plant layout 2

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  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Plant Layout

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Types of Layout:

    1. Fixed-position layout.2. Product layout (or production


    3. Process layout4. Cellular layout

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Fixed - Position Layout:

    A layout where the materials or ma orcomponents remain in a !xed place towhich tools" machinery" men and otherpieces o# material are $rou%ht. &he

    product stays and resources mo'e to it.(e.%. ship$uildin%)

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Fixed Position Layout

    Ad'anta%es &he in'estment is 'ery low. Flexi$le as chan%e in o$ desi%n and

    operation se uence can $e easilyincorporated.

    Ad ustments can $e made to meetshorta%e o# materials or a$sence o#wor*ers $y chan%in% the se uence o#operations.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Fixed Position Layout

    +isad'anta%es As the production period $ein% 'ery

    lon% so the capital in'estment is 'eryhi%h.

    ,ery lar%e space is re uired #orstora%e o# material and e uipmentnear the product.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Product Layout (Production

    Line)A layout where the place o# one

    operation immediately ad acent to thenext the e uipment needed is arran%ed

    accordin% to the operational se uence. &his layout has low num$er o# part

    types and hi%h production 'olume. t ismore e/cient $ut less 0exi$le thanprocess layout.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Product Layout (Production

    Line)Ad'anta%es educed material handlin% acti'ities or* in process almost eliminated inimum manu#acturin% time impli!cation o# the PPC system. 5ptimum use o# 0oor space. &as* simpli!cation

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Product Layout (Production

    Line)+isad'anta%es 6esser 0exi$ility in the production

    process 7i%h capital in'estment 7i%h o'erhead char%es 8'ery wor*station is critical in the

    process onotonous wor*

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Process Layout (Job-shop)

    A layout where all operations o# sameprocess or type are %rouped to%ethere uipment per#ormin% a common#unction is %rouped to%ether.

    &his layout has hi%h num$er o# parttypes and low production 'olume. &his iscommon #or a lar%e 'ariety o# productsin $atch 'olumes as similar process are

    %rouped to%ether.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Process Layout (Job-shop)

    Ad'anta%es peciali9ed la$or and super'ision :rea*down o# one machine does not

    distur$ the production process. 6ower capital in'estment is re uired. Flexi$ility as material can $e rerouted

    in any se uence.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Process Layout (Job-shop)

    +isad'anta%es ne/cient 6on% material transport routes #rom

    dept. to dept. or* in pro%ress is hi%h &rac*in% o# orders can $e di/cult.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Cellular Layout

    &he layout is $ased on the %roupin%o# parts to #orm #amilies $ased oncommon machinin% re uirements (andother aspects" such as shapes" material

    composition" toolin% re uirements" etc.). 8ach cell manu#actures products

    $elon%in% to a sin%le #amily. Commonly applied to machined parts. uited to products in $atches and

    where desi%n chan%es o#ten .

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Cellular Layout

    Producti'ity and uality maximi9ed. &hrou%hout times and wor* inpro%ress *ept to a minimum.

    Flexi$le uited to pro%ress

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Facility Planning ethodology

    1. +ocument the Present5peration

    2. +e!ne the Acti'ities3. +e'elop pace e uirements

    4. +e'elop Acti'ity elationships

    ;. +e'elop a uare Foota%ee uirements preadsheet

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    !ocu"ent the Present

    #peration Prior to the de'elopment o# a new#acility plan" it is necessary to documentyour current operations. &o $e%in Flow

    chart the operation" documentin%material and in#ormation 0ow. naddition" document current methods andthe present e uipment layout. 5nce you

    ha'e completed documentin% thecurrent operation" the next step is tode'elop impro'ed 0ows. tudy your 0owchart #or the current state and loo* #orsteps that are redundant or may nolon%er $e necessary. n addition" you

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    !e$ne the %cti&ities

    hile you ha'e $een documentin%the present operation" you pro$a$lyha'e $een de!nin% speci!c acti'ities.Acti'ities are present or #uture

    operations" speci!c pieces o# e uipment"wor*spaces" or areas that will ma*e upthe space that you are plannin%.Acti'ities may include +oc*"arehouse" :rea* oom" hippin% Area"etc.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    !e&elop 'pace e uire"ents

    5nce you ha'e de!ned the acti'itiesthat will ma*e up the new #acility plan"you must decide on a plannin% hori9on(e.%. 1> years). n addition" we need to

    determine what is to $e included interms o# the amount o# space"e uipment" and operationalimpro'ements #or each acti'ity. &hesere uirements 'ary #rom acti'ity toacti'ity. &hus" it is necessary to loo* ateach acti'ity indi'idually $ecause someacti'ities may e'en disappear.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    !e&elop %cti&ity elationships

    5nce we ha'e de!ned the acti'itiesand de'eloped their re uirements" thenext step is to de!ne the relationships$etween acti'ities. &his is done $yrelatin% each acti'ity to all o# the othersthat ha'e $een de!ned. &herelationships are de!ned $y a closenessratin% system

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    !e&elop %cti&ity elationships

    A meanin% that it is a$solutely necessary thatthe acti'ities $e next to each other E meanin% that it is especially necessary thatthe acti'ities $e close to each other I meanin% that it is important the acti'ities$e close to each other O meanin% that ordinary closeness $emaintained (meanin% that it is only necessarythat these acti'ities $e in the same #acility) U meanin% that it is unimportant theacti'ities $e close to each other" and X meanin% that the acti'ities should not $eclose to each other.

    For each relationship de!ned" the reason(s)why a speci!c closeness ratin% was used is also


  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    !e&elop a ' uare Footage

    e uire"ents 'preadsheet 5nce we ha'e de!ned the acti'itiesand de'eloped their re uirements" thenext step is to de!ne the relationships$etween acti'ities. &his is done $yrelatin% each acti'ity to all o# the othersthat ha'e $een de!ned. &herelationships are de!ned $y a closenessratin% system

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    !e&elop *loc+ Plan Layouts

    5nce the relationship chart has $eencompleted" it is time to mo'e onto thenext step" de'elopin% $loc* plan layouts#or the #acility. A $loc* plan layout is ustas it sounds" a layout o# a #acility usin%$loc*s o# space" no details. &he $loc*plan is de'eloped $y usin% the uareFoota%e e uirements preadsheet andthe elationship Chart that ha'e $een

    pre'iously de'eloped. ith thisin#ormation" $loc*s o# space arede'eloped and positioned accordin% totheir relationships de!ned in theelationship Chart.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    !e&elop *loc+ Plan Layouts

    t is a %ood idea to de'elop a #ewalternati'e $loc* plans and thencompare the pros and cons o# eachlayout. any times" each layout has%ood traits that are then com$ined intoa !nal $loc* plan layout.

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  • 7/25/2019 Plant Layout 2


    Thank You