plastic fishing worms

The YEAH BUDDY Plastic Fishing Worms

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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The YEAH BUDDY Plastic Fishing Worms

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Wayne Gretzk, once said, “You miss 100 perfect of the shots you never take.

My name is Kaleb Christian and I took a shot to create plastic fishing worms.


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1. The designing of plastic worms2. Different colors and variations of worms3. The type of techniques used when fishing

with them

Research Paper

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According to the United States Patent and Trademark office, the first plastic worm was developed in 1877.

Nick Crème was the first to create the plastic worm and the first to add scents to them.

He also designed the Texas-rig, which a weight is placed in front of the hook. This allows the fisherman to pull the rod up quickly, then let the weight take the worm back down.

Research Continued

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In 1972 Mister twister came up with the curly tail on the end of the worms. These are the most commonly used today.

Research Continued

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Figuring out the type of color to use is very simple. Ask these questions:

Is the lake muddy?- Use a dark color. This allows the fish to see a dark spot in the water which entices them to bite.

Is the lake clear?- Use a light color. A light colored worm makes the bait look more natural to the fish increasing the chances of a strike.

Color Selection

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Water TemperatureIs the water cold?

Colder water means the fish are inactive (moving slower). In which case you would use a smaller worm.

Is the water warm?

In warmer water fish are more active(moving quicker) allowing you to choose from a the various worms sizes.

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Total hours: 12 hrs.

Budget: $150

Total cost: $120

Include silicone for molding, plastic, plastic hardener, plastic softener, and colors

One interesting fact I found out is one bottle of plastic makes about 650 worms.


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Product- plastic fishing worms.I chose this because I wanted to learn how to

design and make these, instead of spending a bunch of money on a pack of worms.


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1. I poured silicon into a pan, and then added the hardener.

2. I let it sit for a couple of days to get the base of the mold hard so I could actually draw a worm.


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3. I allowed the whole mold sit for about 4 days to guarantee that it would be hard so the plastic wouldn’t melt it.

4. In another pan I heated up the plastic until it turned clear. It started out white and when it heated up it turned clear indicatingthat it was ready.


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5. I added the color along with the glitter and stirred until it was evenly spaced in the plastic.

6. I poured the plastic into the mold and let it sit for about an hour just to make sure it was completely dry.


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7. Removed the worm from the mold and go fish!


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Project facilitator- Melanie Kittelson

I chose her because she knew exactly how to prepare the mold and design the worms.

Project facilitator

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Figuring out the right mixture for the mold and the worms.

Many times it would come out too soft and way to sticky.

Figuring out the mold was another challenge because I had to find a product that the plastic would release from once dry and not stick to it.


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I learned that this is a harder career because it is stressful when the worms don’t work out like you want them to.

I definitely would not chose this as a career because at the end of the day everything smells like plastic worms, but you have the opportunity to design your own worms.

What I learned

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1. You have to have patience to do this sort of job.

2 One good thing is that I don’t have to go out and buy worms anymore to fish.

What I Have Learned Continued

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3. The plastic I originally used worked for the first couple of days, however, it got weathered in the cold. The plastic would not heat up and allow to harden like before.

4. Adding the hardener made the plastic too tough and you couldn’t stir it, and it definitely couldn’t pour.

What I've learned Continued

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Thank you for your time and I hope that you would take a shot and try it out.

Thank you!!