pmr bi 1&2 kelantan

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  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    SULIT12/1Bahasa InggerisKertas 1September20071 Jam




    Masa : Satu Jam


    Arahan:1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi lima bahagian dengan 40 soalon.2. Jowab semua suaton3. Anda dinasihatkan supaya mengumbil masa If) minil un/uk menjawab soaiun

    Bahugian A, 10 minit Bahagian B, 10 mini! Bahagian C, J0 mini! untukBabagian D dan, 20 mini! Bnlragilln E.'

    Instructions:l. This question paper consists offive sections with 40 questions.2. Answer all questions.3. YOII are advised to spend about 10 minutes on Section A. 1Uminutes on

    Sec/ion B, 10 minutes on Sec/ion C /0 minutes on Seaton D and 2Uminuteson Section E.

    Kertassoalanin! mengandungi 14halamanbercetak.12/ 1 SULIT[I,ihat sebelah



  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan



    SECTION AQUt8tiODS 1-10Question 1Read (he notice below and answer the question that follows.

    SCHOOL (eIlOlRTo all members,

    There will be no practice during the schoolholidays. Practice will start again on 13/06/2007 (Wednesday)at 2.30 p.m. at the school hall.

    ~ The secretary

    The choir practice will begin againA during the school holiday.B at 2.30 p.m. every Wednesday.C on 13th June 2007.D after 13" Juno 2007.


    Kota Sharu, Thurs : A three-metra-long estuarine crocodile was spottedsunning itsetf on the banks of Sungai Kelantan early yesterday. So far, it doesn'tseem to be aggressive. It would probably attack someone, only if it can't findfood.

    AQ9Qrdlng to the above newspaper report. the crocodileA is less than three metres long.B will become aggressive when it is attacked.C dislikes to sun itselfon the river banks.D would attack human if it fails to find food.

    12/ I SULIT[Lihat sebelah2 3 INGGERIS (1) PERCUBAAN PMR SEPT 2007



  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan




    Question 3Read the notice below and answer the question that follows.


  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    QUC!tiOD 7Read the advertisement below and answer IN; question that follows.

    lADE BOOKSNO.STOCK CLEARANCE SALEDatc . 10mJune - 20'h June 2007Time: 10 a.m.. 9 p.m.

    BUY ONE FREE ONE!T erms &. Condtrious

    Valid onlv for items wilh yellow s t i c k e r ~ Valid while stocks lastFREEAn exclusive Environmentally Friendly Shopping Bag worthRM10.OO with any purchase ofRM50 and above.

    7 What must Puan Azlina do if she wants to get a free shopping bag?A She must buy books with yellow stickers,B She must go to the shop on lOch Junc 2007.C She rnusst spend RM10 to buy books.D She must buy books worth RMSO and above.

    Question 8Read the headline below and answer the question tharfollows.

    IMedical teams to baplaced at National sarvlce-::mps-8 To ensure the health and well-being of National Service trainees, the governmenthas decided to at the camps.

    A build more clinicsB upgrade the health clinicsC station medical assistantsD train medical learns

    1211 SULlT[Lihat scbelah5 B INGGt:f{S o. PERCUHAAN PMR SEPT ;'"D7


  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan




    Question 9Study the picture below and an,

  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    SECTION BQUestiODli 11 18Each que,frio" in the text below refers 10a numbered blank. For each question. choose the bntannte.rfrom The apuons A. B. Cor D tt)jir the numbered blanks.

    Kuala Lumpur, the cepttal city of Malaysia, (11) centrally located in the westcoast of Peninsular Malaysia. (12) an area of 243 square km (94 square miles), it liesapproximately 3S km (IJ) the coast. Kuala Lumpur was conferred city status onFebruary I. 1972 (14) declared as II Federal Territory in 1974.

    tlS) city began as a mining settlement in the late 1 8 0 0 ~ with the: - : : : = = ~ , ( l 6 ) of tin at the confluence of the Klang and Gombak rivers. (17) KualaLumpur's tin trade has since declined, the growth of the city has remained unstoppable. Today,with a population of 1.8 million, it is the pulse of the nation.Kuala Lumpur leads the country 's (18) development in trade and commerce,banking and finance. manufacturing. transportation, Informanon technology and tourism.

