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Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through March 31, 2015.For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at

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MARCH 2015




by Frances Swaggart


by Donnie Swaggart


by Gabriel Swaggart


34 CHANGE part ii by John Rosenstern

36 LEAVING THE CROSS BEHIND part ii by Mike Muzzerall

38 FROM ME TO YOU by Jimmy Swaggart

5 60th Anniversary Celebration

9 SonLife Radio Stations & Programming

12 2015 International Youth Conference

13 Gabriel Swaggart Rally

20 2015 Resurrection Campmeeting Schedule

22 SonLife Broadcasting Network Programming & TV Stations

28 Letters From Our Audience

33 Why WEBC&S?

43 JSM Ministers’ ScheduleVisit our Website at: or email us, our U.S. office address is: [email protected], our Canada office address is: [email protected].

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries P.O. Box 262550 | Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550prayer 225.768.7000 | main 225.768.8300 | orders & donations 1.800.288.8350

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries warrants all products for 60 days after the product is received. As well, all CDs, DVDs, and other recorded media must be in the original plastic wrap in order to receive a refund. Opened items may only be returned if defective, and then only exchanged for the same product.

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries strives to provide the highest quality products and service to our customers.

ON THE COVERMarch 2015 | Vol. 49 | No. 3

Happy Birthday,Brother Swaggart!THE SWAGGART FAMILY








Product Warranty THE EVANGELIST MARCH 2015 3

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Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through March 31, 2015.For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at

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Editor's Note: This article is an excerpt from the book, To Cross A River, by Jimmy Swaggart with Robert Paul Lamb (1977).

IN 1973, I BEGAN production of our weekly television program. Actually, I had been just as opposed to going into television as I had been radio. I guess fear played a large part in my reluctance. There were so many excellent Christian television programs already being produced and I didn’t feel as if I had anything special to offer. Yet the Lord continued prodding me until I obeyed.

At first we attempted to tape the program in Baton Rouge. The production was atrocious. Then we switched to New Orleans without any improvement. I kept telling Frances, “I can’t do it, I can’t do it.”

Then one Sunday night I had a free evening in Baton Rouge and Frances and I decided to go to church. Riding along in the car, the Lord suddenly spoke to me. “The next time you say you can’t do something I’ve told you to do, I’m going to count it as a sin. It will be like cursing Me, and you’ll have to ask Me to forgive you.” I looked out the window. The Lord didn’t have to tell me He was talking about television — I knew it.

Something about the way God spoke to me melted my rebellion. From that day on, when I stepped before the camera, things happened. The Lord began immediately to bless our efforts.

The next month I stopped over in Nashville and walked into the studio where the nationally syndicated show Hee Haw was produced. I was impressed with the facilities and found the production staff willing to help us. In prayer, I turned the matter over to the Lord.

Utilizing the Nashville studio, the television program took on a new flavor. I wanted to devote much of the program to good country-gospel music, so I hired some of the best I could find. Henry Slaughter, Jim Dumas, and Joe Edwards joined us to improve our performance. With Phil Johnson of Heartwarming Records and a group of singers doing background vocals, the musical part of the program became top-drawer.

The format was simple, yet effective. The first 15 or 20 minutes of the show was music, another 10 minutes was used for a Bible message, and the rest of the time was given to various announcements of our meetings and album offers.

The toughest part taping the programs became the schedule. To coordinate my schedule with the studio’s we had to tape 24 of the half-hour programs in a single week’s time. Humanly speaking, that seemed impossible. The only way it could ever be done was with the Lord’s help.


FROM BROTHER SWAGGART » “Back in 1972, the Lord told me to go on television. He guided the telecast in every respect. We were one of the first to give altar calls over television, which resulted in untold thousands coming to Christ. We were one of the first, all according to the command of the Lord, to translate the pro-gramming from English to different languages, with such programming aired in those respective countries, whatever and wherever they may have been. To my knowledge, we were the very first by television to pray for people to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Many preachers told us that it wouldn’t work, but it did. Actually, thousands were baptized with the Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues.”

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“And He gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon” (Rev. 16:16).

WE WILL DEAL WITH Israel first.

There is no evidence that anyone in the world at that time, even America, will stand up for Israel. In other words, they will more than likely be facing the most powerful army the world has ever known, and they will do so alone. There is no indication in the Bible, of which I am aware, that speaks of any nation in the world helping Israel at that time. It will be somewhat like the situation was at the outset of World War II. Ships loaded with tens of thousands of Jewish refugees sailed from Europe and tried to find harbor in New York City. President Roosevelt would not allow them to disembark. His reason: it might antago-nize Herr Hitler. Some of the same ships went down to South America but, again, to no avail. They concluded their journey by going back to Europe, with most of those Jews gassed to death in the concentration camps. Among other things, no doubt, Hitler reasoned that no one cared if Jews lived or died, so he could take his freedom in slaughtering as many as he could find, and that’s exactly what he did.

That’s at least one of the reasons that America, plus most other nations of the world, had a guilty conscience after World War II. America knew that she could have exerted some pres-sure on Hitler, which would have lessened the blow, but the upshot was, nothing was done.

In the coming great tribulation, likewise, the greater majority, if not all the nations of the world, will have no desire to antagonize the Man of Sin. The evidence is that even those who will consider themselves to be neutral will not lift a hand to help Israel so as not to bring

the wrath of the Antichrist upon their heads. It must be remembered that at that particular time, at least, for the first few days, it will look as though the Antichrist is going to accom-plish what Haman, Herod, and Hitler did not do. It will look as though he is going to anni-hilate every Jew, which means a wholesale massacre. So, Israel will fight alone.

And yet, despite being outnumbered, possibly hundreds to one, the great Prophet Zechariah did say the following:

“In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them” (Zech. 12:8).


The idea of all of this is, even though the army of Israel will, no doubt, be outnumbered greatly by the army of the Antichrist, still, the Lord will make the Israeli soldiers as David of old, meaning that one will have the strength of 10 men or more. And then, the tribe of Judah will have the unexcelled power of God. But still, even though this supernatural ability given to the Jewish soldiers by the Lord will help greatly, that alone will not see them through because of the overwhelming superiority of the army of the Antichrist.

However, as one might say, as that which the Lord will do will be so very, very helpful, still, it is not the main entrée. The main entrée will be the second coming of the Lord, which we will deal with later.

Participants in theBattle of Armageddon

By Jimmy Swaggart

There is no

evidence that

anyone in the

world at that time,

even America,

will stand up for

Israel. In other

words, they will

more than likely

be facing the

most powerful

army the world

has ever known,

and they will do

so alone.


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Pray this prayer and mean it with all of your heart:




» The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God. (Ps. 119; Mat. 4:4; Lk. 24:27)

» There is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (I Jn. 5:7)

» In the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His Virgin Birth, in His Sinless Life, in His Miracles, in His Vicarious and atoning Death, in His Bodily Resurrection, in His Ascension to the Right Hand of the Father, in His personal future return to this Earth in Power and Glory to rule a thousand years. (Jn. 1:1-4; Eph. 2:13-18; Rev., Chpts. 19-20)

» In the Blessed Hope — the Rapture of the Church at Christ’s Coming. (I Thess. 4:13-18)

» The only means of being cleansed from sin is through Repentance and Faith in the Precious Blood of Christ. (Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:8-9, 13-18)

» Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal Salvation. (Jn. 3:5-8; Titus 3:5)

» The Redemptive Work of Christ on the Cross provides Healing of the human body in answer to believing prayer. (Ex. 15:25-26; James 5:14-15; I Pet. 2:24)

» The Baptism with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4 is given to Believers who ask for it. (Acts 2:4; 10:44-46; 19:1-7)

» In the Sanctifying Power of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life. (Rom. 6:3-14; 8:1-2, 11)

» In the Resurrection of both the saved and the lost: the one to Everlasting Life and the other to everlasting damnation. (Rev. 20:5-6, 11-15)

We have set aside this corner of The Evangelist to show God’s Plan of Salvation. If you are unsure where you will go when you die, please listen to what God has said in His Word:

Jesus cal ls this exper ience the new bir th. He told Nicodemus: “... Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God” (Jn. 3:3).

We invite you now to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name” (Jn. 1:12).

“Dear Lord Jesus, I now realize that I am a sinner. I accept the fact that You died for me on the rugged Cross of Calvary. I now open my heart’s door and receive You as Saviour and Lord of my life. Please take full control of me and help me to be the kind of Christian You want me to be. Amen.”

If you prayed this prayer in all sincerity, you are now a Child of God. So that we might rejoice with you, we invite you to fill out this coupon and mail it to Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, P.O. Box 262550, Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550. In Canada, mail to Jimmy Swaggart Ministries of Canada, P.O. Box 1020, Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 6V9. We will send you a free copy of Jimmy Swaggart’s book What Must I Do To Be Saved? This book will help you grow in grace and knowledge.

“For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God ...” (I Pet. 3:18).

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

“For there is not a just man upon Earth, that doeth good and sinneth not” (Eccl. 7:20).

“For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God” (Rom. 3:23).

“For God so loved the world that he gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life” (Jn. 3:16).









While the Bible gives us a few clues regarding that of which this army will be made, I’m sure it is only scratching the surface. No doubt, every nation conquered by the Antichrist will be forced to supply as many soldiers as the Man of Sin says are needed.

The Bible does give us a clue about at least some of those who will be with the Man of Sin.

The first one is Persia. This, of course, is Iran. Many people do not know that Iran is not Arab, but rather Persian. Its history goes back some 2,500 years. The Iranians now, as is obvious, are rabid haters of Israel, swearing her destruction time and time again. In fact, Israel, at this present time, is on the horns of a dilemma. They have the power to take out Iran, but it would entail the slaughter of tens of thousands of Iranians, which the world would not sanction. At the same time, America, sadly and regrettably, is not doing anything about the proliferation of atomic power regarding Iran, which is working feverishly to develop its own atomic arsenal. Strangely enough, the surrounding Arab nations wish that Israel would do something simply because Iran hates them almost as much as they hate Israel. So, Israel is attempting to slow down, if not halt, the atomic development in Iran by taking out, in various different ways, her top scientists, etc. Israel is fastly finding herself with precious few friends. That’s the reason that when the Antichrist makes his debut, claiming to be able to solve the problem between Israel and the Muslims, and, in fact, will do so, this will be the greatest thing in the eyes of the world that has happened in the last several decades.

Israel also listed the following countries:

» Ethiopia: This is a small country located on the eastern side of the middle part of the continent of Africa. About all they could contribute to the army of the Antichrist would be soldiers, but yet, of little consequence.

» Libya: this little country is in northern Africa and, as well, can supply precious little in the form of military help.

