plans/preparation for implementation of wfd monitoring and reporting

Plans/preparation for implementation of WFD monitoring and reporting Ljupka Dimovska-Zajkov

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Plans/preparation for implementation of WFD monitoring and reporting. Ljupka Dimovska-Zajkov. EU First wave’ water legislation 1975:standards for rivers & lakes used for drinking water abstraction 1980:binding quality targets for drinking water ‘Second wave’ (1990s) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Plans/preparation for implementation of WFD monitoring and reporting

Plans/preparation for implementation of WFD monitoring and reporting

Ljupka Dimovska-Zajkov

Page 2: Plans/preparation for implementation of WFD monitoring and reporting

Background - Legal FrameworkEU• First wave’ water legislation

– 1975:standards for rivers & lakes used for drinking water abstraction

– 1980:binding quality targets for drinking water

• ‘Second wave’ (1990s)– Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive

(1991)– Nitrates Directive (1991)– New Drinking Water Directive (1998)– IPPC Directive (1996)

• 1995: need to re-think European water policy• & for more comprehensive legislation• Oct 2000: Final adoption of WFD by joint decision by European Parliament & Council ("co-decision procedure") and following a conciliation procedure• 22 Dec 2000: Publication & entry into force


In 2003 the MEPP supported by the EU funded Project "Strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of environment

and physical planning“ prepared 4 laws in order to harmonize the national legislation to the Environmental Acquis. Among these, draft-law on waters was prepared. During the preparation of the draft-law, the following EU Directives were taken as basis:

• The Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC including the Decision 2455/2001/EC;

• The bathing water directive 76/160/EEC; • Water intended for human consumption

Directive 98/83/EC; • Urban waste water treatment directive

98/15/EC; • Nitrate Directive 91/676/EEC; • Sludge directive 86/278/EEC, and other

relevant directives.

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GENERAL AIMS OF WFD/ DLW-MKEU• Expand the scope of water protection

to all waters (surface & underground)• Prevent further deterioration &

achieve ‘good status’ for all waters by fixed deadlines

• Combined approach emission limit values/quality requirements

• Set the right price• Adopt the river basin as management

unit• Attain public participation• Streamline legislation


• Lack of integrated approach for water management

• Inappropriate and unfunctional institutional set-up

• international obligations• Water Framework Law,

which regulates the basic principles for consistent and sustainable strategy and politics for developing of water resources by defining basic standards and requirements, and also establishing a legal basis for defining the specific requirements technical standards

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Currently Draft Law on waters– under adoption procedure in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia

CADRS 2003 “Iimprovement of the management of

transboundary water resources in the Vardar“

CADRS 2005 “Developing National Strategy for

Environmental Approximation “

Proposal: Vardar River basin management Plan

Directive Specific Implemen tation Plans (DSIPs) for selected directives

Sector Approximation Strategies (SASs)National Strategy for Environmental

Approximation (NSEA)

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Наслов на Директивата: Рамковна директива за вода [2000/60 /EC]

Сектор од животната средина: Вода [D]


Код на акцијата

Краток опис на акцијатаОдговорна


Период на


Извори на финансирање %

Барања за

правна транспозиција (Евра)


и / институционалн

и барања (евра )

Барања за

техничка помо

ш (евра





Вкупно трошоци

124_D_2000/60 /EC

Подготвување,усвојување измени и дополнувања на предлог законот за води

Министерство за животна средина и просторно планирање

2006 - 2007

Министерство за животна средина и просторно планирање [100]

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

126_D_2000/60 /EC

Подготвување, усвојување и влеување во сила на Уредба за критериуми и карак за определување на добрата состојба на површинските води,нивните хемиски карактеристики и еколошкиот потенцијал на водите НППА бр.3

Управа за хидрометоролошки работи [HMI]

2008 - 2008

Управа за хидрометоролоски работи [50]


0.00 0.00 0.00 740,352.00

Министерство за животна средина и просторно планирање

Министерство за животна средина и просторно планирање [50]

