planning and assessment handbook

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  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook



    Institutional Effectiveness



    Huntsville, Alabama

    May 2011 Revision

  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Planning and Assessment Handbook iii


    INSTITUTION-WIDE STRATEGIC PLANNING ............................................................................................ 1

    Planning Process Summary........................................................................................................ 1

    Oakwood University Mission, Vision and Goals ........................................................................ 3

    Environmental Scan (SWOT Analysis) ........................................................................................ 4

    University Goals, Initiatives, and Outcome Measures ............................................................... 5

    Components of a Institutional Strategic Plan ............................................................................ 6

    Components of an Institutional Action Plan .............................................................................. 6

    Campus Institutional Effectiveness Report ................................................................................ 7

    Components of a Campus Institutional Effectiveness Report ................................................... 8

    STRATEGIC PLANNING UNITS ................................................................................................................. 9

    Executive Plans and Summaries ................................................................................................ 9

    DEPARTMENT-LEVEL PLANNING ........................................................................................................... 10

    Statement of Purpose .............................................................................................................. 10

    Departmental Goals, Objectives and Outcome Measures ...................................................... 11

    Academic Departmental Operating Plans ............................................................................... 11

    Departmental Strategies.......................................................................................................... 11

    Outcome Measures ................................................................................................................. 12

    Components of a Department-Level Plan ............................................................................... 15

    DEPARTMENT-LEVEL REPORTING ......................................................................................................... 16

    Departmental Effectiveness Report......................................................................................... 16

    Department Information ......................................................................................................... 16

    Components of a Departmental Effectiveness Report ............................................................ 17

    ACADEMIC PROGRAM REVIEW ............................................................................................................. 18

    Factors in the Review Process ................................................................................................. 18

    Components of the Program Review File ................................................................................ 20

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    ACADEMIC PROGRAM ASSESSMENT PLAN ........................................................................................... 21

    Department Information ......................................................................................................... 21

    Statement of Purpose .............................................................................................................. 21

    Program Management ............................................................................................................ 22

    Student Learning Goals ............................................................................................................ 22

    Student Learning Outcomes .................................................................................................... 22

    The Curriculum Map ............................................................................................................... 22

    The Assessment Matrix ........................................................................................................... 23

    Components of an Assessment in the Major Plan................................................................... 26

    ACADEMIC PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS REPORT ................................................................................... 27

    Department Information ......................................................................................................... 27

    Summary of Results of Assessment Activities ......................................................................... 27

    Use of Results .......................................................................................................................... 28

    Revision ................................................................................................................................... 28

    Components of an Academic Program Effectiveness Report .................................................. 28

    INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS AT OAKWOOD UNIVERSITY ............................................................... 30

    Institutional Effectiveness Committee .................................................................................... 30

    Oakwood University Planning and Assessment Model ........................................................... 33

    Assessment Calendar............................................................................................................... 34

    Institutional Effectiveness Timetable ...................................................................................... 35

    GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................................. 36

    APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................................... 39

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    The President of Oakwood University is responsible to the Board of Trustees for the development and

    implementation of a comprehensive strategic written plan. Oakwood University endorses the philosophy

    that the effective development and implementation of a comprehensive strategic plan requires the

    efficient cooperation of all members of the University community. The ultimate purpose of the plan is to

    define the University to its constituency, internal and external, in an effort to provide a mutual

    understanding of its mission and goals. This understanding leads to a common acceptance of the

    strategies employed to achieve the stated mission and goals.

    The planning process at Oakwood University involves individuals from across the campus and from

    relevant external constituents. The president has established a University-wide planning committee,

    charged with the responsibility of managing the planning process. Specifically, the planning committee=s

    purpose is to help ensure that planning is systematic, broad-based, interrelated, and appropriate to the

    institution. Its function is to assist the institution in defining its expected educational results and in

    developing methods for analyzing the results.

    The University Planning Committee is also responsible for developing and maintaining the University

    mission and vision statements, goals, strategic initiatives, and outcome measures. The process solicits

    input from the entire University community. The committee also conducts the University=s

    environmental scan. During the five year period of the University plan, the committee meets yearly to

    review the status of the plan and to make recommendations on appropriate changes, updates, and

    revisions to the mission statement and goals. The committee also identifies/reviews/revises the

    strategic initiatives that help in prioritizing budget allocations.

    To ensure that the planning process is broad-based, the University Strategic Planning Committee is

    composed of responsible parties across the campus. The committee consists of twenty-two members

    and is chaired by the University president. The remaining members are:


    Vice President for Academic Affairs

    Vice President for Financial Affairs

    Vice President for Student Services

    Assistant Vice President for Information Technology

    Vice President for Advancement and Development

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    Assistant Director Development

    Director Human Resources

    Director Public Relations

    Faculty representatives two

    Finance Division representative

    Student Services representative

    Library representative

    Director BPhysical Plant

    Faculty Senate representative

    Center for Academic Success representative

    Community representative

    Student representatives two

    Director BInstitutional Effectiveness (facilitator)

    Oakwood University=s planning process begins with the University=s mission statement. The mission

    statement defines the purpose of the University. It answers the question, AWhy does the university

    exist?@ In addition, the mission statement may answer several related questions. What makes the

    university different from other colleges/universities? What are the unique characteristics of the

    university? What are the core values of the university?

    The mission statement is the cornerstone of the planning process. It is a relatively stable document that

    identifies the purpose of the University and the unique role that it serves. The mission statement may be

    revisited occasionally during the life of the strategic plan, but substantive changes will be made only as a

    result of significant changes in the external environment or the structure or function of the university.

    The University vision and goals are closely related to the mission statement. The vision describes the

    outcome of achieving the mission. The goals support the accomplishment of the mission.

    The Oakwood University mission statement, vision, and goals are presented on the following page.

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    Oakwood University Mission Statement

    Oakwood University, a historically Black Seventh-day Adventist institution of higher learning,

    provides quality Christian education that emphasizes academic excellence; promotes harmonious

    development of mind, body, and spirit; and prepares leaders in service for God and humanity.


    Oakwood University graduates are leaders in service to God and humanity.

    College Goals

    Goal 1: Spiritual Vitality: Promote a Christ-centered, Seventh-day Adventist worldview.

    Goal 2: Educational Excellence: Demonstrate academic excellence inteaching and learning.

    Goal 3: Nurturing Environment: Facilitate a supportive environment that is sensitive to the needs of

    students and all other constituents.

    Goal 4: Operational Efficiency: Ensure efficient service and resource management.

    Goal 5: Resource Development: Provide sufficient financial resources to support all aspects of the


    Goal 6: Institutional Relations: Enhance the reputation and relationships of the institution.

    Goal 7: Technology Leadership: Maintain a technologically progressive campus.

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    The University Strategic Planning Committee, with input from the university community, conducts the

    environmental scan for the university. The primary purpose of the scan is to identify and analyze the

    environment in which the university operates. Changes in the external environment or in the structure

    or function of the university are identified through the environmental scan. The scan involves two steps.

