pl/sql interview q

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  • 8/19/2019 pl/sql interview q


    I am Brahma Reddy i am postgraduate and having 4 years of experience in oracle

    technology in the areas of Unix, Pl/sql and Sql !urrently I am associated "ith xxx as

    soft"are developer ,previously i "or#ed in yyy as a soft"are developer $y expert li#e

    as creating procedure, function, pac#age and handling the exception, during the years i"or#ed di%erent domains, currently I am associated "ith xxx

    What is diference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?

    & 'runcate is a (() command

    * +e can remove ul# amount of records at a time

    - +e can.t rollac# the records

    4 Release the space in dataase

    'runcate reset the high "ater mar#

    0 'runcate explicitly commit

      & (elete is a ($) command

      * +e can delete record y record

      - +e can rollac# the records

      4 !an1t release the memory in dataase

      (elete can1t reset the "ater mar#

      0 (elete implicitly commit


    5ns6 (i%erences6

     'RU7!5'8 commits after deleting entire tale ie, cannot e rolled ac#

    (ataase triggers do not 9re on 'RU7!5'8 (8)8'8 allo"s the 9ltered deletion

    (eleted records can e rolled ac# or committed(ataase triggers 9re on (8)8'8

    3. Diference between view and materialied view


    :ie" is a logical tale

    :ie" can hold the query

    +e can1t create indexes on vie"

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  • 8/19/2019 pl/sql interview q


    /iews' 5 vie" is a virtual tale 8very vie" has a query attached to it 2'he query is a

    S8)8!' statement that identi9es the columns and ro"s of the tale2s the vie" uses

    0na"sh#t' 5 Snapshot is a recent copy of a tale from dataase or in some cases ,a

    suset of ro"s/columns of a tale It is also #no"n as $ateriali>ed vie"D# a view c#ntain data?

    5ns6 :ie"s do not contain or store data

    +hat are the advantages of vie"s?

    5ns6 Provide an additional level of tale security, y restricting access to a

    predetermined set of ro"s and columns of a tale

    @ Aide data complexity

    @ Simplify commands for the user

    @ Present the data in a di%erent perspective from that of the ase tale

    @ Store complex queries

    What is an 1racle se2$ence?

    5ns6 5 Sequence generates a serial list of unique numers for numerical columns of a

    dataase.s tales

    What is a s,n#n,m?

    5ns6 5 synonym is an alias for a tale, vie", sequence or program unit

    What are the t,"es #% s,n#n,ms?

    5ns6 'here are t"o types of synonyms private and pulic

    What is a "rivate s,n#n,m?

    5ns6 3nly its o"ner can access a private synonym

    What is a "$blic s,n#n,m?

    5ns6 5ny dataase user can access a pulic synonym

    What is an 1racle inde+?

    5ns6 5n index is an optional structure associated "ith a tale to have direct access to

    ro"s, "hich can e created to increase the performance of data retrieval Index can e

    created on one or more columns of a tale Index may also e considered as a ordered

    list of content of a column

    What is a schema?

    5ns6 'he set of o=ects o"ned y user account is called the schema

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    8xplicit !ursor6 5 cursor "hich is opened for processing data through a P)/SG) loc# is

    #no" as 8xplicit !ursor

    Attrib$tes 1% a 4m"licit C$rs#r'

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    What is a tables"ace?

    5ns6 5 dataase is divided into )ogical Storage Unit called talespaces 5 talespace is

    used to grouped related logical structures together

    4s se2$ence c,clic?5ns6 Kes

    0elect nth hi9hest val$e %r#m a list #% val$es ?

    5ns6 S8)8!' aempFname,asal ;R3$ emp a +A8R8 Ln @ &M 2S8)8!' !3U7'2(IS'I7!'

    sal ;R3$ emp +A8R8 sal N asal

    What are tri99ers and its t,"es?

    5ns6 5 trigger is a piece of code attached to a tale that is executed after speci9ed ($)

    statements executed on that tale 'here are &* types of triggers in P)/SG) that consist

    of cominations of the B8;3R8, 5;'8R, R3+, S'5'8$87', '5B)8, I7S8R', UP(5'8,

    (8)8'8 and 5)) #ey "ords6 ;or eg6 B8;3R8 5)) R3+ I7S8R' 5;'8R 5)) R3+ I7S8R'

    B8;3R8 I7S8R' 5;'8R I7S8R'

    What is the ma+im$m n$mber #% tri99ers can a""l, t# a sin9le table?

    5ns6 &* triggers23racle

    Diference between r#wid and r#wn$m?

