pna revised 2

Codes for Corrections In GREEN- what was added according to comments given and my reflections. When whole paragraphs were revised I just highlighted the title to avoid eye shock!!!! In YELLOW- structure/ grammar corrections- only major parts were highlighted. In BLUE my comments regarding some of your questions. APA revised Changing Habits: For a Future with Water Performance Needs Assessment Renata Chiaradia ETEC 651- Professor Nadia Naffi Concordia University, 2015 Overall, you did a very good job with this. You have shown an understanding of most of the HPT content by applying it to this

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PERFORMANCE NEEDS ASSESSMENT 28 Codes for CorrectionsIn GREEN- what was added according to comments given and my reflections. When whole paragraphs were revised I just highlighted the title to avoid eye shock!!!! In YELLOW- structure/ grammar corrections- only major parts were highlighted.In BLUE my comments regarding some of your questions.APA revised

Changing Habits: For a Future with WaterPerformance Needs AssessmentRenata ChiaradiaETEC 651- Professor Nadia NaffiConcordia University, 2015

Overall, you did a very good job with this. You have shown an understanding of most of the HPT content by applying it to this PNA. I think there is space for improvement in various sections. I have left you some comments here and there, to help you revise the document. With this version, your mark would be B+/A-. I have no doubt that you can improve this in your final portfolio.Consider following the APA formatting and style guide:

Changing habits: For a future with water1- IntroductionOur water supply was once thought to be infinite. As time went on, people realized that if solutions were not thought of, a possible water crisis would emerge. For a long time, Unesco (2009) has promoted conferences about the water condition worldwide and it has stated that water is a finite and vulnerable resource. Water is an essential element of our survival and if we exhaust our water supply, life would cease to exist; there wouldnt be any food, the planet would overheat and droughts would become more common.People have been using water carelessly, as if the supply of water was limitless. Brazil was once considered privileged because it has 12% of the superficial fresh water in the world (Instituto Socioambiental, 2005), but now, the country is suffering as it never has before due to the lack of water in its reservoirs. The current water crisis began in 2014 and along with the careless wasting of water, pollution, negligence by authorities to implement water-saving methods and lack of rain have aggravated the situation. According to an article published on November 24 in the online The Globe and Mail, this is Brazils worst water crisis in 80 years (Allison & Curry, 2014). With this problem, it became evident that there is a risk of not having fresh water available in the very near future. According to Sabesp, the company which supplies water in the state of So Paulo, a person needs around 110 liters of water per day for consumption and hygiene, however, the actual consumption surpasses 250 liters (Sabesp, n.d). As for February 8, 2015 the volume of remaining water in the reservoirs that supply the population of So Paulo city was at 5.7% of its capacity (Sabesp, 2015).2- Data Collection (Re-located) A lot of the data contained in this performance needs assessment was collected from different sources, as well as observations of peoples behaviors concerning water saving. A great deal of information was extracted from the water supply company website, Sabesp. Data was also collected from the AAR3s employees and conversations with the director, inhabitants and the workers/housekeepers of the gated community. Below are the questions used to reveal where the information was taken from and how they were asked.Some guiding questions/questionnaires were also used to gather more information. The director of AAR3 and dwellers were part of data collection:1- Are workers receiving information about how they should perform given this current situation? What type of information and how it is conveyed?2- How is the government guiding the community? 