If it is to be noticed, when the Bible mentions weapons of war, it mentions that which is indicative of that particular time, such as the sword, bucklers and shields. However, that doesn’t mean that this battle will be fought with weapons of antiquity. Far from it! In fact, the Antichrist, no doubt, will have the finest weaponry in the world. And yet, it is doubtful that he will have atomic bombs.

It should be obvious that if the sacred writers had used the names of modern weapons, Bible scholars for many centuries would have been deeply puzzled, not understanding at all what the names of the weapons would have meant. So, the weapons of that time were rightly listed. However, make no mistake about it, the weapons that will be used in the coming great tribulation will be the very finest available.

» Gomer: There is some small evidence that these people came from the Ukraine, which was a part of the Soviet Union when communism was in power. It now has its own sovereignty. Some have claimed that Gomer referred to Germany; however, there is really no proof of that.


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» Togarmah: some think these people may have come from what is now Iraq, but again, that is only speculative.


We have already alluded to the follow-ing but allow me to elaborate. While, no doubt, great promises will be made to the Muslims at the beginning of the great tribulation, the hour will come that the Man of Sin will set himself up as God. This will be at about the mid-point of the seven-year period. So, the promises he will have made to the Mus-lims at the outset, that is, if he, in fact, does make promises, will, no doubt, be completely ignored.

From the way Daniel describes the Antichrist, he cannot tolerate and, in fact, will not tolerate any competing religion of any kind. He will claim to be God, so that doesn’t leave any room for competing religions such as Islam, etc.

However, the age-old hatred of the Muslims against Israel will most defi-nitely not change. So, even though he will not do for the Muslims what pos-sibly he will promise to do, still, his hatred for Israel will be paramount. Quite possibly, they will take what-ever they can get that, hopefully, will destroy the ancient people.

It is my personal thought that this man will, in fact, take over the entirety of the Middle East with all of its oil, which will shut out the Muslims. I also believe that he will do away with the worshipping spot of Mecca. At a point in time, realizing what he is doing, they will then, no doubt, try to salvage any place for themselves that they can get. At any rate, during that time, the religion of Islam, plus all other reli-gions, will be no more, at least, in the countries where he has control. So, after he finishes the countries “out of

the east and out of the north,” which, as stated, could very well be Russia and China, he will then turn his attention to Israel. They will be the only people on the face of the earth of that time, of which we have any knowledge, who will oppose the Antichrist.

The Man of Sin will turn on Israel at the midpoint of the great tribulation, with Israel then fleeing to Petra, which is in Jordan. He will hear these evil tid-ings out of the east and out of the north and will leave Israel and will set about to take care of this pressing problem. With the Antichrist having moved his vast army, Israel will begin to filter back into Jerusalem, at least all of its men, and many of its young ladies as well. They will then begin to rearm them-selves and will have about three years to do so. So, at the time of the battle of Armageddon, Israel, with her meager forces, will face this juggernaut alone.


One must understand that with the rapture (resurrection) of the church, that which made America great — and

I speak of the hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of born-again believ-ers — will no longer be here. While, no doubt, hundreds of thousands will give their hearts to Christ immediately after the rapture, still, America will not be the place that we now know. The spirit of the antichrist is already at work in America and, in fact, in the entirety of the world; however, I think it is at work in America greater than anywhere else.

The reason I feel this is because the United States is still the center for world evangelism, and, of course, Satan will go to any length to stop that. I person-ally believe that for the time being, the Lord is going to hold everything in check so that this great Message of the Cross will not only cover this great nation but, also, every other nation in the world. To be sure, the Lord places great stock in His Word going to the world and, espe-cially, the Message of the Cross.

While there is no evidence that the Antichrist will take over America during the great tribulation, still, there is no evidence, either, that Amer-ica will oppose him. In fact, every evi-dence is that our nation will applaud him, at least, at the beginning, because of his being able to broker a peace treaty between Israel and the Muslims, something that the bright-est minds in America have never been able to accomplish.

There will be many nations that will throw in with the Antichrist, thereby, giving him their full support, but only because they have no choice. Every evidence is that, at the outset, he will take over the entirety of the Middle East, with the exception of Jordan and much of Western Europe.


The Word of God has quite a bit to say about this ten-nation confederation,





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Baton Rouge, LA ............................ 88.5 (WJFM)Covering parts of Southern Louisiana

Lake Village, AR/Greenville, MS .....95.9 (KUUZ)Covering parts of Western Mississippi and Eastern Arkansas

Bowling Green/Toledo, OH .......730 AM (WJYM)Covering parts of Northern and Central Ohio, Eastern Indiana, and the Southern tip of Michigan

Atlanta/Texarkana, TX ..................100.1 (KNRB)Covering parts of Northeastern Texas, Northwestern Louisiana, Southwestern Arkansas, and Southeastern Oklahoma

Graysville, TN .................................. 95.7 (WAYB)Covering parts of Southern Tennessee and Northern Georgia

Camden, AR .............................1450 AM (KNHD)Covering parts of Southern Arkansas

Grenada, MS ...................................95.7 (WTGY)Covering parts of Northwestern Mississippi

Bentonia/Yazoo City - Jackson, MS ....92.1 (WJNS)Covering Central Mississippi and Eastern Louisiana

Guthrie, OK ...............................1490 AM (KMFS)Covering Oklahoma City, Edmond, and parts of Central and Northern Oklahoma

Jonesboro, LA ................................104.9 (KTOC)Covering Northern Louisiana

Augusta/Little Rock, AR .................97.7 (KJSM)Covering Central Arkansas, Western Tennessee, a small part of Northwestern Mississippi, and a small part of Southern Missouri

Desoto/St. Louis, MO ..................... 100.1 (KDJR)Covering Southern Missouri, parts of Eastern Missouri, and Western Illinois

Palm Springs, CA .............................90.9 (KPSH)Covering the Coachella Valley

Winfield/Wichita, KS .......................91.9 (KBDD)Covering South Central Kansas and North Central Oklahoma

Crete, IL .......................................... 88.1 (WBMF)Covering South Chicago and Chicago Heights

Ottawa, IL...................................... 88.9 (WWGN)Covering Ottawa, West La Salle, East Joliet, and North DeKalb

Kankakee, IL ..................................88.3 (WAWF)Covering Northeastern Illinois and Northwestern Indiana

Nashville, AR ...................................96.9 (KSSW)Covering Southwestern Arkansas

Mobile/Citronelle, AL ....................102.1 (WQUA)Covering Mobile, Alabama

Lafayette/Church Point, LA.............91.9 (KCKR)Covering Southern and Western Louisiana

Ada, OK ............................................88.7 (KAJT)Covering South Central Oklahoma

Albion/Rochester, NY ................... 102.1 (WJCA)Covering North Western New York State

Norman/Oklahoma City, OK ............89.3 (KSSO)Covering Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Panama City, FL ...............................91.7 (WFFL)Covering Panama City, Florida

Beatrice/Lincoln, NE....................... 88.9 (KNBE)Covering South Eastern Nebraska

Grand Island/Hastings, NE ..............90.7 (KNFA)Covering South Central Nebraska

Lakewood/Jamestown, NY .......88.9 (WYRR)Covering Lakewood and Jamestown, NY

Corrigan/Lufkin, TX ........................99.3 (KYTM)Covering Corrigan and Lufkin, TX

Bastrop, LA .....................................88.3 (KJGM)Covering Bastrop, Monroe, and the Northeastern part of Louisiana

NEW Bristow, OK ...........................104.9 (KREK)

TRANSLATOR STATIONSAndalusia, AL .............89.7Eufaula, AL .................88.9El Dorado, AR .............89.7Bishop, CA ..................91.7Key West, FL ...............90.5 Dublin, GA ..................90.9La Grange, GA ............90.3Waycross, GA .............90.7Carlinville, IL ..............89.1Effingham, IL ..............88.7Freeport, IL .................91.3Jacksonville, IL ..........88.1DeRidder, LA ..............89.5Grayson, LA ................91.9Many, LA ....................91.3Minden, LA .................91.1Morgan City, LA .........91.5Natchitoches, LA ........90.1Alexandria, MN ..........91.7Morris, MN .................90.5Kirksville, MO .............88.1Mountain Grove, MO ..91.7St. James, MO ............89.3Springfield, MO ..........91.5Willow Springs, MO ...90.5Columbia, MS .............88.3Morehead City, NC .....91.9Rockingham, NC ........88.3Corning, NY ................89.5Chambersburg, PA .....89.7Franklin, PA ...............90.3Lock Haven, PA ..........89.3Mansfield, PA .............91.5Andrews, SC ...............88.7Clinton, SC..................88.3Manning, SC ...............88.7Winnsboro, SC ...........91.9Brookings, SD ............89.7Mitchell, SD ................89.3Watertown, SD ...........90.1Yankton, SD ................90.7Pikeville, TN ...............91.3Bonham, TX ................91.1Columbus, TX .............91.1Midland, TX ................91.7Palestine, TX ..............90.7


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which goes all the way back to the dream given to Nebuchadnezzar, the golden head, so to speak, of the Babylonian Empire. This was done some 2,500 years ago.

Ironically enough, this potentate couldn’t even remember what the dream was, much less, its inter-pretation. Of course, the Lord orchestrated all of this. Daniel would recall the dream and, as well, give him the interpretation. As we shall see, the dream and its interpretation portray to us all the empires that would persecute Israel from the time of the Babylonians even unto the future, which means it has not yet come to pass. In fact, all of the empires have come and gone, with the exception of the ten-nation confederation, which is right around the corner, so to speak.

Concerning this ten-nation confederation, the Word of God says:

“And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and subdues all things: and as iron that breaks all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. (This ‘fourth king-dom’ is the Roman Empire and is represented by the ‘legs of iron.’ It would be the strongest of all!)

“And whereas you saw the feet and toes, part of the potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with miry clay. (All that we have previously studied rep-resents empires that have come and gone; how-ever, the ‘feet’ and ‘toes’ of this statue of iron and clay represent that which is yet to come.)

“And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. (This verse represents the ten-nation confederation, with the ‘toes of the feet’ symbolic of this confederation, which will greatly oppose Israel in the very near future.)

“And whereas you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. (Their confederation will not succeed because of the ‘miry clay,’ which expresses that some of the ten-nation confedera-tion are weak. As stated, this will take place in the near future)” (Dan. 2:40-43).




