pianist of willesden lane program

MONA GOBEK IN THE PIANIST OF WILLESDEN NE FROM THE ARTISTIC DIRECTOR WELCOME TO THE GEFFEN PLAYHOUSE MONA GOLABEK HAS AN EXTRAORDINARY STORY TO TELL about her mother, Lisa Jura. Like the stories of so many who escaped occupied Europe during Hitler’s reign, Lisa’s tale is one of strength, infused with a staggering sense of loss for family left behind. What is distinct about this story though is the choice of Lisa’s parents to save this daughter (one of three) because of her gift for music. Even in the darkest times of history, our desire to perpetuate and cultivate art can be as strong as our will to live. And so we proudly present Mona Golabek in The Pianist of Willesden Lane. This project came to us through Hershey Felder, a member of the Geffen family with whom we have collaborated on numerous occasions. When he spoke to us of Mona’s extraordinary talent and conveyed the story of her mother’s life, we were immediately enamored. This production reminds us that in cultivating relationships with theater artists, we benefit from having them return home to the Geffen time and again. Hershey, who our audience knows is a perfectionist in his own work, has helped Mona hone this narrative into a mesmerizing evening of theater that transports us to Austria, England and, finally, the United States, incorporating performances of some of the most beautiful piano concertos ever written. As we wind down our first year of subscription in the Audrey we want to take this opportunity to thank you for being a vital part of what we do as theater artists. Your continued support makes these bold choices possible and it is our sincerest hope to continue this trend as we announce our upcoming season. We all look forward to what’s around the next corner. Enjoy the show, Randall Arney Artistic Director PERFORMANCES MAGAZINE P1 Photo by Andrew Southam

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Mona Golabek in The Pianist of Willesden Lane Program


Page 1: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program

mona golabek inThe PianisT of Willesden lane

from The arTisTic direcTor


Mona Golabek has an extraordinary story to tell about her mother, lisa Jura. like the stories of so many who escaped occupied europe during hitler’s reign, lisa’s tale is one of strength, infused with a staggering sense of loss for family left behind. What is distinct about this story though is the choice of lisa’s parents to save this daughter (one of three) because of her gift for music. even in the darkest times of history, our desire to perpetuate and cultivate art can be as strong as our will to live.

and so we proudly present Mona Golabek in The Pianist of Willesden Lane. this project came to us through hershey Felder, a member of the Geffen family with whom we have collaborated on numerous occasions. When he spoke to us of Mona’s extraordinary talent and conveyed the story of her mother’s life, we were immediately enamored. this production reminds us that in cultivating relationships with theater artists, we benefit from having them return home to the Geffen time and again. hershey, who our audience knows is a perfectionist in his own work, has helped Mona hone this narrative into a mesmerizing evening of theater that transports us to austria, england and, finally, the United states, incorporating performances of some of the most beautiful piano concertos ever written.

as we wind down our first year of subscription in the audrey we want to take this opportunity to thank you for being a vital part of what we do as theater artists. your continued support makes these bold choices possible and it is our sincerest hope to continue this trend as we announce our upcoming season. We all look forward to what’s around the next corner.

enjoy the show,

Randall Arney Artistic Director



o by





Page 2: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program

it is My PleasUre to WelcoMe you to Mona Golabek in The Pianist of Willesden Lane, the third and final play in the audrey skirball kenis theater this season. We are honored to welcome back our dear friend hershey Felder as the adapter and director of this world premiere theatrical event, which stars award-winning musician Mona Golabek. amidst the backdrop of nazi-occupied Vienna in 1938, this story follows young lisa Jura as she pursues her dream to become a concert pianist against seemingly insurmountable odds. Music ultimately provides our protagonist with hope, even in the bleakest of circumstances.

this powerful message — that art elevates, inspires, and enlightens us — is one i hold dear, and at the Geffen, we always strive to deliver the highest caliber of performing arts to the los angeles community, which is made possible through the support and generosity of patrons like you. one

of the most rewarding and exciting opportunities to show your support is fast approaching: Backstage at the Geffen. i invite you to join us for this signature event on Monday, June 4.

Backstage at the Geffen never fails to be an evening of laughter, music and never-before-told stories from the other side of the curtain. this year we are pleased to present Fox Filmed entertainment chairman and ceo Jim Gianopulos with our distinction in service award, and the iconic carol burnett with our distinction in theater award. also, we are delighted to have city national bank as our first ever title sponsor. With the participation of our extended family of actors, playwrights and directors, this event is always lively, fun and unforgettable — and also raises funds for a most worthy cause. backstage supports our Geffen Playhouse education and outreach programs, which touch the lives of more than 22,500 underserved adults, children, seniors and veterans throughout los angeles each year.

i hope you will join us for this one-of-a-kind occasion. to purchase tickets or to learn more about it, please contact Jessica brusilow at 310.208.6500 ext. 141 or visit geffenplayhouse.com/backstage.

now sit back, relax and enjoy Mona Golabek in The Pianist of Willesden Lane.

respectfully yours,

Frank G. Mancuso Chairman, Geffen Playhouse


FROM THE CHAIRMANfrank g. mancUso

FRAnk G. MAncusoChAirMAn

GilbeRt cAtes *PresiDenT

Patricia kiernan aPPleGate randall arneydr. Gene d. blocksUzanne deal booth †harold a. broWnGil cates Jr.Mary ann cloydkirsten coMbs †Marcia israel-cUrley *robert a. daly †dennis dotyJohn ebeyMark FleischerdaVid GeFFen †herbert M. GelFandChAirMAn eMeriTus

Patricia l. Glaseradi GreenberG arthUr GreenberGMartha hendersonPaMela robinson hollanderQUincy Jones †Joan kaloUstianJeFFrey katzenberG †Glorya kaUFManaUdrey skirball kenis *charles kenis *dr. Gerald s. leVey carla Maldenkarl Malden *sUsan MalloryGinny Manciniron Meyer †sUsanna MidniGhtleslie MoonVes †Jerry Moss †ken noVicesteVen a. olsenJerry Perenchio †brUce M. raMer †FounDinG ChAirMAn

loren rothschildlinda bernstein rUbinteri schWartzrichard sherManVictoria Mann siMMs †andy sPahnFred sPecktorsteVen sPielberG †deeanna staatscynthia P. staFFordhoWard tenenbaUMsteVe tisch †edie WasserMan †leW WasserMan †dr. charles e. yoUnG †ChAirMAn eMeriTus

Peter rosenLeGAL CounseL, LAThAM & WATkins LLP

† trUstee* in MeMoriaM


Page 3: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program



JUNE 4, 2012

Jim Gianopulos chairMan & ceo oF Fox FilMed entertainMent

distinction in service awardand

carol Burnettdistinction in theater award

a benefit to bring inspiration, hope and healing to over 22,500 students, at-risk youth, seniors and veterans. don’t miss this one-of-a-kind

evening of hilarious anecdotes, intimate storytelling and song.

h o n o r i n G

BacKstaGe BeneFactor — $1,500tWo orchestra tickets to BACksTAGe AT The GeFFen

BacKstaGe Friend — $325 one Mezzanine ticket to BACksTAGe AT The GeFFen

t i c k e t P a c k a G e s

t i t l e s P o n s o r

For more information, please contact Jessica brusilow at 310.208.6500 ext. 141 or [email protected]

P r e s e n t i n G s P o n s o r sA S O F M A R C H 2 0 , 2 0 1 2

s P e c i a l t h a n k s t o

Page 4: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program

When herschel Grynszpan, a young Jewish Pole, received news that his parents, residents of Germany since 1911, had been expelled from Germany along with thousands of other Poles, he was despondent. When the Jews tried to return back to Poland, they found they were not welcome there either, and were interned in a refugee camp to await a place to go. outraged by the treatment of his parents, Grynszpan sought revenge on the diplomatic official who had been assigned to help him and his family, and on november 7, 1938 he shot ernst Vom rath who died two days later.

