poland alejandro escobar 6ºc

POLAND Alejandro Escobar 6ºC

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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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• Official name : Republic of Poland (Rzeczospolita Polska).

• Surface: 323.000 km 2 (Twenty-three thousand square kilometers)

• Situation: Between the meridians 14º and 24 º East longitude and parallels 49 º y 55 º North

• Límits: 3.538 km borders (Three thousand five hundred thirty-eigth km) The Baltic sea North, Lithuania and the Russian Federation. To the East, Belarus and

Ukraine, South the Czech and Slovak Republics, West, the Federal Republic of Germany.

• Population: 38.600.000 people ( Thirty-eight million six hundred thousand people )

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• Flag: Two equal red and white horizontal

• Capital: Varsovia (Warszawa)

• Other major cities: Lódz, 812.000 people; Cracovia (Krakow) 741.000 people; Wro-claw, 639.000 people; Poznan, 580.000 people; Gdansk 461.000 people

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• Language: The official language is Polish, a small German-speaking community

• Religion: The majority of the population is Catholic, but there are other religions, the most important is the orthodox.

• Currency: Zloty, divided into one hundred Groszy.

• State form: Parlamentary Republic

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II. MONUMENTS : Orthodox Churches: Radruz ( Subcarpatos) – Owczary (Poland Lower) -

Chotyniec (Subcarpatos) – Brunary Wyzne (Poland Lower) – Kwiaton (Poland Lower)

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Centennial Pavilion in Wroclaw Peace Church in Jawor ( Lower Silesian ) National Park of Bialowieza Krakow, Market Square and Warsaw, Castle Square

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III. DINING :Tea and beer is the national drink of Poland

Dining Poland is influenced by neighboring countries (Russia, Ukraine and Belarus), German, Turkish, Hungarian, Jewish or French.

Some typical Polisch meals are:

• Pierogi (Pasta) Kietbasa (Sausages) Golaka (Pork knuckle baked)

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Sałatka Jarzynowa (Russian salad) Płacek po Cygańsku-po Zbojnicku-po Wegiersku (But potato pancakes stuffed with pork and beef with cream on top ) Pierniki ( Dessert marzipan and biscuit )

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Musician is an important:

Frederic Chopin – Almost all compositions are for piano. Published works include Mazurkas, Etudes, Preludes, Nocturnes, Polonaises, Compositions are for piano.

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Polish folk dances are: