philippine mining act of 1995 -report consolidated slim

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Mining Act Report


  • 5/20/2018 Philippine Mining Act of 1995 -Report Consolidated Slim


    Philippine Mining Act of 1995




    Submitted by:

    Lyndon Cena

    Nicole Bondad

    Mary Ruth Datario


  • 5/20/2018 Philippine Mining Act of 1995 -Report Consolidated Slim


    Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (Republic Act No. 7942)

    Page 1o



    As provided by the Civil Code of Spain (Art. 339), mines and mineral lands could be susceptible of private appropriation by

    means of grants from the State. Such being the case, the Regalian Doctrine was followed.

    Regalian Doctrine provides that minerals belong to the State wherever they may be found, whether in public lands or in priv


    For the reason of prospecting on private property, the permission of the owner was necessary. In case of refusal by the own

    the government might be called upon to intervene.


    It contained provisions for the open and free exploration, occupation and purchase of mineral deposits and the land where t

    may be found.

    It declared all valuable mineral deposits in public lands in the Philippine Islands, both surveyed and unsurveyed to be free an

    open to exploration, occupation, and purchase, and the land in which they are found to occupation and purchase by citizens

    the United States, or of Philippine Islands.

    The holder of the mineral claims so located is entitled to all the minerals which may lie within his claim, but he may not min

    outside the boundary lines of his claims.

    One of the continuing requirements for the subsistence of the mining claim is performance of not less than one hundred

    dollars worth of labour or undertaking of improvements of the same v alue every year.

    The locators failure to comply with which shall operate to open the claim or mine to relocation in the same manner as if no

    location of the same had even been made.

    3. ACT 624

    The Regalian Doctrine was still recognized.

    The disposition of minerals of the public domain was reserved to the State.

    They were not open to exploration, occupation, and exploitation except only to citizens of the United States and of the


    It prescribed regulations to govern the location and the manner of recording mining claims and the amount of work necessa

    to hold possession thereof.

    Such regulations reinforced the annual work or labour requirement of not less than one hundred dollars worth.


    It declared all natural resources of the Philippines, including mineral lands and minerals, to be property belonging to the Sta

    However, not really all of the Phil ippines natural resources were considered part of the public domain.

    5. CA No. 137 or Mining Act

    It expressly adopted the Regalian Doctrine following the provisions of the 1935 Constitution.

    It granted only lease rights to mining claimants who are proscribed from purchasing the mining claim itself.

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    Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (Republic Act No. 7942)

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    The said provisions of Mining Act were expressly inapplicable to mining claimants who had located and recorded their claim

    under the Philippine Bill of 1902.

    6. EO 141

    It established the status of such unpatented mining claims which have not complied with the annual work requirement, as havinbeen abandoned and open for relocation, their declarations of location being accordingly cancelled.

    7. PD 463

    It declared that all mineral deposits in public or private lands belong to the State, inalienable and imprescriptively.

    It recognized whatever rights or reservations had already been existing with respect to certain mining lands, apparently allu

    to the rights of mining claim holders under the Philippine Bill of 1902.

    The possessory rights of mining claim holders under the Philippine Bill of 1902 remained effective for as long as said holders

    complied with the actual work requirement.

    8. PD 1214

    It required all the holders of unpatented mining claims to secure mining lease contracts under PD 463.

    Holders of subsisting and valid patentable mining claims located under the Philippine Bill of 1902 were to file mining lease

    applications therefor within one year from the effectivity of the said decree.

    The filing of such mining lease applications was considered a waiver of the holders rights to the issuance of mining patents

    their claims.

    Non-filing of applications for mining lease by the holders thereof within one-year period would cause the forfeiture of all the

    rights to their claims.1


    It was enacted instituting a new system for the exploration, development, utilization and conservation of the natural resour

    of the country.

    It defines the modes of agreements for mining operations, outlines the procedure for the filing and approval, assignment or

    transfer and withdrawal and fixes their terms.


    Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 7942 Otherwise Known as thePhilippine Mining Act of 19952

    Declaration of Policy

    All minerals are owned by the State


    To promote rational exploration, development, utilization and conservation

    Role of government and private sector

    To enhance national growth that effectively safeguards the environment and protect the rights of affected communities4

    1Atok Big-Wedge Mining Co. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. 63528,Sept. 9, 1996,261 SCRA 528

    2 La Bugal-Blaan Tribal Association, Inc. v. Ramos, GR No. 127882, Jan. 27,2004, 421 SCRA 148, per J. Carpio-Morales3Sec. 2, RA No. 7942.

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    Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (Republic Act No. 7942)

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    Governing principle per DAO 96-40

    Sustainable development

    Improving the total quality of life

    Principle of sustainable mining

    Pro-environment and pro-people mining

    Mining is temporary land use

    Optimum land use

    Progressive and engineered mine rehabilitation

    Current best practices

    Wealth-generating opportunities

    Environment-responsible endeavours

    Mining activities must be in accord with state policies.


    ANCESTRAL LANDSrefers to all lands, exclusively and actually possessed, occupied, or utilized by indigenous cultural communities by themselve

    through their ancestors in accordance with their customs and traditions since time immemorial, and as may be defined and delineated by law.

    BLOCK OR MERIDIONAL BLOCKmeans an area bounded by one-half (1/2) minute of latitude and one-half (1/2) minute of longitude, containing

    approximately eighty-one hectares (81 has.).

    CARRYING CAPACITYrefers to the capacity of natural and human environments to accommodate and absorb change without experiencing

    conditions of instability and attendant degradation.

    CONTIGUOUS ZONErefers to water, sea bottom and substratum measured twenty-four nautical miles (24 n.m.) seaward from base line of the

    Philippine archipelago.

    CONTRACT AREAmeans land or body of water delineated for purposes of exploration, development, or utilization of the minerals found therein

    CONTRACTORmeans a qualified person acting alone or in consortium who is a party to a mineral agreement or to a financial or technical assista


    CO-PRODUCTION AGREEMENT (CA) means an agreement entered into between the Government and one or more contractors in accordance w

    Section 26(b) hereof.

    ECOLOGICAL PROFILE OR ECO-PROFILErefers to geographic-based instruments for planners and decision-makers which presents an evaluation

    the environmental quality and carrying capacity of an area.

    ENVIROMENTAL COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE (ECC)refers to the document issued by the government agency concerned certifying that the proje

    under consideration will not bring about an unacceptable environmental impact and that the proponent has complied with the requirements o

    environmental impact statement system.

    4Sec. 1, Chapter 1, Title XIV, EO No. 292

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    Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (Republic Act No. 7942)

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    ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS)is the document which aims to identify, predict, interpret, and communicate information regardin

    changes in environmental quality associated with a proposed project and which examines the range of alternatives for the objectives of the

    proposal and their impact on the environment.

    EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONEmeans the water, sea bottom and subsurface measured from the baseline of the Philippine archipelago up to two

    hundred nautical miles (200 n.m.) offshore.

    EXISTING MINING/QUARRYING RIGHTmeans a valid and subsisting mining claim or permit or quarry permit or any mining lease contract or

    agreement covering a mineralized area granted/issued under pertinent mining laws.

    EXPLORATIONmeans the searching or prospecting for mineral resources by geological, geochemical or geophysical surveys, remote sensing, te

    pitting, trenching, drilling, shaft sinking, tunneling or any other means for the purpose of determining the existence, extent, quantity and quality

    thereof and the feasibility of mining them for profit.

    FINANCIAL OR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENTmeans a contract involving financial or technical assistance for large-scale exploration,

    development, and utilization of mineral resources.

    FOREIGN-OWNED CORPORATIONmeans any corporation, partnership, association, or cooperative duly registered in accordance with law in wh

    less than fifty per centum (50%) of the capital is owned by Filipino citizens.

    GROSS OUTPUTmeans the actual market value of minerals or mineral products from its mining area as defined in the National Internal Revenu


    INDIGENOUS CULTURAL COMMUNITYmeans a group or tribe of indigenous Filipinos who have continuously lived as communities on commun

    bounded and defined land since time immemorial and have succeeded in preserving, maintaining, and sharing common bonds of languages,

    customs, traditions, and other distinctive cultural traits, and as may be defined and delineated by law.

    JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT (JVA)means an agreement entered into between the Government and one or more contractors in accordance w

    Section 26(c) hereof.

