pix firewalls

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  • 8/6/2019 PiX Firewalls


    PIX Firewall

    An example of a statefulpacket filter.

    Can also work on higher layers of protocols

    (FTP, RealAudio, etc.)

    Runs on its own OS

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    The Adaptive Security Algorithm (ASA)

    Basic Features of PIX

    Advanced Features

    Case studies

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    Adaptive Security Algorithm

    An algorithm that defines how PIX examines trafficpassing through it, and applies various rules to it.

    Basic concept:

    - Keep track of the connections being formed from thenetworks behind the PIX to the public network

    - Based on info about these connections, ASA allows

    packets to come back into the private network through thefirewall.

    - All other traffic destined for the private network is blockedby the firewall (unless specifically allowed).

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    ASA defines how the state and other information isused to track the sessions passing through the PIX.

    ASA keeps track of the following information: Source and destination info of IP packets

    TCP Sequence numbers and TCP flags

    UDP packet flow and timers

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    ASA and TCP

    TCP is connection-oriented, and provides most ofthe information the firewall needs.

    The firewall keeps track of each sessionbeing

    formed, utilized, and terminated. ASA only allows for the packets confirming to the

    state of a session to go through. All other packetsare dropped.

    However, TCP has inherent weakness, whichrequires ASA to perform additional work managing

    the sessions SYN flood, session hijacking

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    ASA and TCP

    SYN flooding

    The SYN flood attack sends TCP connections requests

    faster than a machine can process them.

    (Internet Security Systems,


    SYN flood (as fefined in the Wikipedia,


    Illustration: next

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    Syn Flood

    A: the initiator; B: the destination

    TCP connection multi-step

    A: SYN to initiate

    B: SYN+ACK to respond C: ACK gets agreement

    Sequence numbers then

    incremented for future messages

    Ensures message order

    Retransmit if lost

    Verifies party really initiated


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    Syn Flood

    Implementation: A, the attacker;B: the victim


    Receives SYN Allocate connection


    Wait for response

    See the problem?

    What if no response And many SYNs

    All space for connectionsallocated

    None left for legitimate ones


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    ASA vs Syn Flood

    (Beginning in version 5.2 and later) When the number of incomplete connections through the

    PIX reaches a pre-configured limit (the limit on embryonicconnections), ASA turns the PIX into a proxy forconnection attempts (SYNs) to servers or other resourcessitting behind it.

    PIX responds to SYN requests with SYN ACKs andcontinues proxying the connection until the three-way TCPhandshake is complete.

    Only when the three-way handshake is complete would thePIX allow the connection through to the server or resource onthe private or DMZ network.

    Benefit: Limits the exposure of the servers behind the PIXto SYN floods

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    ASA and TCP

    Problem with the ISN: The initial sequence number (ISN) of TCP isnot really random!

    possible TCP session hijacking attack

    case study: Kevin Metnicks attack on Tsutomu Shimomuras computersin 1994-1995

    Six steps (pp.421-422):

    1. an initial reconnaissance attack: gather info about the victim

    2. a SYN flood attack: disable the login server; a DOS attack

    3. A reconnaissance attack: determine how one of the x-termgenerated its TCP sequence numbers

    4. Spoof the servers identity, and establish a session with the x-term (using the sequence number the x-term must have sent)

    result: a one-way connection to the x-term5. modify the x-terms .rhosts file to trust every host

    6. Gain root access to the x-term

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    PIX: Basic Features

    ASAs stateful inspection of traffic

    Assigning varying security levels to interfaces


    Extensive logging

    Basic routing capability (including RIP)


    Failover and redundancy

    Traffic authentication

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    PIX: Basic Features- ASAs stateful inspection of traffic

    PIX uses a basic set of rules to control traffic flow: No packets can traverse the PIX w/o a translation,

    connection, and state.

    Outbound connections are allowed, except thosespecifically denied by the ACLs.

    Inbound connections are denied, except for thosespecifically allowed.

    All ICMP packets are denied unless specifically permitted.

    All attempts to circumvent the rules are dropped, and amessage is sent to syslog.

    To tighten or relax some of these default rules: nextfew slides

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    PIX: Basic Features Assigning varying security levels to interfaces

    PIX allows varying security levels to be assigned to itsvarious interfaces, creating the so called security zones.

    A PIX may have 2 to 10 interfaces.

    Each i/f can be assigned a level from 0 (least secure,usually the Internet) to 100 (most secure, usually theinternal private network).

    Default rules:

    o Traffic from a higher security zone can enter a lower security


    PIX keeps track of the connections for this traffic andallows the return traffic through.

    o Traffic from a lower security zone is not allowed to enter a

    higher security zone, unless explicitly permitted (such asusing ACLs).

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    PIX: Basic Features

    ACL Mainly used to allow traffic from a less-secure portion ofthe network to enter a more-secure portion of the network.

