pleshey parish news - 2015 - 03

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Pleshey Parish News - parish magazine from the village of Pleshey, Essex.


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March 2015

40p where sold

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Vicar: Revd. Sheila Coughtrey 237 576 or 237 251

Churchwardens: Liz Eccles-Williams 237 237

Richard Clarke 231 559

Messy Church: Lynne Zwink 231 256

Bell Tower Captains: Paul Reekie and Toby Carpenter

Do you need a prayer?

Each week we pray for local, national and worldwide events, and for

other needs. If you would like a special prayer for someone you know,

yourself or special events then do contact the Vicar or one of the


Services at Holy Trinity Church, March 2015

Sunday 1st March Second Sunday of Lent

8 am. Holy Communion (1662)

10 am. Family Communion and Baptism of Sophia Rose Polhill

Sunday 8th March Third Sunday of Lent

10 am. Sung Eucharist

Sunday 15th March Fourth Sunday of Lent

10 am. Family Communion Mothering Sunday

Sunday 22nd March Fifth Sunday of Lent

10 am. Sung Eucharist

Sunday 29th March Palm Sunday

10 am. Procession with palms, starting from the Evelyn Underhill room

at the Retreat House, once in church we read the story of the Passion

together and share Communion

The clocks go forward on 29th March !

Remember to change the clocks FORWARDS.

This time we LOSE an hour’s sleep.

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Editor and Essex Chronicle Local Correspondent:

Mary Horsnell, “Skylarks” (the bungalow behind the Church),

Bury Road, Pleshey, CM3 1HB. tel: 237 283

Sub-Editor: Daniel Kenning, 8 Woolmers Mead, tel. 237 446

e-mail: [email protected]

Treasurer and subscriptions:

Ian Jarrett, 14 Woolmers Mead, CM3 1HH. tel. 237 432

Deadline! All copy must be delivered to the Editor or Sub-Editor

no later than the 17th of the month prior to publication. Pleshey Parish News ensures that as far as possible information in the magazine is

correct. Nothing anonymous is published. We cannot accept responsibility for

material from third parties, nor do we endorse any advertised product or service.

Back issues may be obtained from the Church or from the Editor.

Brought to you by our steadfast distribution team: Debbie Grant, Mary Horsnell, Peter Horsnell, Anne Manning, Linda Murrell, Robin

North, Pat Reekie, Jean Sorrell, Ian Tubby, Lynne Zwink.

Cover: Continuing our cover theme

“Pleshey people about their work and

play”, this month we see Tim Gunn in

action in his replica 1921 Grafton Cycle-

Car, at the 2013 “Festival of Slowth” in

Wales. Apart from building and racing cycle

-cars, Tim is a vintage bicycle specialist and

runs “The Old Bicycle Showroom”. He also

designs bicycle components, writes about

old bicycles and cars, and organises vintage

bicycle rides around Essex; you may have

seen him on his penny farthing.

From the archive: An earlier Pleshey

Bicycle Shop; the small shed at Mr Woods

house next to Mount Cottage, early 1900s.



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A Thought from the Vicar

March is a month for change; days begin to get longer (thank goodness!) and the countryside begins to spring into life. As I write this letter the first signs of spring are already appearing in the garden as the aconites and snow drops have come into bloom and the daffodils are emerging into the early spring sunshine. The church calendar also moves on as we move into Lent. Just as the shops started displaying Christmas merchandise from early summer so too you can buy your hot cross buns and Easter eggs before Lent has even started!! We often want to cut out the waiting and jump straight to the main event.

R S Thomas puts it well in his poem "The Bright Field":

Life is not hurrying on to a receding future, Or hankering after an imagined past. It is the turning aside, like Moses, to the miracle of the lit bush, To a brightness that seemed as transitory as your youth once, But is the eternity that awaits you.

