pili€¦ · docid: 4092124 r r .~ . .-.. ,--/~°"-. / cc: adp po),. a05 mi. kl2 m/r: d121 ln...

UNCLASSIFIED//F"OR OF"FIGl/\L UGE OPJLY DOCID: 409212..4 MEMO IDUTlll SLIP J. TO .. !TIM.I hL?- f'tJI Mn f REllARU tf:Jtn-.. - I - ICTIOi. ClllCIUTI: COOIDlllll'IOll PILI ...... lll'IOll ...... BIUlll ... -- llDUllOll ... .. --..u b) ( 3) -P.L. 86 - 36 .' FiiOi I ... .... DD 1 =r'eo 95 11111.ACll Hmou1 mmoN - t\pproved for release by NSA on 01-13-2014, Transparency Case#6339) .. UNCLASSIFIEDNFOR OFFIGli",L UGE OPJLY

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Page 1: PILI€¦ · DOCID: 4092124 r r .~ . .-.. ,--/~°"-. / cc: ADP PO),. A05 mi. Kl2 M/R: D121 ln a memo of 23 _.68 to ADS an4 IJ1P • :reZe!'.re4 to BSA'• report to USIB coatasntns


MEMO IDUTlll SLIP 1~~~f"' J. TO .. !TIM.I

hL?- Si1~ f'tJI Mn

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b) ( 3) - P . L . 86 - 36



FiiOi I.· ... ~/.< ....

DD 1 =r'eo 95 11111.ACll Hmou1 mmoN - -·

t\pproved for release by NSA on 01-13-2014, Transparency Case#6339) .. UNCLASSIFIEDNFOR OFFIGli",L UGE OPJLY

Page 2: PILI€¦ · DOCID: 4092124 r r .~ . .-.. ,--/~°"-. / cc: ADP PO),. A05 mi. Kl2 M/R: D121 ln a memo of 23 _.68 to ADS an4 IJ1P • :reZe!'.re4 to BSA'• report to USIB coatasntns

DOCID: 4092.12.4


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o3ID J!,(J1Dila I"5:1 (Dmc:a.t.tve- See81cD). 6 J?me l.~,, &;1,. Iaterb ne~ OU Itpict of ~ of ~- P£JEBL0

rU.1'.:t£l'tCES: (a) CIA Nomo. to Dm~, dtd 17 !Sq 68, oam oubJcct as ~

(b) D.12 Mecc· to fJJH1 tJ2, £tt.d 2l EiaU' 66, aat:ic &UbJect as abCM?

l. ~ tall.ow1raB ~OmAtiCA ts ~ iVr poard.bl.e w:e lYI' t.!Je Director at the t~ ~ ll'*tias• lt 1a ~ 1n 'two ,parts: flr!rt,, obser­VJAti<ma Ott ttic s.peeJflc daeme4ts EeD.tioaed in t:. D/rA:l letter; a.ml seema,, rosponees to ~ .;o1au ~ 1Zl ~ 3 or tae 1ll.2 ~.

2. ~C Docusneata mcmttcoe4 1n thej>/Dc! JAtter: 1'ile 4ocutvmt8;;.==-____, mcnt1<med8i"iSlfili* a (Sjiillic 1ntelll9iiiCi CGiiieuem ~w ). I I _______ -.---.e'fAw:Let WlatUe <»>era.tloml,. I.a'alnc:tles, ~ · .aet1yf.Ues". 0 Cll1CQI CCW'Ji4cat1orat E.;Jatema", 8Dd 1'CBICQ( L__J~UY'l ti' h \ I I ··· &me Qt tm QC£•s ,.ee~ et"Vl!Q to tile- 20EB?.0. b~ ~st~ or\ 1ts field Qfttcea.. \Jc :f-eel. taa't tlifte ia ~to ~t.f.Qll tbe1r pravittion to arq CQJlect1Ql t:ectUtq. dDCe tlle7 are Ul&leu to a coUeettoa ~~~ . •til after tbe7 Ila.Te beeD tranal:Ued :ID.ta ~eal qe.c1:ft.ca. ... , . . . I b I I 1 I

