pope st. gregory the great - the life of our most holy father st. benedict

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  • 8/13/2019 Pope St. Gregory the Great - The Life of Our Most Holy Father St. Benedict


    The Life of Our most Holy Father St.


    Pope St.Gregory the




    Our MostHoly

    Father St.Benedict





  • 8/13/2019 Pope St. Gregory the Great - The Life of Our Most Holy Father St. Benedict


    OF St. G"EGO"#

    THE G"ET













  • 8/13/2019 Pope St. Gregory the Great - The Life of Our Most Holy Father St. Benedict










    /icarGeneral o- His



  • 8/13/2019 Pope St. Gregory the Great - The Life of Our Most Holy Father St. Benedict





















  • 8/13/2019 Pope St. Gregory the Great - The Life of Our Most Holy Father St. Benedict



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  • 8/13/2019 Pope St. Gregory the Great - The Life of Our Most Holy Father St. Benedict


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    The Latin of this edition of the life of St. Benedict by St. Gregory theGreat, is from that used by dom. Edmund Martne, the English is almostexactly that of the quaint translation ublished in!"#$. The test used for the %oly &ule is that of an ancient MS. existingat Monte 'assino, first ublished in !"() by *om, +aul de errariis, a

    mon- of that bbey. The English is, as far as is consistent /ith theoriginal, from the time honoured translation of !"#$, as edited in !$0(by 1one of the Benedictine athers of St. Michael2s, neat %ereford.3



    of Our %ost

    Holy Father

    Saint Benedict

    BE&'G THE




    OF ST.

  • 8/13/2019 Pope St. Gregory the Great - The Life of Our Most Holy Father St. Benedict



    THE G"E*T.


    THE"E #as a man of $enerable life Benedict by name and grace #hofrom the time of his $ery childhood carried the heart of an old man. Hisdemeanour indeed surpassing his age he ga$e himself no disport orpleasure but li$ing here upon earth he despised the #orld #ith all theglory thereof at such time as he might ha$e most freely en-oyed it. He#as born in the pro$ince of 'ursia of honourable parentage and sent to

    "ome to study the liberal sciences. But #hen he sa# there many throughthe une$en paths of $ice run headlong to their o#n ruin he dre# bachis foot but ne#/set in the #orld lest in the search of humanno#ledge he might also fall into the same dangerous precipice.(ontemning therefore learning and studies and abandoning his father0shouse and goods he desired only to please God in a $irtuous life.Therefore he departed silfully ignorant and #isely unlearned. & ha$e notattained unto all this man did but the fe# things #hich & here set do#n#ere related to me by four of his disciples1 namely (onstantine a $eryre$erend man #ho succeeded him in the go$ernment of the %onastery12alentinian #ho for many years bore rule in the %onastery of Lateran

    Simplicius #ho #as the third superior of that congregation after himand Honoratus #ho yet go$erneth the %onastery #hich he firstinhabited.


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    BE'E!&(T ha$ing no# left the schools resol$ed to betae himself tothe desert accompanied only by his nurse #ho most tenderly lo$ed him.(oming therefore to a place called *ffile and remaining for some timein the (hurch of St. Peter by the charitable &n$itement of many $irtuouspeople #ho li$ed there for de$otion so it chanced that his nurseborro#ed of a neighbour a sie$e to cleanse #heat #hich being leftcarelessly upon the table #as found broen in t#o pieces. Therefore onher return finding it broe she began to #eep bitterly because it #as

    only lent her. But the religious and pious boy Benedict seeing his nurselament #as mo$ed #ith compassion and taing #ith him the t#o piecesof the broen sie$e #ith tears he ga$e himself to prayer #hich nosooner ended but he found the sie$e #hole and found not any sign thatit had been broen. Them presently he restored the sie$e #hich had beenbroen #hole to his nurse to her e3ceeding comfort. This matter #asdi$ulged unto all that li$ed thereabout and so much admired by all thatthe inhabitants of that place caused the sie$e to be hanged up in the(hurch porch that not only those present but all posterity might no##ith ho# great gifts of grace Benedict had been endo#ed from thebeginning of his con$ersion. The sie$e remained to be seen for many

    years after and hung o$er the (hurch door e$en until the times of theLongobards.

