phytochemical screening and potential antibacterial

Research Article Phytochemical Screening and Potential Antibacterial Activity of Defatted and Nondefatted Methanolic Extracts of Xao Tam Phan (Paramignya trimera (Oliv.) Guillaum) Peels against Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria Van-Anh Le Thi , 1 Ngoc-Lien Nguyen , 1 Quang-Huy Nguyen , 1,2 Quyen Van Dong, 1,3 Thi-Yen Do, 1 and Kieu-Oanh Nguyen T. 1,2 1 Department of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam 2 LMI-DRISA,UniversityofScienceandTechnologyofHanoi,VietnamAcademyofScienceandTechnology,18HoangQuocViet, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam 3 Institute of Biotechnology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoKieu-OanhNguyenT.;[email protected] Received 14 May 2021; Accepted 16 August 2021; Published 31 August 2021 AcademicEditor:CarstenWrenger Copyright©2021Van-AnhLeietal.isisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Xaotamphan(Paramignya trimera (Oliv.)Guillaum)isatraditionalherbalmedicineinVietnam.Previousinvestigationsreported mainlycompoundsandbioactivitiesofroots,stems,andleaveswhilethereislimitedinformationaboutthoseoffruits.isstudyaims torevealthedifferenceinthechemicalprofileofdefattedpeel(DP)andnondefattedpeel(NDP)methanolicextractsof P.trimera using colorimetric reactions and liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) analysis. We also showedthepotentialantibacterialactivityoftwoextractsagainstclinicallyisolatedbacteriastrainsincluding P. aeruginosa, Salmonella sp.,and S. aureus withtheMICvalues < 100 μg/mL.ispreliminaryresultprovesthetraditionalusageofthisherbalmedicineandcan be helpful for further investigation on the isolation and identification of the new compounds in P. trimera peels. 1. Introduction e threat posed by antibiotic resistance became partic- ularly critical in recent years because multiple and ex- tendedresistantbacteria,called“superbugs,”havebecome more prevalent, leading to more common hard-to-treat infectionsallovertheworld[1,2].issituationisaglobal problembutparticularlypressingindevelopingcountries wheretheinfectiousdiseaseburdenishigh.Amongthese countries, Vietnam already experiences high antibiotic resistance levels, and an alarming increase of superbugs, resistanttopowerfulantibiotics,hasbeenreported[3,4]. Seriously, the COVID-19 situation has also aggravated antibioticresistance.Statisticsshowthat50%ofCOVID- 19 mortalities suffered from secondary infections caused by multidrug-resistant microorganisms (bacterial or fungal)orcoinfections[5].ereisthusanurgentneedto developnewantibacterialagents,especiallyagainstGram- negative strains. While the investigation based on soil actinomycetes,theprimarysourceofantibiotics,isuseless becauseofthehighrediscoveryrateofknowncompounds [6], raising a novel candidate to conquer multidrug-re- sistant bacteria was thus crucial. Plant resource has long beenusedasherbalmedicinetotreatavastarrayofin- flammatory and bacterial infections [7]. Eventhough plantscanproduceavarietyofsecondarymetabolitesthat are active to defend insects, microorganisms, herbivores, plant pathogens, and against human pathogens, the cur- rent study on the antimicrobial potential of plants is merelythetipoftheiceberg. Hindawi Scientifica Volume 2021, Article ID 4233615, 6 pages

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Page 1: Phytochemical Screening and Potential Antibacterial

Research ArticlePhytochemical Screening and Potential Antibacterial Activity ofDefatted and Nondefatted Methanolic Extracts of Xao Tam Phan(Paramignya trimera (Oliv.) Guillaum) Peels againstMultidrug-Resistant Bacteria

Van-Anh Le Thi ,1 Ngoc-Lien Nguyen ,1 Quang-Huy Nguyen ,1,2 Quyen Van Dong,1,3

Thi-Yen Do,1 and Kieu-Oanh Nguyen T. 1,2

1Department of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam2LMI-DRISA, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet,Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam3Institute of Biotechnology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam

Correspondence should be addressed to Kieu-Oanh Nguyen T.; [email protected]

