polo press d ani

I. Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development

Upload: daniel-abondano

Post on 29-Jan-2018




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I. Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development

Polo • At first I felt in love with Polo is because it is a sport that combined my

biggest passions

Horses and Football

me me

I am lucky enough to be able to play a sport that can only be played by professionals and royalty around the world, do to its costs. I can play Polo because in the beautiful country of Colombia, a horse can cost the equivalent amount of 200 Euros, the land (that was used to build our club) was owned by my grandmother and some equipment can be easily manufactured locally.

The creation of Cartagena Polo Club

• Juan Pablo Garcia Abondano, Pablo Manrique Abondano and me, Daniel Abondano created Cartagena Polo Club in a lot of land that my grandmother wasn’t using in the family farm, located in the north coast of the city of Cartagena de Indias.

• After building the indoor curt, we decided to offer membership to people around the country, at this point our mission was just to be able to play for free.

• After eight months Cartagena Polo Club gave its first positive revenue, we used this money to create the website http://www.cartagenapoloclub.com

• In 2008 I left my position in the club do to pursue my studies in Boston MA.• The Club is still giving revenues, and thanks to that a Beach Polo curt was

incorporated in 2011. This club has a symbolic meaning to the Abondano family.

How Playing Polo has affected my lifeProfessionally Professionally

• Me and my two cousins created the Cartagena Polo Club, and it was the first business that I got into. When I was in college, and I changed my mayor to Entrepreneurship all the things that I had learned building this business came back to me.•During my time working in the club, I learned finance and accounting, things that I wasn’t learning in high-school. • I have to say that I really didn’t know how many business professionals play polo, not only in South America but all over the world. This helped me to build professional relationships with people in the business world.• It was the first time I was recognized, for something that I have done.

How Playing Polo has affected my life

• The creation of Cartagena Polo Club, united my family. From my grandmother cousins, brothers and sisters from the Abondano family never had missed a tournament.

• I think polo creates a bond between human and beast. You care and learn about one of the most beautiful and loyal animals on earth.

• When your learn and take polo as your sport you find out that has a magic that keeps you happy from the start to the end of the match.

Personally Personally


Thank you