3- What is the water supply company doing in order to also cope with the problem?4- Demographically speaking, who are the performers?5- Do performers know how to save water or re-use it? If so, what methods are they using to do so?6- Are tools given to them to do their work?7- Do performers have other responsibilities besides these ones? Is it extra work to perform the tasks that have to be done? Do workers need to stay overtime in order to accomplish the tasks?8- Do they have the knowledge and/or skills to accomplish the task?9- Do they receive feedback at the worksite? How is the feedback communicated?10- What is their reaction when they are corrected?Other ways of gathering information and identifying the gap:Articles and websites- The data was extracted from articles and websites are available in the references. All the information was double-checked and confirmed by people who live in Brazil and who experience this water problem daily.Facebook- Online group conversations and forums that discuss the current water situation in Brazil are being observed. There are posts discussing peoples behavior regarding water consumption and what is being noticed in their neighborhoods. People were also contacted on Facebook and asked about the issue. Employees, house owners and the administration of AAR3 were all contacted.Observation- On a last visit to Brazil on December 16, 2014, peoples behavior and actions were observed for 15 days. Annotations regarding housekeepers routines and the governments plan of action and possible solutions Sabesp was trying to implement to reduce water consumption were made. On Appendix 1it is possible to verify important data taken from Sabesp website (Sabesp, 2010) concerning the amount of water used for each task or problem not solved.3- Restate the requestThis intervention was requested by Antnio Carlos Lavrador, the director of Associao Alphaville Residencial 3 (AAR3), a gated community in the greater So Paulo area, with the aim of sensitizing workers about the water crisis in the region. According to Antnio Carlos Lavrador, the initial request is to target the employees who work full-time inside the AAR3 community. This measure will help the community in implementing new habits, playing its part in coping with the crisis and avoiding a chaotic situation.4- Business NeedThe business need underlying this request is to comply with regulations. The So Paulo government has stipulated that every household needs to reduce its monthly water consumption by 20% to solve the problematic situation in the city. If people do not save the aforementioned 20%, a new tax of up to 50% will be levied. By having to pay the fee, it means that the water supply is close to ending, households are not complying with the regulation imposed by the government and thus the water crisis is intensifying. In order to achieve this objective, the director of AAR3 is requesting immediate interventions to help performers save water.5- The ProblemHousekeepers in the AAR3 gated community are clearly not saving water. It is a serious problem that is getting worse every day and if nothing is done a very tumultuous situation may develop. With the government augmenting pressure and threatening water bill fines, the director of AAR3 decided to investigate the habits inside the community and take some measures in order to cope with the problem and assist employees. It was noticed that people were maintaining old habits and were not saving or re-using water.