But the time of waiting can be such a richly productive one. For many people Lent is associated with giving something up. It is seen as an opportunity, perhaps, for kicking that unwanted habit, for finally going on that long-intended diet, or for denying oneself those unnecessary extra luxuries. All such acts of discipline may have their place, but they give a very one-sided view on this season for, if anything, it should be about taking something on; committing oneself, in the manner of Jesus, to going the extra mile. That doesn’t mean taking work on for work’s sake, rather, it is about resolving to follow Christ more faithfully, a determination to give him our wholehearted discipleship.

It might mean more disciplined devotion, perhaps more practical service, maybe more effective witness, or possibly the offering of previously unused gifts. Whatever it is, Lent encourages us to give something back to the one who gave us everything.

Consider today what Christ has done for you, then ask what you can do for him, and then use Lent as an opportunity to respond.

All good wishes, Sheila

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Jenny’s Jottings

On March 15th it is Mothering Sunday. A time for warm thought and fond memories and expressing your feelings in words that often go unspoken. For letting those special people in our lives know that we love them.

This mid lent Sunday was also called Refreshment Sunday - a day in Lent when the fasting rules were relaxed in honour of the feeding of the five thousand.

The Simnel Cake is often eaten around then. A light fruit cake layered with almond paste inside and on top with twelve eggs of almond paste placed in a circle on top representing Jesus’s twelve apostles, Lovely, I could eat some now.

At the beginning of April it will be Easter, and traditions of Easter eggs come alive once more.

J. S. Fry’s of Bristol made the first chocolate eggs in 1875 followed by Cadbury with their version two years later.

The first eggs were made from dark grainy bitter chocolate which improved gradually through the years.

Tradition is when you snap off a piece of your egg (shell) and share it with your friends and family you are continuing the old traditions celebrating another spring and the return of warm days and a new beginning. I suppose celebrating life.

Speaking about weather. Here’s a saying to think about.

When windows won’t open, and salt clogs the shaker The weather will favour the umbrella maker...

I must try my salt and windows pronto.


Free to collect

Small baby cot - from IKEA - complete minus mattress.

Call Heather on 237 377.

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With a few of our helpers away the Messy Church support team looked worryingly down in number. But along came Little Pat, Teddy and Robby, and with Courtney, now a regular helper, and young Esme who stepped up to helping duties for the first time, Pleshey Messy Church went on! It was terrific to see the youngsters and it’s always a delight to see Little Pat! And am I grateful for the skills everyone brings to Messy Church? The stunning creations this time were the marbled hearts which Gill just knew how to do. I had never heard of marbled inks and had no idea that a few drops added to water making it murky could turn a simple heart cut out from boring card into a thing of beauty! We seem to do magic at Messy Church! And while talking magic, Pam, who is always keen to learn new skills, mugged up on chemistry so that she could demonstrate erupting volcanoes amid a dirty brown playdough landscape to the absolute amazement of the children!

Developing our theme of ‘Love Rules’, Courtney and Robby helped the children paint pictures showing Jesus’ love, Ian and Esme led the making of a ‘Love your neighbour’ display with more hearts; Marian and Teddy encouraged the designing of rose tinted spectacles with lots of bling; Pat and Little Pat were on chain bracelets and finally, the children iced gingerbread heart-shaped biscuits decorating them with little chocolate hearts, all thanks to Violet.

Violet also led our celebration of the Martha and Mary story, Richard took the photos, Marian baked delicious chocolate muffins for dessert, Christine our ‘sous chef’ and chief washer-upper tackled a marathon amount of dirty dishes while Pam provided our first ever ‘live music’ at Messy Church accompanying our singing of ‘If you are listening to Jesus clap your hands’ on guitar. There’s just no end to our helpers’ talents. Our thanks and messy blessings to them all!

See you next time:

Wednesday 4th March 4-6pm in the Village Hall

Lynne Zwink 231256

Love Ruled at Messy Church!

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Women’s World Day of Prayer

Friday 6th March 2015 at 2:00pm.