128_D_2000/60 /EC

Подготвување,усвојување и влегување во сила на Уредбата за класификација на на водата и категоризација на површинските и подземните води НППА бр.5

Управа за хидрометоролошки работи [HMI]

2008 - 2008

Управа за хидрометоролоски работи [50]


0.00 0.00 0.00 131,544.00

Министерство за животна средина и просторно планирање

Министерство за животна средина и просторно планирање [50]

131_D_2000/60 /EC

Подготвување,усвојување и влегување во сила на Уредба за критериуми за определување на добар квантитативен и хемиски статус на подземни води НППА бр.4

Управа за хидрометоролошки работи [HMI]

2008 - 2008

Управа за хидрометоролоски работи [50]


0.00 0.00 0.00 642,480.00

Министерство за животна средина и просторно планирање

Министерство за животна средина и просторно планирање [50]

Page 6: Plans/preparation for implementation of WFD monitoring and reporting

Organisational Structure and Outputs

Team Leader

PROPOSAL WP1aImprovement of

National Legal andInstitutional

Framework for WaterResources and RiverBasin Management

and Planning

Work Package No. 2

Task Manager

Water QualitySpecialist


Work PackageNo. 3

Task Manager

IndustrialPollution Specialist



Work PackageNo. 4

Task Manager

Fisheries Expert

Overview ofFisheries’

Work Package No. 5

Task Manager/s

Hydrologist /Hydrogeologist

‘Lake Dojran’

Work Package No. 6

Task Manager


'Assessment ofWater Resources'

Work PackageNo. 7

Task Manager

Team Leader

'River BasinManagement


PROPOSAL WP2aMeasures to Upgrade

the ExistingMonitoring Network

REPORT WP5aWater Balance of

Lake Dojran

REPORT WP4Overview of Fisheriesand the Influence ofRiver Management

and Pollution onFisheries

REPORT WP2bPreliminary

Assessment of theEffects of Pollution

and Water Quality inthe Vardar River

REPORT WP3Industrial Pollution





ASSESSMENT WP6Water resources of

the Vardar/Axios RB,analysis of trends

Work Package No. 1

Task Manager

Legal Expert

'National Legaland InstitutionalFramework for

Water Resourcesand River Basin

Management andPlanning'

REPORT WP5cRequirements for

Exchange ofInformation (lake)

REPORT WP5bGroundwater

Monitoring systemsat Gevgelia

REPORT WP1bStrategies forInternational

Cooperation inTransboundary

Water resources on aSustainable Basis

REPORT WP1cOptions for ImprovedManagement of the

Vardar River

PROPOSAL WP7aGIS design and Data


REPORT WP2cRequirements for

Exchange ofInformation (river)

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Page 8: Plans/preparation for implementation of WFD monitoring and reporting


• The major task of the monitoring part of the project is foreseen in providing (i) as much as possible missing information by means of the Field Survey and (ii) technical background needed for the design of EU WFD-compliant investigative, surveillance and operational monitoring programmes in the Vardar river basin. The activities were developed towards the preparation of the Report on the Assessment of the Present Monitoring in the Vardar River Basin and Proposal of Measures to Upgrade the Existing Monitoring Network. Actions will be taken in frame of WP 2 are:

• Assessment of the existing monitoring network. • Field Survey

– Field Survey Manual– Collection of samples– Analyses– Reports

• Trainings. - Standard Methods for collection and analyses of samples

• Identification of diffuse and point source of pollution in river Vardar basin, • Design of the future monitoring network:

– Surveillance Monitoring • Analysis of the characteristics of RBDs

– Establishment of typology– Identifications of the boundaries of water bodies– Production of maps on surface water body types

• Provisional identification of AWB and HMWB– Screening for hydromorphological changes in water bodies– Description of significant changes in hydromorphology in water bodies that have not been "screened out"– Identification of water bodies likely to fail good ecological potential due to changes in hydromorphology– Selection of water bodies substantially changed in character due to physical alterations by human activity and identify them

provisionally as HMWB• Registration of protected areas

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Design and implementation of EU WFD monitoring programmes on a basin/sub-basin scale is a complex task, which relies heavily on the availability and reliability of long-term historical data sets. No serious decision support system can be established on the basis of poor quality or even missing data. It has been identified that some of the required EU WFD parameters were never monitored in the Vardar river basin. The reliability of data, which were obtained within the existing monitoring schemes, were in some cases questionable. As a rule, the monitoring data sets are usually supported by outcomes of separate research sub-projects helping to understand ecosystems of individual water bodies. Such information is entirely missing for most of the EU WFD monitoring parameters.