    5ns6 R3+I( is pseudo column in every tale 'he physical address of the ro"s is use to

    for the R3+I(I7 A8D5(8!I$5) representation, R3+I( is sho"n as &O character string

    of the follo"ing format BBBBBBBBBRRRR;;;; 2loc#, ro", 9le ;;;; is the 9leid of the

    data9le that contains the ro" BBBBBBBBB is the address of the dataloc# "ithin the

    data9le that contains the ro" RRRR is the R3+ 7U$B8R "ith the data loc# that

    contains the ro" 'hey are unique identi9ers for the any ro" in a tale 'hey are

    internally used in the construction of indexes

    Ro"num is the sequential numer of ro"s in the result set o=ect

    What is the %astest 2$er, meth#d %#r a table?

    5ns6 By ro"id

    What is the diference #% a LE(T :14N and an 4NNER :14N statement?

    5ns6 5 )8;' 3I7 "ill ta#e 5)) values from the 9rst declared tale and matching values

    from the second declared tale ased on the column the =oin has een declared on 5n

    I778R 3I7 "ill ta#e only matching values from oth tales

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    5#w can 4 av#id a divide b, er# err#r?

    5ns6 Use the (8!3(8 function 'his function is asolutely rilliant and functions li#e a

    !5S8 statement, and can e used to return di%erent columns ased on the values of 

    others4s view $"datable?

    5ns6 3nly if the vie" is a simple hori>ontal slice through a single tale

    What is D$al ?

    5ns6 'he (U5) tale is a tale "ith a single ro" and a single column used "here a tale

    is syntactically required

    What is the diference between C5AR and /ARC5AR ?

    5ns6 !A5R is 9xed length character type at storage level, and that :5R!A5R "ill e

    variale length

    D# we $se c#mmit in tri99ers.

    5ns6 7o

    5#w will the %etch the last inserted rec#rd in an, table ?

    5ns6 select column &, column * ;rom "here ro"id M 2select max2ro"id from tale

    What are c#nstraints and its t,"es?

    Integrity !onstraint 6 5n integrity constraint is a declarative "ay to de9ne a usiness

    rule for a column of a tale 5n integrity constraint is a statement aout a tale.s data

    that is al"ays true

     'ypes of integrity constraints 6 'he follo"ing integrity constraints are supported y


    & 73' 7U)) 6 disallo"s nulls 2empty entries in a tale.s column

    * U7IGU8 6 disallo"s duplicate values in a column or set of columns

    - PRI$5RK Q8K 6 disallo"s duplicate values and nulls in a column or set of columns

    4 ;3R8IE7 Q8K 6 requires each value in a column or set of columns match a value in a

    related tale.s U7IGU8 or PRI$5RK Q8K

    !A8!Q 6 disallo"s values that do not satisfy the logical expression of the constraint

    What is Re%erential 4nte9rit, and Re%erential inte9rit, c#nstraint ?

    5ns6 Referential Integrity 6 Referential integrity de9nes the relationships among di%erent

    columns and tales in a relational dataase It1s called referential integrity ecause the

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    values in one column or set of columns refer to or must match the values in a related

    column or set of columns

    5 referential integrity constraint requires that for each ro" of a tale, the value in the

    foreign #ey matches a value in a parent #eyWhat is 9r#$"s b, and havin9 cla$se? E+"lain with e+am"le

    5ns6 Eroup y clause tells oracle to group ro"s ased on distinct values that exists for

    speci9ed columns 'he group y clause creates a data set , containing several sets of 

    records grouped together ased on condition

    Aaving !lause6 Aaving clause can e used "ith ER3UP BK clause Aaving imposes a

    condition on the group y clause "hich further 9lters the group created y the ER3UP

    BK clause Select ename,empno ;rom 8mpl Eroup y empno having empno N &C

    What are L1C;0? What are t,"es #% diferent t,"es #% L#c

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    & 8xclusive (() )oc#s

    * Share (() )oc#s

    - Brea#ale Parse )oc#s Restrictiveness of )oc#s 6 In general, t"o levels of loc#ing can

    e used in a multi@user dataase6 8xclusive )oc#s 6 5n exclusive loc# prohiits thesharing of the associated resource 'he 9rst transaction to exclusively loc# a resource is

    the only transaction that can alter the resource until the exclusive loc# is released

    Share )oc#s 6 5 share loc# allo"s the associated resource to e shared, depending on

    the operations involved 2eg, several users can read the same data at the same time

    Several transactions can acquire share loc#s on the same resource Share loc#s allo" a

    higher degree of data concurrency than exclusive loc#s

    Diference between $ni2$e

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    & !reate a cursor

    * Parse the statement

    - (escrie Results

    4 (e9ning outputs Bind any variales

    0 8xecute the statement

    ;etch ro"s of a query result

    What d# ,#$ mean b, arsin9?