6- Current and Desired PerformanceCurrent Performance Maria is a 37-year-old married mother of two children, who works full-time as a housekeeper in order to help her husband with living expenses. Maria lives on the outskirts of So Paulo and is responsible for all the housework in her home as well. She has a long and busy week. She takes the bus at 6 a.m. and arrives at work at 8 a.m. She is responsible for all the main chores at her work and by the time her employer Lidia arrives home, Maria has already left. When she arrives at work she needs to wash the dishes from the previous night. She turns on the faucet and leaves the water running while she is washing the dishes. Twice a week she washes clothes, using approximately 135 litres* of water each time. Maria washes the backyard and driveway every week using more than 400 litres* of water and no instructions are given to her about the way she should perform the task. When she washes the backyard she does not turn off the water and it is on continuously for roughly 30 minutes. She is not able to visualize the amount of water she is using for all the tasks. She waters all the plants and garden every other day, and in order to clean the bathrooms she flushes the toilet, even if they are clean, and uses a lot of water to wash the floors. She does not assess the situation before performing her work. If there is a suspicion of leaks she does not take any measures to rectify the situation because she thinks its not her problem. When she brushes her teeth at lunch time she also leaves the water running for around 5 minutes, using 12 litres* of water. Before going home, she takes a 15-minute shower and does not turn off the water to soap her hair and she uses 135 litres* of water. Maria is not aware of any sustainable practices, such as reusing water or capturing water from the rain. Her employer is too busy to assist her and give feedback regarding water usage. She leaves Maria notes with some instructions but this proves difficult since she cannot read very well (illiteracy is common among the lower economic classes in Brazil). Her excuse is that she does not have time to learn and she exhibits some resistance to change. Maria thinks this water situation is transitory, so there is no need to change her habits or the house tasks and, quite frankly, taking her social and economic situation into consideration, water usage is probably not high on her priorities. When she arrives home she does the same thing and wastes a lot of water, setting this less-than-ideal example for her kids. Considering the severe situation the city is in, Maria and many people like her need an urgent intervention as to not exacerbate the problem at work and in her own home.Desired PerformanceMaria is a 37-year-old married woman, mother of two children, who works full-time as a housekeeper in order to help her husband with living expenses. Maria lives on the outskirts of So Paulo and is responsible for all the housework in her home as well. She has a long and busy week. She takes the bus at around 6 a.m. and arrives at work at 8 a.m. She is responsible for all the main chores at her work and her employer, Lidia, is out most part of the day but twice a week she is able to give feedback on Marias work and give her support, if necessary. When she arrives at work she needs to wash the dinner dishes from the day before. She turns on the faucet to fill a little cup with water, turns off the faucet and soaps all the dishes first, using water wisely. Maria washes clothes only once a week to save water. Every time she does, she captures the water of the machine cycle, about 135 litres* and re-uses it to wash the backyard and driveway every 15 days. Her employer, Lidia, bought large receptacles to capture water from the washing machine, and from the gutters outside the house when it rains. To avoid using water all the time, Maria sweeps the floors instead of washing them. As a result, she saves more than 300 litres of water per week. With the captured rain water, she waters the plants and the garden. This water is also used to flush the toilets, saving more than 60 litres of water daily. If she suspects there are leakages she tells her employer, who subsequently calls someone to fix them immediately. Maria is very involved in her work. Her employer stays with her at least once a week to give her feedback and see how she is doing. Because she cannot read, her employer has put reminders in a picture format so she remembers how to capture and save water. When she brushes her teeth at lunchtime, she uses a cup to avoid leaving the water running. Before going home, she takes a 7-minute shower and turns the water off while she washes her hair, using only 45 litres* of water. Maria knows that the city is going through difficult times because of the water shortages and she is implementing sustainable practices in order to help with the problem. She is researching new solutions and exchanging information with other housekeepers in the area using Facebook, participating at communities of practice and during events promoted by AAR3 that bring the community together. When she arrives home, she uses the same strategies to use water more conscientiously setting a good example for her children. If there is no water, there is no life and her kids and other Brazilians will suffer greatly if nothing is done. Because she is now aware of the water shortage problem, she is naturally worried about the future of her kids without water, so she is being proactive in ensuring that her children will be living in a country with water. Comment by Leo Gervais: How is the info exchanged?*Based on the document Uso Racional da gua (2010)7- Performance GapIn current tasks, performers: Recognize the current water situation as not serious and as transitory Feel insecure because they cant read Rush automatically through the daily activities (wash cloths, bathrooms, clothes, backyards, garage, among others) to be performed without giving any further thought Use water to wash sidewalk, driveways and rooms in the house, without thinking about alternatives to reduce water consumption, such as mopping or the use of captured water from the rain or machines Flush toilets all the time even when it is unnecessary Take longer showers than needed Leave water running when performing the majority of the tasks Ignore leakages as being problematic Lack of knowledge as to how they can help with the water crisis Lack skills on how to implement changes Do not re-use water as part of a solution They do not re-use the water from washing machine They do not capture water from the rain They do not use captured water to flush the toilets Lack support from AAR3, government, Sabesp and employers Lack resources to help them cope with the problem Lack a proper procedure to follow each task that uses water Lack sense of community Lack feedback from employers Lack statement of what it is expected from them