When the news of this reached nazi Propaganda Minister Goebbels, he

positioned the event as a conspiracy of the Jews, when all evidence pointed to the fact that it was simply one young man in desperate straits to save his parents. the Propoganda Minister assured the German people that if they were to take mob action against the Jews, steps would not be taken to stop or punish their actions. the statement from Munich, where the nazi leadership convened read: “demonstrations should not be prepared or organized by the Party, but insofar as they erupt spontaneously, they are not to be hampered.”

two days later, the nazi Party and their supporters systematically attacked Jewish populations throughout Germany and the

occupied territories. in the span of a few hours, thousands of synagogues, Jewish-owned businesses and Jewish homes were severely damaged or completely destroyed. the event came to be known as kristallnacht, translated to “the night of broken glass.” While the signs had been evident to the outside world all along that the nazi party sought to exile their Jewish populations, this singular event opened the eyes of many, most notably the british, who up until that point had resisted emigration en masse from Germany. the british government had recently denied the entrance of 10,000 children into Palestine, which was under british rule at that time, but in light of these blatant


lisa JUra’s story as told by her daUGhter, Mona Golabek, is one story oF thoUsands, many of which have never been heard. although each story is entirely unique, as is each person who lived through these horrors, there is a commonality in having survived what led to the evacuation of 10,000 children to england, now known as the kindertransport. the events leading up to the kindertransport began with nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels who instigated wide spread pogroms (violent mob attacks against Jews) in Germany and other German-occupied areas in november of 1938. and although we could track violent anti-semitism further back, for the purposes of contextualizing the kindertransport we begin with Joseph Goebbels and his propaganda machine.


October 5, 1938 the German government recalls all Jewish passports and marks them with a large, colored “J.” this is to prevent German Jews from passing as christians and smuggling themselves into switzerland.June 9, 1938 nazis destroy the Munich synagogue by burning it to the ground.

Page 5: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program


mona golabek inThe PianisT of Willesden lane

bY amY leVinson

July 6-14, 1938 an international conference is called by U.s. President Franklin roosevelt to deal with the Jewish refugee problem. the 32 nations attending decide that they will not permit large numbers of Jews to enter their countries.

nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels delivers a speech.

December, 1938 the british cabinet allows 10,000 unaccompanied Jewish children into britain in an action called the kindertransport.

atrocities, britain’s leadership felt a duty to change their position, and thus the kindertransport began.

the british government agreed to permit an unspecified number of children (citizens under the age of 17) to come to the british isles for the period in which the crisis in Germany and the occupied countries continued. Parents or guardians were not permitted to accompany their children, and they were required to post a £50 bond for each child. it was understood that these children were on temporary travel visas and would be returned to their families when it was thought safe to do so. the bond was to be used for their travel expenses home.

the effort to organize these transports was painstaking work, and numerous organizations and individual british citizens answered the call. the first train left Germany on december 1, 1938. it arrived in harwich from the hook of holland, carrying 200 children, all of them orphans, who had left Germany with just 24 hours notice, each with two bags of clothing.

the kindertransport was a remarkable humanitarian endeavor as approximately 10,000 children were rescued between

december 1938 and september 1939. as violence continued to escalate, it became more and more difficult to remove the children. in september of 1939 the Germans ceased the issue of travel visas for Germany and the annexed countries, ending the opportunity for britain to offer a safe haven to more children.

the events are described in great detail on kindertransport.org:

Children of the kindertransport were dispersed to many parts of the British isles. About half lived with foster families, the others in hostels, group homes and farms in england, scotland, Wales and northern ireland. Those older than 14, unless they were fortunate enough to be sponsored by individuals and sent to boarding schools or taken into foster care, were frequently absorbed into the country’s labor force after a few weeks of training, mainly in agriculture or domestic service.

Many families, Jewish and non-Jewish, opened their homes to take in these children. Many of the children were well-treated, developing close bonds with their British hosts; however, others were mistreated or abused. A

number of the older children joined the British or Australian armed forces as soon as they reached 18 years of age and joined the fight against the nazis. Most of the children never saw their parents again.

it should be noted that many individuals and organizations are recognized for their assistance in implementing the kindertransport. the story of Mona Golabek’s mother, lisa Jura, helps us to understand how many acts of valor are required to save only one life, and here tens of thousands were saved. in 1989, a group of kinder, as they are now known, convened to create the kindertransport association (kta) in order to reunite the people who had shared this experience, to revisit an often horrific past that was frequently unspoken by those who had survived it, and to create a written history so their families and the world outside might understand what it meant to be part of this rescue effort.

Mona Golabek is a living beneficiary of what the kindertransport did for generations of Jews. her grandmother, who wanted so much to preserve the gift of music in the Jura family has certainly lived on in Mona’s extraordinary talent.

Page 6: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program


Randall Arney artistic director ken novice ManaGinG director Frank G. Mancuso chairMan oF the board

opening night: Wednesday, april 25, 2012

o P e n i n g n i g h T s P o n s o r s


based on the book The Children of Willesden Lane by Mona Golabek & lee cohen

adapted & directed by Hershey Felder

scenic co-designers David buess & trevor Hay

lighting designer christopher Rynne

Production stage Manager Young Ji

Projection designer Greg sowizdrzal

sound designer erik carstensen

tiMe / settinG Vienna, 1938 and london, 1939–1945

RunninG tiMe one hour and 40 minutes

There will be no intermission

cAstlisa Jura ........................................................................................................................Mona Golabek

Page 7: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program


mona golabek inThe PianisT of Willesden lane

MonA GolAbek (lisa Jura) american concert pianist Mona Golabek has appeared at the hollywood bowl, the kennedy center and royal Festival hall. a Grammy nominee, she has received numerous awards including the avery Fisher Prize. she has been the subject of several documentaries including Concerto for Mona with conductor zubin Mehta. Ms. Golabek’s syndicated radio program, The romantic hours, combines music with poetry. her recordings include Carnival of the Animals and ravel’s Mother Goose suite featuring Meryl streep, both recorded with Ms. Golabek’s sister, renee Golabek-kaye. both daughters were taught by their mother, lisa Jura, who is the subject of Ms. Golabek’s acclaimed book, The Children of Willesden Lane. Ms. Golabek founded hold on To Your Music, a foundation devoted to spreading the message of the power of music. With the help of the Milken Family Foundation and the annenberg Foundation, she created educational resources which, with her book, have been adopted into school curricula across america.

HeRsHeY FelDeR (director/adaptation) broadway, london’s West end: George Gershwin Alone (helen hayes theatre, duchess theatre). composers sonata 1999-2012 (George Gershwin Alone, Monsieur Chopin, Beethoven, As i knew him and Maestro: The Art of Leonard Bernstein) at dozens of theaters across the U.s. and around the world. Winner

of 2007 los angeles ovation awards best Musical and best actor for George Gershwin Alone. compositions include Aliyah, Concerto for Piano and orchestra; Fairytale, a musical; Les Anges de Paris, suite for Violin and Piano; song settings; saltimbanques for Piano and orchestra; etudes Thematiques for Piano; LinCoLn: An American story for actor and orchestra. Worldwide live broadcasts, George Gershwin Alone. Mr. Felder has been a scholar in residence at harvard University’s department of Music and is married to kim campbell, former Prime Minister of canada.

