policy poland low carbon economy in english 1

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  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    Rabka-Zdroj for more than a hundredyears is a spa town famous for its largeresources of medicinal mineral waters"

    › Disadvantage: geographical location of the$illage ma es it di%cult $entilation of the city,in connection with the heating season, the cityis struggling with the problem of emergingsmog"


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    'o impro$e air (uality de$eloped :

    The plan of Low Carbon Economy )PGN *

    'his document sets out courses of action Rab a -!dr+jin terms of:the elimination of low emissions ,increasing the share of energy fromrenewable sources,reduction in nal energy consumption,reductions in greenhouse gas emissions,increase in energy e ciency "

  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    'he problem of air pollution occurs in mostmunicipalities of Malopols a

    › unfa$orable structure of heating buildingsbased on solid fuel,

    › burning in de$ices with low technicale%ciency"

  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    'he time hori.on forThe Plan of Low-Carbon

    E ono!"determined for a year

    #$#% ,which corresponds to the hori.on indicated in

    &ir Prote tion Progra!!efor the Malopols a Region / Malopolska

    Region ! " in #ealthy $tmosphere "


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    1urrently, in the Municipality of Rab a-!droj is unfa$orable structure of thesupply of buildings with heat,

    2t is estimated that about '$( ofbuildings heated with boilers forcharging coal and wood,

    3o not operate collecti$e systems of aheat supply"


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    5nder the Plan of Low Carbon E ono!" itis promoted the e6change of heat sourcesand hot water in the 7rst place on :

    de$ices powered with gas,renewable energy sources including the heatpump,solar de$ices,

    photo$oltaic de$ices,biomass boilers"


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    9nother element that re(uiresinter$ention is impro$ing the energye%ciency of buildings

    1urrently, the energy state of thebuildings in the Municipality of Rab a-!droj is relati$ely low"

  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    9n important issue is also introduction of anappropriate policy on local transport,

    3esirable solutions :increase the share of en$ironmentally friendlymeans of transport, e"g" bi essolutions for public transport from the $iewpoint ofspa and tourist,the need for proper communication with residentsand reaching to them with information both aboutthe e6isting problems and the impact of pollutionon the health of residents and tourists


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    9t the le$el of 'he Plan of & - air (ualitystandards in line with the re(uirements ofnational and =5 en$ironmentallegislation, and ultimately in line with therecommendations of the ?orld @ealthArgani.ation"


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    'he objecti$es to help achie$e the objecti$es werede7ned in the following way:

    #" =limination of low emissions from the municipalsector, residential and economic de$elopment withincreasing the share of renewable energy in thesupply structure of buildings with heat and hot waterB

    &" Systematic impro$ement of energy e%ciency in thecommunal sector and outside the communalB

    " Signi7cant reduction of pollution and nuisancesresulting from $ehicular tra%c within the municipalityareaB

    " Raising public awareness of the need of high air(uality care )education, information and integration ofacti$ities*"


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    =ach of the objecti$es assigned tospeci7c actions, rooted in time anddescribing what and how should beimplemented to systematically ma es

    the closer the completion of a strategicobjecti$e, and conse(uently the mainobjecti$e"


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    Low e!issions and low- arbone ono!"

    'he terms )low e!issions) and )lowarbon e ono!") are often confused

    and treated the same interpretati$ely"


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    For )low e!ission) is consideredcon$entionally emissions into the air emitters

    )ie" chimneys* to a height of > m"

  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    'he term )low arbon e ono!")refers to the economy, whichminimi.es dependence on fossil fuelsand thus reduces the emission of

    greenhouse gases" 'his is a termcommonly used in =urope, but itsdirect impact on the conditions ofPolish constitute a strong narrowing ofthe problem"


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    9 low carbon economy means a transitionto a completely new reality, especially inPoland, where the use of fossil fuels,which are the main source of greenhousegas emissions, is $ery deeply rooted"

    'o carry out the transformation from highto low carbon economy, the Polishgo$ernment decided to de$elop aNational Progra!!e for the

    Develo*!ent of Low CarbonE ono!" which DprogramsD thede$elopment of the economy"


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    An th of 9ugust &>#0 in the Ministry of=conomy was adopted %ational&rogramme for the 'e(elopment ofLow Carbon Economy , which wasthen directed to inter and public

    consultation" 'he essence of the program is tostimulate changes resulting in thetransformation of the Polish economytowards a low-carbon, while maintainingthe principle of sustainablede$elopment"


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    'he speci7c objecti$es of the Eational Programmefor the 3e$elopment of

  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    2mplementation of the actions of this Planwill bring both bene7ts in the form of:impro$e air (uality,reduce greenhouse gas emissions,sa$ing natural resources"


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    9ppropriate action should be carriedout at di erent le$els:

    go$ernment administration,

    local go$ernment,

    in the pri$ate sector"


  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    2t is necessary to introduce:

    appropriate legal and administrati$e regulations,

    the pro$ision of ade(uate 7nancial resources,

    ensuring human potential for the de$elopment of new technologies,

    rational spatial planning,

    maintaining ade(uate infrastructure,

    educating the society,

    rationali.ation of transport tas s"

  • 8/19/2019 Policy Poland Low Carbon Economy in English 1


    'han you for your attention