Parameter/task Requirement by WFD

State of implementation in


Typology YES NO/SOME

Delineation of WB YES NO/SOME

Designation of HMWB and AWB


Risk assessment YES NO

Monitoring of general physico-chemical parameters

YES YES (not all)

Biological monitoring


Monitoring of Priority and Other substances


Monitoring of sediments/suspended matters/biota


Hydromorphology YES NO/SOME

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The overall objective of the VRB FS was to undertake a longitudinal survey that would produce comparable and reliable information on water quality for the whole of the length of the Vardar River including major tributaries on a short-term basis. The outcomes of the VRB FS should provide informationeeded for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000/60/EC).

VRB FS had the following specific objectives:• To produce a homogenous data set for the Vardar river based on a single sampling procedure and• laboratory analysis of specified determinants and biological quality elements (BQE);• Screening of EU WFD priority substances (PS) and other relevant hazardous substances;• To provide a forum for sampling and laboratory inter-comparison exercises;• To facilitate establishment of a common trans-boundary monitoring program within the Vardar river basin;• To facilitate specific training needs;• To promote public awareness. A set of specific objectives have been identified arising mostly from the implementation of WFD:• Comparison of the results with existing monitoring data;• Biological validation of the river Vardar typology;• Ecological assessment of the river Vardar in line with WFD;• Assessment of the pressures and impacts;• General overview of the habitat morphology of the river Vardar;• Contribution to the future Intercalibration Exercise (IC).VRB FS also provided information on:• Microbiological analysis;• Analysis of radioisotopes.

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Preliminary delineation and characterization of water bodies in VRB

Based on geographical and hydrological determinants as well as several other criteria (see below) a totalof 136 water bodies were identified in Macedonia): - 81 surface water bodies- 20 heavily modified water bodies- 13 artificial water bodies- 12 protected areas

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A proposal for an upgrade of the monitoring network in Macedonia was developed based on:1. Existing monitoring network and needs of water managers;2. WFD monitoring requirements;3. Results of the 1st VRB FS.The proposal does not include the Operational Monitoring scheme due to the lack of relevant information.The Investigative Monitoring is also not included in the proposal as it is expected that results of the 2nd VRB FS will be used for final definition of the respective monitoring activities.

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Surveillance monitoring I (SM 1)

Selection of monitoring sitesUsing the available information and expert judgment major water bodies in Macedonia were grouped and following sampling sites were proposed:1. Gevgelija, border2. Crni Drim, border3. Strumica, Novo SeloAdditional three sampling sites on the natural lakes are proposed:4. Lake Dojran, Ribarsko (Nov Dojran),5. Lake Prespa, Golem Grad6. Lake Ohrid near Crn Drim outflow.

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Surveillance monitoring II (SM 2)

There is a prior need to continue with establishment of proper typology, delineation of water bodies and collection of information on risk assessment of individual water bodies. An additional Surveillance Monitoring (SM 2) is proposed which is combination between existing monitoring network in Macedonia and requirements of WFD. This type of monitoring will enable obtaining more relevant data needed for establishing proper River Management Plan. SM 2 might overtake some of the functions of the operational monitoring before it is established.