    First, the strengths and weaknesseswithinthe University environment must be identified. Strengths are

    those things that the university does well and/or that make a significant positive contribution to the

    effective or efficient operation of the university. Weaknesses include things within the university that

    need improvement. Second, opportunities and threats in the external environment must be identified.

    While the external scan should be comprehensive, there is no need to include things that have little or

    no relevance for the university. Threats may result from politics, legislation, technology, demographics,

    or competition. They are generally the things that are not under the control of the university and that

    may have a significant negative impact on the operation of the university. A topic that often dominates

    the discussion of threats is funding. While few if any colleges believe they have sufficient funds to fulfill

    their mission, it is generally more productive to focus on the perceived causes for the funding problem

    (appropriations, legislation, demographics, etc.) than to allow the discussion to deteriorate into a gripe

    session about inadequate funding. Opportunities are also external to the university, but provide

    potential for growth or development within the university. Opportunities may assist the university in

    identifying prospective goals that are desirable to pursue.

    After the environmental scan has been completed, it is advisable to write the scan in a narrative form

    including the most relevant strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The narrative form

    allows those reading the document to more easily follow the reasoning and logic used in the

    development of the strategic plan.

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    Once the mission statement is defined and the environmental scan completed, goal statements can be

    developed. Goal statements flow from the mission statement, but may evolve from weaknesses or

    opportunities identified in the environmental scan. Goals represent a desired state that the organization

    is attempting to achieve. Goal statements should be general and broad-based in nature to allow for

    potential inclusion of all departments and for creativity in the development of department-level

    objectives. These goal statements provide direction for the university. The university=s strategic plan will

    generally include five to ten goals.

    For each goal one or more strategic initiatives should be specified. Strategic initiatives identify

    University-level objectives and are given priority in the budgeting process. Each initiative should have

    one or more outcome measures. The outcome measure is a statement of the anticipated result and

    describes the end product of achieving the initiative.

    Once the planning committee has drafted the mission statement, goals, strategic initiatives, and

    outcome measures, the draft is distributed throughout the University for review and comment prior to

    final approval. Comments and suggestions are presented to and reviewed by the Planning Committee.

    The committee incorporates changes where necessary and finalizes the mission statement, goals,

    initiatives, and outcome measures for the University. The final version is recommended to the Board of

    Trustees for approval.

    While the University strategic plan covers a five year period, outcomes for the strategic initiatives are

    determined for each academic yearadditions, deletions, and/or revisions to the outcomes may be

    made annually and the results published in the institutional action plan. The format for this report is

    included in the appendix.

    The Institutional Research Function

    In establishing assessment measures, the University should also consider the feasibility and cost of

    collecting the data. Every effort should be made to coordinate assessment measures within the

    University to avoid redundant surveying by the University and the various departments. The Office of

    Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) coordinates University and departmental assessment measures to

    reduce duplication of efforts. Each unit must construct clear and concise assessment measures for this

    effort to be of maximum usefulness.

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    Also, by utilizing existing channels for data collection, redundancy can be further minimized. Potential

    sources for outcome data include University or program records, existing reports [Integrated

    Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Institutional

    Profile (SACS-IP), United Negro College Fund Statistical Report (UNCF-SR), Common Data Set (CDS), the

    Fact Book, etc.], general surveys of internal and external stakeholders, focus groups, benchmarking with

    institutions having similar missions and characteristics, and other reports produced regularly by various

    departments in the University.


    1. Introduction

    2. Context

    3. Core Values

    4. Environmental Scan (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

    5. Mission Statement

    6. University Goals

    7. Assessment and Evaluation System

    8. Philosophy of Quality Assurance


    Action Plan Matrix (5-Year PlanBgoals, initiatives/objectives, outcome measures)


    1. Mission Statement

    2. Vision

    3. University Goals

    4. Strategic Initiatives

    5. Outcome Measures

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    The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (see pages 36-37 for a complete description of this committee)

    drafts a Campus Institutional Effectiveness Report by July 1 of each year, utilizing the results of the

    division assessment plans (part of the University Strategic Plan). The report should include sections on

    the following.

    Summary of Results of University Assessment Activities

    The institutional effectiveness report includes a restatement of each goal (column one), strategic

    initiative (column two), and outcome measure (column three) from the institutional action plan. Column

    four describes the assessment results of all completed initiatives or gives the status of incomplete

    initiatives and/or assessments.

    Compare the overall assessment results for each initiative to the outcome measure. Does the outcome

    measure = assessment results? If the assessment results indicate a different outcome than desired,

    discuss the reason(s) for the difference (wrong assessment activities? need to rework the objective?

    other influences?)

    Use of Results

    Explain in column five the revisions necessary to produce the expected outcome measures.

    If the outcome is not achieved, state briefly your recommendation to:

    $ Continue it without changesfor the next year, or

    $ Change it (state how and why).

    If the outcome has been achieved, state briefly your recommendation to:

    $ Replace it with another outcome,

    $ Continue it for another year (state why), or

    $ Simply delete it.

    Any recommendations to the University Strategic Planning Committee to alter the University Mission

    Statement, the University goals, the strategic initiatives, or the outcome measures,mustbe documented

    in column five. Clearly state the reasonfor the alteration(s) and double-check your revisions to see that

    they meet the criteria listed in the University strategic planning section of this handbook.

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    If you plan to recommend a new goal or initiative, state the goal or initiative, describe the expected

    outcome measures, list the strategies, and detail the assessment measures. Double-check to see that

    you follow the criteria listed for each of these elements in the institutional strategic planning section of

    this handbook.

    Any recommendations regarding new or additional assessment activitiesshould be detailed in this

    section also. If you plan to recommend a variation in theassessment measures, refer to the criteria for

    assessment measures in the institutional strategic planning section of this handbook.

    Summary of Improvements in the University Resulting from Planning and Assessment Activities

    Write a brief statement concerning each significant improvement in the University that has resulted

    from the previous year=s planning and assessment activities.

    The Campus Institutional Effectiveness Report represents the culmination of Oakwood=s annual

    strategic-planning procedures and must be of publishable quality. Information from column five (Use of

    Results) will be used to initiate renewed institutional strategic planning, and the entire document will

    become a permanent record verifying the institutional effectiveness process of the University.



    Heading: Identify University name, report name, and the academic year.

    $ Mission and Vision Statements

    $ Column one: Restatement of each University goal

    $ Column two: Restatement of each strategic initiative

    $ Column three: Restatement of each outcome measure

    $ Column four: Summary of results of University assessment activities; comparison ofassessment

    resultsand outcome measuresfor each initiative; evaluation of progress toward achievement of

    each initiative

    $ Column five: Recommendations regarding use of results including all suggested alterations,

    additions, or deletions

    $ Summary of improvements in the University that have resulted from planning and assessment


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    The University is divided into eight strategic planning units. The units are the President=s Office, Provost=s

    Office, Academic Affairs, Advancement and Development, Financial Affairs, Information Technology,

    Student Enrollment Services, and Student Services.

