polishers rag march 2010

DARLING DOWNS VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB ~ Celebrating 40 Years ~ The Polishers Rag ~ 1 March 2010 Dedicated to the life-long enjoyment of historic vehicles by enthusiasts on the Darling Downs 1927 Chev truck at Highfields Village. Would make a great logo! Karen Grant (right) with daughter Kelli

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Darling Downs Veteran & Vintage Motor Club Magazine- Polishers Rag March 2010


Page 1: Polishers Rag March 2010

DARLING DOWNS VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB ~ Celebrating 40 Years ~ The Polishers Rag ~ 1

March 2010Dedicated to the life-long enjoyment of historic vehicles by enthusiasts on the Darling Downs

1927 Chev truck at Highfields Village. Would make a great logo!

Karen Grant (right) with daughter Kelli

Page 2: Polishers Rag March 2010

Management Committee 2009-2010

President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kevin McGrathPh: 07 4636 3760 Mob: 0407 627 751 Email: [email protected]

Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brad McKeiverPh: 07 4630 7204 Mob: 0488 706 833Email: [email protected]

Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leonie HamPh: 07 4633 5486 Mob: 0407 099 064Email: [email protected]

Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mike RichardsPh: 07 4697 9150 Mob: 0408 732 368Email: [email protected]

Dating Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ken ForsterPh: 07 4630 0807 Mob: 0428 300 807

Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jeff Brown Ph: 07 4613 6706 Mob: 0403 454 332 Email: [email protected]

Property Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Des Ham Ph: 07 4633 5486 Mob: 0407 099 064Email: [email protected]

Rally Director team . . . . . .Michael & Sue Wells Ph: 07 4615 2042 Mob: 0429 066 655 Email: [email protected]

Librarian . . . . . . . . . .Brad & Mitchell McKeiver Ph: 07 4630 7204 Mob: 0488 706 833Email: [email protected]

Workshop Supervisor . . . . . . . .Peter DonovanPh: 07 4630 7326 Mob: 0408 307 666 Email: [email protected]

Membership Officer . . . . . . . . . . . .John O’HaraPh: 07 4632 8855

Swap Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rick A’BellPh: 07 4613 6611 Mob: 0429 456 567

Historian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brian TimmsPh: 07 4630 0048Email: [email protected]

Combined Council RepsRick A’Bell, Leo Ryan.

Web site:www.toowoombaswap.comMeetings: Visitors WelcomeMeetings are held on the second Thursday of each month in theDDVVMC Clubrooms, 2 Rocla Court, Toowoomba.

Mailing address:DDVVMC, PO Box 486, Toowoomba Qld 4350Clubroom Ph: 07 4633 3181

Next General Meeting:7.30pm Thursday, March 11, 2010

Next Management Committee Meeting7.30pm, Monday, March 8, 2010

WorkshopWorkshop open Monday nights from (approx) 7pm to 9pm andWednesday afternoon 2 til 5.

Indoor bowlsCheck with Ted Taylor 4632 2565 for 2009 dates!

Next newsletter closing date March 20, 2010

2 ~ The Polishers Rag ~ Celebrating 40 Years ~ DARLING DOWNS VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB

For magazine contributions: Email: [email protected] Box 243, Southtown Qld 4350.

Time rushes on. No sooner have we finished with the swap thanour 40th Celebrations come looming up. A brief outline as proposed is Saturday 15th May at 12noon,lunch provided at club house, then a car display in the parkalongside with some type of events. (Rally Director Michael willsupply details). Official Dinner 6.30 for 7pm start, Sue and Annwill contact outside caterers, set the menu and negotiate the cost. As we have to pay on numbers given, you will need to register forthe dinner as soon as possible and at the March and Aprilmeetings. The club will supply some drinks.Sunday 16th. B B Q breakfast from 7.30am onwards, followed bya close Rally to some significant sites of former club occasions.BYO morning tea (again check with Michael and Sue for details).Lunch at the clubhouse being a sausage sizzle or similiar will beagain provided, then we can all talk or tell tall stories orreminisce until whenever.Clean up. There is always a clean up, so don't leave it to thosewho did the preparation. A lot of willing hands at any functionwill always be appreciated.Keys. I have a concern that our key register is incomplete. If youhaven't registered with the Secretary yet then please do so.Great to see Denise on deck again. Leone is travelling a littleslower, but coming on and Ferne is well on the road to recovery.I'm sure we all wish these and any others who are unwell aspeedy return to good health.Great to see the function room being used more. I enjoyed theDVDs recently — thanks to Mitchell and Brad. Remember toothat Indoor Bowls are played every 2nd Tuesday. There is still aspare mat so many more players are welcome. Arrive at 7 for‘heads down’ at 7.30. Just don’t get the wrong BIAS or you mayhave to shout for the group. Ted and Merle and others willwelcome you and give any necessary advice.Saw several members at Doug Quigley’s sale but the Renault wastoo much of a challenge and I didn’t know that a one gallon oiltin was worth $80. Maybe you will find your dream machine atBrian Coughran’s Sales.

