pontine cholinergic neurons depend on three neuroprotection systems to resist nitrosative stress


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Brain Research 1002 (2004) 100–109

Research report

Pontine cholinergic neurons depend on three neuroprotection systems

to resist nitrosative stress

Michael McKinney*, Katrina Williams, David Personett, Caroline Kent, David Bryan,John Gonzalez, Karen Baskerville

Department of Pharmacology, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, 4500 San Pablo Road, Jacksonville, FL 32224, USA

Accepted 23 December 2003


Brainstem cholinergic populations survive in neurodegenerative disease, while basal forebrain cholinergic neurons degenerate. We have

postulated that variable resistance to oxidative stress may in part explain this. Rat primary cultures were used to study the effects of several

nitrosative/oxidative stressors on brainstem (upper pons, containing pedunculopontine and lateraldorsal tegmental nuclei; BS) cholinergic

neurons, comparing them with medial septal (MS), and striatal cholinergic neurons. BS cholinergic neurons were significantly more resistant

to S-nitro-N-acetyl-D,L-penicillamine (SNAP), sodium nitroprusside (SNP), and hydrogen peroxide than were MS cholinergic neurons, which

in turn were more resistant than striatal cholinergic neurons. Pharmacological analyses using specific inhibitors of neuroprotective systems

also revealed differences between these three cholinergic populations with respect to their vulnerability to SNAP. Toxicity of SNAP to BS

neurons was exacerbated by blocking NF-nB activation with SN50 or ERK1/2 activation by PD98059, or by inhibition of phosphoinositide-3

kinase (PI3K) activity by LY294002. In contrast, SNAP toxicity to MS neurons was augmented only by SN50, and SNAP toxicity to striatal

cholinergic neurons was not increased by any of these three pharmacological agents. In neuron-enriched primary cultures, BS cholinergic

neurons remained resistant to SNAP while MS cholinergic neurons remained vulnerable to this agent. Immunohistochemical experiments

demonstrated nitric oxide (NO)-induced increases in nuclear levels of phospho-epitopes for ERK1/2 and Akt, and of the p65 subunit of NF-

nB, within BS cholinergic neurons. These data indicate that the relative resistance of BS cholinergic neurons to toxic levels of nitric oxide

involves three intrinsic neuroprotective pathways that control transcriptional and anti-apoptotic cellular functions.

D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Theme: Development and regeneration

Topic: Neuronal death

Keywords: Neurodegeneration; Neuroprotection; Acetylcholine; Oxidative stress; Kinase

1. Introduction amounts of nitric oxide (NO) formed by calcium-dependent

Basal forebrain cholinergic neurons degenerate in Alz-

heimer’s disease and several other age-related disorders

(reviewed in Ref. [36]). Other populations of cholinergic

neurons are less affected. Notably, the cholinergic groups in

the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) and lateral dorsal teg-

mental nucleus (LDTN) located in the upper pons of the

brainstem are preserved [51]. These cholinergic neurons are

unusual in their relatively high expression of the neuronal

nitric oxide synthase (nNOS, Type I; [46]). NMDA receptor-

mediated toxicity is mediated largely by the excessive

0006-8993/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-904-953-8713; fax: +1-904-953-7117.

E-mail address: [email protected] (M. McKinney).

activation of nNOS [9,10]. The NO that is produced can

readily diffuse through membranes to endanger other cells.

Interestingly, the brainstem nNOS-positive cholinergic neu-

rons are relatively resistant to NMDA [18], and there are other

reported cases of resistance of nNOS-positive neurons to

NMDA toxicity [13,14,25,26,49]. Such findings suggest that

neuroprotective systems are coordinately expressed with

nNOS. Consistent with this idea, we have found that cultured

BS cholinergic neurons resist nitrosative stress while MS

neurons die by apoptosis when exposed to NO [12].