    MINERALSrefers to all naturally occurring inorganic substance in solid, gas, liquid, or any intermediate state excluding energy materials such as

    coal, petroleum, natural gas, radioactive materials, and geothermal energy.

    MINERAL AGREEMENTmeans a contract between the government and a contractor, involving mineral production-sharing agreement, co-

    production agreement, or joint-venture agreement.

    MINERAL LANDmeans any area where mineral resources are found.

    MINERAL RESOURCEmeans any concentration of minerals/rocks with potential economic value.

    MINING AREAmeans a portion of the contract area identified by the contractor for purposes of development, mining, utilization, and sites for

    support facilities or in the immediate vicinity of the mining operations.

    MINING OPERATIONmeans mining activities involving exploration, feasibility, development, utilization, and processing.

    OFFSHOREmeans the water, sea bottom, and subsurface from the shore or coastline reckoned from the mean low tide level up to the two hun

    nautical miles (200 n.m.) exclusive economic zone including the archipelagic sea and contiguous zone.

    ONSHOREmeans the landward side from the mean tide elevation, including submerged lands in lakes, rivers and creeks.

    PERMITTEEmeans the holder of an exploration permit.

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    Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (Republic Act No. 7942)

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    POLLUTION CONTROL AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVICESrefers to infrastructure, machinery, equipment and/or improvements used for impound

    treating or neutralizing, precipitating, filtering, conveying and cleansing mine industrial waste and tailings as well as eliminating or reducing

    hazardous effects of solid particles, chemicals, liquids or other harmful by products and gases emitted from any facility utilized in mining operat

    for their disposal.

    PRIVATE LANDrefers to any land belonging to any private person which includes alienable and disposable land being claimed by a holder, cl aimor occupant who has already acquired a vested right thereto under the law, although the corresponding certificate or evidence of title or patent

    has not been actually issued.

    QUALIFIED PERSONmeans any citizen of the Philippines with capacity to contract, or a corporation, partnership, association, or cooperative

    organized or authorized for the purpose of engaging in mining, with technical and financial capability to undertake mineral resources developm

    and duly registered in accordance with law at least sixty per cent (60%) of the capital of which is owned by citizens of the Philippines: Provided,

    That a legally organized foreign-owned corporation shall be deemed a qualified person for purposes of granting an exploration permit, financial

    technical assistance agreement or mineral processing permit.

    QUARRYINGmeans the process of extracting, removing and disposing quarry resources found on or underneath the surface of private or public


    QUARRY PERMITmeans a document granted to a qualified person for the extraction and utilization of quarry resources on public or private lan

    QUARRY RESOURCESrefers to any common rock or other mineral substances as the Director of Mines and Geosciences Bureau may declare to

    quarry resources such as, but not limited to, andesite, basalt, conglomerate, coral sand, diatomaceous earth, diorite, decorative stones, gabbro

    granite, limestone, marble, marl, red burning clays for potteries and bricks, rhyolite, rock phosphate, sandstone, serpentine, shale, tuff, volcanic

    cinders, and volcanic glass: Provided, That such quarry resources do not contain metals or metallic constituents and/or other valuable minerals

    economically workable quantities: Provided, further, That non-metallic minerals such as kaolin, feldspar, bullquartz, quartz or silica, sand and

    pebbles, bentonite, talc, asbestos, barite, gypsum, bauxite, magnesite, dolomite, mica, precious and semi-precious stones, and other non-meta

    minerals that may later be discovered and which the Director declares the same to be of economically workable quantities, shall not be classifie

    under the category of quarry resources.5


    non-impairment of existing mining / quarrying rights

    recognition of valid and existing mining claims and lease / quarry applications

    I. Organisational Structure

    a) Primary Agency

    The Department of Natural Resources (DENR) shall be the primary agency responsible for the observation, management,

    development, and proper use of the States mineral resources including those in reservations, watershed areas, and lands of public

    dominion. The Secretary of the DENR shall have the authority to enter in mineral agreements on behalf of the government upon the

    recommendation of the Director of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), and promulgate such rules and regulations in order to

    implement the intent and provisions of RA 7942.

    The Secretary of the DENR has rule-making authority pursuant to RA 7942. Such rule-making power was sustained by the

    Supreme Court in the Miners Association of the Philippi nes v. Factoran (G.R. No. 98332, January 16, 1995, 240 SCRA 100). In the said

    case, the Supreme Court held that DENR Administrative Order No. 57 (DAO No. 57) applies to all existing mining leases or agreements

    which were granted after the effectivity of the 1987 Constitution. The exploration, development and utilisation of the countys natur

    resources are vital to the public interest and general welfare of the people. Hence, it is subject to alterations by the State in the exerc

    of its police powers. Thus, the constitutional restriction on non-impairment of contracts and obligations cannot preclude the State fro

    altering, modifying, or amending mining leases or agreements.

    5Sec. 3, RA No. 7942

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    Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (Republic Act No. 7942)

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    b) Authority of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB)

    The MGB shall advise the Secretary of the DENR on matters pertaining to geology and mineral resources exploration,

    development, utilisation and conservation.6 Hence, the MGB shall have the following authority, among others:


    To have direct charge in the administration and disposition of mineral lands and mineral resources;

    b. To undertake geological, mining, metallurgical, chemical and other researches, as well as mineral exploration surveys

    provided that, for areas closed to mining applications, the MGB can undertake studies for purposes of research and


    c. To confiscate, after due process, surety, performance and guaranty bonds after notice of violation;

    d. To recommend to the Secretary of the DENR the granting of Mineral Agreements or to endorse to the Secretary of th

    DENR for action by the President to grant FTAAs and to monitor its compliance by the contractor;

    e. To cancel or to recommend cancellation, after due process, mining rights, mining applications and mining claims, for

    non-compliance with pertinent laws, rules and regulations;

    f. To deputise, when necessary, any member or unit of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and barangay, duly register

    and DENR accredited NGO, or any qualified person to police mining activities;

    g. To assist the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) under the DENR in the conduct of environmental impact

    assessment in mining projects; and

    h. To exercise such other authority vested by RA 7942 and its IRR.

    The Director of the MGB may delegate such authority and other powers and functions to the Regional Director. There shall b

    much regional offices in the Philippines as may be established by the Secretary of the DENR, upon recommendation of the Director of


    The MGB shall establish a mineral resource database system which will include mineral rights management system, amongothers. Also, the MGB shall publish a mineral gazette at least once a year containing a current list of mineral rights, locations, and oth

    mining information relevant to mineral resources development.

    c) Quasi-Judicial Powers of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB)

    The MGB as provided for by PD 2181 has exclusive and original jurisdiction to hear and decide cases involving the cancellation

    and/or enforcement of mining contracts due to refusal of the claimowner/operator to abide by the terms and conditions thereof. The

    adjudication of mining cases is a purely administrative matter. The courts do not have the competence to decide matters concerning

    activities relative to the exploration, exploitation, development and extraction of mineral resources. Hence, with respect to purely

    administrative matters, the courts cannot interfere. However, the determination of whether or not a contract is void or voidable is a

    judicial question and decisions on administrative matters falling under executive jurisdiction can be set aside by the courts if there is

    proof of grave abuse of discretion, fraud or error of law.

    d) Role of the Local Government

    The local government shall have the following roles in mining projects within their respective jurisdictions which are subject

    RA 7942, pursuant to the Local Government Code and other pertinent laws:

    a. Ensure public consultation and participation;

    6Section 16, Chapter 3, Title XIV, EO No. 292

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    Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (Republic Act No. 7942)

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    b. Approve applications for small-scale mining in coordination with Bureau/Regional Office(s);

    c. Receive shares from the wealth generated by mineral resources;

    d. Facilitate community decision-making on social acceptability of the project;

    e. Participate as a member of the Multipartite Monitoring Team;

    f. Participate as a member of the Mine Rehabilitation Fund (MRF) Committee;

    g. Receive social infrastructure and community development projects for the host and neighboring communities;

    h. Mediate between Indigenous Cultural Centers and Contractor(s) as may be requested;

    i. Coordinate with the Department and Bureau in implementing the Act and IRR, except that in areas covered by the