    11 A " 15 A AD are B AnC was. C The0 were 012 A Cover 16 A saleD Covers D exportC Covered C making0 Covering 0 discovery13 A ;n 17 A NeverthelessD at D AlthoughC with C However

    0 from 0 Yet14 A and 18 A unbeatableD but -B fest-pacedC hence C stable

    0 although 0 slow

    12/1 SULlT[Lihat scbelah7 B INGGERI$ /1) flERCUBAAN PMR SEPT 2007


  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan



    QuelltioRll19-21Rrai the conversation in Situ.tion A and choose the 1'JcII,( meaningfor the phrases that areunderlined.SitualioD A : Serena visits Genal in the hospital.Serena How long are you going to be warded?Gopal Another week but 1 feel fine already. It is just that the doctor wants to

    examine my broken Ieg. I want to go home but 1 have co give in (l9) to hisrequest.Serena How did the accident eome about?

    Gopal I heard an old Iedy calling out (:10) tor help when her handbag was snatchedby a thief. 1 did not see II. car was heading my wa.y when I was rushing 10help her. I was run down (21) by it.

    Serene I hope you arc going to get well soon. Our class is not the same without you.

    19 giyein 21 n.m dO\\-nABCD

    .g =refusegive something to the doctorargue with the doctor



    :10 callingputA shoutingB offeringC jumpingo sobbing

    12/ 1 SULIT[Lihal scbclah8 s INGGERIS (1) PERCUBAAN PMR SEPT 2007


  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    QoestJoas :1:1-14Reod tlu: leiter in Situlition B and choose the belt meaning/or the phJ-a.res that are u1t(Jer/ined.

    Dear Joanne,I'm sorry for keepingyou at mnS lenith (21) for the pest few weeks. I've just found outthat it was not you who spread Iherumours about me cheating in the examination.Kamal finally.ate humble pie(13) afterhe knew our friendship sufferedbecauseofhis wrong deed. I found outabout this whenhe came to my house to have a \\iord with me (2'4) yesterday. I sincerely apologisefor arguingwith you. Please say you will forgive me.Yours truly,Sahara.

    22 keeping you atarms lengthABCo

    keeping your lU'TJ1Smeasuring your armsbeing cold to youtwistingthe truth23 atCI humble pilj


    Admitted his mistakesent a piefelt happyapologized24 have a word with me


    advise mequarrel with megive support to mehan a conversation with me

    12/ ] SULIT[Lihat sebelah


  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    SECTIONDQuestions 25 -:zsRead the advertisemem below and answer the questions thaifallow.Life I . run of challenge. V Smlth&cluk Prepare Cor It! HOPSITE*

    W3tet'pfoof O T f ~ l i n g 1/ 20 strips

    Waterproof "Bacterla-proof "BreathablePut your worries awayl HOPSITE lets you nurse your child's wounds back tohealth in complete confidence.It sticks comfortably on any awkward joint areas and is pain free during removal.Home or away, It's a brand new way to keep wounds fully protected, virtually germfree and have your child smiling again in an instant.For more information, please contact your local pharmacyor call Consumer Hotline 03-66748860

    Adapted from The Sun

    25 HQPSITE is most probablyABCD

    a type of dressa type of bacteriaa small bandage with edhestvcspecialointment for wounds26 The word 'pain free' can best be replaced with


    painfuldiscomfortpainlessslight pain27 Which oftbc following statement is true?


    Hie dressing a J l o w ~ the skin to breathe.Water CBII easily get through the dressing.The dressing does not stick well on joints.The dressing is bacteria-proof on}).


    [Llhat scbelahB, INGGERIS I ' l PERCUBAAN PMR SEPT 2007


  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    28 Buying this product will help one toA prepare for challenges in life.B treat a child's wounds confidently.C makea child smile again.D be free from worries.

    Questions 29 - 34-Read the passage below and answer rhi! questions thai follow

    TWO FUU1L DREAMS TIIROUGH D ~ T E R M I N A T I O N PENANG: Norheyati Mohd Yusoff 27, of Kelanten, hod to drop out of school when she was 15,after a fall from her bicycle which left her paralysed waist down. This. did no t dd,,. her fromcontinuing with her studies on her own and today, she is pursuing a degree in literature throughUniversiti Saine Malaysia's (USM) Internet-based Distance Learning Programme.

    Norheyeti stopped schooling at Form One as there were no disabled-friendly facilities in herschool then. However, me started studying on her own and passed the SPM in 2003 followed by4 pass in the STPM in 2005,

    Norhayeri, the second child among eight siblings, wanted a university degree and applied forUSM's literature programme through distance teeming. She hoped to get a jo b as an interpreteror in any field related to her studies after getting her degree.