Magnitude: There is a very big gap between what is currently being done and the ideal situation. Water wasting is happening in more than 70% of the houses in the community and it needs to be addressed properly.Value: Right now, the community is not complying with the new regulation which states that everyone should consume 20% less water. If they do not save, they will face a 20% to 50% increase on their water bill, therefore, the dwellers and AA3# will lose money, and still not achieve the main objective saving water.Urgency: It is a very serious issue to be addressed immediately; taking into consideration the reservoirs have water until May only according to Sabesp. If people do not have access to clean, potable water, the situation may become untenable.8- Tasks in Ideal PerformanceUnless stated otherwise, tasks need to be performed with 90% accuracyEnd Result: Housekeepers in AAR3 will save water effectively when performing daily tasks* without major difficulties (90% independently)*daily tasks in this context are all activities that imply the use of water, such as washing clothes and dishes, cleaning bathrooms, cleaning driveways, cleaning back and front yard, taking showers, brushing teeth and washing cars.If performers (behavior) They will accomplish They will perform- Define the problem -Recognize the water situation as very serious-Recognize there will be no water in the future if behaviors do not change-Compare water data now and then -Compare use of water then and what the target is to be reached todayIdentify the reasons why habits/procedures need to be changed immediately

Housekeepers in AAR3 will save water effectively when performing daily tasks without major difficulties (90% independently)

-Exchange experiences/information with co-workers about best ways to save and reuse water-Collaborate with others to help them or get help to better cope with the water crisis -Participate in groups discussions regarding ways of saving water- Search for available resources to get more information on how to help using the internet or television or other media/print-Communicate more with employers to improve procedures regarding detection of leaks and

Come up with new solutions for the problem and improve them with time

-Distinguish procedures available to opt for the best one given the situation- Evaluate their advantages and disadvantages -Locate tools to be used before starting tasks that need water to be performed-Install/Uninstall tools to be used-Assess current situation before using water

Implement the best alternative to be used analyzing each situation

-Detect leakages and communicate issue as soon as it is perceived-Inform employer of irregular or unusual activities in the work place-Visualize how much water is being wasted when there is a leakage-Take shorter showers-Turn off the faucets when water is not being used-Follow a proper procedure when performing daily tasks (using help provided)-Re-use captured water Prevent water from being wasted

9 -PerformersDemographics The performers are housekeepers that work directly in the houses inside the gated communities employed by the owners of the houses. They are responsible for carrying out all the activities such as cleaning, washing, watering plants, etc. in the household from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. These housekeepers are from classes C, D and E, living in the outskirts of So Paulo. In Brazil there are five social classes that are also sub-divided. In So Paulo 37% of the people belong to classes A (A1, A2) and B (B1, B2) classes, 63.1% belong to classes C (C1, C2), D and E (Abep, 2010). Overall, people from classes A and B are literate, and had the chance to finish university. People from class C are literate and functionally-illiterate, and about 30% of them had finished secondary school. Around 10% had the opportunity to go to university. The remaining did not have the chance to finish the primary school. The population from classes D and E are illiterate or functionally-illiterate and did not have the chance to finish their studies. The currency used in Brazil is the real (R$). The minimum wage for workers is R$ 788/month (approximately $285 CDN) and housekeepers make between R$ 905 to R$1,300 ($320 to $500 CDN)/month. Approximately 70% of these workers and housekeepers are women. They are between 26 and 50 years old. The other 30% are men between the ages of 30 and 55. These employees belong to a less privileged class in the Brazilian society who did not complete their primary or secondary studies with around 38% of them being illiterate or functional illiterate[footnoteRef:1], having the ability to only write their names and read a few words. They work full-time, from Monday to Friday and sometimes part-time on Saturdays. [1: Functional illiteracy happens when an individual has reading and writing abilities in the basic level (Wikepedia)]