    5ns6 Parsing 6 Parsing is the process of6 & 'ranslating a SG) statement, verifying it to e

    a valid statement * Performing data dictionary loo#ups to chec# tale and column

    de9nitions - 5cquiring parse loc#s on required o=ects so that their de9nitions do not

    change during the statement.s parsing 4 !hec#ing privileges to access referenced

    schema o=ects (etermining the execution plan to e used "hen executing the

    statement 0 )oading it into a shared SG) area ;or distriuted statements, routing all

    or part of the statement to remote nodes that contain referenced data

    What is a 54NT and what are t,"es 54NT?

    5ns6 Aints are suggestions that you give the optimi>er for optimi>ing a SG) statement

    Aints allo" you to ma#e decisions usually made y the optimi>er

     'KP8S 3; AI7'S 6

     5))FR3+S 6 'he 5))FR3+S hint explicitly chooses the cost@ased approach to optimi>e

    a statement loc# "ith a goal of est throughput

    ;IRS'FR3+S 6 'he ;IRS'FR3+S hint explicitly chooses the cost@ased approach to

    optimi>e a statement loc# "ith a goal of est response time

     ;U)) 6 'he ;U)) hint explicitly chooses a full tale scan for the speci9ed tale

    R3+I( 6 'he R3+I( hint explicitly chooses a tale scan y R3+I( for the speci9ed


    !)US'8R 6 'he !)US'8R hint explicitly chooses a cluster scan to access the speci9ed


     A5SA 6 'he A5SA hint explicitly chooses a hash scan to access the speci9ed tale

    I7(8D 6 'he I7(8D hint explicitly chooses an index scan for the speci9ed tale

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    57(F8GU5)6 'he 57(F8GU5) hint explicitly chooses an execution plan that uses an

    access path that merges the scans on several single@column indexes 2Kou can specify

    multiple indexes through this hint I7(8DF5S!6 'he I7(8DF5S! hint explicitly chooses

    an index scan for the speci9ed tale If the statement uses an index range scan,3R5!)8 scans the index entries in ascending order of their indexed values

    I7(8DF(8S!6 'he I7(8DF(8S! hint explicitly chooses an index scan for the speci9ed

    tale If the statement uses an index range scan, 3R5!)8 scans the index entries in

    descending order of their indexed values

     3R(8R8( 6 'he 3R(8R8( hint causes 3R5!)8 to =oin tales in the order in "hich they

    appear in the ;R3$ clause

    US8F7) 6 'he US8F7) hint causes 3R5!)8 to =oin each speci9ed tale to another ro"

    source "ith a nested loops =oin using the speci9ed tale as the inner tale

    US8F$8RE8 6 'he US8F$8RE8 hint causes 3R5!)8 to =oin each speci9ed tale "ith

    another ro" source "ith a sort@merge =oin

    What d# $ mean b, E>CET41N4N4T ra9ma ?

    5ns6 8D!8P'I37FI7I' Pragma 6 'o handle unnamed internal exceptions, you must use

    the 3'A8RS handler or the pragma 8D!8P'I37FI7I' 5 VpragmaV is a compiler directive,

    "hich can e thought of as a parenthetical remar# to the compiler Pragmas 2also called

    VpseudoinstructionsV are processed at compile time, not at run time 'hey do not a%ect

    the meaning of a program they simply convey information to the compiler 'he

    prede9ned pragma 8D!8P'I37FI7I' tells the P)/SG) compiler to associate an exception

    name "ith an 3racle error numer 'hat allo"s you to refer to any internal exception y

    name and to "rite a speci9c handler for it Kou code the pragma 8D!8P'I37FI7I' in the

    declarative part of a P)/SG) loc#, suprogram, or pac#age

    using the syntax PR5E$5 8D!8P'I37FI7I'2exceptionFname, 3racleFerrorFnumer

    "here VexceptionFnameV is the name of a previously declared exception ;or internal

    exceptions, SG)!3(8 returns the numer of the associated 3racle error 'he numer

    that SG)!3(8 returns is negative unless the 3racle error is Vno data found,V in "hich

    case SG)!3(8 returns W&CC SG)8RR$ returns the message associated "ith the 3racle

    error that occurred 'he message egins "ith the 3racle error code ;or user@de9ned

    exceptions, SG)!3(8 returns W& and SG)8RR$ returns the message XUser@(e9ned

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    8xceptionY unless you used the pragma 8D!8P'I37FI7I' to associate the exception

    name "ith an 3racle error numer, in "hich case SG)!3(8 returns that error numer

    and SG)8RR$ returns the corresponding error message 'he maximum length of an

    3racle error message is &* characters including the error code, nested messages, andmessage inserts such as tale and column names

    +hat do u mean y SP query?