    Southern Philippines Council for Peace and Development, Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao and future similar

    units, their appropriate offices shall coordinate with the Department and Bureau; and

    j. Perform other powers and functions under applicable laws, rules, and regulations.7

    II. Scope of Application

    a) Areas Open to Mining

    Subject to any mining rights or reservations and prior agreements of all parties, all mineral resources in public or private lan

    shall be open to mineral agreements or financial or technical assistance agreement applications. Any conflict that may arise shall be

    heard and resolved by the panel of arbitrators.

    b) Areas Closed to Mining

    Mineral agreement or Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement Applications (FTAA) that shall not be allowed:

    i. In military and other government reservations, except upon prior written clearance by the government agency concerned;

    ii. Near or under public or private buildings, commentaries, archaeological and historic sites, bridges, highways, waterways,

    railroads, reservoirs, dams or other infrastructure projects, private or public works including plantations or valuable crops,

    except upon written consent of the government agency or private entity concerned and upon validation of the MGB;

    iii. In areas covered by valid and existing mining rights;

    iv. In areas expressly provided for by law;

    v. In areas covered by small-scale mining as defined by law unless prior consent of the small-scale miners, in which case a roya

    payment upon utilisation of minerals shall be agreed upon by the parties, and said royalty forming a trust fund for thesocioeconomic development of the community concerned;

    vi. Old growth or virgin forests, proclaimed watershed forest reserves, wilderness area, mangrove forests, mossy forests, natio

    parks, provincial/municipal forests, parks, greenbelts, game refuge and bird sanctuaries as defined by law and in areas expre

    prohibited under the National Integrated Protected Area System (NIPAS).

    7Section 8, DAO No. 96-40

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    Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (Republic Act No. 7942)

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    The following areas may be opened for mining applications, the approval of which is subject to certain conditions which are


    i. Areas covered by FTAA which shall be opened for quarry resources mining applications pursuant to RA 7942, Section 538up

    written consent of the FTAA applicants provided that, sand and gravel permit applications shall not require consent from th

    FTAA, Exploration Permit, or Mineral Agreement applicant, except for Mineral agreement or Exploration Permit applications

    covering sand, gravel, or alluvial gold and that the Director of the MGB shall formulate necessary guidelines to govern

    aforementioned provision;

    ii. DENR Project Areas upon prior consent from the concerned agency9; and

    iii. No ancestral land shall be opened for mining operations without prior consent of the indigenous cultural community conce

    III. Concept of Exploration

    a) Exploration Permit

    As exploration permit grants the right to conduct exploration for all minerals in specified areas. The MGB shall have theauthority to grant an exploration permit to a qualified person.


    Exploration activities may be directly undertaken by the DENR or by a qualified person in specified areas as determined by t

    Secretary of the DENR. However, the conduct of mineral exploration by a qualified person in all areas open to mining shall be initially

    undertaken through an exploration permit, subject to the provisions on the FTAA.

    In case an immediate technical study of an area is necessary, the DENR or any of its authorised agencies/instrumentalities, a

    exploration permit applicant may enter into a memorandum of agreement to jointly undertake the study.

    b) Section 3(aq) of RA No. 7942 is not Unconstitutional

    An exploration permit merely grants a qualified person the right to conduct exploration for all minerals in specified areas. A

    such, the permit does not amount to an authorisation to extract and carry off the mineral resources that may be discovered. Thus, th

    State risks nothing and loses nothing by granting the exploration permits to local or foreign firms. In fact, the State stands to gain from

    the data gathered in the exploration activities.

    In La Bugal-Blaan Tribal Association v. Ramos11

    , the Supreme Coured held that while the Constitution mandates the State to

    exercise full control and supervision over the exploitation of mineral resources, nowhere does it require the government to hold all

    exploration permits and similar authorisations. In fact, there is no prohibition at all against foreign or local corporations or contractor

    hold exploration permits.

    c) Persons Qualified to Apply for a Exploration Permit

    The qualifications are as follows:

    i. Any Filipino citizen of legal age and with capacity to contract;

    8A permit specifying the origin and quantity of non-processed mineral ores or minerals shall be required for their t ransport. Transport permits shall be issued by the mines regional dire

    who has jurisdiction over the area where the ores were extracted. In the case of mineral ores or minerals being transported f rom the small-scale mining areas to the custom mills or

    processing plants, the Provincial Mining Regulatory Board (PMRB) concerned shall formulate their own policies to govern such transport of ores produced by small-scale miners. The abs

    of a permit shall be considered asprimafacieevidence of illegal mining and shall be sufficient cause for the Government to confiscate the ores or minerals being transpor ted, the tools a

    equipment utilized, and the vehicle containing the same. Ore samples not exceeding two metric tons (2 m.t.) to be used exclusively for assay or pilot test purposes shall be exempted fro

    such requirement.9Section 15, Consolidated Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA No. 7942 (CIRR)

    10Section 20, RA No.7942

    11GR No. 127882, December 1, 2004, 445 SCRA 1

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    Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (Republic Act No. 7942)

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    ii. A Filipino-owned Corporation, Partnership, Association or Cooperative, at least sixty percent (60%) of the capital is

    owned by Filipino citizens, organized or authorized for the purpose of engaging in mining with technical and finan

    capability to undertake mineral resources development and duly registered in accordance with the law; or

    iii. A foreign-owned Corporation, Partnership, Association or Cooperative duly registered in accordance with law and

    which less than fifty percent (50%) of the capital is owned by Filipino citizens.

    d) Term of Exploration Permit

    The term of an exploration permit shall be for two (2) years from date of issuance, renewable for like periods but not exceed

    a total term of four (4) years for non-metallic mineral exploration or six (6) years for metallic mineral exploration, provided that the

    permitee has complied with the terms and conditions of the exploration permit and that the permitee has not been found guilty of

    violating the provisions of RA 7942 including its CIRR. Furthermore, the conduct of a feasibility study and filing of the declaration of

    mining project feasibility shall be undertaken during the term of the exploration permit.

    e) Transfer of Exploration Permit

    The exploration permit may to transferred or assigned to another person or entity who is qualified but subject to the approv

    of the Secretary of the DENR as provided for in Section 25, RA No.7942. Said provision is a safeguard from the permit from being

    transferred to another person or entity that might not be qualified and as such prevents the circumvention of the law.

    f) Maximum Area

    The maximum area that a qualified person or entity may hold at any time shall be:

    g) Rights and Obligations of the Permitee

    The permittee, his heirs or successors-in-interest shall have the right to enter, occupy and explore the permit area. If privat

    other parties are affected, the permittee shall first discuss with the said parties the extent, necessity, and manner of his entry, occupa

    and exploration and in case of disagreement, a panel of arbitrators shall resolve the conflict or disagreement.

    The permittee shall undertake an exploration work on the area as specified by its permit based on an approved work progra

    The permittee may apply for a mineral production sharing agreement, joint venture agreement, co-production agreement o

    financial or technical assistance agreement over the permit area, which application shall be granted if the permittee meets the necess

    qualifications and the terms and conditions of any such agreement. However the exploration period covered by the exploration perm

    shall be included as part of the exploration period of the mineral agreement or financial or technical assistance agreement.12

    12Section 23, RA 7942

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    h) Terms and Conditions of Exploration Permit

    An exploration permit shall contain the following terms and conditions:

    i. The right to explore shall be subject to valid, prior and existing rights of any party(ies) within the subject area;


    The Permit shall be for the exclusive use and benefit of the permittee or its duly authorized representative and,shall under no circumstances, be used by the permittee for purposes other than exploration;

    iii. The term of the Permit shall be for a period of two (2) years from date of issuance thereof, renewable for like

    periods but not to exceed a total term of six (6) years for nonmetallic minerals exploration or eight (8) years for

    metallic minerals exploration: Provided, that no renewal of Permit shall be allowed unless the permittee has

    complied with the terms and conditions of the Permit and has not been found guilty of violation of any provisio

    the Act and these implementing rules and regulations: Provided, further, that in cases where further exploratio

    warranted and on condition that the permittee has substantially implemented the Exploration and Environmen

    Work Programs as verified by the Bureau/concerned Regional Office, the Secretary may further grant renewal o

    the Exploration Permit: Provided, furthermore, that the permittee shall be required to set up a performance su

    equivalent to the expenditure requirement of the Exploration and Environmental Work Programs: Provided, fin