Received 14 May 2021; Accepted 16 August 2021; Published 31 August 2021

Academic Editor: Carsten Wrenger

Copyright © 2021 Van-Anh Le,i et al. ,is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Xao tam phan (Paramignya trimera (Oliv.) Guillaum) is a traditional herbal medicine in Vietnam. Previous investigations reportedmainly compounds and bioactivities of roots, stems, and leaves while there is limited information about those of fruits.,is study aimsto reveal the difference in the chemical profile of defatted peel (DP) and nondefatted peel (NDP)methanolic extracts of P. trimera usingcolorimetric reactions and liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) analysis. We alsoshowed the potential antibacterial activity of two extracts against clinically isolated bacteria strains including P. aeruginosa, Salmonellasp., and S. aureuswith theMIC values< 100μg/mL.,is preliminary result proves the traditional usage of this herbal medicine and canbe helpful for further investigation on the isolation and identification of the new compounds in P. trimera peels.

1. Introduction

,e threat posed by antibiotic resistance became partic-ularly critical in recent years because multiple and ex-tended resistant bacteria, called “superbugs,” have becomemore prevalent, leading to more common hard-to-treatinfections all over the world [1, 2]. ,is situation is a globalproblem but particularly pressing in developing countrieswhere the infectious disease burden is high. Among thesecountries, Vietnam already experiences high antibioticresistance levels, and an alarming increase of superbugs,resistant to powerful antibiotics, has been reported [3, 4].Seriously, the COVID-19 situation has also aggravatedantibiotic resistance. Statistics show that 50% of COVID-19 mortalities suffered from secondary infections caused

by multidrug-resistant microorganisms (bacterial orfungal) or coinfections [5]. ,ere is thus an urgent need todevelop new antibacterial agents, especially against Gram-negative strains. While the investigation based on soilactinomycetes, the primary source of antibiotics, is uselessbecause of the high rediscovery rate of known compounds[6], raising a novel candidate to conquer multidrug-re-sistant bacteria was thus crucial. Plant resource has longbeen used as herbal medicine to treat a vast array of in-flammatory and bacterial infections [7]. Eventhoughplants can produce a variety of secondary metabolites thatare active to defend insects, microorganisms, herbivores,plant pathogens, and against human pathogens, the cur-rent study on the antimicrobial potential of plants ismerely the tip of the iceberg.

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Paramignya trimera (Oliv.) Guillaum, locally named“Xao tam phan,” belongs to the Paramignya genus of theRutaceae family, mainly in the south of Vietnam [8]. ,isnative plant is a traditional remedy used for liver protectionand infectious disease treatment. Recently, various potentialbioactivities, i.e., antioxidant, antibacterial, and anticanceractivities and hepatoprotective property, were reported fromthe plant’s roots, leaves, and stems. Many compounds thatbelong to coumarins, acridone alkaloids, phenols, flavo-noids, and chromenes classes have been isolated from thesetissues (Table 1S, Supplementary Materials) [9–19]. Fur-thermore, being a perennial woody plant, the exploitation ofthis plant from other tissues, i.e., fruits, instead of roots,leaves, or stems, may provide a chance to conserve thisvaluable medicinal plant. However, the research on thebioactivity and chemical composition of P. trimera fruits hasbeen limited. ,is study thus aims to phytochemicallydereplicate the defatted peel (DP) and nondefatted peel(NDP) methanolic extracts of P. trimera and to determinethe activity against multidrug-resistant bacterial strainsclinically isolated from patients in Vietnam.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Plant Materials. ,e Paramignya trimera fresh fruitswere collected from the Ninh Hoa district, Khanh Hoaprovince, Vietnam, in August 2020. ,e samples wereidentified by Khanh Hoa Traditional Medicine Association,Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam. ,e voucher of specimenswas deposited in the Department of Life Sciences, Universityof Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam Academy ofScience and Technology.

,e whole fruits were cleaned in tap water, rinsed bydistilled water to remove dust, and then separated into peeland seed. ,ese tissues were ground into smaller pieces andstored at −80°C until used for further analysis.

2.2. Microbial Materials. Bacterial strains including Acine-tobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichiacoli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella sp. were kindlyprovided from LMI DRISA (Laboratoire Mixte Internationalon Drug Resistant in South Asia, University of Science andTechnology of Hanoi). ,ese bacteria originally were iso-lated clinically from different hospitals in Hanoi, Vietnam,and maintained on the nutrient solution at a −80°C deepfreezer until experiments. ,e susceptibility test result ofthese strains against different antibiotics is provided inTable 2S (Supplementary Materials).

