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  • 8/3/2019 Plansbook FINAL Spread)



  • 8/3/2019 Plansbook FINAL Spread)


    1Capitol Advertising

    Table of Contents:Executive Summary 2

    ResearchResearch Design 4SWOT Analysis 5

    Insights 6

    Campaign Strategy 7Target Market Segments 8

    Segmentation Strategy 9Objectives 10

    CreativeBig Idea 11

    Creative Strategy & Testing 12

    Media Strategy 13Intrigue 14Awareness 16

    Interest 20

    Action 22Website 24

    Social Media 25Partnerships 26

    In-store Recommendations 27

    Metrics & Long Term Plan

    Five Year Plan 27Campaign Rollout 28

    Accountability 29Budget & Media Flow Chart 30

    Appendix 31

    Why Capitol Advertising 32

    Rickie AshmanMerrill CalottaCourtney CantorMatthew Heymann

    Faculty AdvisorLynda Maddox

    Imade IlentamhenRaycha JagroepNav KaurThais Moraes

    Capitol Adversing is excited to present its JCPossibilies campaign. The

    campaign is based on our key insight: Women 25-34 have more personal and

    professional possibiliesthan ever before, creang the constantneed for

    products to complement, enrich, and dene their modern lifestyles.

    Women are natural users of online media with at least 45% using social media

    and streaming video daily. We engage women with our media and creave

    execuons to leverage our budget.

    We look forward to meeng and working with you.

    Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

    Our TeamEbba NelliganJesse RoseKendra RousseletAaron Ruby

    Katherine SimonRebecca SlotkinAmy VidettoAlan Yeboah

    Special ThanksDarshan MehtaGina Myers

    Project DirectorVirginia Laird

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    2 Capitol Advertising

    Women 25-34 are the rst generaon of women with such a broad array of opportunies and choices. Nearly three-quarters of survey respondents told

    us they were shopping and spending more because of the possibilies available to them. Whether its buying a home, moving up the corporate ladder, or

    starng a familyOh, the possibilies that await them.

    We posion JCP as an integral part of modern womens lifestyles by oering aordable, quality products that complement, enrich, and dene their life

    possibilies. Oh, the JCPossibilies complements the opmisc feeling about their life possibilies and combines it with a strategic play on JCPs new


    Our research shows that when women 25-34 see or hear JCP, they instantly know it is JCPenney. We extend the P into words that highlight all the

    possibilies in their lives, like JCPicasso and JCParadise, and all the products JCP oers to enrich them, like JCPhilosophyand JCPower heels.

    Extending the P signies life possibilies or products. The duality of our creave strategy is reinforced through branding ads and price level ads.

    Branding ads focus on image and communicate that JCP is an integral part of modern womens lifestyles, while price level ads focus on increasing

    shopping frequency and spending by communicang that JCP has many products at aordable prices.

    JCPossibilies uses strategic media placement, brand partnerships, and loyal customers to maximize the reachof our campaign. Our media strategy guides consumers through a percepon change from dated to modern, and

    ulmately leads them to make a purchase at JCP.

    By engaging consumers and emphasizing JCPs modern image, JCPossibilies eecvely expands the reachand impact of our message to create a unifying voice. We implement an integrated digital strategy that

    seamlessly translates from online to in-store. JCPossibilies increases shopping frequency and boosts sales by$110,767,459 .

    JCPossibilies strategically aligns JCP with the possibilies that dene the lives of modern women. This updatesand modernizes the JCP brand without trying to convince women that JCP is suddenly trendy. Our research told

    us that women value the tradion of JCPenney but they want the brand to reect who they are today and into the


    JCPossibilies goes beyond the typical retail campaign and establishes the brand as a relevant part of womenslives, assuring them that JCP supports them through each stage of their lives, making them realize...

    Oh, the JCPossibilies...

    Executive Summary

    JCPicasso: A branding ad that

    highlights one of the numerousalternave career possibilies for

    modern women.

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    5Capitol Advertising4 Capitol Advertising

    SWOT AnalysisResearch DesignThe Challenge


    new female customers ages


    RETAIN:current female customers ages


    INCREASE:shopping frequency

    GROW:share of wallet

    The Capitol Adversing Method

    4 Capitol Advertising

    25,000hours of



    35In-Depth Interviews &


    Naonwide Online Focus Groups








    We conducted in-depth

    research on not only

    the past and current

    business climate of JCP

    and its competors

    but also the emerging

    trends in womens

    modern lifestyles to

    beer posion JCP in

    the future.

    For our 55-queson

    survey, we screened

    respondents by

    demographics and

    shopping behavior.


    analysis led us to

    discover quantave

    data that substanated

    our insights, leading to

    a beer understanding

    of what makes women

    shop, purchase, and

    build brand loyalty.

    We consulted four

    women in the target

    market from all corners

    of the country, leading

    very dierent lives. They

    advised us throughout

    the development of our

    campaign, allowing us

    to create a strategy that

    could resonate with our

    target segments.




    Which types of

    messages would best

    capture and engage the

    target market with the

    campaign, ulmately

    changing brand


    We conducted naonwide quantave and qualitave research to learn what makes women 25-34 shop and spend more at JCP and what would

    bring women who shop at competors to JCP. Using a mix of tradional and cung edge research, Capitol Adversing unlocks the secret to womens

    buying behavior and unmet needs, leading to the development ofJCPossibilies .

    O T

    Well-known American brand

    Trusted for aordable products for everyday life

    Leader in digital innovaon (e.g. rst retail

    website, Facebook store)

    Ranked #1 in AmExs Customer Service Rankings

    three years in a row

    #1 retailer on DiversityIncs annual ranking of

    Top 50 Companies for Diversity

    Perceived as a tradional, dated, and

    average brand made for older generaons

    Lile dierenaon in retail industry

    Lacks a fully integrated media strategy

    Services not top of mind for target market (e.g.

    gi registry and custom decorang)

    Public relaons eorts fail to reach target market

    Growing consumer involvement with digital media Women out-earn male counterparts by roughly

    10% in major cies

    Higher levels of educaon lead to more career

    possibilies than previous generaons

    Women 25-34 have as many as 10 life transions

    (e.g. new home, promoon, marriage)

    Endless possibilies = a constant need to purchase

    new products

    Online flash sale retailers (Gilt Groupe, Zappos),competors (Target, Macys, Kohls), and fast

    fashion brands (H&M, Zara) steal market share

    Women get married later and have fewer children

    Women are me starved, giving them less me to


    Post-recession, consumers buy fewer things,

    preferring to invest in expensive, high-quality



    Variety & Coolness of Target

    Glamour & Quality of Macys

    Discounts of Kohls

    Prices of Walmart

    Reliability of Sears

    Uniqueness of Specialty Stores

    To beer understand the compeon, we asked the target market what they like

    about JCPs competors:

    Parcipants were carefully screened to include 25-34

    year old women who had increased retail spending in

    the past year at JCP or its competors. We discovered

    why they shop, what would make them increase

    shopping and spending, and what makes them go to

    a store they have never visited before. We learned

    how to fulll the needs in womens modern lifestyles

    and how to provide them with a successful shopping


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    7Capitol Advertising6 Capitol Advertising

    Campaign Strategy

    Guides consumers gradually through a percepon

    change from dated to modern by showing

    customers that JCP has all the products that cater

    to their modern lifestyles.