    That the conduct of feasibility studies shall be included during the term of the Exploration Permit;


    The permittee shall submit to the Bureau/concerned Regional Office within thirty (30) calendar days after the eof each semester a report under oath of the Exploration Work Program implementation and expenditures show

    discrepancies/deviations including the results of the survey, labouratory reports, geological reports/maps subje

    to semi-annual inspection and verification by the Bureau/concerned Regional Office at the expense of the

    permittee: Provided, That any expenditure in excess of the yearly budget of the approved Exploration Work

    Program may be carried forward and credited to the succeeding years covering the duration of the Permit;

    v. The permittee shall submit to the Bureau/concerned Regional Office within thirty (30) calendar days from the e

    of six (6) months after the approval of the Environmental Work Program (EWP) and every six (6) months therea

    a status report on its compliance with the said EWP;

    vi. The permittee shall annually relinquish at least 20% of the permit area during the first two (2) years of explorat

    and at least 10% of the remaining permit area annually during the extended exploration period. However, if the

    permit area is less than five thousand (5,000) hectares, the permittee need not relinquish any part thereof. A

    separate report of relinquishment shall be submitted to the Bureau/concerned Regional Office with a detailedgeologic report of the relinquished area accompanied by maps at a scale of 1:50,000 and results of analyses and

    corresponding expenditures, among others. The minimum exploration expenditures for the remaining area afte

    relinquishment shall be based on the approved Exploration Work Program;

    vii. The Secretary of the DENR or his/her duly authorized representative shall annually review the performance of t


    viii. The permittee shall submit to the Bureau/concerned Regional Office a final report upon the expiration or

    relinquishment of the Permit or its conversion into Mineral Agreement or FTAA in a form and substance

    comparable to published reports of respected international organizations and shall incorporate all the findings

    the permit area, including locations of samples, assays, chemical analyses and assessment of the mineral potent

    Such report shall include complete detailed expenditures incurred during the exploration;

    ix. In case of diamond dri lling, the permittee shall, upon request of the Director/concerned Regional Director, subm

    to the Bureau/concerned Regional Office a quarter of the core samples which shall be deposited in theBureau/concerned Regional Office Core Library for reference and safekeeping;

    x. Offshore exploration activities shall be carried out in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law

    the Sea (UNCLOS) and in a manner that will not adversely affect the safety of navigation at sea and will ensure

    accommodation with other marine activities such as fishing, aquaculture, transportation, etc.;

    xi. Onshore exploration activities shall be carried out in a manner that will, at all times, safeguard the environment

    xii. If the permittee applies for a Mineral Agreement or FTAA over the permit area, the exploration period covered

    the Exploration Permit shall be considered as the exploration period of the Mineral Agreement or FTAA;

    xiii. The permittee shall comply with pertinent provisions of the Act and these implementing rules and regulations;

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    xiv. Other terms and conditions which the Bureau/concerned Regional Office may deem appropriate.13

    i) Registration of Exploration Permit

    Upon evaluation that all the terms and conditions and all pertinent requirements are in order and that the subject area has

    been cleared from any conflict, the Director shall approve and issue the Exploration Permit, and the permittee shall cause the registra

    of the same to the Bureau/Regional Office concerned within fifteen (15) working days from receipt of the written notice and upon

    payment of the required fees provided, that if all the mandatory and other requirements have been complied with and the Exploratio

    Permit application is still awaiting approval five (5) months after its date of filing, the said Exploration Permit application, upon

    submission of an affidavit by the applicant attesting to the full compliance with all the pertinent requirements, shall be deemed appro

    and the Director of the MGB shall issue the Exploration Permit within five (5) working days from receipt of said affidavit, for registratio

    and release. This is without prejudice to the DENR undertaking the necessary investigation to determine any liability as to the non-

    issuance of the Exploration Permit within the prescribed period. Furthermore, the permittee shall comply with the required consultat

    with the Sanggunian concerned pursuant to the pertinent provisions of RA No. 7160, The Local Government Code, prior to the

    implementation of the Exploration Work Program.14

    j) Exploration Permit Revokable

    The exploration, development and utilization of the countrys natural mineral resources are matters impressed with great

    public interest. Like timber permits, mining exploration permits do not vest in the grantee any permanent or irrevocable right within

    purview of the non-impairment of contract and due process clauses of the Constitution, since the State, under its all-encompassing po

    power, may alter, modify or amend the same, in accordance with the demands of the general welfare.15

    A mining license, being a mere privilege, does not vest absolute rights in the holder. Thus, without offending the due proce

    and the non-impairment clauses of the Constitution, it can be revoked by the State in the public interest.16


    What is a Mineral Agreement?

    A Mineral Agreement is an agreement between a Contractor and the Government wherein the Government grants to the Contractor

    exclusive right to conduct mining operations within, but not title over, the contract area. Mining operations that are allowed under Min

    Agreements include development/construction and utilization of mineral resources including the continuance of exploration works during

    conduct of development/construction/utilization activities. Mineral Agreements are classified into:

    1) Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) - a mineral agreement wherein Government shares in the production of

    Contractor, whether in kind or in value, as owner of the minerals. In return, the Contractor shall provide the necessary financ

    technology, management and personnel for the mining project.

    2) Co-Production Agreement (CA) - a mineral agreement wherein the Government provides inputs to the mining operations other t

    the mineral resources; and

    3) Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) - a mineral agreement wherein the Government and the Contractor organize a joint venture comp

    with both parties having equity shares. For its share, the Government is entitled to a share in the gross output of the mining pro

    aside from its earnings in the equity of the company.

    Who is qualified to apply for a Mineral Agreement?

    The following Qualified Person may apply for a Mineral Agreement:

    13Section 22, CIRR, as amended by Section 4, DAO No. 99-57, Section 3, DAO No. 2003-46 and further by Sections 5 and 6, DAO No. 2005-15

    14Section 23, CIRR, as amended by Section 7, DAO No. 2005--15

    15Southeast Mindanao Gold Mining Corporation v. Balite Portal Mining Cooperative, G.R. No. 135190, April 3, 2002, 380 SCRA 145

    16Republic of the Philippines v. Rosemoor Mining and Development Corporation, G.R. No. 149927, March 30, 2004, 426 SCRA 517

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    (1) Individual - a Filipino citizen of legal age and with capacity to contract; or

    (2) Corporation, Partnership, Association or Cooperative - organized or authorized for the purpose of engaging in mining,

    registered in accordance with law, at least sixty percent (60%) of the capital of which is owned by Filipino citizens.

    How much area is granted for a Mineral Agreement?

    Each Qualified Person is limited to the following maximum size of area17

    to apply for or hold at any one time under a Mineral Agreem

    I. Onshore

    2. For metallic minerals

    Individual - Eight Hundred Ten (810) hectares

    Corporation/ Partnership/ Association/Cooperative - Five Thousand (5,000) hectares

    3. For non-metallic minerals except for those in item nos. 3, 4, and 5

    Individual - Eight Hundred Ten (810) hectares

    Corporation/ Partnership/ Association/Cooperative - Two Thousand (2,000) hectares

    4. For sand and gravel

    Individual - Twenty (20) hectares

    Corporation/ Partnership/ Association/Cooperative - Fifty (50) hectares

    4. For marble, granite and construction aggregates

    Individual - Fifty (50) hectares

    Corporation/ Partnership/ Association/Cooperative - One Hundred (100) hectares

    5. For cement raw materials such as limestone, shale and limestone

    Individual - Five Hundred (500) hectares

    Corporation/ Partnership/ Association/Cooperative - One Thousand (1000) hectares

    II. Offshore

    1. For metallic minerals - Five Thousand (5,000) hectares


    For non-metallic minerals - Two Thousand (2,000) hectares

    What is the term of a Mineral Agreement?

    A Mineral Agreement shall have a term not exceeding twenty-five (25) years from the date of its execution, and renewable for ano

    term not exceeding twenty-five (25) years under the same terms and conditions, without prejudice to changes mutually agreed upon by

    Government and the Contractor.

    17Section 28, Chapter V, RA 7942

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    After the 50 year term of the Mineral Agreement, the operation of the mine may be undertaken by the Government or throug

    Contractor. The contract for the operation of a mine will be awarded to the highest bidder in a public bidding after due publication of the no

    thereof. However, the original Contractor shall have the right to equal the highest bid upon reimbursement of all reasonable expenses of

    highest bidder18


    What are the mandatory requirements


    in the acceptance of an MPSA application?

