plant guide

A growing success... PLANT GUIDE

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Plant guide


  • A growing success...PlANT guIDE

  • 2Publisher: Tropica Aquarium Plants

    Mejlbyvej 200

    DK-8250 Egaa


    Tel. +45 86220566

    Fax +45 86228466

    E-mail: [email protected]

    layout and text:envision

    Christiansgade 30

    DK-8100 Aarhus C


    Printing:Scanprint A/S

    All rights reserved

    Photos delivered by:Jan Ole Pedersen

    Claus Christensen

    Ole Pedersen

    Christel Kasselmann

    Oliver Knott

    Eu It Hai

    Olaf Deters

    Martin Rask Thomsen

    george Farmer

    Water colour illustrations:Verner Hancke

    Kirsten Hjrne

    Kirsten Tind

    Illustration: Staurogyne repens

  • 3Habitat for Staurogyne repens

    Discovering new plants for the aquariumit is tropicas aim to continuously contribute new planting opportunities for the aquarium hobby. thats how it has been

    since 1970 and how it will continue into the future. one of our latest successes has been the introduction of Staurogyne

    repens that was found in the rio amazonas, Brazil (little picture). Staurogyne can be attached to stones and roots or it

    can form a dense carpet in the foreground of the aquarium. it can also form a compact cushion growth, as shown in the


    the use of watercolours in the diagrams helps to reproduce an accurate representation of how the plant appears in the

    aquarium in terms of colour and texture. this plant guide contains an extensive list of interesting plants that will provide you

    with both inspiration and advice for how to get the best experiences possible for this wonderful hobby. read and enjoy!

  • 4welcome to tropicawith this guide we would like to give you the best possible opportunities for getting the most from your aquariums. we know that the

    inspiration and desire to take up this great hobby often starts from a beautiful aquarium that you have witnessed; perhaps at a friends

    home, in a magazine, website, or at an aquatic retailer. unfortunately, we also know that many new aquarium owners will give up this

    hobby; sometimes after only six to twelve months. so, why is this?

    even if you are an experienced hobbyist it can be difficult to select and purchase the appropriate equipment required for your aquarium.

    in many aquatic retailers you will often find an overwhelming choice of aquariums, fish, plants, lighting options, substrates/gravel, liquid

    fertilizers, co2 units and filters. this guide will help you to identify your specific needs, but it is also important to consult with a retailer

    that has appropriate experience in planted aquariums.

    through this publication we will assist you in ensuring a successful start. we highlight the fundamental conditions that you must be

    aware of whether you are a beginner or an experienced aquarist. You will find this guide focusing mainly on aquarium plants. these

    plants have been produced by dedicated and experienced professionals who every day ensure you receive the best possible quality

    products and advice. please visit our website, where you can gain further inspiration and information. we wish you a

    very successful start and long-term success with your hobby!

    Yours faithfully,

    lars green

    managing Director

  • 5let the Dream Become realitY page 6

    examples of layouts page 7

    introDuction to tropicas proDuct range page 12

    pots and Xls page 13

    aquaDecor plants grown on wood and lavastone page 14

    mosses plenty of opportunities page 16

    floating plants another perspective page 17

    Bunched plants easy and fast planting page 18

    Bulbs the joy of expectations page 19

    plants from a-Z page 20

    tropicas aBc page 87

    Before you start page 88

    tips and tricks for planting and growing page 90

    algae growth can be limited by simple methods page 94

    tropica aquacare page 96

    inDeX page 98


    Illustration: Azolla caroliniana

  • 6 Photo: Oliver Knott

    let the Dream Become realitYthrough inspiration and advice tropica will help you to get started on the right path. on the following five pages you

    will find five different layouts: the classic layout, the starter layout, the childrens aquarium, the nano aquarium and

    finally an example of a high-impact and colourful layout. each layout is detailed and you will see the list of the plants

    in the aquarium and a layout plan (the number of pots used are indicated in parentheses). visit for

    more photos, layouts and information. relevant information concerning difficulty and technical equipment will also

    be discussed. this information is also available on our website. the above issues are meant as a guideline to help

    you get the best possible start with your aquarium, but it is also to help you maintain your interest in this hobby!

  • 7The ClassiC layouTan example of an aquarium that will fit in several settings: The living room, the kitchen or in your office. This layout is classic because

    of its island composition. The foreground is a thriving carpet of Lilaeopsis and the colorful Rosanervig is the focal point of the aqua-

    rium. By planting Anubias and Cryptocoryne in the middle of the aquarium will create a contrast of dark green to the bright green car-

    pet and the colorful Rosanervig. Java moss attached to wood will create both depth and maturity. The composition of plants provides

    a fine balance between fast growing plants (they take up nutrient and reduce algae growth) and slow growing plants that require less


    Tip! Rosanervig is an undemanding plant. Nesaea crassicaulis or Rotala rotundifolia are suitable alternatives as easy and coloured



    some eXperience


    128 l


    80 x 40 x 40 cm


    2 x 24 w (t5)


    20 mg/l


    1 hour

    Result 55 days after set-up

    Plant List









    Ceratopteris thalictroides (x 2)

    Hygrophila polysperma rosanervig (x 1)

    Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia 1705 (x 1)

    Anubias barteri coffeefolia (x 1)

    Anubias barteri var. nana (x 4)

    Cryptocoryne becketti petchii (x 1)

    Lilaeopsis brasiliensis (x 5)

    Taxiphyllum barbieri (vesicularia) (x 1)

    a a



    D C






    h h

    e e







    e f

    g g




  • 8Result 48 days after set-up

    Plant List




    54 l


    60 x 30 x 30 cm


    15 w (t8)




    0.5 hour

    The sTaRTeR layouTin most pet shops its easy to find a starter aquarium kit. it is a complete set containing aquarium, light, heater and filter. Most begin-

    ners would like a thriving aquarium with bold colours and a large number of fish. however, experience shows that a starter kit often

    provides low lighting levels so there are only few plants suitable to this type of aquarium. We have for this set-up chosen standard

    plants only! Microsorum and Cryptocoryne are both slow growing and Echinodorus and Vallisneria to create volume in the aquarium.

    Limnophila is centrally planted, right under the light and is an example of a plant that grows fast and which helps creating a good

    balance in the aquarium.

    Tip! By using aquaDecor products with plants like Microsorum and Anubias for the set-up, the aquarium will look more adapted from

    the start. These products require less light and they are already well established on root or lavastone.







    a B C

    D e


    Echinodorus bleheri (bleherae) (x 1)

    Limnophila sessiliflora (x 1)

    Vallisneria americana (natans) (x 1)

    Cryptocoryne wendtii tropica (x 1)

    Microsorum pteropus windelv (x 1)

    Cryptocoryne parva (x 1)







  • 9Plant list

    Result 48 days after set-up




    112 l


    80 x 40 x 40 cm


    2 x 18 w (t8)




    0.5 hour

    The ChilDRens aquaRiuMsome of the main considerations when planting the childrens aquarium are colours, impact and action. We have chosen a dinosaur/

    animal layout for this set-up, but you can find a large selection of ornaments at your local shop such as pirates, castles, treasure

    chests, sunken ships etc. in order to ensure the correct balance in the childrens aquarium you will definitely need plants! The number

    of plants must be adjusted to the number of fish. it should be plants that easily adapt to the environment and that help the water to

    stay clean and algae free. Below we have listed a selection of both fast and slow growing species that are all good starter plants.

    Tip! Buy livebearing fish for the childrens aquarium such as guppies and platies. They are hardy, brightly coloured and breed frequent-

    ly. They also eat algae. ask your local dealer for further information.


















    Echinodorus bleheri (bleherae) (x 1)

    Ludwigia repens rubin (x 1)

    Microsorum pteropus (x 1)

    Microsorum pteropus windelv (x 1)

    Anubias barteri var. nana (x 4)

    Taxiphyllum barbieri (vesicularia) (x 2)

  • 10

    Result 42 days after set-up

    Plant List

    The nano aquaRiuMover the last few years nano aquariums have become very popular. Partly because they fit well into the modern familys way of living

    and also because the use of different mosses and shrimps are a growing trend. This layout is more advanced and requires both good

    light and Co2. Three different foreground plants have been used for this layout. all with different leaf shapes. Hemianthus with its

    millimeter-sized small leaves that capture tiny oxygen bubbles, Staurogyne with slightly bigger leaves and a creeping growth, and finally

    Pogostemon that creates dense, curly leaves. Behind the stony soil a Heteranthera contribute with plumpness and vigor. Many plants

    are suitable for the nano aquariums and especially mosses are popular! Most plant types are suitable but frequently cutting is a must if

    using taller and fast growing plants.

