
Poka- Yoke

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Page 1: Poka-Yoke


Page 2: Poka-Yoke


Poka-yoke is a Japanese word pronounced as ("POH-kah YOH-kay")

“Poka” means “Mistakes”


“Yoke” means to “Avoid” Which means avoiding from mistakes or

mistake proofing.

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DefinitionPoka-yoke is a quality assurance technique ,the

aim of poka-yoke is to eliminate defects in a

product by preventing or correcting mistakes as

early as possible. Poka-yoke has been used most

frequently in manufacturing environments.

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History Poka-yoke concept was formalize and the term

adopted by Shigeo Shingo as part of the Toyota

Production System in 1960. It was originally

described as “baka-yoke”, but this name mean

“Fool-Proofing” so the name was changed to the


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The essential idea of poka-yoke is to design your process so

that mistakes are impossible or at least easily detected and

corrected so we can get ZDQ(zero defect quality) products.

The purpose of this technique to improve the process not

sort out defective parts of product.

Poka Yoke will help developers "do it right before deliver to

the customer".

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GOAL Of Poka-Yoke

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Principles of Poka-Yoke

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Elimination:• Detect the design Defects. The objective is to

eliminate the possibility of errors.

EXAMPLE :The best example for this method is

the redesigning of the process or product so that

the task of Poka -Yoke is no longer necessary

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Replacement:To improve reliability, simply substitute an

unpredictable process with a more reliable


EXAMPLE : Use only piece of code about which

you are sure of its output. Replace the piece of

code about which you are uncertain of its output

results with approved code.

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Prevention• Developers should design the product or process

so that it is impossible to make a mistake at all.

EXAMPLE : For example we put a “Mask” option

in an input form of any application to restrict user

to enter only specific value.

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Facilitation:Developers should make product/software easier

to operate.


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DetectionIts objective is to detect the error before further


EXAMPLE : Software testing techniques are

used in Detection .Unit testing etc……………..

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Mitigation:• The principle of attempting to decrease /minimize

the effects of errors.

EXAMPLE : If an application has multiple

components. If one of its component fails/crashes

during operation, its effects should not affect the

other components of application.

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Benefits Of Poka-Yoke

The highest level of quality can be achieved

Enhanced Productivity

Lowers Quality Cost

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

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• http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G23273100232.html

• http://www.qualitytimes.co.in/poke_yoke.htm

• http://www.mistakeproofing.com/software.html

• http://books.google.com.pk/books?id=hR_8Ulz6d_oC&prints





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