    An MPSA application shall be filed in the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Regional Office (RO) concerned, for mineral and

    mineral reservation areas, using the prescribed form (MGB Form No. 06-1) through payment of the filing fee and submission of five (5) sets of

    following mandatory requirements:

    a. For an individual

    Location map/sketch plan of the proposed contract area showing its geographic coordinates/meridional block(s) and boundarie

    relation to major environmental features and other projects using a NAMRIA topographic map in a scale of 1:50,000 duly prepa

    signed and sealed by a deputized Geodetic Engineer;

    Three-year Development/Utilization Work Program (MGB Form No. 6-2) duly prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed Mining Engin

    or Geologist;

    Proof of technical competence, including, among others, curricula vitae and track records in mining operations and environme

    management of the technical personnel who shall undertake the activities in accordance with the submitted Development/Utiliza

    Work Program;

    Proof of financial capability to undertake the activities pursuant to the Development/Utilization Work Program, such as a copy of

    income tax return for the preceding year and proof of bank deposit or credit line in the amount of at least Two Million Five Hund

    Thousand Pesos (PhP2,500,000.00);

    Mining Project Feasibility Study (MGB Form No. 5-3); and

    Complete and final exploration report pertaining to the area.

    b) For a corporation, partnership, association or cooperative -

    Duly certified Certificate of Registration, Articles of Incorporation/Partnership/Association and By-Laws issued by the Securities Exchange Commission or authorized Government agency concerned, or Certification from the Bureau/Regional Office concerned that

    said documents are duly registered in that Office;

    Location map/sketch plan of the proposed contract area showing its geographic coordinates/meridional block(s) and boundarie

    relation to major environmental features and other projects using a NAMRIA topographic map in a scale of 1:50,000 duly prepa

    signed and sealed by a deputized Geodetic Engineer;

    Three-year Development/Utilization Work Program (MGB Form No. 6-2) duly prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed Mining Engin

    or Geologist;

    Proof of technical competence, including, among others, curricula vitae and track records in mining operations and environme

    management of the technical personnel who shall undertake the activities in accordance with the submitted Development/Utiliza

    Work Program;

    Proof of financial capability to undertake the activities pursuant to the Development/Utilization Work Program, such as latest aud

    financial statement and, where applicable, Annual Report for the preceding year, credit line(s), bank guarantee(s) and/or sim

    negotiable instruments;

    Affidavit of Undertaking for corporation, partnership, association or cooperatives (Annex A of DENR Memorandum Order No. 99


    18Section 32, Chapter V, RA 7942

    19Primer on Application for Mineral Agreements (

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    5. The list of applications filed and the Mining Permit(s)/Contract(s) granted to the applicants, including the correspon

    hectarage and location of the areas, disaggregated on a per province basis; and

    6. The list of other Applicant(s)/Contractor(s)/Permittee(s) in which more than seventy percent (70%) of the authorized ca

    stock is held by stockholders of the applicant, including the corresponding hectarage, disaggregated on a per province basis

    Mining Project Feasibility Study (MGB Form No. 5-3); and

    Complete and final exploration report pertaining to the area.

    c. For holders of valid and existing mining lease contracts, operating agreements, Quarry Permits/licenses or unperfected mining/quarry cla

    the following are additional requirements to the above requirements, whenever applicable:

    Certification from the Regional Office concerned that the mining/quarry claims are valid and subsisting;

    Appropriate environmental report on the rehabilitation of mined-out and/or mine waste/tailings-covered areas and anti-pollu

    measures undertaken during the mining operations;

    Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for any new phase outside of the originally approved operation under the mining project;

    Mining Project Feasibility Study (MGB Form No. 5-3): Provided, That a Mineral Agreement applicant with existing mining operation

    submit, in lieu of the Mining Project Feasibility Study, a Project Description and a detailed financial statement of its operat

    incorporating therein the social and environmental expenditures, taxes and fees paid (MGB Form No. 5-3A); and

    Approved survey plan of the mining area.

    Please note that any application with incomplete mandatory requirements shall not be accepted.

    What are the other additional requirements after an MPSA application is filed?

    The following additional requirements shall be submitted after the acceptance of the application but prior to the issuance of the Min


    Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC);

    Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program(MGB Form No. 16-2);

    Certificate of Environmental Management and Community Relations Record (CEMCRR)/Certificate of Exemption and Approved su


    Certification Precondition from the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples attesting that

    a. The proposed permit area does not overlap any ancestral land/domain claim in case of non-Indigenous People

    area; or

    b. The Free and Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) has been issued by the Indigenous Cultural Community (ICC


    For OFFSHORE applications, the following additional requirements shall be submitted:

    Name, port of registry, tonnage, type and class of survey vessel(s) or platform(s). If a foreign vessel is to be used, the expected dat

    first entry or appearance and final departure of the survey vessel shall be provided and the necessary clearances obtained

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    A certification from the Coast and Geodetic Survey Department of NAMRIA that the proposed Exploration Work Program was

    registered to provide update in the publication of Notice to Mariners together with a list of safety measures to be regularly underta

    to ensure the safety of navigation at sea and prevent accident

    An agreement to:

    1. Properly identify all installations, vessels and other crafts involved in exploration recognizable to all vessels wi

    reasonable distance;

    2. Notify the Bureau 30 calendar days prior to the intention to remove all scientific installations or equipment

    apparatus; and

    3. Allow the Bureaus authorized personnel, the Philippine Coast Guard and other authorized persons during reason

    hours to board the vessel(s) while within the Exclusive Economic Zone.

    Other supporting documents that may be required by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau.


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    What is a financial or technical assistance agreement (FTAA)?

    A Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement may be entered into between a Contractor and the Government for the large-s

    exploration, development and utilization of gold, copper, nickel, chromite, lead, zinc and other minerals except for cement raw materials, margranite, sand and gravel and construction aggregates.

    Who is qualified to apply for an FTAA?

    The following Qualified Person may apply for an FTAA:

    (a) Any Filipino citizen of legal age and with capacity to contract;

    (b) A Filipino-owned Corporation, Partnership, Association or Cooperative, at least sixty percent (60%) of the capital is owned by Fili

    citizens, organized or authorized for the purpose of engaging in mining with technical and financial capability to undertake min

    resources development and duly registered in accordance with the law; or


    A Foreign-owned Corporation, Partnership, Association or Cooperative duly registered in accordance with law and in which less tfifty percent (50%) of the capital is owned by Filipino citizens.

    How much area is granted for an FTAA?

    The maximum FTAA contract areas20

    that may be applied for or granted per Qualified Person in the entire Philippines are the following:

    a. One thousand (1,000) meridional blocks or approximately eighty-one thousand (81,000) hectares onshore,

    b. Four thousand (4,000) meridional blocks or approximately three hundred twenty-four thousand (324,000) hectares offshore or

    c. Combination of one thousand (1,000) meridional blocks onshore and four thousand (4,000) meridional blocks offshore.

    What is the term of an FTAA?

    An FTAA has a term of twenty-five (25) years from the date of its issuance, and renewable for another term not exceeding twenty

    (25) years. The following are the phase of mining operations of an FTAA:

    a. Exploration - up to two (2) years from date of FTAA execution, extendible for another two (2) years;

    b. Pre-feasibility study, if warranted - up to two (2) years from expiration of the exploration period;

    c. Feasibility study - up to two (2) years from the expiration of the exploration/prefeasibility study period or from declaration of mi

    project feasibility; and

    d. Development, construction and utilization - remaining years of FTAA.

    What are the mandatory requirements21

    in the acceptance of an FTAA application?

    An FTAA application shall be filed in the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB)

    Regional Office (RO) concerned, for mineral and non-mineral reservation areas, using the prescribed form (MGB Form No. 07-1) through paym

    of the filing fee and submission of eight (8) sets of the FTAA proposal and five (5) sets of the following:

    20Section 34, Chapter 6, RA 7942

    21Primer on Application for Financial and Technical Assistance Agreement (

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    a. Upon filing of the application, the following mandatory requirements

    Duly certified Certificate of Registration, Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws issued by the Securities and Exchange Commissio

    authorized Government agency(ies) concerned, or Certification from the Bureau/Regional Office concerned that the said documents

    duly registered in that Office;

    Location map/sketch plan of the proposed contract area showing its geographic coordinates/meridional block(s) and boundarie

    relation to major environmental features and other projects using a NAMRIA topographic map in a scale of 1:50,000 duly prepa

    signed and sealed by a deputized Geodetic Engineer;

    Two-year Exploration Work Program (MGB Form No. 5-4) duly prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed Mining Engineer or Geologis

    Proof of technical competence, including, among others, curricula vitae and track records in mining operations and environme

    management of the technical personnel who shall undertake the activities in accordance with the submitted Exploration Work Progra

    Proof of financial capability to undertake the activities pursuant to the Exploration Work Program, such as latest audited fina

    statement and, where applicable, Annual Report for the preceding year, credit line(s), bank guarantee(s) and/or similar negoti

    instruments; and

    Affidavit of Undertaking pursuant to DMO No. 99-10, as amended, declaring:

    1. The list of applications he/she/it has filed and the Mining Permit(s)/Contract(s) granted to him/her/it including

    corresponding hectarage and location of the areas, disaggregated on a per province basis; and

    2. The list of other Applicant(s)/Contractor(s)/Permittee(s) in which more than seventy percent (70%) of the authorized ca

    stock is held by stockholders of the applicant, including the corresponding hectarage, disaggregated on a per province ba

    Note: Any application with incomplete mandatory requirements shall not be accepted.

    b. After the acceptance of the application but prior to the approval of the FTAA:

    Posting of financial guarantee/performance bond and letter of credit or other forms of negotiable instruments from any Governmaccredited bonding company or financial institution, in favor of the Government upon notification by the Secretary, which shall be in

    foreign currency negotiable with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas or in Philippine Peso in such amount equivalent to the expendi

    obligations of the applicant for any year;

    Certificate of Environmental Management and Community Relations Record (CEMCRR)/Certificate of Exemption;

    Environmental Work Program (MGB Form No. 16-1 or MGB Form No. 16-1A);

    Approved survey plan;

    Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC);

    Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program(MGB Form No. 16-2);

    Social Development and Management Program;

    For OFFSHORE applications, the following additional requirements shall be submitted:

    Name, port of registry, tonnage, type and class of survey vessel(s) or platform(s) . If a foreign vessel is to be used, the expected dat

    first entry or appearance and final departure of the survey vessel shall be provided and the necessary clearances obtained;

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    A certification from the Coast and Geodetic Survey Department of NAMRIA that the proposed Exploration Work Program was

    registered to provide update in the publication of Notice to Mariners together with a list of safety measures to regularly undertake

    ensure the safety of navigation at sea and prevent accident;

    An agreement to:

    1. Properly identify all installations, vessels and other crafts involved in exploration recognizable to all vessels wi

    reasonable distance;

    2. Notify the Bureau 30 calendar days prior to the intention to remove all scientific installations or equipment

    apparatus; and

    3. Allow the Bureaus authorized personnel, the Philippine Coast Guard and other authorized persons during reasona

    hours to board the vessel(s) while within the Exclusive Economic Zone.

    Certification Precondition from the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples attesting that

    a. The proposed permit area does not overlap any ancestral land/domain claim in case of non-Indigenous People

    area; or

    b. The Free and Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) has been issued by the Indigenous Cultural Community (ICC


    Other supporting documents that may be required by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau.

    c. After the approval of the FTAA but prior to registration - An authorized capital of at least Four Million U.S. Dollars (US$4,000,000.00) o

    Philippine Peso equivalent; and

    d. In support of the application for approval of the declaration of mining project feasibility

    Mining Project Feasibility Study;

    Three (3)-Year Development/Utilization Work Program;

    Proof of technical competence, including, among others, curricula vitae and track records in mining operations and environme

    management of the technical personnel who shall undertake the activities in accordance with the submitted Development/Utiliza

    Work Program; and;

    Proof of financial capability to undertake the activities pursuant to the Development/Utilization Work Program, such as latest aud

    financial statement and where applicable, Annual Report for the preceding year, credit line(s), bank guarantee(s) and/or sim

    negotiable instruments.

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    What are quarrying resources?

    Quarrying resources are any common rock or other mineral substances as the Director of Mines and Geosciences Bureau may declar

    be quarry resources such as, but not limited to, andesite, basalt, conglomerate, coral sand, diatomaceous earth, diorite, decorative stones, gabgranite, limestone, marble, marl, red burning clays for potteries and bricks, rhyolite, rock phosphate, sandstone, serpentine, shale, tuff, volc

    cinders, and volcanic glass: Provided, that such quarry resources do not contain metals or metallic constituents and/or other valuable minera

    economically workable quantities: Provided, further, That non-metallic minerals such as kaolin, feldspar, bull quartz, quartz or silica, sand

    pebbles, bentonite, talc, asbestos, barite, gypsum, bauxite, magnesite, dolomite, mica, precious and semi-precious stones, and other non-met

    minerals that may later be discovered and which the Director declares the same to be of economically workable quantities, shall not be classi

    under the category of quarry resources22


    What is a Quarrying Permit?

    A quarry permit is a document granted to a qualified person for the extraction and utilization of quarry resources on public or pri



    Who is qualified to apply for a Quarrying Permit?

    Any qualified person may apply.

    How much area is granted for a Quarrying Permit?

    The maximum area which a qualified person may hold at any one time shall be five hectares (5 has).

    A large-scale quarry operation, including a sand and gravel operation, during the development/construction/operating period under t

    mineral agreement, shall involve a mechanized operation and a final mining area not exceeding the following:

    a. For sand and gravel

    IndividualTwenty (20) hectares

    Corporation/ Partnership/ Association/CooperativeFifty (50) hectares

    b. For marble, granite, and/or construction aggregates

    IndividualEighty-one (81) hectares

    Corporation/ Partnership/ Association/CooperativeTwo-hundred forty-three (243) hectares

    c. For cement raw materials such as limestone, shale and silica

    IndividualFour-hundred eighty-six (486) hectares

    Corporation/ Partnership/ Association/CooperativeOne thousand four hundred fifty-eight (1,458) hectares

    What is the term of a Quarrying Permit?

    A quarry permit shall have a term of five (5) years, renewable for like periods but not to exceed a total term of twenty-five (25) years.

    22Section 3(at) Chapter 1, RA 7942

    23Section 3(as) Chapter 1, RA 7942

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    * No quarry permit shall be issued or granted on any area covered by a mineral agreement, or financial or technical assista



    A permit specifying the origin and quantity of non-processed mineral ores or minerals shall be required for their transport.

    The mines regional director, who has jurisdiction over the area where the ores were extracted, has the authority to issue transpo


    The Provincial Mining Regulatory Board concerned shall formulate their own policies to govern such transport of ores produced b

    small-scale miners, in the case of mineral ores or minerals being transported from the small-scale mining acres to the custom mi

    processing plants.

    The absence of a permit shall be aprima facie evidence of illegal mining and shall be sufficient cause for the government to

    confiscate the ores or minerals being transported, the tools, and equipment utilized, and the vehicle containing the same.

    Ore samples not exceeding two metric tons to be used exclusively for assay or pilot test purposes shall be exempted from suchrequirement.



    No person shall engage in the trading of mineral products, either locally or internationally, unless registered with the Department of

    Trade and Industry and accredited by the Department, with a copy of said registration submitted to the Bureau.25


    No person shall engage in the processing of minerals without first securing a minerals processing permit from the Secretary,

    Minerals processing permit shall be for a period of five (5) years renewable for same periods but not to exceed a total term of

    twenty-five (25) years.