DAViD A. buess (scenic co-design) in his 10 years in theater, david has served as scenic designer, scenic painter, props artisan, carpenter, prop master and stagehand with local 122.  in addition to more than 35 shows at the old Globe, he has worked with theaters including the la Jolla Playhouse, san diego rep, north Park theatre and sledgehammer.  he is credited for set design on a new play Lord Derby’s Giant eland and has designed spaces for many art exhibits around san diego county.  david holds a degree in Fine art from san diego state University.

tReVoR HAY (scenic co-design/ Production Manager) currently Union steward and Properties Master of the Globe stage at the historic old Globe theatre in san diego, Mr. hay has led aspects of production on more than 70 presentations, including the broadway productions of Jack o’brien’s Damn Yankees, how the Grinch stole Christmas and twyla tharpe’s The Times They Are A-Changin’. included in his 22 seasons at the old Globe are 11 seasons of the summer shakespeare Festival repertory. this past season,

Mr. hay worked on tracy letts’ August: osage County directed by sam Gold as well as hershey Felder’s George Gershwin Alone, Maestro and LinCoLn: An American story.

cHRistiAn tHoRsen (scenic construction) christian is a seattle native whose experience in tech theater dates back to high school. he is a graduate of the Pacific conservatory of the Performing arts with a degree in theatre. he has served in numerous capacities during his more than 20 years with san diego’s old Globe theatre, including master carpenter and master rigger. his extensive experience in set, props and furniture construction has brought him to the eighty eight llc/one More entertainment production team.

cHRistoPHeR RYnne (lighting designer) chris’ theater and opera lighting credits include designs for the old Globe, san diego opera, Pasadena Playhouse, south coast rep, houston Grand opera, san diego rep, Michigan opera theatre, Madison opera, cygnet theatre, north coast repertory theatre and san diego Musical theatre. chris also designs lighting for museum exhibitions, special events and lighting systems for new venues.

GReG soWiZDRZAl (Projection design) Greg is a native of orange county, ca. a member of iatse local 122, he has filled the roles of stagehand, master electrician, video engineer, audio engineer and carpenter. as an automation operator with PrG, he has toured the U.s. on shows including The Grinch stole Christmas, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, robin and the seven hoods and The First Wives Club. he recently made his graphic design debut on hershey Felder’s LinCoLn: An American story.

eRik cARstensen (sound design) erik has been Master sound technician at the old Globe since 1997 as well as Production engineer on over 60 productions at the Globe, including Floyd Collins, Dr. seuss’ how the Grinch stole Christmas!, The Full Monty, Dirty Blonde, Dirty rotten scoundrels, Chita rivera: The Dancer’s Life, A Catered Affair, robin and the seven hoods and hershey Felder’s George Gershwin Alone, Monsieur Chopin, Beethoven, As i knew him and Lincoln: An American story. erik is a member of iatse local 122.

YounG Ji (Production stage Manager) Geffen Playhouse: The Jacksonian, radiance: The Passion of Marie Curie, The elaborate entrance of Chad Deity, extraordinary Chambers, in Mother Words, Love Loss & What i Wore, ricky Jay: A rogue’s Gallery; Louis & keely: Live at the sahara. center theatre Group: The Cherry orchard (taper); Wrecks, Trial of the Catonsville nine, Pyrenees, A Very old Man with enormous Wings, Apollo, Flight, new Works Festival (kirk douglas theatre); speak to Me (ctG P.l.a.y. in-school program). other los angeles includes antaeus company: Cousin Bette, king Lear, The Autumn Garden (Producer); La ronde, The Glass Menagerie (director); American Tales, Tonight at 8:30, Phaedra (Getty Villa), classicsFests 04, 06, 08, 10, Mother Courage and her Children, Pera Palas, The Dickens Project, Chekhov X 4 (Production stage Manager). la theater Works: secret order, sonia Flew, Work song; Matrix theater: Dealing with Clair; theatre@boston court: A Winter People. tour: Jerry Quickley’s Live from the Front in Finland: Urban Festival, nyc: Public theater, apollo theater, Portland: tba Festival, seattle: bumbershoot Festival, and others; Mariachi los camperos de nati cano; Fiesta navidad ’06.


Page 8: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program


aboUT The ProdUcTion


RAnDAll ARneY (artistic director)randall arney has been a theater professional for over 30 years, and has served as artistic director of the Geffen Playhouse since 1999. in addition to his artistic programming and oversight at the Geffen, arney has helmed more than 10 productions for the theater, most recently superior Donuts, The Female of the species, The seafarer, speed-the-Plow and All My sons. arney is an ensemble member and former artistic director of chicago’s steppenwolf theatre where his directing credits include: The seafarer, The Beauty Queen of Leenane, Death and the Maiden, Curse of the starving Class, killers and The Geography of Luck, among others. arney also directed steppenwolf’s world premiere of steve Martin’s Picasso at the Lapin Agile, as well as the subsequent national and international acclaimed productions. Mr. arney’s acting credits with steppenwolf include Born Yesterday, Ghost in the Machine, The homecoming, Frank’s Wild Years, You Can’t Take it with You, Fool for Love, True West, Balm in Gilead and Coyote ugly. as the artistic director

for steppenwolf from 1987 to 1995, he oversaw the, creation of a new state-of-the-art theater which is steppenwolf’s current home. broadway transfers under his leadership include The rise and Fall of Little Voice, The song of Jacob Zulu (six tony award nominations) and The Grapes of Wrath (1990 tony award, best Play). Mr. arney has an MFa degree in acting from illinois state University and has taught master classes and workshops at Ucla, steppenwolf, around the U.s. and in tokyo.

ken noVice (Managing director)ken novice’s career in the professional theatre spans 25 years and over 250 productions. Prior to joining Geffen Playhouse, he served as Managing director and director of external affairs at Pasadena Playhouse where his credits include the revival of Fences starring laurence Fishburne and angela basset and the world premieres of sister Act the Musical, ray Charles Live, stormy Weather starring lesley Uggams and many others. he was director of Marketing and Public relations for san diego’s tony award-winning old Globe theatre

where his credits include Jack o’brien’s acclaimed revival of Damn Yankees, the tony award-nominated musical The Full Monty, henry iV starring John Goodman and sheldon epp’s tony-nominated hit Play on! among many others. his credits also include marketing and public relations for the tony award-winning denver center theater company and new york’s circle repertory company. as director of Programming for youthstream Media networks he developed national marketing and public relations programs for most of hollywood’s major motion picture studios. novice also served as head of the theatre Management MFa/Mba program at california state University, long beach and has been a guest lecturer at san diego state University and the University of california, san

diego. he holds a ba from the Pennsylvania state University and an Mba from san diego state University.

eiGHtY eiGHt llc/one MoRe enteRtAinMent, llc (Producer) eighty-eight entertainment was created in 2001 by hershey Felder and is devoted to the creation of new works of musical theater. current projects include The Pianist of Willesden Lane, LinCoLn: An American story, and the composer sonata.  recordings include An American story (recorded with the ars Viva orchestra and conducted by alan heatherington), Love songs of the Yiddish Theatre, Back from Broadway, George Gershwin Alone, Monsieur Chopin and Beethoven, As i knew him.

A NOTE FROM MONA GOlaBEkMy Mother, lisa JUra, Was My best Friend. she taught my sister, renee, and me to play the piano. We loved our piano lessons with her. they were more than piano lessons — they were lessons in life. they were filled with stories of a hostel in london and the people she knew there. her stories were our folklore, burst-ing with bits and pieces of wonderful characters who bonded over her music. sitting at the piano as a child, i would close my eyes and listen to her lilting voice and imagine her world. she always believed “each piece of music tells a story.” her legacy has inspired my music and my life. i pass along her story in the hope that it may enrich the passion and music that lie in each of us.

the Geffen Playhouse is supported, in part, by the los angeles county board of supervisors through the los angeles county arts commission.

this project was also funded in part by the department of cultural affairs, city of los angeles.

the Geffen Playhouse, a non-profit theater company, is proudly affiliated with the University of california at los angeles.

Page 9: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program


Geffen Playhouse10886 le conte avenue los angeles, ca 90024

Administrative Offices ......... 310.208.6500 Weekdays ........................ 10:00 am — 6:00 pm

Box Office Phone Line .......... 310.208.5454 daily .....................................7:00 am — 6:00 pm

Subscriber Hotline ................. 310.208.2028 Weekdays ........................ 10:00 am — 6:00 pm Weekends ....................... 12:00 pm — 6:00 pm

Please visit geffenplayhouse.com for hours, parking and more information


box office WindowWhen shows are not in performance, the box office window is open: Weekdays ........................ 10:00 am — 6:00 pm Weekends ....................... 12:00 pm — 6:00 pm during the run of a show, the window will be open until curtain. Please note: the box office is unable to process exchanges and future sales one hour prior to curtain time on any performance day.