2.3. Sample Extraction. ,e fresh peels including thedefatted peel (DP, defatted by n-hexane) and nondefattedpeel (NDP) of P. trimera (20 g) were immersed in 100mL ofMeOH at room temperature for 24 hours. ,is process wasrepeated three times to extract the bioactive compoundsmaximally. ,e combined extracts were then filtered usingthe 0.45 μm cellulose acetate membrane to remove all theparticulars and concentrated in the Buchi Rotavapor (Flawil,

Switzerland) to obtain crude extracts. ,ese extracts weredried under nitrogen gas blowing at room temperature to aconstant weight.

2.4. Phytochemical Screening. Phytochemical screening ofthe abovementioned extracts was performed using theconventional protocol and reagents. Alkaloids were detectedusing Bouchardat/Mayer/Dragendorff tests. Indeed, to asmall amount of each sample was added gently several dropsof each reagent, Bouchardat, Mayer, and Dragendorff, in atest tube; the formation of brown/white/orange precipitate,respectively, confirms the presence of alkaloids. Flavonoidswere identified by adding 2mL of 10% NaOH into theextracts; a yellow colour formation indicates the presence offlavonoids. ,is solution becomes colourless when addingfew drops of 10% v/v HCl solution. Glycosides were detectedby mixing 5mL of each extract and 25mL of 10% v/v H2SO4solution. ,is mixture was heated to its boiling point for 15minutes and then cooled and neutralized with 10% w/vNaOH solution. 5mL of Fehling solution was added to it,and the red brick precipitate indicated the presence ofglycosides. For terpenoids, 2mL of dichloromethane wasadded to 5mL of each extract, followed by carefully addingconcentrated H2SO4. ,e formation of a reddish-browncolour layer confirms the presence of terpenoids. ,e FeCl3test was used to identify tannins. A small amount of eachextract is diluted and filtered, and then, few drops of 10%w/vsolution of FeCl3 were added. ,e appearance of blue orgreen colour suggests the presence of tannins in the extract.For coumarins, 3mL of 10%NaOHwas added to an aqueousplant extract, and yellow colour was observed in positiveresults. Saponins identified by shaking the mixture of 2mLof alcohol diluted with water is added to 2mL of the plantextract and shacked well for 15 minutes in a graduatedcylinder. ,e formation of a layer of foam (approximately1 cm) indicates the presence of saponins. Steroids weredetected by treating each extract with few drops of con-centrated H2SO4 in dichloromethane; the appearance of redcolour in the chloroform layer indicated the presence ofsteroids. Anthraquinones were detected by the Borntragertest, in which 1mL of the ethyl-acetate fraction of eachextract was added to 10mL of 10% v/v NH4OH solution.,eformation of pink/red/violet colour indicates the presence ofanthraquinones.

2.5. Determination of Antibacterial Activity of the Extracts.,e inhibition percentage against bacterial strains wasevaluated by the microbroth dilution assay by Sultanbawaet al. with some modifications [20]. First, the bacteria stocksolution was taken out from the deep freezer and placed atroom temperature. ,e 30 μL bacterial supernatant wastransferred into flash bottles containing 50mL tryptic soybroth (TSB) and incubated under shaking condition(150 rpm) at 37°C overnight. After 24 h, the density ofbacterial suspension was adjusted to equal the value of the0.5 McFarland standards corresponding to the final con-centration of 106 CFU/mL (colony-forming unit).

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,e crude extracts (DP and NDP) were first dissolved indimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at 20480 μg/mL and then di-luted in the TSB medium at 1024 μg/mL. Wells were filledwith 100 μL of each solution and 100 μL bacterial suspen-sion. Ciprofloxacin at a 30 μg/mL concentration was used asa positive control, while 2.5% DMSO was used as a negativecontrol. Each plate well was normalized by the subtractedblank samples. Subsequently, the microplates were incu-bated at 37°C for 24 hours, and the samples’ absorbance wasmeasured at 600 nm using an iMark microplate reader(BioRad, California, USA). ,e inhibition percentage wascalculated using the following formula: %inhib-ition� (Ab_DMSO−Ab_sample)/Ab_DMSO× 100%, whereAb_ DMSO and Ab_sample are the absorbance values of thenegative control and the sample, respectively.