    InsightsWomen 25-34 feel they can do anything; the new normal is that there

    is no normal. From tradional to avant-garde, this generaon is

    exhilaratedby the broad array of possibilies available to them.

    Women 25-34 have more personal and professional possibilies than ever before,

    creang the constant need for products to complement, enrich, and dene their

    modern lifestyles.

    Key InsightJCPossibilities is simple, extendable, and eecve. We update the JCP brand

    from dated tomodern by aligning it with the many possibilies of womens modern


    Overall Strategy


    Leverages womens relaonship networks to get

    them to talk, share informaon, generate buzz,

    and promote JCPs brand.

    Extends campaign from an emphasis on image

    and brandingto an emphasis on pricing and

    products. Branding ads focus on modern womens

    personal and professional possibilies to change

    percepon of JCP. Price level ads highlight great

    brands at great prices, conveying the deal, which

    increases shopping frequency and spending.

    Highlights new JCP logo by extending the P into

    words that describe the dierent possibilies

    available to modern women.1



    Eorts to rapidly move JCP from average to trendy are not believable

    or memorable. Women want the familiarity and tradion of JCP, but

    they want it to be updated to t their modern lifestyles.

    Victory is nding a great deal. A successful shopping experience is

    dened by nding the right products and brands at the right price.

    Women value relaonships above everything else. From family to social

    networks, women are redefning their relaonships to t their modern


    JCPao: Updates the target markets percepon

    of the brand by showcasing its modern furniture


    JCPenney is DatedPhase 1:Weeks 1-13Spark curiosity about JCP,

    highlighng the companys

    rebranding iniave.

    Phase 3:Weeks 27-39Highlight the many productpossibilies within JCP that

    help women fulll their

    unmet needs.

    Phase 4: Weeks 40-52Encourage consumersto purchase using

    unconvenonal taccs.

    JCP is Modern












    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    Phase 3

    Phase 4

    Price level ad on

    Branding ads located in airports in

    our targeted cies

    Phase 2:Weeks 14-26Spread the JCPossibilies

    message and establishes

    JCP as a modern retailer.JCPromoters






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    9Capitol Advertising8 Capitol Advertising

    Segmentation StrategyOur research shows that the best way to change womens relaonship with JCP is to segment our market based on their shopping behavior at JCP,

    rather than demographics, which ignore the diverse nature of our target market. Women are more likely to be inuenced by one another than by

    a retailer. We leverage womens relaonship networks to increase frequency and spending at JCP.

    Since women in our target market are highly inuenced by word of mouth, we ip the funnel to focus on JCPromoters, who already view JCP as

    their go-to store, capitalizing on their inuence to spread our campaign message.

    Of the 20.3 million women ages 25-34 in the US, we focus on the 10.6 million who have the highest propensity to shop at JCP.

    Why this works:

    Focus on shopping behavior (not demographics) in order to directly increase

    shopping frequency and share of wallet Target JCPromoters to spread the campaign message and inuence other


    Why we love JCPromoters:

    JCPromoters are a hidden power in our

    target market. They are the smallest in

    number, but have the strongest voice of

    authencity and trust.

    They interactwith and inuence a wide

    network of consumers based on their

    strong connecon to JCP. Their message

    echoes and radiates, as they share

    convincing informaon about the JCP

    shopping experience.

    JCPromoters already think the way we want

    the rest of our target to think: JCP is top of


    JCPromoters 8% of target market910,000 women

    JCPotenals 73% of target market

    8,300,000 women

    JCPartals 12% of target market

    1,400,000 women






    Target Market Segments

    JCPromoters Relaonship with JCPShop at JCP 5+ mes a year,

    48% Rewards members

    JCP = Classic

    Prices = a STEAL

    Product = Classic

    Purchase TriggersIn-store: Recent life


    Online: Shopping for a

    specific item

    Social Media



    We want JCPromoters to

    share informaon and

    buzz with JCParals and


    What they get out

    of our campaignJennifer: 33 years old. When shes

    not spending me at home with

    her husband and kids, she is hard

    at work developing her fashion

    blog and online start up company.

    Just the other day, she got a

    purse from JCP for a steal and

    posted it on her blog.

    These influencers

    share the latest retail

    gossip with anyone

    willing to list


    Meet our JCPromoter!

    JCParals Relaonship with JCPShop at JCP 2-4 mes a year,

    8.7% Rewards members

    JCP = Simple

    Prices = a DEAL

    Product = Tradional

    Purchase Triggers

    In-store & Online: Sales


    Social MediaEquivalent


    We want JCParals to

    strengthen their

    relaonship with JCP

    and be aware of all the

    affordable products

    that JCP has to offer.

    What they get outof our campaign Meryl: 28 years old. She is a

    market research analyst and loves

    decorang her new home with

    her husband. She visits Jennifers

    blog, gushes over the purse she

    posted, and tweets about it.

    Meryl stops by JCP aer work to

    pick up the purse and a new pair

    of pumps she found on sale!

    These deal-oriented

    shoppers are on the

    hunt to find the next

    big steal.

    Meet our JCParal!

    JCPotenals Relaonship with JCPShop at JCP 0-1 me a year

    JCP = Old-fashioned

    Prices = Cheap

    Product = Average

    Purchase Triggers

    In-store: Specific brands

    Online: Sales promoons

    & shopping for a specific


    Social Media



    We want JCPotenals to

    realize that JCP is a

    modern retailer that can

    sasfy their needs for

    brand name products at

    affordable prices.