    But Benedict more desirous to suffer afflictions than co$etous ofpraise1 and rather #illing to undergo labours for the honour of God thanto be e3tolled #ith the fa$ours of this #orld fled secretly from his nurseto a remote place in the desert called Subiaco distant about forty milesfrom "ome in #hich a fountain springing #ith cool and crystal #aterse3tendeth itself at first into a broad lae and running farther #ithincrease of #aters becometh at the last a ri$er. *s he #as tra$elling tothis place a certain mon called "omanus met him and ased #hither he#as going. Ha$ing understood his intention he both ept it secret and

    afforded him help moreo$er he ga$e him a religious habit and assistedhim in all things. The man of God being come to this place li$ed for thespace of three years in an obscure ca$e unno#n to any man e3cept"omanus the %on #ho li$ed not far off in a %onastery go$erned byFather !eodatus. But he #ould piously steal forth and on certain daysbring to Benedict a loaf of bread #hich he had spared from his o#nallo#ance. But there being no #ay to the ca$e from "omanus his cell byreason of a steep and high roc #hich hung o$er it "omanus used to let

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    do#n the loaf by a long cord to #hich also he fastened a little bell thatby the sound of it the man of God might no# #hen "omanus broughthim the bread and going out may recei$e it. But the old enemy en$yingthe charity of the one and the reflection of the other #hen on a certainday he beheld the bread let do#n in this manner thre# a stone and brae

    the bell. 'ot#ithstanding "omanus after#ards failed not to assist him inthe best manner he #as able. 'o# #hen it pleased *lmighty God that"omanus should rest from his labours and that the life of Benedictshould be manifest to the #orld for an e3ample to all men that thecandle #et upon a candlestic might shine and gi$e light to the #hole(hurch of God our Lord $ouchsafed to appear to a certain Priest li$ingfar off #ho had mae ready his dinner for Easter !ay saying to him45Thou hast prepared good cheer for thyself and %y ser$ant in such aplace is famished for hunger.6 7ho presently rose up and on the solemnday of Easter #ent to#ards the place #ith such meat as he had pro$idedfor himself #here seeing the man of God amongst craggy rocs

    #inding $alleys and hollo# pits he found him hid in a ca$e. Then afterprayers and blessing the *lmighty Lord they sat do#n and after somespiritual discourse the Priest said4 5"ise and let us tae our reflectionfor this is Easter !ay.6 To #hom the man of God ans#ered4 5& no# it isEaster because & ha$e found so much fa$our as to see thee.6 8For notha$ing a long time con$ersed #ith men he did not no# it #as Easter!ay.9 The good Priest did therefore again affirm it saying4 5Truly this isthe day of our Lord0s "esurrection and therefore it is not fit that youshould eep abstinence and for this cause & am sent that #e may eattogether that #hich *lmighty God hath besto#ed on us.6 7hereuponblessing God they fell to their meat. Their discourse and dinner endedthe Priest returned to his (hurch.

    *bout the same time certain shepherds found him hid in a ca$e1 #hoat the first spying him among the bushes clothed in the sins of beaststoo him for some #ild beast but after#ards no#ing him to be aser$ant of god many of them #ere con$erted from their sa$age life to$irtue. By this means his name began to be famous in the country andmany did resort unto him bringing #ith them necessaries for his body#hile they recei$ed from his lips the food of life.


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    Ho# he o$ercame a

    temptation of theflesh.

