philosophy of ministry, youth


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Page 1: Philosophy of Ministry, Youth

8/7/2019 Philosophy of Ministry, Youth 1/5


| Michael Gomulka 


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When I think of a “strategy” first thing that comes to my mind is June 6th

, 1944 (D-Day).

To strategize means to develop a plan that will be effective from beginning to the end.

Below is my strategy plan for youth ministry that is aiming at (1) transforming young

men and women to the image of Christ, (2) equipping them with fundamental biblical

information and (3) teaching them to live out their faith


The purpose of student ministry is:(1) to lead the youth into a life changing, life

transforming relationship with Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, their King

and their God (Romans 12:1-2). (2) To equip them in the knowledge of the Word of God 

(II Timothy 3:16). (3) To have them experience evangelism, discipleship, fellowship,

ministry and worship (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 2:42-47). (4) To make them a light house

that will shine in this darkened world by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others

and living a transformed life backed up not only by what they say but by what they do

(Matthew 5:16, Hebrews 12:1). (5) A necessity to form relationships with students’ 

 parents and keeping in touch with them on regular basis. It is a privilege to lead young

men and women into a life transforming relationship with the creator of heaven and 

earth; Jesus Christ. It is also a privilege watching young people falling in love with Jesus



Teach the Word- “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”

(Psalm 119:105). It is a vital necessity to teach the youth the Word of God. Many

teenagers want to know what the will of God is, but how can they know God’s will if 

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they do not know Him in the first place? What I’m aiming at is to develop “kingdom-

kids” who are Bible oriented and who have a thorough knowledge of the Word. I also

want them to delight in the Bible. The only way to delight in someone is to spend a

quality time with that person. The only way to grow closer to Jesus is to read His Word.

Establish relationships- It is important to know your youth by name, yet it is even more

necessary to know who they are, what they like and what they dislike. The only way to

get to know the youth and the things that they are struggling and dealing with is by

spending some descent time with them. This is where I make it clear that youth ministry

is a 24/7 ministry where a life is to be dedicated to the young men and women.

Evangelism/Discipleship- One of the important factors in youth ministry is to equip and

train young people to be the messengers of the Word of God. I will do my best to teach

these young people how to evangelize and form relationships with the lost people. This is

the fulfillment of the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

Establish relationships with parents of the youth- I will strive to develop close

friendships with the parents of the youth because I’m not the primary teacher of their kids

but they are (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). By ministering to the whole family it will be much

easier knowing what the needs of the youth are and what the needs of the parents are. My

aim is to become a co-worker with the parents as well as close friends.

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Help the youth find their place in the body of Christ- I will strive to help the young

men and women find their roles in the church so that they will be useful vessels in the

hands of a mighty God. If I get the youth involved in the church, there are better chances

that they will stay in the church or if they decide to leave because of school or some other

issues, my hope is that they will seek a church on their own where they will get involved.


 Love the Lord

 Overcome fears

 Venture into the Word

 Evangelize the lost


1)  The first step to an effective strategy is to get some backup. It is necessary to train

leaders for the youth ministry who are “FAST”, faithful, available, solid in the

Bible and teachable. Apart from leaders we will fall into the same problem that

Moses did because he was so frustrated with having so many people come to him

(Exodus 18:17-25).

2)  The second step is to know and pick a target, churched and unchurched youth. It

is vital that we know our target and know their strengths and weaknesses. Thus a

thorough knowledge of adolescent psychology would be extremely helpful.

3)  In the third step we pick a weapon that will be most effective and that will do

most damage; Bible. We must confront the youth with the Bible and how it

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applies to their daily lives. Teenagers are struggling with so many problems these

days which did not exist ten years ago. Youth ministers must provide the solid

food for the youth.

4)  In step four we must decide where we should drop down the Para troopers. Public

schools, places where youth spends the most time at, must and will be penetrated.

Coffee shops, parks, and places of recreation for teenagers will be considered as

secondary targets.

5)  In step five we will break the iron gates to their hearts with agape love, sacrificing

our time and our needs for the sake of the youth. It is extremely important to love

the youth and make them feel loved.

6)  We wage a war with invisible principalities (Ephesians 6:11-17). The battle will

not be easy that is why we must penetrate the youth with love. Step six is no

different from step five but the reason for it is to show that love is what will break 

them down. Slowly step by step the gates will fall.

7)  We must destroy the old foundation and establish a new one. Once we get to their

hearts we must get rid of the old way of thinking and give them a new way of 

thinking which can only be done through the Bible. Sunday school and Bible

studies will be established.

8)  Step eight is the last but not the least. We must pray for our youth with passion.

This is our secret weapon that can destroy any barriers. It is most effective and

most deadly. “Pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:7).