    What they get out

    of our campaign Angela: 25 years old. A recentgrad, she just got her first big

    break working in the big city. She

    loves spending me with friends

    and enjoying her newfound

    freedom. She isnt a fan of JCP,

    but aer seeing Meryl tweet

    about the great deal she got,

    Angela spends her lunch break


    These brand-savvy

    shoppers are

    obsessed with

    finding affordable

    brand name


    Meet our JCPotenal!

    Aer extensive research, we determined that the best way to retain, aract, and increase shopping frequency and sales among our target market

    is to segment them based on shopping behavior and their relaonship with JCP. Meet our target segments!

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    11Capitol Advertising10 Capitol Advertising


    We Want:

    80% ofJCPotenals

    70% ofJCParals

    99% ofJCPromoters

    65% ofJCPotenals

    85% ofJCParals

    99% ofPromoters

    to view JCP as an integral part of the excing possibilies and lifestyles of modern


    to know that JCP oers a wide range ofaordable, quality product possibilies

    to change their percepon of the old JCPenney as a dated brand, to the new JCP

    as an aracve, modern retailer

    We Remind: that JCP values and rewards them for their brand loyalty



    Communication:Big Idea

    PositioningJCP gives women 25-34 the opportunity to feel victorious by oering quality products at aordable prices to best complement their

    modern life possibilies.

    The Big IdeaWomen are in a stage of their lives where they are able to shape their futures as they please. There is no limit to their opportunies

    because society no longer connes women to tradional roles. Modern womens lives are lled with endless choices, opportunies,

    and possibilies.

    This led us to our big idea:

    JCPossibilies shows how JCPs products complement womens life possibilies in a fun, easy, and excing way. Women feel they

    can do anything; the new normal is that there is no normal.

    We highlight that for every possibility, JCP has oerings to suit their needs. The possibilies refer to the lives of target members and

    to the many products and departments at JCP.

    We depict the dierent possibilies available to modern women to show that JCP is an integral part of their lives. This transions

    JCPs image from average and dated to modern and relevant, encouraging cross-shopping online and in-store, which results inincreased sales, shopping frequency, and share of wallet.

    The A-ha moment,

    grasping the multude

    of opportunies

    Incorporang possibilies into the brand name highlights the campaigns integraon

    of lifestyle possibilies with product possibiles and draws aenon to the new logo

    The possibilies are

    innite and evolving

    Raonale: We determined ROI by nding target market size, average amount spent per trip, and number of increased trips, both online and in-store.

    Our research showed that JCPromoters, especially Rewards (JCPoints) members, shop and spend the most. By increasing the number of JCParals,JCPromoters, and JCPoints members, we boost sales by $110,767,459. We focus on increasing online sales because online shopping is growing

    exponenally and is predicted to make up over half of all US retail purchases within the next 5 years. The convenience, promoonal incenves, and 24-

    hour accessibility of online shopping is driving our target market to shop more online.

    CUSTOMERSTo retain:

    95% of current JCP customers

    Results = 2.85M JCP customers

    To aract:

    10% new customers

    Results = 830,000 new JCP


    JCPOINTSTo increase:

    JCPoints Membership by 20%

    Results = Increases members

    from 375,000 to 450,000

    To increase:

    JCPoints Acvity by 50%

    Results = Increases JCPoints

    members addional trips per

    year from 1.9 to 2.85

    SEGMENTSTo move:

    0.75% of JCPotenals to JCParals

    Results = Increases sales by


    3% of JCParals to JCPromoters,

    Results = Increases sales by


    14.3% of JCPromoters to JCPoints


    Results = Increases sales by



    To increase:

    Online purchases by 50%

    Average online orders from 1.7 to 2.55 per year

    Results = Increases online sales by $60,162,900

    To increase:

    In-store purchases by 4%

    Average shopping trips from 3.3 to 3.43 trips per year

    Results = Increases in-store sales by $50,604,559

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    13Capitol Advertising12 Capitol Advertising

    Creative Strategy

    Creative Testing

    I couldnt stop

    thinking of P

    words all week!!- Ashley C, 26 [Campaign Tesng]

    Its clever and new. It tellsme that JCP has everythingIm dreaming about. Itspersonable and thats

    important.- Jen L., 32 (Tagline and commercialtesting)

    I like this because it makesme think o dierentpossibilities or my wardrobe!For example, I can buy mysuit as well as my happy houroutft, I like the versatility oOh, the JCPossibilities- Angie E., 25 (Tagline testing)

    JCPossibilies shows how JCPs products complement womens life possibilies in a fun, easy, andexcing way. Women feel they can do anything; the new normal is that there is no normal. The

    possibilies in their lives encompass so many diverse opons, not just tradional ones. We show that

    JCP is modern by tapping into these forward-thinking alternave possibilies.

    Our tagline, Oh, the JCPossibilies... emphasizes the opmism and endless opportunies that

    surround our target market. By using JCPs inials as the unifying element, we keep the brand at the

    core of our campaigns message and use P-extensions to show a multude of possibilies.

    The JCPromoters internalize the message and spread it to the other segments. JCParals respond to the

    benet of JCPs product possibilies and shop more, while JCPotenals idenfy with life possibilies

    and update their percepon of the brand. Our strategy highlights JCPs new logo and elevates JCP with

    a message that is unlike tradional retail ads, inspiring women to think of their own P-extensions,

    keeping JCP top of mind. JCPeek-a-boo: Plays on nostalgia, showingthe possibilies of a common household

    item in a meless childhood game. Ads

    are placed in magazines, popular among

    moms, such as Real Simple.

    Media Strategy

    Sparks curiosity about

    JCP, highlighng the

    companys rebranding


    Level 1: Intrigue

    Level 2: AwarenessSpreads the


    and establishes JCP as a

    modern retailer

    Level 3: Interest

    High-frequency media

    taccs highlight the

    benets of JCPs

    aordable products

    Level 4: Acton

    Media Objecves

    To reach 99% ofJCPromoters 1,334 mes/year

    To reach 95% ofJCParals 1,408 mes/year

    To reach 90% ofJCPotenals 1,467 mes/year

    Encourages consumers

    to make purchases using

    non-tradional taccs

    Oscars Grammys Emmys

    Digital Stylist



    3D Projecon Fashion Show

    TV Commercials

    Print Ads



    Cause Markeng


    Interacve Bus Stop

    Escalator Handrails

    Parking Lots


    TransitProduct Specic Ads

    Interacve Print Ads

    Branded Entertainment

    Product Placement


    Email Promoons

    JCPop-Up Showrooms

    Vending Machines

    JCPick-Me-Up Truck


    Social Media

    We use strategic media placement and channels to extend the JCPossibilies creavestrategy throughout our campaign. The media strategy guides consumers through a percepon

    change from dated to modern, ulmately leading women to make a purchase at JCP.