    Tip! small algae-eating fish and shrimps, frequent water change and regular care are important elements to maintain an optimal water

    quality in your nano aquarium.





    a a








    C C

    Staurogyne repens (x 2)

    Pogostemon helferi (x 2)

    Hemianthus callitrichoides cuba (x 4)

    Heteranthera zosterifolia (x 1)






    12 l


    30 x 20 x 20 cm


    24 w (t5)


    25 mg/l


    1 hour



  • 11

    Plant List

    Result 55 days after set-up




    297 l


    132 x 50 x 45 cm


    4 x 54 w (t5)


    25 mg/l


    1-2 hours

    The shoW aquaRiuMThe aquarium for plant lovers! This aquarium contains a large number of plants, its colourful, contains new plants and has an impres-

    sing layout with rocks and spider-like roots. We show with this layout how transitions can be made entirely from low foreground

    plants to rock formations and how to create a wedge between the rocks by using medium high plants. We use Vallisneria as an easy

    carpet in the background. space is created for the Echinodorus ozelot that may be the most beautiful, coloured Echinodorus in the

    aquarium. Christmas moss has been attached to the roots and helps to creating depth and a sense of maturity in the aquarium.

    Tip! Carpets of foreground plants help to maintain a good balance in the aquarium and need to be maintained regularly. There are

    many suitable species; Eleocharis, Lilaeopsis, Echinodorus tenellus the list is long!









    a aB C



















    Vallisneria nana (x 8)

    Echinodorus ozelot (x 1)

    Lindernia rotundifolia (x 2)

    Cryptocoryne wendtii brown (x 2)

    Staurogyne repens (x 3)

    Pogostemon erectus (x 3)

    Hemianthus callitrichoides cuba (x 1)

    Eleocharis parvula (x 10)

    Vesicularia dubyana christmas (x 1)

  • 12

    inTRoDuCTion To TRoPiCas PRoDuCT RanGeon the following eight pages we will introduce to you our range of high quality products. These different

    groups will help you to understand the extensive possibilities you will have when selecting these plants, whilst

    also providing a source of inspiration.

    The product groups are being divided into pots, Xl-plants, aquaDecor products, mosses, floating plants,

    bunches and bulbs. The alphabetical index on page 98 list all plant varieties, all marked with rate of difficulty,

    and an index on page 99 has divided all plants into product groups.

    Dense and bushy stem plant

    White and pink marbled leaves

    Adapts to most environ-ments

    Hygrophila polysperma Rosanervig

    Attractive and challenging foreground plant

    Compact and vigorous growth

    Require intensive light

    Glossostigma elatinoides

  • 13

    Attractive and fast growing stem plant

    Develop a dense and bushy growth

    Good starter plant

    Limnophila sessiliflora

    Colourful and easy stem plant

    Addition of CO2 to achieve intense colour

    Suitable for middle-ground

    Nesaea pedicellata

    XL and pot

    PoTsTropica have a great selection of pots. The demands of the plants vary from easy to difficult, and

    this also can affect the price. We ensure good quality by ensuring a great deal of plant material is

    in each pot. every potted plant can de divided into several smaller portions for planting. Further-

    more, we can guarantee healthy and well-developed roots in all plants.

    XL when its the size you require

    some of our pots are also available as Xl-plants if you ever need fully grown plants for your

    aquarium. Xl-plants are more sturdy and are suitable for Cichlid aquariums.

  • 14

    Products that create depth in the aquarium An easy and fast way to achieve the result Hardy plants that adapt easily

    Cichlids rake up the bottom of the aquarium Cichlids eat off the plants Hardy plants that adapt easily

    AquaDecor for creating life-like landscapes:

    AquaDecor with Anubias and Microsorum for Cichlids:

    aquaDeCoR PlanTs GRoWn on WooD anD lavasToneaquaDecor products are a range of plants taking root on bogwood or lavastone. Plants that grow

    directly on wood and stone will be far more hardy than plants growing in pots. The aquaDecor

    products gives you a variety of applications. you can create an aquarium that looks mature from the

    very start. For aquariums with fishes that are hard on plants both Microsorum and Anubias (hardy

    plants) are recommendable.

  • 15

    Create hiding places for the fish Create depth in the aquarium Can hang both on the side and on

    the back of the wall in the aquarium

    Roots approx. length: nano ( 7-10 cm) small (12-25 cm) large (30-40 cm)

    Lavastone approx. sizes: small ( 7-15 cm) large (20-30 cm)

    AquaDecor is available with suction caps

    AquaDecor Sizes

    Microsorum pteropus Windelv photo: Jan Ole Pedersen

  • 16 Taxiphyllum barbieri (Vesicularia) photo: George Farmer

    Can be attached to all kind of decoration materials Must be pruned frequently to maintain shape See index p. 99 and Plants A-Z for species

    Attaching mosses to driftwood with sewing thread:

    Mosses PlenTy oF oPPoRTuniTies!Moss is available in a large number of varieties, and has become more popular over the last

    few years. The moss is normally sold as portions and it has many various possibilities for

    planting. a common aspect for mosses is that they should be attached to wood or stone.

    Tip! To avoid or minimize algae growth you should have a large number of algae-eating

    shrimps, fishes and snails in the aquarium. it is also recommended to put some floating

    plants when you start up the aquarium. Floating plants will take up the nutrient until the

    aquarium obtains a good balance and the mosses are growing willingly.

  • 17

    Most decorative floating plants Creates shadow and hidings for surface fish See index p. 99 and Plants from A-Z

    for more floating plants

    Ceratopteris thalictroides

    A potted plant that is suitable also as a floating plant

    Develop very decorative roots Fast growing and take nutrient

    Limnobium laevigatum

    FloaTinG PlanTs anoTheR PeRsPeCTive!Floating plants are normally sold as portions, in the same way as

    Tropicas mosses. They are fast growing, rapidly take up nutrients

    and help to create shade. These plants are therefore ideal to help

    reduce algae growth during the start-up of the aquarium. Their deco-

    rative roots make a good hiding place for breeding fish and their fry.

  • 1818

    Easy and steady starter plant

    Suitable for planting in the corners behind in the aquarium

    Popular bunched plant Fast growing Undemanding

    Vallisneria natans

    Egeria densa

    BunCheD PlanTs easy anD FasT PlanTinG!Bunched plants are mainly stem plants without roots. The most common bunched plants like Egeria,

    Cabomba and Vallisneria are all easy plants that quickly develop roots in their bottom layer. Most

    bunched plants are fast growing and are therefore suitable for the start up of your aquarium. They also

    take up nutrition rapidly and minimise algae growth.

    Tip! Make sure not to plant stems too close knowing that the types are fast growing. Re-plant runners

    and new stems as well as top shoots.

  • 19

    Beautiful and popular bulb plant

    Numerous green and red colours

    Good light increases colour intensity

    Bulbs have many forms Leaves can be curled,

    wavy or thick The plants are vigorous

    and decorative

    Aponogeton bulbs

    Nymphea lotus (zenkeri)

    BulBs The Joy oF eXPeCTaTions!Plants like Aponogeton and Nymphea when under water produce new shoot from the bulb.

    When planting the bulb in the bottom of the aquarium make sure that the shoots wont be

    covered as they will then rot. Bulb plants are recommended as solitary plants as they are fast

    growing and takes up a lot of space in the aquarium.

    Tip! When you buy bulbs make sure that they have a healthy shoot. When planting it into the

    bottom of the aquarium only the bulb itself must be covered in the gravel. The shoot must be

    on the surface of the gravel.