Regards Kevin

Reflections by PresidentKevin


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DARLING DOWNS VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB ~ Celebrating 40 Years ~ The Polishers Rag ~ 3

Bob’s Body Restoration TipsBody FillersWhen mixing body filler, it is good practice to mix on a hard non-porous surface. A metal or hard plastic surface is fine. Cardboardor timber could result in foreign particles mixing in with the filler. Always stir the contents thoughly with a clean dry stirrer toprevent contents drying out in the last of the filler. Sand area untilrough and clean of paint. Using a metal [my preference] or plasticapplicator mix filler and hardener to a uniform colour and applyin thin layers. First apply a thin layer using a little pressure to achieve maximumadhesion. It is best to apply several thin layers than a heavy coatand risk the chances of air bubbles getting trapped. Weathertemperature can determine the drying time and the amount ofhardener required [always read the label for mixing amounts].If you have a headache, read the label and take 2 aspirins andkeep out of the reach of children.Thank You, Bob Chapman

D D V V M C M A N A G E M E N T M E E T I N G ~ F E B R UA R Y 8 , 2 0 1 0

Meeting opened by President Kevin at 7:32pm

APOLOGIES: L. Ham, M Richards.


Moved by B Timms, 2nd B. McKeiver. Carried.


In Mike’s absence, it was moved that an amount of money beinvested. B Timms, 2nd B McKeiver.


David Grant has been accepted as a member. Moved P Donovan,2nd R A’Bell, Carried.


Brian is working on a double photo for the function room.


Rick reported that all pre 68 cars must have seat belts if children7 and under are to be passengers. There is a move to gain freeregistration for vintage cars.


Kevin suggested a “Think Tank” on the swap. He also suggestedincreasing payment to the swap booking officer (from $2 to $3.50per site). Peter Donovan suggested that a new computer bepurchased. Further discussion centred on the use of tickets andthe poor condition of the rubbish bins on our arrival at theshowgrounds. Committee members complimented Rick for hisefforts in organising the swap and this was confirmed withacclamation. Rick notified the committee that he will not beavailable for the 2011 swap.


Kevin introduced an opinion on the constitution in print and thiswill be an agenda item at the next executive meeting.J Brown discussed the procedure between the management andgeneral meetings.Meeting closed at 9:10pm.

Acting Secretary: Des Ham President: Kevin McGrath

From left: Brett Dixon (XM, XP, XB Falcons), Katie and MalcolmBurgess (1929 Pontiac ute), Hedley Dearling (1930 Buick tourer),Cameron Graham (HR Holden), Trevor Morris.

General Meeting Visitors

XP Reminiscing...Seeing Pat and Lynne Murphy’s 1966 Falcon always reminds meof my own XP experiences.Dad and mum owned an olive green sedan back in the 70s andwhen I turned 17, in 1975, they gave me the car so I could travelto Brisbane. I was a student at Seven Hills Art College. Funny, Ihave no recollection what they did for transport during thoseyears. Talk about self-possessed.It was a good car and we all liked it. It was part of our family. Infact, one day in a blinding moment of inspiration while crossingthe Storey Bridge, I named her Edvard, after the Peer Gyntcomposer (still one of my favourite pieces of music). Don’tbother me with the gender thing. Edvard always got me home.I would drive home to Innisfail every college break, and often doit non-stop, and that was when the Marlborough Stretch wasknown as the ‘Horror Stretch’ for good reason. Four or five hoursof emptyness, plus it was not that long after the Mackay childrenmurders.As a student, cash was always tight, and financial planning non-existent. One holiday break while travelling home, the autogearbox began playing up, and would took ages to change upfrom 2nd to Drive. We’d puddle along at about 30mph for a halfhour until, with a clunk, it would change and we’d be away.I got to Cardwell, about an hour or more from home and stoppedto fuel up. No money. I’d run completely out. I searched throughthe entire car, pulling seats and ashtrays out, and found 35 cents.The service attendant (they still had those) squirted it into thetank and I puddled off up the road in 2nd gear. Every farmhouseI passed I’d think, ‘Right, when she finally stops, I’ll go in thereand phone home and they can come and get me’.I was still thinking that when Edvard faithfully carried me up thedriveway to our house, to a rousing family welcome.

— Jeff Brown

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4 ~ The Polishers Rag ~ Celebrating 40 Years ~ DARLING DOWNS VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB

D D V V M C G E N E R A L M E E T I N G ~ F E B R UA R Y 1 1 , 2 0 1 0

The meeting was opened by President Kevin at 7:35pm.


L Ryan, L Handley, W & D Fischer, S Hoffmann, T O’Grady, DKlein, M McKeiver, L Ham, R & F CallowMerv Klein moved that apologies be accepted. 2nd G Allum.Carried.


Brent Dixon: XM, XP FalconsKatrina & Malcolm Burgess: 29 PontiacTrevor MorrisCameron Graham: HR HoldenThe minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as being anaccurate record. Moved R A’Bell, 2nd K Dean. Carried.There was no business arising from the previous meeting.


Letters from:Sexy Street Cars re websiteJamie Ramia (Orchy) re swap cateringGary Muscat re swap rebooking issuesIt was agreed to send cards to Ferne Callow, Leonie Ham andDenise Klein who have been hospitalised and Tim and WendyMurphy on the birth of Zachary Patrick. Congratulations to PhilipMartin on the birth of his fourth grandchild.Pat Murphy moved that the inwards correspondence be received.2nd Ken Forster. Carried.


Mike presented his report and moved that an amount of moneybe reinvested. 2nd R A’Bell. Carried.