PersonasNewly arrived performer- Carina is a 30 year-old woman who has just started her work at the AAR3 as a cleaning lady and she is very excited to start this new journey. She is illiterate because she did not have the chance to go to school when she was younger. She can write her name and recognizes some words but she is not embarrassed to admit it to her employer. She is a very hard-working employee who appreciates the opportunity given to her. She is aware of the water problem and is trying to help her employer to save water. Whenever instructions are given she pays attention and asks a lot of questions if the message is not clear. She draws some of the instructions given, in order to have a reference when she needs to remember what was said. She asks other employees what they are doing concerning water and asks friends to find solutions on the Internet and read to her. She tries to do her best to save and re-use water and when she has any difficulties she doesnt hesitate to ask her employer.Comfortable with my job performer- Mario is a 45-year-old housekeeper who has been working for a family for the past three years. He is already used to the house routine and knows the procedures. He is trying to get used to the new reality concerning the water problem. Sometimes, as he starts working, he remembers to save water just at the end of the task. He is still getting used to the new procedures. He is literate but he does not access the materials provided because he thinks it will take too much time. When he does change something, Mario is not sure if the procedure is correct, because she does not receive feedback. He thinks its important to change but he just simply forgets. He does not have the habit of asking questions to the employer, but he wants to change. He is not a proactive worker and does not share practices with neighbors because he is more passive but he is willing to implement new routines to help his community.Ice Age performer- Rita has been working in the gated community for the past 13 years. She is a 40-year-old housekeeper whose routine tasks are habitual. She is illiterate and she does not make an effort to help and simply ignores everything that is said to her concerning water-saving procedures. She tells her employer that changing is very difficult for her because she is old. She usually ignores it when she is corrected and performs accordingly when the employer is there, but once he/she is gone she goes back to her old routine. She thinks that because her salary wont change there is no need for her to change. She is not willing to help the community or implement new techniques. She believes the situation will end soon so there is no need to change her habits because she will just go back to the old ones. She just wants to finish her tasks and go home. She is not willing to spend more time at work to help the community. 10- ContextThe context in which this campaign is happening is inside the homes in AAR3 where there are full-time housekeepers working, and also inside the areas in AAR3 where employees sometimes use water. It is important to consider that this campaign will allow for transfer to employees homes, and when this happens, the community will benefit as well as So Paulo and future generations of Brazilians.Background Information (re-located)To better understand the context in which this program takes place, it is important to explain the culture in the country and some terms that will be used throughout this performance needs assessment.Cultural Information In order to understand the reason for this project, it is important to understand the Brazilian culture. In Brazil, due to the warm weather all year-round, it is common to have the maid clean the house on a daily basis. It is a very common practice to wash the floors, backyards and driveways. There are drains in all bathrooms and kitchens in homes as a means for people to wash the floors. It is also common to see people washing the streets, watering the gardens, and washing cars, all habits that use a significant amount of water. During the winter, water takes a long time to heat in Brazil. People open the faucets and wait for the water to get warm, meanwhile all the water is running through the drains and litres are wasted every time water needs to be used for hygiene, such as showers and brushing teeth.Comment by Leo Gervais: What is the connection between heating and using water? Unclear.Comment by Samsung: TO wait water gets warm people have to open tap and water runs for 2-5 minutes. This is water wasting.Gated Communities and EmployeesThe people who live in gated communities belong to the A and B classes. They have chosen to live in these communities because of, among other things, the high crime rate in So Paulo. Inside these gated communities, there is security personnel, parks for children, beautiful gardens and gym facilities. These communities are closed off by gates, with security personnel present and visitors need to be announced and allowed to enter by residents of the community. All employees and service providers are registered to guarantee the safety of the inhabitants. In Barueri, a suburb of So Paulo where the AAR3 is located, there are more than 40 gated communities, including apartment buildings and houses. The vast majority of the people living in the AAR3 have housekeepers working full time, from 40 to 60 hours a week. They are responsible for managing, cleaning and organizing the house, as well as washing clothes, dishes, and sometimes even cooking. The housekeepers are the ones using and managing the water all day long. The AAR3 also employs workers who deal directly with water on a daily basis, such as gardeners, maintenance personnel and cleaning ladies.Associao Alphaville Residencial 3 (AAR3)AAR3 is one of the gated communities in Barueri, So Paulo. On the chart below is a description of the people who are part of this specific community:AAR 3 housesAAR 3 Inhabitants AAR 3 employees who deal with waterHousekeepers in AAR3Literacy


*Not all houses are inhabited, some are for sale/ rent.400015624 (full-time)213* (part-time)

*They work twice or three times a week, equal to or less than 20 hours a week)14 housekeepers are enrolled in the alphabetization course offered at AAR3

Information given in an e-mail interview with Ricardo Azevedo, responsible for the Administration Department11- Probable causes of problemTo understand where the problems must be happening with performers, the Gilbert model is being used to verify issues on the individual and environmental levels.