,e inhibition percentage of a series of dilutions rangingfrom 512 to 16 μg/mL was evaluated. ,e MIC value wasdefined as the concentration of extract exhibiting 70–80%bacterial inhibition after 24 hours of incubation at 37°C. ,eMBC value was identified as the lowest concentration ofextracts reducing the initial bacterial inoculum viability bymore than 99.9% after 24 hours [21]. ,ese values can bedetermined from the microbroth dilution of MIC tests. Inplates containing the TSB medium, 10 μL of culture takenfrom each well in theMIC range was inoculated.,ese plateswere then incubated at 37°C for 24 h. ,e lowest concen-tration of which each extract did not show any bacterialgrowth was regarded as their MBC values.

2.6. LC-HRMS Analysis. ,e extracts were dissolved inMeOH (HPLC grade) to 100mg/mL solution, filtered by0.22 μm cellulose acetate membrane, and then transferredinto the 2-mL vials for injection into the LC-HRMS system.,e HPLC-DAD-ESI/QTOF-MS/MS analysis was per-formed on an ExionLC system coupled to an ExionLCDAD detector and equipped with a high-resolution X500QTOF mass spectrometer (Sciex, USA). ,e SCIEX OS 1.0software from Sciex (Sciex, USA) contains instrumentcontrol, data acquisition, data processing, and reportingfunctionality, all in one package. Chromatographic sepa-ration was achieved on a Kinetex XB-C18 100 A column(100mm × 2.1mm, 1.7 μm) (Phenomenex). A binary mo-bile solvent was used: solvent A (H2O) and solvent B(MeOH). ,e mobile phase was pumped at a flow rate of0.3mL/min with a gradient elution profile that began at20% B at 5min, then linearly ramped to 80% B within5min, ramped to 100% B in 5min, and held at 50% B for5min; then, the column was reequilibrated at 25% B for5min before the next injection. ,e autosampler traytemperature was set to 15°C, while the column temperaturewas 15°C. ,e injection volume was 10 μL.

,e signals were detected at a wavelength λ 254 nm.,eQTOF HRMS was equipped with a TurbolonSpray ionsource, and the ESI negative mode was applied, scanningspectra from m/z 100 to 3000. ,e spray voltage and ionsource temperature were set to 4500 V and 450°C, re-spectively. ,e ion source gas 1, ion source gas 2, curtaingas, and CAD gas were set to 50, 50, 25, and 7 psi,

respectively. Metabolites annotation was based on UV,HRMS, MSMS spectra, and relative RTs.

2.7. Statistical Analysis. All experiments were performed intriplicate. ,e obtained data were analyzed using MicrosoftOffice Excel 2016 for statistical analysis. ,e independentStudent’s t-test and the one-way ANOVA test were used toassess the differences among different concentrations andbetween the test and negative control groups.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Phytochemical Screening. Preliminary phytochemicalscreening showed several groups of metabolites such asalkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, terpenoids, coumarins, andsteroids in the methanolic extracts of the nondefatted anddefatted peels of P. trimera. ,e result of the phytochemicaltest is provided in Table 1.

Two extracts were rich in flavonoids and glycosides.,ese tests also showed relatively that alkaloids, flavonoids,and glycosides were found with higher concentrations in DPthan NDP. Terpenoids and steroids, known as nonpolarcompounds, dominate logically in nondefatted portion NDPrather than in DP. ,is phytochemical screening result wasconsistent with previous studies showing the profiles of rootsand stems of P. trimera [9–19].

3.2. Antibacterial Activity of P. trimera Extracts. In 2017, theWHO published its first list of antibiotic-resistant “prioritypathogens,” a catalogue of 12 families of bacteria that posethe greatest threat to human health drawn up to guide andpromote research and development of new antibiotics.According to the priority list of antibiotic-resistant bacteria,we focused on the five following most problematic bacteriain Vietnam: A. baumannii, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, E. coli,and Salmonella sp. Indeed, eight clinical strains of thementioned five species were used as models to test theantibacterial activity of the extracts. At the first screeningstep, the inhibition percentage of NDP and DP at theconcentration of 512mg/mL was nearly 100% against sixmultidrug-resistant strains, including P. aeruginosa PA1 andPA2, S. aureus SA1 and SA2, and Salmonella sp. SS1 and SS2(Table 3S, Supplementary Materials). In particular, the DPrepresented amore substantial inhibitory capacity than NDPextracts, indicating that removing nonpolar compoundshelps increase the activity.