    Nymphea lotus (zenkeri) photo: Claus Christensen

  • Nesaea crassicaulis


    033B POT















    pH: 5.5-8.5GH: 1-14dH




    Slow Fast

    Easy Difficult


    nesaea crassicaulis 033B

    Nesaea crassicaulis is a beautiful and highly recommended aquarium plant, although it has high demands for

    light. it has red-brown, cognac-coloured leaves. grows best in soft and slightly acidic water. make sure the

    lower leaves get sufficient light, otherwise they will die off. this plant is similar to Ammannia species and is often

    mistaken for them. But in the aquarium it can be recognised by its yellow-green stems. easy to propagate by

    side shoots or cuttings, which can be cut off and planted in the bottom.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: lythraceae

    origin: africa

    height: 30 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 8 - 15+ cm

    temperature: 22 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 13 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8.5

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    plants from a-Zto help you get started with the understanding of the plant species and varieties, we will explain how to read the plant diagrams. Below you

    will see an example of a plant diagram with all relevant information and numbers referring to the list below. further information is available on


    1 the plants latin name

    2 tropicas order number

    3 hand painted water colour illustration

    4 varieties and price groups (see the section for product range)

    5 name of the plant family

    6 picture of sales pot

    7 area of origin where the plant is most widespread

    8 plant height/width average size after 2 months in the aquarium

    9 temperature range tolerated by the plant

    10 gh (water hardness) medium hardness is gh 5-10 dh

    11 ph tolerance neutral ph is 6.5-7.5

    12 the letter refers to the tips & tricks diagram on page 90 for plantation and maintenance

    13 light conditions medium requirement referred to as 0.5 watt/l

    14 growth rate

    15 plants demands. each plant is marked with a colour spot that indicates the growing conditions required: green = easy, Yellow = medium, red = difficult

    16 how the plant looks after it has adapted to the conditions of the aquarium.














  • 2121

    alternanthera reineckii 'pink' (roseafolia) 023

    the purple colour underneath Alternanthera reineckii pink leaves provides an effective contrast to the many

    green plants in an aquarium - particularly when planted in groups. good light encourages the leaves to turn red.

    easy to propagate by nipping off the terminal bud and planting it in the bottom. this also makes the mother

    plant more bushy, because more side shoots are formed.

    price group: pot 5, BDt 3, Xl 9

    familY: amaranthaceae

    origin: south america

    height: 25 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 10 - 15 cm

    temperature: 17 - 28c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    alternanthera reineckii 'purple' (lilacina) 023B

    Alternanthera reineckii purple needs plenty of light to grow and form dark-red leaves. in open aquariums it

    grows willingly up through the surface, and like other difficult plants growth improves considerably if co2 is

    added. shortage of micronutrients results in pale leaves. like other stem plants Alternanthera reineckii purple

    is best in groups.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: amaranthaceae

    origin: south america

    height: 15 - 40 cm

    wiDth: 10 - 15 cm

    temperature: 17 - 28c

    gh: 4 - 13 dh

    ph: 5 - 7

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 2222

    anubias barteri var. angustifolia 101c

    Anubias barteri var. angustifolia is a beautiful plant with long, narrow leaves. Anubias barteri var. angustifolia

    used to be sold as Anubias afzelii, but the latter is actually a much larger species. it is grown in the same con-

    ditions as Anubias barteri var. nana. it is not eaten by herbivorous fish.

    price group: pot 8

    familY: araceae

    origin: west africa

    height: 10 - 15+ cm

    wiDth: 10 - 15+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: D

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    anubias barteri var. barteri 101a

    Anubias barteri var. barteri is an undemanding plant. it grows somewhat larger than Anubias barteri var. nana

    but is grown in the same conditions. Anubias barteri varies considerably in terms of size and leaf shape. like

    other Anubias-species, it is best planted in a shady spot to restrict algae growth on the leaves. it is also suitable

    for terrariums and aquaterrariums. herbivorous fish do not eat the very tough and robust leaves.

    price group: pot 8

    familY: araceae

    origin: west africa

    height: 25 - 45 cm

    wiDth: 10 - 15+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: D

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 23

    anubias barteri var. caladii-folia ''1705'' 101u

    anubias barteri var. caladiifolia ''1705'' 101u

    Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia 1705 is also simply called 1705 (the number used by an australian tissue

    propagation laboratory). it is a very beautiful variety with heartshaped leaves. the leaves live for several years,

    so Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia can easily form large groups despite its slow growth. a group of Anubias

    barteri var. caladiifolia growing more than 50 cm wide in a few years is not unusual.

    price group: pot 8, Xl 12

    familY: araceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 7 - 30+ cm

    wiDth: 10 - 15+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: D

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    anubias barteri ''coffeefolia'' 101g

    Anubias barteri coffeefolia is a very beautiful, low variety of Anubias barteri. it is characteristic that the leaves

    arch considerably between the leaf ribs, and the new leaves are red-brown. the colour combination and leaf

    shape make it an attractive variety in both large and small aquariums. it flowers frequently under water but does

    not produce seeds there. Anubias-species seem to grow so slowly that they do not realise that they have been

    submerged. it is not eaten by herbivorous fish.

    price group: pot 9

    familY: araceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 15 - 25 cm

    wiDth: 10 - 15+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: D

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 2424

    anubias barteri var. nana 101

    anubias barteri var. nana 101

    Anubias barteri var. nana is a small, attractive plant which thrives in all conditions. it grows slowly, and the

    leaves survive for several years, giving slow-growing algae the chance to become established. the best result

    is achieved by planting on a stone or tree root. fishing line can be used to attach the plant until it gains a hold.

    if planted on the bottom the rhizome must not be covered because it tends to rot. it flowers frequently under

    water. it is not eaten by herbivorous fish.

    price group: pot 8, aquaDecor

    familY: araceae

    origin: cameroun

    height: 5 - 15 cm

    wiDth: 8 - 12+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: D

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    aponogeton boivinianus 088

    Aponogeton boivinianus is a large, strong plant which is only suitable for large aquariums. in favourable condi-

    tions it can form very large leaves (up to 80 cm long and 8 cm wide). the oldest leaves are deep dark-green,

    while younger leaves are light-green and sometimes brownish until they are fully developed. in the wild Apo-

    nogeton boivinianus is found in fast-flowing water, and it prefers some flow in the aquarium water. it needs a

    dormant period when the root does not produce leaves.

    price group: pot 9, kn 7

    familY: aponogetonaceae

    origin: madagascar

    height: 30 - 60+ cm

    wiDth: 20 - 30+ cm

    temperature: 16 - 30c

    gh: 9 - 20 dh

    ph: 6 - 8

    coDe: c

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 25


    DiD you know

    Tropica was the first to introduce the Anubias barteri var. nana back in 1973-74 to the world market.

    Anubias barteri var. nana originates from Cameroon in africa, and was brought to Denmark by the

    2. Galathea-expedition (1950-52). in 1969 Tropicas founder, holger Windelv, found it in an aquarium

    shop in Copenhagen. The price was back then settled per leaf! With the assistance from an english

    company they managed to propagate the plant and to launch the plant in larger quantities.

    The Galathea-expedition discovered the Anubias barteri var. nana by the foot of Mount Cameroon.

    A section from a map of Africa

  • 2626

    aponogeton crispus 083

    aponogeton crispus 083

    Aponogeton crispus looks good in any aquarium with its light-green, transparent leaves. it makes few de-

    mands, although growth is always best in soft, slightly acidic water with a nutritious bottom. in such conditions

    the plant produces a mass of leaves, and it flowers very frequently in optimum conditions. Aponogeton crispus

    is generally found in ponds that are only filled with water in the rainy season, but it does not need a dormant

    period in the aquarium.

    price group: pot 8

    familY: aponogetonaceae

    origin: sri lanka

    height: 25 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 15 - 30 cm

    temperature: 15 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: c

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    aponogeton longiplumulosus 089D

    Aponogeton longiplumulosus has large, fluted leaves, making it a wonderful plant which can be recommended

    for large aquariums. it is relatively undemanding, and makes no special demands on water quality. it also flo-

    wers frequently, making it a beautiful addition to any large open aquarium. it stops growing at regular intervals,

    but normally starts again after a few weeks of dormancy.

    price group: pot 9, kn 7

    familY: aponogetonaceae

    origin: madagascar

    height: 35 - 60 cm

    wiDth: 25 - 50 cm

    temperature: 18 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 13 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: c

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 27

    aponogeton madagascariensis 089

    Aponogeton madagascariensis is a speciality in botanical gardens all over the world. Aponogeton madaga-

    scariensis makes such high demands on water quality and the bottom that it can only be recommended as

    a solitary plant in large, specialised aquariums in which the water is replaced frequently. there are several

    varieties, with different structures and leaf widths.

    price group: pot 9, kn 7

    familY: aponogetonaceae

    origin: madagascar

    height: 25 - 50+ cm

    wiDth: 25 - 30+ cm

    temperature: 15 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5 - 7.5

    coDe: c

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    aponogeton ulvaceus 086

    Aponogeton ulvaceus is one of the most beautiful species in the Aponogeton-family. the leaves are delicate

    light-green and transparent with fluted margin. a single root can produce more than 40 leaves. this means that

    the plant is best as a solitary plant in large aquariums. it is relatively tolerant, and thrives in both soft and hard

    water, particularly if co2 is added. there are many varieties of Aponogeton ulvaceus, some of which need a

    dormant period when the root does not produce leaves.