    Planning unit directors are responsible for facilitating strategic planning and assessment within their

    respective units. The planning unit director works with department heads within their units to identify

    specific unit goals and objectives to support, and to develop appropriate departmental goals, objectives,

    strategies, and outcome measures.

    EXECUTIVE PLANS AND SUMMARIESPlanning unit directors are responsible for submitting planning unit goals and initiatives. These goals

    and initiatives help communicate the planning and budgeting priorities of the unit. They state how the

    unit will address its responsibilities toward the accomplishment of the University Strategic Plan.

    At the close of the academic year, planning unit directors are also responsible for submitting an

    executive summary of the units effectiveness. The executive effectiveness summary describes the major

    accomplishments, unmet objectives, challenges faced, and future objectives of the planning unit.

    Collectively, this information serves as the basis for the effectiveness report for the entire University and

    for revisions to the University=s strategic plan.

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    After the planning unit goals, initiatives, strategies and outcome measures have been reviewed and

    approved, the departments can develop their operating plans. Department-level plans flow from theplanning unit goals, initiatives, and outcomes.


    This statement defines the purpose of the department within the context of the university. The

    statement of purpose is logically linked to the university mission statement. The core of the statement

    of purpose will answer three questions: (1) Whom do we serve? (2) What do we provide? and (3) Why

    do we provide it? These questions establish the purpose of the department.


    Office of Admissions, Registration, and Records

    (Sample University)

    Statement of Purpose: The Office of Admissions, Registration, and Records supports the instructional

    endeavors of the University by providing timely, efficient, and courteous service to students, alumni,

    faculty, administration, and the public. We are dedicated to safeguarding the accuracy, integrity, and

    security of each student=s academic record. We strive for fairness in the administration of academic

    policies while being sensitive to the needs of each individual student. We ensure compliance with all

    University, state, and federal regulations.

    Business Administration

    (Sample University)

    Statement of Purpose: The Business Administration Department supports the University=s

    mission of providing residents of North Alabama with the broadest possible access to high-value,

    quality educational opportunities and services. The department will provide academic and

    practical experiences to facilitate students=ability to perform responsibly in their chosen

    professional roles in business, industry, government, and other related careers. The faculty will

    also support the University=s mission through active participation in providing services to area

    civic, governmental, and business organizations.

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    Each department reviews the division goals, initiatives, and outcome measures and selects those that

    are most significant for the department at the time. Departments then refine/define departmental goals

    and objectives to support the selected unit goal(s).

    Goal statements describe a desired state that the department wants to achieve. They flow from the

    departmental purpose statement and support division goals. They may also address weaknesses

    identified in the departmental effectiveness report.

    Well-defined and useful objectives include strong, action-oriented verbs that describe an observable or

    measurable behavior or action and answer three general questions: Who is the intended target

    population? What is the intended aim or purpose (while there may be multiple objectives listed for a

    goal, only one aim or purpose is included in each objective)? and Why will this be of benefit? Objectives

    should notlist activities to be performed or attempt to answer the question of how a program or

    service will be provided.


    The academic departments are responsible for developing operating plans and student learning

    outcomes for each academic program. The program operating plans should contain data regarding

    enrollment, adequacy of student preparation, customer satisfaction, integration of faith and learning,

    and other program needs as specified by the department. Please see Academic Program Review for a

    detailed description of planning and assessment in the instructional departments.


    At the departmental level it may be necessary to identify specific strategies (actions) that will result in

    the achievement of stated objectives. Strategies may be used to outline the who, what, how, how much,

    and time frame for particular activities. The number of strategies listed is dependent on the scope of the

    objective being addressed. It is recommended that only significant operational strategies be identified

    and integrated into the planning/budgeting process.

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    An outcome measure is a statement of the expected outcome or result and describes the end product of

    achieving the objective.

    How can progress toward attainment of the objective(s) be shown/measured? Outcome measures

    generally consist of an activityand an indicator. The activityand indicatormay be joined together in a

    single statement or listed separately depending on preferences within the department.

    The activityexplains in detail the tasks that the department will perform to collect data which will be

    used to evaluate each objective. The department needs to employ a variety of assessment methods, and

    each one should be relevant, understandable, and important to its objective(s). The department=s

    assessment measures should indicate the conditions, the frequency, and/or tools necessary forcollection of the assessment data for each objective.

    The indicatorshows the unit in quantity or quality of measure that will determine attainment of each

    objective. It may be a number, percentage, degree, date, or possibly some other standard that provides

    a criterion for evaluating the success of the department=s efforts toward accomplishing each objective.

    There are several factors that should be considered in the selection and definition of outcome measures:

    1. Relevance to the objective

    2. Importance of what it measures

    3. Understandability of the measure

    4. Extent to which the program has control/influence over the values included in the outcome.

    While this is an important factor, it should not be overused. The program may have relatively

    little control over many of the most important outcomes. If the program has some measurable

    effect on the outcome, the indicator should be considered for inclusion.

    5. Feasibility and cost of achieving the outcome and collecting relevant data.

    The Institutional Research Function

    In establishing assessment measures, the department should consider the feasibility and cost of

    collecting the data. Every effort should be made to coordinate assessment measures within the

    University to avoid redundant surveying by the University and the various departments. The Institutional

    Effectiveness Office coordinates University and department assessment measures to reduce duplication

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 13

    of efforts. Each unit must construct clear and concise assessment measures for this effort to be of

    maximum usefulness.

    Also, by utilizing existing channels for data collection, redundancy can be further minimized. Potential

    sources for outcome data include University or program records, existing reports (IPEDS, SACS, theFact

    Book, etc.), general surveys of internal and external stakeholders, focus groups, benchmarking with

    institutions having similar missions and characteristics, and other reports produced regularly by various

    departments in the University.

    A useful technique for identifying outcome measures is flowcharting. This technique allows the group to

    see the link between the objective and the outcome measure and provides a framework for defining the

    steps involved in moving from the objective to the outcome measure. Flowcharting also allows groups to

    more easily differentiate between objectives and activities. The intermediate steps between the

    objective and the outcome measure will often be activities.

    Figures 1 and 2 show the logical flow of activities from the stated objective to the outcome measure.

    Activities are printed in the boxes. Indicators for each activity are in parentheses. In Figure 1 the

    objective of expanding undergraduate recruiting activities is expected to lead to an increase in

    undergraduate enrollment. Between these two elements are steps that will logically occur in the

    progression from the objective to the attainment of the outcome measure.

    The number of steps to be included between the objective and the outcome measure is determined by

    the department developing the flowchart. The example shown inExhibit 1 evolved from the flowchart

    shown in Figure 1.

