light Bearers! (Vs 12-17)• Work Out Your Own Salvation – Continue

• Rejoicing In Helpers (2:19-30)Rejoicing In Helpers (2:19-30)– Examples – Timothy and Epaphroditus

• These men have the mind of Christ

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Philippians 5

Review -3Review -3Christ is Our Goal (14)Christ is Our Goal (14)

• Rejoicing in Heaven – Vs 1 & 20Rejoicing in Heaven – Vs 1 & 20– Beware of Dogs - Warnings (1-2)– Don’t Trust the Flesh (3-14)

• Legalism, Ancestry – None of it matters (4-8)

– Our Goal is to be found “In Christ” (9)1. Trust in Christ (9)

2. Righteousness by Faith in Christ (9)

3. Know Him (10)

4. Know the Power of His Resurrection (10)

5. Fellowship of His Sufferings (10)

6. Conform to His Death (10)

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Philippians 6

To Reach Your Goal: To Reach Your Goal: HeavenHeaven

• We Cannot Be Spectators; Must EnterWe Cannot Be Spectators; Must Enter– Putting on Christ (Rom 6:3-4) Enters the Race– Fight The Good Fight (1 Tim 6:12)– Work out your salvation (Phil 2:12)

• We Must Keep In Shape for the RaceWe Must Keep In Shape for the Race– Diet and Exercise

• Drop the Baggage (Heb 12:1)Drop the Baggage (Heb 12:1)• Strain, Push, Reach for the Next LevelStrain, Push, Reach for the Next Level• Keep Your Eye On the Prize (Phil 3:13)Keep Your Eye On the Prize (Phil 3:13)• The Race Isn’t Over Until You Cross the The Race Isn’t Over Until You Cross the

Finish Line.Finish Line.

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Philippians 7

Philippians 4Philippians 41 1 Therefore, my beloved and longed-for brethren, my joy Therefore, my beloved and longed-for brethren, my joy

and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, beloved.and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, beloved.2 I2 I implore Euodia and I implore Syntyche to be of the implore Euodia and I implore Syntyche to be of the

same mind in the Lord. same mind in the Lord. 33 And I urge you also, true And I urge you also, true companion, help these women who labored with me in companion, help these women who labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names workers, whose names areare in the Book of Life. in the Book of Life.

44 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!55 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord  Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord isis at at

hand.hand.66 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and

supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; made known to God; 7 7 and the and the peace of Godpeace of God, which , which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.minds through Christ Jesus.

8 8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things things areare noble, whatever things  noble, whatever things areare just, whatever just, whatever things things areare pure, whatever things  pure, whatever things areare lovely, whatever lovely, whatever things things areare of good report, if  of good report, if there isthere is any virtue and any virtue and if if there isthere is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. things. 99The things which you learned and received and The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peaceGod of peace will be with you.will be with you.

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Philippians 8

PhilippiansPhilippians• Chapter 1Chapter 1

– Christ is Our Life (1:21 – For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain)

• Chapter 2Chapter 2– Christ is Our Mind (2:5 – Let this mind be in

you which was also in Christ Jesus)

• Chapter 3Chapter 3– Christ is Our Goal (3:10 – that I may know the

power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death)

• Chapter 4Chapter 4– Christ is Our Strength (4:13 – I can do all

things through Christ who strengthens me)

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Philippians 9

““Be Anxious for Nothing”Be Anxious for Nothing”• Strife Between BrethrenStrife Between Brethren

– Solved: Helping these brethren solve their differences

• Grief Over Bearing Burdens of Grief Over Bearing Burdens of ChristChrist– Solved: Deliberate focus on matters of


• Fear Over Present Wants and NeedsFear Over Present Wants and Needs– Solved: By Prayer to God

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Philippians 10

Steps Toward PeaceSteps Toward Peace

• #1 – Stand Fast In the Lord (1)#1 – Stand Fast In the Lord (1)• #2 – Be of the Same Mind (2)#2 – Be of the Same Mind (2)

– Help Each Other (3)

