phrasal verbs booklet

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    1st BAT Students´



  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Look forward toWait anxiously, wait impatiently.

    By Naomi Zamora,

    In context:

    ● We look forward to our summer holiday every year.

    ● I look forward to the day when I can afford to retire.

    ● We look forward to seeing you next month.

    Synonyms:● Anticipate

    ● Await

    ● Count on

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Come up withTo suggest or think of an idea or plan

    By Llum Cubells March

    In context:

    ● We’ll think about a present for her and see what we can come up with.

    ● Will you be able to come up with the cash by the end of the month?

    ● I’ll have to come up with a plan.

    ● The doctor came up with a cure of the breast cancer.

    Synonyms:● Devise

    ● Invent

    ● Deliver

    ● produce

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Make up forCompensate

    By Maria Cervelló

    In context:

    ● I sent her a present to try to make up for my bad behaviour.

    ● He’ll never be able to make up for his lack of natural ability.

    Synonyms:● Balance out

    ● Equalize

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Put up withTolerate

    By Ariadna Julian Martos

    In context:

    ● Sandy will not put up with smoking in her house.

    ● Why do we have to put up with such boring meetings? 

    Synonyms:● Accept

    ● Stand for

    ● Submit to

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Run out ofDon’t have or finish something

    By: Jordi Vidal Aran

    In context:

    ● We ran out of bread in the shop

    ● I have run out of time to finish the exam

    ● My grandparents usually run out of patience with me

    Synonyms:● Finish

    ● Lose

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Come acrossFind by accident someone or something


    By Enric Blas Rosich

    In context:

    ●I came across my old school reports when I was clearing out my desk.

    ● They came across some lost Mayan ruins in the jungle.

    ● I came across with my old school friend in the park.

    Synonyms:● Encounter

    ● Discover

    ● Find

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Get overFeel better after a bad situation, as illness.


    By Maria Franquet Roca

    In context:

    ● He may never get over it.● Ben could get over  his fear of flying and took a plane to Spain.

    ● I just can’t get over how well we played!

    Synonyms:- To cross or surmount (something)

    -To recover from (an illness)-Overcome

    -Get better

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Live on Continue living despite adversity or hard situations

    By Marina Castellví

    In context: 

    I receive a monthly allowance but it's not enough to live on.

    Although he has died today, his memory will live on.

    Synonyms:● Subsist on

    ● Live by

    ● Endure

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Look intoTo try to discover the facts about something such

    as a problem or a crime

    By Carlota Aran

    In context:

    ●The detective was looking into the kidnapping.

    ● The police are looking into the murder.

    Synonyms:Research, investigate, study, examine, probe

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Show offTo behave in a way that is intended   to attract  attention

    or admiration, and that other people often find


    By Judit Estivill

    In context:

    ● He always shows off his new things. 

    ● Young boys show off in order to impress girls.

    Synonyms:Exhibit, brag, flaunt, display, boast.

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Call off / Put offCall off: Cancel something.

    Put off: Postpone something.

    By Rosa Guillen Martinez

    In context:

    ●They called the picnic off because of the rain.

    ● Don’t put your work off, do it now!


    Call off: Cancel

    Put off: Pospone

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    Call off: Put off:

  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Make up

    To form or constitute / Invent 

    By Nara Garreta

    In context:

    ●   These arguments make up the case for the defence

    ● These extra people will make up our total


    Comprise, assemble, invent, be reconsiled...

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Take upTo start doing something regularly as a habit,

     job, or interest 

    By : Erola Espinosa


    In context:

    ● I took up smoking when I was at school .

    ● Chris has taken up jogging 



    ● To start doing something:start on, begin, set about… 

    ● Habits and habitual behaviour:habit, routine, daily life...

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Think overConsider something carefully

    By Laura Harguindey

    In context:

    ● Think over the offer before you sign the contract.

    ● Think over what I said and let me know tomorrow what your decision is.

    Synonyms:Consider, deliberate, evaluating, deciding.

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Give awayTo give somethig for nothing

    By Jordi Llop Moreno

    In context:

    ● Our team give away an easy goal to the other team.

    ● My grandparents have given away money to my sister and me.

    Synonyms:● give

    ● present

    ● hand

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Take afterResemble someone

    By Noé Montaña


    In context:

    ● He takes after his mother  

    ● She takes after her cousin.


    ●   Look like 

    ● Resemble

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Break downStop working

    By Sergi Gil

    In context:

    My car's BROKEN DOWN, so I came by taxi.  

    Synonyms:● Desintegration

    ● Disruption

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Tell off

    Chide; talk angrily to someone about somethingthey've done wrong

    By: Tamara Bladé

    In context:

    ● She told him off after he was late again. ● Julie was really angry at Bob; she told him off in front of all of us

    ●  Mum will tell you off for breaking that window.





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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Look outBe careful

    By Esther Filella Alentorn


    In context:

    ● Look out, an earthquake just started!

    ● They must look out for tigers and lions, when walking in the African savannah.

    ● Look out, the dog may bite the kid!

    Synonyms:● Be careful, watch out, beware.

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Turn upArrive unexpectedly

    Increase the volume

    By: Alba Lulemo Sánchez

    In context:

    ●Don´t worry about your glasses. They´ll turn up

    ● He turned up at my party.

    ● He turned the TV up to drown the noise of our neighbours arguing

    Synonyms:Arrive, show up

    Augment, amplify

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    Take off1.Remove your clothes.

    2.When a plane departs or leaves the ground.

    By Mercè Ballabriga

    In context:

    ● 1 - My coat was wet so I took it off.

    ● 1 - Muslims must take off their shoes to get into a mosque

    ● 2 - My flight for Paris was delayed so it didn't take off on time.

    ● 2 - (announcement on a plane) “Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to take off.

    Please, fasten your seatbelts.”

    Synonyms:1. Undress, remove clothing, divest

    2. Go away, leave, depart

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  • 8/18/2019 Phrasal Verbs Booklet



    This is not THE END