    Budget Allocation

    For each target segment, we focus on the following media objecves:

    JCPromoters = We emphasize Reach, since we know they will share our message with friends

    JCParals = We emphasize Connuity to keep JCP top of mind

    JCPotenals = We emphasize Frequency to ensure they remember the JCPossibilies message.Total Gross Impressions = 23,454,061,028

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    15Capitol Advertising14 Capitol Advertising

    JCPut Me on the RedCarpet Competition

    Digital StylistDuring the Oscars Red Carpet, an icon appears at the boom of the

    television screen encouraging viewers to visit to nd their

    own red carpet look. On the site, a live well-known JCPersonal Stylist

    analyzes celebrity fashions on the carpet and describes ways to create

    similar looks using JCP products.

    Parcipants are challenged to tweet using # JCPossibilies for a chance towin a trip to the Oscars. Beginning in January, adversements on,

    fashion blogs, and celebrity related websites appear to spur involvement

    in the contest. Spotlight features on shows such as E! News, Access

    Hollywood, The View, and Good Morning America further extend

    coverage of the compeon.

    During the Oscars, Spotlight commercials show snapshots of the winner

    and her journey. This event promotes JCP through social media buzz and

    coverage from entertainment news sources. Associaon with the Oscars

    spread the message that JCP is no longer dated but modern.

    Why this works:

    24.4 million women watch the Oscars each year, allowing

    JCPossibilies to reach a signicant poron of the targetmarket

    Oscars compeon fosters word of mouth markeng through

    retweets, extending the reach of our campaign before it even

    launches The Digital Stylist encourages online shopping and enhances

    brand image

    JCPossibilies launches during the 84th Annual Academy Awards. Leadingup to the Oscars, ads air both online and oine to encourage parcipaon

    in the JCPut Me on the Red Carpet Compeon. The Oscars are the

    perfect plaorm for JCPs rebranding iniave because its one of the most

    watched televised programs and women make up 65% of viewership. As the

    only retail sponsor of the event, JCP is able to communicate their message

    without the interrupon of other retailers.

    (Intrigue) JCPossibilitiesT-Shirt Promotions

    To build campaign hype, JCPossibilies t-shirts are distributed at thefashion shows and in-store. The t-shirts feature diverse P-extensions,

    such as JCPride and JCPoderosa (Spanish for powerful) to beer

    connect with the target markets lifestyles and ambions. Women

    receive discounts when wearing the shirts while shopping on certain

    days throughout the campaign.

    Fashion Show3D Projecon Fashion Shows

    In celebraon of Fashion Week, our campaign features innovave fashion

    shows in Miami, Dallas, Los Angeles, and New York. During the show, 3D

    projecons portray a series of changing designs on models white clothing as

    they walk down the runway. The clothing is made in collaboraon with our

    JCPartners. The fashion shows are open to the public and take place near

    high-trac JCP stores.

    The shows air on, where women can experience the show as

    insiders. On the site, they can stream a video that lets them sit in the front

    row by the runway, with the opon to view dierent aspects of the show.

    Women can also read about the story behind the show and view behind-

    the-scenes videos.

    Why this works:

    Innovave technology generates buzz and curiosity about

    JCPs modern product possibilies

    3D Projecon Fashion Shows serve as a direct call to acon for

    in-store and online purchasing

    Promoonal t-shirts draw aenon to the new JCP logo,

    drive in-store acvity and sales, and turn JCParals intoJCPromoters



    ( )

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    17Capitol Advertising16 Capitol Advertising

    Branding AdsBranding ads explore the life possibilies of the target market. They focus on connecon by tying womens aspiraons to the JCP brand through dierent

    P-extensions that are incorporated into the logo. Ads are inspiring, nostalgic, and fun.


    Makes women

    feel proud of their

    diverse careers

    and opmisc

    about their life

    possibilies. Banner

    ads are placed on

    recipe and cooking

    websites, such

    JCParadise: Makes women stop and think about the

    possibility of relaxing, since JCP understands that

    they are me-starved. Ads are placed on bus stopsin

    downtown areas, naonwide.

    JCPre-date jiers: Tells women JCP helps them make a great rst impression with its

    selecon of products. Ads are featured in LGBT magazines, such as Curve.

    Why this works:

    Ads highlight the new JCP logo and align modern lifestyle

    possibilies with JCPs brand image




    Why these work:

    P-extensions, producon format, and music selecon are

    aenon grabbing and memorable Commercials take on a non-tradional retail focus that

    modernizes JCP

    Music: The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts by Suan Stevens

    Technique: Low-tech feel (highlights realism); furniture and clothing change to

    beat of music

    Intro: P-extensions scroll through unl landing on commercial theme

    Placement: During popular TV shows like Modern Family

    Intro: P-extensions scroll through and complete the jcp logo unl landing on

    the commercial theme

    Our commercial format extends easily to other JCPossibilies . Forexample, JCPassport (shown below) showcases the possibilies of

    where one could live or travel.

    Descripon: A woman wearing a white maternity dress enters the all whitefurnished nursery room. She stands next to the crib, running her hands across

    the cool railing secured to protect a delicate future. She starts dreaming of

    the possibilies that await her. A beauful baby girl is born; new life brings

    new possibilies. Her rsts. First steps, rst laugh, rst smile radiang

    innocence. What will she be like?As she grows up, she explores the world

    around her; mixing up poons, nger painng, ying paper planes, creang

    her melodies. Who will she become?Nave ambion drives her curiosity.

    Notes and books cover her bedroom oor; she eagerly searches for her place

    in the world. Will she be a poet? An architect? An entrepreneur? How will it

    feel to watch her nd love? Once a girl, now a woman. She will embrace her

    passions. She learns perseverance and inner strength. She lives by her

    own tempo, nding her individuality. And maybe one day she will even win

    an Oscar.

    JCP products showcased:Duo Maternity Sunburst ITY Dress, Cindy Crawford

    Mother-of-Pearl Table Lamp, Walnut Grove End Table, Linden Street Pillow,

    and Monterey Converble Crib, Dresser, and Hutch

    O t H( )P ki L t

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    19Capitol Advertising18 Capitol Advertising

    Out-o-HomeOur out-of-home taccs are placed in high-trac urban areas on bus stops,

    highways, and in malls with JCP stores across the country.