    For retired teacher K. Jeyalekshmi, 58, of Johor, the ambition to become a professor spurredher to sign up for a degree in literature under the programme. She hoped to continue to get aMAsters degree from a Singapore university and 4 doctorate from an overseas university.

    The mother of four said she got married after Form live and with the birth of her children, sheneverhad timc to continue her studies then."Now that they are all grown up and I have retired, I will have time to pursue my dream," she

    said.The 1,732 students pursuing degree COUl'Sl:!I under the distance learning programme are the firstbatch to do so through the new Internet-based system. The Dean of the School o fDistance

    Education, Omar Majid, said the students can listen to five lectures IIIld e ~ ' t f t l I ? ~ a y recordedlectures through the Internet. ; . I II "'vit;.->'t1-.1 ') '

    Adaptedf r o ~ 'lie SUIt

    Why did Nomayaf drop om of schoo! after she became paralysed?A She was ashamed of her condifiou.B She had no disabled friends at school.C The facilities at school were no t disabled-friendlyo She wanted to study on her own.

    12/ I SULlTILihat scbcIah11 B INGGERIS (' ) PERCUllAAN PMR SEPT :'007



  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    30 The word 'deter' can best he replaced withA influenceB preventC postponeD cancel

    31 We can correctly say that NcrhayatiA has ctgbt younger siblings.B wilt got ajob lIS an interpreter.C pursuesa degree in literature.

    32 K Jayelakshmi's dream is toA get marr ied early.B become a professorC raise aU her children,D get a Masten; degree from a local university.

    33 The USM Internet-based distance learning programme meansA students will obtain a Masters degree.S students can pursue their studies online.C students need10be at the univen.ityto learn.D students can only listen to live lectures.

    34 What is layalakshmi's prior occupation?A Full-time motherB TeacherC Interpretero Professor

    12/ J SUUTILihat scbcleh12 a INGGERIS (1) PERCUElAAN PMR SfPT 200i


  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    SECTION EQUf'JItioD!l3S-37Rend the poem below carefulJy and an....wer flu: quesfioflJ {hat/allow.

    Life! B r i ~ r CandleTo-morro"" and to-morrow. and l().IIIOrTOW.

    Creeps in tbia petty pace from day to dayTo the Ian .yllable of recorded time.

    And an our yesterdays haw lighted foo18The way to duty death. Out, out, brief' candle!Ufe', ba t a walking sbadow,. poor player.

    That struta and (reb hi s hour upon the lltage.And tbea is heard DO more; it is II taleTold by an idiot, faUof ,oufI,d sed fory,Sigr:dfying nothing.

    By William S l l ( s k ~ 6 p e ( U ' e

    3S Based on the poem, we know Lhat thepersonaA is happy with his lifeB is sad and depressed with his lifeC is excised when walking on stageD is glad that life is a shadow

    37 'Life' is represented by the 'WordA rimeB yesterdayC tomorrowD candle

    36 Whatdoes the persona think. about time ?A Time passes by vel')' quicklyB Time passes by very swiftlyC Time pRSlleS by very slowlyo Time passes by very fast

    12/ I SULIT[Lihat sehelah13 B INGGERI$ (1) PERCUBAAN PMR SEPT 2007


  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    Questions 3R - 40Read the extract below carefUlly and QMWer the. questions lila!fallow.

    The other children tried to break up the fight, but withoutsUccess. The two boys kept on f i g h t i n g ~ zanid's intense anger increased his strength and although he ended up bruised and bloody, he finallywon.Dollah was completely exhaustcd.zahld then opened Dolah's beg. He looked for the pencil. Hefound it. The he broke it imo bits and threw the pieces into the river. Aftcrwerds, he ran home asswiftly II.S lightning.As soon as he reached home, he went and hugged his grandmother around the neck. Then heburied his head in her lap, without saying a word. He felt sad and dejected, deeply hurt.Thatnight the small boy was feverish and often mumbled in his sleep about the pencil. Maybe itwas because of his cuts and bruises. All night long his old grandmother kept watch over him;trequcnny tears would flood her eye:!.The fever lasted three days. His short, plumpish body had shriveled somewhat, causing him tolook even smaJlerthan before.When he was well, hereturned to school, but he wasno longer the quiet Zahid he hnd once been.A cbeege had come over him. It was as though the fever had created B new Zahld.