    price group: pot 9, kn 7

    familY: aponogetonaceae

    origin: madagascar

    height: 30 - 50+ cm

    wiDth: 30 - 35 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: c

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 28282828

    azolla caroliniana 013

    Azolla caroliniana is a small floating fern housing blue-green algae in its leaves. these algae are capable of

    absorbing nitrogen from the air, which can then be used by the plant. Azolla caroliniana is used as nitrogen

    fertiliser in rice paddies, and as animal feed. there are several related varieties on the market, with similar ap-

    pearance. a decorative plant for open aquariums.

    price group: por 6

    familY: azollaceae

    origin: north america

    height: 1 - 2 cm

    wiDth: 5 - 10+ cm

    temperature: 5 - 26c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 6 - 8

    coDe: J

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    Bacopa australis 043a

    Bacopa australis was discovered in southern Brazil (australis = southern), and it does not come from australia,

    as might otherwise be assumed from its name. like the other Bacopa-species, Bacopa australis is also easy

    to grow in an aquarium. under certain conditions it creeps across the bottom to form an elegantly decorative

    light green cushion. when Bacopa australis grows in a good light, the leaves become reddish. it is easily pro-

    pagated by taking side shoots and planting them in the substrate.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: scrophulariaceae

    origin: Brazil

    height: 7 - 30 cm

    wiDth: 2 - 4+ cm

    temperature: 15 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 6 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 29

    Bacopa caroliniana 043

    Bacopa caroliniana has been used as an aquarium plant for many years. apart from relatively good light it

    makes few demands. its slow growth rate makes it one of the few stem plants that do not need much attention.

    like most stem plants, it is most decorative when planted in small groups. easy to propagate by cuttings; take

    a side shoot and plant it in the bottom.

    price group: pot 5, Xl 9, BDt 3

    familY: scrophulariaceae

    origin: usa

    height: 10 - 30+ cm

    wiDth: 3 - 10+ cm

    temperature: 15 - 28c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    Bacopa monnieri 044

    Bacopa monnieri is an easy and highly recommended plant which thrives in almost all conditions. it is a plant

    which is suitable for the hard water found in many european aquariums. propagate by cuttings; take a side

    shoot or terminal bud and plant it in the bottom. most beautiful when a great number of shoots are planted

    in a group.

    price group: pot 4

    familY: scrophulariaceae

    origin: pan tropic

    height: 25 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 8 - 15+ cm

    temperature: 15 - 30c

    gh: 4 - 30 dh

    ph: 6 - 9

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 3030

    Bolbitis heudelotii 006

    a water fern with very beautiful transparent green leaves. when planting do not cover the rhizome because

    it will rot, and it is best to plant Bolbitis heudelotii on a root or stone. keep the plant in position with fishing

    line until it has gained a hold. easy to propagate by splitting the horizontal rhizome. growth can be increased

    considerably by supplying co2, and is only optimal in soft, slightly acidic water.

    price group: pot 8, Xl 11, aquaDecor

    familY: lomariopsidaceae

    origin: west africa

    height: 15 - 40 cm

    wiDth: 15 - 25+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 13 dh

    ph: 5 - 7

    coDe: D

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    cabomba caroliniana 015

    a very popular aquarium plant owing to its beautiful foliage. the least demanding of the Cabomba-species,

    but still causes problems in poorly lit aquariums. if there is not sufficient light, try Limnophila sessiliflora, which

    requires less light. most decorative when planted in groups. eaten locally as a vegetable.

    price group: BDt 3

    familY: cabombaceae

    origin: south america

    height: 30 - 80+ cm

    wiDth: 5 - 8+ cm

    temperature: 18 - 26c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 4 - 7

    coDe: B

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 31

    cardamine lyrata 024

    Cardamine lyrata is actually a marsh plant. But it is also a familiar aquarium plant which thrives under water. a

    characteristic trailing growth form makes it highly decorative, and water roots often form on the plant itself.

    plant in groups, and make sure the water temperature does not exceed 28 degrees for long (this makes the

    leaves much smaller and the plant more leggy). also suitable in garden ponds in the summer.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: Brassicaceae

    origin: Japan

    height: 20 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 15 - 30 cm

    temperature: 15 - 24c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 6 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    ceratophyllum demersum 'foxtail' 021a

    Ceratophyllum demersum foxtail was found in a smaller tributary in Bolivia during an expedition to rio gua-

    pore, a boundary river between Brazil and Bolivia. Ceratophyllum has no roots as such, but it can still be

    planted in the bottom of an aquarium. foxtail differs because its leaves are closer together and it has lateral

    shoots, which gives it an attractive, compact appearance. the plant also distinguishes itself because it is

    hardier and its stalks do not break as easily as those of other Ceratophyllum-varieties.

    price group: por 8

    familY: ceratophyllaceae

    origin: cosmopolitan

    height: 5 - 80+ cm

    wiDth: 5 - 15+ cm

    temperature: 10 - 28c

    gh: 4 - 30 dh

    ph: 6 - 9

    coDe: J

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 3232

    ceratopteris thalictroides 005a

    this plant normally grows fast, but the addition of co2 may be necessary to promote growth. in small open

    aquariums it can grow out of the aquarium and form beautiful surface leaves. the finely branched leaves are

    very decorative and provide good contrast to other leaf shapes. in good light Ceratopteris thalictroides grows

    fast and helps prevent algae by consuming large amounts of nutrients. this makes it a good starter plant in

    small aquariums.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: pteridaceae

    origin: pan tropic

    height: 15 - 30 cm

    wiDth: 10 - 20 cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5 - 9

    coDe: m

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    cladophora aegagrophila 000c

    Cladophora aegagrophila is not really a plant, but a ball of algae, so it is a decorative exception from the rule

    about avoiding algae at all costs. it is normally found in shallow lakes, where the movement of the waves forms

    it into a sphere. in an aquarium it must be turned regularly to keep it in shape. Cladophora aegagrophila can

    be divided into smaller pieces, which become spherical with time, or which form a carpet, if attached to roots

    and stones. protected in parts of Japan.

    price group: stk 5

    familY: cladophoraceae

    origin: cosmopolitan

    height: 3 - 10 cm

    wiDth: 3 - 10 cm

    temperature: 5 - 28c

    gh: 9 - 30 dh

    ph: 6 - 8.5

    coDe: m

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 33


    Watertank (1,400 m3) Tropicas roof surface is 11,000 m2

    DiD you know

    it is Tropicas aim to produce plants of the best possible quality but also with the lowest possible use

    of resources! in 2007 Tropica built entirely new and state-of-the-art production facilities that made it

    possible to optimise the consumption of energy, reduce the use of water, fertilizer and chemicals.

    Tropica has the MPs certificate in international standard that proves that we are dedicated to reducing

    resource consumption continuously.

    as an example all rainwater is being gathered from the roof of the nursery. The surface covers 11,000 m2

    and conducts the water into a 1,400 m3 tank that supplies the nursery with water. all rainwater is being


    Watering of a production platform with Samolus valerandi

  • 3434

    crinum calamistratum 094a

    Crinum calamistratum is a very graceful bulbous plant with dark-green, very narrow leaves. it forms smaller

    bulbs than the other Crinum-species, and demands more light. in the aquarium plants that are thriving form a

    number of small bulbs. it is not eaten by herbivorous fish. it can also be used in brackish aquariums with low

    salt concentrations.

    price group: pot 9, Xl 13

    familY: amaryllidaceae

    origin: west africa

    height: 40 - 120 cm

    wiDth: 20 - 30 cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: l

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    crinum natans 094

    Crinum natans is a very beautiful and graceful bulbous plant with dark-green leaves. plant so the top 2/3 of the

    bulb is visible. when the plant grows older (if it is thriving) it sometimes forms small bulbs and sends a flower

    stem up to the water surface with a beautiful and aromatic lily flower. the plant varies considerably in leaf width

    and the shape of the leaf margin. it is also suitable for indoor ponds, and is not eaten by herbivorous fish.

