physics 100 – module 1 materials science and materials...

Physics 100 – Module 1 Materials Science and Materials Analysis using a Particle Accelerator Instructor: Scott M. LaBrake, Ph.D. Office: N331, N008B Office Hours: M: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm W: 9:30 am – 11:30 am Th: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm ; 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm & by Appointment Phone: x6053, x6562 Email: [email protected] Website: Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

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Physics 100 – Module 1

Materials Science and Materials Analysis using a Particle Accelerator

Instructor: Scott M. LaBrake, Ph.D.

Office: N331, N008B Office Hours: M: 9:30am – 12:30pm

W: 9:30am – 11:30am Th: 8:00am – 12:00pm; 2:00pm – 3:00pm& by Appointment

Phone: x6053, x6562

Email: [email protected]


Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

My Background: In the department for 17 years

9th time teaching Physics 100.

Teach primarily

Physics 110/111 (Physics for the Life Sciences)

Physics 120/121 (Physics for Majors and Engineers)

Physics 210 (Medical Physics)

Physics 220 (Introduction to Quantum Mechanics)

Physics 300 (Modern Experimental Techniques)

Physics 490/491 (Senior Thesis)

Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

Background continued…

•  I am trained as a theoretical physicist in waveguide theory.

Production, propagation, and diffraction of x-rays (a type of electromagnetic wave) through glass capillary fibers.

Includes surface roughness and x-ray attenuation effects.

•  I am also an experimental physicist who runs the particle accelerator.

Environmental pollution studies with artificial turf athletic fields

Environmental pollution studies with aerosols/liquids

Environmental pollution near airports – Pb pollution from small aircraft

Medical and Health Physics issues – Hg in Fish/metal distribution in tissues

Soil contamination – Heavy Metals in soils and sediments

Art/Archeometry – dating artifacts by diffusion processes into a sample

Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

My physics hobbies…

Fluid Mechanics Aerodynamics Flight and Flight Mechanics Aircraft Photography Motion and Gravity

Some past and present research students

Maria is a Resident Pediatrician on Long Island who worked on liquid precipitation samples and on the development of a procedure for looking at the distribution of metals in animal (skate) tissues. Here she is at CAARI, an international accelerator conference in Fort Worth Texas

Chad & Colin are now graduate students (at SUNY Buffalo and University of South Carolina), who worked on the analysis of atmospheric aerosols by PIXE/PIGE/RBS/PESA.

Colin is a 5th year graduate student at Penn State who worked on the analysis of atmospheric aerosols by RBS/PESA.

Ben who is looking at ERDA, now works on Wall Street in NYC.

Jeremy is 3rd year graduate student at Uconn (and former PHY100 student) who worked on his senior thesis on the accelerator studying lead emissions from small airplanes at Schenectady airport.

The Union College Ion Beam Analysis Laboratory

Chalise is a junior who is working on an environmental project on the distribution of Pb from the Hell Gate Bridge in Queens NY.

Skye is a senior who is working on an environmental project the analysis of artificial turf.

Morgan is a first year graduate student at UNC Chapel Hill. She worked on an environmental project the analysis of artificial turf.

What does the UCIBAL study? Applications of Nuclear Physics to Environmental Problems

Solids – soils, trees, tissues Liquids – water, wines, blood Gas – atmospheric aerosols

Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

Game Plan….

• We’re going to use a what?

• Accelerator – What it is, What it does. Energy and velocity calculations.

• PIXE – Basics, Theory and Sample calculations.

• Modifications to the PIXE Theory.

• Materials Analysis of a sample using PIXE and the accelerator.

Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

We’re going to use a what? A 1.1MV tandem electrostatic particle accelerator!

Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

The Pelletron Particle Accelerator • Built by the National Electrostatics Corporation

• Acquired in 1991

• Replaced 450 kV Van-de-Graff accelerator

•  In the process of writing a grant proposal for ~1.5 million dollars for a new accelerator which if funded would be installed in 2020.