NO can activate both protective and destructive pathways

in cells [7,30,40]. The reaction of NO with superoxide anion

to form peroxynitrite can lead to oxidative modifications of

protein and nucleic acids [19] and the NO-mediated damage

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M. McKinney et al. / Brain Research 1002 (2004) 100–109 101

to nuclear DNA can lead to activation of repair systems, e.g.,

poly-ADP polymerase (PARP), and apoptosis [33,43]. Cells

exposed to NO excess can also activate p53 [22,50,52], a key

initiator of apoptosis in response to DNA damage. Con-

versely, low levels of NO like those generated endogenously

can mediate survival from oxidative stressors by regulation

of mitochondrial function [41]. NO is known to mediate

antiapoptotic effects by inhibiting caspases by S-nitrosyla-

tion [7,43] or by stimulating Ras [27], which then activates

downstream survival mechanisms [15,53]. These down-

stream Ras-dependent cellular survival mechanisms may

involve activation of ERK1/2 [5,22] and/or of Akt, also

known as protein kinase B, an important protection element

with many anti-apoptotic functions [8]. These pathways can

cross-talk at a number of levels [1], as well as interact with

other survival systems like the atypical protein kinases C or

the transcription factor NF-nB [34]. Many of these activities

of NO are effected by nitrosylation or oxidation of cysteine

residues within signaling proteins [33]. Additionally, there is

evidence supporting direct effects of NO on certain tran-

scription factors [2,33].

Our previous investigations of the brain cholinergic pop-

ulations showed that they differ in their expression of

mRNAs for nNOS [43,46] and the superoxide dismutases

[20,21]. Since destruction of superoxide prevents peroxyni-

trite-mediated toxicity, our results suggested that manganese-

dependent superoxide dismutase could be one neuroprotec-

tive system for nNOS-expressing cholinergic neurons in

vivo. However, rigorous testing of hypotheses about protec-

tion systems in neuronal populations requires experimental

models of living cholinergic cells. To convincingly demon-

strate that regional differences in vulnerability actually exist,

the populations in question ideally would be evaluated in the

same experiment under the same conditions. The reticular

pontine cholinergic neurons in the LDTN and PPN are

generated about embryonic day 13 (E13), about 2 days after

the generation of the brainstem cholinergic motor nuclei [45].

Basal forebrain cholinergic neurons are generated throughout

a 6-day period in caudal-to-rostral fashion covering E12–

E17 [6]. The cholinergic interneurons in the rat caudate-

putamen are born during the period E13–E17 [44]. Thus, to

obtain all three populations for culture, the brain must be

dissected on E17 or later.

After plating these three embryonic populations, the cells

must be cultured long enough to allow for maturation. An

example of an early step in differentiation in the LDTN/PPN

is the expression of nNOS, which occurs in vivo 3–4 days

after the birth of the cholinergic neurons [47,48]. However,

later steps in cholinergic differentiation include dendritic

development, axonal growth, and establishment of function-

al connections within target regions. For the subdivisions of

the basal forebrain, these events occur during the first and

second postnatal weeks [11,16,35,38,39]. To study these

three populations in parallel cultures, we made use of the

protocols developed by Knusel and Hefti [23] and Knusel et

al. [24], who compared trophic responses of pontine and

medial septal (MS) cholinergic neurons to various growth

factors. Using this culture method, we have observed that an

indicator of the cholinergic maturation, choline acetyltrans-

ferase activity, increases after plating on E18 to reach a

maximum after about 2 weeks in culture (unpublished data).

In our view, the glia are probably also necessary for each

cholinergic cell type to properly differentiate in its regionally

specific manner.

However, the presence of glia and many non-cholinergic

neurons in these cultures places severe limits on the power

of experiments to identify neuroprotection events in the

cholinergic minority. Only the activity or immunohisto-

chemical properties of choline acetyltransferase (or the

vesicular acetylcholine transporter) can be used to establish

the location, development, or survival of the cholinergic

neurons in such experiments. Nevertheless, considerable

insight can be gained by use of pharmacological agents that

specifically target putative neuroprotection systems. Certain

manipulations of culture conditions can address the ques-

tion of glial contributions. Dual immunocytochemistry for

phenotypic markers and activation-dependent signaling

antigens provides a way to localize signaling events within

cholinergic neurons. Combination of these methods provid-

ed good evidence showing that pontine cholinergic neurons

activate three important neuroprotection pathways to resist

nitrosative stress, while the two other cholinergic popula-

tions do not. The findings may have important implications

for understanding cholinergic pathophysiology in human


2. Materials and methods

2.1. Cell culture

All work with animals was performed under an approved

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee protocol.

Embryos were obtained from Sprague–Dawley mother rats

at days E17–E18 and placed in ice-cold media (L15 with

modifications; [23,24]). The brains were removed and kept

in media on ice while dissections were conducted. The

medial septal area (along with the contiguous basal fore-

brain), the upper pons, and the striatum were dissected

under ice-cold media and collected into culture tubes

containing 2 ml ice-cold media. The cells were dissociated

by trituration as described [23,24], washed, counted, and

plated at 5� 105 cells per mm2 of six-well culture plates

coated with poly-L-lysine. The cells were grown for 2–3

weeks in modified L15 media and fed every 3 days after the

fifth day.

2.2. Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) enzyme assay

The activity of ChAT in individual culture wells was

assayed as previously described [12]. Cells were washed

with cold isotonic phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4),

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then harvested by addition of homogenization buffer (50

mM Tris–Hcl; 0.02% Triton X-100) and scraping to sus-

pend the cells. The cells were sonicated at 4 jC and debris

was removed by centrifugation. About 50 Ag protein in the

supernatant was assayed in duplicate in 100 Al reaction

mixture containing 10 nmol [14C]acetyl-Coenzyme A, 200

mM NaCl, 6 mM choline chloride, 50 mM sodium phos-

phate (pH 7.0), 150 mM physostigmine sulfate, and 0.05%

(wt/vol) bovine serum albumin. Reaction mixtures were

incubated at 37 jC for 60 min in a shaking water bath

(65 rpm). Reactions were stopped by adding 400 Al ice-coldwater. [14C]Acetylcholine was purified on Dowex 1� 8

columns and radioactivity was assessed by liquid scintilla-

tion. Protein was determined in the sample by the bicin-

choninic acid method (Micro BCA; Pierce, Rockford, IL,

USA). ChAT activity was expressed as nmol [14C]acetyl-

choline per mg protein per h.

2.3. Dual immunohistochemical procedures

For these studies, primary cells were plated at 5� 105

cells/mm2 on to round (18 mm dia), poly-L-lysine-coated

coverslips and cultured in 12-well plates. After treatments

(e.g., administration of S-nitro-N-acetyl-D,L-penicillamine

(SNAP)), the cells were fixed in 4% buffered paraformalde-

hyde and visualized by the avidin–biotin method (using

reagents mainly from Sigma, Jackson Laboratories, and

Vector Laboratories) were used for histochemistry. In our

dual-labeling protocol, the order of immunostaining was not

important; i.e., ChAT/VAChT staining could be performed

either before or after the second immunolabeling stage with

equivalent results. This is because we made use of an

intervening peroxide treatment and the Vector avidin block-

ing reagent to completely inactivate residual HRP and Extra-

vidin activities after the first stage of immunostaining.

Cholinergic neurons in the cultures were visualized with

primary antibodies to ChAT (goat polyclonal, Cat. No.

AF144P; Chemicon; 1:200) or to the vesicular acetylcholine

transporter (VAChT; goat polyclonal, Cat. No. AB1578;

Chemicon; 1:6000), incubated with an appropriate biotiny-

lated secondary antibody, then with horseradish peroxidase

(HRP)-coupled avidin (‘‘Extravidin’’, Sigma); the immuno-

complexes were then colorized, typically with diaminoben-

zidine (DAB) but alternatively with nickel-enhanced DAB or

Vector SG. Primary antibodies for phospho-Akt (Ser-473;

Promega Cat. No. G7441 or Cell Signaling Technology Cat.

No. 9277), phospho-ERK (anti human phospho-Tyr 204; Cat.

No. sc-7383; Santa Cruz Biotechnology; 1:100), or the p65

subunit of NF-nB (rabbit polyclonal anti-p65; Cat. No. sc-

372; Santa Cruz Biotechnology; 1:500) were used in a second

histochemical procedure using a biotinylated secondary anti-

IgG antibody, HRP-labeled Extravidin, and a contrasting

color in the peroxidase reaction. Special attention was re-

quired in selecting the biotinylated secondary antibodies, so

that cross-reaction with the ChAT/VAChT immunocomplex

did not occur.

2.4. Statistical testing

To score the dual-labeled immunohistochemical prepara-

tions for the presence of low or high levels of phospho-

epitopes or p65 within cholinergic profiles, the identities of

the slides were blocked and each coverslip was scanned at

40� oil-immersion eyepiece (400� final magnification) in

an Leica DMLB microscope. Each specific VAChT or ChAT

profile was scored (� , ‘‘minus’’) if its level of the stain for

the signaling epitope was at or below the general level in the

majority of other cells in the vicinity, or (+, ‘‘positive’’) if

the epitope was noticeably higher than that observed in

other cells containing general background levels. The cov-

erslip was scanned in its entirety and the percent of all

scored cells that were (+) was calculated to determined

‘‘percent activation’’. Multiple coverslips from several in-

dependent cultures and staining experiments were assessed.