    THE holy man being on a certain day alone the tempter #as at hand1 fora little blac bird commonly called an ousel began to fly about his faceand that so near as the holy man if he #ould. might ha$e taen it #ithhis hand1 but no sooner had he made the sign of the cross than the bird$anished. 7hen presently so great a carnal temptation assailed him thatbefore the holy man had ne$er felt the lie. for the remembrance of a#oman #hich some time he had seen #as so li$ely represented to hisfancy by the #iced spirit and so $ehemently did her image inflame his

    breast #ith lustful desires that almost o$ercome by pleasure he #asdetermining to lea$e the #ilderness. But suddenly assisted #ith di$inegrace he came to himself and seeing near him a thicet full of nettlesand briars he thre# off his garments and cast himself naed into themidst of those sharp thorns and nettles #here he rolled himself so longthat #hen he rose up all his body #as pitifully rent1 thus by the #oundsof his flesh he cured those of his soul by turning pleasure into pain1 andby the $ehemence of out#ard torments he e3tinguished the unla#fulflame #hich burnt #ithin o$ercoming sin by changing the fire. *fter#hich time as he himself related to his disciples he #as so free from thelie temptation that he ne$er felt any such motion.

    %any after this began to forsae the #orld and to hasten to putthemsel$es under his go$ernment. Being no# altogether free from $icehe #orthily deser$ed to be made a master of $irtue. *s it is commandedby %oses that the Le$ites should ser$e from fi$e and t#enty years andup#ard and after fifty years they should be appointed to eep the holy$essels.



    & ha$e already understood something of this testimony alleged yet &pray mae it more plain unto me.


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    &t is manifest Peter that in youth the temptations of the flesh aregreat but after fifty natural heat #a3eth cold4 no# the souls of good menare the holy $essels. Therefore #hile the elect are in temptation it isnecessary that they li$e under obedience and be #earied #ith laboursbut #hen by reason of their age the fer$our of temptations is assuagedthey are ordained eepers of holy $essels that is become instructors ofsouls.



    & confess #hat you say has gi$en me full satisfaction and thereforethis place of Scripture being clearly e3pounded & pray you hasten on#ith the holy man0s life #hich you ha$e begun.



    Ho# St. Benedict brae a glass by the sign of the cross.

    H*2&'G thus $an:uished this temptation the man of God lie a goodsoil #ell manured and #eeded brought forth abundant fruit of the seedof $irtue so that his fame began to spread itself more largely. 'ot far off#as a %onastery #hose *bbot being dead the #hole (on$ent repaired

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    to the $enerable man Benedict and #ith earnest persuasions re:uestedhim for their *bbot #hich he refused for a long time fore#arning themthat his manner of life and theirs #ere not agreeable1 yet at lengtho$ercome #ith importunity he ga$e consent. But #hen in the same%onastery he began to obser$e regular discipline so that none of the

    %ons 8as in former time9 #ere permitted by their disorder to s#er$eany #ay form the path of $irtue #hich recei$ing they fell into a greatrage and began accusing themsel$es of their choice in recei$ing him fora Superior #hose integrity of life #as disproportionate to theirper$erseness.

    *nd therefore #hen they percei$ed themsel$es restrained fromunla#ful acts it grie$ed them to lea$e their desires and hard it #as torelin:uish old customs and begin a ne# life besides the con$ersation ofgood men is al#ays odious to the #iced they began therefore to plothis death and after consultation had together they poisoned his #ine. So#hen the glass #hich contained the empoisoned drin #as according to

    the custom of the %onastery presented at table to be blessed by the*bbot Benedict putting forth his hand and maing the sign of the (rossthe glass #hich #as held far off brae in pieces as if instead of blessingthe $ase of death he had thro#n a stone against it. By this the man ofGod percei$ed that the glass had in it the drin of death #hich could notendure the sign of life. So presently rising up #ith a mild countenanceand tran:uil mind ha$ing called the Brethren together he thus spaeunto them4 5*lmighty God of His mercy forgi$e you Brethren #hyha$e you dealt thus #ith me; !id not & foretell you that my manner oflife and yours #ould not agree; Go and see a Superior to your liing1for you can ha$e me no longer #ith you.6 This said he forth#ithreturned to the solitude he lo$ed s #ell and li$ed there #ith himself inthe sight of Him #ho seeth all things.