Congratulations Jeff on including photos of the 2010 swap soquickly. Graham Allum conducted the quiz.





Discussing similar issues to those reported on previously.


March: Clifton Fly InApril: Petrol economy runMay: 40th anniversary


Rick thanked everyone for their excellent input over the week.Bob Chapman expressed his thanks to Rick and this was carriedby acclamation. Stuart Cooper asked about Saturday eveningentertainment. Rick, Kevin and Pat expressed reasons as to whythis was discontinued a number of years ago. Merv Klein spoke about the rebooking system and the possibilityof stallholders being able to rebook their sites for the followingyear prior to the current swap. He also mentioned that Denise’srebooking laptop needed replacement. Glen Hoey spoke aboutthe hiccups in the rebooking system and looked at thepossibilities of upgrading the laptop or buying a separate server

for the rebookings. He suggested that people may be able to payonline using the PAYPAL system in the future. Mike Richards statedthat ticket sales had increased from last year. Bob Chapman spoke about the express lane used at the southernturnstiles for those who had the correct money. John O’Haraspoke about a need for more toilets in the camping only area.


Brad showed some books that Ian Strickland purchased for $20.


Bob Chapman showed a spray can of WELD THRU PRIMER, someinformation sheets on epoxy primers, his home made flangingtool and methods of repairing rusted panels.Glen Hoey showed a bag of rags available from Knights Laundry$12.50 for a 10 kg bag.Michael Armstrong showed a metallic foil badge used by thehistoric motor cycle club and asked our club to considerpurchasing some similar badges with our logo on them. It wasagreed that Michael should investigate further. Glen Hoeyvolunteered to get another price.


After much discussion the following format was agreed upon.Saturday 15th May: Car display in the park next door (maybe agymkhana). Evening meal involving outside caterers (This mealwill replace the Swap Appreciation dinner). A slide show orsimilar will be shown during the meal or afterwards.Sunday 16th May: A club rally that could visit many of the sites ofclub events over the years.This format evolved from input from many members and willpossibly have some minor alterations by the time the eventoccurs. Jeff and Ann Cox, James Meara and Pat Murphy agreed tohelp Rally Director Michael Wells.


J&A Cox mentioned a trophy donated by John Haken, theirproposed trip to the Easter in The Country Rally in Roma and acorrection regarding a dinner voucher.Trevor Hoffmann showed a name badge he has from another cluband suggested that our club upgrade its name badges. Manymembers agreed and Trevor was asked to do further researchregarding price etc.Pat Murphy spoke about promoting the Allora Heritage weekendand our Swap on both the www.toowoombaswap.com and theWarwick club’s websites. The idea is to promote the idea of havingpeople from other areas come to south east Queensland for thefortnight and visit both events as well as sightseeing in the area.Members were in agreement with this proposal.Overhanging trees from the park next door and an untidyfootpath were both mentioned.Meeting closed 9:20 pm.

Acting Secretary: Pat Murphy President: Kevin McGrath

QUOTE OF THE MONTH“A car can massage organs which no masseur can reach. It isthe one remedy for the disorders of the great sympatheticnervous system.

Jean Cocteau (1929), French author, filmmaker He added, “The craving for opium can be endured in a car.”

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A S I T H A P P E N E D . . .

Early Cars in Early DaysClub Beginnings by Pat MurphyVery little of this information is written downand most of the factual matter in thissegment came from conversations with ColBaker, Ray Ashford, Ray Poulton and LeonBatzloff. As people began to become more interestedin old cars, the Veteran Car Club of Australiawas established in 1955 and the Queenslandsection was formed in Brisbane in 1956.Some of the foundation members of theDDVVMC had acquired veteran cars, becamemembers of the Veteran Club and travelled toBrisbane on the first Monday of each month.Six men would often travel down in DaveFiechtner’s SV1 Valiant. Dave had a 1912Cadillac and a 1908 Renault, Nev Dormanand John Pampling had a 1915 T Ford (LenKennedy is the current owner) and Col Bakerhad a 1916 Overland. Oakey residents KeithBatzloff and his son Leon had a veteran 1914T Ford and Geoff Smith from The Gums wereinvolved in the early veteran movement inQueensland.When you consider that these blokes camefrom many parts of the Downs, I suppose itwas sensible to call the new club the DarlingDowns rather than the Toowoomba clubwhen it was formed in 1970.During the sixties, Dave Fiechtner had amechanical business in Wylie Street and thisshed was a ‘Calling in Place’ for othersinterested in old vehicles. Nev Dormanworked as a spray painter at Falconer Fordnot far away in Ruthven Street and Col Bakerworked at Motor Traders, then located inBowen Street. They often met during theirlunch breaks and were joined by Ray Ashfordwho worked for different motor businessesat that time. Ray Poulton also had his ownmechanical business and became involved. These guys decided to form a club to caterfor the motoring interests of a growingnumber of people who by this time were

beginning to show an interest in vintagecars as well.A number of meetings were held at RayAshford’s home in James St (near West)before it was decided to formally begin thenew club. An advertisement was placed inthe Toowoomba Chronicle and Downs Starand the first meeting of the neworganisation was held on 20th May 1970 atthe Laurel Bank Park hall. A member of theVeteran Car Club even travelled toToowoomba to address that meeting.The following members were elected to theexecutive.President: Nev DormanSecretary: Ray PoultonTreasurer: Col BakerLibrarian: Geoff SmithSpare Parts: Arthur DormanEditor and Publicity Officer: Ray AshfordCommittee Members: A Greenwood, LBatzloff, T Graham, B Bischof.Other people involved at this time were MalCochrane, Noel Parker, Warren Klein andClyde Baker.