• #3 – Rejoice Always (4)#3 – Rejoice Always (4)– God’s Promises & Blessings can

not be overcome by the world– Christians rejoice in these

Promises & Blessings– Therefore – The Christian’s joy can

not be overcome by this world

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Philippians 12

Steps Toward PeaceSteps Toward Peace• #1 – Stand Fast In the Lord (1)#1 – Stand Fast In the Lord (1)• #2 – Be of the Same Mind (2)#2 – Be of the Same Mind (2)

– Help Each Other (3)

• #3 – Rejoice Always (4)#3 – Rejoice Always (4)• #4 – Be Gentle (5)#4 – Be Gentle (5)

– Sweet Reasonableness– FOR THE LORD IS NEAR

• #5 – Be Anxious For Nothing (6-#5 – Be Anxious For Nothing (6-7)7)– Prayer, Supplication,

Thanksgiving, Requests

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Philippians 13

Freedom From AnxietyFreedom From Anxiety• In EverythingIn Everything• Prayer (Adoration)Prayer (Adoration)• SupplicationSupplication• Thanksgiving and RequestsThanksgiving and Requests

• The Peace That Surpasses The Peace That Surpasses All UnderstandingAll Understanding– Guard Our Hearts– Guard Our Minds

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Philippians 14

Powerful Impact of Powerful Impact of ThankfulnessThankfulness

1.1. Reminds me I am not aloneReminds me I am not alone2.2. Motivates me to look for the purpose in Motivates me to look for the purpose in

what is happening.what is happening.3.3. Helps me submit my will to HisHelps me submit my will to His4.4. Reminds me of my dependence on GodReminds me of my dependence on God5.5. Helps me develop a strong trust in GodHelps me develop a strong trust in God6.6. Is essential in order to rejoiceIs essential in order to rejoice

7.7. Helps me reason properly (no matter Helps me reason properly (no matter

what others say).what others say).8.8. Helps me change my focus from myself Helps me change my focus from myself

to Godto God9.9. Energizes me when I am weary and Energizes me when I am weary and

exhausted from circumstancesexhausted from circumstances10.10. Transfers my anxiety into Peace that Transfers my anxiety into Peace that

surpasses all understandingsurpasses all understanding

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Philippians 15

AnxietyAnxiety• Insecurity –Insecurity – Something bad is going Something bad is going

to happento happen– The Lord is my Helper, what can man

do to me? (Heb 13:6)• Helplessness Helplessness – – There is nothing I can There is nothing I can

do!do!– I can do all things through Christ who

strengthens me. (Phil 4:13)• IsolationIsolation – – There is no one to help meThere is no one to help me

– Casting all your troubles on Him for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7)

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Philippians 16

Steps Toward PeaceSteps Toward Peace• #1 – Stand Fast In the Lord (1)#1 – Stand Fast In the Lord (1)• #2 – Be of the Same Mind (2)#2 – Be of the Same Mind (2)

– Help Each Other (3)

• #3 – Rejoice Always (4)#3 – Rejoice Always (4)• #4 – Be Gentle (5)#4 – Be Gentle (5)

– Sweet Reasonableness– FOR THE LORD IS NEAR

• #5 – Be Anxious For Nothing (6-7)#5 – Be Anxious For Nothing (6-7)– Prayer, Supplication, Thanksgiving,


• #6 – Think On The Right Things (8-#6 – Think On The Right Things (8-9)9)

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Philippians 17

Paul’s Dual Exhortation 4:8-9Paul’s Dual Exhortation 4:8-9

• ““Take Account of These ThingsTake Account of These Things– True – opposed to false, lying, fanciful– Noble – worthy of reverence– Right – Just, What is Right– Pure - Undefiled– Lovely – Morally Attractive– Admirable – Good Report– Anything Excellent or


• ““Do” – Act On Them!Do” – Act On Them!