6:00 - 7:00 AM The Word with Gabe and Jill Swaggart

7:00 - 8:30 AM LIVE The Message of the Cross

8:30 - 9:00 AM LIVE Insight with John Rosenstern

9:00 -11:00 AM LIVE Frances & Friends with Frances Swaggart

11:00 -12:00 PM Sonlife Radio Music

12:00 - 1:00 PM Loren Larson

1:00 - 2:30 PMThe Message of the Cross(different than AM broadcast)

2:30 - 2:55 PM Sonlife Radio Music

2:55 - 3:00 PM A Daily Devotional reading by Gabe Swaggart

3:00 - 4:00 PM Donnie Swaggart Broadcast

4:00 - 5:00 PM Sonlife Radio Music

5:00 - 6:00 PM Jimmy Swaggart Broadcast

6:00 - 7:00 PM Sonlife Radio Music

7:00 - 8:30 PM The Message of the Cross rebroadcast

8:30 - 9:00 PM Insight with John Rosenstern rebroadcast

9:00 - 11:00 PM Frances & Friends with Frances Swaggart rebroadcast

11:00 - 12:00 AM Sonlife Radio Music

12:00 - 1:00 AM Loren Larson rebroadcast

1:00 - 2:30 AMThe Message of the Cross (different than AM broadcast)

2:30 – 3:00 AM Sonlife Radio Music

3:00 - 4:00 AM Donnie Swaggart Broadcast

4:00 - 5:00 AM Sonlife Radio Music

5:00 - 6:00 AM Jimmy Swaggart Broadcast

7:00 - 8:30 PM WED LIVE Family Worship Center Service wednesdays only

7:00 - 8:30 PM THU Crossfire Service thursdays only

9:00 - 10:00 AM SAT Salvation Station (Children) saturday only

11:00 - 12:00 PM SAT Crossfire with Gabriel Swaggart (Young Adults) saturday only

5:00 - 6:00 PM SAT Bob Cornell

7:00 - 8:00 AM SAT/SUN The Message of the Cross replay

10:00 - 12:00 PM SUN LIVE Family Worship Center Service

6:00 PM SUN LIVE Family Worship Center Service

10:00 - 12:00 AM SUN Family Worship Center Sunday AM Service rebroadcast



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“After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. (This beast represents the Roman Empire, which was the strongest and most powerful of all. It lasted for nearly 1,000 years. The phrase, “And it had ten horns,” speaks of that which was a part of this beast, and for a particular reason. But it had nothing to do with the conquests of the original Roman Empire. These “ten horns” portray 10 kingdoms, which will arise in the latter days, in fact, in the very near future. These 10 nations will persecute Israel)” (Dan. 7:7).

Even though we have already given the following infor-mation, for clarification, please allow the repetition, inas-much as it involves the ten-nation confederation.


“I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things. (At first, Daniel did not understand the horns. Even though the Roman Empire has come and gone, still, the “ten horns” have not yet risen to power; however, the breakup of the former Soviet Union is the beginning of the fulfillment of this passage. If one is to notice, the ten horns were a part of the nondescript beast, which has to do with the ter-ritory which the old Roman Empire controlled. “There came up among them another little horn,” means this one came up after the ten horns were fully grown. The “little horn” is the Antichrist. Three of the horns will be plucked by the little horn, meaning that he will defeat these countries in battle, with the others then submitting to him. This will take place in the first half of the great tribulation)” (Dan. 7:8).

The three horns, i.e., three nations that will be defeated by the Antichrist, are Egypt, Turkey, and Greece. We know these are the countries addressed because of the location of Alexander the Great’s empire and the way it was broken up and taken over by his four generals.


Daniel said, “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come

against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horse-men, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the coun-tries, and shall overflow and pass over” (Dan. 11:40).

The phrase, “Shall the king of the south push at him,” refers to Egypt attacking the Antichrist. In fact, Egypt will head up the ten-nation confederation, corresponding with the “ten horns” of Daniel 7:7, which will greatly oppose Israel. We know that the “king of the south” refers to Egypt because this is who is referred to at the beginning of Chapter 11 of Daniel, which speaks of the breakup of the Grecian Empire with the death of Alexander the Great.

It seems that Greece and Turkey will join with Egypt in attempting to stop the “king of the north,” who will be the Antichrist. We know that these are the two coun-tries referred to (Greece and Turkey) from Daniel 8:9. As is obvious, they will not at all be successful and will quickly be defeated by the Man of Sin, with the other six countries throwing in their lot with him without further conflict. In other words, they will realize that opposing him is futile.

With the Antichrist getting control over the three countries mentioned in the first three and a half years of Daniel’s seventieth week, and the other six giving their power to him upon seeing further resistance as useless, this makes him the conqueror of all the old Roman Empire territory. Therefore, his base of operations at the midway point of the great tribulation will be substantial, to say the least!

Regarding the 10 countries fulfilling the “ten horns” of Daniel 7:7, the Antichrist will already be the ruler over Syria, and with him defeating three, that leaves only six. These will give their power to him, giving him control of all 10.

Who the six countries are, we aren’t told, but, for certain, they will be with him when he turns on Israel.

1 Ellicott’s Commentary on the Whole Bible, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, pg. 195.

2 Arthur W. Pink, Gleanings in Exodus, 2002, pg. 16.

3 I.M. Haldeman, Friday Night Papers, New York, 1901, pg. 241.

4 George Williams, The Student’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, Grand Rapids, Kregel Publications, 1949, pg. 44.

This message was taken from the Jimmy Swaggart hardback

book, Armageddon.


Armageddon (09-116) | Price: $30 THE EVANGELIST MARCH 2015 11

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AS A YOUNG STUDENT in school, I can remember studying about the Barbary Wars. Never in my wildest dreams could I have known that one day I would be standing and looking out over the Atlan-tic Ocean as our host pointed out the trade route that many of the merchant ships would take, always concerned that pirates could slip aboard at night, take over the ship and its crew, and hold them for ransom. At issue was the Barbary pirates’ demand for tribute from merchant vessels. If ships of a given country failed to pay, Muslim pirates would attack the ships and take their goods, and often enslave their crew members or hold them for ransom.

When I heard our president make the statement that “The United States was one of the largest Muslim nations in the world,” my mind immedi-ately went back to the Barbary Wars. Two hundred years ago, the United States declared war on Islam. Thomas Jefferson was president at the time, and he refused to pay tribute to the Islamic pirates. He sent a United States naval fleet to the Mediterranean; bombarding their various fortified pirate cities, ultimately extracting concessions of fair passage from their rulers. This took place between 1801 and 1805. In 1815, President James Madison had to undertake the very same actions again. Those pirate cities are what we know now today as Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria.


After mentioning the Barbary Wars on a recent epi-sode of Frances & Friends, I received the following email from one of our listeners. The fact that the information in this email has shown up in multiple articles, blogs, and elsewhere proves that people are extremely interested in America’s response to the problem of Islamic terrorism. You will see how the response, especially from former U.S. presi-dents, was then compared to what our president says today. As you read this, I think you will agree with me that the United States is not, nor has it ever been, a Muslim nation.

The email reads:

”At the height of the eighteenth century, Muslim pirates were the terror of the Mediterranean and a large area of the North Atlantic. They attacked every ship in sight, and held the crews for exorbitant ransoms. Those taken hostage were subjected to barbaric treatment and wrote heartbreaking letters home, begging their gov-ernment and family members to pay whatever their Mohammedan captors demanded.

These extortionists of the high seas represented the Islamic nations of Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers — collectively referred to as the Barbary Coast—and presented a dangerous and unpro-voked threat to the new American Republic.


Ecclesiastes 8:11 – “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.”

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Before the Revolutionary War, U.S. merchant ships had been under the protection of Great Britain. When the U.S. declared its independence and entered into war, the ships of the United States were protected by France. However, once the war was won, America had to protect its own fleets. Thus, the birth of the U.S. Navy.

Beginning in 1784, 17 years before he would become president, Thomas Jefferson became America’s minister to France. That same year, the U.S. Congress sought to appease its Muslim adversaries by following in the footsteps of European nations who paid bribes to the Bar-bary States, rather than engaging them in war.

In July of 1785, Algerian pirates captured Ameri-can ships, and the Dey of Algiers demanded an unheard-of ransom of $60,000. It was a plain and simple case of extortion, and Thomas Jef-ferson was vehemently opposed to any further payments. Instead, he proposed to Congress the formation of a coalition of allied nations who together could force the Islamic states into peace. A disinterested Congress decided to pay the ransom.

In 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams met with Tripoli’s ambassador to Great Britain to ask by what right his nation attacked American ships and enslaved American citizens, and why Mus-lims held so much hostility towards America, a nation with which they had no previous contacts.

The two future presidents reported that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja had answered that Islam “was founded on the laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have acknowl-edged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to paradise.

Despite of this stunning admission of premedi-tated violence on non-Muslim nations, as well as the objections of many notable American lead-ers, including George Washington, who warned that caving in was both wrong and would only further embolden the enemy, for the following

15 years, the American government paid the Muslims millions of dollars for the safe passage of American ships or the return of American hostages. The payments in ransom and tribute amounted to over 20 percent of the United States government annual revenues in 1800.

Jefferson was disgusted. Shortly after his being sworn in as the third president of the United States in 1801, the pasha of Tripoli sent him a note demanding the immediate payment of $225,000 plus $25,000 a year for every year forthcoming. That changed everything.

Jefferson let the pasha know, in no uncertain terms, what he could do with his demand. The pasha responded by cutting down the flagpole at the American consulate and declared war on the United States. Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers immediately followed suit. Jefferson, until now, had been against America raising a naval force for anything beyond coastal defense, but having watched his nation be cowed by Islamic thuggery for long enough, decided that is was finally time to meet force with force.

He dispatched a squadron of frigates to the Mediterranean and taught the Muslim nations of the Barbary Coast a lesson he hoped they would never forget. Congress authorized Jefferson to empower U.S. ships to seize all vessels and goods of the pasha of Tripoli and to “cause to be done all other acts of precaution or hostility as the state of war would justify.”

When Algiers and Tunis, who were both accus-tomed to American cowardice and acquies-cence, saw the newly independent United States had both the will and the might to strike back, they quickly abandoned their allegiance to Tripoli. The war with Tripoli lasted for four more years, and raged up again in 1815. The bravery of the U.S. Marine Corps in these wars led to the line “to the shores of Tripoli” in the Marines’ Hymn. They would forever be known as “leathernecks” for the leather collars of their uniforms, designed to prevent their heads from being cut off by the Muslim scimitars when boarding enemy ships.