    price group: pot 9, Xl 13

    familY: amaryllidaceae

    origin: west africa

    height: 50 - 150 cm

    wiDth: 20 - 30 cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: l

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 35

    crinum thaianum 093

    Crinum thaianum is a distinctive bulbous plant belonging to the lily family. it is undemanding apart from the fact

    that it needs plenty of space. plant so the top 2/3 of the bulb is visible, because otherwise the bulb tends to

    rot. when the plant grows older it sometimes sends a flower stem up to the water surface with an aromatic,

    elegant lily flower. herbivorous fish leave it alone due to its tough leaves. in thailand the bulb is used in a cream

    used to soften the skin. it is also suitable for indoor ponds.

    price group: pot 8, Xl 10

    familY: amaryllidaceae

    origin: thailand

    height: 60 - 200+ cm

    wiDth: 20 - 25 cm

    temperature: 18 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: l

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    cryptocoryne beckettii ''petchii'' 108a

    Cryptocoryne beckettii petchii is a small variety of Cryptocoryne beckettii, which has beautiful, slightly fluted

    leaf margins. like many other cryptocorynes, the leaf colour and shape depends largely on environmental

    conditions in the aquarium. see other cryptocorynes for further information.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: araceae

    origin: sri lanka

    height: 10 - 15 cm

    wiDth: 8 - 15 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: f

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 3636

    cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae 125

    Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae is the oldest known variety of Cryptocoryne crispatula. in the region it

    comes from in southern thailand there are limestone mountains, and the water can be very hard. like many

    other Cryptocorynes it needs to acclimatise before growth starts in earnest. in recent years a narrow-leaf

    variety called Cryptocoryne crispatula var. flaccidifolia has often been sold.

    price group: pot 8

    familY: araceae

    origin: thailand

    height: 20 - 60+ cm

    wiDth: 15 - 20+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 4 - 30 dh

    ph: 5 - 9

    coDe: f

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    cryptocoryne parva 106

    Cryptocoryne parva is the smallest of all cryptocorynes. it is one of the few species that does not significantly

    change its leaf shape and colour depending on cultivation conditions. it needs more light than most other

    cryptocorynes because it almost loses its leaf blade under water. so it must never be overshadowed by other

    plants. individual plants should be planted a few centimetres apart, and after about six months they will form a

    cohesive low group of plants. recommended for foreground planting.

    price group: pot 8

    familY: araceae

    origin: sri lanka

    height: 5 - 10 cm

    wiDth: 5 - 7 cm

    temperature: 20 - 29c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: f

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 37

    cryptocoryne undulata ''broad leaves'' 110a

    unlike the common Cryptocoryne undulata, this plant has wider leaves and a beautiful, flecked leaf pattern. it

    also grows larger. it is known botanically as a triploid variety. see other cryptocorynes for further information.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: araceae

    origin: sri lanka

    height: 15 - 25+ cm

    wiDth: 10 - 20 cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: f

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    cryptocoryne wendtii ''brown'' 109c

    Cryptocoryne wendtii brown is a beautiful brown variety of Cryptocoryne wendtii. it is a mistake to believe

    that cryptocorynes require soft water. in large parts of sri lanka the water is hard, so sri lanka cryptocorynes

    are almost all suitable for hard european water. if the plant is affected by the so-called cryptocoryne disease,

    do not remove it from the aquarium because a few weeks later it will produce new shoots. see other crypto-

    corynes for further information.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: araceae

    origin: sri lanka

    height: 15 - 25 cm

    wiDth: 10 - 15 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: f

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 3838

    cryptocoryne wendtii ''green'' 109

    cryptocoryne wendtii ''green'' 109

    Cryptocoryne wendtii green is suitable for small aquariums. when grown in an open space the leaves will

    virtually lie on the bottom. like most other sri lanka cryptocorynes, it also grows well in hard water. like many

    other plants, it can be affected by cryptocoryne disease. one way to prevent this is by only leaving the 4-5

    newest leaves on the plant when planting. it is a good foreground plant, even in small aquariums. see other

    cryptocorynes for further information.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: araceae

    origin: sri lanka

    height: 5 - 10+ cm

    wiDth: 8 - 10 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: f

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    cryptocoryne wendtii 'mi oya' 109D

    this beautiful variety of Cryptocoryne wendtii is only found in the river mi oya. it has characteristic red-brown,

    slightly hammered leaves. many cryptocorynes can grow at high temperatures. in the wild this plant is found

    in streams with a temperature of more than 30 degrees c. at even higher temperatures the light intensity must

    be higher or the days longer. see other cryptocorynes for further information.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: araceae

    origin: sri lanka

    height: 25 - 35 cm

    wiDth: 15 - 30 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: f

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 39

    cryptocoryne wendtii 'tropica' 109e

    this beautiful variety with the dark, hammered leaves is named after tropica. when grown in an open space

    the leaves will virtually lie on the bottom. it is suitable for small aquariums. like most other sri lanka crypto-

    corynes, it also grows well in hard water. see other cryptocorynes for further information.

    price group: pot 7, Xl 11

    familY: araceae

    origin: sri lanka

    height: 6 - 10 cm

    wiDth: 8 - 12 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: f

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    cryptocoryne x willisii 107

    there is some confusion about the name of this plant. it used (mistakenly) to be called Cryptocoryne nevillii,

    but this is the name of a species that has never been used in aquariums. like many other cryptocorynes, not

    much happens the first month after planting. But then it starts to grow, and willingly produces plenty of runners

    which form a compact group. see other cryptocorynes for further information.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: araceae

    origin: sri lanka

    height: 7 - 20+ cm

    wiDth: 7 - 15 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: f

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 4040

    cyperus helferi 133a

    Cyperus-species are widespread all over the tropics, but only a few of them are good underwater plants.

    Cyperus helferi is the first Cyperus-species used in aquariums. it requires a relatively large amount of light,

    and co2 addition is recommended to promote growth. in aquariums with good water flow the plant sways

    beautifully in the current.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: cyperaceae

    origin: thailand

    height: 20 - 35 cm

    wiDth: 15 - 25 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5 - 7.5

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    Didiplis diandra 031

    Didiplis diandra is a fine foreground plant which should be planted in small groups. in good light it develops red

    shoot tips which form a beautiful contrast with other green plants. a demanding plant which needs a lot of light

    and prefers soft water. co2 addition boosts growth considerably. also known as Peplis diandra.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: lythraceae

    origin: north america

    height: 10 - 15+ cm

    wiDth: 2 - 4+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 26c

    gh: 1 - 13 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 41

    echinodorus 'aquartica' 074f

    characteristic of Echinodorus aquartica are its round, bright green leaves. its compact, low habit makes

    it suitable as a decorative solitary plant. slow growing and easy to care for, Echinodorus aquartica retains

    the refreshing green colour of its leaves in normal lighting and nutrient conditions in the aquarium. the plant

    is a cross between several different cultivated plants, including Echinodorus horemanii and several round-

    leafed Echinodorus species. Echinodorus aquartica was developed by kristian iversen from the aquartica


    price group: pot 7

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 10 - 20+ cm

    wiDth: 10 - 20+ cm

    temperature: 18 - 28c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 6.5 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    echinodorus x barthii 072a

    Echinodorus x barthii is a decorative and beautiful solitary plant for large aquariums. the leaves change colour

    from dark-red in the youngest leaves to dark-green in the oldest. the colour develops well when the light

    intensity is high and there are sufficient micro-nutrients in the aquarium. a nutritious bottom and co2 addition

    promote growth. this plant takes a lot of light from plants underneath, so it must be pruned occasionally. it

    used to be sold as Double red.

    price group: pot 8, Xl 11

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 25 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 20 - 30 cm

    temperature: 16 - 28c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 6 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 4242

    echinodorus bleheri (bleherae) 071

    Echinodorus bleheri is undemanding and beautiful. a nutritious bottom promotes growth, but the plant needs

    pruning to prevent it depriving plants underneath of light. Echinodorus bleheri does well even in poorly illumi-

    nated aquariums, as it grows towards the light. it is a hardy and easy solitary plant for both beginners and the

    more experienced with quite large aquariums. it has been sold under the name paniculatus.

    price group: pot 5, Xl 10

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: south america

    height: 20 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 25 - 40 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    echinodorus cordifolius ssp. fluitans 073D

    a comparatively fast-growing Echinodorus, suitable for large aquariums. unlike other round-leafed varieties

    of the species, Echinodorus cordifolius ssp. fluitans is less likely to grow up over the water surface. if it grows

    large enough, it forms large leaves just under the surface instead.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: mexico

    height: 20 - 40 cm

    wiDth: 15 - 30 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 43


    Bacopa caroliniana with well developed roots

    Use of stone wool for the potting of the plants Potting of Pogostemon helferi

    DiD you know

    Tropica was the first aquarium plant producer in the world to use stone wool as a growing media.