    5ns6 SP Guery 6 'he SP Guery is a standard query for numer to "ords conversion,

    used especially for converting amount in numer into equivalent amount in "ords 'he

    query is as follo"s 6 Select toFchar 2 toFdate 2 ZLno1, Z1 , ZSP1 "ords from dual ;or eg 6

    Select toFchar 2 toFdate 2 .*-[4[.,.=. , .SP. V"ordsV from dual 'he value that can pass

    to Lno cannot exceed digits

    Describe 1racle database@s "h,sical and l#9ical str$ct$re ?

    5ns6 Physical6 (ata 9les, Redo )og 9les, !ontrol 9le )ogical 6 'ales, :ie"s, 'alespaces,


    What is Chec< C#nstraintsB and with chec< #"ti#nsB and De%a$lt


    5ns6 !A8!Q Integrity !onstraints6 5 !A8!Q integrity constraint on a column or a set of 

    columns requires that a speci9ed condition e true or un#no"n 2ie 7ot false for every

    ro" of the tale If a ($) statement is issued so that the condition of the !A8!Q 

    constraint evaluates to false, the statement is rolled ac# +ith chec# 3ption6 +ith

    !hec# option restricts inserts and updates performed through the vie" to prevent them

    from creating ro"s that the vie" cannot itself select ased on "here clause of the

    create vie" statement ;or eg6 !reate or replace vie" +omen 5s select name from

    8mployee +here SexM Z;emale1 +ith !hec# 3ption (efault Speci9cation It supplies a

    default value if column value is not speci9ed on I7S8R' It can contain literals

    2constants and SG) functions, US8R, SKS(5'8, sequence It cannot include references

    to any columns

    What is the ma+im$m n#. 1% c#l$mns a table can have ?

    5ns6 *423racle

    Can a tri99er written %#r a view ?

    5ns6 7o

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    !onsider a sequence "hose currval is & and gets incremented y & y using the nextval

    reference "e get the next numer * Suppose at this point "e issue an rollac# and

    again issue a nextval +hat "ill the output e ?

    5ns6 -Can ,#$ create inde+ #n view ?

    5ns6 7o

    What is the diference between alias and s,n#n,m ?

    5ns6 5lias is temporary and used "ith one query Synonym is permanent and not used

    as alias

    +hat1s the length of SG) integer ?

    5ns6 -* it length

    What is t

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    tales are o"ned y SKS and their names all egin "ith :F\ :ie"s are created on these

    tales, and then synonyms are created for the vie"s 'he synonym names egin "ith


    What is 0ave"#int ?5ns6 Savepoints are intermediate mar#ers that can e declared in long transactions that

    contain many SG) statements By using savepoints, you can aritrarily mar# your "or#

    at any point "ithin a long transaction 'his allo"s you the option of later rolling ac# all

    "or# performed from the current point in the transaction to a declared savepoint "ithin

    the transaction

    +hat is (eadloc#s?

    5ns6 5 deadloc# is a situation that can occur in multi@user systems that causes some

    numer of transactions to e unale to continue "or# 5 deadloc# can occur "hen t"o

    or more users are "aiting for data loc#ed y each other It typically happens "hen each

    of t"o or more users are "aiting to access a resource that another user has already

    loc#ed 'his creates a deadloc# situation ecause each user is "aiting for resources held

    y the other user 8g 'ransaction & 'ime Point 'ransaction * UP(5'8 emp & UP(5'8

    emp S8' sal M sal&& S8' sal M &-4* +A8R8 empno M &CCC +A8R8 empno M *CCC

    UP(5'8 emp * UP(5'8 emp S8' sal M sal&& S8' sal M &-4* +A8R8 empno M *CCC

    +A8R8 empno M &CCC 3R5@CCC0C - deadloc# detected "hile "aiting for resource

    What is rivile9e ?

    5ns6 5 privilege is a right to execute a particular type of SG) statement or to access

    another user.s o=ect 'ypes of privileges 6 system privileges o=ect privileges

    System Privileges 6 System privileges allo" users to perform a particular system"ide

    action, or to perform a particular action on a particular type of o=ect 8g !reate

     'alespace, (elete the ro" of any tale, etc 3=ect Privileges 6 3=ect privileges allo"

    users to perform a particular action on a speci9c o=ect 8g (elete ro" of speci9c

    tale, etc Roles 6 Roles are named groups of related privileges that are granted to users

    or other roles 5dvantages of Roles 6 & Reduced granting of privileges * (ynamic

    privilege management 2!hanging of privileges - Selective availaility of privileges

    28nalling/(isaling roles 4 5pplication a"areness 28nalling/(isaling of roles y


  • 8/19/2019 pl/sql interview q


    What is Tw# hase C#mmit ?