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Philippians 18

Steps To:Steps To:The Peace of God and The God The Peace of God and The God

of Peaceof Peace• Standing Fast In The LordStanding Fast In The Lord• Having a “Oneness of Mind”Having a “Oneness of Mind”• Having Lives Full of Constant JoyHaving Lives Full of Constant Joy• Being Gentle and Tender Hearted Being Gentle and Tender Hearted

to Allto All– Knowing That God Is Near

• Thinking On The Right ThingsThinking On The Right Things• Doing the Right ThingsDoing the Right Things• Not Being Anxious – Cast Our Cares Not Being Anxious – Cast Our Cares

On GodOn God

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Philippians 19

PhilippiansPhilippiansUnity and Service to Unity and Service to


Lesson Twelve: Lesson Twelve: The Mind of Christ - The Mind of Christ -


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Philippians 20

PhilippiansPhilippians• Chapter 1Chapter 1

– Christ is Our Life (1:21 – For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain)

• Chapter 2Chapter 2– Christ is Our Mind (2:5 – Let this mind be in

you which was also in Christ Jesus)

• Chapter 3Chapter 3– Christ is Our Goal (3:10 – that I may know the

power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death)

• Chapter 4Chapter 4– Christ is Our Strength (4:13 – I can do all

things through Christ who strengthens me)

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Philippians 21

Slides from Lesson 11Slides from Lesson 11• How to Have PEACEHow to Have PEACE

– Stand Fast in the Lord– Be of the Same Mind– Rejoice Always– Be Gentle

• Freedom from AnxietyFreedom from Anxiety– Thankfulness

• Take in Account These ThingsTake in Account These Things• Learned, Received, Heard, Saw - Learned, Received, Heard, Saw -


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Philippians 22

Freedom From AnxietyFreedom From Anxiety• In EverythingIn Everything• Prayer (Adoration)Prayer (Adoration)• SupplicationSupplication• Thanksgiving and RequestsThanksgiving and Requests

• The Peace That Surpasses The Peace That Surpasses All UnderstandingAll Understanding– Guard Our Hearts– Guard Our Minds

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Philippians 23

Powerful Impact of Powerful Impact of ThankfulnessThankfulness

1.1. Reminds me I am not aloneReminds me I am not alone2.2. Motivates me to look for the purpose in Motivates me to look for the purpose in

what is happening.what is happening.3.3. Helps me submit my will to HisHelps me submit my will to His4.4. Reminds me of my dependence on GodReminds me of my dependence on God5.5. Helps me develop a strong trust in GodHelps me develop a strong trust in God6.6. Is essential in order to rejoiceIs essential in order to rejoice

7.7. Helps me reason properly (no matter Helps me reason properly (no matter

what others say).what others say).8.8. Helps me change my focus from myself Helps me change my focus from myself

to Godto God9.9. Energizes me when I am weary and Energizes me when I am weary and

exhausted from circumstancesexhausted from circumstances10.10. Transfers my anxiety into Peace that Transfers my anxiety into Peace that

surpasses all understandingsurpasses all understanding

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Philippians 24

AnxietyAnxiety• Insecurity –Insecurity – Something bad is going Something bad is going

to happento happen– The Lord is my Helper, what can man

do to me? (Heb 13:6)• Helplessness Helplessness – – There is nothing I can There is nothing I can

do!do!– I can do all things through Christ who

strengthens me. (Phil 4:13)• IsolationIsolation – – There is no one to help meThere is no one to help me

– Casting all your troubles on Him for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7)

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Philippians 25

Steps Toward PeaceSteps Toward Peace• #1 – Stand Fast In the Lord (1)#1 – Stand Fast In the Lord (1)• #2 – Be of the Same Mind (2)#2 – Be of the Same Mind (2)

– Help Each Other (3)

• #3 – Rejoice Always (4)#3 – Rejoice Always (4)• #4 – Be Gentle (5)#4 – Be Gentle (5)

– Sweet Reasonableness– FOR THE LORD IS NEAR

• #5 – Be Anxious For Nothing (6-7)#5 – Be Anxious For Nothing (6-7)– Prayer, Supplication, Thanksgiving,


• #6 – Think On The Right Things (8-#6 – Think On The Right Things (8-9)9)

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Philippians 26

Paul’s Dual Exhortation 4:8-9Paul’s Dual Exhortation 4:8-9

• ““Take Account of These ThingsTake Account of These Things– True – opposed to false, lying, fanciful– Noble – worthy of reverence– Right – Just, What is Right– Pure - Undefiled– Lovely – Morally Attractive– Admirable – Good Report– Anything Excellent or


• ““Do” – Act On Them!Do” – Act On Them!