,ese extracts were then subjected to determine theminimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimumbactericidal concentration (MBC) values on six bacterial strains.Overall, all mentioned extracts can be considered bactericidalagents against six clinically dangerous bacteria in this studybecause their MBC values were no more than four times theirMIC values. As given in Table 2, these extracts presented theMIC values globally ranging from 16 to 320mg/mL. ,eDP exhibited the highest antibacterial activity on all sixstrains with the MIC value< 80mg/mL, especially againstfour strains, i.e., P. aeruginosa PA1, S. aureus SA2, andSalmonella sp. SS 1 and SS2 with the MIC<32mg/mL. At the

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same time, eventhough NDP did not show the potential activityon PA2 and SA1, this extract inhibited effectively fourremaining strains with the MIC<32mg/mL. Indeed, the MICvariation followed a similar rule, horizontally and vertically, inTable 2, suggesting that the mechanism of action of these ex-tracts seems to be the same on all six strains. ,e antibacterialactivity was thus contributed by the same compounds pattern.Regarding the chemical profile of the extracts, we hypothesizethat alkaloids may not be responsible for the bacterial inhibitionactivity, and this property can be due to flavonoids andcoumarins.

P. aeruginosa is recognized as a common Gram-negativebacterium, an opportunistic pathogen associated with arange of nosocomial infections. In this study, the testedstrains were isolated clinically from patients, with remark-able resistant mechanisms to many antibiotic classes(Table 2S, Supplementary Materials). Regarding the differ-ence in the susceptibility tests, P. aeruginosa PA1 was re-sistant to all tested antibiotics except aztreonam. In contrast,PA2 was less resistant to quinolones (norfloxacin, cipro-floxacin, and levofloxacin). ,e inhibition activity of theextracts against PA2 was higher than against PA1 and

Table 2: ,e minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) (μg/mL) and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) (μg/mL) of thenondefatted peel (NDP) and defatted peel (DP) methanolic extracts of P. trimera against six clinically isolated bacterial strains using thebroth dilution assay.

SampleP. aeruginosa S. aureus Salmonella sp.


MIC NDP 320 24 — 32 32 32DP 64 16 80 16 32 32

MBC NDP 512 64 — 64 128 128DP 256 64 128 32 128 64

Table 1: Phytochemical analysis of the nondefatted peel (NDP) and defatted peel (DP) of P. trimera.

Test Observation NDP DPAlkaloidBouchardat Formation of brown precipitate — —Mayer Formation of yellow-white precipitate — +Dragendorff Formation of orange precipitate — +

FlavonoidsAlkaline reagent Appearance of yellow colour, become colourless when adding diluted HCl solution ++ +++

GlycosidesSalkowski Appearance of reddish colour ++ +++

Terpenoids Formation of grey colour ++ +Tannins Formation of blue or green colour — —Coumarins Formation of yellow colour ++ ++Saponins Formation of foam — —Steroids Appearance of red colour ++ +Anthraquinones Appearance of pink/red/violet solution — —











[NDP7] [NDP8]

201918171615141310 11 12 211 8 236 22432 24975Time (min)


Figure 1: Total ion chromatograms of NDP (in blue) and DP samples (in pink) analyzed by HPLC-ESI-QTOF mass spectrometry.

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allowed us to hypothesize that the mechanism of action ofthese samples may be similar to that of quinolones. On theother hand, Salmonella sp. SS1 was sensitive to nalidixic acid,and SS2 was resistant to that antibiotic (Table 2S, Supple-mentaryMaterials).,eMIC andMBC values of the extractsagainst these strains were relatively equal, suggesting that theactivity may be controlled by different mechanisms with thatof nalidixic acid. In the context that the effort to find outantibacterial agents against Gram-negative strains does notbring much hope in recent years, this result can be open tofurther more in-depth research on this studied plant tissue.For S. aureus, a Gram-positive species, the antibacterialactivity of the extracts against SA2 was stronger than againstSA1. ,e inhibition against S. aureus of the essential oilextracted from P. trimera leaves has been reported in theprevious study [22]; however, it is the first study that in-dicates the potential antibacterial activity of peels of thisplant. ,is is worth waiting because both SA1 and SA2 weredangerous multidrug-resistant bacteria (Table 2S, Supple-mentary Materials).

