physics topical examination - pressure - copy

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  • 8/18/2019 Physics Topical Examination - Pressure - Copy



    Physics Topical Examination

    Topic: Pressure, Atmospheric PressureQuestions:10, Marks: 10X5=50 Time: 2Hrs

    1. A cube floating on mercury has 1/4 of its volume submerged. If enough water is added to

    cover the cube, what fraction of its volume will remain immersed in mercury? (Relative

    density of mercury = 13.6)

    2. Calculate the depth of water at which a bubble of air would just float.

    = 1000 − and = 1.29 −.

     ℎ = 105

      3. Two identical cylindrical vessels with their bases at the same level contain a liquid of

    density  up to height hl  and h2 , respectively. Find the work done by gravity in equalising thelevels when the two vessels are connected. (Area of the base of each cylinder is  A.)

    4. A ship with cargo sinks by x  when she goes into a river from the sea. She discharges

    cargo and proceeding again to sea, she rises by z. If the sides of the ship be assumed to be

    vertical to the surface of the water, show that relative density of sea water is

    −+ ,

    assuming relative density of river water to be 1

    5. A beaker containing water is placed on the pan of a balance which shows a reading of200 g. A lump of sugar weighing 75 g and of volume 30 cc is now suspended inside thewater from an external support without touching any part of the beaker, (a) What will be thereading just when the lump of sugar is immersed? How will the reading change as timepasses? (b) What will be the initial reading if the lump is simply dropped gently into thebeaker and how will the reading change?

    6. A beaker filled with water up to the brim contains a piece of ice floating in the water. Willwater spill as, ice melts?

    7. A man in a boat scoops out a stone from the bottom of a lake and puts it in his boat. Will

    the level of water in the lake rise or fall?

    8. An ideal gas is trapped between a mercury column and the closed, lower end of a narrow

    vertical tube of uniform bore. The upper end of the tube is open to the atmosphere

    (atmospheric pressure = 76 cm of mercury). The lengths of the mercury and the trapped gas

    are 20 cm and 43 cm, respectively. What will be the length of the gas column when the tube

    is tilted slowly in a vertical plane through an angle of 60°? Assume the temperature to be


    9. Find the density of air at any height and hence the height at which it is halved. Assume

    that the temperature remains fixed throughout the atmosphere. The pressure at the earth's

    surface is    = 1.012 105  −  = 1.293 − 

  • 8/18/2019 Physics Topical Examination - Pressure - Copy


    10. A cylindrical piece of wood of length  and sectional area s is floating with its axis verticalin a big cylinder of sectional area S which contains a liquid of density  . Prove that the workdone until it is just completely immersed is


    (1 ) ( 1 ) where   is the density of