Because cells were cultured in individual wells for extended

periods (5–21 days) after seeding, we considered each well

an independent experiment. Comparisons between groups

were made using Student’s t-test and the level of signifi-

cance was p < 0.05.

arch 1002 (2004) 100–109

3. Results

3.1. Sensitivities of several populations of central cholin-

ergic neurons to oxidative/nitrosative stress

We used a variety of stressors to examine the vulnera-

bility of three cholinergic populations. Hydrogen peroxide is

frequently used to generate oxidative stress in cell culture

systems; typically, it induces apoptotic responses. Sodium

nitroprusside (SNP) and SNAP are two commonly used

‘‘NO donors’’ with differing mechanisms of inducing cel-

lular stress. SNP can be regarded as a nitrosonium ion

(NO+) producer, but it also releases iron and cyanide ions.

SNAP is a S-nitroso compound that may release NO in

media containing low amounts of transition metals, but it

also can transfer NO to thiol residues within cells, like those

in the reduced form of glutathione.

Striatal, MS, and BS mixed primary cultures (14–21

DIV) prepared from E18 fetal rat brain were exposed for

16–24 h to a range of concentrations of hydrogen peroxide,

SNP, or SNAP. The activity of ChAT was used as a measure

of the cholinergic neurons remaining alive. An immunos-

taining experiment with MS cultures showed that most of

the cholinergic neurons had degenerated by 6 h after

addition of SNAP (data not shown). Composites of data

from 4–12 independent experiments (11–24 independent

culture wells) are shown in Fig. 1. BS cholinergic neurons

were more able to survive all three of the treatments,

relative to MS or striatal cholinergic neurons. Striatal

neurons were the most vulnerable, with MS cells interme-

diate. The maximum differences in vulnerability were about

10-fold. SNAP was significantly more toxic to MS cholin-

Page 4: Pontine cholinergic neurons depend on three neuroprotection systems to resist nitrosative stress

Fig. 1. Concentration– response relationships for oxidative stress vulner-

ability to central cholinergic populations. Freshly prepared agents were

added to the media for brainstem (BS; squares), basal forebrain (MS;

circles), and striatal (triangles) mixed rat E17–18 primary cultures (14–21

DIV), and incubated overnight. ChAT activity was assayed as an indicator

of cholinergic neuronal survival. (A) Sensitivities to hydrogen peroxide.

These are averagesF standard errors (S.E.) for 9–24 wells from 12

different experiments. (B) Sensitivities to SNP. These are averagesF S.E.

for 10–18 wells from seven independent experiments. (C) Sensitivities to

SNAP. AveragesF S.E. for 10–18 wells from six independent experiments.

Significant differences between BS and MS: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01;

***p< 0.001. Significant differences between BS and striatum: @p< 0.05;@@p< 0.01; @@@p< 0.001.

M. McKinney et al. / Brain Research 1002 (2004) 100–109 103

ergic neurons than to BS neurons, a result in agreement

with our previous results [12]. However, in the present

experiments, the difference was less pronounced. Notably,

the pattern of vulnerability to hydrogen peroxide differed

from those of the NO donors, in that a substantial fraction

of the cells (about 40% of the BS) appeared to be totally

resistant to this oxidative agent.

We concluded from these data that clear and significant

differences exist in the reactions of cholinergic neurons in

mixed primary cultures to nitrosative or oxidative stress. BS

cholinergic neurons exhibit relative resistance to both nitro-

sative and oxidative stressors, as compared to forebrain

cholinergic populations.

3.2. Conditioned media experiments

Our immunohistochemical analyses with glial fibrillary

acidic protein (GFAP) confirmed that the majority of cells

(probably more than 95%) present in our cultures were

astrocytes, as expected (not shown). Astrocytes secrete many

factors that influence neuronal survival. We conducted

experiments with conditioned media to determine to what

degree such factors might be influencing survival differences

for MS and BS cholinergic neurons exposed to NO excess.

Half of the media over MS or BS mixed primary cultures was

removed every other day and used to replace half the media in

the alternate culture (media ‘‘switching’’), over the 2-week

culture period after plating of E17–18 cells. Other wells

containing MS and BS cultures from the same dissections

were maintained in parallel as controls. It was necessary to

‘‘switch’’ only half the media, because the remaining volume

was replaced with fresh media to maintain the cells for the

required 2-week period. After 2 weeks, vulnerability to

SNAP (0.5 mM) was assessed. Fig. 2 shows composites of

the results from several independent experiments. The MS

control (no conditioned media treatment) cultures (Fig. 2A)

were vulnerable to SNAP (>60% loss of ChAT activity), and

the BS control cultures (Fig. 2B) were unaffected by SNAP.