3.3. LC-HRMS Analysis. To go deeply into the phyto-chemical composition of these extracts above, we der-eplicated known metabolites using LC-HRMS analysis. ,eexact mass of detected components was compared to thoseof reference compounds shown in previous studies [9–19](Table 1S, Supplementary Materials). ,e QTOF MS-basedchromatograms on nondefatted and defatted peels clearlyshowed similar and different segments between the twosamples (Figure 1). Eventhough there is a slight shift in thepeaks’ retention time, two chromatograms demonstrated thesame pattern in the first elution segment.,e chromatogramof DP shows fewer peaks than that of the NDP sample due tothe removal of hydrophobic compounds. Indeed, the peakeluted at 5.4min in NDP and 5.8min in the DP sampleshowed the base peak of molecular ion [M-H-] at m/z191.0555, corresponding to the formula C7H12O6. We an-notated this peak as quinic acid based on the similarities inMS/MS fragmentation between the obtained peak and ref-erence (Table 3). ,e peak NDP3 and DP3 showed the basepeak at m/z 283.2624, which corresponds to C18H36O2. ,epeaks NDP6, NDP7, and NDP8 showed the base peaks atm/z 367.3567, 381.3724, and 395.3879, respectively, corre-sponding to C24H48O2, C25H50O2, and C26H52O2. ,eseformulas contain only two oxygens, one double bond, elutedat the end of chromatograms separated by reverse phase

column and were detected only in the NDP samples sug-gesting that they were nonpolar metabolites. We annotatedthem as fatty acids: NDP3/DP3 (stearic acid), NDP6 (tet-racosanoic acid), NDP7 (pentacosanoic acid), and NDP8(hexacosanoic acid). ,e inhibitory effect of DP extract wasmore potent than NDP extract, suggesting that fatty acids donot contribute to the antibacterial activity. It was consistentwith the hypothesis that antibacterial potential may be re-sponsible by flavonoids and coumarins in P. trimera peel.Noticeably, the LC-HRMS analysis showed that detectedpeaks in both defatted and nondefatted peel extracts did notmatch to any of known metabolites previously isolated fromother P. trimera tissues (Table 1S, Supplementary Materials).,ey have probably been never investigated in the peel of thismedicinal plant; therefore, further studies should be per-formed to identify these compounds as well as itsbioactivities.

4. Conclusions

For the first time, the potential inhibitory effect of the peelsextracts of P. trimera against six MDR bacterial strainsisolated clinically from hospitals in Vietnam, especiallyGram-negative P. aeruginosa strains, was reported. Removalof the fatty portion of the peels could enhance the effec-tiveness against multidrug-resistant bacteria suggesting thatthe flavonoids and coumarins dominating in the DP may beresponsible for the activity. ,is study contributes to thescientific validity of P. trimera being used traditionally as amedicine and provides the guide for further investigation ofnew compounds in P. trimera to develop new treatmentoptions against multidrug-resistant bacteria.

Data Availability

,e data used to support the findings of this study are in-cluded in the Supplementary Material file.

Conflicts of Interest

,e authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.


,e authors acknowledge the Laboratoire Mixte Interna-tional Drug Resistant in South Asia (LMI-DRISA) to providethe bacterial strains and Institute of Research for Devel-opment (IRD), France, to support the publication charge.

Table 3: Metabolites annotation of the nondefatted peel (NDP) and defatted peel (DP) extracts of P. trimera.

Peak Retention time [M-H-] (m/z) Formula MS/MS fragmentation AnnotationNDP2; DP2 8.0; 8.6 661.3898 C43H52O3 No fragmentationNDP3; DP3 10.1; 11.1 283.2624 C18H36O2 265.2512 Stearic acidNDP4 12.3 399.3469 C24H48O4 353.3418; 323.3310; 221.1022 Dihydroxytetracosanoic acidNDP5 14.8 383.3513 C24H48O3 337.3459 Hydroxytetracosanoic acidNDP6 18.2 367.3567 C24H48O2 No fragmentation Tetracosanoic acidNDP7 20.7 381.3724 C25H50O2 335.2577; 245.0265 Pentacosanoic acidNDP8 23.5 395.3879 C26H52O2 No fragmentation Hexacosanoic acidDP4 13.4 758.5365 nd

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,e authors would also like to thank Institute of Chemistry,Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, where theHPLC-DAD-ESI/QTOF system is located for facilitating ourLC-HRMS analysis. ,is work was supported by Universityof Science and Technology of Hanoi through research grantUSTH.BIO.01/18-19.

Supplementary Materials

,e supplementary materials include 3 tables. (Supple-mentary Materials)


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