Islam, and what its Barbary followers justified doing in the name of their prophet and their

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dispatched a

squadron of

frigates to the


and taught the

Muslim nations

of the Barbary

Coast a lesson he

hoped they would

never forget. THE EVANGELIST MARCH 2015 15

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god, disturbed Jef ferson quite deeply. America had a tradition of religious tolerance, the fact that Jefferson, himself, had co-authored the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, but fundamentalist Islam was like no other religion the world had ever seen. A religion based on supremacism, whose holy book not only condoned but mandated violence against unbelievers was unacceptable to him. His greatest fear was that someday this brand of Islam would return and pose an even greater threat to the United States.

This should bother every American. That the Islams have brought about women-only classes and swimming times at taxpayer-funded universi-ties and public pools; that Christians,

Jews, and Hindus have been banned from serving on juries where Muslim defendants are being judged, Piggy banks and Porky Pig tissue dispens-ers have been banned from work-places because they offend Islamist sensibilities. Ice cream has been discontinued at certain Burger King locations because the picture on the wrapper looks similar to the Arabic script for Allah, public schools are pulling pork from their menus, on and on in the newspapers.

It’s death by a thousand cuts, or inch-by-inch as some refer to it, and most Americans have no idea that this battle is being waged every day across America. By not fighting back, by allowing groups to obfuscate what is really happening, and not insisting that the Islamists adapt to our own culture, the United States is cutting its own throat with a politically cor-rect knife, and helping to further the Islamists agenda. Sadly, it appears that today’s America would rather be politically correct than victorious.”

The information in this email has been researched and found to be true. Still, I

would encourage you to check the facts yourself beginning with the websites at


History clearly shows how U.S. presidents Jefferson and Madison reacted to terror-ism more than 200 years ago. Yet how do their responses then compare to state-ments today made by President Obama regarding the acceleration of Islamic terrorism happening in the world today?

I hope Americans are listening to what I’m about to state: America is waking up to a totally different and dangerous world than what this generation has ever seen. I feel like America is in a very precarious situation because we have unleashed a religion that is not going to stop until it conquers every continent, every nation, every country, and every little city and village in the world.

Recently, the news media also seems to be waking up to the realities of Islam as journalists report on terrorist activities and attacks which are more violent and hap-pening more frequently in various parts of the world. As I write this article, we’ve seen five terrorist attacks in just as many months — all linked to Islamic terrorism:

Sept. 25, 2014: Islam convert, Alton Nolen, beheads one coworker and stabs a second at a food processing plant in Moore, Oklahoma.

Oct. 22, 2014: Islam convert, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, fatally shoots a security officer and then opens fire inside Parlia-ment Hill in Ottowa, Canada.

Oct. 23, 2014: Islam convert, Zale H. Thompson, attacks a group of New York City police officers with a hatchet in broad daylight.

Dec. 15, 2014: Islamist Man Haron Monis, takes 17 people hostage at a café in Sydney Australia. Two of the hostages died.

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A religion based on supremacism,

whose holy book not only

condoned but mandated

violence against unbelievers was

unacceptable to [Jefferson].

1 (

2 (

3 (

4 (

4 (



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Jan. 7, 2015: Islamist gunmen kill 12 people in the offices of the satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France.

The January attack in Paris renewed media attention and interest to the fact that France has the largest number of Muslims in Western Europe — roughly 10 percent of its population.

Such demographics may explain French President Francois Hollande’s refusal to link terrorists in the Jan. 7 attack on his country to Islam, instead calling them “fanatics who have nothing to do with Islam.”

He said this despite witness accounts of the gunmen shouting, “Allahu akbar!” (Allah is great) and “We avenged the Prophet Muhammad!”

President Obama’s response to the attack on Paris was also stripped of any connection between Islam and the terrorists, referring to the gunmen instead as “perpetrators” and “those who carry out senseless attacks” who will be ultimately for-gotten. He described their actions as the “sense-less violence of the few.”

In a January panel hosted by Fox News, Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, offered his opinion on why the White House avoids mentioning Islam.

“It seems as if the president thinks and the Admin-istration thinks that if they say something is Islamic then they will be at war with the entire Islamic world and right-wing racist vigilantes will go and victimize innocent people in the United States,” Spencer said. “Both are hogwash and nonsense and, what’s happened is that we have effectively gotten ourselves into a position where it’s forbid-den to speak about the motives and goals of the enemy and you cannot possibly defeat an enemy that you refuse to understand.”

In the same panel discussion, Brigitte Gabriel, founder and president of Act For America, said the Islamic Middle East does not tolerate any other faith or group of people.

“We minorities in the Middle East have been mas-sacred, killed, my house was bombed; this is how I ended up in this country, as a refugee from the Middle East. It was happening when my parents were refugees when I was a child, newborn, and here I am in America today and my people are

still fleeing because of the intolerance of Islamic extremism. So, my past is America’s future unless America wakes up now and takes the necessary steps to protect itself.”

Gabriel said those necessary steps include iden-tifying the enemy by name in order to devise the strategy to defeat it.

She said, “Right now we have the president in the White House who doesn’t have the moral clarity and the courage to stand up and say what we are fighting, and we need to do that in order for us to defeat this enemy. It is Islamic terrorism.”

During a Jan. 19 speech to the Henry Jackson Society in London, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal declared, “Islam has a problem.”

In his prepared remarks, Jindal went on to say: “If Islam does not support what is happening in the name of Islam, then they need to stand up and stop it. Many Islamic leaders argue that these are the acts of a radical few. Ok, it is their problem, and they need to deal with it. Muslim leaders must make clear that anyone who commits acts of terror in the name of Islam is in fact not practicing Islam at all. If they refuse to say this, then they are condoning these acts of barbarism. There is no middle ground. Specifically, Muslim leaders need to condemn anyone who commits these acts of violence and clearly state that these people are evil and are enemies of Islam. It’s not enough to simply condemn violence, they must stand up and loudly proclaim that these people are not martyrs who will receive a reward in the afterlife, and rather they are murderers who are going to hell.”

Ladies and gentlemen, the United States of America is not a Muslim nation, it is a Christian nation, founded by leaders of faith in God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

As Christians, we must discern what our president and most political leaders refuse to see or talk about. And what we see happening is modern-day Islamic piracy killing and holding for ransom our American freedoms, and the tribute they want is not money, but our faith. Hear what I’m saying, church, and continue to pray for our nation.

For a complete list of references, please visit

Ladies and

gentlemen, the

United States of

America is not a

Muslim nation,

it is a Christian

nation, founded

by leaders of

faith in God

and the Lord

Jesus Christ. THE EVANGELIST MARCH 2015 17

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THERE IS AN OLD children's nursery rhyme that says, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” It sounds quite good; however, as we all can attest, words do hurt, words do bring harm, and words cause great problems.

The tongue of man can either bring forth life or death. James, Chapter 3, beginning with Verse 5, says, “Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasts great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell. For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and has been tamed of mankind. But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison” (James 3:5-8).

Then, in Verse 10, James says, “Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. My breth-ren, these things ought not so to be.”

I think it can be said that an unruly tongue has destroyed marriages and relationships, has split up churches, and even has caused young believers in the Lord to get discouraged and lose their way with the Lord. Not long ago, I heard someone say that the hardest thing for a Christian to do is to “tame his tongue.” When I heard that, two things came to mind. First, I agree. Secondly, the reason man can’t tame the tongue is that he tries to do it

through his own efforts and labor when the fact is that the only way it can be done is by our yield-ing our tongues to the control of the Holy Spirit.

THREE SINS OF THE TONGUE1. Slander: The dictionary defines slander as “the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another’s reputation.”

In Romans 1:29, Paul used the word whisperers, and in II Corinthians 12:20, whisperings. Both the singular and the plural mean “slander, gossip, backbiter, an accuser, secret detractors who pre-tend secrecy and carry out accusations against men, whether true or false, blasting their reputa-tion by clandestine gossip.”

Actually, when one slanders another or when one passes gossip about someone, he is, in reality, murdering that person’s reputation. Do not pass over this statement lightly. To slander another person is to murder his reputation and degrade his character in the eyes of those who are told such things.

There is no such thing as idle gossip or slander. How many people believe horrible things about someone simply because someone said some-thing about him? As James said, we can either bless or curse, and if you can’t bless someone’s reputation, then please don’t curse his reputation. As the old adage goes, “If you can’t say something good, then don’t say anything at all.”

SET A WATCH, O LORD, BEFORE MY MOUTH by donnie swaggart

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Psalms 141:3 – “Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.”

I think it can

be said that an

unruly tongue

has destroyed

marriages and


has split up

churches, and

even has caused

young believers

in the Lord to get

discouraged and

lose their way

with the Lord.


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In saying this, please don’t get the idea that one can’t point out wrong doctrine. That’s totally wrong. If one’s doctrine is wrong, then we must, for the sake of the sheep, speak up. However, we leave it at that. We deal with the error and not the heart or motivation.

2. Judging: In Matthew, Chapter 7, Jesus taught on judging. Without a doubt, it is one of the most misunderstood pas-sages in the Bible. In Verse 1, where the Lord says, “Judge not, that you be not judged,” this actually refers back to Verses 25 through 34 of Chapter 6. There were those in the early church who were mired in poverty, which caused others in the church to judge them as having committed sin, and the poverty was a judgment of God. This is exactly what Job’s friends did. The Lord was simply telling us not to judge one’s heart according to circumstances. Yet, in Chapter 7, Verse 20, the Lord plainly states, “Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.” Our fruits should be judged. We don’t judge one’s heart, but we do judge the fruit of one who calls himself a believer. John 7:24 references this: “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.”

Only the Lord knows the heart of the individual, so let’s not try to play God.

3. Doubt: Doubt is speaking words of doubt regarding God and His divine provision. When one speaks words of doubt, it, in effect, calls God a liar and places doubt about His ability to perform what He has promised. Think about what you just read. To speak doubt is to call God a liar. From our lips, we will either speak faith or doubt. To speak faith is to speak life; to speak doubt is to speak death.


We are to follow the words of David in this great psalm: “Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.”

What David is saying is that we are to yield our tongue and our words to the Lord. We are to allow Him to stand, if you will, as the guardian of our lips. We are to daily yield our tongues to the Lord that we might become an instrument of praise and encouragement and not an instrument of doubt, slander, judgment, and death.


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(Located in the SonLife Radio Building)

Monday........................................................... 1-4 PM & 6-8 PM

Tuesday ........................................................... 1-4 PM & 6-8 PM

Wednesday .......................................................... 9 AM – 12 PM

CAM PM EETI N G SCH ED U LE O F SERVI CES(Located in Family Worship Center)


Siegen InnHonore Ln.


Chase Suites HotelCorporate Blvd.


Comfort Suites Valley Creek Dr.


Courtyard by MarriottNorth Mall Dr.


DoubleTree by Hilton4964 Constitution Ave.