Accessible Accommodationthe Geffen Playhouse is fully committed to ensuring a satisfying theater experience for our patrons with special needs or disabilities. Please contact the box office or an usher to discuss your needs.


late seatingshould you arrive late to the theater or vacate your seat during the performance, please expect to be held in the lobby until an appropriate pause in the action on-stage. to minimize disturbance to other patrons, you may be sat into the first available location by the house staff even if different from your assigned seat. be advised that some productions or circumstances may not allow for late or return seating.



PRODUCTION STAFF FOR Mona Golabek in the Pianist oF Willesden lane

Production Manager trevor Hay scenic construction christian thorsen Production electrician Dan tuttle sound board operator Michael GundersonWardrobe supervisor leah A. lewisProduction assistant Jessica Manning dramaturgs cynthia caywood, Ph.D. & David Hay, Ph.D.


set provided by scenic Highlightslighting equipment provided by entertainment lighting servicessound equipment provided by Jon sound inc.


uclA school of theater, Film and television scene Prop, sound and costume shops; london cleaners; Peet’s coffee & tea; Mark Felt


the Geffen Playhouse is affiliated with the University of california at los angeles, specifically the Ucla school of theater, Film and television. the Geffen Playhouse values its role as an important educational resource by providing students with master classes, workshops and internships. students are also able to work and learn from distinguished visiting Geffen artists such as alan ayckbourn, Jon robin baitz, annette bening, ed harris, david ives, neil labute, david Mamet, donald Margulies, terrence Mcnally, John rando and kathleen turner in areas of directing, playwriting, acting, design, dramaturgy, management and production. the Geffen Playhouse also draws upon the distinguished experts in the university to enhance the theater’s programs and research.

the actors and stage managers employed in this production are members of actors’ equity association; the Union of Professional actors and stage Managers in the United states.

the director is a member of the society of stage directors and choreographers, inc., an independent national labor union.


i offer my gratitude to the following individuals who have journeyed with me through the years with enormous love, support and kindness: richard burkhart, christine burrill, lee cohen, chuck hurewitz, steve robinson, Pebbles Wadsworth, doug ordunio and Julie anderson. thank you to my beloved family. you give me strength and inspire me every day. Jackie (for her unparalleled dedication), london, Jesse, Manny and to my beloved sister’s children: Michele, sarah, Jonathan, and rachel who continue the musical legacy passed down by their grandmother, lisa Jura. i am grateful to everyone who has entered my life in connection with The Pianist of Willesden Lane: howard Fine, the staff of the Geffen Playhouse, sam Voxakis, and the incomparable hershey Felder who believed in the story “of the little girl who was sent away and told to hold on to her music.”


Page 10: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program



the GeFFen PlayhoUse thanks J.P. MorGan Many thanks to Presenting sponsor J.P. Morgan and to everyone who attended story Pirates and Friends

hosted by conan o’brien on March 9. this event supported our story Pirates Play/Write program, which brings writing and performing arts education to more than 20 title 1 school students in los angeles county. We are

deeply grateful to J.P. Morgan for supporting the story Pirates, one of our crucial education and outreach programs which reach more than 22,500 underserved adults, children, veterans and seniors each year.


os b

y Jo




conan o’brien performs with the Geffen Playhouse story Pirates.

tony Pritzker, J.P. Morgan Managing director Michael Walsh, his wife deborah and Geffen Playhouse artistic director randy arney at the

J.P. Morgan private event in the cynthia P. stafford room

Geffen Playhouse advisory board member and event co-chair stephanie carson with husband Jim and son avi

ellen catania and her son dylan smile for the cameras before walking the purple carpet

Page 11: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program

A t-ReX is loose!SAturDAy, June 9 At 11:00Am

the natural history Museum’s walking, stalking t-rex roarrrs into the Geffen Playhouse in this all-new story Pirates show.

a core mission of the Geffen Playhouse is providing educational programs that benefit the community at large. earlier this year our education and outreach department visited the

los angeles natural history Museum to meet the creators of Dinosaur encounters featuring the amazingly life-like tyrannosaurus rex puppet, hunter.

an idea formed — what would it be like for this t-rex to interact with our very own puppet masters: the story Pirates? be the first to see this world premiere production!

ticketS SeLLing fASt! Buy nOw!


SAturdAy Scene

TheaTer for KIDS of all agesFree post-show snacks generously provided by Gelson’s Market and Pretzel crisps

Page 12: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program



cHAiRMAn’s ciRcle$50,000+anonymousPatricia kiernan applegateaudi of america, incben/Joyce eisenberg Foundationcity national bankclearedge PowerMary ann cloydcreative artists agencysusan & John ebeyedgerton FoundationJoyce eisenberg-keefer & Melvin keeferherbert M. & beverly J. Gelfandadi & Jerry GreenbergGuggenheim Partnerscarole & bill haberMartha hendersonJ.P. Morgan Private bankMarilyn & Jeffrey katzenbergGlorya kaufmankeyes automotive Groupsandra krause & William Fitzgeraldlatham & Watkins llPlincy Foundationlos angeles county arts commissionGinny ManciniFay & Frank Mancusodonna Mckenna & Flynn chernosron & kelly Meyerann & Jerry MossoneWest bankralph M. Parsons FoundationPricewaterhousecoopersMadeline & bruce ramerlinda bernstein rubin & tony rubinrichard & barbara shermanshubert Foundationskirball Foundationkate capshaw spielberg

& steven spielbergdeeanna staats, staats & co.cynthia P. stafford & lanre idewuJodi & howard tenenbaumtropicana las Vegasthe Ucla dream Funddeborah & Michael e. WalshJudy & chancellor charles e. young

eXecutiVe PRoDuceR$25,000 — $49,999anonymousa&e television networksarlene & alan aldastephanie & Jonathan carsoncbs corporationclassic Party rentalsthe douglas FoundationGreater los angeles new car

dealers associationharold & Mimi steinberg charitable trustdan hartman arts & Music Foundationhilton bora bora nui resort & spaMarcia israel Foundation, inc.the lear Family Foundationlos angeles magazinelouis xiii de remy Martinsusanna Midnight & charlie MidnightMontage hotels & residencesleslie Moonves & Julie chennapa Valley Grillenikki beachthe edward a. & ai o. shay

Family Foundationsony Pictures entertainmentJudith & bruce sternshel & cynthia stoneUniversal studiosW hotel Westwoodthe Walt disney companyWestime

PRoDuceR$10,000 — $24,999 ariel investments, llcbacara resort & spacharles a. black, Jr.annette blumthe eli & edythe l. broad Foundationbrotman Foundation of californiaeileen & harold brownMark burnett & roma downeycapital Group companiesceline dion FoundationValarie de la Garza & Michael centenocity of los angeles department of

cultural affairsshelley Wike cranleycarole bayer sager & robert a. dalydwight stuart youth Fundsusan & Mark FleischerFour seasonsFox entertainment GroupG.e. FoundationGagosian Gallery incGang, tyre, ramer & brown, inc.Patty Glaser & sam Mudiearthur Greenbergc. curtis Grisham, Jr.Guy d. Gundlach *in Memory of Morrie hazanhbo Filmseric & samantha heerMellody hobsoninteractive corp (iac)Wendell & bernice JeffreyJoan kaloustianMichael kong & anastasia twilleyyvonne & Jason leeleo s. Guthman Fundcarla MaldenMona MaldenMalibu Family Winessusan & Peter Mallorynancy & Michael Mcclellandsandra e. Milkenhope Mineo & Jeffrey kitchenkenneth t. & eileen l. norris Foundationnorthern trust, naanna k. nupsonoccidental Petroleum corpchristine Marie ofieshlee & lawrence J. ramerrollin ransom & chris lacroixreaders Fine Jewelersresnick Family FoundationPamela robinson hollander