    A foreign-owned or controlled corporation may be granted a mineral processing permit.26


    All contractors and permittees shall strictly comply with all the mines safety rules and regulations concerning the safe and sanitary

    upkeep of the mining operations and achieve waste-free and efficient mine development9

    Mine Labour: No person under 16 years of age shall be employed in any phase of mining operations and no person under 18 years of

    shall be employed underground in a mine27

    Powers of the Regional Director:

    4. Conduct mines inspection

    5. Issue orders requiring the contractor to remedy any practice connected with mining or quarrying operat

    which is not in accordance with safety and anti-pollution laws and regulations

    24Sec. 53, RA No. 7942

    25Sec. 54, RA No. 7942

    26Sec. 55, RA No. 7942

    27Sec. 64, RA No. 7942

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    6. Power to summarily suspend the mining or quarrying operations in case of imminent danger to life or


    Every contractor shall undertake an environmental protection and enhancement program covering the period of the mineral agreeme

    or permit. Such environmental program shall be incorporated in the work program which the contractor or permittee shall submit as

    accompanying document to the application for a mineral agreement or permit.

    Contents of the Work Program

    3. plans relative to mining operations

    4. rehabilitation, regeneration, revegetation and reforestation of mineralized areas

    5. slope stabilization of mined-out and tailings covered areas, aquaculture, watershed developm

    and water conservation; and,

    6. socioeconomic development

    Need to procure an ECC, after submission of an EIA, except during the exploration period of a mineral agreement or FTAA Requirement of rehabilitation.


    the grant of auxiliary mining rights is merely incidental or necessary for the mining operation of a contractor. It is, however, subj

    to forestry and water laws, rules and regulations. Under RA 7942 such auxiliary mining rights are timber and water rights.

    Timber rights

    A contractor may be granted a right to cut trees or timber within his mining area as may be necessary for his mining operations

    subject to forestry laws, rules and regulations. The mines regional director has the authority to determine the volume of the timb

    needed and the manner of cutting and removal thereof if in an instance where the land covered by the mining area is alreadycovered by existing timber concessions. Such authority vested with the mines regional director should be coupled with consultat

    with the contractor, the timber concessionaire/permittee and the Forest Management of the Bureau of the Department.

    Furthermore, when disagreement arises between the contractor and the timber concessionaire, the matter shall be submitted to

    the Secretary whose decision shall be final. The contractor shall perform reforestation work within his mining area in accordance

    with forestry laws, rules and regulations.29

    Water rights

    A contractor shall be granted water rights for mining operations upon approval of the application thereof with the appropriate

    government agency in accordance with existing water laws, rules, and regulations. Those water rights which were already grante

    vested through long use, recognized and acknowledge by local customs, laws, and decisions f courts shall not be impaired. The

    Government reserves the right to regulate water rights and the reasonable and equitable distribution of water supply so as to

    prevent the monopoly of the use thereof.30

    Right to possess explosives

    28Sec. 67, RA No. 7942

    29Sec. 72, RA No. 7942

    30Sec. 73, RA No. 7942

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    A contractor or exploration permittee shall have the right to possess and use explosives within his contract or permit area as may

    necessary for his mining operations upon approval of the application thereof with the appropriate government agency. The

    Government reserves the right to regulate and control the explosive accessories to ensure safe mining operations.31

    Easement rights

    When mining areas are so situated that for purposes of more convenient mining operations it is necessary to build, construct or

    install on the mining area or lands owned, occupied or leased by other persons, such as infrastructure as roads, railroads, mills,

    waste dump sites, tailing ponds, warehouses, staging or storage areas and port facilities, tramways, runways, airports, electric

    transmission, telephone or telegraph lines, dams and their normal flood and catchment areas, sites for water wells, ditches, cana

    new river beds, pipelines, flumes, cuts, shafts, tunnels, or mills, the contractor upon payment of just compensation shall be entit

    to enter and occupy said mining areas or lands.32

    Entry into Private Lands and Concession Areas

    Subject to prior notification, holders of mining rights shall not be prevented from entry into private lands and concession areas b

    surface owners, occupant, or concessionaires when conducting mining operations therein. Any damage done to the property of t

    surface owner, occupant, or concessionaire as a consequence of such operations shall be properly compensated as may be provi

    for in the implementing rules and regulations. In order to guarantee such compensation, the person authorized to conduct mininoperation shall, prior thereto, post a bond with the regional director based on the type of properties, the prevailing prices in and

    around the area where the mining operations are to be conducted, with surety satisfactory to the regional directors.33

    I. Government Share

    a. Government Share in Mineral Production Sharing Agreement

    The total government share in a mineral production sharing agreement shall be the excise tax on mineral product

    provided in Republic Act No. 7729, amending Section 151(a) of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended.

    b. Government Share in Other Mineral Agreements

    The share of the government in co-production and joint-venture agreements shall be negotiated by the governmeand the contractor taking into consideration the following:

    i. Capital investment of the project;

    ii. Risks involved;

    iii. Contribution of the project to the economy; and

    iv. Other factors that will provide for a fair and equitable sharing between the government and the contrac

    The government shall also be entitled to compensations for its other contributions which shall be agreed upon by

    parties, and shall consist, among other things, the contractor's foreign stockholders arising from dividend or interest payme

    to the said foreign stockholders, in case of a foreign national, and all such other taxes, duties and fees as provided for underexisting laws.

    The Government shares in financial or technical assistance agreement shall consist of, among other things, the

    contractor's corporate income tax, excise tax, special allowance, withholding tax due from the contractor's foreign stockhold

    arising from dividend or interest payments to the said foreign stockholder in case of a foreign nation al and all such other ta

    duties and fees as provided for under existing laws.

    31Sec. 74, RA No. 7942

    32Sec. 75, RA No. 7942

    33Sec. 76, RA No. 7942

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    The collection of Government share in financial or technical assistance agreement shall commence after the finan

    or technical assistance agreement contractor has fully recovered its pre-operating expenses, exploration, and development

    expenditures, inclusive.

    II. Incentives

    a. Fiscal and Non-Fiscal Incentives

    The contractors in Mineral Agreements and FTAAs shall be entitled to the applicable fiscal and non-fiscal incentive

    provided for under Executive Order No. 226, otherwise known as the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987, provided that,

    holders of exploration permits may register with the Board of Investments and be entitled to the fiscal incentives granted u

    the said Code for the duration of the permits or extensions thereof. Provided, further, that mining activities shall always be

    included in the investment priorities plan.

    b. Incentives for Pollution Control Devices

    Pollution control devices acquired, constructed or installed by contractors shall not be considered as improvemen

    on the land or building where they are placed, and shall not be subject to real property and other taxes or assessments,

    provided however that, payment of mine wastes and tailings fees is not exempted.

    c. Investment Guarantees

    The contractor shall be entitled to the basic rights and guarantees provided in the Constitution and such other righ

    recognised by the government as enumerated hereunder:

    i. Repatriation of investments - The right to repatriate the entire proceeds of the l iquidation of the foreign

    investment in the currency in which the investment was originally made and at the exchange rate preva

    at the time of repatriation.

    ii. Remittance of earnings - The right to remit earnings from the investment in the currency in which the

    foreign investment was originally made and at the exchange rate prevailing at the time of remittance.

    iii. Foreign loans and contracts - The right to remit at the exchange rate prevailing at the time of remittance

    such sums as may be necessary to meet the payments of interest and principal on foreign loans and fore

    obligations arising from financial or technical assistance contracts.

    iv. Freedom from expropriation - The right to be free from expropriation by the Government of the propert

    represented by investments or loans, or of the property of the enterprise except for public use or in the

    interest of national welfare or defense and upon payment of just compensation. In such cases, foreign

    investors or enterprises shall have the right to remit sums received as compensation for the expropriate

    property in the currency in which the investment was originally made and at the exchange rate prevailin

    the time of remittance.

    v. Confidentiality - Any confidential information supplied by the contractor pursuant to this Act and its

    implementing rules and regulations shall be treated as such by the Department and the Government, an

    during the term of the project to which it relates.

    III. Grounds for Cancellation, Revocation and Termination

    a. Late or non-filing of requirements

    Failure of the permittee or contractor to comply with any of the requirements provided in this RA 7941 or in its

    implementing rules and regulations, without a valid reason, shall be sufficient ground from the suspension of any permit or

    agreement provided under this RA 7942.