Drury Inn and SuitesEssen Park


Embassy Suites HotelConstitution Ave.


Fairfield Inn by Marriott7959 Essen Park Ave.


Hampton InnReiger Rd.


Wednesday 7 PM Donnie Swaggart

Thursday - Saturday

8 AM David Borg

10 AM Loren Larson

2 PM Bob Cornell

Thursday 7 PM Gabriel Swaggart

Friday 7 PM Jimmy Swaggart

Saturday 7 PM Donnie Swaggart

Sunday10 AM Jimmy Swaggart

6 PM Gabriel Swaggart


Hampton InnCommercial Rd., Port Allen, LA


Holiday Inn Express & Suites Siegen Holiday Circle


Hyatt PlaceBluebonnet Blvd.


La Quinta InnReiger Rd.


Microtel Inn & SuitesReiger Rd.


Wyndham GardensBluebonnet Blvd.


RenaissanceBluebonnet Blvd.


SpringHill Suites by Marriott7979 Essen Park Ave.


TownePlace Suites by Marriott8735 Summa Blvd.

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Hour (CT)12:00 AM12:30 AM

1:00 AM1:30 AM2:00 AM2:30 AM3:00 AM3:30 AM4:00 AM4:30 AM5:00 AM5:30 AM6:00 AM6:30 AM7:00 AM7:30 AM8:00 AM8:30 AM9:00 AM9:30 AM

10:00 AM10:30 AM11:00 AM11:30 AM12:00 PM12:30 PM

1:00 PM1:30 PM2:00 PM2:30 PM3:00 PM3:30 PM4:00 PM4:30 PM5:00 PM5:30 PM6:00 PM6:30 PM7:00 PM7:30 PM8:00 PM8:30 PM9:00 PM9:30 PM

10:00 PM10:30 PM11:00 PM11:30 PM

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Page 23: Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartFWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics

FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - Associate PastorsFWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross (Live)

The Message of the Cross(Pre-recorded)

Crossfire Service E/IInsight Insight Insight Insight Insight FWC Music

Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends (Live) Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

FWC Music

Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation of The Cross E/I

A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word

FWC MusicJimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart

Family Worship Center - Associate Pastors

Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy SwaggartGeneration of The Cross E/I FWC Music

FWC MusicBackstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Live)

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart (Pre-recorded)

Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade

Classics Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics Donnie Swaggart

FWC Music

Living Waters w/ Gabriel Swaggart Pre-recorded) The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross

(Pre-recorded)The Message of the Cross


Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Live Service Insight Insight Insight Insight Insight Backstage w/Donnie Swaggart

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Family Worship Center Live Service

Crossfire ServiceFrances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)Frances and Friends

(Pre-recorded)FWC MusicFWC Music

Family Worship Center Morning Service (repeat)

FWC Music

Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded)

Frances and Friends(Pre-recorded) Donnie Swaggart

Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service


FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service Crossfire Service

Hour (ET)1:00 AM1:30 AM2:00 AM2:30 AM3:00 AM3:30 AM4:00 AM4:30 AM5:00 AM5:30 AM6:00 AM6:30 AM7:00 AM7:30 AM8:00 AM8:30 AM9:00 AM9:30 AM10:00 AM10:30 AM11:00 AM11:30 AM12:00 PM12:30 PM1:00 PM1:30 PM2:00 PM2:30 PM3:00 PM3:30 PM4:00 PM4:30 PM5:00 PM5:30 PM6:00 PM6:30 PM7:00 PM7:30 PM8:00 PM8:30 PM9:00 PM9:30 PM10:00 PM10:30 PM11:00 PM11:30 PM12:00 AM12:30 AM

Closed captioning availablefor all programming.


Page 24: Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices



DIRECTV® Network 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 344Dish Network 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 257Verizon FiOS 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 297Glorystar Covers: US/Canada/Mexico/Central America 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 125Galaxy 19 Covers: US/Canada/Mexico/Central America 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 125Roku 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A DayAT&T U-Verse 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 580


Alabama Birmingham Brighthouse Cable 803California Bakersfield Brighthouse Cable 254California Los Angeles Time Warner 14/15/32/47California Palm Desert Time Warner 152California San Diego Time Warner 292California San Francisco Comcast 102California San Rafael Lucas Valley Cable 487Connecticut Hartford, Northaven, etc. Comcast 90/190/192Connecticut Mancester Cox Cable 72Delaware Wilmiington Comcast 487Florida Astor ∙ Astatuloa ∙ Lakes of Mt. Dora ∙ Magnolia Point Florida Cable, Inc. 168Florida Leesburg (Lake County) Comcast 95Florida Orlando Brighthouse Cable 218Florida Sarasota Comcast 266Florida Tallahassee Comcast 21Florida Tampa Brighthouse Cable 187Florida Tampa (Hillsborough ∙ Manatee ∙ St. Petersburg) Time Warner 164Georgia Atlanta Comcast 25Georgia Milledgeville Bulldog 112Hawaii Statewide Time Warner 162Illinois Chicago RCN 270Illinois Chicago WOW (Wide Open West) 194Illinois Chicago Comcast 115/365Illinois Chicago Comcast 385Illinois Hamilton County ∙ Dahlgren Hamilton Co. Comm., Inc. 16Illinois Highland Highland Comm. Services 161Illinois Metamora MTCO 201Illinois Peoria Comcast 74Illinois Rockford Comcast 103Indiana Indianapolis Brighthouse 87Indiana Indianapolis and Surrounding Area Comcast 90Indiana South Bend Comcast 111Iowa Sioux City Cable One 350Kansas Dodge City United Telecom 162Louisiana Baton Rouge ∙ New Orleans ∙ Lafayette Cox Cable 276Louisiana Plaquemine Clear Choice Cable 225Louisiana Prairieville ∙ Gonzales Cox Cable 389Maine Portland ∙ York ∙ Saco Time Warner 489Massachusetts Boston RCN 270Michigan Detroit Comcast 389Michigan Detroit Brighthouse 193Michigan Detroit WOW (Wide Open West) 194Michigan Oakland County ∙ Livonia Time Warner 176Minnesota Minneapolis Comcast 191Minnesota Thief River Falls Sjoberg’s, Inc. 182Mississippi Biloxi Cable One 92Missouri Higginsville Citizens Cablevision 122Missouri Kansas City Time Warner 489Missouri St. Louis Charter 155Nebraska Fremont Time Warner 10/14/21

New Jersey Audubon ∙ Burlington ∙ Central ∙ Gloucester ∙ Jersey City ∙ Meadowlands ∙ Monmouth ∙ Ocean County ∙ Plainfield ∙ Pleasantville ∙ Princeton ∙ Somerset ∙ Hillborough ∙ Trenton ∙ Union ∙ Vineland Comcast 190



Page 25: Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices

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New Jersey Long Beach Island Comcast 22New Jersey Northwest Comcast 280New Jersey Toms River Comcast 19New York Albany ∙ Binghamton (Montrose ∙ Bath ∙ Jamestown) ∙ Syracuse Time Warner 487New York Buffalo Time Warner 293New York Carmel Comcast 191New York New York Time Warner 487New York New York RCN 270New York Rochester Time Warner 293North Carolina Asheboro ∙ Denton ∙ New London Randolph Telephone 257North Carolina Charlotte Charter 81North Carolina Charlotte Comporium 391North Carolina Charlotte Time Warner 113/382North Carolina Greensboro Time Warner 287North Carolina Raleigh Time Warner 487North Dakota Enderlin MLGC Enderlin 150Ohio Akron ∙ Canton ∙ Cleveland Time Warner 192Ohio Cincinnati ∙ Dayton Time Warner 194Ohio Cleveland WOW (Wide Open West) 193Ohio Columbus Time Warner 186Ohio Columbus WOW (Wide Open West) 193Ohio Toledo Buckeye 109Ohio Wapakoneta Telephone Service Co, Inc. 75

Pennsylvania Bucks County ∙ Chester County ∙ Delaware County ∙ Elizabethtown ∙ Harrisburg ∙ Lancaster ∙ Greencastle ∙ Williamsport ∙ Millersburg ∙ Levittown ∙ Lower Marion County ∙ Montgomery County ∙ Willowgrove Comcast 190

Pennsylvania Philadelphia Comcast 190Pennsylvania Philadelphia (8 AM to Noon) Comcast 4Rhode Island Providence Cox Cable 70South Carolina Charleston Comcast 270South Carolina Statewide Time Warner 487South Carolina Rock Hill, Fort Mill, Lancaster, York, Chester, Clover, Lake Wylie Comporium Cable 391South Dakota Beresford Beresford Cablevision 487Texas Austin Time Warner 487Texas Dallas Time Warner 487Texas Gilmer Gilmer Cable Television 205Texas San Antonio Time Warner 487Texas Throckmorton ∙ Lake Graham ∙ Newcastle TGN Cable 487Texas Waco ∙ Killeen Time Warner 193Washington Goldendale J&N Cable 487NEW Washington Seattle Comcast 14/102NEW Washington Seattle Frontier 24Washington, DC Washington, DC RCN 270

West Virginia Riverton Spruce Knob Seneca Rocks Telephone (SKSRT) 34

West Virginia Wheeling Comcast 190Wisconsin Green Bay ∙ Milwaukee Time Warner 186NEW Wisconsin Milwaukee Time Warner/AT&T 68/1068NEW Wisconsin Milwaukee Charter 22

Page 26: Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices




United Kingdom Sky Satellite 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 594

United Kingdom Freesat 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 695

United Kingdom Freeview 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 239

Asia & India ABS 1 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day for more info

Africa Intelsat 20 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day for more info

Africa Thaicom 5 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day for more info

Australia & New Zealand OPTUS D2 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day for more info

Austria AustriaSat 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 313

Barbados Lime TV 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 4

Belgium TéléSAT 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 532

Belgium TV Vlaanderen 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 356

Brazil (Nationwide) StarOne C2 Satellite 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day for more info

Bulgaria Dcable 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day

Bulgaria 3 Air Media 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day

Cayman Islands Lime TV 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 104

Central & South America/Caribbean Hispasat 1E 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day for more info

NEW Czech Republic Skylink 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 265

France WEBSERVICE - Play Media 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day

France Canal Sat 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day

Germany - Cologne, Dusseldorf, Bonn & Aachen Net Cologne 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 409

Germany Unity Cable 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 238

Germany Kabel BW 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 302

Germany Kabel Deutschland 7 Days A Week 24 Hours A Day 847


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Alabama Berry 38.4 Kentucky Louisiville 50.1 Pennsylvania Philadelphia 4.1 (8AM-Noon)4.3 (24 Hrs)

Alabama Fayette 15.4 Louisiana Baton Rouge 14.1 Pennsylvania Philadelphia 8.2

Arizona Phoenix 22.3 Louisiana Monroe 39.4 Puerto Rico San Juan 25.2

California Los Angeles 64.1 Missouri St. Louis 7.2 South Carolina Spartanburg/Greenville 16.3

California Sacramento 9.1 Nevada Las Vegas 30.3 Tennessee Nashville 31.3

Colorado Denver 5.1 New Mexico Albuquerque 32.3 Texas Austin 17.3

Florida Miami 16.2 New York Cobleskill 41.4 Texas Dallas 31.1

Florida Orlando 55.4 New York New York 42.5 Texas Houston 10.2

Florida Tampa 43.1 North Carolina Charlotte 55.3 Washington Seattle 24.1 NEW

Georgia Atlanta 16.2 Ohio Cincinnati 25.6 Wisconsin Milwaulkee 68.1 NEW

Illinois Chicago 62.3 Oklahoma Oklahoma City 21.2



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DEAR EVANGELIST: I don't know where to start, but I just want to thank God for your ministry because just a few moments ago I was baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evi-dence of speaking in tongues! I once spoke in tongues when I was still a small boy, but after that I never did again. But as I was watching one of your crusade classics, I received! After many years of being a dry river, I thank Jesus because I’m filled. I’m 21 and I’m filled with the Holy Spirit! Thank you for preaching the Message of the Cross, and may the living God multiply his blessings to you!