Great Leighs Free Church, Main Road, CM3 1NP

The Day of Prayer service for 2015 has been written by the Christian women of The Bahamas, with the

title ‘Do you know what I have done to you’ John 13.1-17.

All are very welcome. Refreshments after the service.


One game played this month against Terling. A great result for Pleshey who won seven of the eight games and drew one.

We have not played Terling for several years and we were pleased to once again meet up with them. Some old faces and some new players in their team, I am sure they will be out for revenge when we visit their club in the summer. In all, a very successful and pleasant evening (well done Pleshey).


Pleshey Carpet Bowls Club

Some of the splendid people at Messy Church in February.

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Pleshey Parish Council

Summary of the meeting held in February.

Parish Watch initiative: Cllr Mallender provided a summary of the meeting between Parish Councils and Essex Police. Police Community Support Officers (PCSAs) will no longer go to Parish Council meetings, instead they’ll make themselves available during the day, to be advertised locally. Concern remained about crime and the Council considered a new Parish Watch initiative being trialled in Great Waltham and Pleshey. The Council endorsed the initiative, based on a web/email tool to share information on crime and suspicious activity in the community.

Given the quantity of work for the Magna Carta celebration, the Parish would not be entering the Best Kept Village competition in 2015.

Elections: The Clerk confirmed that elections for the Parish Council would take place on 7th May and that a briefing would be made at the March meeting. The timing of the election would mean that the Annual Meeting scheduled for 13 May date might need to be changed.

The Council considered options in the consultation paper on the parish governance of the Mashbury Parish area. It was agreed that the Parish Council would support the amalgamation of the Mashbury area with Chignal Parish Council, if that were the will of residents. Any alternative proposal for an amalgamation of Mashbury with Pleshey could only be supported if this was the demonstrable wish of Mashbury residents. The Clerk was asked to communicate this view to the City Council.

It was agreed that the Village Clear Up will take place on Saturday 21st March. Cllr Holland agreed to pick up the equipment from Freighter House in the week preceding.

Magna Carta Celebrations : Cllr Holland reported that a committee had been formed to plan events on the Mount and at the Village Hall. The Committee had been successful in securing a grant of £5k. Volunteers will be needed. More information to be reported at future meetings.

NB this is a summary of key points discussed. A full set of Minutes is posted on the notice board and is available from the Clerk on request.

Future meetings: 11th March, 15th April, 13th May (subject to change because of Magna Carta events), 24th June, 9th September.

Colin Robertshaw, Clerk to the Council

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From Essex County Council

County Council Budget 2015/16 - The proposed ECC budget will freeze the ECC element of Council Tax for the fifth successive year. Some of the key elements of the budget include:

Investing £131 million in the County’s highways and transportation network.

Investing £79 million to provide 3,000 additional primary school places in 2015/2016.

Investing £32 million for transport services including local bus routes and community transport.

Starting a five-year programme to develop flood defences.

Ensuring there is superfast broadband for our communities and businesses.

Supporting vulnerable people to live as independently as possible.

For more information on Council Tax visit:

If you have any questions on County Council matters please let me know on 01245 421524 or email [email protected]

John Aldridge CC

Pleshey Annual Village Clean Up

will take place on Saturday 21st March at 10 am. Volunteers should meet outside The Leather Bottle. Equipment will be


Pleshey Parish Council Grants 2015/16 - once again the

Parish Council has set aside a budget to provide small grants for clubs,

organisations or individuals who are involved in an initiative to benefit

Pleshey residents. Applications are invited before 31st March and

should be addressed to the Parish Clerk at [email protected]

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Pleshey and the Magna Carta

The final in this series of articles by Rodney Spearman paints the scene at Runnymede on the day the Magna Carta was agreed.

