playing games with observation, dependency and …...beynon, m. et al, “making construals as a new...

Playing games with observation, dependency and agency in a new environment for making construals Meurig Beynon Jonathan Foss and the CONSTRUIT! project team

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Page 1: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings

Playing games with observation, dependency and agency in a new

environment for making construals

Meurig Beynon Jonathan Foss

and the CONSTRUIT! project team

Page 2: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings



Making construals as a new digital skill for creating interactive open educational resources

“The environment for making construals” – aka as “the MCE”

Page 3: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings

Playing games ...

Noughts-&-Crosses (N&C)! OXO-like games

... with observation, dependency and agency

key concepts in “making construals”

... in a new environment for making construals


Construing the title ...

Page 4: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings

Imagine you are watching two people play N&C

Explain what you think is going on ...

- there’s a grid, some squares

- players take turns to place Os and Xs

- if O/X makes a line of Os/Xs, they win

- if neither player makes a line, it’s a draw


Making a construal of N&C

Page 5: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings

Imagine two people playing what looks like N&C

Explain what you think is going on ...

- when an O disappears from the grid

- when X makes two successive moves

- when X wins in the position pictured above

- when the board rotates after each move


Making a construal of ... ?

Page 6: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings

Perhaps when we see the two ‘N&C players’ ...

- they are designing a board for N&C

- a piece falls of the board in play

- a player cheats

- the winning lines are different

- the playing protocol has been changed


Some possible construals

Page 7: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings

What does it mean to make a construal?

We link what we think is going on with:

- what/who is responsible for changes

- what we/they must be observing

- what connects the changes we/they observe

These are agency / observables / dependencies


Making a construal ... ?

Page 8: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


Making a digital construal

Script of definitions of observables with associated network of dependencies

From which perspective is the maker making the construal e.g. Agents? Constraints?

What interactions and interpretations is the maker familiar with? Convinced of? puzzled about?

What external subject does the maker have in mind when interacting with the construal? A connection experienced by the maker

Page 9: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


Dependencies in N&C

Script of observable definitions and network of dependencies

Page 10: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


The OXO Laboratory

Winning lines

Status of an arbitrary OXO position

Square evaluation and chosen move

State of OXO board in play

Page 11: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


The OXO Lab in the MCE

Page 12: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


Observing the geometry






Geometry • lines of the grid (NESE) • endpoints of lines (NW) • locations for tokens (sq4) • size of the grid (size) Winning lines • eight winning triples (lin6)


Page 13: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


Modelling the OXO grid






Page 14: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


Observing the board state

Status • current position (boardstate) • tokens on squares (x / o / u) Board content • visual token (lab5) • located visual token (piece5)


boardstate : [o,x,o,u,x,u,x,o,u] x / o / u: 1 / -1 / 0 lab5: “X” piece5: “X” at sq5

Page 15: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


The state of the OXO grid

boardstate = [o,x,o,u,x,u,x,o,u];


Page 16: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


Modelling players’ agency

Select move • whose turn is it?

(chooseplayer / chooseplayer_value / player )

• where on board to play? (mouseXnear2 / mouseYnear1)

• which square? (mouseXselect / mouseYselect)






player is the current player : O

(mouseX, mouseY) (mouseXselect, mouseYselect)

Page 17: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


Placing Os and Xs on grid





player is the current player : O

(mouseX, mouseY)

(mouseXselect, mouseYselect)

Page 18: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


Maker-defined functions

p1 is a list of squares p2 is a ‘o’ or ‘x’

Total number of Xs on the grid (nofx)

Page 19: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


Using the with-construct

“X has a winning line”

“The line indexed by _i is a winning line for X”

“The line for which _i is 8”

“Has X or O won the game? == “Is there a winning line for X or O?”

Page 20: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


Interpreting the rules

p1 is a list of squares p2 is a ‘o’ or ‘x’

Total number of Xs on the grid

“X has a winning line”

“The _i-th line is a winning line for X”

“The line for which _i is 8”

Page 21: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


O seeks a winning move i

• Is the game over? end_of_game is owon || xwon || draw; • Does line lin have just 2 Os on it? lin_w is lin[1]+lin[2]+lin[3] == -2; • Does the line with index ix have just 2 Os on it? winlineix is lin_w with lin is alllines[ix]; • Does any line have just 2 Os on it? winlines is winlineix with ix is 1..8; • Where is there an empty square on line lin? gapinlin is 1 if lin[1]==0 else (2 if lin[2]==0 else (3 if lin[3]==0 else 0)); • Where the line with index ix has a space ... where each line has a space playonlinix is gapinlin with lin is alllines[ix]; playonlines is playonlinix with ix is 1..8;

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O makes a winning move i

Register the winning lines as sets of indices of cells on the grid, not via their contents alllinesindices is alllines with s1 is 1, s2 is 2, s3 is 3, s4 is 4, s5 is 5, s6 is 6, s7 is 7, s8 is 8, s9 is 9; • The index of the line with index _index if it is a winning line for O winindex is _index if winlines[_index] else 0; • The set of indices of line that are winning lines for O – possibly empty iswinindex is winindex with _index is 1..8; • An index of a winning line for O, if there is one wline is max(iswinindex); O is to play there is a winning line the game isn’t over when ((player==o) && wline>0 && !end_of_game ) { boardstate[ alllinesindices [wline] [playonlines[wline]] ] = o; } index of winning line index of gap on winning line

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Reflections on the MCE

• Tension between ... bricolage vs. eliminate redundancy, conform to standards, clarify through abstraction cf. functions and procedures 'objective' with's and when's 'agent-oriented' • Challenges ? Project Manager interface ? intuitive way to represent with's

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Nick Pope, Elizabeth Hudnott, Joe Butler, Tim Monks: The JS-Eden environment

Simon Gardner: The original OXO laboratory (1999)

Mike Joy: The first OXO construal prototype (1994)

References Beynon, M. and Joy, M. “Computer programming for noughts-and-crosses: New frontiers,” in Proceedings of PPIG’94, 1994, pp. 27–37.

Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings of iTAG 2015, pp. 9-16

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Thank you

Any questions?

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Page 27: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings


Page 28: Playing games with observation, dependency and …...Beynon, M. et al, “Making construals as a new digital skill: dissolving the program - and the programmer – interface,” Proceedings