– Ghana


DEAR EVANGELIST: First, I wanted to say God bless you and your ministry. I’ve been slacking on going to church because each time I do, they feed me baby food, and by that I mean that they teach what I already know. So, for a long time, I’ve not been growing at all. I just started to watch your ministry for my church. I feel better knowing I’m getting fed just by watching you all!

– Email


DEAR EVANGELIST: Hello Reverend Swaggart! I just want to tell you that your preaching and your music have raised many dead people to life, and I’m one of them. Thank you for preaching and singing about the blood. Words aren’t enough to really tell the impact of the Message of the Cross on our generation, but I believe in heaven we will fully know. Thank you for your faithfulness! Please keep me and my family in your prayers. God bless you and your family!

– Email


DEAR EVANGELIST: I thank the Lord every day for you and the ministry. For several years, I slid back into the world, but thank God for the prayers of others and our heavenly Father knocking me down a peg or two, or even three! I came back to the Lord. I know He loved me that much, and after many, many weeks of tears, I was flipping through the channels and found SBN. I watch it from the time I get up until I go to bed. I can’t get enough! I have learned so much from your ministry. Thank you and God bless you. All praise His holy name.

– Pennsylvania


DEAR EVANGELIST: Recently, I mailed an Expositor’s Study Bible to India to a pastor who also runs an orphanage. Here is his response to the Bible: “Honorable sister, greetings. The study Bible you sent to me is a great blessing to me. It’s a great help to develop the sermons. Today I preached from Ezekiel 47:1-12. I refer to many commentaries and study Bibles, but I did not get the proper thoughts from anywhere but I get the correct answers from Rev. Jimmy Swaggart’s study Bible. Thank you once again, this Bible is not only blessing to me, this is blessing people I am serving! We love so much!”

– Louisiana


DEAR EVANGELIST: I absolutely love SBN. My husband and I recently have turned our lives back over to Jesus Christ. Ninety-five percent of the days, our TV is tuned into your sta-tion, and our radios are tuned into your stations as well. We have made so many changes in our lives, and it feels wonder-ful. We have also returned to church. My husband was so


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“The means by which we are justified and sanctified is by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ and what He accomplished at the Cross.”— Bob Cornell

Cl a ss: G a l at i a ns

D e g r e e s O f f e r e d :T h . C . - C e r t i f i c a t e o f Th e o l o g y

T h . A . - A s s o c i a t e o f Th e o l o g yB . D i v. - B a c h e l o r o f D i v i n i t yB .T h . - B a c h e l o r o f Th e o l o g y

Online Courses Ava ila ble M a rch 2

P.O. Box 262550 | Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550225.768.3890 | [email protected] |

lost for so long. The alcohol had taken over his life, with so many relapses for unknown reasons. I am so proud of my husband for making these changes in his life. We have lost some friends, but we will continue to worship because we live for the Lord. I pray for all the pain in the world today, and I pray for all our friends, current and lost. I pray for all the friends that walked away. When I feel frustration enter-ing, I just say a simple prayer and turn it over to God. And it is truly amazing in the feeling that I get with the burden lifted. We have a lot to learn and we will continue to learn. I just want to thank your stations for showing us what we desperately needed in our lives.

– Ohio


DEAR EVANGELIST: Praise God, praise God, praise God! Tonight’s message was amazing! To make a long story short, after this morning’s church service, I had decided I was finished with God. Where was He in my life when I needed Him right now? I kind of yelled at God this morn-ing, and I am so glad He didn’t get mad at me! I decided tonight’s service was something I was not going to watch, but I watched anyhow and glory be to God, it was a mes-sage that could have been given if someone had been in my house and knew me! I needed to hear that so much! I don’t even remember that man’s name, but he was anointed and, if nothing else, it was for me! I am still here after years of the Devil telling me that I would never make it! God has been here all along! My life is in such turmoil right now with a lot going on, and I even thought today that from here on out I would just turn to pills to sleep through the rest of my life. I have been so distraught. Oh God, how I needed tonight’s message. Thank you all so much for those live services, I don't know what I would do without them. Thank God He is still here with me.

– Email

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Call us at 225.768.3072 | Email us at [email protected] |

THE PRAYER OF JABEZ part ii by gabriel swaggart

I Chronicles 4:9-10 – “And Jabez was more honorable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bore him with sorrow. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.”


AS THE FIRST REQUEST of Jabez had to do with blessing, the second request was that the Lord would enlarge his coast or expand his borders. What did Jabez actually mean by this request? Looking back at the previ-ous month’s article, we know that the birth of Jabez was cloaked with negativity. Maybe, as we have mentioned in the previous article, his mother was not able to care for him or did not want him. We can only speculate as to what the circumstances were that led up to his birth, but maybe, just maybe, his family had been the proud owners of something that was stolen from them that as a result, left them destitute and hard-pressed to be able to afford anything. Maybe, due to this detrimental and unfavor-able situation, he found himself in a place and position that was lacking, with no room for growth. Whatever the circumstances were that surrounded Jabez at this moment in time, he requested of the Lord — the only One that could hear and honor his request — that He enlarge his borders and get him out of this present situation in which he found himself.


I believe that we could learn a lesson from Jabez with his request for the Lord to enlarge his bor-ders, and I believe that it can be applied to us today in two ways. First, many believers, and many people in general, never break out of that which imprisons them. They have been held cap-tive and confined to their negative circumstances, and they feel that they will never be able to be freed from that situation. It haunts them; it follows them everywhere like a dark cloud hovering over them on a daily basis. However, there is One who can take us out of that present, negative experi-ence and turn our situation around for the good. Only God could take Joseph from a prison to the palace. Only God can turn beauty from ashes and joy from our pain. Only Jehovah can take that which Satan meant for evil and turn it around for good. He’s only waiting for us to ask Him.


Secondly, I believe this refers to asking and believing Him for the impossible. Too many

Maybe, just maybe, his family had been the proud owners of something that was stolen from them that as a result, left them destitute and hard-pressed to be able to afford anything.


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Christians settle with second best when God wants to give us the best. They settle for little when the Lord has so much more in store for us to experience. All He wants us to do is ask Him and believe Him to enlarge our borders. To use an example from our church, Family Worship Center, there is a trap door on the platform, but it is not seen by most people. If one stands in the middle of that trap door and stays there, he has limited himself to that small space. Most Christians have limited themselves and, in reality, limited God to a small space by not believing that God will do for them what He has done for others. However, if one will look at the main auditorium of Family Worship Center and see that amount of space and the size of that building, it is mas-sive. In other words, He wants to give us so much more than what we can even ask or think. All we must do is simply believe Him and ask Him for the impossible.

Nearly every morning as I go to the Lord in prayer, I seek Him for that which is impossible. I ask Him to give us the entirety of this planet. To most people, that seems as if it is an impos-sible task, and with man, it is an impossible task. However, I have news for you. The Scripture tells us that with God, all things are possible (Matt. 19:26). Now, it’s up to you to believe that, for you can settle for less, or you can ask the Lord to enlarge your borders. Keep asking Him for the impossible! Keep seeking Him for the impossible! Keep knocking on that door, for the Bible tells us that those who ask will receive, those who seek will find, and for those who keep knocking (and never quit), that door will be opened unto you.


Now, I can imagine that some of you reading this column are saying to yourselves, “Pastor Gabe is preaching Word of Faith.” You’re right! How-ever, let me clarify that statement. The Message of the Cross is the only true word of faith there is. I will never claim that you can “name it and claim it” or “blab it and grab it,” but I am saying

that what Jesus did at the Cross affords us so much that we really do not have the wherewithal to comprehend such blessing. Everything that God wants to give us comes through our faith in Christ and what He did at Calvary and our faith in that finished work. It cannot come through any other manner or means. The Cross paid for us to experience all that God has for us. When we plug in to the Message of the Cross, that is what energizes the Holy Spirit to begin working in our lives in the way that He sees fit. The Cross, ladies and gentlemen, is the answer for all of life’s prob-lems, and it is the only answer to life’s problems. This is God’s prescribed order of victory, Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

This article will be continued in the next issue of The Evangelist.

Everything that God wants to give us comes through our faith in Christ and what He did at Calvary and our faith in that finished work. It cannot come through any other manner or means.


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The first step to becoming an online stu-dent at WEBC&S requires the prospective student to travel through the process of online orientation. This is done by going online to our website at and following the link to online classes and online orientation. Here you will find all the information needed, ranging from equipment required to prices and classes, and everything in between. Once again, the details are far too many to spell out in this article, so you must visit the website and read the associated material to fully understand what it takes to participate in these classes. Once a prospective student has read and/or viewed all of the appropri-ate material and has agreed to abide by the guidelines and policies presented, he or she will be free to choose from a list of available classes at our WEBC store and begin his online classroom experience.


Each class that we have developed will be offered as both an audit class and a credit class. The difference between the two lies primarily between costs and responsibilities. Both audit and credit students will have 16 weeks to complete the course. The credit student will be responsible for all assign-ments, quizzes, and exams, along with the viewing of all class lectures. Additionally, the credit student will receive materials and handouts to help him or her better grasp the subject at hand.