On a Monday morning, June 15th 1215 between Staines and Windsor, the barons and churchmen began to collect on the great meadow at Runnymede. Many barons failed to turn up and keep their tryst, and the bold few who had come knew that the king would never forgive this humiliation on him. The barons had drawn up a short document on parchment, ready for the king to put his seal on. The barons, retainers and squadrons of horsemen were kept at some distance (for was not armed rebellion against the Crown the supreme crime?).

King John and his cavalcade, being the Papal Legate, the Archbishop of Canterbury and several bishops, appeared from the direction of Windsor. They dismounted and the Archbishop briefly stated the terms suggested. The King declared at once that he agreed the said details, and they should be arranged immediately in his Chancery. The Articles of Magna Carta were sealed in a quiet, short scene, and the King returned to Windsor.

On June 19th, four days after King John had been forced to accept the terms of his barons in Magna Carta, the Chancery Clerks began to make 35 copies of a Letter Patent for distribution throughout the shires. 24 shires received the King’s Letter by 24th June and the remaining shires by 22nd July. The Letters Patent informed the sheriffs and others that an agreement had been reached between the King and his barons.

The Letters Patent

From the King to the Sheriff, Foresters, Wardens of the river banks and all his bailiffs….greetings. Know ye that a firm peace has been made by the grace of God between us and the barons and free men of our Kingdom, as you will be able to see and hear from our Charter which we have caused to be made to this end, and which we also instruct should be read publicly throughout your district and strictly adhered to; desiring and strictly exhorting that you sheriff cause all men of your district to swear (according to the conditions of the above-mentioned Charter) to the Twenty-five barons who were mentioned in the Charter in the day and place which the aforesaid barons (or those deputed by them) choose for

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this purpose.

We also instruct that twelve knights of your county (who are chosen in the first county court to be held following receipt of this letter) swear to investigate bad practices committed by both the Sheriff and by his ministers and to eliminate them. And you Sheriff, cause our peace to be proclaimed and firmly upheld throughout your district, And in token thereof we send you these Letters Patent.

Witnessed by me at Runnymede in the 17th year of our reign.

King John moved warily after Magna Carta giving the impression of peaceful and conciliatory intentions while secretly setting in motion complicated plans for the total recovery of his authority. By August a renewal of hostilities was imminent. In early 1216 there seemed every chance that King John would defeat the barons and wipe out the humiliation of Runnymede, yet by the end of summer he was dead, the Charter survived the denunciations of the Pope and the arbitrament of war. Little more was heard of the Charter until the 17th century, when a Parliamentary Opposition, struggling to check the encroachments of the Stuarts upon the Liberty of the subject, rediscovered it and made it a rallying cry against oppression. Thus was created the glorious legend of the “Charter of an Englishman’s Liberties”.


Magna Carta Wall Hanging

In his recent fascinating articles, Rodney Spearman has outlined most elegantly the links between the sealing of the Magna Carta and Pleshey.

One of the proposed celebrations being discussed at the moment is the creation of a Magna Carta wall-hanging to be displayed in the church. It will depict Pleshey’s illustrious part in the mediaeval history of England, in a variety of fabrics, threads and techniques. Initially it will be made in a shared workshop environment, with plenty of support!

We hope to start in March and this will be an ongoing project until completion, later in the year.

Further details for those interested from Joan Clarke [email protected]

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Magna Carta Celebrations Update

Everyone is invited to the launch of Pleshey’s Magna Carta Celebrations

Friday 20th March 7.30 to 9.30pm

in the Village Hall with free beer and wine!

Come along and discover how Pleshey plans to celebrate Magna Carta and the part played in this significant moment in history by our very own rebel baron, Geoffrey de Mandeville.

Pleshey was the chief manor of Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex and one of the East of England barons chosen at Runnymede to secure the charter from King John in 1215.

Telling Geoffrey’s story is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our small village and we hope to do him proud! The events planned are involving all the community groups in Pleshey, including the parish council, village hall committee, and the church.