    During the day, the JCPossibilies ad features all white JCP products. Duringthe night, projecons bring the ad to life to highlight dierent possibilies. Ads

    are placed in high-trac areas in our targeted cies.

    Interacve Bus Stop:

    Target market can click buons

    to project dierent furniture onto

    the back of the bus stop. Once a

    buon has been selected a QR

    code appears below it driving

    women to that products page of


    Escalator Handrails:

    An endless trail of P-extensions run down the escalator handrails to

    draw aenon and increase reach and frequency. The P-extenons

    are mostly product focused, with lifestyle words sprinkled in. Adsare placed in subway staons and malls near JCP stores naonwide.

    OnlineInteracve Banner Ads

    Our banner ads provide a simple,

    yet interacve way for women

    to discover the possibilies

    oered at JCP. Scrolling over the

    white banner unveils a variety

    of products and directs trac

    to Products in the ads

    are specic to site content (e.g.

    CafeMom: Childrens items,

    Elle: Womens Clothing and


    Parking Lots:

    We make the target market think about possibilies on their way

    to JCP. The ads are placed on parking spaces reserved for dierent

    product possibilies near the entrance to JCP stores.

    Cause MarketingIts not just about the clothes. Dress for Success gives

    disadvantaged women a network of support, career

    development tools, and professional are to open doors

    to new personal and professional possibilies. JCP will

    connue to provide women with possibilies by hosng

    a clothing drive the rst Friday of every month to support

    this noble cause.

    Why this works:

    Interacve banner ads and online TV ads show JCP products to

    increase online trac

    Our cause markeng partner aligns with our possibiliesmessage and helps show that JCP is a modern company that

    gives back

    Why this works:

    Out-of-home taccs work because creave placement

    increases brand recall, shows that the brand is modern, and

    generates buzz

    Online TV

    Online video services, such as, feature our commercials on TV

    shows that are popular among the target market like Modern Family, The

    Good Wife, and Greys Anatomy.

    Pandora Internet Radio

    Ads appear on Pandora

    Internet Radio that

    guide users to select one

    of our JCPossibilesRadio Staons. Whether

    they tune into JCParty

    Time Hits, JCProfessional

    Beats, or JCPeaceful

    Melodies, users can

    listen to select arsts

    without missing the beat

    of a great deal!

    M d F il( )

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    21Capitol Advertising20 Capitol Advertising

    Why this works:

    Associates JCP with a popular show that epitomizes the target

    markets modern lifestyles

    Product placement keeps JCP top-of-mind Modern Family iPhone applicaon incorporates JCP mobile ads

    to expand target market reach

    Modern FamilyJCPossibilies features an excing entertainment partnership with ABCs hit show Modern Family. The show explores the dierent possibiliespresent in the lives of modern day families and highlights the idea of todays new normal. The collaboraon emphasizes JCPs image as a modern

    retailer through product placement in episodes, interacve online ads, banner ads on, and Modern Family iPhone applicaon.

    Interacve online ads on Hulu and engage

    the target market by allowing them to vote on the

    ouit they want their favorite character to wear in an

    upcoming episode.

    Women can purchase a

    characters look at

    Interactive Print AdsThe double sided ads display a black & white image on one side and the

    same image in color on the other. When the user scans the JCPossibilies smartphone app over the black & white ad, the image comes to life. The user

    can select to see the item in other color opons, and purchase directly on the

    app. These ads emphasize the product possibilies available at JCP.

    (Interest)Price Level AdsAds highlighng specic JCP products remind the target market that

    JCP has the items to suit any modern lifestyle at great prices that

    women are inclined to share with others.

    Why this works:

    Price level ads allow bargain hunters to nd great deals on the

    items they need

    New technology allows women to interact directly with theJCP brand, as 53% of the target market uses smartphones


    Shows women

    that JCP has all

    the products

    to put them

    at peace. Ad

    is featured on

    tness websites,

    such as

    JCPower heels:

    Shows the selecon and

    aordability of JCP products

    that complement the career

    possibilies of modern womens

    lifestyles. This iPad ad is featured

    in womens magazines, such as

    InStyle. All iPad ads have icons

    that link user directly to JCP

    Facebook Store, JCP Twier, and, which expand reach and

    generate engagement.

    JCPurple: Shows that JCP has all the

    products they need for their next vacaon.

    Ad is featured in travel magazines such as,

    Travel and Leisure

    Print ads are featured in entertainment

    magazines such as People to further drive

    JCPs partnership with the show.

    (A i ) JCPoints

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    23Capitol Advertising22 Capitol Advertising

    JCPossibilies Vending MachineEverything you need in a JCPinch

    JCPossibilies VendingMachines, located in major

    airports, commuter rail staons,

    and high-trac downtown areas,

    oer busy women a convenient

    and aordable way to sasfy their

    needs on-the-go.

    Product Oerings Include: Tank tops,

    socks, pantyhose, sunglasses, jewelry,

    baby products, ats, and candies from

    Sweet Picks by Dylan.

    JCPop-Up Showroom

    JCPop-Up Showrooms simulate

    the experience portrayed in our

    commercials. Visitors interact

    with various JCPossibiliesinshowrooms using iPads to project

    desired JCP furniture and decor onto

    an all-white display room. Women

    can then make purchases at theshowroom with complementary

    shipping. Showrooms are temporarily

    available in popular sites in major

    cies, like Times Square in NYC.



    bring ouit staples,

    accessories, and

    JCPossibilies t-shirts to women

    across the country.

    Women can instantly

    purchase from

    using on-site iPads. The

    trucks locaons can be

    tracked using Twier

    and Facebook Places.

    Why these work:

    Taccs increase reach, introduce modern brand image, and

    are strategically located to increase sales

    (Action)Through guerrilla markeng, we target cies with the highest concentraons of our target market to

    foster engagement with JCP. By aligning digital resources with the shopping experience, we present

    JCP as a modern and innovave retailer.

