plastic deformation, flow stress and formability

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Plastic Deformation, Flow Stress and Formability


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Plastic deformation, flow stress and formability

When a sufficient load is applied to a metal or other structural material, it will cause the material to change shape. This change in shape is called deformation. When a material is deformed, two types of deformation occur: elastic and plastic.

Plastic deformationWhen the stress is sufficient to permanently deform the metal, it is called plastic deformation. As discussed in the section on crystal defects, plastic deformation involves the breaking of a limited number of atomic bonds by the movement of dislocations.Elastic deformationThe elastic phase is the initial phase, in which the material will change shape as load is applied. However, when the load is removed, the material returns to its original shapes. This type of deformation involves stretching of the bonds, but the atoms do not slip past each other.

Point Defects A vacancy exists when an atom is missing from a normal lattice position.Higher than equilibrium concentrations of vacancies can also be produced by extensive plastic deformation (cold work).

An atom that is trapped inside the crystal at a point intermediate between normal lattice position. The interstitial defect occurs in pure metals as a result of bombardment with high-energy nuclear particles, but is does not occur frequently as a result of thermal activation.

The presence of an impurity atom at a lattice position or at an interstitial position results in a local disturbance of the periodicity of the lattice, the same as for vacancies and interstitials.Line DefectsLine defects or dislocations are important for plastic deformations. The following two types of dislocations are observed:Grafika SmartArt z obrazami na czerwonym tle(rednio zaawansowany)

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Na karcie Narzdzia gwne w grupie Czcionka wybierz pozycj Gill Sans MT z listy Czcionka, wybierz warto 24 w polu Rozmiar czcionki, a nastpnie kliknij przycisk Kolor czcionki i wybierz pozycj Biay, To 1.Rwnie na karcie Narzdzia gwne w grupie Akapit kliknij przycisk Wyrwnaj tekst do lewej. Nacinij i przytrzymaj klawisz CTRL, a nastpnie zaznacz trzy linie pionowe w grafice SmartArt. W obszarze Narzdzia grafiki SmartArt na karcie Formatowanie w grupie Style ksztatw kliknij przycisk Uruchom okno dialogowe Formatuj ksztat. 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Aby odtworzy efekty ta na slajdzie, wykonaj nastpujce czynnoci:Na karcie Projektowanie w grupie To kliknij przycisk Style ta, a nastpnie kliknij polecenie Formatuj to. W oknie dialogowym Formatowanie ta kliknij opcj Wypenienie gradientowe, a nastpnie wykonaj ponisze czynnoci:Na licie Typ kliknij pozycj Promieniowy.Na licie Kierunek kliknij pozycj Ze rodka.W obszarze Stopnie gradientu klikaj przycisk Dodaj stopie gradientu lub Usu stopie gradientu do momentu, a na suwaku bd widoczne trzy stopnie gradientu.W obszarze Stopnie gradientu dostosuj take stopnie gradientu w nastpujcy sposb:Zaznacz pierwszy stopie na suwaku i wykonaj nastpujce czynnoci: W polu Pooenie wprowad warto 0%.Kliknij przycisk obok pozycji Kolor, kliknij polecenie Wicej kolorw, a nastpnie w oknie dialogowym Kolory na karcie Niestandardowy wprowad wartoci w polach Czerwony: 153, Zielony: 57 i niebieski: 55.Zaznacz nastpny stopie na suwaku i wykonaj nastpujce czynnoci: W polu Pooenie wprowad warto 50%.Kliknij przycisk obok pozycji Kolor, kliknij polecenie Wicej kolorw, a nastpnie w oknie dialogowym Kolory na karcie Niestandardowy wprowad wartoci w polach Czerwony: 114, Zielony: 42 i niebieski: 40.Zaznacz ostatni stopie na suwaku i wykonaj nastpujce czynnoci: W polu Pooenie wprowad warto 100%.Kliknij przycisk obok pozycji Kolor, kliknij polecenie Wicej kolorw, a nastpnie w oknie dialogowym Kolory na karcie Niestandardowy wprowad wartoci w polach Czerwony: 40, Zielony: 15 i niebieski: 14.6

Direction of Dislocation Motion

Edge dislocation line moves parallel to applied stress Screw dislocation line moves perpendicular to applied stress dislocations

In an edge dislocation, localized lattice distortion exists along the end of an extra half-plane of atoms. A screw dislocation results from shear distortion. Many dislocations in crystalline materials have both edge and screws components; these are mixed dislocations. Plastic deformation creates a large number of dislocations. Higher the dislocation density in the material, higher is the resistance to movement of dislocations and hence higher forces are required for plastic deformation. This explains the increase in strength during plastic deformation, which is called strain hardening or work hardening.