(b ) ( 3 ) - 50 USC 403 lbl 131 - ltl use 798 (b) (3) - E'. L . 8 - 36

the MleC'UGa of l'eferpce Pntln1al 5 foe. tbe ror·:i1c was 1J8de 1q ~ elWDts ~ BSA, 8D4 b7I 011 tbe basis o~ ~ $SX-aarltb :SClledtile of tile PUIBLO'e a.ct.tv1Uea. T'mt vu am.IOWlced b¥ CDlCPACi'LT 111 Decez1her 1967; ·aove'RJ'* it IBl. been ~ bare ~arlier~ and. .o. CQlleetion waa r:Ue-of~ !d.Oa, CCliDU ~imtcal. P.eports ar.td cmr.ia.l.s. vhlc11 wow.a be ~rw. to tim me'!benl or tile smm detacl:mmt al.M:la.rd. !iileso tn.tezla1*~ u ln tbe put, lMll'e ~-wen to tac o'!A81.-taD.t Dtreetor., iiava.l. r~t.7 G:rou.P,, ~~ f'~UG to tl1C PUE3.LO'a point or ~t1~. t.n a b~ tor ~ epecUJ.c re/"erence ma.terJ.aJ.~, to. ~ta drew oa their pt eqier.iellf:e in wrk!.n8 on toe reaul:ta of &M,pborae col1ect1ori, taeh· m;mwJ.eaee of fleB1rod -w-~-et.s, and tile!r \li._oeussions vita OlG1llP detac!lmellt ~- .

( b ) ( 3 ) - P . L . 8 6 - 36


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Page 3: PILI€¦ · DOCID: 4092124 r r .~ . .-.. ,--/~°"-. / cc: ADP PO),. A05 mi. Kl2 M/R: D121 ln a memo of 23 _.68 to ADS an4 IJ1P • :reZe!'.re4 to BSA'• report to USIB coatasntns

DOCID: 409-2124



,._. a,..• -


b .. ·c:oneetive Reuuzu kine~ to Llml~ iUture J>rmasea~

CA 3J. .Tm.UU7 196ll, DLllSA aeAt a -aaee to the ~ il:A'a ·end tile1r na;pective :f'J.e.14 ~ .. n.queaUng • f.waiate 1mmto:q ~ aU smm ®cuneata fol" -11 WJe Pl&ttora. '!be••• -'4, m l*'tt .. Bequest j'Ol& t.mura t.bat technieat .-ter1al.. carrW OD ~ a smm plattom canttnue to be um.tea t.o that CGU1dmed aab1oluteq •sentlal. to tile accawllah•­.~t of tbe »artlmzlar smm ld.Alo.Q. Documen.ts aOt eHe:a.t.lal. - Bd.utan, ~ vhtch a12)1't be useful on Abae~t mf.lud.caa~ eQoal4 be 2'9taf.De4 ~ s... to l'latfoim. as ~;;J ·• SCA.*4 '4n!'ft ~ck to COGll'• .

e. hocecfURJS AWJ,tcalPle to '.EICpoaed i'laUOJ'll& ar l1Alte IWhlcll iol<l cmm ~tertalB:

ln Flucll of tb1e yeer6 ISA~ coacern (to tbe tm. SCA•e aDd CJIC) trier Bm1Jfl boldtJIQI in e.wpaed m-eea, aD4 Uke4 for iDfo.me.UOQ m ·er•.• 1DTimto:l7 con.trola 111 $ffect at DSU'fl' •

lJSG amt aac ~· .. a A.Pr1l V1tb pt81t.1w lntol'llatloo.. ~y stated tbat tbe QnS:t 1D Jla Ua:nc, SmtA Vietnam, be1d a. mtutcam &mOWl't or eates;or,r ll ~~ aa4 .. ~ wltb ptrtilren~ c11.rect1fta.

I , 1·/ ASA rn»cmdri on 17 MIQ', but 414 llOt »rovide IG81t1ve 1afcm.at!on.

1'!le7 reviewed SIDU&l aecuritJ promsdmea, wt 414 sta.t.e tba\ DSlPa bel4 a mtn:hmn amoun.t. Gt ~ lI atertal. and destl'()Je4 ltema. u eocm as tbe1r uaei'ulneu vaa imtr! taus-, tbe1r hol.<Unae MA uot Bl'OIJ•



I I I ! i

! i

i I l

I i

AP£S ta avait.!Ds a ~ from t.'be1r PacUie beadquartera,, before ~ Giii" request...

· a. ?lmm1 na Act1(ms. to i.e.. .F\J.ture Losses:

Two 4ratt ~ to ;vert1nellt ~ 4ocumen-tnl are now bel!ag cool'dlnated vlth tne SCA'.a.. z.se v1l1. iequ1re the torv.vcUag of 1o.ventor1es trC1!4. !:!:!.. SCA alt.es; ti2e inf'ormatlaa V1ll be 111 mar"tneabJ.e tona, aad. 1f.Lll be proc:eseed at flSA. Tmm, liSA abf»ld 'be in a paaltion to know at-~ Ume, w!lat SIGil'f and SIOID'l'•relatal ~ 4i'e' bel4 ~ a -1te taJ»Oae4 or ~}.