The launch will include the presentation to Pleshey of an exact copy of Magna Carta, one of only twenty five being commissioned for each of the towns and villages representing the rebel barons and a short talk by the curator of Chelmsford Museum, who will bring alive the events leading up to the signing of Magna Carta and life in Pleshey 800 years ago.

There will also be the chance to win tickets to the biggest event of the year - a Medieval Weekend with battle re-enactments and living history displays on the motte and bailey of Pleshey Castle in May.

All in all an evening not to be missed!

So, come and hear it for Geoffrey on Friday 20th March!

Please let us know if you plan to come.

Kate Holland – 237549 [email protected] Joan Clarke – 231559 [email protected] Liz Eccles-Williams – 237237 [email protected]

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Litter in the village

In the past few weeks and months there has been an increase in the litter adorning the hedgerows on the road between the telephone exchange and Dropshots.

Today I had had enough…. I pulled 6 Strongbow, 2 Schweppes, 2 Coke, 6 plastic bottles, 1 Red Bull, 1 wine bottle, and 2 milk drinks from the branches along the road side. Who has been doing this and why? Who thinks that exposing this litter is amusing or decorative? Why do they not just take it home? It is disappointing and discouraging to see the lazy and thoughtless mystery scoundrels celebrated in this way. Own it, Deal with it.

In despair, Anne Oates

Editor’s note: Thanks to Anne for her public spirit in clearing it up. Nearly all this stuff can be easily RECYCLED . Please would dog-walkers take home their “dog bags”. It may be that these offenders are not local.

March Birthdays

11th Mary Horsnell

12th Mick Butler

20th Jack Letchfield

24th Philippa Woods

29th Millie Robinson

Birthday time for the following people...

Events at the Leather Bottle

Mothering Sunday Sunday 15th March

Three course meal at 12:00 noon, 3:00 pm or 6:00 pm

Spring Beer festival 28th - 29th March

Including Family Fun-Day on Sunday

Please phone 237 291 or call in to talk to Sharon for more details about events.

We look forward to seeing you.

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Farming around Pleshey

January rainfall: 75.5mm ( average for January)

There have been a few dry days this month when the soil has been in the condition to be cultivated and even some drilling has been done on lighter sandy soils but not around Pleshey where we are predominately heavy clay soil. We have had 3 or so inches of snow which was not enough to cover the oilseed rape crops and therefore prevent the pigeons from eating the leaves. Snow cover on wheat crops gives an insulating layer which can prevent some of the crop getting severely frosted. Looking around the wheat fields at the moment you will notice some of them looking rather singed and brown. This is because of frost and freezing winds but can also be caused by poor drainage when the crop sits with its roots in water. Either way it usually recovers but may have its eventual yield reduced. We are fast approaching March, the first of the spring months when we would hope for warmer and possibly drier conditions and the natural beginnings of new growth.

Along with everyone else, the farming community has been watching the falling price of oil and the consequent lower costs of diesel to run the machinery. This will be most welcome as power costs have been soaring ever higher for many years. The buying group through whom we purchase our seeds, fertilizers, , sprays and fuel has bought several million litres of fuel to be supplied through this farming year and it has also looked into the current low price with the option to purchase more should the price continue to fall.

On the wild side, despite our recent cold snaps, as soon as the sun comes out and temperatures pick up, nature does not hesitate to take immediate full advantage. Lots of the hedgerows are budding up and in the more sheltered spots the snowdrops are racing away and several primroses are already in bloom. Midges start flying in the warm sunshine and my bees are not hesitating to make the most of a foraging and watering opportunity. This is the time when their winter stores can start to run out and the whole colony can starve so we have to check them on warm days and give them some fondant in the hive if they need feeding.

Here is looking forward to an early arrival of spring which must be my favourite season of the year.

Clive Matthews

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Follow up on recent crime incidents

Updates from Police Community Support Officer, PCSO Gina Bennett, and from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex.

Street Meeting: Every 3rd Friday in the month, 1-2pm, there’s a meeting outside the Village Hall, to discuss any issues; usually it will be PCSO Bennett on duty. Look for the patrol car.

