photographer graphic designer

Photographer, graphics designer and magazine creators Photographer Rankin: He took up the study of photography at Barneld College Luton and then London College of Printing. uring this time, Rankin met !e"erson Hack, #ith #hom he formed a #orking relationship. $he t#o decided to start a magazine together called azed % Confused once they had graduated. &n '()(, Rankin tra*elled to +outh frica #ith the BBC to shoot the documentary, +outh frica in Pictures. $he same year, Rankin #as commissioned -y ike and Bono/s R.0. in the ght against H&12&+, to shoot a glo-al ike campaign, Lace 3p +a*e Li*es, to raise a#areness a-out the disease. & think Rankins #ork is *ery good and creati*e as all of the photos that he takes are all *ery independent and uni4ue. $his sho#s that he has a lot of creati*e skills and he has succeeded to -ecome an e5tremely good photographer. & also like Rankins #ork as he al#ays makes his photographs -right and unusual, -ut he also makes them *ery professional due to him -eing a professional photographer. Photographer Patrick emarchelier: He #as -orn near Paris in )678 to a modest family. &n )69, he left Paris for e#  ; ork to fo llo# his girlfrie nd. He disco* ered fa shion photogr aphy -y #o rking as a freelance photographer and learning and #orking #ith photographers such as Henri Cartier<Bresson, $erry =ing, and !ac4ue >uil-ert. His #ork dre# the attention of 0lle, ?arie Claire and '( ns ?agazine. He has also shot co*ers for Rolling +tone, >lamour, Life, e#s#eek, 0lle and ?ademoiselle. He has photographed many ad*ertising campaigns, including @arrah @a#cett shampoo in )69A, the Brooke +hields doll in )6A', Lauren -y Ralph Lauren, Cutty +ark, and a Cal*in =lein ad #ith $alisa +oto and >iorgio rmani, Chanel, >P, >ianni 1ersace, LrDal, 0liza-eth rden, Re*lon, LancEme, >ianfranco @errD. & like the look of this photographers #ork as it is all *ery simplistic and plain and this is the style & like and & #ish to do this in my magazine that & #ill -e creating. He also does his #ork in -lack and #hite and follo#s the monochrome colours #hich are another element of his #ork that & like. @r om his #ork you can tell that he has -een a professional for many years and has #orked #ith -ig companies.

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Post on 27-Feb-2018




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