pietà, rispetto, amore

Pietà, rispetto, amore (Macbeth) Verdi - Page 1 of 2 Pietà, rispetto, amore Macbeth's aria from the opera Macbeth Text by Francesco Maria Piave (1810-1876) Set by Giuseppi Verdi (1813-1901) Recitative: Perfidi! All'Anglo contro me v'unite! Treacherous-ones! With-the-English against me you-unite-yourselves! Le potenze presaghe han profetato: The powerful seers have prophesized: "Esser puoi sanguinario, feroce; "Be you-can, bloody, fierce; ("You may be bloody and fierce;) Nessun nato di donna ti nuoce!" no-one born of woman you harms." (no one born of woman can harm you.") No, non temo di voi, No, not I-am-afraid of you, (No, I am not afraid of you,) del fanciullo che vi conduce! nor of-the boy who you leads! (or of the boy who leads you!) Raffermar sul trono quest'assalto mi debbe, Renew/reconfirm on-the throne this-attack me must, (This attack must reconfirm me on the throne,) o sbalzarmi per sempre! or overthrow-me for- ever! Eppur la vita sento nelle mie fibre inaridita! And-yet the life I-feel in-the my veins dry-up!

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  • Piet, rispetto, amore (Macbeth) Verdi - Page 1 of 2

    Piet, rispetto, amore

    Macbeth's aria from the opera MacbethText by Francesco Maria Piave (1810-1876)Set by Giuseppi Verdi (1813-1901)

    Recitative:Perfidi! All'Anglo contro me v'unite!

    Treacherous-ones! With-the-English against me you-unite-yourselves!

    Le potenze presaghe han profetato:

    The powerful seers have prophesized:

    "Esser puoi sanguinario, feroce;

    "Be you-can, bloody, fierce;("You may be bloody and fierce;)

    Nessun nato di donna ti nuoce!"

    no-one born of woman you harms."(no one born of woman can harm you.")

    No, non temo di voi,

    No, not I-am-afraid of you,(No, I am not afraid of you,)

    n del fanciullo che vi conduce!

    nor of-the boy who you leads!(or of the boy who leads you!)

    Raffermar sul trono quest'assalto mi debbe,

    Renew/reconfirm on-the throne this-attack me must,(This attack must reconfirm me on the throne,)

    o sbalzarmi per sempre!

    or overthrow-me for- ever!

    Eppur la vita sento nelle mie fibre inaridita!

    And-yet the life I-feel in-the my veins dry-up!

  • Piet, rispetto, amore (Macbeth) Verdi - Page 2 of 2

    Aria:Piet, rispetto, amore, conforto a' d cadenti,

    Mercy, respect, love, comfort to-the day declining/falling,(Mercy, respect, love, or comfort to the declining years,)

    ah! non spargeran d'un fiore la tua canuta et.

    ah! not will-scatter of-a flower the your white-haired age.(ah! will not place one flower upon your aged gray head.)

    N sul tuo regio sasso sperar soavi accenti:

    Nor on my royal stone to-hope-for kind words:(Nor should you hope for kind words upon your royal tombstone;)

    Ah! sol la bestemmia, ahi lasso!

    Ah! only the curse, a- las!

    La nenia tua sar.

    The dirge yours shall-be.(The funeral dirge shall be.)

    (Literal translation and IPA transcription 2008 by Bard SuverkropIPA Source, LLC)