    The use of stone wool made it possible to grow plants in pots. in the early 1970s all aquarium

    plants were sold as either bunched plants or as loose plants. By using the stone wool a new era

    opened for the production of aquarium plants. all over the world other producers of aquarium

    plants quickly adapted this way of producing plants as it is most suitable for export. Furthermore,

    it is the best way of protecting the plants roots from producer to end user.

  • 4444

    echinodorus macrophyllus 073

    Echinodorus macrophyllus is one of the large, orbiculate sword plants which grow up out of even large

    aquariums in good growing conditions. if light is available less than 11 hours a day it is easier to keep down

    inside the aquarium. it is suitable for open aquariums, where it forms decorative heart-shaped leaves above

    the water surface. it is a good idea to spray the plant to prevent it drying out. it used to be sold as Echinodorus


    price group: pot 7

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: south america

    height: 30 - 50+ cm

    wiDth: 20 - 30+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    echinodorus osiris 072

    in the 1970s coloured aquarium plants were rare, which is why Echinodorus osiris with its red colour quickly

    became popular. a nutritious bottom promotes growth, and when there is a shortage of micro-nutrients new

    leaves turn pale, thus indicating that fertiliser may be necessary. it is generally an undemanding plant which is

    suitable for both soft and hard water. the red colour of the leaves grows stronger at higher light intensities. it

    used to be sold as Echinodorus rubra. it is not eaten by herbivorous fish.

    price group: pot 8

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: Brazil

    height: 25 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 20 - 30 cm

    temperature: 15 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 45

    echinodorus 'ozelot' 073f

    Echinodorus ozelot is a decorative hybrid between Echinodorus schluteri leopard and Echinodorus x bar-

    thii. naturally, it is the elliptical black spots on the red-brown leaves that have given this plant the name ozelot.

    the spots are darkest on the youngest leaves, and unlike many other spotted Echinodorus, ozelot retains its

    spots even at low light intensity. it is an undemanding, good plant for beginners.

    price group: pot 8, Xl 11

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 20 - 40+ cm

    wiDth: 25 - 30 cm

    temperature: 15 - 30c

    gh: 4 - 30 dh

    ph: 6 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    echinodorus 'ozelot green' 073g

    a beautiful, dark-green variety of Echinodorus ozelot. the dark spots form a bigger contrast on the light

    leaves. the leaf margin is fluted. a nutritious bottom promotes growth. it is an easy and highly recommended

    plant, which thrives in almost all conditions.

    price group: pot 8, Xl 11

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 20 - 40+ cm

    wiDth: 25 - 30 cm

    temperature: 15 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 6 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 4646

    echinodorus palaefolius var. latifolius 076

    echinodorus palaefolius var. latifolius 076

    in marshy conditions Echinodorus palaefolius var. latifolius has round leaves with a horizontal leaf base. under

    water the leaves are narrower and longer. in the aquarium it tends to grow out of the water. this can be pre-

    vented by removing the long leaves just before they reach the water surface. the next leaves will then become

    shorter and the plant will remain under water. in open aquariums the plant can be allowed to grow out of the

    water, but the leaf margins often dry out if air humidity is low.

    price group: pot 7, Xl 11

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: Brazil

    height: 20 - 40+ cm

    wiDth: 20 - 40+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 4 - 30 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    echinodorus quadricostatus 068

    this plant has characteristic light-green leaves which form a good contrast to the darker aquarium plants. it is

    most beautiful when planted in groups. in good conditions it produces runners which spread over the bottom.

    very light leaves are a sign of a shortage of micro-nutrients. there is some confusion about the name of this

    plant, and it has been sold as Echinodorus bolivianus var. magdalenensis.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: south america

    height: 10 - 15 cm

    wiDth: 15 - 20+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 6 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 47

    echinodorus 'red Diamond' 074D

    Echinodorus red Diamond appeared as a culture in the ukraine, and is probably a cross between Echino-

    dorus horemanni red and Echinodorus x barthii. the resultant hybrid is an attractive plant with ruby-red

    sword-shaped leaves. unlike many of the other Echinodorus-species, Echinodorus red Diamond remains

    moderate in size, so it is extremely well suited as a solitary plant, even in small aquariums. increasing the nutri-

    ents in the substrate results in more abundant growth, while favourable light conditions promote the formation

    of the ruby-red leaves.

    price group: pot 8

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 15 - 25 cm

    wiDth: 20 - 30 cm

    temperature: 15 - 30c

    gh: 4 - 30 dh

    ph: 6 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    echinodorus 'red special' 073J

    a hybrid of several different cultivated plants, characterised by copper-coloured, spatula-shaped leaves. in

    some cases these have darker red patches. the plant grows abundantly in a compact shape, and is very

    decorative as a solitary plant.

    price group: pot 8, Xl 11

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 10 - 30 cm

    wiDth: 10 - 20 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 4848

    echinodorus 'ros' 072B

    this beautiful plant is a hybrid between Echinodorus horemanii rot and Echinodorus horizontalis. it was first

    produced in 1986 by hans Barth in Dessau. new underwater leaves are a beautiful pink, and initially the leaves

    have red-brown spots. a nutritious bottom promotes growth, but otherwise Echinodorus ros is undeman-

    ding and thus an excellent plant for beginners.

    price group: pot 8, Xl 11

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 25 - 40 cm

    wiDth: 15 - 25 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    echinodorus 'rubin' 074B

    Echinodorus rubin is a decorative hybrid between Echinodorus horemanii rot and Echinodorus x barthii.

    the transparent, ruby-red leaves with light leaf ribs provide a particularly intensive sheen. an undemanding

    plant whose growth is stimulated by co2 addition and a nutritious bottom. a good solitary plant for large


    price group: pot 8, Xl 13

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 30 - 50+ cm

    wiDth: 20 - 40 cm

    temperature: 18 - 30c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 49

    echinodorus tenellus 067

    small foreground plants for aquariums are in short supply, but Echinodorus tenellus is one of the best. the

    runners spread round the aquarium. a true lawn effect is only achieved at high light intensities, so you must

    make sure larger plants do not overshadow the plant. plant individual plants a couple of centimetres apart

    (easiest with tweezers). a nutritious bottom promotes growth.

    price group: pot 8

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: north america

    height: 5 - 10 cm

    wiDth: 5 - 8+ cm

    temperature: 19 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 13 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: i

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    echinodorus uruguayensis 070a

    Echinodorus uruguayensis has long, narrow, transparent, dark-green leaves, making it a very beautiful solitary

    plant for large aquariums. the leaf length and width vary considerably. in good growing conditions it forms

    an unusual number of leaves, and a nutritious bottom and co2 addition and slightly acidic water promote

    growth. a number of species formerly regarded as distinct are now included under the name Echinodorus


    price group: pot 7

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: south america

    height: 20 - 55+ cm

    wiDth: 10 - 30 cm

    temperature: 15 - 26c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 5050

    echinodorus 'vesuvius' 067c

    Echinodorus vesuvius is a cultured species based on Echinodorus angustifolia from oriental aquarium plants.

    the narrow and twisted green leaves makes it an unusual addition to the echinodorus. it grows vigorously with

    many medium length and narrow leaves, and is highly decorative as a solitary plant. vesuvius spreads readily

    with runners. an easy and undemanding plant that requires medium to high light conditions.

    price group: pot 9

    familY: alismataceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 10 - 20 cm

    wiDth: 10 - 15 cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    egeria densa 058

    Egeria densa is a good plant for beginners, and its rapid growth helps create a balance in the aquarium from

    the start. it can also help prevent algae because it absorbs a great number of nutrients from the water. the

    plant secretes antibiotic substances which can help prevent blue-green algae (a type of bacteria). the growth

    rate depends largely on the amount of light and nutrition available. growth does not stop in unfavourable

    conditions, but the plant turns light in colour and the tendrils grow thin.

    price group: BDt 3

    familY: hydrocharitaceae

    origin: cosmopolitan

    height: 40 - 100 cm

    wiDth: 3 - 5 cm

    temperature: 10 - 26c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: B

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 51


    Packing of Limnobium laevigatum in the submerged department

    DiD you know

    Tropicas employees are highly dedicated. Based on their long-term and vast experiences with

    aquarium plants you are guaranteed a top quality product. Despite the use of modern electronic

    equipment in the production of 130 species, it still takes a great deal of experience to identify and

    evaluate the necessary processes to optimize plant growth and health. it is Tropicas philosophy

    that decisions concerning both the company and the products are being taken in accordance with

    our employees considerations. Job satisfaction and participation on decision-making processes

    ensures Tropica employees morale and motivation levels are outstanding.

