plants, photosynthesis and respiration name _____________________

Plants, photosynthesis Plants, photosynthesis and and respiration respiration Name _____________________

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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

Plants, photosynthesisPlants, photosynthesisandand


Name _____________________

Page 2: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

_________ travels up from the roots

SUNLIGHTGives the plant _________

The green chemical that _______ the light is called chlorophyll

Things needed for Things needed for photosynthesisphotosynthesis

_______ ________ gas comes from the air.

Words: water, traps, energy, carbon dioxide

Page 3: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

_________ gas goes into the air. This is important because animals need it for breathing.

Things made by Things made by photosynthesisphotosynthesis

Plants make the carbohydrate called ______________. This is important as a food for animals.

Words: oxygen, glucose

Page 4: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

Carbon dioxide + _____ glucose + _____

6CO2 + 6H20 C6H12O6 + 6O2





Plants store the GLUCOSE produced by photosynthesis by joining it together in a ____________ reaction to make ____________

Words –starch, water, oxygen, polymerisation

Photosynthesis equationsPhotosynthesis equations

Page 5: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________


Words: carbon dioxide, energy, water, oxygen, glucose

Respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis. It is a reaction that makes _______ for living things by reacting glucose and oxygen.

________ comes from the food and _________ comes from the air.

_________ __________ gas and ________ are breathed back out.

Page 6: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

Gas ExchangeGas Exchange

Air breathed in Air breathed out

79% 79%

21% 18%0.03%


The amounts of gases we breathe in and breathe out are not the same.

Page 7: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

Photosynthesis and Photosynthesis and RespirationRespiration



Glucose + oxygen water + carbon dioxide

Water + carbon dioxide glucose + oxygen

Page 8: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

Global warmingGlobal warming

Words: fossil fuels, cut, same, global warming

It is important that the processes of photosynthesis and respiration are balanced to make sure the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air stay the _____. Too much carbon dioxide can cause _______ ________.

The amount of carbon dioxide in the air is getting higher because of two main reasons.

More trees are being _______ down so they do not absorb so much carbon dioxide.

We are burning more _______ ________ like petrol and this makes carbon dioxide.

Page 9: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

Using plants for foodUsing plants for food

Fruits and seeds




Page 10: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

Helping plants to growHelping plants to growFarmers can use a number of chemicals to help plants to grow:1) ____________

Provide nutrients The elements plants need are __________, ___________ and __________


2) ____________

Kill weeds

3) _____________

Kill pests like greenfly

4) _____________

Kill bacteria and prevents plant

diseases.Words: herbicides, potassium, pesticides, nitrogen, fungicides, fertilisers, phosphorus

Page 11: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

disadvantages of pesticidesdisadvantages of pesticides

Although the level of insecticides in the plants is small, it will build up through the food chain due to the number of organisms in each stage.

Small plants KingfisherMarine insects


Pesticides are toxic chemicals so care needs to be taken when they are being used. They can also get into our food by being washed into rivers and streams and moving into the food chain.

Page 12: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

Food typesFood types








UsesUsesFound inFound inTypeType

Bread, potatoes, cereal

Cream, butter, milk, oil

Meat, fish, eggs

Fruit and vegetables

Milk and cereals

Fruit + veg, + cereals



Storing concentrated energy

growing and repairing cells

Keep use healthy

Strong teeth and bones

70% of the body is water

Keeps the gut moving

Words: fats, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fibre

Page 13: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

Testing for starchTesting for starch


Iodine goes _________


Starch makes iodine go __________________

Page 14: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

Testing for sugarsTesting for sugars


Benedict’s solution

Sugars makes warm benedict’s solution change from_________ to _______. The only sugar that doesn’t do this is _________.

Benedict’s solution goes ________

Heat up in warm water

Page 15: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

The digestive systemThe digestive systemThe whole point of digestion is to break up our food into small enough molecules that can get into our ________.

The main foods affected are

starch – this is broken up into _________

proteins - these are broken up into _______ ________

Words: amino acids, glucose, blood,

Page 16: Plants, photosynthesis and respiration Name _____________________

EnzymesEnzymesEnzymes are special _________ that are found in living things. They help break the food into ________ pieces which can then pass into the blood. There are various types of enzymes.

Amylase breaks _________ up into glucose:

Protease breaks _______ into amino acids:

Lipase breaks fats into fatty acids and glycerol:

Words: catalysts, proteins, starch, smaller