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    FIGURE 1: Flowchart for Undergraduate Recruitment Objective


    Expand undergraduate

    recruiting program(Data needs: number of

    recruiting activities)

    Prospective students

    attend recruiting programs(Data needs: number of student


    Prospective students

    request additional

    information(Data needs: number of

    prospective students requesting

    additional information)

    Students submit

    applications for admission(Data needs: number of

    prospective undergraduates

    applying for admission)

    Students are admitted to

    the university(Data needs: number of new

    undergraduates admitted)

    Students enroll for classes(Data needs: number of new

    undergraduates enrolled)

    OutcomeIncrease in undergraduate

    enrollment(Data needs: Total under-

    graduate enrollment before and

    after; amount of change)

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    Exhibit 1Sample Objective for Recruitment Office

    Goal 1: Provide quality educational opportunities and support services.

    Objective 1: Expand University recruitment programs to increase student enrollment.

    Assessment Measures:

    1. Number of recruitment programs offered

    2. Number of prospective students contacted (segment results by ethnicity, gender, and



    Number of prospective students requesting additional information

    4. Number of prospective students applying for admission to the University

    5. Number of applicants admitted to the University

    6. Number of newstudents enrolled in the University

    7. Change in enrollment/total enrollment

    Expected Outcome: Increase in undergraduate enrollment


    $ Heading (report title with year, department name, preparer and title)

    $ Statement of Purpose

    $Departmental Goal(s); planning unit and University goals supported

    $ Department Objectives and/or Strategies

    $ Outcome Measures

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    Non-instructional departments of the University are to complete a Departmental Effectiveness Report by

    the end of the first full week of May each year, utilizing the results of the department assessment

    measures (follow-up of the Departmental Operating Plan). The report should include sections on the



    Identify the department, the person preparing the report, the academic year being reviewed, and the

    department statement of purpose.


    Restate each goal, objective/strategies, and outcome measure from the departmental operating plan.

    Then briefly describe assessment results for each outcome measure detailed in the existing operating

    planBgive the status of incomplete assessments, and give the results of all those completed.

    Comparison of assessment results to outcome measuresfor each objective

    Compare the overall assessment results (data collected from the assessment measures) for each

    objective listed to the outcome measures of each (Do outcome measures = assessment results?). If the

    assessment results indicate a different outcome than desired, discuss the reason(s) for the difference

    (wrong assessment activities? need to rework the objective? other influences?)andexplain in column 5,

    Use of Results, the departmental planning revisions necessary to produce the expectedoutcome.


    If the objective is not achieved, state briefly your plans to:

    $ Continue it without changesfor the next year, or

    $ Change it (state why).

    If it has been achieved, state briefly your plans to:

    $ Replace it with another objective,

    $ Continue it for another year (state why), or

    $ Simply delete it.

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    Any proposedalteration or addition to the department statement of purpose, goals, objectives, or

    outcome measures, mustbe documentedin this section. Clearly state the reasonfor the alteration(s) and

    double-check your revisions to see that they meet the criteria listed in the strategic planning section of

    this handbook.

    If you plan to add a new goal or objective, go through the process of strategic planning to identify the

    planning unit goal to which it relates. State the new objective, list the strategies necessary to accomplish

    the objective, and describe the outcome measure(s). Double-check to see that you followed the criteria

    for each of the elements as listed in the Department-Level Planning section of this handbook.

    The Departmental Effectiveness Report represents the culmination of the department=s annual strategic

    planning procedures and must be of publishable quality. Information from theUse of Resultscolumn will

    be used to revise and renew departmental strategic planning, and will become a permanent record

    verifying the institutional effectiveness process of the University.


    $ Heading:

    o Title of the report with the academic year

    o name of the department


    person preparing the report and their title

    Statement of Purpose

    Restatement of goals, objectives, and outcome measures

    Summary of results of departmental assessment activities, comparing assessment resultsand

    outcomemeasures for each objective

    Use of results: Evaluation of progress toward achievement of each objective; statement of

    proposed alterations, additions, or deletions

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    The purpose of the Academic Program Review is to provide constructive evaluation directed toward

    improvement of program effectiveness, academic credibility, and efficiency in the use of institutional



    1. The review does not target given programs; rather, every program will be reviewed on a five-

    year rotational basis.

    2. Reviews could result in recommendations to enhance institutional commitment to a given

    program as well as to reduce institutional commitment to a program.


    Resource commitment is only one of the considerations in program review

    though in lean

    times it is a very important consideration.

    4. Although the review committee (i.e., the Curriculum Committee) might recommend that, for

    instance, resources be reduced or enrollments enhanced in a given program, the committee will

    not specify the administrative measures and actions that should be undertaken to produce

    those results.

    5. Program review is designed to improve the effectiveness and enhance the credibility of our

    programs, so some issues will emerge and have to be settled as we go along.

    Program Review Will Proceed as Follows:

    $ The Vice President for Academic Affairs and department chairs will determine the order in which

    programs will be evaluated over a cycle of five years. Size and complexity of each program will

    be primary considerations in ordering the review schedule so that evaluation does not become

    unduly burdensome in a given year.

    $ A standing committee of the faculty will serve as the Program Review Committee. It will be

    composed of faculty representatives from different departments, plus other relevant persons,

    including a student, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Director of Institutional


    $ The Office of Institutional Effectiveness will be responsible for receiving the relevant data from

    the departments under review and sharing it with the Program Review Committee.

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    $ The committee will meet with the Vice President for Academic Affairs to review procedures and

    expectations prior to initiating the process.

    $ The Vice President for Academic Affairs will then meet with the chair(s) of departments

    scheduled for program review to rehearse the process and to discuss the content/organization

    of the materials to be assembled and submitted by each department. Submissions should be

    focused and well-organized so that the committee may be able to correctly interpret the data

    and expand its understanding of the program.

    $ The Program Review Committee will conduct the review.

    $ The committee will then hold open hearings on the programs under review so that persons

    interested in the programs may come forward to raise issues and concerns, provide information,

    express support, etc.

    $ The committee will report its assessment and will make its recommendations to the Vice

    President for Academic Affairs.$ Committee findings will be shared with the Faculty Senate.

    $ The Vice President for Academic Affairs will share recommendations with the Academic Policies

    Council and solicit its input.

    $ Finally, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will submit recommendations to the President.

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 20




    2. Program Assessment Plan and Results for each program (annual results entered)

    3. Curriculum Map for each program


    Assessment Matrix for each program

    5. Current Students

    6. Dual Degree Program, if applicable

    7. Course syllabi


    Grade Distribution Reports

    9. Exit examination results

    10. Graduation statistics (at least 5 years) for majors in the department


    Senior/graduate survey results12. Alumni survey results (3-5 years out)

    13. Faculty vita


    Faculty schedule of classes and instructional roster forms

    15. Faculty performance appraisalspeer reviews, chairpersons evaluations

    16. Course evaluation results


    Faculty activities reports

    18. Department minutes



    20. Departmental resources


    Samples of student work

    22. Miscellaneous (self-selected by the department)

    23. Follow-up of previous review of plans and recommendations

  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Planning and Assessment Handbook 21


    TheProgram Assessment Plan is designed to assure the quality of education offered to students in all

    academicprograms of the University.Through a systematic process of self-evaluation, reporting, peer

    consultation, and the implementation of change, each academic program should reflect in the

    performance of its graduates a departmental philosophy of continuous quality improvement.