& robert hollanderronen levy eventsloren rothschild

& hon. Frances rothschildrichard ruskellthe Vidal sassoon FoundationPatricia & stanley silverthe simms/Mann Family Foundationsotheby’sFred specktor & nancy hellertanino ristorantesteve tischtransamerica insurance

& investment GroupUnion bankW Fort lauderdaleWarner bros. entertainmentFred & Mary WillardWilliam Morris endeavor entertainmentangela Wommackruth ziegleranthony P. zinge

DiRectoR$5,000 — $9,999J.J. abrams & katie McGrathJehan F. agrama & dwora FriedJack & hilary angeloMara & Jonathan blum

bobcat Productions, inclinda & Jerry bruckheimerMarcy carsey & leo yoshimuraJo champacreative intelligence incorporatedlarry & sophie cripebill & kate

in honor of blanch schimmelJohn dittmardreamWorks studiosFielding edlow & larry clarkeGeorge hoag Family FoundationPriscila GiraldoGloria & Peter GoldJay Gordon & Meyera robbinsbarbara Grenellhachette book Grouplynne & Michael heslovhilton Moorea lagoon resort & spacindy & alan hornVicki iovinedora & neil kadishaMannon kaplansally & dr. Manny J. karbelnigl & n andreas FoundationPaul lesterMarlene & sandy louchheimFrank Mancuso Jr. & kim Mancusobarbara & Garry Marshalltodd M. MorganMorgan stanleyMorris & libby singer Foundationsusan bay nimoy & leonard nimoyPelican hill resortkay & bob rehmeJane rissman & richard sondheimerMonica & Phil rosenthalJay d. roth & sherry e. Grantthomas l. safransteve sauerJody & arthur schmidsidley austin, llPsimon strauss FoundationGussie sitkinsondheimer Foundationsports club/last. regis Princeville resorttanaz assil Jewelryheather thomas & skip brittenhamdavid tillman, Md & karen zoller, MdMiranda tollmantribune directU.s. bankJohn & Marilyn Wellsrita Wilson & tom hanksrichard & March Wiseleyelena & drew zagerGail zapparuth & stan zicklin

eDucAtion ADVocAte$1,000 — $4,999anonymous (5)23rd street Jewelersharry & Gay abrams/abrams

artists agencydr. richard a. ackerman & Miriam shakterJanis adams & John lyonsJoanna adlerMiriam aguiaraiG Matching Grants Programolga s. aldersonrichard alonsolaura & harvey alpert

charitable Foundationkatherine amberamgen FoundationPatti & harlan amstutzJohn antoniMargaret & howard arveyavion tequilahank azariashelli azoffbadrutt’s Palace hotelbrandon bailo

d.c. & carol ann bakemanalec baldwinheather barlowrobert e. & Maria h. barronMike baxterrichard & shelley bayernorman beilPeter benedekPatricia benjaminshelly & libby bergenWendy & John bergquistJason berkhelen bingcaron blockchancellor Gene d. block

& Mrs. carol blockPamela & bill bohnertsusan booththe bordy & leibovic FamiliesJeff borrisGreg & elizabeth borrudbrenda & alan borsteindeanne bosnakbrentwood Gardensbrentwood schooldr. Wallace P. brithineerobert brodercarolyn & Gerald bronsteinrobert brook & Jacqueline kosecoffJames brooksWendy & david brotmanMr. & Mrs. todd brown & Familyross G. brownMichael bunindianne burnett & Joan MinervaJason calacaniscanine companions for independencecliff cantorhenry capannachancellor emeritus albert carnesale

& Mrs. robin carnesaledr. Fanya carter

& dr. harold J. delchampsJane catesJosh chaitlisa, Michael & rachel chalfinFrank chiocchi & Jessica richcirque du soleillaurel & aaron clarkJon cohenlinda & John colemanlou colenterri konheim coopercreative brandJeremiah cuertasnancy a. cypertdaedalus Foundation, incsandy daneshradruth daughertyshirley lu & norman davidsonPam dawbersky daytondeluscious cookiesdawn denoonJonathan derosadr. Udayakumar devaskarVin di bona & erica Gerardthe dillon Fundnicolina clark & robert dinlockercarolyn dirks & brett doughertydr. laura’s Wholesome Junk FoodJan & thea drayersteven dubinGerald & sally ducotrichard duffyWilliam duncanMarilyn P. dunnrich s. eisendr. & Mrs. Paul eisenbergcolleen M. ellisterri & david elstonkevin Watts & christine enlowcarl & courtenay enrightdaniel ericksonMica erteguncarol & J.b. esterkinbill FagerbakkeMark Feldman

alex FerrariFidelity charitable Gift FundGloria & Morton Fieldrabbi harvey & sybil Fieldsrandy & steven Fifieldrobert Finkelsteineric Flamholtz & yvonne randleJoan & charles Foxsteve FreedmanFreshsarah leonard Fine Jewelerscarol & Paul Frimmertomas Fuller & bill kellyFuture lightingMike Gaineysharlene & sol Galperkathleen Garfieldinez Gelfandrick GenowMr. & Mrs. Fereydoon GhaffariPaul & cheri Giengerharry a. Gilbertrose Gilbertkiki & david Gindlerbenita & bert Ginsbergcherna & dr. Gary GitnickJackqueline Glasscharlotte Golddr. & Mrs. lee b. Golddr. irene GoldenbergMarion Goldenfeldabner & roz Goldstinechristopher Gorelikadrienne Grant & Paul JenningsGreen dot FilmsJack Grossbart & Marc schwartzallen Grubmanthe Guerin Foundationaliza & Marc Gurenkathryn hahnMonty & Marilyn hallaudley harrisonJulian hartMichael hauptmanMr. & Mrs. William hellmanMel & Faith henkindavid & lisa hernandGrant & lysa heslovJean himmelstein & david colemandr. John d. hofbauer & dr. laura e. FoxMrs. dorothy hoffmanrand hoffman & charlotte robinsonGail & stanley hollanderroger & linda howardtoni hoytthomas Pryor & Vincent imhofflynn hunt & Margaret Jacobterry & Marc J. JacobyJoshua JahnkeMelina JampolisJerome & linda JangerJewish community FoundationPaul JohanssonJack & cindy JonesMr. & Mrs. Vernon d. JonesJordan strauss PhotographyJoseph b. Gould Foundationlinda & david kagelMr. & Mrs. bernard kamineMichael kanekarney Guren Family Foundationsabrina kay charitable FoundationPatricia keatingkelly kellnerlenny & david keltontamara keoughshelah kiddchris kingbarbara & stuart klabinkent klavensJoe klemashlisa klingenbergron kolarleslie & norman koplofhrag kopooshianthea & neal kossWolf kramercarol krause

the Geffen Playhouse recognizes the following individuals and organizations for their generous support of our annual Fund. donors are listed at the Associate level and higher for gifts made between october 1, 2010 and February 15, 2012.