The Club Logo

The design for the club badge is basedaround the first President Nev Dorman’s1915 Model T Ford (This car is now ownedby Len and Rosemary Kennedy). The car inthe badge doesn’t have any front doors andit doesn’t have a Model T radiator. Both RayAshford and Col Baker have told me that aradiator from another car (Stanley Steamer)was superimposed onto the design. Thislogo was printed onto the second edition ofthe Polishers Rag.

Clockwise from top left: DaveFiechtner’s 4 cyl 1912 Cadillac, DaveFiechtner’s 2 cyl 1908 Renault, E.Uebegang’s 2 cyl 1907 Star, the 1908Renault as found, L. Batzlof ’s 4 cyl1914 Model T Ford, J. Pampling andNev Dorman’s 4 cyl 1915 Model TFord.

Page 6: Polishers Rag March 2010

1906 - 1921

White legend on a blackbackground, up to fourdigits preceeded by oneletter denoting thetown of issue.

Town codes:

A - BrisbaneB - RockhamptonC - Toowoomba D - TownsvilleE - IpswichF - MaryboroughG - WarwickH - CairnsJ - Bundaberg

K - MackayM - ClermontN - GympieP - HughendenR - DalbyR - RedcliffeA1 was issued onSeptember 10, 1906,while R1 was issued atRedcliffe in 1914. Othertowns began issueingplates between 1906and the late teens.These plates wereeither homemade ormanufactured by localmotor garages, and

were made of a varietyof materials includingtin, wood, and leather.From July 1, 1921 the‘pre-state’ plates werewithdrawn andreplaced with the 1921- 1955 series.

1921 - 1955

White numerals on ablack background with'Q' in black on white(white on black beforeApril 1, 1925) at far leftof the plate in variousstyles. From April 1,1921 most Q plateswere repainted so thatthe Q was back and thenumerals were white.These plates were made

by various means andmany variations occur.

Years of issue:

1921: 11922: 8-1831923: 13-9231924: 21-4351925: 32-7251926: 47-9211927: 67-7361928: 86-5101929: 104-7161930: 124-7961931: 139-5371932: 151-5731933: 163-5791934: 163-5791935: 195-3151936: 216-2151937: 257-583

1938: 260-5351939: 287-2291940: 312-8561941: 333-2601942: 346-7291943: 361-6211944: 378-1141945: 390-3541946: 403-3091947: 424-9861948: 442-3321949: 460-9521950: 483-0751951: 521-3431952: 557-8521953: 588-3281954: 625-1971955: 669-282The last Q plate was687-612 issued on May31, 1955.

6 ~ The Polishers Rag ~ Celebrating 40 Years ~ DARLING DOWNS VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB

Where are all the cars?Hello Jeff,I was able to locate a number of photos of some of the earlyveteran cars in our club in a veteran car club publication lent tome by Bill Fischer. I wonder if anyone has any knowledge ofwhere these vehicles are now. Both of Dave Fiechtner’s cars weresold at his auction but I guess the club got the SHELL bowserfrom there so at least we have that link. Let’s hope we neverdispose of it.I know Col Baker sold his Overland to Lynette Zuccoli but it mayhave been resold. Keith Batzloff ’s cars were sold by the familyafter he passed away in the seventies. Ray Poulton still has aBuick, Malcolm Cochrane may have one as well and Ray Ashfordhas his model T “Fronty” Ford. Clyde Baker still has his 36 Chrysler coupe and hopes to have itback on the road for our fortieth celebration. Good luck with itClyde. Maybe some other of our older members will make aspecial effort for those celebrations as well.The next article I will be publishing is on the Motor Shows heldduring the seventies and I’m appealing for photos of thoseevents. In the future I want to write a section on meeting placesand will need some photos of the Water St premises particularlybefore it was extended. The addition of photos should makethese articles more interesting.

Pat Murphy

Water Street clubhouse circa 1978. (pic Keith Hoffman)

More club history by Keith HoffmanI have been digging through some old paper work I have hereand came across thes two photos. One is the Water St clubhouseI took in 1978 (left) and the other one of this restored Jewell’sTransport truck (above). To the best of my knowledge Kev Jewellrestored this and he is still in Toowoomba in a retirement home.I believe this truck is now with his son Pat who now runs Jewell’sTransport. Kev was an early member of our club and now quiteold. Not sure when Kev joined the club but my failing memoryfor dates would suggest around 1975.The only original veteran I know is the 1915 T of Nev Dorman’sin the possession of Len Kennedy. An interesting question is‘How many of the club members and their cars from the first 5years are still in the club today’. I don’t think there are many. Iknow of two — Clyde Bakers Chrysler and my 1929 Rugby. All ofthis would be interesting for our club history which appears verylimited.

A S I T H A P P E N E D . . .

History of Queensland number plates by Michael Wells (continued next issue)

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H I G H F I E L D S P I O N E E R V I L L A G E ~ J A N UA R Y 2 6 R A L LY

by new club member: David Grant

My wife Karen, daughter Kellie and I rushed to get to Mt Kynockby 8:00am, unsure of how punctual the club would be.Talked with Dell Timms for a while and she told us about thesearch for the AMC Pacer and its link to Wayne’s World. Dell waswearing a patriotic Aussie flag hat purchased from… Wayne’sWorld!Was interesting to see vintage cars come boring up Mt Kynoch,miss the turnoff and then have to go bush bashing or to lock upthe rear wheels in a cloud of smoke!Karen and I asked for a ride in Jim Meara’s Essex. It was socomfortable — where can I get lounge chairs that good?Jim took off, only changing gear once when on the highway, so Iasked him if it was a two-speed gearbox? No, he just took off insecond.Once at the Pioneer Village at Highfields, we had a look around.We saw Jim pouring over the inside and outside of an old Fordtruck. It was one from his family farm!When we had done the rounds of the village, which included billytea, damper and a sizzled sausage, we came back to where thecars were parked. By that time Stuart Cornford had turned upand was fielding plenty of questions from admiring onlookers.There are a few things very different about his club. The criteriafor joining surprised me, but I can really see the merit in it. Thefriendliness and willingness to help - I have been amazed by that.The wonderful facilities. Thanks to the people who make thispossible. I am glad to be a part of it.

Above: Three old trucks in the middle of the paddock - Isaw Jim pouring over the middle one, and it turns outthat this truck used to be on the family farm when Jimwas younger, and still has some remnants of the Mearaname left on it. Left: Club cars leaving the Mt Kynoch area.

James Meara with David Grant in the front, havingarrived at the Pioneer Village, with Kelli peering through.

Big draft horse mural on the back of the Polzin Brothersshed pays tribute to the pioneers of this district.

Highfields Pioneer Village Rally an eye-oopener

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8 ~ The Polishers Rag ~ Celebrating 40 Years ~ DARLING DOWNS VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB


Big crowds came from far and wide to the clearing sale of BrianCoughran’s collection.This was the first of three auctions he is having to sell off hiscollection. Saturday was the sale of the outside vehicles, some forparts and some for restoration.The bidding was very good and some good prices were achievedby the auctioneers. Of note was a restorable FC holden wagon at$2000 and other Holden vehicles getting high prices as well. Asthe day progressed the crowd began to remove their purchasesand only the diehards were left for the vintage trucks.Again good bidding saw the vehicles sell for good prices, manyfinding new owners.Before the auction started the crowd was given a sneek preview ofthe vehicles in the sheds. Some very interesting vehicles were seenand the next weekend event will again have big crowds on handto view the day’s events.

Upcoming RalliesSunday March 14: Clifton Fly-In

Darling Downs Sport Aircraft Assn annual Fly-In at CliftonAirfield (Bange’s Airfield) via Clifton. Meet at Clubrooms at 9for a 9.30am start. Bring your own morning tea to be had atthe airfield then going to Clifton to have lunch in the parkafterwards. All types of small aircraft, including vintage,ultralights etc. See you there.

Sunday April 11: Petrol Consumption Test

Bring your car out to see how much fuel it uses over a ste runput together by Graham Allum. Always a good run with lunchback at the clubrooms.

DDVVMC’s 40th Anniversary Saturday 15th May: Car ‘event’ in the park next door. Evening

meal caterer for (replacing the Swap Appreciation dinner). Aslide show or similar will be shown during the meal orafterwards.

Sunday 16th May: A club rally perhaps visiting many of the sitesof club events over the years.

Stay tuned in The Polishers Rag for full details.

Sunday June 13: Mars Bar Rally

Meet with the Lockyer Valley Club for the right to retain theMARS BAR TROPHY. Details of when and where to follow inthe Rag. A great, fun day out for all.

Sunday July 11: Club Driving Skills Day

See how well you can drive your classic under differentconditions, out of your comfort zone. More details to follow.

Sunday August 15: Restoration Run

Visit your fellow club members’ sheds to view their restorationprojects, both big and small.

Till the next rally, stay safe.

Michael & Sue Wells: — Rally Directors

CCoouugghhrraann SSaallee ##11

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Facing page: 1935 Ford truck, lookslike it is a runner, available at theMarch 20 auction; Above, early 20s Federal Knighttruck (sleeve valve engine);Bottom: early 20s Dennis truck Inset: a stack of Whippet partsincluding a tub section, all atCoughran's sale.

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10 ~ The Polishers Rag ~ Celebrating 40 Years ~ DARLING DOWNS VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB

A S I T H A P P E N E D . . . L O C A L H I S T O R Y:

Adam Falconer along with his wife Hessie and nine of theirchildren left Northern Ireland in 1909 to migrate to Australia. Onsettling in Toowoomba they bought a house in Robinson Street.Hugh was the eldest of the nine Falconer boys. During WW1while in action at Pozieres, Lieutenant Hugh Falconer was injuredand lost a leg. On his return to Toowoomba, after 18 months inHospital, Hugh used his deferred pay to purchase the Loch LiveryStable in January 1919. The stable was on the north west cornerof Ruthven and Little Streets. His first car agencies were Essex, Hupmobile, Ford and Fiat. Hecalled the business FALCONER MOTOR CO. Hugh won the Fordfranchise in July 1925. Business was brisk during the mid to late 1920s so in the late 20sthe old stable building was demolished and a modern brick showroom built. This building still stands today (Oxygen Cafe).