    As part of the Academic Program Review process, each department must submit a Program Assessment

    Plan and Effectiveness Report for each programmajor, minor, or concentrationoffered in the


    The plan details the broad bodies of knowledge (goals) and student learning outcomesfor the discipline.

    It also includes (1) a curriculum map which identifies the courses in which each outcome will be

    addressed and (2) an assessment matrix which identifies how the department will assess student

    achievement of each student learning outcome.Learning outcomes specifythe knowledge, skills, values,

    and attitudes students are expected to attain in courses or in a program. Every five years the faculty of

    the program review and revise the plan, as necessary. A copy of the plan (original and revisions) should

    be filed with the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Office of Institutional

    Effectiveness. Components of the Plan are listed at the end of the chapter.


    The Assessment Plan must identify the department, department chair, program director or person

    responsible for completing the plan/assessment, and academic major or minor (for example, B.S. in



    The statement of purpose provides a crisp clear picture of the reason the academic department exists,

    distinguishing it from all other academic departments within the context of the University. It will answer

    three questions: (1) Whom do we serve? (2) What do we provide? and (3) Why do we provide it? The

    departments statement of purpose mustbe logically and expressly linked to the University mission

    statement to maintain continuity with the institutional purpose.

  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Planning and Assessment Handbook 22


    The faculty identifies operational goals, objectives and outcomes for the program. Those which support

    division and university initiatives are provided on the reporting form and must be included in all plans.

    Additional goals/objectives/outcomes may be identified by the faculty to strengthen and improve the

    program. Identify the linkage to the university mission and goals.


    The faculty identifies the larger bodies of knowledge related to the specific academic major, minor, or

    concentration. These become the program learning goals and include the broad knowledge and skill sets

    involved in the particular degree program. For an undergraduate business degree, this might include

    marketing, planning, accounting, communicating, and finance. The goals are identified in the form of a

    list and may be separated into core and content specific lists as appropriate to the program.


    The department must also identifyspecificdesired student learning outcomes in the areas of knowledge,

    skills, values, and attitudes for each academic program offered. The list should be comprehensive

    enough to distinguish it from other majors in the department and broad-based enough to include

    student competencies in all learning areas for the academic program. Thesestudent learning outcomes

    are a major focus of the assessment of the program. They should be stated in measurable terms.


    The curriculum map is an appendix to the assessment plan. It is presented in table form and includes all

    the student learning goals and outcomes exactly as stated in the plan. It also indicates all the courses

    required in the program and identifies in which courses and to what extent (introduced, emphasized,

    reinforced, and/or assessed) each outcome is addressed therein. Generally, each outcome should be

    addressed at least twice in the program.


    The assessment matrix is also an appendix to the assessment plan. It is presented in table form and

    includes all the student learning goals and outcomes exactly as stated in the plan. It indicates all the

    summary assessments used by the faculty of the program to measure student attainment of the student

  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Planning and Assessment Handbook 23

    learning outcomes. Generally, the department faculty should identify at least two assessment measures

    for each student learning outcome listed and state whether the outcome is measured directly (by

    evaluator observation or an evaluation instrument) or indirectly (in the opinion of the student).

    Academic assessments should include evaluative instruments that are both quantitative and qualitative

    in nature.

    Summary assessments should not include course embedded tests, quizzes, and exams. Only those

    assessment tools which measure learning across the curriculum of the program are appropriate.

    Suggested instruments include, but are not limited to, exit exams, upper division research papers and

    presentations, practicum evaluations, portfolios, and capstone course activities.

    The Office of Academic Affairs recommends evaluating through standardized tests and comprehensive

    examinations, assessment of the performance of graduates in advanced programs or employment, and

    sampling of the opinions of former students. Capstone courses, major field exams, and student

    internships offer effective measures of student competencies. Program completion rates, state licensing

    (and certification) exams, graduate school and job placement rates may be used to measure program

    effectiveness. Every department needs to employ a variety of assessment methods related appropriately

    to the student learning outcome being assessed, including:

    1. Preparation/Knowledge: Do our students know the program content? Use instruments such


    Major field test

    Pass rates on licensure/certification exams (Certified Public Accountant, nursing


    2. Skills: Can our students perform the tasks required for employment or advanced studies in

    the field?

    Supervisor evaluation of internship or field experience

    An Industrial Advisory Committee can give input on the practical relationships of the

    curriculum to business and industrial applications.

    Outcomes of state, regional, or national competitions in skill areas

  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Planning and Assessment Handbook 24

    Placement and/or employer evaluations - Did graduating students get jobs? Are the

    jobs related to their major? Were graduating students admitted to graduate or

    professional school? Use available data.


    Senior projects

    3. Application: Can students apply what they have learned? Use instruments like:

    Capstone courses

    Employer survey

    Evaluations on internships or field placements

    Review by panel of experts

    4. Self-perception: Do our students feel that the program has prepared them for employment

    or graduate or professional school? Use available survey data.

    Graduating Student Survey questions such as: My training at Oakwood will give me

    an advantage in the job market. My degree will help me get a better job or

    advance in my profession. I am already employed in a job related to mymajor, or I

    have an excellent prospect of being employed upon graduation.

    Alumni Survey questions similar to: My course work at Oakwood prepared me well

    for employment in my career field. I am confident that I can continue to advance

    in my career field because of my formal education.

    Graduate Student Survey questions such as: I am confident that I can succeed in

    graduate studies because of my undergraduate training. I have found the material

    learned in my major field very applicable in graduate studies.

    Listed below are common program and student learning assessment measures. Note that some of

    the items mentioned are required and others should be included as appropriate.

    1. Alumni survey resultsRequired

    2. Exit interview results and/or senior survey results (includes job placement and graduate

    school admission data)Required

    3. Departmental exit examsRequired

    4. Written and oral assessment (can be a part of the exit exams) Required

    5. Course completion rateRequired

  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Assessment in the Major Plan

    Planning and Assessment Handbook 25

    6. Certification/state/national examsInclude as appropriate

    7. External reviewSome type required

    a. Department/program review

    b. Student competencies

    8. Field placementInclude as appropriate

    9. Student end-of-program evaluationssenior level research and/or presentations that

    demonstrate mastery of learning outcomes

    Program faculty must determine which assessment measures will provide useful information for

    evaluating the greatest number of student learning outcomes. The ultimate goal is to have both

    quantitative and qualitative assessment measures for each outcome. However, this will take several

    years to accomplish. For most programs, identification of a strong quantitative tool (i.e., exit exam,

    capstone course) will enable faculty to collect data for most competencies each year. This can be

    supplemented with other assessment results and placement statistics to determine program strengths

    and weaknesses.


    Following academic program review, a department may find it necessary to make revisions to the

    Program Assessment Plan. Alterations, additions, or deletions identified in the Program Assessment

    Effectiveness Report and recommendations from the Academic Program Review committee form the

    basis for revisions. If revision is necessary, the revised Program Assessment Plan is submitted with the

    departmental response to the program review.