    & !o not #ell understand #hat you mean4







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    &f the holy man had been longer constrained to go$ern those #ho hadunanimously conspired against him and #ere so contrary to him in lifeand manners it might perad$enture ha$e diminished his o#n $igourand fer$our of de$otion #ithdra#ing his mind from the light of

    contemplation. So that o$er much busied in correcting the faults ofothers he might ha$e neglected his o#n1 and so perhaps lost himselfand yet not gained others. For as often as by contagious motions #e aretransported out of oursel$es #e remain the same but not #ith oursel$esbecause not looing into our o#n actions #e are #andering about otherthings. For do #e thin that he #as #ith himself #ho #ent into a farcountry consumed the portion allotted to him and after he had puthims

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    e3pectation of the people of the >e#s.6



    T#o #ays Peter #e are carried out of oursel$es4 for either bysinfulness of thought #e fall beneath oursel$es or by the grace ofcontemplation #e are raised abo$e oursel$es. He therefore that ept thehogs by his inconstancy of mind and uncleanness fell beneath himself4but he #hom the *ngel loosed and ra$ished into an ecstasy #as indeedout of himself but yet abo$e himself. But both of them returned to

    themsel$es the one #hen reclaiming his le#d life he #as con$erted atheart the other #hen from the height of contemplation he returned tohis natural and ordinary understanding. Thus $enerable Benedict in thatsolitude d#elt #ith himself for as much as he ept himself #ithin histhoughts4 for as often as by the fer$our of contemplation he #asele$ated #ithout doubt he left himself as it #ere beneath himself.



    & lie #ell this you say but resol$e me & pray you should he ha$eleft those %ons of #hom he had once taen charge;



    &n my opinion Peter a bad community may be tolerated #here thereare found at least some good #hich may be helped. But #here there is nobenefit to be e3pected of any good labour is many times lost upon thebad. Especially if there be any present occasions #herein #e may doGod better ser$ice. 'o# #hom #as there #hom the holy man should

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    ha$e stayed to go$ern #hen they had all conspired against him; *ndmany things are considered by the soul of the perfect #hich ought not tobe passed in silence for they percei$ing their endea$ours to be #ithouteffect depart to some other place there to employ themsel$es moreprofitably. 7herefore that famous preacher #ho desired to be dissol$ed

    and to be #ith (hrist unto #hom to li$e is (hrist and to die is gain didnot only desire himself to suffer but did also animate others to do thelie. He being persecuted at !amascus caused himself to be let do#nfrom the #all by a cord and baset #hereby he escaped pri$ately. Shall#e say then that Paul feared death #hich he earnestly desired for thelo$e of (hrist as appeareth by his o#n testimony; But as he foresa#that his endea$ours there #ould profit little #ith much difficulty hereser$ed himself to labour in another place #ith better success. For this$aliant champion of God #ould not be confined to so narro# limits butsought battles in the open field. So you may obser$e that the $enerableBenedict left not so many incorrigible in that place as he con$erted to a

    spiritual life else#here.


    ,ou say true as both reason and the e3ample alleged pro$e but &pray return to prosecute the life of this holy Father.


    The holy man for many years in that desert increased #onderfully in$irtues and miracles #hereby a great number in those parts #eregathered together in the ser$ice of *lmighty God4 so that by theassistance of our Lord >esus (hrist he built there t#el$e monasteries ineach of #hich he put t#el$e %ons #ith their superiors and retained afe# #ith himself #hom he thought to instruct further.

    'o# began di$ers noble and de$out personages from "ome to resortto him and commended their children to be brought up by him in the

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    ser$ice of *lmighty God. *t the same time E:uitius brought unto him%aurus and Tertullus a Senator his son Placidus both $ery hopefulchildren of #hich t#o %aurus although young yet by reason of hisfor#ardness in the school of $irtue began to assist his master butPlacidus #as as yet a child of tender years.