EnvironmentInformation - Lack of timely feedback from employers-Lack of clear expectations: employees do not know exactly what they should do- There is no one to share the information with and/or exchange experiences-No guidance during the day and no follow-upResources-Lack of simple materials/job aids-Lack of tools for more complex activities (like vessels to collect water from rain, or pipe adjustment/modifications to capture from washing machine)-Inadequate tools for illiterate peopleIncentives -Poor incentives towards changing procedures-Lack of recognition on accomplished tasks: e.g. compliments/guidance.

Individual Knowledge / Skills

-No education at the workplace: employees assume they are doing it properly-Limited knowledge on how to carry out tasks when dealing with water-For some activities, lack of know-how since it is a new problem-Communicational issuesCapacity

-Problems at home may affect performance at work-Offer resistance when corrected-Poor education affects understanding of instructions/messages- Engraved in old routines

Motives -Low confidence because of feeling of not being able to perform adequately-Some are illiterate or function illiterate and feel incompetent/ intimidated due to lack of skills-No time to accomplish these extra tasks-Rush through activities to leave on time to go home-May think salary is low to change habits and changing habits will make work more demanding for same compensation-Lonely job-Does not take correction as a constructive criticism- Mentality of Too old to change

Adapted from Gilberts Behavior Engineering Model12- Main issues causes the performance problemThe individual performer: worker/ housekeepers Most D and E class people did not attend school or did not have the chance to finish elementary or secondary school which causes: Trouble understanding the instructions given depending on their complexity Difficulties in reading materials provided, which intimidates the workers Feelings of inferiority Aggregation of more tasks to be done or new tasks to be accomplished may cause them to feel overwhelmed The performers may not have the knowledge to conduct some of the tasks The performers do not fully understand the tasks The performers do not receive feedback on their work, therefore they cannot judge if they are doing correctly or not They may lack initiative to change old habits Dependence on instructions when changing a routine Confidence may also be an issue, since they may not have confidence in themselves Lack guidanceThe employers (dwellers/AAR3) The ideal performance was never communicated to the workers Current situation and reasons why workers need to change was never passed on to the performers Clear commands were not given and it is assumed all performers are aware of the current situation AAR3 havent offered some alternatives leading to more independency from the city water supply, such as offering water-capture alternatives that could also be internally re-used by all dwellers/workers Not all members living in the houses are using alternative ways to save/re-use water Ignoring the fact that some of the employees are illiterate or read/write with a lot of difficulty, therefore offering another way of communication would be helpful:-They are not making materials available in different formats for the different performers that exist within the system (literate/illiterate) Government/Sabesp Neglects transferring information to the public and minimizes the gravity of the situation Waited until the last minute to state the seriousness of the situation Does not provide material and resources to those who are less literate and with less or no access to computers and information Does not support the general public for home adjustments to transition to an easier, more efficient way of saving water Apart from offering a discount for people who save water on the water bill, the government is not encouraging people towards changing their water usage habits at home A lack of clear information to make the situation more transparent is causing the population to believe that the problem is transitory, so nobody is actually taking it seriously (according to articles posted on Folha de So Paulo and portal R7)(I do have references to back up- The mayor said there wouldnt be rationing, which leads us to think the problem was under control. Sabesp knew there were problems a while ago. ( and ConstraintsProduct ConstraintsConsidering that the targeted performers have different levels of literacy, it is important to produce materials able to reach all the different classes within the interventions. Simple materials with a lot of pictures and sound, such as videos and pictures, would be more suitable for reaching a wider audience. AAR3 is allowing us to feel free when choosing the best medium to convey the interventions. Project ConstraintsAAR3 wishes that the interventions be implemented by March 20, due to the severity of the situation and pressure by the government and the water supply company Sabesp.14- Project RequirementsThe ObjectivesBusiness Objectives Housekeepers will recognize there is a problem that needs to be addressed after being sensitized about the current water situation and its potential long-term effects. Given the sense of community, housekeepers will participate more actively in solving the water problem Given well informed and motivated housekeepers, new strategies for saving and re-using water are discussed and applied helping every household to s When routinely searching, exchanging information and applying their knowledge while working or at home, housekeepers come up with new strategies to save and re-use water, becoming not only part of the solution but also coming up with new ideas that could benefit all the community when implemented at a larger scale. Consider adding a criterion or standard Given well informed and motivated housekeepers, every household saves 20% of the water bill every month by the end of each month. Given well informed housekeepers, new tasks Example of business objective is: Given well informed and motivated housekeepers, every household saves 20% of the water bill every month by the end of the fiscal year.In the business objective your focus is not on the individuals performance, it is on the consequence of their performance in an ideal scenario.

