photo: bob cirino, university of delaware

PHOTO: Bob Cirino, University of PHOTO: Bob Cirino, University of Delaware Delaware Fungi on New Fungi on New Char Char stable communities & stable communities & infrastructures infrastructures long-term inhabitation: long-term inhabitation: centuries centuries residential residential refuges refuges adsorbed adsorbed nutrients nutrients absorbed water absorbed water Biochar added to soil Biochar added to soil provides nutrient & water provides nutrient & water storage storage for mycorrhizal fungi. for mycorrhizal fungi. Hyphae invade biochar pores Hyphae invade biochar pores and support spore reproduction. and support spore reproduction. Dr. Makato Ogawa Dr. Makato Ogawa Kansai Environmental, Kansai Environmental, Japan Japan PHOTOS: Josiah Hunt, Hawaii PHOTOS: Josiah Hunt, Hawaii Biochar Biochar Fungi on 100 Year Old Fungi on 100 Year Old Char Char PHOTO: Makato Ogawa PHOTO: Makato Ogawa internal hollow spaces internal hollow spaces Biochar is sought out by Biochar is sought out by mycorrhizal fungi, mycorrhizal fungi, bacteria, other microbes, and bacteria, other microbes, and plant root hairs plant root hairs equivalent to a coral reef in the equivalent to a coral reef in the sea sea = = Microbial Microbial Reef Reef Terra Preta Terra Preta Microbial Colonization Microbial Colonization Biochar Properties Biochar Properties

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Biochar Properties. micropores. Microbial Colonization. Substrate. Terra Preta. = “ Microbial Reef ”. equivalent to a coral reef in the sea. absorbed water. adsorbed nutrients. residential refuges. long-term inhabitation: centuries. stable communities & infrastructures. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: PHOTO: Bob Cirino, University of Delaware

PHOTO: Bob Cirino, University of DelawarePHOTO: Bob Cirino, University of DelawareFungi on New Fungi on New CharChar

stable communities & infrastructuresstable communities & infrastructureslong-term inhabitation: centuries long-term inhabitation: centuries

residential refugesresidential refugesadsorbed nutrientsadsorbed nutrients

absorbed waterabsorbed water

Biochar added to soilBiochar added to soilprovides nutrient & water storageprovides nutrient & water storage

for mycorrhizal fungi.for mycorrhizal fungi.Hyphae invade biochar poresHyphae invade biochar pores

and support spore reproduction.and support spore reproduction.

Dr. Makato OgawaDr. Makato OgawaKansai Environmental, JapanKansai Environmental, Japan

PHOTOS: Josiah Hunt, Hawaii BiocharPHOTOS: Josiah Hunt, Hawaii BiocharFungi on 100 Year Old Fungi on 100 Year Old CharChar

PHOTO: Makato OgawaPHOTO: Makato Ogawainternal hollow spacesinternal hollow spaces

Biochar is sought out by mycorrhizal fungi, Biochar is sought out by mycorrhizal fungi, bacteria, other microbes, and plant root hairsbacteria, other microbes, and plant root hairs

equivalent to a coral reef in the seaequivalent to a coral reef in the sea= = ““Microbial ReefMicrobial Reef””Terra PretaTerra Preta

Microbial ColonizationMicrobial ColonizationBiochar PropertiesBiochar Properties

Page 2: PHOTO: Bob Cirino, University of Delaware

Lewis Carroll’sLewis Carroll’sAlice in


Gateway DrugGateway Drugtoto

The UnderworldThe Underworld

““Down the White Rabbit Hole”Down the White Rabbit Hole”

Paul StametPaul Stamets, PhDs, PhD

www.fungiperfectii.comwww.fungiperfectii.comDoctorate of MyceliumDoctorate of Mycelium

Soil SymbiosisSoil SymbiosisFungus-Root InteractionsFungus-Root Interactionsundergroundunderground intimaciesintimacies

Myco-Rhizome InteractionsMyco-Rhizome InteractionsMycorrhizal InteractionsMycorrhizal Interactions