    Guerrilla Marketing


    Why this works:

    JCPoints Cards increase shopping frequency and

    consequently spending

    JCPoints Cards incenves, such as personalized email

    promoons, daily deals, and discounted shipping,encourage women to shop and draw in new customers to

    the store


    Overall membership by 20%

    In-store trips from 5.2 to 6.9 trips per year

    Online purchases from 1.7 to 2.3 purchases per year

    Gold Level (achieved aer 500 points) Exclusive oers

    $5 Flat Rate Shipping

    Planum Level (achieved aer 1,000 points) Exclusive oers

    Special gi from seasonal partner

    $5 Flat Rate Shipping

    Diamond Level (achieved aer 1,500 points) Exclusive oers

    Special gi from seasonal partner

    Free Shipping

    A higher level means even more rewards:


    Nearly half of JCPromoters have a rewards card

    75% of our survey respondents said they would be very likely to sign up

    for a rewards card program if they received a discount on their birthday

    Our target markets life possibilies create the need for aordable goods. JCPoints cards not only provide g reat deals, but also increase brand loyalty and

    strengthen the customers relaonship with JCP. We update the Rewards Program by oering benets that are aligned with womens modern lifestyles.

    JCPoints Members Receive:

    Points: 1 point for every dollar you spend in-store and online.


    Personalized JCPromoonal Emails: Based on brand, lifestyle,

    and department preferences. Include access to daily deals

    and aer-hours sales which capitalize on the recent trend of

    group buying combined with ash sales.

    An addional 10% o for friend referrals who make a


    An addional 20% o on their birthday

    W b it E i S i l M di

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    25Capitol Advertising24 Capitol Advertising

    Website ExperienceJCPossibilies Design Portal

    2-in-1 planner for wardrobe and

    home decorang, where users

    build an ideal closet or room

    using JCP Products, promong

    cross-shopping .

    The Portal allows users to:

    Save preferences

    Share with Facebook friends

    View exclusive JCP designer


    Style Guides and How-Tos

    Lifestyle-oriented video tutorials

    that give unique advice and

    showcase product possibilies

    on a personal level (e.g. How to

    dress for a job interview, How

    to furnish a nursery.)


    1) Registry & Gi Finder

    2) Daily Deals


    Drop down menus reveal the

    most inving areas of

    Customers click outside the tab

    to return to their Design Portal

    Why no Microsite?

    Instead of creang a microsite,we integrate the JCPossibilies page with Research

    shows that microsites are merely

    a passing trend that drain


    Drag your

    selecon out

    of the window

    and into your


    Click on

    Shop JCP


    Re-click on

    Shop JCP tab

    to connue

    shopping where

    you le o

    Navigate to

    your secon of

    choice within

    the JCP store


    Users get their friends to

    purchase an item through a

    personalized link and receive a

    discount on a future purchase.

    This allows our JCPotenals

    and JCParals to become



    #JCPossibilies tracksbuzz and allows us to track

    campaign eecveness.


    Oers JCP deals based on

    users current locaon, taking

    away market share from

    nearby competors and

    increasing JCPs sales.

    Why this works:

    Social media outlets allow JCPromoters to share our campaign

    message with others JCPs social media presence enhances brand percepon and

    builds brand equity

    We strategically use social media to get our target market to interact and share our message with friends, ulmately leading them to make purchases.

    Social MediaJCPrepared

    Come Rain or Shine

    The modern JCP woman

    is prepared for any and all

    weather occurrences. This

    Facebook applicaon suggests

    ouit possibilies based on the

    local weather to keep women

    from pung on the wrong


    Our enre media plan comes together at We revamp with a modern, clean aesthec to increase online shopping. Introducing the

    JCPossibilies Design Portal, we engage customers and help them idenfy product possibilies that sasfy their unmet needs.

    Check-in Get Stu

    Check-in on Foursquare at

    select locaons to receive

    JCP promoonal items and

    gi from JCPossibilies

    Vending Machines, JCPick-

    Me-Up Trucks, and JCPop-

    Up Showrooms.

    Anna checks her Facebook

    and receives ouit

    suggesons from the

    JCPrepared Facebook app.

    She tweets Finally, I get to

    wear the dress I bought last

    week! #JCPossibilies Ifeel so JCPrey today!

    On her way to work, she

    passes the JCP interacve

    bus stop and checks in on

    Foursquare to receive a

    JCPromoonal t-shirt.

    A discount from the JCP store

    a few blocks away pops onto

    the screen.

    She spends her lunch hour

    shopping on and uses

    the JCPass-It-On applicaon.

    She recommends a sweater

    to her friends and receives a

    discount on her next purchase.

    add to bag

    jcpass it on!

    See how Anna interacts with JCPossibilies :

    I St R d tiP t hi

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    27Capitol Advertising26 Capitol Advertising

    In-Store RecommendationsPartnerships

    Rotational PartnershipsLimited me collaboraons generate excitement, garner PR in fashion magazines, and take market share away from competors by connuously

    aracng customers with designer brands at aordable prices. Collaboraon includes apparel, shoes, and home goods made exclusively for JCP.


    Classic American brand popular with target market

    Kate Spade benets from increased brand exposure


    Internaonal brand known for elegant plus-size clothing

    Marina Rinaldi benets from JCPs diverse customer base

    Long-Term PartnershipsStore-within-store partnerships improve JCPs brand percepon by enhancing current product oerings and reminding shoppers of JCPs endless

    possibilies, helping JCP move from dated to modern. These brands bring customers back and increase customer loyalty.

    1. UNIQLO

    Global fast-fashion brand known for aordable,

    quality basics

    Interest in US expansion through department store


    UNIQLO benets from access to the US retail market

    2. Paper Source

    Premier American paperie and retail store

    Oers unique selecon of paper gis and


    Paper Source benets from elevated

    exposure in the JCPresents secon

    3. Sweet Picks by Dylan

    Exclusive JCP line of sweets by Dylans

    Candy Bar

    Dylan's Candy Bar benets from placement

    in JCPresents and In-a-JCPinch secons

    Five Year PlanJCPossibilies is aexibleand sustainablecampaign that will generate connued impact over the next ve years.

    2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 2014 - 2015 2015 - 2016 2016 - 2017

    JCPersonality Closets

    Secon of store

    dedicated to items

    inspired by the

    personalies of

    characters from

    Modern Family Strengthens


    partnership with

    "Modern Family"


    A special mini-bouque

    where shoppers can

    nd popular gis and

    receive Paper Source

    gi-wrapping services

    Benets the 44% of

    target market who

    already shop at JCP for


    Style in a JCPinch!