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Philippians 27

Steps To:Steps To:The Peace of God and The God The Peace of God and The God

of Peaceof Peace• Standing Fast In The LordStanding Fast In The Lord• Having a “Oneness of Mind”Having a “Oneness of Mind”• Having Lives Full of Constant JoyHaving Lives Full of Constant Joy• Being Gentle and Tender Hearted Being Gentle and Tender Hearted

to Allto All– Knowing That God Is Near

• Thinking On The Right ThingsThinking On The Right Things• Doing the Right ThingsDoing the Right Things• Not Being Anxious – Cast Our Cares Not Being Anxious – Cast Our Cares

On GodOn God

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Philippians 28

Phil 4: 10Phil 4: 10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity. care, but you lacked opportunity. 11 11 Not that I speak in Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: be content: 12 12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. need. 13 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens I can do all things through Christ who strengthens

14 14 Nevertheless you have done well that you shared in my Nevertheless you have done well that you shared in my distress. distress. 15 15 Now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the Now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church shared gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving but you only. with me concerning giving and receiving but you only. 16 16 For For even in Thessalonica you sent even in Thessalonica you sent aidaid once and again for my once and again for my necessities. necessities. 17 17 Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. that abounds to your account. 18 18 Indeed I have all and Indeed I have all and abound. I am full, having received from Epaphroditus the abound. I am full, having received from Epaphroditus the things things sentsent from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God. sacrifice, well pleasing to God. 19 19 And my God shall supply And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Jesus. 20 20 Now to our God and Father Now to our God and Father bebe glory forever and glory forever and ever. Amen.ever. Amen.

21 21 Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren who are with Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren who are with me greet you. me greet you. 22 22 All the saints greet you, but especially All the saints greet you, but especially those who are of Caesar’s household.those who are of Caesar’s household.

23 23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

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Philippians 29

Phil 4:10-23Phil 4:10-23• Paul Was A Victor Over His Paul Was A Victor Over His

CircumstancesCircumstances– I Can Accept All Things (4:11)– I Can Do All Things (4:13)– I Have All Things (4:18)

• Contentment Over Contentment Over CircumstancesCircumstances– Providence of God (10)– Power of God (11-13)– Promise of God (14-20)

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Philippians 30

Providence of God Providence of God (4:10)(4:10)

• Story of Joseph (Gen 37-50)Story of Joseph (Gen 37-50)– Gen 45:5; Gen 50:20– Rom 8:28 – All things work together for

good…– I will guide thee with Mine eye (Psa 32:8)

• Peace of God – The God of Peace (4:7, Peace of God – The God of Peace (4:7, 9)9)– Phil 4:6 – Be anxious for nothing, but PRAY

• Paul Knew God Would Take Care of HimPaul Knew God Would Take Care of Him– God Uses Generosity to Answer Prayers

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Philippians 31

Power of God (4:11-13)Power of God (4:11-13)• A Tree Has RootsA Tree Has Roots• A Christian Has Christ (13)A Christian Has Christ (13)

– This Power Does Not Fail

• ““I have I have learnedlearned to be content” (4:11) to be content” (4:11)– We are all Impatient – But we must Learn..

• It is wrong to murmur over God’s Providence• Impatience does no good• God often provides in ways we do not expect• Christ if fully able to sustain devout Christians

• 4:13 – I can do all things through 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ…Christ…– John 15:5 – Apart from Me you can do


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Philippians 32

Promise of God (4:14-Promise of God (4:14-20)20)

• Philippi Compared to a:Philippi Compared to a:• A Budding Tree (4:10)A Budding Tree (4:10)

– Flourished – a new life within– Paul rejoiced b/c of what this gift revealed about


• An Investment (4:14-17)An Investment (4:14-17)– Fellowship – Sharing, Communication– Giving – materially to Paul– Receiving – Spiritually from the Lord

• Vs. 17 – Fruit that abounds to your account• An Account is Kept In Heaven and a Deposit was


• A Sacrifice (18)A Sacrifice (18)– Paul sees this gift as from Heaven– Vs 19 – God will meet your needs as well!