In MS cultures fed conditioned media from BS cultures

significantly more ChAT activity remained after 0.5 mM

SNAP treatment than in control MS wells (Fig. 2A), but the

percentage loss of ChAT activity was about the same as with

unconditioned MS cultures. In BS cultures fed MS condi-

tioned media (Fig. 2B), SNAP was able to kill a minority of

cholinergic neurons ( p < 0.05). These data indicate that

factors released into the media in either MS or BS cultures

were probably not primarily responsible for the their differ-

ences in vulnerability to SNAP.

3.3. Cholinergic vulnerability to SNAP in neuron-enriched


To further evaluate the possible involvement of non-

neuronal cells in cholinergic survival, we conducted some

experiments with ‘‘neuron-enriched’’ cultures (employing

‘‘Neuro-Basal’’ media); GFAP immunostaining indicated

Page 5: Pontine cholinergic neurons depend on three neuroprotection systems to resist nitrosative stress

Fig. 2. Test for the involvement of soluble neuroprotective factors in BS

resistance to nitrosative stress. MS and BS mixed rat primary cultures were

plated using dissociated E17–E18 cells. Every 3 days, half the volume of

conditioned media was transferred from BS to MS cultures, or MS to BS

cultures, and a half volume of fresh medium was added. Control MS and

BS wells were maintained by discarding half the media and adding fresh

media every 3 days. After 2–3 weeks of this procedure, 500 AM SNAP was

added to wells (DMSO carrier to control wells) and ChAT activity was

assessed the next day to determine toxicity. These data are the

averagesF S.E. for 21 wells for each condition in six independent

experiments. In control (no conditioning) wells, MS cholinergic neurons

were killed by SNAP (@@@p< 0.001) and BS cholinergic neurons were

unaffected by SNAP ( p>0.05). The amount of ChAT activity after SNAP

treatment of the ‘‘MS conditioned’’ wells was significantly higher than in

‘‘MS Control’’ wells (**p< 0.01), but the proportion of surviving cells was

similar. BS cells conditioned by MS media (‘‘BS Conditioned’’) were

significantly affected by SNAP (*p< 0.05), suggesting that MS media

might contain a substance that could render BS cells somewhat vulnerable

to SNAP.

Fig. 3. Relative vulnerability of MS and BS cholinergic neurons to SNAP is

maintained in neuron-enriched cultures. E17–E18 primary cells were

plated and cultured in Neuro-Basal media for several days before

administering 500 AM SNAP overnight. ChAT activity was used as a

measure of cholinergic neuron survival. The treatment killed almost half the

MS cholinergic neurons (***p< 0.001) but had no significant effect on BS

cholinergic neurons ( p>0.05). These results (averagesF S.E.) are from 23–

31 wells at each condition from eight independent experiments. The

differential toxicity of SNAP in these neuron-enriched cultures is virtually

identical to toxicity in mixed primary cultures.

M. McKinney et al. / Brain Rese104

that fewer than 10% of the cultured cells were astrocytes

(not shown). In this medium, we found that MS and BS

cholinergic neurons began to decline in viability after

about 5 days. Fig. 3 shows composite data from SNAP

toxicity experiments with MS and BS neuron-enriched

cultures, in which the donor was added at day 3 in culture

and ChAT activity was assayed the next day. The MS

cholinergic neurons still exhibited sensitivity to nitric oxide

excess (0.5 mM SNAP; p < 0.001), while the BS cholin-

ergic neurons were completely resistant. These data sug-

gest that population differences in vulnerability to SNAP

might best be explained by factors intrinsic to the cholin-

ergic neuron, and probably does not involve glial cells in

any major way.

3.4. Pharmacological blockade of putative neuroprotective


Further clues as to population differences in vulnerability

to NO excess were obtained in studies using pharmacological

blockers of key steps in three neuroprotective pathways. The

cell-permeable compound SN50 contains nuclear localiza-

tion sites for migration of the p65 subunit of NF-nB and can

block the nuclear actions of this transcriptional system by

diverting p65/p50 dimers from transmigrating into the nu-

cleus. PD98059 inhibits the activation of ERK1/2 by its

effects on MEK, and LY294002 inhibits phosphoinositide-3

kinase (PI3K), which is required for activation of the survival

kinase Akt (protein kinase B). To inhibit these pathways as

completely as possible, it was necessary to use maximal drug

concentrations. Preliminary experiments were performed

with BS cultures to determine the maximum concentrations

of SN50, PD98059, and LY 294002 that could be used

without major effects on ChAT activity in these cultures.