    Assorted accessories

    located near check-out


    Encourages cross-

    shopping and impulse

    purchases; 42% of

    survey respondents

    reported buying their last

    accessory on impulse

    JCPaper Shopping Bag

    Simple, modern shopping

    bags display the message

    of our campaign

    Makes customers proud

    to walk out with the bag,

    allowing women to carry

    the JCPossibilies message beyond the store

    Inial rollout of

    Capitol Adversings

    JCPossibilies campaign

    Rotaonal JCPartners:

    Kate Spade, Marina


    Expand JCPossbilies

    Campaign promoons and

    events to addional cies in the


    Expand mobile adversing with

    use of augmented reality

    Rotaonal JCPartners: RachelRoy, Lyn Devon

    Expand JCPossibilies campaign

    to target consumers in younger

    demographic, specically

    women 18-24

    Develop unique branded

    entertainment with Nelix and

    Hulu Rotaonal JCPartners: Narcisso

    Rodriguez, Jason Wu

    Expand JCPossibilies campaign

    to target consumers in older

    demographic, specically

    women 35-44

    Rotaonal JCPartners:

    Moschino, Donna Karan

    Increase long-term partnerships

    that reect JCPs updated image

    Rotaonal JCPartner: Alaa

    Smartphone App

    In-store shoppers can

    scan clothing tags to

    access customer reviews

    and related items for

    each product.

    Our research shows that women like to shop at stores that are cluer free, spacious, and easy to navigate. We aract shoppers with an easy and

    convenient shopping experience that use modern shopping tools to showcase product possibilies at JCP. We change the percepon of JCP from dated to

    a modern and fun place to shop.

    C i R ll t A t bilit

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    29Capitol Advertising28 Capitol Advertising

    Campaign RolloutJCPossibiliesreaches the target market through naonwide paid, earned, owned, and im agined media. Larger

    porons of the budget go toward the nine states with the highest concentraon of women in the target market

    to strengthen reach and foster an echo eect throughout the country. Targeted cies within the nine states are:

    Atlanta, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Jacksonville, Los Angeles, Miami, New York City, Philadelphia,

    San Antonio, San Diego, and San Francisco.



    We measure campaign eecveness through: New JCP customers

    Retenon of current JCP customers

    Increased shopping of current JCP customers

    Increased membership in JCPoints

    Trac to

    Social media interacon

    Parcipaon in contests and events

    Awareness of new JCP logo

    Change in brand percepon from dated to modern

    Replicaon of benchmark survey designed by Capitol


    JCPossibilies reaches 20,300,000 women ages 25-34 with a budget of $100 million

    23,454,061,028Total gross impressions

    224 Gross impressions per dollar spent

    Women 25-34 with

    a posive and unique message


    Women 25-34 that JCP has

    quality products at aordable

    prices that compliment their

    modern life possibilies


    The percepon of JCP from a

    dated brand to one that is mod-

    ern and fun


    450,000JCPoints Membership

    2,500,000 Facebook fans

    50,000 Twier followers

    5,500,000 Website visitors

    3,500,000 YouTube views

    Women 25-34 to

    purchase items at JCP

    in-store and online




    You asked us to retain female

    customers ages 25-34 and we did.

    We retain 2.85M JCP customers We acquire 830,000 new JCP



    Average online orders from

    1.7 to 2.55 per year

    Results = Increases online

    sales by $60,162,900


    Average shopping trips from

    3.3 to 3.43 trips per year

    Results = Increases in-store

    sales by $50,604,559

    You asked us to increase shopping frequency and grow share of

    wallet among current female customers ages 25-34 and we did.You asked us to acquire female

    customers ages 25-34 and we did.

    A diB d t & M di Fl Ch t

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    31Capitol Advertising30 Capitol Advertising

    AppendixSelect Survey FindingsBelow is a sample of survey ndings that helped uncover our key

    research insights and target segments. Parcipants were not only

    screened before parcipang, but were also directed to specic

    quesons based on shopping frequency per year, whether they

    shopped at JCP or not, and use of JCP rewards card.

    85% of respondents said that a store carrying a new brand would be

    most inuenal in increasing visits to a store they occasionally shop at.

    74% of respondents chose New life transions as a trigger to get

    them into buying mode.

    Women ranked receiving rewards points from online purchases and the

    ability to preview their items (through augmented reality) as the top

    reason for shopping more for apparel online.

    In one year from now, respondents said they would want a full

    wardrobe of the latest styles of their choice and an apartment or house

    furnished in their own style.

    When asked what they shop for most at JCP, 44% of women said they

    shop for gis the most.

    75% of respondents said they would be very likely to sign up for a

    rewards card program if they received a discount on their birthday.

    When asked about the most important aspect of their lives, 86% of

    respondents ranked both family and career.


    Consulng.PBTConsulng,29 Dec. 2010.Web. 24 Jan.2011. .

    Brohan, Mark.J.C.Penney PlansMoreSocial andMobileMarkeng.E-Retailers.Internet Retailer, 30 June2010. Web.26 Jan.


    CahnersHindman, Nathaniel.The11 CiesWhereWomen Out-EarnMenBy TheBiggest Margin.HUFFPOSTBUSINESS.

    HungtonPost, 2 Sept.2010. Web.4 Feb. 2011..

    Campanelli, Melissa.6 OnlineRetailTrends.RetailOnlineIntegraon.North AmericanPublishing Company(NAPCO),6 July2010.

    Web.11 Jan.2011. .

    Email, SearchDrive Most OnlineRetailTrac. Informaonweek-Online 29 Dec.2010: ABI/INFORMGlobal, ProQuest.Web. 28Mar.2011.

    Hearst MagazinesandJ. C.Penney Company,Inc.Partner toLaunchGiing Graceand CLAD.MediaRoom.JCPenney Media

    Room.JCPenney, 11 Nov.2010. Web.17 Jan.2011. .

    JCPenneyRanksTopsin Customer Servicefor ThirdConsecuveYear.Nasdaq.N.p., 12 Jan.2011. Web.13 Jan.2011. .

    Klein, Karen.What CompaniesGet Wrong WhenMarkeng toMinories.Bloomberg Businessweek.Bloomberg, 14 Dec.2010.

    Web.5 Jan.2011. .

    Lemonnier, Jonathan.CustomersMost SasedWith OnlineRetail.AdAge Digital.AdAge, 22 Feb.2008. Web.10 Jan.2011.


    Marnezde AlbnizMargalef,Victor.Fast FashionRetailStrategyFlying OtheRacks.IESE Insight -Business KnowledgePortal.

    IESEInsight, 2009.Web. 1 Feb.2011. .