• Our current accelerator has 4 main components

•  Ion production

•  Two-Stage (tandem) acceleration of ions

•  Steering of ions

•  Scattering chamber

Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

The Pelletron Particle Accelerator

The Source: Ion Production •  H or He gas is bled into the gas inlet.

•  100MHz Radio Frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy is dumped into the quartz bottle which produces H+, He+, He++ and other ions.

•  A potential difference of about 3.6kV for H or He is applied across the bottle.

•  This accelerates the ions out into the charge exchanger.

•  The H+ or He+ charges pass through a low density Rubidium (Rb) vapor and through charge-exchange collisions pick up extra negative charges.

•  The H- or He- charges continue on into the accelerator.

•  Of course there are other ions that are also accelerated (N-, O-, ...)

Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

Characteristic glow of a hydrogen plasma.

Ion Production and Plasma Source

Looking into the back end bottle. The metal bands are what couples the RF source to the bottle.

DV = 3kV to 6kV

Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

Ion Source or Low-Energy end of the accelerator showing the Rubidium furnace and cooling system. The H+ plasma is the faint pink glow.

Wide view of ion source. This also has a Faraday cup in view. The faraday cup is designed to count the number of charges and determine the beam current.

The Low Energy End of the Accelerator

Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

The Accelerator •  The chain is housed inside of this tank.

•  The terminal is in the center.

•  From right edge of the photo (the low-energy end) to the terminal a 1.1MV is applied.

•  From the terminal to the high-energy end there is another 1.1MV difference in potential.

•  Nitrogen gas is bled from the left end of the photo to the terminal to pull off the added negative charges through anther charge-exchange collision.

•  The resultant positive particle is accelerated away from the terminal back down 1.1MV towards the left edge and thus produces a tandem acceleration of the ion species.

Low-Energy End High-Energy End

Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

Tandem acceleration of ions •  The negative ions are accelerated toward the center of the pressure tank by a 1.1 MV

difference in potential between the low-energy end and the terminal.

•  The center of the pressure tank (the terminal) is made positive with respect to the charge exchanger.

•  The potential difference is developed by the Pelletron Charging system, which consists of metal pellets and insulating connectors.

• The terminal is charged by induction and is a very stable and reliable system.

Pelletron Charging System by NEC Pelletron Chains

Physics 100 – Pelletron – F16

The Accelerator – What’s inside the tank… Low Energy Column High Energy Column Terminal Shell

Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

The Accelerator – What’s inside the tank…

Accelerating Rings A Pellet Inductors

High-energy end of accelerator

Terminal Shell Physics 100 – Pelletron – F17

Units: Typically work is expressed in units of kiloelectron volts (keV) or Megaelectron volts (MeV). What are these?

•  First let’s consider accelerating a charged particle from rest to some speed v.

•  The work done is a product of the charge and the accelerating potential that the charge passes though.

•  It is like a ball rolling down a hill. There is a conversion of potential energy at the top of the hill to kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill. The ball starts from rest and at the bottom of the hill has a speed v and thus a kinetic energy associated with its motion. So too does the charge.

•  It is repelled away from a like charge at the top of the potential hill and attracted to an opposite charge at the bottom of the potential hill

Work =W = qΔV = 1e−( )× 1Volt( ) = 1electron ×Volt = 1eV


21EnergyKineticWork ionionvmKE =Δ=Δ=

Units: •  Each elementary charge has 1.6x10-19 Coulombs worth of

charge. Therefore the work done can also be written as:

•  An electron-volt is a unit of energy

•  And our conversion is that 1eV = 1.6x10-19 J.

•  By the work-kinetic energy theorem, the work done accelerating the charge changes the kinetic energy from zero (the charge is initially at assumed to be at rest) to some speed v given by

Work =W = qΔVaccelerating =1eV =1e × 1.6 ×10−19Coulombs1e

×1Volt =1.6 ×10−19 Joules

A Couple of Quick Calculations

How fast is the proton traveling when it leaves the ion source?