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    b. Violation of the terms and conditions of permits or agreements

    Violations of the terms and conditions of the permits or agreements shall be a sufficient ground for cancellation of

    the same.

    c. Non-payment of taxes and fees

    Failure to pay the taxes and fees due the Government for two (2) consecutive years shall cause the cancellation of

    exploration permit, mineral agreement, financial or technical assistance agreement and other agreements and the re-openi

    of the area subject thereof to new applicants.

    d. Suspension or Cancellation of Tax Incentives and Credits

    Failure to abide by the terms and conditions of tax incentives and credits shall cause the suspension or cancellatio

    said incentives and credits.

    e. Falsehood or Omission of Facts in the Statement

    All statements made in the exploration permit, mining agreement and financial or technical assistance shall beconsidered as conditions and essential parts thereof and any falsehood in said statements or omission of facts therein which

    may alter, change or affect substantially the facts set forth in said statements may cause the revocation and termination of t

    exploration permit, mining agreement and financial or technical assistance agreement.

    IV. Settlement of Conflicts

    a. Panel of Arbitrators

    There shall be a panel of arbitrators in the regional office of the DENR composed of three (3) members, two (2) of

    whom must be members of the Philippine Bar in good standing and one a licensed mining engineer or a professional in a

    related field, and duly designated by the Secretary of the DENR as recommended by the MGB Director. Those designated a

    members of the panel shall serve as such in addition to their work in the DENR without receiving any additional compensati

    As much as practicable, said members shall come from the different bureaus of the DENR in the region. The presiding officethereof shall be selected by the drawing of lots. His tenure as presiding officer shall be on a yearly basis. The members of t

    panel shall perform their duties and obligations in hearing and deciding cases until their designation is withdrawn or revoke

    the Secretary. Within thirty (30) working days, after the submission of the case by the parties for decision, the panel shall h

    exclusive and original jurisdiction to hear and decide on the following:

    i. Disputes involving rights to mining areas;

    ii. Disputes involving mineral agreements or permits;

    iii. Disputes involving surface owners, occupants and claimholders/concessionaires; and

    iv. Disputes pending before the MAB and the DENR at the date of the effectivity of RA 7942.

    1. Mining Dispute

    The settlement of conflicts referred in the provisions in RA 7942 involves rights to mining areas,

    mineral agreements, FTAAs, or permits, and those involving surface owners, occupants and claim-

    holders/concessionaires. The panel of arbitrators has exclusive and original jurisdiction to hear and decide o

    aforementioned disputes. However, the panels jurisdiction is limited only to mining disputes which raise a

    question of fact or matters requiring the application of technological knowledge and experience.

    2. Appellate Jurisdiction

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    The decision or order of the panel of arbitrators may be appealed by the party not satisfied thereto

    the Mines Adjudication Board within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof which must decide the case within

    thirty (30) days from submission thereof for decision.

    b. Mines Adjudication Board (MAB)

    The MAB shall be composed of three (3) members. The Secretary of the DENR shall be the chairman with the Dire

    of MGB and the Undersecretary for Operations of the DENR as members thereof. The Board shall have the following power

    and functions:

    i. To promulgate rules and regulations governing the hearing and disposition of cases before it, as well as those

    pertaining to its internal functions, and such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out its functions;

    ii. To administer oaths, summon the parties to a controversy, issue subpoenas requiring the attendance and testimo

    of witnesses or the production of such books, papers, contracts, records, statement of accounts, agreements, and

    other documents as may be material to a just determination of the matter under investigation, and to testify in an

    investigation or hearing conducted in pursuance of this RA 7942;


    To conduct hearings on all matters within its jurisdiction, proceed to hear and determine the disputes in the absen

    of any party thereto who has been summoned or served with notice to appear, conduct its proceedings or any par

    thereof in public or in private, adjourn its hearings at any time and place, refer technical matters or accounts to an

    expert and to accept his report as evidence after hearing of the parties upon due notice, direct parties to be joined

    or excluded from the proceedings, correct, amend, or waive any error, defect or irregularity, whether in substance

    in form, give all such directions as it may deem necessary or expedient in the determination of the dispute before

    and dismiss the mining dispute as part thereof, where it is trivial or where further proceedings by the Board are no

    necessary or desirable:

    1. To hold any person in contempt, directly or indirectly, and impose appropriate penalti

    therefor; and


    To enjoin any or all acts involving or arising from any case pending before it which, if nrestrained forthwith, may cause grave or irreparable damage to any of the parties to t

    case or seriously affect social and economic stability.

    In any proceeding before the Board, the rules of evidence prevailing in courts of law or equity shall not be controll

    and it is the spirit and intention of this Act that shall govern. The MAB shall use all reasonable means to ascertain the facts i

    each case speedily and objectively and without regard to technicalities of law or procedure, all in the interest of due process

    any proceeding before the MAB, the parties may be represented by legal counsel. The findings of fact of the MAB shall be

    conclusive and binding on the parties and its decision or order shall be final and executory.

    A petition for review by certiorari and question of law may be filed by the aggrieved party with the Supreme Court

    within thirty (30) days from receipt of the order or decision of the Board.

    1. Adjudication of Mining Cases an Administrative Matter

    The Supreme Court has recognised a distinction between the primary powers granted by pertinent

    provisions of law of an executive or administrative nature, such as granting of license, permits, lease, or

    approving, rejecting, reinstating or cancelling applications, or deciding conflicting applications and controvers

    or disagreements of civil or contractual nature between litigants which are questions of a judicial nature that

    may be adjudicated only by courts of justice. Hence, findings of fact by the MAB, which exercises appellate

    jurisdiction over decisions or orders of the panel of arbitrators, shall be conclusive and binding on parties, an

    decision or order shall be final and executor. However, resort to the appropriate court, through a petition fo

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    review by certiorari, involving questions of law may be made within thirty (30) days from receipt of the order

    decision of the MAB.

    2. MAB has no Jurisdiction Over Pollution Cases

    The scope of the authority of the panel of arbitrators and the MAB conferred by RA No. 7942 clearlexcludes adjudicative responsibility over pollution cases. They have no authority to adjudicate cases involvin

    violations of pollution laws and regulations in general.

    3. MAB Decisions are Appealable to the Court of Appeals

    MAB, being a quasi-judicial body, its decisions should be appealed before the Court of Appeals und

    Rule 43 of the Rules of Court notwithstanding the provision in Section 79 of RA 7942 that petition for review

    be brought directly to the Supreme Court. The hierarchy of courts must be followed.

    4. DENR is Devoid of Jurisdiction to Determine the Validity of Mining Contracts or Disputes

    A mining dispute is within the jurisdiction of the DENR, and authority to exercise its technical

    knowledge or expertise over any mining operations dispute. However, it is devoid of jurisdiction where the iinvolves the validity of mining contracts as such is a judicial question.. a judicial question is raised when

    determination of the question involves exercise of a judicial function. The question involves the determinati

    of what law and what legal rights of the parties are applicable in relation to the controversy.

    V. Penal Provisions

    a. False Statements

    Any person who knowingly presents any false application, declaration, or evidence to the Government or publishe

    causes to be published any prospectus or other information containing any false statement relating to mines, mining operat

    or mineral agreements, financial or technical assistance agreements and permits shall, upon conviction, be penalized by a fi

    of not exceeding Ten Thousand Pesos (10,000.00).

    b. Illegal Exploration

    Any person undertaking exploration work without the necessary exploration permit shall, upon conviction, be

    penalized by a fine of not exceeding Fifty thousand pesos (50,000.00).

    c. Theft of Minerals

    Any person extracting minerals and disposing the same without a mining agreement, lease, permit, license, or stea

    minerals or ores or the products thereof from mines or mills or processing plants shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned from

    (6) months to six (6) years or pay a fine from Ten thousand pesos (10,000.00) to Twenty thousand pesos (20,000.00), or b

    at the discretion of the appropriate court. In addition, he shall be liable to pay damages and compensation for the minerals

    removed, extracted, and disposed of. In the case of associations, partnerships, or corporations, the president and each of th

    directors thereof shall be responsible for the acts committed by such association, corporation, or partnership.

    The elements of the offense, therefore, are that: (1) the accused extracted, removed and/or disposed of minerals;

    these minerals belong to the Government or have been taken from a mining claim or claims leased, held or owned by other

    persons; and (3) the accused did not possess a mining lease or a temporary permit or any other permit to mine granted by t

    Secretary or the Director under existing mining decrees, laws and regulations.

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    d. Destruction of Mining Structures

    Any person who willfully destroys or damages structures in or on the mining area or on the mill sites shall, upon

    conviction, be imprisoned for a period not to exceed five (5