Page 13: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program

krol Vodkaseth krugliakrobin & seth kuglereric & Melissa kurtzmanhelene & arthur laubsteven leesteve lehrerMichael lembeckPhyllis & ken lembergerdrs. Gerald & barbara leveyalan levined & betsy levinecarla & rodney liberrodney liberMae & hugh lichtigVictor liebermanJohn liebessteven & nancy lippmansteve lipscombelisabeth lipsmankevin liptonJudith locke & dennis MassieMr. & Mrs. kalman loebJennifer loPatarobert loPatakaren & Frederick loriglost iguana resort & spaMarcia e. Williams & Gene lucerorobert luketicMeyer & renee luskinneil l. & ora d. Macfarlanethe Jennifer & Greg Malins FoundationGary Maloufbrian MannMarie Marcianoeric G.c. MarkMarketcastMarlborough schooldan MarrowPaul MartinoMax Mashourlesia & William MaxwellJohn Mccrite & Juan lopezJanis b. Mceldowneysue Mchugh & herb seeseMona Metwallibarbara & Fred MillerPhilip Millerandrew & laura MintzerG2 Graphic service, inc.dr. kirstin Moerk, Mr. neil e. Woodburn,

Mr. Malcolm r. down, kenneth r. Johnson & in Memory of larry G. Mathis

Moca FoundationJoanne & Joel Mogylaurie & chuck Mondrusrobert Moorecarol Moranlowell M. MorgenGarry Morris & kent harrison hayesdavid Morselon Morse & toni hollander Morserio & Frank Morsekate Mowlenebenjamin & hedy nazarianJoan & Fred nicholasalbert & barbara nicholsMike nichols & diane sawyershelby notkinGerald & Gail oppenheimersteve & Judy orichPearl o’rourkeGuy osearycarol & bill ouchicharles Pachecolondon, alex & Marty Padillalaurie Macdonald & Walter ParkesMichael Parks & Judith haywardPhilip & leslie PatonJennifer PeltzJulie Piepenkotterherbert & Marilyn Pikenin Memory of Michael PillerMitch PindusPaula, lauren, nicole, & Joseph PinhasMarilyn Pinzurrobert Pisanodavid PlastikPolachecksPeggy & George PolingerJack & Jane Pollockruth PopkinPopland studiosJeanne Mcdonald-Powers & travis Powers

Pure cheesecakesrichard rasiej & Joan hermanParviz razavianMichele reinerdonald b. & susan F. ricein Memory of Frances richmanesther & howard richmondlinda & Manny riderbeth roberts & Warren smithdoug robinsonJames rodaydolores rogersraymond rogowskisusan rosebrad & nancy rosenbergkenneth & rochelle rosenbergsue Weiss rosenwasser & Joseph sinaytodd rubensteinblanche & bruce Joel rubinkathleen hughes rubin & stanley rubinPaula & allan rudnicklawrence rudolphruss, august & kabatdavid a. & karen richards sachsbob safairichard & amber sakaidaphna salimpourJanet salter

in Memory of hon. Maxwell hillary salter

Mark san Filippobarry & nancy sandersWendy schneiderschwab charitable Fundin loving Memory of

elayne P. bernstein schwartzJonathan schwartzsteve & Paula schwartzcynthia searsJed seidelMichele & Peter serchukandrew shackMartin shafertony shalhoub & brooke adamsGeorge shapirorobert shapirolowell sharronJohn & lori shawtraci sheltondora r. sherdiane sherman-smith

in Memory of Gordon a. smithsussan & Michael shoreshowtime networks incholly & larry shulmanrita & Jose sigalGreg & amanda silvermanron silverman & soraya rossdine with nine catering & eventssls hotel at beverly hillslisa smelkinsonin loving Memory of arnold smithnancy & Victor sniderrandy & susan snydersnyder Family Foundationdrs. Matthew & Marion solomonbruce & Patti springsteenJonathan st clairMitch & sherry steinthomas & lisa sternstephen Philibosian Foundationroger stokereric strom & eileen Goodisaaron strouderic suddlesonsugarfishalec sulkinkathryn & Mark sullivanelaine & radoslav sutnarJudd swarzmanFred tatasciore Familyanne c. taubman & david boyleJohn teeples & nicolas Martinez, Jr.larry tenanaudri & stan tendlerWilliam & karen timberlakedaniel tongbaiJenno toppingthe lodge at torrey Pineskenny tranFrancine & James traverslaura trice, M.d.larry tullUbs Financial servicesUniversity scholarship Foundation

susan & Peter Van haftenalan Van Vlietstayce & robert WagnerPeter & denise Walshcraig aliadam Waredavid Weberdavid Weilsander Weiner & Marcia Gilbertin Memory of sylvia & George WeinerJoanne & ken Weinmanadam WeissGelena & seth Weissmanadrian WennerWestin kierland resort & spaalison Whalen & steven Marenbergleslie White & al limonsandy & Jon Willenchris WilliamsMarcia Williams & Gene luceroWinnick Family FoundationFred Wolfkaren & rick WolfenMimi & Werner F. WolfenJames WongMs. Patricia youngmanyves saint laurentandrew & kimberly zakanychdean zanderdebra zavala & alpha zavalabarbara & stanley zaxMarcie & howard zelikowellen & arnold zetcherdavid & ellie zuckermanadam zwicker

ARtistic ADVocAte$500 — $999anonymous (6)the adams-cohen Familydale adrionGeraldine & harold aldennancy antoniouthe Paul apel Familysteven d. ariasbarbara & ethan aronoffbert & ruth aronsMarc & betsy axelrodlynne & lee babbittJanet & irwin barnetbillie baron & edward MarcinkoJames W. baughterry & lionel bellkaren belllaurie & bill benensonJoanne benickescarole a. & charles bennettroger P. bergbeverly biererstu & lucy billetadrienne & Michael blackmanronald & Jamie blackstonesherry borkgrenFrances & les boxerrobert boynelionel brownJanet & Mark browndr. r.W.G. bugentalMarcia burnambush Gottlieb singer lopez kohanski

adelstein & dickinsonbruce carrMs. Martha chaseJudy & Mike Fantasiarobert cochrandonell cohendonald & zoe cosgroveMichael & arline covellcraft los angelesPatrick cranleyValerie & donald cravitzrobert cushnir & Perry lewishedva & dudley danoffsharon darnovdiana davidow & deborah constanceJeffrey s. davidsonruth b. davis & Pearl schultzatum deMontedaniel & Gayle devinkevin & elizabeth dillJames dixon

Wil* & Glorya dixonsuzanne & bruce doddscarol Jean doehringJonathan & susan dolgenFred & Marilyn dorerdee dee dorskinddaryl & Paul F. doucetteanne dougherty & david b. dobrikinthe Milton l. & betty J. dranow

Family Foundationdoug endicottelizabeth a. evansexxon Mobil corporation/

Matching Gifts Programsearl i. FeldhornGladys FellmanMarjorie & arthur Finesydney M. Finegold, M.d.lisa Finkelsteindr. barbara FishMeg FisherMichael & lynne Flynnburt & nanette Foresterlorraine FrankelFran Fredella & scott rubinlora Fremontdottie Friebandandrew & Jennifer FriedmanFranky & art Friedmankenneth J. Friedman & Marilynn J.

Friedman Family FoundationGwen & Jacob Friendsandy Gagehelena Galatolobrian Geltcharles Gerberdiane GlazerWilliam & charlene Glikbargrichard & lori GlucksmanFrancine Golden & Marvin schlossmanlouis & linda GoldsmanGood Works Foundationlori & robert Goodmanellie Goodmansusie & bruce GorenGotta have s’moresJulie c. Graham, olivia c. zeiden,

liam d. zeidendiana & ronald Granitcarolyn & bernard hamiltonMs. linda hanadarobert hardingkay harringtonPenny & steve heldMurray & Gail heltzerneal hersh & lynda kleinkathryn hibbsMarion & todd hindinsteven hochstadtcina hodgeskelley M. hogandr. sharron holmanadrienne & elliott horwitchrobin hursh & Familyharold & evelyn igdaloffrobert & Gail israelFred & nancy Jacobusnancy & len Jacobysteve, alex & emma Jaffetrudy & albert kallissusan & Greg kayMr. & Mrs. William keastnam kim & Jeff katemanrichard kindMr. & Mrs. William kingann & Jonathan kirschirwin kishnersuzanne kleinPhyllis kleinlaurie & Milton klormanJoe & karen knottandrew knoxJay kogenbarbara & stan krasnoffrodger & Jennifer landauJoan & christopher larkinJeanne & christopher lavagninolarry layne & sheelagh boydthe lederer Familyalexandra leichterburton & anita levinsonlydia levyWarren & brenda lincolnMrs. Monte e. livingstonsteven llanusa & Glenn Miya