    5ns6 '"o Phase !ommit is a mechanism "herein 3R5!)8 automatically controls and

    monitors the commit or rollac# of a distriuted transaction and maintains the integrity

    of the gloal dataase 'he Phases of the '"o@Phase !ommit $echanism 6 Prepare phase 6 'he gloal co@ordinator 2initiating node as#s participants to prepare

    2to promise to commit or rollac# the transaction, even if there is a failure

    !ommit phase 6 If all participants respond to the co@ordinator that they are prepared,

    the co@ordinator as#s all nodes to commit the transaction if all participants cannot

    prepare, the co@ordinator as#s all nodes to roll ac# the transaction

    E+"lain ab#$t sna"sh#ts in detail?

    5ns6 Snapshots are read@only copies of a master tale 2or multiple tales located on a

    remote node 5 snapshot can e queried, ut not updated only the master tale can e

    updated 5 snapshot is periodically refreshed to reect changes made to the master

    tale 5 snapshot is a full copy of a tale or a suset of a tale that reects a recent

    state of the master tale 5 snapshot is de9ned y a distriuted query that references

    one or more master tales, vie", or other snapshots Simple vs !omplex Snapshots 6

    8ach ro" in a simple snapshot is ased on a single ro" in a single remote tale

     'herefore, a simple snapshot.s de9ning query has no ER3UP BK or !3778!' BK

    clauses, or suqueries, =oins, or set operations If a snapshot.s de9ning query contains

    any of these clauses or operations, it is referred to as a complex snapshot Internals of 

    Snapshot !reation6 +hen a snapshot is created, several operations are performed

    internally y 3R5!)86 3R5!)8 2at the snapshot node creates a tale to store the ro"s

    retrieved y the snapshot.s de9ning query this is the snapshot.s ase tale 3R5!)8

    creates a read@only vie" on the S75P\ tale 2ase tale for queries issued against the

    snapshot 3R5!)8 creates a second local vie" on the remote master tale It uses this

    vie" "hen it refreshes the snapshot 5dditionally, if the snapshot is a simple snapshot,

    3R5!)8 creates an index on the S75P\ tale 5ll of these internal o=ects are created in

    the schema of the snapshot (o not alter, change data in, or delete these o=ects


    What is Re% C$rs#r?

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    5ns6 5 R8; !URS3R is asically a data type 5 variale created ased on such a data

    type is generally called a cursor variale 5 cursor variale can e associated "ith

    di%erent queries at run@time 'he primary advantage of using cursor variales is their

    capaility to pass result sets et"een su programs 2li#e stored procedures, functions,pac#ages etc

    What is r#w chainin9 h#w d#es it ha""en?

    5ns6 Ro" chaining occurs "hen a :5R!A5R* value is updated and the length of the ne"

    value is longer than the old value and "on1t 9t in the remaining loc# space 'his results

    in the ro" chaining to another loc# It can e reduced y setting the storage

    parameters on the tale to appropriate values It can e corrected y export and import

    of the e%ected tale

    Describe hit rati# as it "ertains t# the database b$fers. What is the diference

    between instantane#$s and c$m$lative hit rati# and which sh#$ld be $sed %#r


    5ns6 'he hit ratio is a measure of ho" many times the dataase "as ale to read a

    value from the u%ers verses ho" many times it had to re@read a data value from the

    dis#s 5 value greater than OC@[C< is good, less could indicate prolems If you simply

    ta#e the ratio of existing parameters this "ill e a cumulative value since the dataase

    started If you do a comparison et"een pairs of readings ased on some aritrary time

    span, this is the instantaneous ratio for that time span 5n instantaneous reading gives

    more valuale data since it "ill tell you "hat your instance is doing for the time it "as

    generated over

    What is a Cartesian "r#d$ct?

    5ns6 5 !artesian product is the result of an unrestricted =oin of t"o or more tales 'he

    result set of a three tale !artesian product "ill have x y > numer of ro"s "here x,

    y, > correspond to the numer of ro"s in each tale involved in the =oin

    What is a m$tatin9 table err#r and h#w can ,#$ 9et ar#$nd it?

    5ns6 'his happens "ith triggers It occurs ecause the trigger is trying to update a ro" it

    is currently using 'he usual 9x involves either use of vie"s or temporary tales so the

    dataase is selecting from one "hile updating the other

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    What are 08LC1DE and 08LERR and wh, are the, im"#rtant %#r L=08L


    5ns6 SG)!3(8 returns the value of the error numer for the last error encountered 'he

    SG)8RR$ returns the actual error message for the last error encountered 'hey can eused in exception handling to report, or, store in an error log tale, the error that

    occurred in the code 'hese are especially useful for the +A87 3'A8RS exception

    What are Transacti#nal Tri99ers ? ive the $ses #% Transati#nal Tri99er ?