Performance ObjectivesJob OneHousekeepers in AAR3 will save water effectively when performing daily tasks without major difficulties* (90% independently)*without major difficulties means that the performers can easily act independently, requiring some help at times. Given the awareness raised, housekeepers always identify the reasons why it is imperative to urgently save water in the coming months while performing their daily tasks Given the support provided by AAR3, housekeepers will be assisted by employers and supported in their task transitions while performing the new tasks and at feedback time Given better communication tools, housekeepers will report leaks and irregularities regarding water waste in a timely fashion Given the knowledge acquired about the new daily tasks performers need to change in their routine, such as washing clothes/dishes, cleaning floors, bathrooms and yards, housekeepers will install and uninstall proper tools which will enable them to spend less time on procedures that use water as a resource Given the integration of the new tasks into their routine, housekeepers will reduce consumption of water the second month after the intervention starts, increasing this rate as tasks become more integrated into their routine Provided with the right tools and resources, performers will apply effective measures in their daily routines to use less water based on the tasks to be performed Given the sharing/exchanging of information with others, housekeepers participate more actively in the community, listening to each other and giving opinions Given the collaboration with other workers, performers successfully implement new techniques for saving water in their working environment Given all the support provided, housekeepers are integrated into the community and play their part in the solution to the water problem while performing their daily tasks15- Summative Evaluation InstrumentsEngagement To verify if performers are engaged, observations should be carried out by completing the chart below and checking the appropriate answerQuestions YES NO COMMENTS

Are performers accessing materials provided? (on-line/face-to-face/job aids, etc.) ( )( )

Are performers actively participating when exchanging information in the communities of practice?

( )( )

Are performers asking more questions about procedures to employers, showing interest?

( )( )

Are performers volunteering to help others?

( )( )

Individual PerformanceThis form could be completed by employers (dwellers) and AAR3 staff when observing daily tasks being conducted by the performers.Questions YES NO COMMENTS

Are performers using tools provided for saving/re-using water? ( )( ) Specify tools

Are performers installing tools properly? ( )( )

Are performers becoming more independent while performing the tasks? ( )( )

Are performers more independent when performing activities? Are they asking less questions?

( )( ) Self-efficacy/motivation

Are performers taking shorter showers?

( )( ) Tools for measuring that (Specify)

Are performers assessing the current situation to use the most appropriate strategy in different scenarios (washing dishes, brushing teeth, washing floors using cloth/captured water etc)? ( )( ) Specify

Are performers using new strategies? ( )( ) Specify

Can they use tools provided independently? ( )( )

Organizational performanceQuestions YES NO COMMENTS

Are materials that are needed to perform better being delivered to the performers? ( )( )

Is water being saved? (information checked on the water bills) ( )( ) General savings average

Is there ongoing training to support the employees that gradually decreases as performers become more independent? ( )( )

Is an assessment being carried out every two weeks to make sure new habits are being acquired? ( )( )