    Ho# hereclaimed an


    &' one of those %onasteries #hich he had built thereabout #as a certain%on that could not stay at his prayers but so soon as he sa# his

    brethren neel and dispose themsel$es for their mental prayer he #ouldgo out and there spend his #andering thoughts upon #orldly andtransitory things. For #hich ha$ing been often admonished by his*bbot he #as brought before the man of God #ho also sharplyreprehended him for his folly1 but returning to his %onastery he scarceremembered t#o days #hat the man of God had said to him for the thirdday he fell to his old custom and at the time of prayer #ent out again4#hereof #hen the ser$ant of God #as informed by the *bbot the secondtime he said4 5& #ill come myself and reform him.6 *nd #hen he #ascome to the same %onastery and the Brethren after the Psalms ended atthe accustomed time betoo themsel$es to prayer he percei$ed a little

    blac boy #ho pulled this %on 8#ho could not remain at his prayers9out by the hem of his garment. This he insinuated secretly to Pompeianus*bbot of the %onastery and to %aurus4 5See you hot there #ho it is thatdra#eth this %on out;6 7ho ans#ered 5'o.6 5Let us pray6 repliedhe 5that you may lie#ise see #hom this %on follo#eth.6 *fter prayercontinued for t#o days %aurus the mon sa# but Pompeianus the*bbot of the %onastery could not percei$e anything. The ne3t day #henthe man of God had finished his prayer he #ent out of the Oratory and

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    found the %on standing #ithout #hom he forth#ith strae #ith a#and and from that time e$er after the %on #as free form the #icedsuggestion of the blac boy and remained constant at his prayers. Forthe old enemy as if himself had been beaten #ith the #hip dared o moreto tae command of his thoughts.



    Ho# by the prayer of the man of God a spring issuedfrom the top of a mountain.

    TH"EE of the %onasteries #hich he founded in that place #ere builtupon the cliffs of a mountain #hich #as $ery troublesome to the %onsal#ays to be forced to descend to the lae to fetch up their #ater for onaccount of the steepness of the mountain side it #as $ery difficult anddangerous to descend. Hereupon the Brethren of these three %onasteries

    came together to the ser$ant of God Benedict saying4 5&t is $erytroublesome to us to ha$e daily to go do#n for #ater as far as the laeand therefore the %onasteries must of necessity be remo$ed to somemore commodious place.6 He dismissed them #ith comfortable #ordsand at night #ith little Placidus #hom #e mentioned before #ent up tothe roc and there prayed a long time. Ha$ing ended his prayers he putthree stones for a mar in the same place and so unno#n to all hereturned to his %onastery. 'e3t day #hen the Brethren came again tohim for #ant of #ater he said4 5Go and on the roc #here you shall findthree stones one upon another dig a little for *lmighty God is able tomae #ater spring from the top of that mountain that you may be eased

    of this labour.6 7hen they had made a hollo# in that place it #asimmediately filled #ith #ater #hich issueth forth so plentifully that tothis day it continueth running do#n to the floor of the mountain.


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    Ho# the iron head of a bill from the bottom of the #aterreturned to the handle again.

    *T another time a certain Goth poor of spirit desirous to lead areligious life repaired to the man of god Benedict #ho most #illinglyrecei$ed him. One day he ordered a bill to be gi$en to him to cut up

    brambles in a place #hich he intended for a garden. This place #hichthe Goth had undertaen to accommodate #as o$er the lae0s side.7hile the Goth laboured amain in the cutting up the thic briars theiron slipping out of the handle fell into the lae in a place so deep thatthere #as no hope to reco$er it. The Goth ha$ing lost his bill rantrembling to the %on %aurus and told him the mischance confessinghis fault penitently #ho presently ad$ertised Benedict the ser$ant ofGod thereof. &mmediately the man of God came himself to the lae toothe haft out of the Goth0s hand and case it into the lae #hen beholdthe iron rose up from the bottom and entered into the haft as before.7hich he there rendered to the Goth saying4 5Behold? #or on and be

    not discomforted.6



    Ho# his disciple%aurus #aled on the

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    O'E day as $enerable Benedict #as in his cell the aforesaid youngPlacidus a %on of the holy man #ent out to the lae to fetch #ater

    and letting do#n the bucet to tae up #ater by chance fell in himselfafter it and #as presently carried a#ay by the stream a bo#0s shootfrom the side. This accident #as at the same time re$ealed to the man ofGod in his cell #ho :uicly called %aurus saying4 5"un brother%aurus for the child #ho #ent to fetch #ater is fallen into the lae andthe stream hath carried him a great #ay.6 * #onderful thing and notheard of since the time of Peter the *postle? %aurus ha$ing ased andrecei$ed his benediction upon the command of his Superior #ent forthin haste and being come to the place to #hich the child #as dri$en bythe stream thining still he #ent upon the dry land he ran upon the#ater roo him by the hair of the head and returned speedily bac. 'o