  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Assessment in the Major Plan

    Planning and Assessment Handbook 26


    Heading: Title, Academic Years, Department Information, Department Chair, and

    preparer (as appropriate)

    Major, minor, and/or concentration

    Statement of Purpose

    Linkage to university mission

    Operational goals, objectives, and outcomes

    Student Learning Goals

    Student Learning Outcomes

    Curriculum Map

    Assessment Matrix

  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Planning and Assessment Handbook 27


    As part of the academic program review process, each department will prepare an annual Program

    Effectiveness Report for each academic major and/or minor offered in the department. The report

    details the level of achievement with regard to assessment measures as stated in the ProgramAssessment Plan. It also tells how the results will be used to make improvements in the program.Each

    academic major (with its related minor) and stand-alone minor should be addressed in a separate

    report. The cumulative results of five years of reporting will be submitted to the Program Review

    Committee during the academic program review process. Academic program review, including the

    Program Effectiveness Report and a revised Program Assessment Plan, occurs on a five-year cycle.


    Program Effectiveness is reported in columns 2 and 3 of the Assessment Plan, in which the department,

    the department chair, the academic program director (if different from the department chair), the

    academic year and the program (for example, B.S. in Chemistry) are identified.

    Confirm the accuracy of the department/program mission or purpose statement and the linkage to the

    university mission and goals.


    Results are reported in two separate tables. The first table reports the results of programoperational

    goals and outcomes. The first operational outcomes require the collection and reporting of specific data

    which support division and institutional initiatives. Additional outcomes, specific to the program and

    identified in the assessment plan, must also be addressed as specifically as possible.

    Report the results of student learning outcomesin the second table. Refer to the assessment matrix for

    the program to determine what assessment results must be reported for each student learning

    outcome. Results should be reported for each assessment tool identified for each student learning

    outcome. Be as specific as possible when describing the assessment results pertaining to an outcome.

    When complete results are not available, briefly give the status of or explanation for incomplete


  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Planning and Assessment Handbook 28


    Evaluate the acceptability of the assessment results and tell how the results have been and will be used

    to improve student learning. Before program review by the Program Review Committee (every five

    years), complete an in-depth review and evaluation of the results during the five-year period and

    provide a summary statement of decisions made and improvements implemented in the program.

    If the results are unsatisfactory

    1. State briefly your plans to continue assessing the competency

    2. State the curriculum or program changes designed to improve the results for the next five-

    year cycle

    If the results are satisfactory, state briefly your plans to:

    1. Revise assessment measures to reflect a higher level of attainment of the student learning


    2. Continue unchanged for another five-year cycle


    Any alterations, additions, or deletions to the departments statement of purpose, student learning

    outcomes, or assessment measures require a revised Program Assessment Plan. Clearly state the

    reasons for the alteration(s) in the effectiveness report. Then, following program review, revise, as

    necessary, the Program Assessment Plan to reflect all changes and additions, and submit the revised

    plan along with the department response to the Program Review Committee and to the Office of

    Institutional Effectiveness.

    If you add a new student learning outcome, detail on the curriculum map how and in which courses it

    will be addressed and identify the accompanying assessment measure(s) on the assessment matrix.

    The Program Effectiveness Reportrepresents the culmination of this institutions strategic planning

    procedures and must be of publishable quality. Information from the Use of Results column will be used

    to revise the Program Assessment Plan following program review. The entire document will become a

    permanent record verifying the institutional effectiveness process of the University.

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 29

    The Institutional Research Function

    Each department is responsible for completing its assessment measures, collecting the data, and

    reporting the results. The Institutional Effectiveness Office attempts to coordinate all department

    assessment activities to reduce duplication of efforts and therefore cost to the University. Every

    department must carefully prepare clear assessment measures for this coordination to be of maximum


    Existing sources of data should be utilized to further reduce the duplication of efforts throughout the

    University. Potential sources for outcome data include University or program records, existing reports

    (IPEDS, SACS, the Fact Book etc.), general surveys of internal and external stakeholders, focus groups and

    benchmarking with institutions having similar missions and characteristics, and other regularly

    generated reports.


    Departmental Information

    Departmental Purpose

    Major or Minor

    Restatement of goals, objectives, and outcomes (column one)

    Summary of results of departmental assessment activities (column two)

    Evaluation of assessment results explaining how they have been and/or will be used

    to improve the program (column three)

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 30


    $ An institutional perspective which focuses on planning, implementation, and assessment in a

    planned cycle to assure translation of the University=s mission, goals, and initiatives into reality


    A commitment to accountability which extends beyond accrediting bodies

    $ Overall planning designed to enable the University to meet the challenges of the twenty-first


    $ A delineation of expected result statements

    $ An assessment of accomplishments of both students and the institution

    $ Use of assessment results for planning, decision-making, and overall strengthening of the


    $ A gradual expansion of assessment plans to address gaps discovered through evaluations

    $ An evaluation process campus-wide to include academics, fiscal affairs, student affairs, support

    services, information technology, development, alumni, and public relations.


    Purpose: The purpose of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee is to help ensure that evaluation is

    systematic, broad-based, interrelated, and appropriate to the institution. The committee functions,

    related to its purpose, are to help define expected educational results, develop methods for analyzing

    results, and develop guidelines and procedures to evaluate educational effectiveness. Specific

    responsibilities are:

    1. To provide institution-wide coordination of assessment and evaluation activities.

    2. To monitor the overall implementation of Oakwood University=s comprehensive assessment



    To ensure that assessment and evaluation activities are consistent with the principles and

    criteria stipulated in the University=s Planning and Assessment Handbook.

    4. To recommend changes in the assessment process.


    To ensure that the University is in compliance with the Principles of Accreditation, Southern

    Association of Colleges and Schools.

    6. To assist, when requested, in the preparation of official reports pertaining to institutional

    assessment and effectiveness.


    To recommend means of increasing institutional effectiveness and accountability to the

    appropriate administrators.

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 31


    To keep the University administrators informed of campus-wide assessment activities, priorities,

    issues, deadlines, and needs.

    Committee Composition

    The membership of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee is broad-based and is composed of the


    Institutional Effectiveness director, Chair

    Coordinator of institutional research


    Vice President for Academic Affairs

    Vice President for Advancement and Development

    Vice President for Financial Affairs

    Vice President for Student Services

    Assistant Vice President for Information Technology

    Executive Director of Student Enrollment Services

    Information Technology Division representative

    Student Services representatives (two)

    Human Resources representative

    Advancement and Development Division representative

    Finance Division representatives (two)

    Faculty representatives (five)

    Accreditation Specialist

    President, ex-officio

    The committee is composed of twenty-three members.

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 32

    Institutional effectiveness undertaken by Oakwood University implies that the administration,

    faculty, and staff have, through careful study, determined that a comprehensive planning

    program is a necessity in order that the stated goals of the University can be met in a manner

    consistent with the mission of the institution. The University functions with the firm belief that

    underlying its existence is its thrust and intent to be effective, which requires the involvement

    of every area and all stakeholders.