Several of the Falconer brothers worked in the business at varioustimes. Jim Falconer and his brother-in-law formed their ownbusiness Falconer-Brown & Co in the 1930s.With the outbreak of WW2, Hugh Falconer was back again inuniform and with the rank of Captain he was second in commandof 6th Advanced Ordinance Workshop at Harristown.In 1948 Hugh converted the business from sole ownership toprivate company with his wife Lissa, sons Edsel and Jim anddaughter Helen as share-holders. After WW2 with all the surplus army equipment for sale, Edselstarted a car and truck wrecking business which was on landwhere the old Little St library was. During the 1950s the wreckers was moved to a two and a half acreblock in Prescott Street where it operated for many years.

Syd Clyde was the manager formany years until his earlydeath in a car accident. NoelKliese became the businessmanager and Joe Rafter wasthe salvage manager. Mr Stan(Poddy) Eastwell was for yearsthe transporter of damaged


Left: Interesting trailer busparked outside theFalconer Motors buildingsometime during the1950s. There appears to befuel bowsers behind thebus.Top: Clipping from TheChronicle with the phototaken in the early 1920s,of the original ex-LochLivery Stables. Can anyoneidentify the vehicles?

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A S I T H A P P E N E D . . . L O C A L H I S T O R Y:

cars from the west and north Queensland and northern NSWareas.Mr Kev Zimmerle started work as a clerk for Falconer Motors in1946. Later, after studying he became the accountant at Falconers.His last position at Falconers was General Manager. He stayedwith Falconers until his retirement in 1982.Hugh Falconer sold his first GoodYear tyre in 1919. Then in 1948he started Toowoomba Tyre Service at 322 Ruthven Street in anold wooden building previously used by Western Tyre Service. They moved to Margaret Street opposite the Post Office. In 1954the new brick building for Toowoomba Tyre Service was built, thiswas owned by the FALCONER GROUP until sold in 1983. This

building still stands today over thecreek from Cathro Park. Mr Roly Dunsdon was the manager formany years. Over the years the TyreService expanded to include DownsTyre Service and Edsel Retreatds. Thisdivision had branches in Pittsworth,Clifton, Millmerran, Oakey and CrowsNest, also DIESELECTRICSToowoomba and Dalby, managed byJohn Williams, Toowoomba AutoRebuilders, Oakey Motors and CrowsNest Motors.The Falconer Group also comprisedFalconer Farm Machinery, ToowoombaCar Wreckers, Toowoomba Tyre Service. Falconer Ford also handled new andused car sales, servicing and workshop repairs along with panel,paint and trim sections.After WW2 Hugh Falconer bought land at 626 Ruthven Street andbuilt a new and larger workshop there, then during 1959 a newshowroom and office complex was built on the front section ofland with car parking opposite. After the death of Hugh Falconer in 1963, Edsel became themanaging director of Falconer Motors. It was during his reignthat Edsel expanded the company in many directions. He hadincreased his work force to nearly 300 staff. Edsel took great pride in knowing his staff by their first names andalso their interests, he was an excellent people-person. This wasborn out at his untimely death at only 50 years of age inDecember 1973 when at his funeral the church was packed to

capacity with many people listening to the service outside. Edsel had many loyal and long serving employees and for his staffhe set up a staff retirement scheme where the staff and companyeach contributed 5% of their salary to the fund.Edsel had formed a club for members with over 25 years serviceand in 1975 the Club had 25 members. Falconers Farm Machinery was situated out on Taylor Street.Hugh Falconer sold his first Ford Tractor in 1919. The main CarSales and Spare Parts sections were Ruthven Street with theService Division behind, across the road was the Panel, Paint andMotor Trimming Sections.

Through the 1960s Falconers restoreda 1927 T Ford Tourer and this was thestart of a small collection of cars Edselput together, included was 1929Model A Tudor Sedan which Falconershad sold when new, also a green 1938Ford Coupe as well as a Customline ofabout 1956 Vintage.Edsel was very much a car enthusiast.I recall him driving a 1960 FordFairlane Sedan with a “ContinentalKit” on the rear and in 1960 with backin parking you had to watch youdidn’t trip over it on the footpath!Another vehicle he drove was 1968

maroon Mercury Cougar. Edsel also sponsored the Falconer Rallyfor the Darling Downs Veteran and Vintage Club at ToowoombaShow time for many years. This Rally concluded with a lap of theBridge Street Showgrounds.In 1975 Falconers celebrated their Golden Anniversary – 50 yearsof Ford Dealerships. Edsel Falconer had only been Managing Director for ten yearswhen he died suddenly from a heart attack. The managingdirector’s position was then filled by his brother Dr Jim Falconerwho held this position until the Ford Dealership was purchasedby Southern Cross (Griffiths Family) in 1980. Falconer MotorCompany shareholders decided to wind up the company after 64years of operation and it was then broken up and sold tointerested parties.

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12 ~ The Polishers Rag ~ Celebrating 40 Years ~ DARLING DOWNS VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB


Jeff Cox was very unsure about allowing anyone to seethis image of his 1940 Chev sedan having its rust cut out,comparing it to seeing the Queen in her bath. Kevin,having seen the Queen in her bath several times, isunfazed.