    5ns6 'ransactional 'riggers 9re in response to transaction processing events 'hese

    events represent points during application processing at "hich 3racle ;orms needs to

    interact "ith the data source 8xamples of such events include updating records, rolling

    ac# to savepoints, and committing transactions By default, 3racle ;orms assumes that

    the data source is an 3R5!)8 dataase, and issues the appropriate SG) statements to

    optimi>e transaction processing accordingly Ao"ever, y de9ning

    transactional triggers and user exits, you can uild a form to interact "ith virtually any

    data source, including even non@relational dataases and at 9les !alling User 8xits

    +hen you de9ne transactional triggers to interact "ith a non@3R5!)8 data source, you

    "ill usually include a call to a user exit in the appropriate triggers 'he code in your user

    exit interacts "ith the non@3R5!)8 data source 3nce the user exit has performed the

    appropriate function 2as indicated y the trigger from "hich it "as called, it returns

    control to 3racle ;orms for susequent processing ;or example, a user exit called from

    an 3n@;etch trigger might e responsile for retrieving the appropriate numer of 

    records from the non@3R5!)8 data source 3nce the records are retrieved, 3racle ;orms

    ta#es over the display and management of those records in the form interface, =ust as it

    "ould if the records had een fetched from an 3R5!)8 dataase Uses for 'ransactional

     'riggers 'ransactional triggers, except for the commit triggers, are primarily intended

    to access certain data sources other than 3racle 'he logon and logo% transactional

    triggers can also e used "ith 3racle dataases to change connections at run time

    What is A$t#n#m#$s transacti#n ? Where d# we $se it?

    5ns6 In 3racle.s dataase products, an autonomous transaction is an independent

    transaction that is initiated y another transaction It must contain at least one

    Structured Guery )anguage 2SG) statement 5utonomous transactions allo" a single

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    transaction to e sudivided into multiple commit/rollac# transactions, each of "hich

    "ill e trac#ed for auditing purposes +hen an autonomous transaction is called, the

    original transaction 2calling transaction is temporarily suspended 'he autonomous

    transaction must commit or roll ac# efore it returns control to the calling transaction3nce changes have een made y an autonomous transaction, those changes are

    visile to other transactions in the dataase 5utonomous transactions can e nested

     'hat is, an autonomous transaction can operate as a calling transaction, initiali>ing

    other autonomous transactions "ithin itself

    What is a "ac

  • 8/19/2019 pl/sql interview q


    5ns6 'he L operator means that the P) SG) loc# requires user input for a variale 'he

    LL operator means that the value of this variale should e the same as inputted y

    the user previously for this same variale

    If all the values from a cursor have een fetched and another fetch is issued, the output"ill e?

    5ns6 )ast Record

    +hat is a for"ard declaration ? +hat is its use ?

    5ns6 P)/SG) requires that you declare an identi9er efore using it 'herefore, you must

    declare a suprogram efore calling it 'his declaration at the start of a suprogram is

    called for"ard declaration 5 for"ard declaration consists of a suprogram speci9cation

    terminated y a semicolon

    5ny three P)/SG) 8xceptions?

    5ns6 'ooFmanyFro"s, 7oF(ataF;ound, :alueF8rror, ]eroF8rror, 3thers

    Describe the $se #% FR1WTGE and FTGE in L=08L


  • 8/19/2019 pl/sql interview q


    process using the error@reporting functions SG)!3(8 and SG)8RR$ in an 3'A8RS

    handler 'he statement RaiseF5pplicationF8rror can e called either from a procedure

    ody or from an exception handler Irrespective of "hether an error occurred or not, a

    raiseFapplicationFerror command al"ays raises an exception in the calling program 2ega forms trigger If an exception handler is not "ritten in that forms trigger, then a forms

    error occurs

    Q:To find the uniquness of the given record.

    A1:select * from dual where 1=

      (select max(count(empno)) from emp group by empno)

     A2: select 1 yes_unique from emp

      having  count(distinct  sal)=count(sal)

    --> Q:To delete the even number of recordsA:delete  from emp where rowid in(select rowid from

      emp group by rownum,rowid having mod(rownum,2)0)

    --> Q:To find the nth max sal

    A1: select distinct sal from emp e where &n=

      (select count(distinct sal) from emp d where e.sal Q:To find the nth min salA:  select distinct sal from emp e where &n=

      (select count(distinct sal) from emp d where e.sal>=d.sal)

    --> Q:To select nth max sal from each department.

    A1: select * from(select rownum r,e.* from

      (select  distinct sal from emp order by sal)e) where  r=&n

  • 8/19/2019 pl/sql interview q


    A2:select distinct sal from emp e where &n=

      (select count(distinct sal) from emp d where e.sal Q:To select nth min sal from each department.