    The Pencil b AUM. 'ood38 What did l.ahid's intense anger do to him?It madeA him opened Dolah's bagB him ran home as quickly as lightningC him strongerD him fcveriah and mumbled in his sleep

    39 \Vhft1 happened to Zahid's pencil '?A The children stoic itB Dolnh broke it into piecesC Zehid hid it in the beiD Zahid broke it II1ld threw it away

    41l How did Zahid look after the fever ?ABCD

    He bec-amequietHe looked smaller than beforeHe turned into a naughty boyHe became

    12/1 SULIT



  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    12/2SULITBahasa InggerisKertas 2September2007I1 - .I01lT12



    KERTAS2Masa : SatuJam 30 Minit

    JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHUArahan:1. Kalas soalan ini mengandungi Tign bahuglan.2. Jawab semua sua/an.3. Anda dinasihatkan supaya mengombil moso 40 mini! untuk menjawab sao/an

    Bahagian A, 30 minit Bahagian B dan 20 minit untuk Bahagian C.Instructions:1. This question paper consists ofThree sections.2. Answer all questions.3. YOli are advised to spend about 40 minutes on Section A. 30 minutes on

    Section Band 20 minutes on Section C

    Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 4 halaman bercetak.12,1 2 SULIT

    [Lihat sebelah8 INGGERIS (2) PERCUBAAN PMR SEPT 2007


  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    Section A : Guided Writing[30 mark' I

    You attended a talk on 'Healthy Living' organized by a private hospital .when you went toscbool, your teacher asked you to give a speech during the scbocl essembjy on the topic 'How ToLead A Healthy Life. Based on the pictures and notes given below, write ou t your speech.

    Exercise. illness trim and fitEat healthy food

    - balanced diet nutrients

    How To Lead A Healthy Life

    Personal hygiene. cleanlinessSIeq:J and rest - avoid diseases alert \- hard day's work _J---------

    When writing out your speech: use .11 the notes given elaborate on the given notes to make it Interesting make sure it is not leu thaD 120words.

    12/ 2 SULITfLihat sebelah2 8. INGGERIS (2) PERCUljAAN PMR SEPT 2007


  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    Section B : Summary(10 maeks)

    Read thc passage below and answer the question that follows.

    According to Brig-len Datuk Dr Mohd Zin Bidin, the head ofMalaysian FI MedicTeam. providing medical services for an FI race is different from any other event. Itrequires top level systematic alertness and readiness, which the military possess.He said before the actual race day, the team undergoes numerous rehearsals andthey are trained military style to be on their toes at all times.

    "All ofus are clad in fireproof jackets and stand under the hot sun for hours.""We begin work three months before the race Wid within that time, we have tobuild a world-class medical facility from scratch."This means that teem has to be staffed by the right people who are able to work

    under tremendous pressure and trying conditions.Preparation is tedious task as it involves organizing the right logistics, foodrequirements, lodging, equipment end transport."We also undergo seminars by the FIA and four days of track training:'Dr Zin said the medic team faces all kinds of danger, such as racing car crashes,

    fires and explosions.He said volunteers also had to undergo training to learn call signs and use


    (Adapted from The Star, 25/0312001)Write a summary on what the Malaysian Fl Medic Team has to do before the actualrace,Yoursummarymust:

    not be more than 60 werde, including the ]0 words given belowbe in '-'Outinuous writing (not in note form)be written in one paragraph

    Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.Begin your summary as follows:

    Be/ore the actual raceday. themedic team undergoes numerous ...

    12/2 SULlT[Lihat sebclah3 8 INGGERIS (2) PERCUBAAN PMR SEPT 2007


  • 8/14/2019 PMR BI 1&2 Kelantan


    [ 10marks]

    You are odvtsed to spend 20 minutes Q" this question.NOVELS1 . Potato People 4 Angela Wright2 . Robinson Crusoe Daniel DefoeJ _The Phantom of the Opera Garton Leroux4 . Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson.5 . The Prisoner ofZenda - Anthony Hope Hawkins

    Based on the novel that you Dave read, write about an Iqter'll!lltiqg event and the lessonsth8t you bave learnt from i t .Give evidence from the novel to support your answer .

    Your response should be : in not leu tban 50 words. In cootina:oWl writia:g ( not note form )


    12/2 SUUT