We found, for example, that control ChAT activity in BS

primary cultures remained near maximal with SN50 concen-

trations as high as 27 AM, and this was the concentration we

then used for comparing how inhibition of NF-nB affected

the toxicity of SNAP on three different cholinergic popula-

tions (Fig. 4).

Our results with SN50 confirmed our previous conclu-

sions with caffeic acid phenylethyl ester [12] that NF-nB was

involved in protecting MS and BS cholinergic neurons from

SNAP (Fig. 4). Furthermore, PD98059 (100 AM) and

LY294002 (100 AM) also rendered BS cholinergic neurons

vulnerable to 0.5 mM SNAP (Fig. 4C), while the toxicity of

SNAP to MS and striatal cholinergic neuronal populations

was not augmented by either drug (Fig. 4A,B, respectively).

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There were significant effects of the three inhibitors on

control ChAT levels in one or more of the cultures; for

LY294002 and PD98059, these effects were at most minor.

The toxic effect of SNAP to striatal cholinergic neurons

(>60% killing) was not potentiated by blockade of any of

the three putative neuroprotective pathways (P>0.05). These

data clearly show that BS cholinergic neurons are unique in

their apparent requirement for ERK1/2, PI3K, and NF-nBfunctions for their resistance to nitrosative stress.

3.5. Immunohistochemical evidence for NO-mediated acti-

vation of neuroprotection systems in BS cholinergic neurons

The pharmacological data (Fig. 4) suggested that BS

cholinergic neurons are unique in their involvement of NF-

nB, PI3K/Akt, and ERK1/2 in resisting SNAP toxicity.

However, since these are mixed cultures, it is possible that

these systems are not activated within cholinergic neurons

per se. We used dual immunohistochemistry for cholinergic

markers and for markers of neuroprotective systems to

investigate these pathways in identified BS cholinergic

neurons in situ. Fig. 5 shows typical profiles for NF-nB(p65 immunoreactivity), phospho-Akt, and phospho-ERK1/

2 in control cultures (A,C,E) and cultures treated with 0.5

mM SNAP (B,D,F). Multiple coverslips for each condition

and each immunostain were scored for the level (weak/

absent vs. moderate/strong) of stain for the signaling

epitope in BS cholinergic profiles (Table 1).

In our mixed primary cultures, NF-nB was constitutively

activated in a subpopulation (36%) of BS cholinergic neurons

(Table 1 and Fig. 5A/B). By 60min after administering SNAP

to BS primary cultures, increases in the fraction of profiles

containing strong nuclear p65 immunoreactivity were evi-

dent throughout the cultures, indicating activation of the NF-

nB system in response to nitrosative stress. The experiment

shown in Fig. 5A/B is one of four that were counted; in the

SNAP-treated cultures, most ChAT-positive BS neurons

(75%) exhibited moderate to very strong p65 nuclear reac-

tivity at this time point (ChAT immunoreactivity is colorized

brown with DAB, and p65 is the dark blue–black of nickel-

enhanced DAB). This was a highly significant increase

compared to control levels ( p < 0.001).

In the experiment in Fig. 5C,D, ChAT is immunostained

blue (with Vector SG) and pAkt (ser473) is colorized with

DAB (brown). In control BS cultures (n = 4), an average of

61% of the cholinergic neurons exhibited strong nuclear

pAkt reactivity (57% in the experiment in Fig. 5C/D),

indicating constitutive activation of the protein kinase.

Treatment with SNAP for 60 min caused the nuclei of the

large majority (83%) of the BS ChAT-positive cells (n = 4)

Fig. 4. Pharmacological profiles implicating involvement of neuroprotective

pathways in variable resistance of three cholinergic population to nitric oxide

excess. Rat E17–E18 mixed primary cultures were maintained for 2–3

weeks before conducting experiments. The inhibitor concentrations were:

LY294002, 100 AM; PD98059, 100 AM; SN50, 27 AM. Drugs were added 1

h prior to addition of 500 AM SNAP; surviving cholinergic neurons were

assessed the next day by quantitation of ChAT activity. (A) Striatal

cholinergic neurons. SNAP administration killed about half the cells

( p< 0.001). Inhibition of ERK1/2 activation with PD98059 and NF-nBwith SN50 suppressed ChAT activity in control wells (**p< 0.01 and

***p< 0.001, respectively), but none of the three inhibitors changed

significantly the degree of toxicity of nitric oxide excess ( p>0.05). These

data are averagesF S.E. for 11–14 wells in six independent experiments.

AveragesF S.E. for 9–10 wells in five independent experiments. (B) Medial

septal cholinergic neurons. SNAP killed about 60% of the cells ( p< 0.001).

Of the three inhibitors, only SN50 had any effect on control cells

(***p < 0.001) or exacerbated SNAP toxicity (@@p < 0.01). (C) BS

cholinergic neurons. SNAP (500 mM) did not significantly affect ChAT

activity in control wells ( p>0.05), but all three inhibitors significantly

potentiated SNAP toxicity (@@p < 0.01; @@@p < 0.001). SN50 and

LY294002 moderately suppressed ChAT activity in control wells

(*p< 0.05; **p< 0.01). Averages +/� for 9–10 wells in five independent


Page 7: Pontine cholinergic neurons depend on three neuroprotection systems to resist nitrosative stress

Fig. 5. Immunohistochemical evidence for activation of neuroprotective systems in BS cholinergic neurons after exposure to nitric oxide. Red arrows indicate

BS cholinergic profiles. ChAT-NF-jB dual immunohistochemistry: (A) Control and (B) 500 AM SNAP, 60 min. ChAT is colorized with DAB (brown) and the

p65 subunit is visualized using Ni-DAB (blue–black). In the SNAP-treated well (B), the nucleus contains a heavy deposit of p65 immunoreactivity. ChAT-pAkt

dual immunohistochemistry: (C) Control and (D) 500 AM SNAP, 60 min. ChAT is visualized using Vector SG (blue) and pAkt (Ser 473) is colorized with DAB

(brown). The activation of Akt is suggested by the much stronger brown deposits in the nuclei in panel D. VAChT-pERK immunohistochemistry: (E) Control

and (F) 500 AM SNAP, 60 min. VAChT immunoreactivity is DAB (brown) and pERK (1/2) is colorized using Vector SG (blue).

M. McKinney et al. / Brain Research 1002 (2004) 100–109106

to acquire a strong pAkt signal, and this was a significant

increase ( p< 0.05).

In the experiment in Fig. 5E (Control) and Fig. 5F

(SNAP), VAChT is the cholinergic marker visualized with

DAB and pERK1/2 is visualized with Vector SG (blue). In

control wells, 41% of BS cholinergic neurons contained

strong cytosolic and/or nuclear pERK1/2 reactivity (n = 6),

Table 1

Immunostaining assessment of signaling activities in primary BS

cholinergic neurons

Second immunostain Control (carrier only) SNAP (0.5 mM)-treated

p65 (NF-nB) 36F 2% (4) 75F 4%*** (4)

Phospho-Akt (ser473) 61F 9% (4) 83F 4%* (5)

Phospho-ERK1/2 41F 4% (6) 61F 2%*** (6)

These numbers are the percent of ChAT- or VAChT-positive profiles that

also contained elevated levels of signaling epitope. Student’s t-test for the

different between Control and SNAP conditions.

*p< 0.05.

***p< 0.001.

suggesting constitutive activation. This MAP kinase system

was activated throughout the culture by 60 min after

addition of SNAP, and 65% of cholinergic neurons were

found to be strongly labeled with pERK1/2 (Fig. 5F), a

significant increase (n = 6, p < 0.001). Our results indicate

that nitric oxide excess leads to the activation of all three of

these putative neuroprotection pathways in BS cholinergic


4. Discussion

Our experiments show that BS cholinergic neurons in

mixed primary culture are relatively resistant to oxidative

and nitrosative stressors, as compared to MS or striatal

counterparts. As many as 40% of the BS cholinergic

neurons survive up to 100 mM hydrogen peroxide, and

BS cholinergic cells are at least a log-order more resistant to

NO toxicity, as compared to MS or striatal cholinergic

neurons. Media-switching experiments indicated that hu-

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moral factors, like those that might be released from

astrocytes, probably were not important in this resistance.