    MarylouisDionne, et al.TAX BRIEFS.Journalof Accountancy171.2 (1991): 18-19.Business SourcePremier.EBSCO. Web.28 Mar.


    Miley, Marissa, andAnn Mack.The New FemaleConsumer: TheRise ofthe RealMom.Ad AgeInsights.White Papers,16 Nov.

    2009.Web. 13 Jan.2011. .

    Mooney, Kelly.MythsAbout OnlineRetailMarkeng.DigitalNext.Ad AgeDigital.Ad Age,17 Feb.2009.Web. 12 Feb.2011.


    OnlineRetailIndustryProle: UnitedStates.OnlineRetailIndustry Prole: UnitedStates(2010 ): 1.BusinessSourcePremier.

    EBSCO.Web. 28 Mar.2011.

    PricewaterhouseCoopers,Kantar Retail.The New Consumer Behavior Paradigm: Permanent or Fleeng?Reading Room.WPP

    Reading Room.PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2010. Web.3 Jan.2011. .

    Radwanick, Sarah.U.S. DigitalYear inReview 2010.comScore(20 11): n.pag.Web. 2 Feb.2011. .

    Schultz, E.J.AsSingleBecomes New Norm,How toMarket Without Sgma.Adversing EducaonalFoundaon.Crain

    Communicaons, 11 Oct.2010. Web.9 Jan. 2011..


    Budget & Media Flow Chart


    2012-2013 6 1 3 20 2 7 5 1 2 19 2 6 2 9 1 6 23 3 0 7 1 4 21 2 8 4 1 1 18 2 5 2 9 1 6 23 3 0 6 1 3 20 2 7 3 1 0 17 2 4 1 8 1 5 22 2 9 5 1 2 19 2 6 3 1 0 17 2 4 3 1 7 1 4 2 1 28 4 Cost ($) Total Gross Impressions GrossImpressions/1$ Spent

    TELEVISION: T O TA L $ 3 6, 0 80 , 00 0 4 4 4, 0 90 , 00 0 4.81

    Cable & Broadcast $13,360,000

    Tivo & Direct TV $1,440,000

    Special Events: Academy Awards, Emmy Awards, Grammy Awards $21,580,000

    Music Royales $100,000

    RADIO: T O TA L $ 1 7, 6 80 1 , 00 7 ,9 7 1, 5 08 8.02

    AM/FM $5,200

    Satellite $7,280

    Online Streaming (Pandora) $5,200

    MAGAZINE: T O TA L $ 2 ,6 9 6, 0 00 1 3 4, 2 44 , 00 0 1.34

    Print $896,000

    E-Reader & Tablet $1,800,000

    OUT-OF-HOME: T O TA L $ 7 ,2 1 8, 8 40 2 , 11 5 ,3 6 0, 0 00 21.85

    Billboards $6,000,000

    Transit $168,000

    Boarding Passes $700,560

    Baggage Claim $350,280

    ONLINE: T O TA L $ 6 ,3 7 5, 0 00 1 , 84 3 ,9 9 0, 5 00 18.44

    Twier: Promoted Tweets $1,200,00

    YouTube: Home Page Takeover $2,625,000

    Interacve Banners $1,275,000

    Video Banners: Hulu, YouTube $1,800,000


    PRODUCT PLACEMENT $6,000,000

    CINEMA $4,500,000

    COFFEE CUPS $3,000,000


    TOTAL PAI D TO TAL $91, 687, 520 5, 649, 144,623 55.22




    WEBSITE: T OT AL $ 0 3 ,0 56 ,2 54 ,5 00 30.52 Redesign $0

    Style Guides & How-Tos $0

    MOBILE: T O TA L $ 2 ,2 0 0 1 , 86 1 ,7 4 0, 0 00 2.75

    App Update $0 Update $0

    SMS/Text Promoons $600

    TOTAL O WN ED TO TAL $1, 006, 600 6, 332, 000,000 47.21

    JCPOSSIBILITIES LAUNCH EVENT T OT AL $ 5, 00 0 2 7, 76 4, 00 0 .27

    JCPut Me On The Red Carpet Oscars Compeon $5,000

    JCPossibilies T-Shirts $0

    JCPS Digital Stylist: Tim Gunn $0



    SOCIAL MEDIA: T OT AL $ 0 8 ,9 23 ,6 12 ,4 05 86.88

    The JCP Facebook Store: JCPossibilies Design Portal $0

    JCPassport Facebook Applicaon $0

    JCP Weather Wear Facebook Applicaon $0

    Twier: #JCPossibilies $0

    Foursquare $0

    Check In -> Get Stuf Foursquare Extension $0

    JCPass-It-On Link Sharing $0

    TOTAL TO TAL E AR N ED $5, 000 9, 089, 306,405 99.26



    JCPossibilies Vending Machines $560,000

    JCPick-Me-Up Trucks $675,000

    JCPop-Up Showrooms $252,000

    JCPARKING LOT $504,000


    TOTAL TO TAL I M AGIN E D $6, 219, 000 2, 383, 610,000 21.64

    CONTINGENCY $1,081,880

    TOTAL BUDGET T O TA L B U D GE T $ 1 00 , 00 0 ,0 0 0 2 3 ,4 5 4, 0 61 , 02 8 2 2 4

    2012 2013

    Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb




    Wh Capitol Ad ertising?

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    32 Capitol Advertising

    Why Capitol Advertising?

    We are not your average, run-of-the-mill team. We are a select group of individuals from disnctly

    dierent backgrounds who have come together to bring this campaign to life.

    From Brazil to Sweden, Nigeria to Japan, our team represents ten dierent countries across ve

    connents. We are by no means afraid of stepping out of our comfort zones to oer diverse

    perspecves on meeng the challenge. Each one of us has brought a unique skill set to our team.

    Though we are diverse, we have two common threads. We are adversing (and shopping!) fanacs, and

    we have poured our hearts and souls into creang this campaign. Our group is fun and quirky, made up

    of social media mavens, Adobe ninjas, research gurus, and even a JCParty animal or two.

    With Capitol Adversing, you not only partner with a team invested in your success, but also receive a

    unied campaign that is both creave and strategic.

    We strongly believe that now is the me to build a crucial relaonship with the target market. By

    reposioning JCP as a modern and aracve retailer we make JCP relevant to womens lives, while

    staying true to the soul of your company. The beauty of our campaign is that it is simple and extendable.

    Capitol Adversing and JCP...

    Oh, the JCPossibilities...

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    34 Capitol Advertising