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Page 22: Plans/preparation for implementation of WFD monitoring and reporting

A common plan for the Vardar/Axios river basin

№ Priority actionsEU Member

States Deadline

Responsibility in Republic of Macedonia

1 Coordination of administrative arrangements

1.1 Establishment of River Basin Management Unit in order to improve the bilateral coordination in water management of the Republic of Macedonia. 2006 MoEPP/MAFW/MoE

1.2 Bilateral agreement about the assessment of GWB. 2006 MoE/MoEPP

1.3 Establishment of common monitoring programmes for the transboundary waters. 2007 MoEPP

2 Environmental objectives

2.1 Guidance document for the definition of environmental objectives at national level to be proposed. 2006 MoEPP

2.2 Starting the process of defining concrete environmental objectives for surface waters, ground waters and protected areas in VARB immediately after the typology and risk assessment are finalized.

Depends of typology system MoEPP/MAFWE/MoE

3 River basin characteristics

3.1 Setting the type-specific reference conditions. 2006 MoEPP

3.2 Study the basic hydro-geology characteristics of GWB 2006 MoE

Assessment of anthropogenic pressures

3.3 Identification of solid waste deposition, atmosphere deposition, erosion, transport and radioactive pollution as possible point and diffused pressures. 2006 MoEPP/MAFWE

3.4 Gradually collection of missing data about point sources. 2007 MoEPP

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3 Assessment of the characteristics of the Vardar River Basin

3.1 Type-specific reference conditions are not fully established 2 3 3

3.2 No identification of groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems 1 1 1

Review of the environmental impact of human activity waters

3.3 No monitoring data on the pollution from some point sources 3 3 1

3.4 Widespread littering, solid waste dumping, atmospheric deposition, and erosion are not identified as possible diffuse pressures 2 3 2

3.5 Lack of data on the volume of fishing as well as the distribution of alien species 2 1 1

3.6 No assessment of the impact of all pressures on the ecological status of water bodies. These pressures are not regarded when identifying water bodies at risk 2 2 2

3.7 More detailed information on the water transfers inside/outside the VARB is needed, incl. assessment of their impact on the ecological status of water bodies 2 2 1

3.8 No information of the water losses from the distribution network 2 1 1

3.9 No data on the capacity of single GWB. 2 2 1

3.10 Atmospheric deposition and leaking sewerage systems are not taken into account in the analysis of diffuse sources of pollution 2 1 1

3.11 The water quality monitoring network does not encompass all GWBs 2 3 2

Economic analysis

3.12 The necessary information has not been collected (availability unknown) 2 2 1

3.13 The National Statistical Institute does not present data aggregated on river basin or municipality level 2 2 1

3.14 There is no methodology for calculation of the added value of the provision of potable water and wastewater treatment 2 2 1

3.15 There is no data on the price elasticity of water use Republic of Macedonia 2 2 1

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4 Register of protected areas

4.1 There are no areas, designated for the protection of economically important species, as well as Natura 2000 sites 2 1 1

4.2 There are no areas, designated for recreation waters 2 1 1

4.3 There are no areas, designated as vulnerable zones according to the Directive 91/271/EEC for WWTP 2 2 1

5 Waters used for the abstraction of drinking water

5.1 Gaps in data management between other structures – Water Supply and Sewerage Companies, Public Health inspections etc. 2 2 1

6 Monitoring

6.1 There are no nationally approved methodologies for complete monitoring of biological elements2 2 2

6.2 The existing technical and administrative capacity is not sufficient for the implementation of comprehensive monitoring of biological quality elements 2 2 2

6.3 The hydrometric network does not always coincide with physico-chemical monitoring points1 2 2

6.4 Monitoring programs of the Republic of Macedonia and Greece are not unified and there is no coordination in selection of monitoring points, quality elements and frequencies 1 2 2

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7 Recovery of costs for water services

7.1 Measures of the real amount of water transferred 1 2 1

7.2 Updated list of industries in activity (including the mine industries) and their water consumption 1 2 1

7.3 Data on water consumption for tourism 1 2 1

7.4 Estimation of the self-supply users (especially industries and small rural schemes)1 2 1

7.5 All cost estimates for the agricultural and water transfer sectors 1 2 1

7.6 Updated operation and maintenance costs for all water supply and sanitation services in Vardar River Basin 1 2 1

7.7 Updated estimate of financial costs of water supply and sanitation services (investments, depreciation and capital costs) 1 2 1