Helping Glen Hoey sort out his Morris gearbox clusters ismate Phil Grainger (owner of NetXP Internet) and third-generation club member Michael Baker — both seen herehard at work.

This pile of gears is the contents of a couple of MorrisMinor gearboxes, which Glen Hoey is trying to marrytogether to get one decent one for his current shedproject. Kevin was being helpful asking, “What’s this,what’s that do, why’s this worn?”. Glen happilyanswered for an hour until eventually he snapped a bolt.Actually, it was Jeff Brown asking the endless questions –Kevin was genuinely interested.

BYO BBQ & MovieNight at Clubhouse

On Friday March 19

Featurette 1: TopGear Special, 3 vehicles, 1000 Miles through thejungles of Bolivia.Featurette 2: Movie Thriller, RONIN. High Speed Chases througheurope.Members who would like to dine early can arrive at 6pm and theBBQ will be available as a BYO [you bring and you cook].To make catering easy, could members please bring a small plateof nibblies. The club fridge will be open for drinks purchase andtea and coffee available all night.

Hope to see you all.

Letter to the editor (Letter carried over from Feb issue)

The two day Toowoomba Swap was a most successful event.As President of The Darling Downs Veteran & Vintage Motor Club,Inc., I give my sincere and personal thanks to Club members andfamilies, and volunteers from clubs and organisations across theregion, who, under the leadership of swap Chairman, Rick A’bell,made it all happen. Unsung Heroes, all.We are the largest Swap in QLD and among the top three inAustralia. The Toowoomba Chronicle gives us great support, as itsupports so many events in its coverage area and is appreciated.With all of this, it is still only successful because YOU, the Publicof the region and well beyond, come and support us in yourthousands and thousands. I hope you enjoyed and benefitedfrom the event, which is held each year at the end of the first weekin February.To one and all, on behalf of the D.D.V. V. Motor Club I sincerelyand gratefully thank you.

Kevin McGrath, Club President. Toowoomba.

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Interesting Web article sent in by Keith Hoffman.Would you do 100 MPH in one of these?Road-legal bumper cars do just that. Yes, you read that right;these little beasties are street legal (in the US). Either Kawasaki orHonda 750cc motorcycle engines for power, and retired vintagebumper car bodies - transformed into the most awesome form ofmini-car we've ever seen.There's seven of these little monsters floating around California,and they're all the creation of one man, Tom Wright, a gyro-gearloose builder who figured the leftovers of the Long Beach Pikeamusement park needed a more dignified end than a trash heap.They were originally powered by Harley engines but rattled likeheck... and a couple have been ‘measured’ [not run at]theoretically as capable of 160 MPH which is terrifyingly fast inmachines with such a short wheelbase!

Graham sent in an email “Men and their Toys”. Here’s achoice selection.

Looks like a whipper-snipper motor

attached to a mono-cycle, attached to aboy on roller blades.

I’m impressed.

Adding a newdimension to theterm ‘Microcar’.

What you do to your classic Messerschmidt when youfinally get sick of being beaten to parking spaces at theshopping centre.

Just for fun:looks like anitro-fueledhemi poweringthe barby.Want a quicksnag or rapidroast?

Page 14: Polishers Rag March 2010

Wanted-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mk II Ford Escort rear axle wheel to wheel.Contact Brian Timms: 4630 0048--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ford Side Valve V8 Motor, preferably complete and running, butwill consider anything. Contact Greg Bowdler at night on 4630 4990.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1937-41 Ford wishbone suspension, or just the wishbone.Contact Geoffrey Voll: 4696 8874 or 0407 652 978.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanted: Holden HQ/HJ/HX/HZ or WB 1 tonner/trayback ute, mustbe in good condition.Contact James: 0417 075 819-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grill Badge for FC Holden as per photo. Contact Keith Hoffmann 4635 1742 or 13Dorge Street, Tmba.---------------------------------------------------------

For Sale-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two 1958 FC Holdens. Suit restoration. Two FC parts cars. Sellseparately. Contact Collen Klein: 0429 633 958, 4695 4194-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1925 Superior K Chevrolet tourer plus spares. Good restorationproject. $3500 ono. Contact Ken Forster: 0428 300 807-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1957 F600 Tipper, complete, original but requires restoration,easy project, make great classic car carrier; runs ok. $2250;Bedford, TK KGL, carries 7.8 tonne, excellent cab/tray/chassis,easy to get registered, always shedded; $3,500.Holden ute (styleside), HZ 1978, no motor or gearbox, ideal forrestoration or parts; $650.Rims, Sunraysa with tyres – 16inch in good condition with OKtyres, pair, $90EH Holden wiper cowl, very good condition; $25;HQ Holden headlight surrounds, pair; good condition; $50;WB Holden combination wiper-washer & radiator overflow bottle,can also be used on HQ/HJ/HX/HZ; $55Falcon wagon, XT 1969 right rear quarter panel, new old stockpanel never fitted (over 20 years old); $350Holden M20 4 speed gearbox with shifter; $250HZ Holden doors, very straight but some rust; $200 the pairHX Holden grille, nosecone, guards (inner outer guards); andbonnet, all in good to very good condition – will fitHQ/HJ/HX/HZ/WB; sell as package or may separate; $450 the lot.Contact James: 0417 075 819--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EJ Holden Special sedan on full rego. Straight, original. Newradiator, recon grey engine, 5 new tyres, new upholstery, newexhaust. $7500.Contact Merv and Denise Klein on 4637 9595.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GMC rims for sale off my GMC. Tyres are in good condition. 6 stud. $200 each ono.Contact Lara 041 777 99 17

14 ~ The Polishers Rag ~ Celebrating 40 Years ~ DARLING DOWNS VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB

F O R S A L E & WA N T E D

Indoor Bowls ~ a fun nightPlayed at DDVVMC Club Rooms every second Tuesday night at 7.30pm.