    A:  select distinct sal from emp e where &n=

      (select count(distinct sal) from emp d where

      e.sal>=d.sal and e.deptno=d.deptno)

    --> Q:TO select top n salarys from each department.

    A: select * from(select empno,ename,sal,deptno,rank() over

      (partition by deptno order by sal desc) top_sal from emp)

      where top_sal Q:To select bottom n salarys from each department

    A:select * from(select empno,ename,sal,deptno,rank() over

    (partition by deptno order by sal ) bottom_sal from emp)

      where bottom_sal Q:To create the duplicate table without data

    A: create table emp_dup as select * from emp where 1=2

    --> Q:what will be the output

      select * from emp where null is null

      select * from emp where null=null

    --> Q:To delete nth record 

    A:Delete from emp where rowid=(select rowid from emp group by 

    rowid,rownum having rownum=&n)

    A2:delete from emp where rowid=(select max(r) from

      (select rowid r from emp where rownum Q:To delete a record where there are no employes working 

    A:delete from(select * from dept e where not exists

      (select 'x' from emp d where d.deptno=e.deptno))

    --> Q:To display the duplicate records

    A:select col1,col2,col# ,count(*) from table group by col1,col2,col# h



    --> Q:To delete duplicate recoreds

    A:delete from tabel a where rowid in

      (select rowid from table b minus select max(rowid)

      from table c group by c.col1,c.col2,c.col#)

  • 8/19/2019 pl/sql interview q


    --> Q:To count the number of nulls and notnulls in Comm. column of emp


    A:select count(decode(nvl2(comm,1,2),1,1)) nulls,

      count(decode(nvl2(comm,1,2),2,1)) not_nulls from emp

    --> Q:To select 1st and last record of the employee table

    A: select * from(select rownum r,e.* from emp e)

      where r=(select count(*) from emp) or r=1

    --> Q:To count the number of sundays,mondays...saturdays..tot_days in

    the current month

    A:create table temp


      num number(2)


     insert into temp values(&num)

     insert the values into temp from 1 to 31. and execute the below query

    . select 

    count(decode(to_char(last_day(add_months(sysdate,-1))+num,'d'),1,1)) s


    count(decode(to_char(last_day(add_months(sysdate,-1))+num,'d'),2,1)) m






    count(decode(to_char(last_day(add_months(sysdate,-1))+num,'d'),5,1)) t


    count(decode(to_char(last_day(add_months(sysdate,-1))+num,'d'),6,1)) fri,

    count(decode(to_char(last_day(add_months(sysdate,-1))+num,'d'),7,1)) s


    to_char(last_day(sysdate),’dd’) tot_days

     from temp where num Q:To select first and last record of employee table

     A2: select * from emp where rowid in

      (select rowid from emp group by rowid,rownum having rownum 

  • 8/19/2019 pl/sql interview q


      in(1,(select count(*) from emp)))

    A3:select * from emp where rowid in

      (select min(rowid) from emp union select max(rowid) from emp)

    --> Q:To display the second max sal

    A:select max(sal) from emp where sal Q:To display top n salarys

    A:select * from(select rownum r,e.* from(select  distinct sal from emp


    by sal desc) e) where r Q:To select bottom n salarys

    A:select * from(select rownum r,e.* from

    (select  distinct sal from emp order by sal ) e) where r Q:To select first and last salary of the table

    A:select * from(select rownum r,e.* from

      (select  distinct sal from emp order by sal desc ) e)

      where r in(1,(select count(*) from emp))

    --> Q:To select n to nth record 

    A:select * from(select rownum r,e.* from emp e)

      where r between 4 and 7

    --> Q:Display empno,ename,sal,max(sal) of their own dept ,max(SAL)

    of the emp table of all the employes using with clause.

    A:with maxsal as (select max(sal)  max_sal from emp),dept_max as

      (select deptno,max(sal) dept_maxsal from emp group by deptno)

    select empno,ename,sal,(select max_sal from maxsal) maxsal,(select dep

    t_maxsal from dept_max where

      dept_maxsal.deptno=e.deptno) dept_max from emp e

    --> Q:To find the empno,ename,deptno,maximum sal of the whole table,

    maximum salary of the whole dept and minimum salary of the whole

    department and dept name of the employee

    A:select empno,ename,sal,deptno,(select max(sal) from emp)  max_sal_ta


      (select max(sal) from emp where deptno=e.deptno) dept_max,

      (select min(sal) from emp where deptno=e.deptno) min_sal,

      (select dname from dept

    d where d.deptno=e.deptno) dname from emp e

    --> Q:Display the employes whose salary is greater than his own


    A:select*from emp e where sal>(select sal from emp where empno=e.mgr)

  • 8/19/2019 pl/sql interview q



    --> Q:Disply the employes whose sal is greater than the other managers

    A:  select * from emp e where sal> any(select sal from emp

    where empno in(select distinct mgr from emp where mgre.mgr))

    --> Q:To find the employes who are seniour to the employes who are

    joined in the year 1981.