7.8 Real or estimated figures for administrative costs including the necessary budget for funding the water management activities 1 2 1

7.9 Real figures of taxes & subsidies on the water supply and sanitation services in the Vardar River Basin 1 2 1

7.10 Estimation of the environmental extra-cost linked to existing point and diffusive pollution1 2 1

7.11 Quantification of resources exported out of the basin and their impact on downstream users 1 2 1

7.12 Water and sanitation tariffs applied 1 2 1

7.13 Separation of industrial and domestic costs and revenues 1 2 1

7.14 Revenues to water supply and sanitation from national, regional or municipal budgets (including subsidies) 1 2 1

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7.15 Local fees applied on Vardar River Basin for water irrigation service 1 2 1

7.16 Estimation of the recovery mechanism for water transfer service 1 2 1

7.17 More details of the financial flows of the money collected by State Companies (does it remain in the water sector and in the Basin) and by the water (and pollution) levies and fines 1 2 1

7.18 Payments for self water supply and sanitation services. Agricultural payments for non irrigated (but still polluting) activities 1 2 1

7.19 More details about the use of the money collected. How much from the fees collected in Vardar River Basin come effectively back to investments? 1 2 1

8 Combined approach for point and diffuse sources

8.1 There is no practically applied combined approach for point and diffuse sources according to the requirements of the WFD 2 3 2

8.2 The information of diffuse sources is scarce and does not allow the assessment of their contribution to the pollution in the VARB and specific water bodies 2 3 1

8.3 No model (GIS modeling) or methodology have been practically introduced for diffuse source risk assessment 2 2 1

8.4 Lack of methodologies, criteria or guidance documents on the combined approach for point and diffuse sources in accordance with the WFD requirements 2 2 2

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9 Programmes of measures

9.1 The ecological status of surface waters has been defined - there are many designated water bodies at risk which must achieve good status by 2015. Environmental objectives for such water bodies have not been set

2 3 3

9.2 The existing national monitoring programme does not cover all priority substances 2 1 1

9.3 The identification of erosion risk zones is not done 2 1 1

9.4 There is not enough information about sand and gravel pits in river beds 2 1 1

10 River basin management plan

10.1 The coverage of future management plan is not clear 3 3 3

10.2 The existing level of collaboration between the competent authorities in the Republic of Macedonia and Greece cannot ensure timely and effective elaboration of single Management plan for the entire RB 3 3 3

11 GIS and information management

11.1 There is no effective mechanism to facilitate the access to data and information, which are collected by different institutions, organisations and companies 2 2 2

11.2 There is no unified format for data storage and exchange between responsible regulatory authorities3 2 2

11.3 The MoEPP and the MAFWE require both software and hardware upgrades for effective data management 3 2 2

11.4 The administrative capacity for utilization of databases and GIS is underdeveloped 2 2 2

11.5 The information present in the GIS layers is incomplete and does not allow effective planning nor the use of mathematical modeling for risk assessment 2 2 2

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12 Assessment of technical and human capacity

12.1 Insufficient administrative capacity for timely implementation of all WFD requirements. 3 3 3

13 Public information and consultations

13.1 The Basin council does not exist 1 2 1

13.2 Sub-basin commissions are not established 1 2 1

13.3 The administrative capacity for public participation is low 1 2 1

Urgency Importance for RBMP Link with other WFD elements

High In delay/risk of delay against WFD deadlines –

not always appropriate Obligatory, key importance for RBMP Obligatory for the implementation of other WFD tasks 3

Medium The time for filling the gap is enough Medium importance for RBMP elaboration There is relation with some WFD tasks 2

Low Deadline is far Low importance for the RBMP elaboration No relation with other WFD tasks 1

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Data, Administrative, Human and Technical GapsUrgenc


1 Coordination of administrative arrangements

1.1 Greece has only recently defined the competent authorities at river basin district level - the administrative arrangements are still not clear 3