On the other hand, the audit student will not be required to do any classwork. He or she will not take any quizzes or exams and will not receive any materials or handouts. Audit students will have 16 weeks to view the course and gain the information offered from the class and its atmosphere. An audit student will not gain any credit toward our

ONLINE CLASSES ARE HERE! by loren larson

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT is to make the announcement that online classes are now available from WEBC&S. Over the past several years, we have labored incessantly to make this possible for you. We believe that we have designed a series of classes that will do far more than just educate students about the Bible. At the core of all of our courses is the Message of the Cross. This is the process of sanctification that is essential for every Christian. We believe that our professors will guide you into Bible knowledge and provide personal insight that will result in victory and growth as you learn to trust in the finished work of Christ.

We believe that

we have designed

a series of classes

that will do far

more than just

educate students

about the Bible.

At the core of all

of our courses is

the Message of

the Cross.


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We established a

simple one price

fee for each type

of class.


“ My experience here at WEBC has been one epic journey. It’s so great to be in a place where the Word of God is taught, in an environment where the Holy Spirit is allowed free reign, and where my relationship with Christ is able to grow. What I love about the classes is that they are so in-depth, and the Holy Spirit will reveal things that I have never seen before. I leave class mesmerized at how God has always, from the beginning of time, had a plan to redeem man. I’m so glad to be studying here at WEBC, and I’m looking forward to what God has planned for my life.”

Ryan missouri

P.O. Box 262550 | Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550225.768.3890 | [email protected] |

degree programs, while a credit student may move toward the fulfillment of a degree plan if he so desires.


Each class that we offer is a class that we have recorded live at WEBC&S. We are continuing to record and build new classes all the time so that in the future, many more classes will be offered. The student will be able to view every lecture of any one class just as if he or she were an in-house student here in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Again, the time frame allowed for each course is 16 weeks, a standard semester for almost any school. All credit classes will begin on the first business day of every month. In other words, the students will have the choice of which month to begin their classes, choosing a time frame that best suits his or her schedule. The students will need to register at least two weeks prior to the start date of any credit class. The audit classes will have two starting dates in every month and will run 16 weeks as well.


While discussing and establishing these classes, it was the goal of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries to keep costs down so that all who desired could

participate. Therefore, we established a simple one price fee for each type of class. The credit courses will cost $325 per course. This is not per credit hour, mind you; this is the total cost of each individual credit course. For credit students, there will be additional costs for textbooks, but no other fees or charges will exist. For audit students, the cost will be $125 per course. Text-books are optional; they are encouraged but not required.

Again, let me say that there is far too much informa-tion that is needed for me to put it in this article. To get the full picture, please go to We look forward to serving you and teaching you in the near future.


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The principles of Christianity shaped and formed our nation. Our forefathers fought and died for freedom from the tyranny of England. Today, more than ever, the revisionists have suc-cessfully distorted our heritage, while leaving our youth without a moral compass. Accord-ing to its founder, Joseph Fletcher, situational ethics, which clearly contradict God’s laws, state that decision-making should be based upon the circumstances of a particular situation and not upon fixed law. Interesting to note is that Fletcher was an Episcopal priest, a member of the Euthanasia Educational Counsel, and an advocate of the Planned Parenthood Federa-tion. He supported euthanasia and abortion. The irony of Fletcher’s teaching is that he based it on Scripture. He used I John 4:8 to build his model — “God is love.” Fletcher believed that any commandment can be broken in good con-science if love is one’s intention. The contradic-tion is obvious. In I John 5:2-3, it says what our love to God is: “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep His commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments: and His commandments are not grievous.”

The next two verses, I John 5:4-5, tell us how to keep his commandments: “For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?"

FORGETTING THE PASTImbued with a perverted secularization of our nation’s history, our young people are given sports icons as models, rock stars to emulate, and Hollywood actors to imitate. Thanks to the help of successful secularists, our nation’s founding history and separation from England is taught to predominantly be for “economic” reasons. Charles and Mary Beard in the early 20th century began to write history books that have been embraced throughout the educational community. The idea that “taxation without representation” was the economic grievance in the Declaration of Independence, and it became the sole clause that Americans studied. Because of secularists and communists, God is no longer visible in American history. To take it a step further, these secularists now assert that America intentionally founded the first secular government in history, although the Declaration of Independence acknowledges God in four separate clauses. Fifty years past the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jeffer-son described the Declaration as “an expression of the American mind … all its authority rests … on the harmonizing sentiments of the day.” The Declaration weaves together philosophy, theology, and political history, both the American mind and the American experience. A secular document, the Declaration needs religion for its authority. God is mentioned four times in three capacities: Legislator (laws and natures of God),

CHANGE part ii by john rosensternTHE SYSTEMATIC PURGING OF Christianity from our educational facilities has left us with a void of moral understanding and a confused secular perspective on American history. To fill the void, secular-ists have replaced our Christian heritage with humanism. Our forefathers knew the value of retaining Christianity as the cornerstone of our educational instruction. It supplied historical stories of courage and personal excellence, coupled with personal accountability and righteous living.

Today, more

than ever, the

revisionists have


distorted our

heritage, while

leaving our

youth without a

moral compass.


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World Evangelism Fellowship was born out of a deep desire of Christians from all denominational backgrounds to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was realized that when churches and ministries band together under the anointing of the Holy Spirit to attack the strongholds of Satan, much can be accomplished.

This is the reason World Evangelism Fellowship was formed – to channel the efforts of churches and preachers from all over the United States, Canada, and the world into a unified, proven plan to reach the lost and dying with the Good News of the Gospel.

The call of God to win the lost is clear. World Evange-lism Fellowship is answering that call and we would like to extend an invitation to you to join us. This is not a denomination, and we pray it never will be. It is, how-ever, a fellowship of Ministers and Churches united in their efforts to reach the world for Jesus Christ.

How do I, as an individual, affiliate with World Evangelism Fellowship?

There are several ways to join World Evangelism Fellowship, and the method you choose depends on what God has called you to do.

• Christian Worker • Licensed Minister• Ordained Minister • Church Affiliation

For more information contact:World Evangelism Fellowship

P.O. Box 262550 | Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550225.768.3106 |

“ Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.”

- Mark 16:15

Creator (or executive), Supreme Judge of the world, and as a Guardian (divine providence). Daniel Webster said, “His-tory is God’s providence in human affairs.” When a proper understanding of history is presented, it demonstrates the need for Christianity because of both societal and the indi-vidual benefits it produces. It displays the hand of God in human affairs. Thomas Jefferson understood that a correct teaching of history would help guide the future of our nation. He wrote, “History, by apprizing them [students] of the past, will enable them to judge of the future.”

Romans 15:4: “For whatsoever things were written afore-time were written for our learning.”

Hebrews 10:32: “But call to remembrance the former days.”

I Corinthians 10:6: “Now these things were our examples.”

We learn from history, and what we learn affects our behavior.


The secularists would have us believe “taxation without rep-resentation” was the number one reason America sought independence from Great Britain. Actually, it was not in the first half of the list of the 27 reasons given in our Declaration of Independence. Furthermore, King George III prevented Americans from printing an English language Bible. He also vetoed the charter for America’s first missionary society. Americans responded and took action. Samuel Adams and Charles Carroll cited religious freedom as the reason they became involved in the American Revolution. In fact, 24 out of 56 signers were holders of seminary or Bible school degrees. For many of our founders, religious issues were a significant motivation to separate from Great Britain. Not-withstanding, there were many pastors who participated in the revolution and held prestigious positions. For example, one of George Washington’s most trusted generals was Rev. John Peter Muhlenberg, who led 300 men from his church against the British. He is also famous for a sermon he preached to his congregation from Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3. He reminded his parishioners that there was a time to preach and a time to fight. He said that, for him, the time to preach was past, and it was time to fight. He then threw off his vestments and stood before his congregants in the uniform of a Virginia colonel.

Satan knows that he can’t change history. However, if he can place the emphasis on less important aspects of history and omit what is really important, the facts of our past will not properly represent the whole truth. America’s educational community is teaching secularism with its god, humanism. The next step in the process is to use socialism to advance us toward communism.

We will explore this more closely next month.


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The attack on the Message of the Cross is not just a modern-day battle. Paul, the instrument God used to bring forth the precious Message of the Cross, addressed enemies of the Cross. “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the Cross of Christ” (Philippians 3:18).


“For the preaching of the Cross is to them who perish foolish-ness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God” (I Cor. 1:18). Logos translated “preaching” in this verse could actually be translated as “the doctrine of the Cross,” “the teaching of the Cross,” or “the Message of the Cross.” Just as the attack on the Cross is not a modern-day battle, the Message of the Cross is not a modern-day doctrine. Paul taught the Message of the Cross.


How then should the child of God view the Message of the Cross, “… but unto us who are saved it is the power of God” (I Cor. 1:18)? You are either part of those in the very act of perishing, or you are part of those who are saved. There’s no third group. It’s sad that many professing Christ as their Saviour share the same attitude in regards to the Message of the Cross as those who are in the present act of perishing. Makes one wonder, doesn’t it?


There’s a stigma attached to the Message of the Cross. The image of Calvary is disturbing. If we would view a true rep-

resentation of how Jesus actually looked while on the cross, we would be somewhat traumatized. However, when we understand the pivotal role the Cross has in our salvation, sanctification, redemption, justification, and future glorifica-tion, we embrace the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ — the Message of the Cross.

I CAN BUILD MY CHURCH FASTER WITHOUT IT! Some see the Message of the Cross as a hindrance to church growth. I know of pastors who experienced a mass exodus when they first introduced the Message of the Cross. Some feel a more seeker sensitive approach to church growth yields more favorable results. You may build your church by avoiding the Cross, but then it ceases to be His church you are building. Jesus said, “I will build My church.” He does so on the foundational teaching of the Cross.

SAVED BY GOD — SANCTIFIED BY SELF Many have no problem with saying that we are saved by God’s grace. Yet, they struggle to understand that we are also sanctified and continue to be sanctified through what Jesus Christ did at Calvary. It can’t be saved by God and sanctified by self. It can’t be saved by grace and sanctified by works. What brought us into the kingdom of God is what keeps us in the kingdom of God.

WITHOUT THE CROSS, THERE IS NO CHRISTIANITY Without the Cross, there is no Christianity. It is the basis of man’s acceptance by God, the means of our victory, our source of healing, and the very foundation of our Christian walk. It is the power of God.

THE EXODUS CONTINUES. DECEIVED into thinking we no longer need Calvary as the focus of our faith, some pastors openly mock the messengers and the Message of the Cross alike. In so doing, they teach the modern church to leave the Cross behind.