An edge dislocation moves in response to a shear stress applied in a direction perpendicular to its line. Extra half-plane at A is forced to the right; this pushes the top halves of planes B, C, D in the same direction. By discrete steps, the extra 1/2-plane moves from L to R by successive breaking of bonds and shifting of upper 1/2-planes. A step forms on the surface of the crystal as the extra 1/2-plane exits.

Dislocation motion leads to plastic deformation

Deformation by Slip

The usual method of plastic deformation in metals is by the sliding of blocks of the crystal over one another along definite crystallographic planes, called slip planes. Slip occurs when the shear stress exceeds a critical value. The atoms move an integral number of atomic distances along the slip plane, and a step is produced in the polished surface.


The process by which plastic deformation is produced by dislocation motion is called slip (movement of dislocations). The extra 1/2-plane moves along the slip plane.

When metals are plastically deformed, some fraction (roughly 5%) of energy is retained internally; the remainder is dissipated as heat. Mainly, this energy is stored as strain energy associated with dislocations. Lattice distortions exist around the dislocation line.

Slip Systems Dislocations move more easily on specific planes and in specific directions.Ordinarily, there is a preferred plane (slip plane), and specific directions (slip direction) along which dislocations move.The combination of slip plane and slip direction is called the slip system.The slip system depends on the crystal structure of the metal.The slip plane is the plane that has the most dense atomic packing (the greatest planar density).The slip direction is most closely packed with atoms (highest linear density).

Deformation by Twinning

The second important mechanism by which metals deform is theprocess known as twinning. Twinning results when a portion of thecrystal takes up an orientation that is related to the orientation of therest of the untwinned lattice in a definite, symmetrical way. Thetwinned portion of the crystal is a mirror image of the parent crystal.

Deformation by Twinning Twins can form in a time as short as a few microseconds,while for slip there is a delay time of several milliseconds beforea slip band is formed. Under certain conditions, twins can be heard toform with a click or loud report (tin cry) . If twinning occurs during atensile test, it produces serrations in the the stress-strain curve. The importantrole of twinning in plastic deformation comes not from the strain producedby the twinning process but from the fact that orientation changesresulting from twinning may place new slip systems in a favorable orientationwith respect to the stress axis so that additional slip can take place.Thus, twinning is important in the over-all deformation of metals with alow number of slip systems, such as the hep metals.

Stress and Dislocation Motion

Critical Resolved Shear Stress

Deformation in a single crystal For a single crystal in tension, slip will occur along a number of equivalent & most favorably oriented planes and directions at various positions along the specimen. Each step results from the movement of a large number of dislocations along the same slip plane.

Dislocation Motion in Polycrystals

Flow stresIn metal forming processes, the forming loads and material stresses depend on the part geometry, fiction, and flow stress of the metal being formed. When the applied stress, in uniaxial tension, without necking, reaches the yield stress (flow stress), the material in considered to Begin deforming plastically. Flow stress is simply the yield stress of a material undergoing unixial deformation, as a function of strain, strain rate, temperature, and microstructure:Average Flow StressDetermined by integrating the flow curve equation between zero and the final strain value defining the range of interest

FormabilityFormability describes the limit to which the sheet materials can undergo deformation before failure during forming. Several test have been develop specifically to evaluate the abilities of a sheet material to undergo deformation by:stretchingbendingbending under stretchingstretching at the edgedeep drawingThis information significantly helps process and tool design engineers predict failure during analysis of sheet metal forming processes for tool design.

Formability Tests for Sheet MetalsForming-limit DiagramsForming-limit diagrams is to determine the formability of sheet metals

Forming-limit Diagrams

To develop a forming-limit diagram, the major and minor engineering strains are obtainedMajor axis of the ellipse represents the major direction and magnitude of stretchingMajor strain is the engineering strain and is always positiveMinor strain can be positive or negativeCurves represent the boundaries between failure and safe zonesFormability Tests for Sheet MetalsCup drawing testCircular blanks ofvarious diametersare usedTooling isstandardisedLimiting drawingratio (LDR) is theratio of thediameter of thelargest blank thatcan be successfullydrawn to thediameter

Cup drawing test Examples

Ball punch testWell knownas Olsen orErichsen testThe cupheight atfracture isused as themeasure ofStrechability.

Ball punch testExamples

References:Abbaschian, Reed-Hill. Physical Metallurgy Principles. 4th edition. 2009 Beer & Johnston (2006). Mechanics of Materials (5th edition). McGraw Hill. Robert S Williams Metallurgy and metallurgical engineering series. McGraw-Hill Book Co; 5th edition (1948).