    Information used in ACLs:

    Source address

    Destination addressProtocol numbers

    Port numbers


    To allow connections to be made to web or mail servers sitting onthe DMZ of the PIX from the public network

    To allow a machine on a DMZ network to access the privatenetwork behind the DMZ

    Use of ACLs must be governed by the network securitypolicy. (Only use them when necessary)

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    PIX: Basic Features Extensive logging

    System logs are sent and recorded in a central location (forexample, the syslogserver).

    PIX records the following types of syslog messages:

    Connection events, AAA events, Failover events, FTP/URL events, Mail

    Guard/SNMP events, PIX Firewall management events, Routing


    8 syslog logging levels:

    0 (emergency), 1 (alert), 2 (critical condition), , 7 (debug message, log

    FTP command, etc.)

    A subset of the syslog messages may be displayed on the PIX

    console or a Telnet session screen. 3rd party s/w (e.g., Private Eye) may be used to generate

    extensive reporting from the syslog messages.

    Info in the syslog may be used by PIX to help intrusion detection.

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    PIX: Basic Features

    Basic routing capability

    PIX supports some basic routing, including

    the use of default routes,

    static routes, andRouting Information Protocol (RIP)

    However, routing functionality in PIX is limited.

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    PIX: Basic Features

    NAT PIX can perform NAT for packets traversing any two of its


    By default, NAT must be set up for a connection state to becreated.


    The most common use of NAT is sit between the private network

    behind the PIX (using an RFC 1918 space) and the Internet translate and keep track of the addresses

    NAT may also be used between two interfaces on the PIX, neither ofwhich is on the public network.

    dynamic NAT vs static NAT: next

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    PIX: Basic Features

    static NAT A type ofNAT in which a private IP address is mapped to a public IPaddress, where the public address is always the same IP address (i.e., ithas a static address). This allows an internal host, such as a Web server,to have an unregistered (private) IP address and still be reachable overthe Internet.

    dynamic NAT A type ofNAT in which a private IP address is mapped to a public IP

    address drawing from a pool of registered (public) IP addresses.Typically, the NAT routerin a network will keep a table of registered IPaddresses, and when a private IP address requests access to theInternet, the routerchooses an IP address from the table that is not atthe time being used by another private IP address.

    Configuring NAT in PIX: http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/556/9.html

    With dynamic NAT, translations do not exist in the NAT table until therouter receives traffic that requires translation. Dynamic translations havea timeout period after which they are purged from the translation table.

    With static NAT, translations exist in the NAT translation table as soon asyou configure static NAT command(s), and they remain in the translationtable until you delete the static NAT command(s).

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    PIX: Basic Features

    Terminology related to failover:

    Active unit vs Standby unit

    Primary unit vs Secondary unit

    Question: relationships between

    active/standby and

    primary/secondary ?

    System IP vs Failover IP

    System IP: the address of the

    primary unit upon bootup

    Failover IP: that of the secondary


    Primary Secondary



    Failover and redundancy

    The failovercapability allows a standby PIX to take over thefunctionality of the primary PIX, as soon as it fails.

    Statefulfailover: The connection info stored on the failing PIX is

    transferred to the PIX taking over.

    The standby PIX assumes the IP and MAC addresses of the

    failed PIX.

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    PIX: Basic Features

    - Failover and redundancy

    How does failoverwork?

    A failover cable(RS-232 serial) connects the primary unit

    and the secondary unit, allowing the secondary unit todetect the primary units power status, and failover

    communication in between.

    (In the case of statefulfailover) The state info istransferred via an Ethernet cable connecting the primary

    unit and the secondary unit.

    Every 15 seconds, special failover hellopackets are sentin between the two units for synchronization.

    Requirements: The h/w, s/w, and configurations on thetwo PIXes must be identical.

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    PIX: Basic Features

    - Failover and redundancy Limitations of CISCO PIX failover?

    Some info are not replicated between the two units: User authentication table

    ISAKMP and IPsec SA table ARP table

    Routing info

    The secondary unit must rebuild the info to perform thefunctions of the failed unit.

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    PIX: Basic Features

    Traffic authentication on PIX: Cut-through proxy authentication

    Only when the authentication occurring during theestablishment of a given connection succeeds would PIX

    allows the data flow to be established through it.

    A successfully authenticated connection is entered the ASAas a valid state.

    As soon as an authenticated connection is established, PIX

    lets the rest of the packets belong to that connection gothrough without further authentication.

    PIX supports both TACACS+ and Radius as the AAA


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    Advanced Features of PIX


    NAT on the destination addresses

    DNS doctoring (modification) of a DNS servers address

    x Guards

    flood guard, frag guard, mail guard, & DNS guard

    Advanced filtering

    Multimedia support

    Spoof detection (via URPF)

    Protocol fixup sysopt commands

    Multicast support

    Fragment handling

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    Case studies

    PIX with 3 interfaces, running a web server on the DMZ

    PIX setup for failover to a secondary device

    PIX setup to use the aliascommand for a server sitting on theDMZ (a case of NAT on the destination address)

    PIX setup for cut-through proxy authentication and


    Scaling PIX configurations using object groups and turbo