Non-emergency number (101) use it to report anything suspicious. The call centre staff are very friendly, so please do call.

Essex Community Messaging - ECM – - a new system to let people share information about criminal incidents.

Local Community Meetings take place at least five times a year chaired by a supervisory officer (sergeant or above).

Local officers will also attend other meetings in the community when invited and subject operational demands.

Neighbourhood Watch person in Pleshey - status being checked.

Gina also gave some tips on removing temptations to criminals:

Cars: avoid leaving bags on seats, or windows open (both have been spotted in Pleshey).

Outdoors: closing the garden gate can deter opportunists.

Indoors: store jewellery and other valuables in a 'graded safe', NOT in an obvious box that can be grabbed easily.

Parish Watch – a new idea that some neighbours in Great Waltham are initiating.

I’ll share more when I know more.


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From the Archive: 1974

This extract is from the newsletter of February 1974, on sale at 2p!

Pleshey Youth Club

The Pleshey Youth Club has a weekly average attendance of 12, and we would be glad to welcome new members over the age of 9. At the moment there are more boys than girls.

In 1973 we were given a grant from Essex County Council Youth Organisation, which helped us in various ways.

Mr Tony Hellier organised a very successful outing in London last August, when members visited Madame Tussaud’s, the Planetarium and Zoo.

By kind invitation of the parents of one member a firework party and barbeque was held in their garden on Guy Fawkes Night.

The boys are very keen to form a five-a-side football team, but there are certain difficulties including the availability of a suitable pitch.

The club was able to give a small Christmas gift to the older members of our village. We started the New Year with a party which was a very enjoyable evening.

C.A. Jones, Secretary.

These archive pieces give an idea of some things that may have fallen out of habit over time!

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Classes are every Monday from 09:45 - 10:30 in the Village Hall.

All are welcome, I provide mats and equipment, classes cost £6.

Please contact me for further information:

Natalie 07919141320 -

[email protected]

Pleshey Circle

Reports were read and various apologies for absence, at the February meeting.

It was sad to hear that Una Goad was in hospital, she having been a faithful supporter of the Circle in former years, but now, in her nineties, unable to attend.

There was a surprise when, after the usual birthday cards were handed out, it was announced that Mary and Peter Horsnell were about t o celebrate their Diamond Wedding, 60 years wed, while Ann and Fred Manning would soon be celebrating their Golden Day, having clocked up 50 years together.

Jane Smith, from the chair, then presented Mary with a bouquet and suitable card on behalf of all members for which Mary, having recovered from the surprise, gave a few words of thanks.

It was then time for Richard Ridley, Chairman of the Essex Beekeepers Association, to give an interesting illustrated talk, promoting honey and answering many questions about beekeeping. Unfortunately the writer was called away and is unable to give more detail, but returned in time for the raffle. This resulted in 1st prize to Alison Jeffs, 2nd to Jane Smith and 3rd to Rosemary Sweeting.

Then Ann wheeled in the tea trolley and another pleasant afternoon drew to a close.

The pub lunch on 2nd March will be at The Horse and Groom, Roxwell Road.

See you there!

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Hundred Parishes Society

June 2015 marks the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. Under clause 61 of the document a committee of 25 barons was appointed to ensure the king complied with the agreed terms. Three of those barons had their manors in the Hundred Parishes; Robert Fitzwalter of Little Dunmow, Geoffrey de Mandeville of Pleshey and Robert de Montfichet of Stansted Mountfitchet. Each of these parishes will be marking the anniversary with a range of activities, mostly in May and June. As details are confirmed they will be included in the What’s On page of our website

From January to March, snowdrops can be seen in many of our churchyards. Great Amwell churchyard always has a spectacular display, as does Birchanger Wood. Both are on walk routes that can be downloaded from our website. Great Amwell is on route number 19 that covers 4 miles from St Margarets Station to Ware station, whilst Birchanger Wood is on walk number 9 – a 6 mile route from Bishop’s Stortford station to Stansted Mountfitchet station. Another popular snowdrop venue is the Gardens of Easton Lodge (in Little Easton, just north of Dunmow) which has an open day on Sunday, March 1st.