Appendix I

ProblemLiters of water wasted

Dripping faucet1,380 litres /month

2-millimeter trickle of water coming from faucet4,140 litres /month

A hole in the pipeAround 3,200 litres/month

Toilet flushing6-10 litres/flush

Washing machine135 litres/per use

Water hosing for 15 minutes280 litres

ReferencesAbep (2010). Critrio de classificao econmica Brasil [pdf]. Retrieved on February 5, 2015 from, K., & Currie A. (2014). Brazil edges to brink of epic water crisis. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved on February 3, 2015 from Instituto Socioambiental (2005). O risco da escassez. Retrieved on February 5, 2015 from (n.d). gua [pdf]. Retrieved on February 6, 2015 from (2010). Uso Racional da gua [pdf]. Retrieved on February 6, 2015 from$File/folder_usoracional.pdf Sabesp (2015). Situao dos Mananciais. Retrieved on February 4, 2015 from, I. A. (2000). Appraisal and assessment of world water resources. Water international,25(1), 11-32.Stolovitch, H. D. & Keeps, E. J. (2004). Training Ain't Performance. Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training & Development Press.Tecnologia Now. (2013). 5 dicas sobre como economizar gua. Retrieved on February 5, 2015 from Unesco. (2009). Appendix 2-Water-related goals and objectives of major conferences and forums, 1972-present [pdf]. Retrieved on February 13, 2015 from (n.d). Functional Illiteracy. Retrieved on February 16, 2015 from

HPT Descriptive Rating Scale Competency: Design a performance improvement campaign. Self-assessment Formative SummativeStudent name: Renata Chiaradia Date: CRITERIAGOOD BVERY GOOD B+EXCELLENT A- AEXCEPTIONAL A+

RELEVANCEElements of the assignment directly address the competencies and the learning objectives.Not all parts of the assignment are directly related to the competencies. Those that are, are more or less relevant to the objectives.Most of the components are somehow linked to the competencies and to the learning objectives.All components are directly linked to the competencies and to the learning objectives.The assignment reflects exemplary high relevance to the competencies being developed and to the learning objectives.

RIGOURWork respects the guideline conditions and criteria outlined in course with respect to the application and the technical qualities of HPT. Work respects some of the guidelines, conditions and criteria outlined in the course with respect to the development and technical qualities of HPT.Work respects many of the guidelines, conditions and criteria outlined in the course with respect to the development and technical qualities of HPT.Work respects most of the guidelines, conditions and criteria outlined in the course with respect to the development and technical qualities of HPT.Work respects all of the guidelines, conditions and criteria outlined in the course with respect to the development and technical qualities of HPT.

DEPTHPersonal position is supported by a rich analysis of relevant and high quality references.Personal position reflects a superficial analysis and minimal use of references.Personal position reflects a somewhat deep analysis with appropriate use of relevant references.The assignment reflects a personal position based on a deep and thorough analysis supported by various relevant and timely references.The assignment shows a deep analysis, understanding and integration of relevant and high quality references.

BREADTHAll aspects of the competencies and the learning objectives have been dealt with within the assignment.The assignment reflects some aspects of the competencies, the learning objectives and the readings. Most elements of the competencies, the learning objectives and recommended readings have been dealt within the assignment.All aspects of the competencies, the learning objectives and all recommended readings have been dealt within the assignment.The assignment incorporates treatment of elements beyond the expectations of the competencies, the learning objectives and recommended references of the course.

PRECISIONCurrent concepts, terms, and principles are used correctly and with clarity throughout the assignment. These include APA conventions.Concepts, terms and principles are used somewhat correctly but not always clearly throughout the assignment. The assignment shows some precision in the use of current concepts, terms and principles. The assignment reflects correct and clear use of terms, concepts and principles.The assignment demonstrates clear, correct, precise, and concise use of terms, concepts and principles.

COHERENCEAll elements within the assignment are logically and structurally linked together.Some links are evident within parts of individual work, but not necessarily across the assignment. Some links are evident within parts of individual work and across the assignmentEvidence of structural and internal consistency across the assignment.The assignment is highly and tightly organized.