leslie & adam lobelJoe lotruglioVincent lupoMichael lyntonJoann Magidow MesserMalibu beach innsacha Malin & dori levanoniJeannette & Mervyn Mandelbaumelizabeth Marcellinoruth k. March & FamilyMickey Mcdermottdr. & Mrs. king M. Mendelsohnregina MillerJean Miyamototrudy Monrosusan Moorebill MorinoGail Morinocaroline Mossbill MullinsJohn & sandy MurdockMax Mutchnicksherri nelsonandrew newmanandy newmantimothy noonanrick nyholmdr. ronald & iris onkinPalace head Foundationin honor of eunice, widow of

art director ross bellahMr. & Mrs. herman Passdonald Passmannaidu & Jane PermaulFran & bruce PetersFrank J. Pfizenmayer & Josh brownlisa Pierozzilou & berta Pittlily & rick Pollackkevin Pollakandrea PourmoradiGary & Gail rachelefskyedward b. raschJeralyn refeldharvey & Joyce reichardtimothy reubenricki & Marvin ringcarlene ringerrichard robertsonJill schary robinsonbarbara & david rognlienMarie rolfFred & ronda roseruth & larry rosenlinda & Marvin rosenfeldbeverly & Melvin rosenthalJoyce & deane rosslori & david roussoJoyce hokin sachsnancy & ted sanbornkaren & nathan sandlercharlene & Victor sandssusan & kenneth sarnobonnie saylorMalcolm schneer & cathy liuJane & bill schopfMr. & Mrs. John schumannsusan & Peter schwabdavid & Margaret schwankesusan schwartzdr. & Mrs. Jack schwartzelizabeth & Justin schwartzrodolfo segoviadiana seidmanMildred seigledanelle sherrodyossi sidikarocarol & arthur silbergeldrobin & robert sillsdr. leigh silvertonin Memory of ross hunter

& Jacque MapesJoseph sinayMs. Gerry sinclairMartin & leah sklarMarcia l. & Mark J. smithkaren smitstrudy sokolMelvin spearsdebra & bruce spectorroberta sperorita spiegelcori steinbergarthur sternsally stevens



mona golabek inThe PianisT of Willesden lane

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Mr. & Mrs. robert sugarkayser & renee sumeJohn & eva suttonkeith & Judy swayneMr. & Mrs. david tannrobert thompsonMr. & Mrs. art tompkinsJoyce & Josh trabulusbrigitta b. troydeborah Valdezdaniel & shauna Valenzuelakatja van herlecarole Wagner-Vallianos & Peter

Vallianosira & laurie Waldmanshirley WargonMarcia & dr. charles Wassermanseymour Watermanelisa & brad Wayneannette Weilroberta WeintraubMarsha & steven WeissFred & Marlene Weissmanlinda Wenglikowskielayne & Walter WentzPat Westlinda a. Wilsonherbert Wiseelaine & donald Wolfcherie Wrigleykaren & Frank Wurtzelthelma & sam yellenarnold zanelynn & Meir zivsandy zwirn

AssociAte$250 — $499anonymous (7)herbert ehrmann & constance abellJeffrey & linda abellnorman & toshka abramsterry & richard abramsdrs. helen & Marvin adelbergcathy & alan adelmantamara adenin honor of the birth of

leo Jacob alexanderin Memory of Malena shladovskyJohn alksnehelen allancharles & annick allensylvia almstadtarthur alpersuzanne altfeldirving andersonrobert c. andersonelise andrewsPhilip angerhofer & stephen a. Joneseloise appelcharles & kayatana axelrodross & lindsey avnerdeborah bainesheila & raymond bangslucia barbaroirene baronanne barryPatricia barrycecile bartmanruthlee beckerMichael bedner & kathy eldondawn & Marshall beindelores & roger bergellen bergeron & Gary ottosonkaren berko-Gibsonbunny Wasser & howard bernsteinstuart bernsteindavid bilovskyWesley bilsonava biseMr. & Mrs. ronald bitzerMarjorie blattruth & Jake bloomsandra blumruth & donald blumkin, Pharm d.Frances & thomas boothtoby bornsteinMary boulwarePaula brandhelen breitwieser & James Jacksshelli & bill broderdennis & bobbi brown

susan & roy brownGerald buckbergsuzanne budd & Vicki dellaversonallen & carola bundyaudrey tawa & Jeffrey burbankdavid burkearden burstein & todd Griffithslaurie J. butlerJon bykMarlene & david capellandrew carlbergcindy carlin & Jeff roussoJill carmonaWilma chungken coelhodr. Judy cohnelsbeth collinsMichael collinsira & Marsha coronsusan Georgine craigsarah danielsJaye t. darby & david Fostereileen dardickJoel davidman & cheryl davidJulie & don davischris & lindsey deemshal & roberta delevielinda levenson delsack & kurt delsacksteven demingalan & debbieVirginia dibonaMr. & Mrs. dennis dietzrichard & lauren donnerdrs. don & donna dorseyPaul dowlingsusan b. downeyMr. & Mrs. ed dreyfusMr. chris easleyrachel & John edwardsPat & Marvin elliotdr. robert & natalie engelkirkMauricio & lidia epelbaumallan erdylisa erspamernorma lorene evansalan & barbara FaiolaJustice & Mrs. robert FeinermananonyMoose FoundationMimi Feldmanarnold anderson & conchata Ferrellkaren Fertmanabby & Malcolm FieldMrs. eva FieldWilliam & elisabet Fleischmanedward Floressuzanne Follmercharles FonarowJanet FourticqGlenn & Jane FowlerJoseph Francisnadia & ray Freedbarbara & louis Friedmannorman Friedmannl.t. FriesenMs. laurelle Fromeyuri & yelena Furhamkathy GarmezyPamela Gerken ebsGGW direct, llclaura GibsonWillie r. GibsonGlaceau Waterdavid & denise Goldberglorain Goldbergsy GoldbergMarilyn & allen Goldendr. Peter GoldmanPatricia GoldmanGene GoldsteinMrs. Mae Goodsonl. newton Goodwellin Memory of eugene s. GoodwinJo-ann GordonMark Gordonruth & alison Grabellin Memory of Jack Greenruth & steve Greenbaumtiki GreenbergFeris Greenberger & david dolinkoalan GreenstadtPam GrissomMarcy & edgar Grossin loving Memory of eileen FloodJez Guitoeve haberfield & david Johnson

Mary & alan halkettPeter e. hallevelyn & nat handelcindy & Jason harlemMs. tess harperMs. arlene harrissheila hasdaydr. & Mrs. samuel havesonlois & harold haytinirene hazon-argamanyMs. Marg helgenbergerscott shagrin & dr. Jacqueline hellerJackson henrycarla & alan a. herdrobert hermandiana & Joe hilbermankaren hill-scottcina hodgesGail & stanley hollanderPaula holtdale & John hopmansada & Jim horwichcarol hove-ahmansonlonnie levi israelcraig Jacobsonin Memory of roger JavorMichael JenkinsMarcia Jindalsherrill Johnson & albert MooreJewell Jonesdaniel & carolyn Jordannancy Josephsonkenneth & roneet kahanseymour kahnruth & Marvin kalinMark kalukdrs. elaine & Jeff kamilJoyce kaplanMr. & Mrs. david kaplanowen katoeleanor k. kaufmankevork & cecile keshishiandavid t. kesslershirlee kesslerannette & charles kleemanin honor of leni Jane knappJudy knappcharles kolstaddonald kottlerhoward & Vivian krepackJanice White & eugene kriegerchristina kummer hardtcarol & richard kurlandFrumeh labowsuzanne lakealeyne larner FawcettJill & Michael laskybill & tiiu Jacobsondr. & Mrs. eric leibovitchGinger leibovitzdavid & karen leichengerbetty & ron leiterann lelandGail J. levineJeff & Joyce levineMarla e. levinesheldon & Marion levynan lewisdavid lichtin Memory of Wee-luang limMartha lindbergVictor & Madeline lindenheimirma & allen lipinlori & tom lowarlene ludwigdianne lumloris & kory lunsfordanne l. lynchliz lytleteresa l. MaguireGuillaume MailletMike & Millie Maloneylynn Marksdon & terry Maxwellstewart Mayeda

david israeli & dr. Marie MazzoneGeorgianna Mcburneydiane & dennis MccaustlandPatrick W. Mcdivittcathy & John McMullenbetty & estelle Mednickbarbara s. Meisterkimberly Meyenatalie Milanisusan MillisPamela & Mark Mischelamie Mitchellallan M. Mohrman Jr.andrew MolaskyMichael Mooneydion & Glynis Morrowsusan & robert Morsedeborah Mymanbonnie nashdrs. ronald & ariane nataledr. deborah natoli & Justin natolidavid neilandena nelsonsheila newmanlillian & Joseph nizinskinapoleon & afra nobayelad offerrobert & Monica o’hagansusan r. opas PhdMr. & Mrs. david ostroveallen Pack & rikki GordonJoseph Pannonebob Parisedward Parkercouncil Member bernard c.