PHOTO: Stuart Isett

Lion’s ManeLion’s Manemushroommushroom

Hericium erinaceuschoice edible when youngchoice edible when young

texture of cooked mushroom is like seafoodtexture of cooked mushroom is like seafoodChinese vegetarian cuisine replaces pork or lambChinese vegetarian cuisine replaces pork or lambcultivated commercially on logs or sterile sawdustcultivated commercially on logs or sterile sawdust


mushroommushroomLentinula edodesgrown on hardwood logs PHOTO: Stuart Isett

Garden GiantGarden Giantmushroommushroom

Stropharia rugosoannulataStropharia rugosoannulatamycelial wastewater filtration

culinary delight

Old-Growth FungiOld-Growth FungiThe world’s largest organism is in east Oregon: a contiguous growth of myceliumestimated 2,400 acres (1,665 football fields), and 2,200 years old. This one fungus killed the forest above it several times, and built ever-deeper soil layers to grow ever-larger trees. Mycelial mats of forest fungi achieve massive proportions. —Paul Stamets

Mr. Mycelium speaks at a festival in Australia hour 20 minutes

packed with info and perspectivelast 5 minutes arouses tears & cheers

Reishi (Lingzhi)Reishi (Lingzhi)mushroommushroom

genus genus GanodermaGanodermaproduce the antibiotic ganomycinproduce the antibiotic ganomycin

Turkey TailTurkey Tailmushroommushroom

Trametes versicolorTrametes versicolorexperimental cancer treatmentexperimental cancer treatment PHOTO: PHOTO: Stuart IsettStuart IsettPHOTO: PHOTO: Paul StametsPaul Stamets

above groundWhat we see

fruiting body


sex organ


What we don’t seebelow ground

Myceliumroots of fungi

more biomass in soil than above

bacteriabacteria1000x smaller1000x smallerthan myceliumthan mycelium

too small to seetoo small to seeby normal eyesightby normal eyesight

OverviewOverviewBiochar is super-stable, doesn’t degrade, Biochar is super-stable, doesn’t degrade, and is not digested by microbes.and is not digested by microbes.

Biochar has physical properties Biochar has physical properties able to retain soil nutrients able to retain soil nutrients and render them easily bioavailable.and render them easily bioavailable.

Biochar has great impact on soil nutrients, Biochar has great impact on soil nutrients, bio-communities and their and their functions.

Direct & indirect effects of on soil organisms:Direct & indirect effects of on soil organisms:•on the soil carbon cycleon the soil carbon cycle•on plant resistance to diseaseon plant resistance to disease•interactions with pathogenic fungiinteractions with pathogenic fungi•interactions with mycorrhizal fungiinteractions with mycorrhizal fungi•biochar super-stability in soilbiochar super-stability in soil

Special focus on remediatiing polluted soils

Table of ContentsTable of Contents

Possible toxic effects on soil fauna

Stability of Biochar in the EnvironmentStability of Biochar in the EnvironmentAndrew R. Zimmerman Andrew R. Zimmerman andand Bin Gao Bin Gao

Impact on Plant Resistance to DiseaseImpact on Plant Resistance to DiseaseE.R. Graber and Y. EladE.R. Graber and Y. Elad

Biochar-Fungi Interactions in SoilsBiochar-Fungi Interactions in SoilsKatja Wiedner and Bruno Glaser Katja Wiedner and Bruno Glaser

Potential to Remediate Contaminated SoilsPotential to Remediate Contaminated SoilsJose L. Gomez-Eyles, Luke Beesley, Eduardo Moreno-Jimenez, Upal Jose L. Gomez-Eyles, Luke Beesley, Eduardo Moreno-Jimenez, Upal

Ghosh and Tom SizmurGhosh and Tom Sizmur

Studying the Role of Biochar with Isotopic TracingStudying the Role of Biochar with Isotopic TracingBruno Glaser, Katja Wiedner and Michaela Dippold Bruno Glaser, Katja Wiedner and Michaela Dippold

Designing Specific Biochars to Address Soil Constraints: Designing Specific Biochars to Address Soil Constraints: A Developing IndustryA Developing IndustryStephen Joseph, Lukas Van Zwieten, Chee Chia, S Kimber, Paul Stephen Joseph, Lukas Van Zwieten, Chee Chia, S Kimber, Paul

Munroe, Yun Lin, Chris Marjo, James Hook, Torsten Thomas, Munroe, Yun Lin, Chris Marjo, James Hook, Torsten Thomas, Shaun Nielsen , S Donne and Paul Taylor Shaun Nielsen , S Donne and Paul Taylor

Compare Methods to Apply to Temperate SoilsCompare Methods to Apply to Temperate SoilsDon GravesDon Graves

Microbial ColonizationMicrobial ColonizationBiochar PropertiesBiochar Properties