    A:SELECT HIREDATE FROM EMP WHERE HIREDATE Q:To fined the employes who have joined on the same hiredate




    --> Q:To find the uniquness of the given column for the given table.



    --> Q:To delete the managers who are working under king with salary

    ranging from 2000 to 3000 and joined in first half of 1981








    --> Q:To delete all the employes who have joined most recently under




    --> Q:To delete all the grade 1 and grade 2 employes and woring in

    chicago and joined in the first half of 81.


    S, DEPT




    --> Q:To delete all the employes with experience 4

  • 8/19/2019 pl/sql interview q



    --> Q:Delete all the employes of sales department whose salary ranging 

    from 1500 to 3000

    A: DELETE FROM EMP44 WHERE EMPNO IN(select e.empno from emp44 e,dept

    d where e.deptno=d.deptno

      AND d.dname='SALES' AND E.SAL BETWEEN 1500 AND 3000)

    --> Q:To delete all the grade 2 and 3 employes of sales dept and

    working at chicago and joined after the all the employes whose

    hiredate is in the year1980.





    AND S.GRADE IN(2,3)




    --> Q: Delete the emps whose salary is lowest salary of their own






    A2.delete from emp e where sal =(select min(sal) from emp

    d where d.deptno=e.deptno)

    --> Q: To find the employes who are seniour to their own managers.



    --> Q:To find the employes who are seniour to their own managers using 

    corelated sub query.



      HIREDATE Q:To find the employes who are seniour to their own manager using

    self join.


    D WHERE E.MGR=D.EMPNO AND E.HIREDATE Q: Delete the employes whose experience greater than four.

    A: delete from emp where hiredate in(select hiredate from emp where (m


  • 8/19/2019 pl/sql interview q


    --> Q: To list the employes whose salary is less than his own manages

    and greater than any of the other managers.

    A: select * from emp e where sal any(select sal from emp

    where empno in(select distinct mgr from emp where mgre.mgr))

    --> Q:To display the employee name and this manager name for each

    record selected.



    --> Q:To display all the employes who are working under blake and

    display the manager name along with the select list.



    --> Q:To find the employes who are seniour to all the other managers.

    A:SELECT * FROM EMP E  WHERE HIREDATE Q:To count the m's and f's from the column and display in the same

    row like



    --> Q:To find the emps who are senior to his own manager and junior toany one of the other managers

    A: select * from emp e where hiredate  any(SELECTHIREDate from emp where empno



    --> Q:To convert the given number into string format.


    Q:To find the employes who have joined on the same hiredate.

    A: select*from emp where hiredate in(select hiredate from(select hired

    ate, count(hiredate) from emp group by hiredate

      having count(*)>1))

    --> Q:To delete nth record.

    A: delete from emp44 where rowid=(select rowid from emp44 group by row

    id,rownum having rownum=&n)

    --> Q:To find the uniqueness of any given cloumn in a given table.


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    --> Q:To find nth minimum salary.

    A:select * from(select rownum r,e.* from

    (select distinct(sal) from emp order  by sal)e)where r=&n

    --> Q:To find nth minimum salary.

    A: select * from(select rownum r,e.* from

      (select distinct(sal) from emp order by sal)e)where r=&n

    --> Q:To delete the duplicate records existing.

    A: delete from emp_dups e where rowid Q:To count the number of nulls and notnulls.



    --> Q:To select the duplicate records.

    A: select e.* from emp_dups e where rowid Q:To find the hirearchey of the employee table

    A; select level, e.* from emp e connect by prior empno=mgr start

      with mgr is null

    --> Q: To incrimentally update the employee table from nth row 

    A: update emp set empno=rownum+999 where rowid >

      (select max(rowid) from emp where

      rownum Q: To incrementally update the table where mgr is null

    A: update emp set empno=rownum where rowid in

    (select rowid from emp where comm is null)

    --> Q:To select from nth record to nth record.

    A: select * from(select rownum r,e.* from emp e)

  • 8/19/2019 pl/sql interview q


      where r between &n and &m

    --> Q:To select the given records

    A:select * from(select rownum r,e.* from emp e)

      where r in(3,5,6)

    --> Q:TO delete the nth record 

    A:delete from emp where rowid=

    (select rowid from emp group by rownum,rowid

      having rownum=&n )

    --> Q:TO delete the given set of records

    A:delete from emp where rowid in

      (select rowid from emp group by rownum,rowid

      having rownum  in (4,5,6) )