political theories laura sirbu comparative government period 4

Political Theories Laura Sirbu Comparative Government Period 4

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Page 1: Political Theories Laura Sirbu Comparative Government Period 4

Political Theories

Laura SirbuComparative GovernmentPeriod 4

Page 2: Political Theories Laura Sirbu Comparative Government Period 4

Theories-Proposed explanations of actual

occurrences Systems TheoryStructural-Functional TheoryDependency TheoryRational Choice TheoryRational Expectation TheoryOther miscellaneous theories

Page 3: Political Theories Laura Sirbu Comparative Government Period 4

Just Remember…

For every theory that exists, there are several ones that propose an opposing idea

The result? Interesting debates!

Page 4: Political Theories Laura Sirbu Comparative Government Period 4

Systems Theory

System - “an object having interdependent parts, acting within a setting or environment” (pg 29) Domestic/National International

No longer independent entities; everything is interconnected (think globalization)

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United States


Political System

Culture and Society







Systems Theory - Diagram




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But what about…

Multinational Companies?Terrorists?

Can complex interactions really be separated in domestic or international spheres?

Systems that are not institutions or countries that are spanning these said “boundaries.”

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Structural-Functional Theory Each structure has its own function

so that government can operate1. Same structure may perform

different functions in another country (ex: President of U.S. vs. President of China)

2. Institutions do not have a monopoly on one function

Criticism: Conservative in its methodology

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Dependency TheoryTwo groups: Developed Nations

and Developing Nations Former keeps the latter in a

subservient positionDeveloping Nations increase

dependency over timeKept “down” by economic

sanctions or free-trade policies (ISI do not work)

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Free-Market Ideology

Free-markets help developing nations by giving them the opportunity to grow and become equal players

Short run, painful. Long run, establishes economies.

Look at India and Thailand: there were developing, and are today more toward the “developed” side

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Dependency vs. Free-Market

Are countries able to “break out of the loop”?

Are developed countries still intentionally keeping developing countries in a subservient position? An obsolete idea?

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Rational Choice TheoryAll decisions can be broken down

into rational calculationsDecisions are based on

rewards/costs People act as if they are

completely rational

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Rational Expectation Theory

Individual decisions may be wrong at any one time

On average, over a collective body, decisions are not systematically wrong

Better to work in a groupMany individuals Country

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Cultural Theory

Political behavior is based on culture

Decisions are based on societal norms, not rational, individual opinions

To understand political behavior, one must understand the culture of that entity

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Rational vs. CulturalDo characteristics of individuals carry

over to a group?If each individual is rational, does that

guarantee that the entire group acts rationally?

Can an individual person take in every cue from culture to come up with a singular decision?

Do policies get watered down when there are many agendas working against one another?

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Political RealismInternational level is anarchyEach state is a rational actor

working for its own best interests. Think Zero-Sum. Black and white.

States are “main actors;” other supranational organizations, multinational corporations, and/or non-governmental organizations have little influence

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CriticismsDemocracy-Peace Theory

Democracies tend to not go to war with each other, even when there are conflicts of self-interest

Federalism There are many levels/stages of

power and influence

Did the Zero-Sum “ideology” get America to its superpower status of today?

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Miscellaneous Theories

The “Great Man” Theory—history is decided by a few influential and powerful individuals

The “Bureaucracy” Theory—the real decisions in a system happen in the push and shove of the bureaucracy

World-System Theory—extremely similar to dependency theory; sees the “capitalist world economy” as “total social system”

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Works Cited

“What is Dependency Theory?” WiseGeek. 26 Apr. 2009 <http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-dependency-theory.htm>.“What is System Theory?” Principia Cybernetica Web . 26 Apr. 2009 <http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/systheor.html>.Scott, John. “Rational Choice Theory .” Rational Choice Theory . 26 Apr. 2009 <http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~scottj/socscot7.htm>.Ferraro, Vincent. Dependency Theory: An Introduction. 26 Apr. 2009 <http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/depend.htm>.Almond, Gabriel A., et al. Comparative Politics Today. Vol. 7. New York: Longman, n.d.