play framework logging

Play Framework Logging Logback: Logs can tell everything

Upload: miteshsharma

Post on 09-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Play Framework Logging

Play Framework LoggingLogback: Logs can tell everything

Page 2: Play Framework Logging

Why we need logging?Monitoring


Error Tracking

Business Intelligence

Play provides an API for logging which is accessed through the Logger object and uses Logback as the default logging engine.

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Logback Logging ArchitectureDifferent components:

LoggerDefault logger named “application”

Can create our own logger

Log Level :OFF : use to turn off logging

ERROR: Runtime error, or unexpected exception

WARN: Deprecated Api, unexpected situation

INFO: Interested runtime events

DEBUG: Detailed information on the flow of system

TRACE: More detailed information

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Logback Logging ArchitectureAppender

Handle responsibility to write event to component

Kinds of appender:

OutputStreamAppender: Append events to OutputStream

ConsoleAppender: Append events to console, or System.out or System.err

FileAppender: Append events to file

RollingFileAppender: Append events to file with the capability to rollover log files

Time based rolling policy

Size and time based rolling policy

Fixed window rolling policy

SocketAppender and SSLSocketAppender



Write your own Appender

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Event doAppender(Event e)




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Logback Logging ArchitectureEncoder

Accept events and transform these events into byte array

Write into output stream

Total control of what and when bytes gets written to the output stream

LayoutTransform an incoming event into a String

Has no control over when events get written out

Layouts can not aggregate events into batches

Encoders is to have total control of what and when bytes gets written to the output stream

FilterCapable of filtering incoming events based on specific rule

Can accept or deny events based on rule

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Using LoggerImport play.Logger

Logger.debug("Result={}", result)

Never do Logger.debug(“Result=”+result), as it will do string concatenation every time without we actually adding it in log file based on Log level.

Play puts both the console and the file logger behind the logback AsyncAppender

Config file path : conf/logback.xml

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Sample appender logback.xml <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender"> <file>${application.home:-.}/logs/application.log</file> <encoder> <pattern>%date [%level] from %logger in %thread - %message%n%xException</pattern> </encoder> </appender>

<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"> <encoder> <pattern>%coloredLevel %logger{15} - %message%n%xException{10}</pattern> </encoder> </appender>

<appender name="ASYNCFILE" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender"> <appender-ref ref="FILE" /> </appender>

<appender name="ASYNCSTDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender"> <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" /> </appender>

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MDC: Map Diagnostic ContextHelp uniquely stamp request

Manages contextual information on a per thread basis

MDC.put(“userkey”, value)

MDC.remove(“userkey”)<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"> <encoder> <pattern>%coloredLevel %logger{15} %X{userkey} - %message%n%xException{10}</pattern> </encoder> </appender>

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Best PracticesAlways keep date on log file name

Always add some name to your log file name, which help in distinguish it from other log files.

Always log time and date of events

Store date in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format (ideally) as it helps in sorting.

Use 24 hour time format.

In multi threaded system, use thread id.

Use different name of logger, depending on kind of logs as that help in separation.

Add rolling of logs so they don’t grow without bound

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Best PracticesLog single event in single line, stack trace kind of thing can be


Log with a delimiter between fields so logs can be easily parsed. Don’t skip empty fields add something like - or delimiter to identify it.

Log identification information as that helps in debugging.

Don’t log sensitive information like passwords etc.

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