    Support Services


    Budgeting GoalsOutcomes

    Administration Initiatives

    Faculty Staff


    Alumni Supporters Data



    Board of Trustees



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    Planning and Assessment Handbook


  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Institutional Effectiveness at Oakwood University

    Planning and Assessment Handbook 34


    Much of the assessment done in the various University departments is accomplished through the use of

    surveys. Surveys are conducted by individual departments and are administered to the students,

    faculty/staff, alumni, and current graduates. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) is available to

    assist in the makeup of surveys and/or the administration of the same. To facilitate the process of data

    collection through surveys, the calendar on the next page is to be implemented.

    It is desirable that the total number of surveys be limited to the actual number needed to acquire

    information necessary for assessment of a department=s expected outcome measures. Every survey

    must contain items aimed at assessing how well the objectives of a particular department have been


    Whenever and wherever information for one or more areas can be combined, the OIE can help.

    The office solicits suggestions and recommendations.

    Identified data currently being collected:

    Information on alumni (individual departments)

    Student opinions on major requirements (graduating seniors, Student Satisfaction Inventory)

    Student satisfaction with Student Services (Student Satisfaction Inventory)

    Student satisfaction and/or concerns related to customer services (Student Satisfaction


    Grade distribution (available through the OIE)

    Course evaluation (by students, conducted by the OIE)

    Retention within majors (done by individual departments with help from the OIE)

    Career placement of students (done by the Department of Work Education/Career Services and

    individual departments)

  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Planning and Assessment Handbook 35




    current year


    Action Plan


    Return course


    results for


    Fall semester




    testing and





    Roster of


    Staff due to



    Update faculty

    vitae/ resumes

    Feedback on IE



    Syllabi to



    First draft of

    next year


    Action Plan



    Executive Plan

    for next year


    Board of


    meeting (fall)

    Begin recent


    survey (depts.)



    survey for







    Process for

    next year



    Submit first

    draft of Dept.





    (exit) exam




    forms to


    First Wed-





    even years;

    Health Risk

    Survey, odd



    to return



    Begin budget






    Syllabi to



    Roster of


    staff for new

    part-time and


    faculty due to









    surveys for





    (3-5 yrs. out)









    Results of fall



    provided to





    for spring



    (exit) exams


    Fact Book





    due to HR

    Mid-Year I.E.

    Meeting: VPs



    reports for

    each division

    Begin Dept.






    Board of


    Spring meeting


    approval of



    to return






    reports and

    final draft of



    Plans for

    upcoming year


    seniors and






    minutes due to



    Divisions submit


    Summaries to

    O.I.E. prior to

    I.E. Retreat

    I.E. Retreat:

    Evaluate IE







    Campus Action

    Plan reviewed

    May, 2009

  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Planning and Assessment Handbook 36


    Academic Program

    Assessment Plan

    A five-year plan detailing the goals, objectives, and student learning

    outcomes for a major and/or minor or concentration and including (1) a

    curriculum map which identifies the courses in which each outcome will

    be addressed and (2) an assessment matrix which identifies how thedepartment will assess student achievement of each student learning


    Academic Program

    Effectiveness Report

    An annual report prepared by each academic department for each

    academic major and/or minor offered in the department. The report

    details progress toward the stated goals, objectives, and student

    learning outcomes of an academic program and identifies changes or

    recommendations that the faculty determines are important for

    improving instruction. The cumulative results of five years of reporting

    are a major focus of program review.

    Activities Tasks, not specifically related to any assessment measure, that are

    necessary to complete an objective or goal.

    Assessment Involves looking at and describing Awhat is@without valuing it.

    Assessment Activity A task related to an assessment measure that details the collection of

    data for evaluating a goal, objective, student competency, or program


    Assessment Measure Process for identifying and implementing ways to measure progress

    toward attainment of a stated objective, goal, student competency, or

    program item evaluation.

    Assessment Results Summary results of data collected pertaining to a particular assessment


    Broad Bodies of Knowledge A list of the general knowledge and skill sets particular to a degree

    program (compare with student learning outcomes).

    Department For the purposes of this effectiveness plan, this is a basic unit in the

    University for strategic planning, both academic and nonacademic. It is

    nota strict identification of the University=s organizational structure.

    Effectiveness Report A summary document of assessment results which evaluate stated

    goals, objectives, competencies or program ideals pertaining to the

    effectiveness of this institution. Most important, it identifies needed

    changes or recommendations that a group determines are important

    for improving the strategic plan or the educational plan of their

    department or of the University.

    Evaluation Involves determining whether or not results are good or bad; an

    appraisal of significance.

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 37


    Goal A desired state that the organization is attempting to achieve. Goal

    statements flow from the mission statement, but may also evolve from

    weaknesses or opportunities identified in the environmental scan.

    Mission A statement of why the University exists.

    Objectives Action-oriented statements that describe observable or measurable

    behaviors or actions.

    Operating Plan A plan developed annually by a department providing its purpose,

    goals, objectives, and outcome measures. It supports both institutional

    goals and initiatives and planning unit priorities. It focuses on student

    learning, research, and service functions of the institution.

    Opportunities Conditions or developments outside of the University or department

    that represent potential new ventures or programs for the Universitydepartment to pursue.

    Outcome Measure Statement of the anticipated result of achieving the associated goal or


    Outcome Measurement Process for identifying and implementing ways to show/measure

    progress toward attainment of the stated objective.

    Statement of Purpose Statement that defines the purpose of the department within the

    context of the University. This statement should be logically linked to

    the University=s mission statement.

    Strategic Initiative Strategic initiatives identify specific functional areas and/or activities of

    the University where new ideas or methods will be introduced in

    support of University goals.

    Strategic Planning A process designed to envision the organization=s future and develop

    the necessary processes and actions to make that future a reality.

    Strategies Activities or action steps that result in accomplishment of goals.

    Strengths Practices, procedures or elements withinthe University environment

    that work well and make a positive contribution to the effective and

    efficient operation of the University.

    Student Learning Outcome A statement specifying the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes

    students are expected to attain in courses or in a program.

    Threats Political, legislative, technological, demographic, competitive, or other

    conditions in the external environment that are generally beyond the

    University=s control and may have a significant negative impact on the

    operation of the University.

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 38


    Weaknesses Practices, procedures, or elements withinthe University environment

    that need improvement or should be eliminated for the University to

    optimize its effectiveness and efficiency.

    University Environment Elements of the community that directly affect the operations of the

    University or are directly affected by the actions/practices of the

    University, such as students, faculty, staff, administration, alumni,

    board members, donors, parents, church members, local business

    community, or conference officials.

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 39


    Oakwood University

    Institutional Action Plan for (Academic Year)

    Mission Statement: Oakwood University, a historically black Seventh-day Adventist Institution of higher learning, provides quality Christian education that emphasizes academic excellence;

    promotes harmonious development of mind, body, and spirit; and prepares leaders in service for God and humanity.