Ken McDonald, Secretary

Come and try the new SNUG CAFÉ, under new management c/o The Post Office, High Easter All locally-sourced food: home cooked breakfasts, lunches and afternoon teas Open 7 days a week. 9-4pm Mon-Fri, 10-4 Sat-Sun Jo Le Huquet, new proprietor

Congratulations to Ann and Fred on your Golden Wedding Anniversary—March 6th

Hope you have many more

Love from Heather and Family xxx

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Golden Wedding Congratulations to Ann and Fred Manning who were married at the old Chelmsford Registry Office in Market Road, which is also no longer in the same building, on

6th March 1965

It was a cold day, and snow fell, but there was plenty of warmth in the old Village Hall for the reception, followed by an evening party at which most of the village joined them.

Those were the days!

Diamond Wedding Congratulations to Mary and Peter Horsnell who were married at St Peter’s Church, which has since been demolished, in Primrose Hill Chelmsford, by the Revd T. G. Cousins, a former vicar of Pleshey, on

19th February 1955.

They spent the first 3 days of their cycling honeymoon riding the tracks of the New Forest as the heavy snow had made the roads impassable.

...and they managed to build an igloo on their honeymoon instead of a snowman!

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Pleshey Celebrates Magna Carta 800

Medieval Weekend

Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th May - Pleshey Castle

Re-enactments and living history displays. Demonstrations of battle training and combat, falconry,

courtly crafts, leather work, coin making, fashion and metal work.

Side shows, animals, minstrels, musicians, have a go archery and many other entertainments.

Keep the date!

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Lashes By Liz - Semi-permanent Lash Extensions Contact me to book an appointment. 07760414807 E-mail: [email protected]

07738 987 579

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Flowers 4 U To Give To Take To Keep

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01245 231277 07818 437752 Acreland Green, Pleshey, Essex, CM3 1HP

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Local Information

Vicar: The Rev. Sheila Coughtrey, Tel: 01245 237 576 Parish Council: Clerk: Mr. C. Robertshaw, Tel: 01245 362 182 email: [email protected]

Village Hall: Phone Annette for bookings: Tel: 01245 237 530

Tennis Courts: Phone Katherine for bookings: Tel: 01245 231 515

Lt. Waltham Surgery: Tel: 01245 360 253 Broomfield Hospital: Tel: 01245 362 000

NHS non-emergency and out of hours help: Tel: 111

Community Agent (Rural Community Council for Essex): Sally Austin, 07540 720602 , Freephone: 0800 9775858, [email protected]. Police: non-emergency number: Tel: 101 Neighbourhood Policing Team: Tel: 07817 454 525

Essex Watch Liaison Officer : Tel: 07970 599923

Printed by Copybest (Essex) Ltd, Tel 01371 856721

Thur 5th Mar Black bin, food waste, green box, card sack

Thur 12th Mar Black + brown bins, food waste, paper + plastics sacks

Thur 19th Mar Black bin, food waste, green box, card sack

Thur 26th Mar Black + brown bins, food waste, paper + plastics sacks

Weekdays 07:51 09:00 13:00 16:20 Saturdays 09:40 14:00

Weekdays 12:17 15:42 17:12 Saturdays 13:22 17:04

Recycling Collections: Please put materials out for collection by 7:00 am. If you can’t remember

what goes where, look at:

Departs Chelmsford Bus Station (bay 9):

Bus Times: Service 52, by Regal Busways, Tel: 01245 249001

(checked online 16-12-2014): Departs Pleshey, Woolmers Mead:

Mobile Library: 11:15 - 11:30: Thursday 5th, 19th March

at the bus stop by Woolmers Mead.