Wi = −qΔV = − 1e× 0kV − 3.6kV( )( ) = 3.6keV

Wi = ΔKE

Wi = 3.6keV × 1.6 ×10−19J

1eV= 5.76 ×10−16J = KE f −KEi = KE f

5.76 ×10−16J = 12mpvp


∴vp = 2 × 5.76 ×10−16J1.67 ×10−27kg

= 8.31×105 ms

A Couple of Quick Calculations

What is the kinetic energy of the proton after it leaves the accelerator? What is the speed of the proton after it leaves the accelerator?

Wtotal = wjj=1


∑ = − qΔV∑ = wsource +wlow−energy +whigh−energy

Wtotal = − 1e+ × 0kV − 3.6kV( ) + −1e−( )× 1.1MV − 0MV( ) +1e+ × 0MV −1.1MV( ){ }Wtotal = KEf = 3.6keV +1.1MeV +1.1MeV = 2.2036MeV ≈ 2.2MeV

∴KEf = 2.2MeV × 1.6 ×10−19 J

1eV= 3.52 ×10−13J



fpppf kg


vvmKE 727

132 1005.2


21 ×=

×××==→= −

A Couple of Quick Calculations Comment: Generally one needs to worry about the speeds of these particles and how they compare to the speed of light.

•  Need to include Relativistic effects?

•  In other words does the measured speed of the proton equal the theoretical speed of the proton?

This is hard to do… so, we set a limit… and we define a

relativistic limit to be when the velocity of the object is less than one-tenth the speed of light (c ~ 3x108 m/s) then we do not have to worry about relativistic effects.

Here the velocity is 2.05x107 m/s which is 0.069 times the speed of

light, less than the limit, so no relativistic effects.

Steering of Ions •  The steering magnets are a momentum filter (or here, a really crude mass


•  A momentum filter is a device which separates charged particles based on their momentum (or kinetic energy, which is proportional to their momentum).

•  When a charged particle passes through a magnetic field with a component of its velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field, the charge will feel a force and it will move in the direction of the applied force.

•  The magnetic force is given by BvqF!!!


Side view of steering and quadrapole magnets

Steering of Ions B points straight down to the floor from the upper to the lower magnet.

The velocity vector of the charges is coming out of the machine at you. This is called the zero-degree beamline.

Choosing the field appropriately (to match the particle’s energy bends the charges to your right and down the 30o beamline. B

FC v

Looking down the beamline at the oncoming charge

•  So, we’ve accelerated the proton and calculated its energy and speed.

•  Now can we steer it in the magnetic field? If so, what is its orbital trajectory, or radius?

•  The proton feels a force given by .

•  This makes the particle travel in a circle of radius r due to the centripetal force it feels.

A Couple of Quick Calculations




BqvFF pppCB





r sm

pp 4.34344.06214.0106.11005.21067.1




×××== −

•  Once the charges leave the magnetic field the force vanishes and they continue in a straight line toward the scattering chamber.

A few odds and ends on the way to the scattering chamber….

Faraday cups Ion pump (not in use)

Energy controller

Horizontal and Vertical steering magnets

Beam profile monitor

The scattering chamber This is where the experiments are done.

• The scattering chamber is a 10” multi-port Conflat system with a 3-axis target manipulator mounted on top.

• Samples are placed inside and can be moved horizontally in a plane, vertically, and rotated about a central axis.

Target Ladder Assembly

•  Inside of the scattering chamber is the target ladder assembly. It is attached to the target manipulator by a “head” by a shaft (not shown) and the ladder is magnetically coupled to the head.

•  Three targets at a time may be analyzed using the ion beam.



X-ray detector (for PIXE) Si surface barrier detector (for RBS & ERDA)

Inside the scattering chamber

The ion beam enters facing you and passes thought the targets

Uses of a particle accelerator •  Materials Analysis

•  Environmental Samples

•  Mass spectrometry

•  Nuclear reactions

•  Nuclear structure

•  Medicine

•  Nuclear Medicine

•  Biochemistry

•  Paleontology

•  Forensic science.

•  Art restoration and archeometry