    Goal 1: Spiritual Vitality: To promote a Christ-centered, Seventh-day Adventist worldview among students, faculty, staff, and administrators.

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes

    Expand table as needed.

    Goal 2: Educational Excellence: To demonstrate academic excellence in quality of teaching and learning among both students and faculty.

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes

    Expand table as needed.

    Goal 3: Nurturing Environment: To cultivate an inclusive environment that is sensitive to the needs of students, faculty, staff, and the extended college community that includes alumni,

    constituents, friends, and other supporters.

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes

    Expand table as needed.

  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


    Planning and Assessment Handbook 40

    Goal 4: Operational Efficiency: To provide high-quality, efficient service that is customer and employee sensitive.

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes

    Expand table as needed.

    Goal 5: Resource Development: To provide sufficient financial resources to support and maintain all aspects of institutional advancement and development.

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes

    Expand table as needed.

    Goal 6: Institutional Relations: To enhance the reputation and image of the institution by strengthening communication with internal and external publics.

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes

    Expand table as needed.

    Goal 7: Technology Leadership: To continue developing a technologically cutting-edge campus that enables students, faculty, and staff to be more effective and efficient in teaching-

    learning processes, support functions, and administrative operations.

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes

    Expand table as needed.

    Page ___ of ___ (Date)

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 41


    Oakwood University

    Campus Institutional Effectiveness Report for (Academic Year)

    Mission Statement: Oakwood University, a historically black Seventh-day Adventist Institution of higher learning, provides quality Christian education that emphasizes academic excellence;

    promotes harmonious development of mind, body, and spirit; and prepares leaders in service for God and humanity.

    Goal 1: Spiritual Vitality: To promote a Christ-centered, Seventh-day Adventist worldview among students, faculty, staff, and administrators.

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes Assessment Results Use of Results

    Expand table as needed.

    Goal 2: Educational Excellence: To demonstrate academic excellence in quality of teaching and learning among both students and faculty.

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes Assessment Results Use of Results

    Expand table as needed.

    Goal 3: Nurturing Environment: To cultivate an inclusive environment that is sensitive to the needs of students, faculty, staff, and the extended college community that includes alumni,

    constituents, friends, and other supporters.

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes Assessment Results Use of Results

    Expand table as needed.

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 43

    Summary of improvements result ing f rom plann ing and assessment activi ties:

    Page ___ of ___ (Date)

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 44


    EXECUTIVE PLAN FOR (Academic Year)Division Name

    (Preparer, Title)

    Mission Statement: Oakwood University, a historically black Seventh-day Adventist Institution of higher learning, provides quality Christian education that emphasizes academic excellence;

    promotes harmonious development of mind, body, and spirit; and prepares leaders in service for God and humanity.

    Goal __:

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes

    Expand table as needed.

    Goal__ :

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes

    Expand table as needed.

    Repeat for additional goals as necessary.

    Page ___ of ___ (Date)

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    Preparer, Title

    Mission Statement: Oakwood University, a historically black Seventh-day Adventist Institution of higher learning, provides quality Christian education that emphasizes academic excellence;

    promotes harmonious development of mind, body, and spirit; and prepares leaders in service for God and humanity.

    Goal __:

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes Assessment Results Use of Results

    Expand table as needed.

    Goal__ :

    Strategic Initiatives Strategies Outcomes Assessment Results Use of Results

    Expand table as needed.

    Repeat for additional goals as necessary.

    Page ___ of ___ (Date)

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    DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING PLAN FOR (Academic Year)Department Name

    (Preparer, Title)

    Purpose Statement:

    Goals/University Linkage Objectives/Strategies Outcome Measures

    Goal 1:

    To which division initiativeis this departmental goal


    To which university goalis this departmental goal


    Goal 2:

    To which division initiativeis this departmental goal


    To which university goalis this departmental goal


    Expand table as needed.

    Page ___ of ___ (Date)

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    (Preparer, Title)

    Purpose Statement:

    Goals Objectives Outcome Measures Assessment Results Use of Results

    Goal 1:

    To which division goalis this

    departmental goal linked?

    To which college goalis this

    departmental goal linked?

    Goal 2:

    To which division goalis thisdepartmental goal linked?

    To which college goalis this

    departmental goal linked?

    Expand table as needed.

    Page ___ of ___ (Date)

  • 8/10/2019 Planning and Assessment Handbook


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    Program Assessment Plan (or Effectiveness Report) (Range of years between program reviews)Department:


    Prepared by:

    Program: (e.g. B.A. in Spanish)

    Mission/Purpose Statement:

    Operational Goals:

    A. Maintain an adequate enrollment

    B. Adequately prepare students for graduate school or employment

    C. Provide customer satisfaction

    D. Integrate faith and learning

    E. Other (Specify; add additional goals as necessary)

    Link to college mission/goals: (e.g. Educational Excellence)

    FA=Fall Semester SP=Spring Semester

    Objective/Outcome Results Use of Results

    A. Maintain an adequate enrollment

    1. EnrollmentBaseline (FA05):

    Objective: (e.g. +10% annual increase)

    (Year, e.g. FA08): (Year, e.g. FA08):

    2. Retention

    Objective: (e.g. +80% retention rate)

    3. Completion

    Objective: (e.g. +75% completion/graduation rate)

    B. Adequately prepare students for graduate school or employment

    4. Examination Results

    Objective: (e.g. 100% exit exam pass rate on 1st



    attempt, +90% licensure exam pass rate, etc)

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    Objective/Outcome Results Use of Results

    5. Graduate School

    Objective: (e.g. +80% graduate school acceptance

    rate for those who apply)

    6. Employment

    Objective: (e.g. +75% employment rate within the

    field or a related field for those seeking employment)

    C. Provide customer satisfaction (Graduate Opinion Survey)

    7. Advisement

    Objective: (e.g. +80% student satisfaction with


    8. Instruction

    Objective: (e.g. +75% student satisfaction with

    instructional quality)

    9. Program

    Objective: (e.g. +85% student satisfaction with

    adequacy of preparation provided by the program)

    D. Integrate faith and learning

    10. Christ-centered spirituality with content

    Objective: (e.g. At least __% of courses integrates

    Christian principles with course content)

    11. Commitment to service

    Objective: (e.g. At least __% of students

    participates in service activities)


    (Use additional rows as needed)

    Student Learning Outcomes(Attach a curriculum map and an assessment matrix; see examples in Appendices A and B)

    Program Goals: (3-5 goals recommended; 1-3 outcomes recommended for each goal)






    Link to College Mission/Goals: (e.g. Educational Excellence, Spiritual Vitality, Quality Christian Education, etc.)

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    Planning and Assessment Handbook 51


    Appendix A: CURRICULUM MAP

    Program Assessment Plan (Years Plan is Effective)



    Prepared by: (Use only if prepared by someone other than the chair)

    Program: (e.g. B.A. in Spanish)

    The curriculum map below indicates the courses in which and the degree to which each student learning outcome is addressed in the program.


    I = introduced

    E = emphasized

    R = reinforced

    A = asses