1.2 The Republic of Macedonia has not defined competent authorities at river basin district level2

1.2 There are official water management structures established at sub-basin level in the Republic of Macedonia. The responsibilities of municipalities concerning the WFD implementation are not clearly set 1

1.3 The current collaboration between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece does not completely reflect the obligations of both countries according to all bilateral agreements and international conventions ratified, and does not ensure the basis for integrated management of VARB


1.4 At national level there is no agreement for the assessment and management of Ground Water Bodies (GWBs) 2

1.5 At national level there is no criteria for setting the management of GWBs 2

2 Environmental objectives

2.1 The environmental objectives for surface waters, ground waters and protected areas in Vardar/Axios RB have not been identified 2

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3.5 Gradually collection of missing data about diffuse sources. 2008 MAFWE/MoEPP

Economic analysis of water use

3.6 Gradually collection of missing data, identified as gaps in economic analysis. 2007 All

4 Register of protected areas

4.1 The data available in GIS to be updated and completed. continuous MAFWE/MoEPP

4.2 Additional data about potential sensitive zones according to the Directive 91/271/EEC for WWTP discharges 2006 MoEPP/MAFWE

4.3 Register of protected areas to be integrated in RBMP 2008 MoEPP

5 Waters for human consumptions

5.1 Missing data from other institutions to be ensured 2006 MoEPP

6 Monitoring

6.1 Elaborate Surveillance monitoring system including to adjust biological monitoring in line with WFD. 2006 MoEPP/


6.2 Propose the elaboration/introduction of national level system for the assessment of ecological status, based on all quality elements in accordance to Annex V of WFD. 2006 MoEPP

6.3 Elaborate Operational monitoring and integrate in RBMP. 2008 MoEPP

6.4 Gradually adjustment the monitoring systems in line with Section 5 2008 MoEPP

6.5 Elaborate investigative monitoring 2009+ MoEPP

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7 Cost recovery

7.1 to 7.19

Gradually ensure the missing data and implement analyses, recommended above in Section 10 2008 MoEPP

8 Combined approach for point and diffuse sources

8.1 Elaborate such and integrate in RBMP 2008 MoEPP/MAFWE

9 Programme of measures

9.1 Set ecological status, risk assessment and environmental objectives 2007 MoEPP

9.2 Ensure the missing data – hydrometric data, erosion, point and diffuse sources of pollution. 2008 MoEPP/ Hydromet

9.3 Define the most important pressures for VARB, based on the pressures and impact analysis (art. 5) and propose combination of measures for them to be integrated in RBMP 2008 MoEPP

10 Management plan

10.1 Active involvement of local stakeholders and industry through sub-basin commission for VARB and working groups in order to identify and manage the potential water conflicts and management issues 2007 MoEPP

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Active involvement of local stakeholders and industry through sub-basin commission for VARB and working groups in order to identify and manage the potential water conflicts and management issues 2007 MoEPP

Local expertise, particularly in estimation of pressures and impacts to be increased by capacity building measures as trainings, translation of Guidance documents and methodologies into national language.

continuous MoEPP

Human and financial resources, necessary for timely elaboration of RBMP to be estimated 2005 MoEPP/MAFWE

GIS and data management

Adjust data model to the recommendations in WP7 report and develop common database 2007 MoEPP/MAFWE

Fill the gaps in equipment, described in WP7 report 2007 MoEPP/MAFWE

Assessment and development of administrative capacity

Elaborate and implement Capacity building plan for MoEPP 2006 MoEPP

Public information and consultations

Provide access to the information about waters (e.g. via Internet) 2005 MoEPP

Publish the schedule of planning process 2006 MoEPP

Publish an Interim review of the key water management issues in VARB 2007 MoEPP

Publish the draft RBMP 2008 MoEPP

Elaborate overall communication strategy for the entire river basin 2009 MoEPP

Importance for RBMP

High Obligatory, key importance for RBMP 3

Medium Medium importance for RBMP elaboration 2

Low Low importance for the RBMP elaboration 1