4. 1'be put emcept for AGO operatlou 1la# a.ll.Olred for dlveratO!l of aiq mtaelon to ccwer ahort-aatice. Mat.r·prlorit;r requ!.remen'ta. To enaure PJ'Ol)er technical aupsort for- lllCh enmtv&liiiea~ Wil1c:h VOllld veq lllce\7 precl.Ude a return to port,, aqpport mater1al1 -1 to be avtdlP.le at • ~t ot a

l. QPDOC lo. 21, nsmm Tecbntcal Sgortu Tramm llo. 1001. "Provtalcm ot 1'ecimical

sunort" (nev Aolu9X reqa.tr1.Ds ilmlatoiy 1nfomat1on)

. ·-


Page 4: PILI€¦ · DOCID: 4092124 r r .~ . .-.. ,--/~°"-. / cc: ADP PO),. A05 mi. Kl2 M/R: D121 ln a memo of 23 _.68 to ADS an4 IJ1P • :reZe!'.re4 to BSA'• report to USIB coatasntns

DOCID: 4092124


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lm& aaWQJ.e. It 1a ananait ~t B\1ds cliftZ'91an GI a 8hf.}tbol'lie ~Ucma vUl, f'rCID Dall cm, be sreatJ¥ cm"ta1led 'b7 ~ to JISA'e guldem:e to 'tbe SCA'• OD uat.ttns SDttrl!r JtolMqs 4bom:d aucla a ,Pl&Uo.rm.

5. lla'llQa a fact DOt ~ Jmalm• la tbat th& ~ baa prod4e4 umect ~ ab,tpt for -. of tlle SJl'9 aeulUve us optraticaUJ .snce tm fUE8f.D f,ncS.c)aat. the 11JtlrBB6 ~~ 1utamce, baa• cte.~ acort vidla

I I If.be' OECBaD.16 al.90 ball a ~r eltCOl'd 4udnG tu : recelii Ciiiliij.I I ane eacort ac'ioa are .lo .W.Um • to tile Bavyta aoUm 1D illc1'eaa1D6 the mleSt ~ to tbe S'• mid • AGEK'• ~ve..

(bl ( 1 I (bi(3) - 50 use 403 (b) (3) - 18 USC 798 (b) (3) - P . L . 86 - 36

JOlD'I E. NO.aBttJal• .m. Brlp41er General, USAP AM18tmlt. m.r.tor, BSA

-ror PzutacUm



Page 5: PILI€¦ · DOCID: 4092124 r r .~ . .-.. ,--/~°"-. / cc: ADP PO),. A05 mi. Kl2 M/R: D121 ln a memo of 23 _.68 to ADS an4 IJ1P • :reZe!'.re4 to BSA'• report to USIB coatasntns

DOCID: 4092124

r r

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/~°"- . ,--/

cc: ADP PO),.

A05 mi. Kl2

M/R: D121 ln a memo of 23 _. 68 to ADS an4 IJ1P • :reZe!'.re4 to BSA'• report to USIB coatasntns m wea11PRt ot tbe l.oBa of tbe USS iUDtO. 1'b&'t ~,, prqent.ed to 'the Board. m 13 Mq, prmpted iibe Depi~ Dlrector ~ CentJ'&l. Intelligence to request that the J11&t.ter ot the PUEBLO be cr.maidered b7 tbe Board at 1ta 23 J1a¥ meeting. (!be· meetlug vaa llUbaequentl.7 rescD.eaule4 to 6 June.) In addition, tbe D/'JX!l eent a pencmal letter to tha Director, BSA, lD vbich be poll8ti aevera1 q,1eattau. b 'l>J.2 memo of 23 Ka.;r. ca.Ud t"or infonatlon. vi:d.ch tbe Dl.rector fe1t be voul4 need. 1n order to amwer tboR queattcu, am to uae in ~ toe matter at tbe 6 June USIB meet1Dg.

6"tat.ementa weJ"e so1.1c1te4 tram .A0-5;1 004,, and KJ.21 tae7 vere ilwOl"llQZ'aWd into an anaver:tng mem frora ADP to Dl2 ..

~F=l{r?YWJr.=<=rf r·---' ~ Ii...,__,'•,,:·-"".> u \.. ~ • - .. ;-\ ... 1", LS. ---=--- -- - ...,. ~


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