point proven

Upload: natalie-rodriguez

Post on 05-Feb-2018




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  • 7/21/2019 Point Proven


  • 7/21/2019 Point Proven


    n !%+ the UK ga-e #4.$ illion to the EU and only directly recei-ed #&.+ illion which is a fact

    that a lot of sceptics are throwing around, ut e-eryody seems to forget that is not accounting for

    all the trade we do with Europe and is therefore completely meaningless and is comparati-ely a tiny

    percentage of our total udget anyway.

    (nto other issues we can see that &1 of our total e"penditure goes to 8elfare, now this is a much

    more serious issue ecause it works out at #!.4 illion per year so here are some more chartsdetailing how much of that goes to so called immigrants.

    )ow as we can see, the total numer of immigrants claiming enefits is tiny and to stop this

    altogether would ha-e little to no impact on the economy. 0nd 9ust to add to that here are some

    handy little facts.

    EU nationals are less likely to receive benefits than UK nationals.

    EU immigrants do not have unrestricted access to benefits. EU migrants pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits.

    To summari:e, the heart of the prolem lies with the fact that immigration is more of a social issue

    than an economic one and our politicians are only using it to sway us away from other issues like

    the #+$ illion in uncollected ta"es that the go-ernment is 9ust unwilling to collect from wealthy

    companies and families.