  • 5252

    eleocharis parvula 132c

    Eleocharis parvula has short leaves and fast growth making it one of the most impressive carpet-forming fore-

    ground plants. it spreads rapidly by runners. it is a relatively easy and undemanding plant that does best with

    good light and a nutritious substrate. can be planted in small portions in the substrate and can form a dense

    carpet in a matter of weeks given the right lighting and conditions. when the leaves get too long they can be

    pruned with scissors to about 2cm height, encouraging new growth.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: cyperaceae

    origin: cosmopolitan

    height: 3 - 10 cm

    wiDth: 5 - 10+ cm

    temperature: 10 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: h

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    glossostigma elatinoides 045a

    Glossostigma elatinoides is much in demand in Japanese-inspired aquariums. it is one of the smallest aqua-

    rium plants, and thus a good foreground plant. a difficult plant demanding a lot of light. grows upwards if light

    is poor. make sure larger plants do not overshadow it. when planting in the aquarium small clumps (approx.

    1/8 pot) should be placed at intervals of a few centimetres to help the plants grow together more quickly. co2

    addition and soft water promote growth significantly.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: scrophulariaceae

    origin: new Zealand

    height: 2 - 3+ cm

    wiDth: 5 - 10+ cm

    temperature: 15 - 26c

    gh: 1 - 13 dh

    ph: 5 - 7.5

    coDe: g

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 53

    hemianthus callitrichoides ''cuba'' 048B

    Hemianthus callitrichoides is one of the smallest aquarium plants in the world, and creeps over the bottom

    with millimetre-sized round leaves. if planted in small clumps a few centimetres apart, it will spread rapidly and

    cover the bottom like a carpet. Hemianthus callitrichoides is an attractive foreground plant for small aquariums.

    found on cuba west of havana.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: scrophulariaceae

    origin: cuba

    height: 0.5 - 3 cm

    wiDth: 3 - 10+ cm

    temperature: 18 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5 - 7.5

    coDe: g

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    hemianthus micranthemoides 048a

    Hemianthus micranthemoides is a graceful plant whose small, arched leaves make it look like a miniature ver-

    sion of Egeria. it has a characteristic trailing growth in intensive light, so it can be used as a foreground plant. a

    compact group of Hemianthus micranthemoides is very beautiful with its small, light-green leaves. in terrariums

    the plant forms a compact cushion. used to be called Micranthemum micranthemoides.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: scrophulariaceae

    origin: north america

    height: 5 - 15+ cm

    wiDth: 5 - 10+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5 - 7.5

    coDe: g

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 5454

    heteranthera zosterifolia 096

    Heteranthera zosterifolia is an extremely beautiful plant which forms a lot of side shoots and thus quickly forms

    a bushy plant group. in strong light growth is intensive, and the plant must be pruned before it becomes so

    compact that no light reaches the lower leaves. water roots often form on the stem. in open aquariums it forms

    small blue flowers if some shoots are allowed to spread on the surface.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: pontederiaceae

    origin: south america

    height: 30 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 10 - 15 cm

    temperature: 18 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    hydrocotyle sibthorpioides (maritima) 039a

    Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides is a beautiful plant which can be difficult to grow. intensive light is vital. in the wild it

    is found in very arid conditions which are rarely flooded. used to be sold as Hydrocotyle maritima.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: apiaceae

    origin: south-east asia

    height: 3 - 8 cm

    wiDth: 5 - 10+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 13 dh

    ph: 6 - 8

    coDe: i

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 55

    hydrocotyle verticillata 039

    unlike other Hydrocotyle species, this plant retains its trailing growth form. optimum growth is only achieved

    in strong light and soft, slightly acidic water. it does not need to be rooted, but can be used as a floating plant.

    Hydrocotyle verticillata is definitely a foreground plant which can also be used in garden ponds. it can also be

    used as an indoor plant if the soil is kept moist.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: apiaceae

    origin: america

    height: 3 - 7 cm

    wiDth: 5 - 10+ cm

    temperature: 10 - 26c

    gh: 1 - 13 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: i

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    hygrophila corymbosa 053

    Hygrophila corymbosa is an undemanding starter plant that originates from asia. in the aquarium it will spread

    fast and create bright green, long and wide leaves. it is a fast growing plant that must be pruned frequently.

    new shoots will spread from the stem and make the plant look bushier. the cuttings can be re-planted in the

    bottom of the aquarium where new roots form quickly.

    price group: BDt 3

    familY: acanthaceae

    origin: south-east asia

    height: 30 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 15 - 20 cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: B

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 5656

    hygrophila corymbosa 'angustifolia' 052a

    hygrophila corymbosa 'angustifolia' 052a

    under water Hygrophila corymbosa angustifolia has relatively narrow leaves which are grouped close to-

    gether. plants sold in the shops are normally cultivated above water, and have rounder leaves with larger gaps

    between them.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: acanthaceae

    origin: south-east asia

    height: 25 - 60 cm

    wiDth: 20 - 35 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    hygrophila corymbosa ''compact'' 052D

    a very compact variety of Hygrophila corymbosa, with the leaves set close to the stalk. forms numerous side

    shoots, enhancing the compact appearance. the leaves are a dark brownish green when the plant is delivered,

    but after a transitional period in the aquarium they turn light green and silver-white on the underside. in strong

    light the newest leaves are reddish brown in colour and in time the oldest ones die away - especially in dimmer

    light. new side shoots form often, to replace the old.

    price group: pot 8

    familY: acanthaceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 5 - 15 cm

    wiDth: 5 - 10 cm

    temperature: 18 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 57


    More than one million plants sees the light in Tropicas laboratory

    DiD you know

    Tropicas tissue laboratory was started in 1994 and today more than one million plants are produced

    there annually for our own production, spread over more than 50 cultures (e.g. Hygrophila, Bacopa,

    and Pogostemon). Plants from the tissue laboratory get the perfect start to their lives with optimum

    growth conditions from both light and nutrition as they are being produced in glass containers iso-

    lated from their surroundings. uniformity, heightened survival capacity, greater compactness, many

    plants in each pot, enhanced adaptability these are just a few of the ideal properties that associated

    to plants that begin their lives at Tropicas tissue laboratory.

    Cutting of Marsilea hirsuta mother material Tissue laboratory

  • 5858

    hygrophila corymbosa 'siamensis' 053a

    under water the leaves are light-green and dense. in open aquariums Hygrophila corymbosa siamensis

    grows easily above the water surface, where it forms blue-green leaves and small blue flowers. it grows fast

    and the shoots must be pinched out regularly if you want to keep the plant under water. an extremely hardy

    plant, suitable for beginners.

    price group: pot 4, Xl 9

    familY: acanthaceae

    origin: thailand

    height: 15 - 40 cm

    wiDth: 15 - 20 cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    hygrophila corymbosa 'siamensis 53B' 053B

    Hygrophila corymbosa siamensis 53B is a variety of Hygrophila corymbosa siamensis. this Hygrophila

    siamensis 53B forms an incredible amount of side shoots and becomes bushy relatively rapidly. its beautiful

    bright green leaves are narrower than the regular siamensis and it can achieve red-brown leaves in good light

    conditions. an undemanding, fast growing plant that must be pruned frequently to maintain a bushy growth.

    price group: pot 4

    familY: acanthaceae

    origin: south-east asia

    height: 15 - 30+ cm

    wiDth: 10 - 15 cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 59

    hygrophila difformis 051

    Hygrophila difformis is beautiful and undemanding. a plant for beginners which can help create a balance in

    the aquarium from the start. its rapid growth helps prevent algae because the plant absorbs a great number of

    nutrients from the water. the shortage of micro-nutrients leads to pale leaves, which may be an indication that

    the aquarium needs fertiliser. in large aquariums its lobed leaves can create a distinctive group.

    price group: BDt 3

    familY: acanthaceae

    origin: south-east asia

    height: 20 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 15 - 25 cm

    temperature: 22 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: B

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    hygrophila pinnatifida 051a

    Hygrophila pinnatifida originates from india. it obtains brown, patched leaves on the surface with a distinctive

    burgundy colour underneath. it creates horizontal side shoots and the top shoots should be pinched out in

    order to maintain compact and attractive growth. the horizontal side shoots easily attach to both wood and

    rocks. growth is moderate and the colour is attractive when planted in small groups with a plain background.

    intense lighting ensures compact growth due to the plants slow to medium growth rate.

    price group: pot 8

    familY: acanthaceae

    origin: india

    height: 15 - 40+ cm

    wiDth: 15 - 30+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 6060

    hygrophila polysperma 050

    Hygrophila polysperma is one of the hardiest aquarium plants available. it is particularly good for beginners

    because it grows in almost all conditions. it normally grows so fast that it is important to prevent it crowding

    out other plants. the shoots must be pinched out regularly. leaves lying on the surface form small new plants.