& bobbie Parkstracy Parsons & keith Grossmanin Memory of robert & stephen Paskusabhilash & kelly Pateldara & Greg PayneMichael & leslee Perlsteincarol F. PhillipsPhyllis Piano & roy Jonesbeverly Pinedr. ronald & alyson PodellGregory PoirierMs. kim PompeyMr. david Posnerandrea PourmoradiMichelle PrinvalePhilip PritchettMr. & Mrs. howard PrivetteJoan ransohoffedward b. raschJoan redlichharvey reichardMildred reidVicki reissholly rice & Vince Gilliganlinda & steve richmanellen rileydavid robbinsMr. & Mrs. avi rojanybarry rosen & neil bokallynne W. rosenbergJanet & lenny rosenblattkathleen & dale rosenbloomdr. & Mrs. James rosenblumbrendan & Jill rosslawrence ross & linda nussbaumMishelle owenslisa M. rowleyMs. Francoise rozzellterry ryanJune & Melvin sattleralice saulsMaxine savitzMarilyn sayeghcarole & Michael scheinbergcarole scherzerMr. bernard schifferthe schifino Familysteven & Joanna schillingGary & karen schneidernancy & steve schneider

stacy schrierJohn schwartzarlene & arthur schwimmerannette & leonard shapirodr. & Mrs. William sharkthom & Judy sharpJill sheardorothy shepherdJeff shermanMuriel F. shermanstacey shiehnetta & Uri shohetJama & Gary siegelseymour & dorothy siegelsteven siegel & lilly careychuck simonsatori communicationsdr. & Mrs. sylvain smadjadiane Good & Frank smithdr. Jerry & Marci smithJames smithlaura snoke & ed orrettJoyce & al sommerdr. & Mrs. sidney c. sperlingkalee st. clairMark stankevichroger & Jacqueline stanton M.l. stearnsron & elaine steinMr. & Mrs. tom stempelJoannie sternchambers stevensthe stewart Family trustedith l. stoell & linda Gach raysybil stollerarthur streeterWilliam stringerbrian studlerrobin & david swartzamy sweeneylance & Maureen tanthe tauber Familytroy thompsonart & Judy tompkinsJudith toscanoJoan townsendJean & hal trifonPia & steve VaiJane & theodore Valentineanthony Vasekcarol & arnold Vinsteinandrew kevin Walkercory WalkeyJohn J. Waller, Jr.ann W. WangJudge & Mrs. Joseph Wapnerberna lynn WarnerMarcia & dr. charles Wassermandr. George & Pat WatsonJulie Waxmanlouise Weber & sean laveryJulie & Peter WeilPaul J. Weinerbrian WeinstockJackie & Fred Weintraubdonna & Jason WeissJacqueline WeitzJessica Wenthe Wexler Familyrichard & Joyce WicklineJohn Willeyrae Jeane Williamsdavid Wintroubrowie & Jeffrey WolfPam & leo WylerGene & Margaret yatesyou rock GuitarMark young & Patty everettcarol & kenneth zeldenVicki ziegelMr. & Mrs. Mark zimmermandayle & abram zukor

*in Memoriam

Have we made an error?

to report a misspelling or omission in these listings, please contact the development department at 310.208.6500 ext. 128

Page 15: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program

sUnday Monday tUesday Wednesday thUrsday Friday satUrday

11:00am saturday scene theater for familes

2:00pm story pirates the flagship show


saturday 2:00pm

audrey skirball


the flagship show

Please note that talk back tuesday events are for Good People ticket holders. Please visit geffenplayhouse.com for more on signature series events.



gil cates


june 9 may 12

11:00am a t-rex is loose!


3:00/8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane


8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane






6 7 8 9

3:00/8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane


2:00/7:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane


2:00/7:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane


8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

18 19

3:00/8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane


8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane


21 22 23 24 25 26

3:00/8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane


2:00/7:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane


2:00/7:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane


extraordinary chambers

8:00pm superior



8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane


8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

4 53:00/8:00pm

the pianist of willesden lane

3:00/8:00pm good people


the pianist of willesden lane

8:00pm good people

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane8:00pm

good people

7 8 9 10 11 123:00/8:00pm

the pianist of willesden lane

3:00/8:00pm good people

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane8:00pm

good people

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane8:00pm

good people

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane8:00pm

good people

8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane8:00pm

good people


the pianist of willesden lane

2:00/7:00pm good people


the pianist of willesden lane

2:00/7:00pm good people



extraordinary chambers

8:00pm superior



the pianist of willesden lane

8:00pm good people


the pianist of willesden lane

8:00pm good people


8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane




8:00pm the pianist of

willesden lane

Page 16: Pianist of Willesden Lane Program


Randall Arney artistic director

ken novice Managing director

behnaz Ataee General Manager

Frank G. Mancuso chairman of the board


Mary Garrett artistic ManagerAmy levinson literary Manager/dramaturgPhyllis schuringa casting director & assistant to the artistic directorshannon noel artistic coordinatorkristina leach literary associateJen Fingal literary intern


Regina Miller development directorellen catania director of Major Gifts & corporate/Foundation PartnershipsJessica brusilow associate director of donor relationsJamie sherman development Managerliz sellier development associate scott kriloff development assistantbenjamin lowy development assistant


Debra Pasquerette education & outreach directorconnor White resident teaching artist & education associateMichael Faulkner education coordinator


Frankie ocasio executive assistant to the Managing directorMaryam Meehan staff accountantJanet Huynh staff accountantMarguerite Harris receptionist


Miguel del castillo Facility ManagerVictor cueva De loera MaintenanceMario santillan-Perez custodial


Daniel ionazzi Production ManagerJill barnes associate Production Manager Matthew carleton technical directorRich Gilles Properties MasterJames Grabowski sound MasterDarren Rezowalli Master electricianleah A. lewis Wardrobe supervisor


Allison Rawlings director of communicationschelsey Rosetter communications coordinator


Joseph Yoshitomi Marketing directorkaren Gutierrez associate Marketing directorMark san Filippo ticket services director & database administrator stephanie strand audience services & subscription Manager brian Dunning Graphics / Production artist Jodi Feigenbaum advertising & Promotions assistantPaul Millet Group sales Janice bernal associate box office Manager bryan Martin associate box office Manager Janet Huynh assistant box office Managerkorie benavidez, Audrey cain, Zack Hamra, Richard Martinez, lilach Mendelovich, Ryan sandoval, Martin Wurst box office staff


Jeni Pearsons events coordinatorDavid Gerhardt supervising house ManagerAmy Farkas, tommy French, Jessica kummer, kimberly legg, Julianne tveten, Zack schultz house Managers Abdoulaye n’Gom head UsherHunter bird, Michelle cantrell, Adam carr, caroline Harrison, lyndsi larose, Rebecca leigh, nathaniel Meek, katie Mitchell, leah Munson, lindsay nyman, erik odom, Jonathan schwartz Ushers

this theater operates under agreement between the league of resident theaters and actors equity association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United states.

the scenic, costume, lighting and sound designers in lort theaters are represented by United scenic artists local Usa-829, iatse.