All welcome. Dates: March 2, 16, 30For further enquiries: Ted Taylor 4632 2565


February Quiz Answers1. Which make claimed it was “famous for its marvellous motor’

even in the veteran era? Chandler.

2. Which make claimed it was “The automobile with a reputationbehind it” as early as 1905? Studebaker.

3. Which make invited you to “Buy British and be proud of it?”Morris.

4. Which European make claimed it was :The Goddess ofAutomobiles”? Minerva.

5. Which make claimed it was “The most beautiful car inAmerica”? Paige.

6. Which make offered a “free inspection service policy for thelife of the truck” in 1922? International.

7. Through the 40s which make claimed that “Nothing could befiner”? Lincoln.

8. In the 30s and 40s which make claimed it was “the Best Buy”?Buick.

9. Through the late 50s which make told us it was “LionHearted” ? Chrysler.

10. In the early 60s which make was “Unique in all the world”?Thunderbird.

March Quiz1. Which make and model introduced, in 1929, the New

Superior model with finger tip control?


2. Which make, known as the Chief of the sixes, had only 8cylinder models for 33 & 34?......................................................

3. Which two makes were combined when Darracq bought themin 1920?......................................................................................

4. Which make introduced the Tractioneer in the early 70's?


5. What was a Welbike?.....................................................................

6. What make offered what was nicknamed 'The Chain Gang"?


7. Which make offered the Cordoba in the early 70s?


8. Which make offered the Fleetmaster Sport, Fleetline Aero andFleetline Sportsmaster in the 40s?


9. Which make offered the Skyhawk and the Skylark in the 70s?


10. Which make offered the Satellite in the 60s?



Page 15: Polishers Rag March 2010

March 20106-7 Old Machinery Expo Toowoomba Showgrounds

14: High Altitude Rod Run Static display in MargaretSt, Toowoomba, from 9-noon.

14: DDVVMC Clifton Fly-In Clifton Airfield.

20, 21: Day 2/3 Coughran Clearing Auction.

31-Apr 6: DDVVMC ‘Easter-in-the-Country’ RunClub rally to Roma via Glenmorgan. See Jeff & Ann Cox fordetails.

April 201011: ARAGC Show & Shine - Carrara S/G

11: DDVVMC Petrol Consumption Test

15-16: Sunshine Coast Motorkana

17 Ute Show Toowoomba Showgrounds

May 20102: David Hack Classic Toowoomba airport from 9-3

8-9: Dalby Annual Rally Held at Dalby

15-16 DDVVMC 40th Anniversary Celebrations

June 201012-14: WinterSun Queens Birthday long weekend atCoolangatta/Tweed Heads.

13: DDVVMC Mars Bar Rally

DARLING DOWNS VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB ~ Celebrating 40 Years ~ The Polishers Rag ~ 15

C O M I N G E V E N T SSWAPSMar 28 Ormiston Swap Ormiston School 3207 3733

Apr 18 Cleveland Swap Cleveland S’grnd 0403 960 584

May 9 Mudgeeraba Swap Mudg’ba S’grnd 0408 966 372

May 10 Gatton Swap Gatton Showground 5462 4600

May 30 Brisbane Swap Capalaba 0412 076 846

July 11 Original Gold Coast Swap MudgeerabaShowgrounds 5530 5559 / 0427 264 732

PUBLIC NOTICESt Thomas More’s Catholic Parish, cnr of South and Ramsaystreets are celebrating their 50th anniversary on June 19 and20, 2010. You are invited to bring your old car and display it from 10 amto 3pm on the Sunday, June 20, 2010A parking area for 24 cars has been allocated for the exclusiveuse of club members to display your car.Models sought around the 60s, but all and any old car mostwelcome.Register your car with Kevin McGrath, ph. 4636 3760 or at anyclub meeting from now on.


Are there Significant Events in Your Family?Club members — contact me by phone or email if you have afamily member or know of a fellow club member suffering abereavement or celebrating a significant event, eg: birth, marriageor anything else of note.

Leonie Ham


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Page 16: Polishers Rag March 2010

16 ~ The Polishers Rag ~ Celebrating 40 Years ~ DARLING DOWNS VETERAN & VINTAGE MOTOR CLUB

Print Post PP405518/00039

If not claimed please return to Darling Downs Veteran & Vintage Motor Club Inc: PO Box 486, Toowoomba QLD 4350



Very restorable 1926 Essex ute at theQuigley sale also found a new buyer

Quigley AuctionRare, desirable and

mechanically complete1923 Renault (ex Cyril

Horton) has gone to newhome with John Freeman.