    Hygrophila polysperma varies considerably in leaf shape and colour, depending to some extent on the light


    price group: pot 5

    familY: acanthaceae

    origin: south-east asia

    height: 25 - 40 cm

    wiDth: 10 - 20 cm

    temperature: 18 - 30c

    gh: 4 - 30 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    hygrophila polysperma 'rosanervig' 050B

    Hygrophila polysperma rosanervig is normally an undemanding plant. But if you want deep-pink leaves you

    must provide intensive light. the distinctive colouring of the light leaf ribs is probably caused by a virus which

    prevents chlorophyll from being produced in the cells around the leaf ribs, making them white. however, this

    virus does not affect other plants in the aquarium.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: acanthaceae

    origin: cultivar

    height: 20 - 30+ cm

    wiDth: 6 - 10 cm

    temperature: 18 - 28c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 61

    Juncus repens 133f

    Juncus repens is widespread in shallow water and along the banks of ponds and lakes in north america. in an

    aquarium Juncus repens is decorative and distinguishes itself from other aquatic plants. if it grows under water,

    Juncus repens forms leaves in rings, and, depending on its growth conditions, it often develops a thick, bushy

    habit. the leaves are normally light green, but in good light the underwater form of Juncus repens most fre-

    quently becomes reddish. new shoots form willingly from the nodes, so Juncus repens is easy to propagate.

    price group: pot 8

    familY: Juncaceae

    origin: usa

    height: 7 - 30 cm

    wiDth: 5 - 7+ cm

    temperature: 15 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: e

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    lilaeopsis brasiliensis 040

    Lilaeopsis brasiliensis can grow very compact, but a lawn effect is only achieved at high light intensity. when

    planting in the aquarium small clumps (approx. 1/8 pot) should be placed a few centimetres apart to help the

    plants grow together more quickly. place in an open position without shading from other plants to ensure

    good light. Lilaeopsis brasiliensis can be used in garden ponds, and also tolerates low salt concentrations in

    brackish aquariums.

    price group: pot 6

    familY: apiaceae

    origin: south america

    height: 4 - 7 cm

    wiDth: 5 - 10+ cm

    temperature: 15 - 26c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 6 - 8

    coDe: i

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 6262

    lilaeopsis mauritiana 040B

    this Lilaeopsis species demands less light than Lilaeopsis brasiliensis. tropicas founder, holger windelv,

    found it on mauritius in 1992. the plants height and distance between its leaves depend on the light intensity.

    the more light it gets, the lower the plant and the denser the leaves. the runners spread round the aquarium.

    should be planted like Lilaeopsis brasiliensis.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: apiaceae

    origin: mauritius

    height: 5 - 10 cm

    wiDth: 5 - 10+ cm

    temperature: 15 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 30 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: i

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    limnobium laevigatum 063

    Limnobium laevigatum is a decorative plant that is particularly suitable for open aquariums. it is also good in

    traditional aquariums, because the fine, long and decorative roots provide protection to gouramies and other

    surface fish that like the roots of floating plants. if there are enough nutrients in the water and the light intensity

    is good, new leaves will appear above the water surface.

    price group: por 6

    familY: hydrocharitaceae

    origin: south america

    height: 1 - 5 cm

    wiDth: 5 - 10+ cm

    temperature: 18 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: J

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 63

    limnophila aquatica 046

    an extremely beautiful aquarium plant circled by light-green and finely branched leaves. in the right growing

    conditions with added co2 and a nutritious bottom this plant grows fast. in good light it forms horizontal side

    shoots and becomes attractive and bushy. most decorative when several stems are planted in a small group.

    in open aquariums it sometimes sends shoots above the water surface, forming small blue flowers.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: scrophulariaceae

    origin: south-east asia

    height: 25 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 15 - 20 cm

    temperature: 20 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 13 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    limnophila sessiliflora 047

    Limnophila sessiliflora is a good and undemanding plant which is a good alternative to Cabomba, which

    demands a lot of light. the plant often grows leggy in poor light, but this can be counteracted to some extent

    by stimulating growth by co2 addition. most beautiful when planted in groups. in good growing conditions it

    sends out runners and spreads across the bottom. Limnophila sessiliflora used to be called ambulia.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: scrophulariaceae

    origin: south-east asia

    height: 15 - 40 cm

    wiDth: 10 - 15 cm

    temperature: 22 - 28c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 6464

    lindernia rotundifolia 045

    lindernia rotundifolia 045

    Lindernia rotundifolia grows on sandy banks along streams in asia. the plant is undemanding and the stems

    with marbled leaves quickly form compact groups. Lindernia rotundifolia is suitable both for background and

    as a solitary mid-ground plant with leaves growing tightly from top to bottom. a good starter plant that thrives

    under most conditions.

    price group: pot 6

    familY: scrophulariaceae

    origin: asia

    height: 15 - 30+ cm

    wiDth: 10 - 20+ cm

    temperature: 20 - 26c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    lobelia cardinalis 053c

    in the nursery this plant is cultivated in marshy conditions, forming dark-green leaves which are purple under-

    neath. in aquariums the leaves turn a beautiful shade of light-green. it needs intensive light to thrive. widely

    used in Dutch aquariums in so-called plant streets. in open aquariums it grows above the water surface,

    where it forms very beautiful scarlet flowers and the leaves regain their colour. can be used in garden ponds.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: lobeliaceae

    origin: north america

    height: 20 - 30+ cm

    wiDth: 7 - 15 cm

    temperature: 15 - 26c

    gh: 4 - 20 dh

    ph: 6 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

  • 65

    ludwigia arcuata 035

    this is a narrow-leafed Ludwigia species, so it is often mistaken for Didiplis diandra. it requires a relatively large

    amount of light before forming a red stem and red leaves, and thrives best in slightly acidic, soft/medium hard

    water. the most decorative effect can be achieved by planting it in groups. it is suitable for small aquariums,

    and can also be used as a terrarium plant.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: onagraceae

    origin: usa

    height: 25 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 3 - 5 cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 13 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    ludwigia glandulosa 035a

    Ludwigia glandulosa is a very beautiful water plant. it is slowgrowing and requires co2 addition to grow well.

    the leaves turn greener if sufficient light is provided. used to be sold as Ludwigia perennis.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: onagraceae

    origin: north america

    height: 15 - 40 cm

    wiDth: 5 - 12 cm

    temperature: 20 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5.5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

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    ludwigia repens 'rubin' 033D

    variety of Ludwigia repens with striking dark red leaves and stalk. it makes a fine colour contrast to the green

    shades in the aquarium. plant in large groups to enhance the decorative effect, and prune regularly to encou-

    rage bushy growth. the plant makes few demands, but if light is insufficient the lower leaves tend to fall off. in

    strong light the colour becomes more intense.

    price group: pot 7

    familY: onagraceae

    origin: north america

    height: 20 - 50 cm

    wiDth: 10 - 20 cm

    temperature: 15 - 30c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5 - 8

    coDe: a

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

    marsilea hirsuta 010

    Marsilea hirsuta is a fascinating plant, usually delivered with leaves like a four-leaf clover. after a transitional

    period it develops different types of leaves, possibly a low form with single leaves like a large Glossostigma,

    or alternatively develop two, three or four-lobed leaves varying in height, depending on the growth conditions.

    whichever form the plant adopts, it forms runners and spreads rapidly round the aquarium.

    price group: pot 5

    familY: marsileceae

    origin: australia

    height: 2 - 10+ cm

    wiDth: 5 - 10+ cm

    temperature: 18 - 28c

    gh: 1 - 20 dh

    ph: 5 - 7.5

    coDe: h

    light: low highgrowth rate: slow fastDemanDs: easY Difficult

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    micranthemum umbrosum 048

    Micranthemum umbrosum is a beautiful plant with small round leaves. it is suitable for small or large aquariums.

    relatively demanding in terms of light. co2 addition is recommended to prom