BS cholinergic neurons remained resistant, and MS neurons

remained vulnerable, to NO when astrocytes were largely

eliminated from the cultures, suggesting that reaction to

nitrosative stress is a property intrinsic to the cholinergic

neuron. Pharmacological data indicated that BS neurons

resisted nitrosative stress by mechanisms involving at least

three putative neuroprotective pathways, a feature very

different from either MS or striatal cholinergic populations.

Immunohistochemical experiments revealed significant

increases in nuclear intensities of phospho-epitopes for

ERK1/2 and Akt, and the p65 subunit of NF-nB, withinBS cholinergic neurons after exposure to NO.

Our previous work suggests that when MS cholinergic

neurons are exposed to nitrosative stress, they die by an

apoptotic mechanism [12]. Also in that study, the relative

resistance of the BS cholinergic neurons to SNAP was

shown to involve maintenance of normal levels of gluta-

thione. NO-induced apoptosis has been shown to involve

DNA damage [31] and activation of p53 [22,50]. NO

toxicity to neurons may [32] or may not [54] involve

activation of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, possibly

depending on whether peroxynitrite formation is involved.

Based on these reports, it seems that DNA damage and

activation of these systems may be involved in the loss of

MS or striatal cholinergic neurons in our cultures after

exposure to SNAP, although there are other possibilities.

The relative resistance of BS cholinergic neurons, which

seems to involve PI3K, ERK1/2, and NF-nB, thus eventu-ally may be explained by the regulatory influences of these

neuroprotective pathways on p53 activity, specifically on

its propensity to elicit apoptosis after DNA damage. By its

ability to regulate p53 accumulation, ERK1/2 prevents

nitric oxide-induced apoptosis of chondrocytes [22]. Akt,

which depends on PI3K for activation, prevents NO-in-

duced apoptosis of hippocampal neurons by blocking

transcription of p53 [52]. These neuroprotective functions

may be activated by NO in parallel with pro-apoptotic

events in the same cell. Thus, the survival of BS cholin-

ergic neurons may be the result of a peculiarity in this cell

type for stronger activation of anti-apoptotic pathways than

pro-apoptotic pathways, when exposed to NO. Some alter-

native hypotheses might relate to the ability of this cell type

to absorb or neurtralize excess NO or mobilize more robust

repair mechanisms for damaged DNA or protein.

Our original hypothesis was that the relative vulnerability

of BS and MS cholinergic neurons to oxidative stress is

related to the relative vulnerability of these cells in AD. This

hypothesis may appear now to be overly simplistic, because

in the present study, we found that striatal cholinergic neurons

are even more vulnerable in vitro than the MS population.

Striatal cholinergic neurons are generally thought to be

unaffected in AD. However, a 60% loss of the cholinergic

neurons in the ventral striatum has been reported [28]. There

are also substantial reductions in neurotrophin receptor ex-

pression on striatal cholinergic neurons, and this not limited

to the ventral region [3,4]. Thus, it appears that at least some

striatal cholinergic neurons are as vulnerable in AD as the

basal forebrain system.

An improved hypothesis for selective cholinergic degen-

eration in AD might combine differential oxidative stress

vulnerability, which we have clearly demonstrated, with

additional disease-related insults into a ‘‘multi-hit’’ hypoth-

esis. For example, it may be that basal forebrain cholinergic

neurons are more severely affected in AD because of their

susceptibility to oxidative or nitrosative stress, in combi-

nation with detrimental influences of cortical amyloid

deposition; the latter feature of the AD brain is presumably

less of a factor in the striatum. However, in our view,

amyloid deposition alone does not explain cholinergic loss.

We have found in transgenic mouse models that the basal

forebrain cholinergic population is preserved even with

extensive and nearly life-long cortical amyloid deposits

[17]. Moreover, in the Parkinson’s disease brain, in which

basal forebrain cholinergic degeneration can occur [20],

cortical pathology is absent.

It is apparent that much more study of these cholinergic

neuronal populations will be required before selective

vulnerability can be better explained. Recognizing this, we

have cloned cholinergic cell lines from the brainstem and

basal forebrain for more detailed molecular approaches

[37,42]. These cell lines exhibit a wide range of vulnerabil-

ity to nitrosative stress and appear to invoke the same three

neuroprotection systems we have inferred to exist in pontine

cholinergic neurons (manuscript in preparation). Clarifica-

tion of how the downstream signaling events in these three

cascades promote cholinergic survival of oxidative stressors

will likely help in understanding why some cholinergic

populations degenerate in human disease.


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