LEAVING THE CROSS BEHIND part ii by mike muzzerall


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» Genesis [639 PAGES 11-201]

» Exodus [639 PAGES 11-202]

» Leviticus [435 PAGES 11-203]

» Numbers Deuteronomy [493 PAGES 11-204]

» JoshuaJudgesRuth [329 PAGES 11-205]

» I SamuelII Samuel [528 PAGES 11-206]

» I KingsII Kings [560 PAGES 11-207]

» I ChroniclesII Chronicles [505 PAGES 11-226]

» EzraNehemiahEsther [288 PAGES 11-208]

» Job [320 PAGES 11-225]

» Psalms [688 PAGES 11-216]

» Proverbs [320 PAGES 11-227]

» Ecclesiastes Song Of Solomon [245 PAGES 11-228]

» Isaiah [688 PAGES 11-220]

» JeremiahLamentations [688 PAGES 11-070]

» Ezekiel [520 PAGES 11-223]

» Daniel [403 PAGES 11-224]

» HoseaJoelAmos [496 PAGES 11-229]

» ObadiahJonahMicah

NahumHabakkukZephaniah [530 PAGES 11-230]

» HaggaiZechariahMalachi [448 PAGES 11-231] NEW

» Matthew [625 PAGES 11-073]

» Mark [606 PAGES 11-074]

» Luke [626 PAGES 11-075]

» John [532 PAGES 11-076]

» Acts [697 PAGES 11-077]

» Romans [536 PAGES 11-078]

» I Corinthians [632 PAGES 11-079]

» II Corinthians [589 PAGES 11-080]

» Galatians [478 PAGES 11-081]

» Ephesians [550 PAGES 11-082]

» Philippians [476 PAGES 11-083]

» Colossians [374 PAGES 11-084]

» I ThessaloniansII Thessalonians [498 PAGES 11-085]

» I TimothyII TimothyTitusPhilemon [687 PAGES 11-086]

» Hebrews [831 PAGES 11-087]

» JamesI PeterII Peter [730 PAGES 11-088]

» I JohnII JohnIII JohnJude [377 PAGES 11-089]

» Revelation [602 PAGES 11-090]

Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through March 31, 2015.For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at

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ON MARCH 15, THIS evangelist will be 80 years young. I’ve never felt better in my life, and I give the Lord all the praise and glory for that. I have asked the Lord to give both Frances and me enough years to finish this course. What is the task of which I speak?

I am speaking of world evangelism. When I was a child, the Lord called me for this task. Of course, being 8, 9, 10 years old, etc., I didn’t understand that much about it, but I did know that we would be preaching all over the world, and now we are.

How I thank the Lord for what He is now doing, but I believe it is only a down payment, so to speak, of what the Lord is going to do in the very near future. I speak of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, coming to the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe the push that is coming is going to be the last great push before the coming great tribulation, and I know that this ministry (Jimmy Swaggart Ministries) is going to play a great part in this move.

However, I actively solicit your prayers. This means so very, very much to me. In fact, I cannot do without your inter-cession before the Lord on behalf of this ministry. Thank you so much for that.


Of course, I ask for absolutely nothing for myself, and if anyone sends money stating they want me to have it, please understand that that money will immediately be given for television. I will not receive anything for myself personally.

However, to celebrate my 80th birthday, I am asking for an offering, which will go for television. As the Lord helps you to do so, I’m asking you to give $8,000, or maybe $800, or $580, or $180, or $80, or $20.80. We need it for

television, and I would appreciate your help so very, very much in this capacity. I’m sure I look every day of 80 years old, and perhaps even older, but I definitely don’t feel like I’m that old. I give the Lord the praise for that.


We just went on in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in nearly 1 mil-lion homes, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. By the time you hold this magazine in your hands, we should also be airing in Nashville, Tennessee, in nearly a million homes as well. We are also going on in Seattle, Washington, with 1.25 million homes. How we thank the Lord for opening these doors.

As well, we are airing four hours a day, Monday through Friday, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which we hope to shortly increase to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To my knowledge, this is the only area where we only air just a few hours, but we are glad to be able to do that. It starts at 8 a.m. and goes to noon (EST). You can adjust it for the different time zones, of course.

Also, by the time you read this, we should be going into Iran with the programming (at least a part of the pro-gramming) translated into Persian, which is the language of the Iranians. Pray that God will use it, which I know that He will.




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How so much we thank the Lord for all of our FWC Media Church members. You are very, very special to us. I remind myself that every time we have ser-vice, you are with us, and how so glad we are to have you.

As well, I am so very, very grateful for the prayerful support and the financial support that you give us, whether you are an FWC Media Church member or not. To bring the signal into your home, your heart, and your life is not a simple process, as I’m certain most of you know. But yet, how privileged we are that the Lord has opened this door to your home. That’s the reason we’re doing everything within our power to go into every home in the world where the Lord will open the door. There is nothing in the world more special or more important than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything else takes a distant second, third, etc. However, we cannot do it without you. The one who is to be sent cannot go unless there is a sender. Paul said: “And how shall they preach, except they be sent?” (Rom. 10:15).


Resurrection Campmeeting is coming up (April 1-5, 2015). It’s going to be a blockbuster, and I pray that if it’s at all possible, you will make plans to be with us.

In this last camp, the Spirit of God was very preva-lent in service after service, for which we give the Lord all the praise and glory. I believe that Resurrection Campmeeting is going to be bigger and better than ever. So, if possible, make your plans to be with us.

Again, Happy Birthday, Jimmy.

I feel ridiculous saying “Happy Birthday” to myself, but I’ll gladly suffer the indignity. Thank the Lord for 80 years and thank the Lord for as many more as we need, as stated, to finish this task.

Thank you so very, very much for your help in this. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing all over the world.

In the Master’s service, yours,

Jimmy Swaggart

Each time we taped the shows, the Lord’s presence and anointing was so strong people in other areas of the sound stage would stop their work and listen. Some would cry. Since the program was geared to unsaved people, many times I stopped right in the middle of the program and offered people in the viewing audience an opportunity to accept Christ.

Hundreds of letters began pouring into the office demon-strating what impact the program was having on people’s lives. A man in Dallas wrote saying his father never dark-ened the doorway of a church, but the old man religiously watched the program every Sunday with tears in his eyes. “I believe dad will be waiting for me in heaven,” wrote the son, “because of your telecast.”

The program crossed racial and ethnic barriers. One night, I stepped off the platform of an auditorium in Norfolk, Virginia. I was tired and worn from the three-hour service. My clothes were damp with perspiration and I longed to get back to the hotel to rest.

As I moved toward the stage exit, a thick, muscular arm reached out and grabbed me. I turned and looked square into the rough face of a large black man.

“Brother Swaggart, I want to tell you something,” the man said.

I stood listening. In fact, I had no choice.

“Just a few months ago, I was a Black Panther,” he said softly. “My life was wrapped up in hate. It was my whole existence. After a night of drinking and partying, I flipped on the television one Sunday morning and your telecast came on. I started to turn it off but there was something about your music that stopped me.

“I got back in bed and the music began to sober me up like I was being delivered from some evil spirit. When the program was over, I knelt beside the bed and gave my heart to Jesus. I’ve been filled with the Holy Spirit and I’m now preaching the gospel.”

I thought back to the drawing power of God’s music. It drew my parents into a little Pentecostal church in Loui-siana, and it drew a Black Panther to Jesus. Surely our God is a singing God, who loves to hear His people join in on the chorus.


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Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through March 31, 2015.For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at

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Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through March 31, 2015.For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at

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Donnie SwaggartOffice: 225.768.8300Email: [email protected]

Bob & Sharon CornellOffice: 225.768.3887Email: [email protected]

MARCH 6-8, 2015 – CROSBY, TXPastor Ronnie Mitchem Victor & Praise Worship Center21907 FM 2100 Road, Crosby, TX 77532281.324.9033 | www.victoryandpraise.com² FRI & SAT 7 PM | SUN 10:45 AM

MARCH 27-29, 2015 – DANVILLE, VAPastor Jason Cook Riveroak Church of God120 Riveroak Boulevard, Danville, VA 24541434.793.9648 | www.riveroakcog.com² FRI 7 PM | SAT 6 PM | SUN 10:30 AM & 6 PM

APRIL 24-26, 2015 – DENVER, NCPastors Jason & Summer Collins Lakeside Church6636 Pine Ridge Drive, Denver, NC 28037704.620.8583 | www.mylakesidechurch.com² FRI 7 PM (Sharon ministering) | SAT 6 PM

SUN 10:30 AM & 6 PM (Sharon ministering)

Please visit to view full list of meetings.

David BorgOffice: 225.768.3890Email: [email protected]

Loren LarsonOffice: 225.768.3890Email: [email protected]

Gabriel SwaggartOffice: 225.768.3072Email: [email protected]

SPECIAL EVENT: MARCH 20, 2015 – BIRMINGHAM, ALGabriel Swaggart Rally Birmingham – Jefferson Convention Complex2100 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N, Birmingham AL 35203² FRI 7 PM

SPECIAL EVENT: MAY 8, 2015 – SAN ANTONIO, TXGabriel Swaggart Rally Lila Cockrell Theatre200 East Market Street, San Antonio, TX 78205² FRI 7 PM

MAY 29-30, 2015 – GRAND ISLAND, NEPastor Steve Markel New Life FellowshipServices Location: Quality Inn & Convention Center7838 South Highway 281, Grand Island, NE, 68803«Intersection of US281 and Interstate 80» 402.469.1855² FRI 7 PM | SAT 10 AM & 7 PM

MARCH 8, 2015 – LAFAYETTE, LAPastor Paul Cody The Refuge Church510 W Pinhook Road, Lafayette, LA 70503337.232.2021² SUN 10 AM

MARCH 21-22, 2015 – GUEYDAN, LAPastor Joseph Boutin Gueydon International Churchw337.536.5006 ² SAT 7 PM | SUN 10 AM

FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 1, 2015 – NEW BOSTON, TXPastor Matthew NeeseThe Gospel Tabernacle, 407 W. Walters Blvd., New Boston, TX 75570903.628.6607 | www.faithagchurch.org² FRI 7 PM | SAT 10 AM (Teaching) & 7 PM | SUN 10 AM

Jim NationsEmail: [email protected] THE EVANGELIST MARCH 2015 43

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COPYRIGHT © 2015 by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the publisher’s prior written permission.

Family Worship Center Church, Inc.Jimmy Swaggart MinistriesP.O. Box 262550Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550




Family Worship Center Church, Inc.Jimmy Swaggart Ministries of CanadaP.O. Box 1020Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6V9


COPYRIGHT © 2015 by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the publisher’s prior written permission.

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P.O. Box 262550 | Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550225.768.3890 | [email protected] |