    sooner had he foot upon firm ground but he came to himself andpercei$ing that he had gone upon the #ater much astonished he#ondered ho# he had done that #hich #ittingly he durst not ad$enture.So returning to his Superior he related #hat had happened #hich the$enerable man Benedict ascribed to %aurus his prompt obedience andnot to his o#n merits1 but contrari#ise %aurus attributed it #holly to hiscommand not imputing any $irtue to himself in that #hich he had doneun#ittingly. This humble and charitable contention the child #ho #assa$ed #as to decide for he said4 57hen & #as dra#n out of the #atermethought & sa# my *bbot0s garments o$er my head and imagined thathe had dra#n me out.6


    These are #onderful things you report and may be to the edificationof many4 for my o#n part the more & drin of this good man0s miraclesthe more & thirst.


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    Of the poisoned loaf#hich the cro# carried


    7HE' as no# the places far and #ide #ere $ery =ealous in the lo$e ofour Lord God >esus (hrist many abandoning the $anities of the #orldand putting themsel$es under the s#eet yoe of our "edeemer1 as it is

    the custom of the #iced to repine at the $irtues of others #hichthemsel$es desire not to follo# one Florentius the Priest of a (hurchhard by and grandfather to Florentius our subdeacon began by theinstigation of the de$il to be en$ious of the $irtuous proceedings of theholy man to derogate from his course of li$ing hindering also as manyas he could from resorting to him. But seeing that he could not stop hisprogress the fame of his $irtues still more increasing and many uponthe report of his sanctity reforming their li$es daily he became more andmore en$ious and constantly gre# #orse for he desired himself thecommendations of Benedict0s life but #ould not li$e commendably.Thus blinded #ith en$y he sent to the ser$ant of *lmighty God a

    poisoned loaf for an offering #hich the man of God recei$ed thanfullyalthough he #as not ignorant of the poison in it. There used to come tohim at the time of dinner a cro# from the ne3t forest #hich too breadfrom his hand. (oming therefore as she #as #ont the man of God casebefore her the bread that the Priest had sent him saying4 5&n the name ofthe Lord >esus (hrist tae this bread and cast it in some place #here noman may find it.6 The cro# gaping and spreading her #ings runcroaing about it as though she #ould ha$e said & #ould #illinglyfulfil thy command but & am not able. The man of God commandedagain saying4 5Tae it up tae it up and cast it #here no man may findit.6 So at length the cro# too it up in her bea and fle# a#ay #ith itand three hours after returned again to recei$e from his hand herordinary allo#ance. But the $enerable Father seeing the Priest soper$ersely bent to see his life #as more sorry for him than grie$ed forhimself. 7hen the aforesaid Florentius sa# that he could not ill thebody of his master he attempted #hat he could against the souls of hisdisciples in so much that he sent se$en naed girls into the garden of the(loister #here Benedict li$ed that so playing for a long time hand inhand they might entice their souls to naughtiness #hich #hen the holy

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    man espied out of his cell to pre$ent the fall of his younger disciplesand considering that all this #as done only for the persecuting ofhimself he ga$e place to en$y and after he had disposed of the Oratoriesand other buildings lea$ing in them a competent number of Brethren#ith Superiors he too #ith him a fe# mons and remo$ed to another

    place. Thus the man of God #ith humility a$oided his hatred #hom*lmighty God struc #ith a terrible -udgment4 for #hen the aforesaidPriest standing in his summer house heard to his great -oy thatBenedict #as gone the room #herein he #as fell do#n and crushed andilled the enemy of Benedict al the rest of the house remainingimmo$able. This %aurus the disciple of the man of God thought fit tosignify forth#ith to the $enerable Father Benedict #ho #as yet scarcegone ten miles saying4 5"eturn for the Priest that did persecute you isslain.6 7hich the man of God hearing too $ery hea$ily both becausehis enemy #as dead and because his disciple re-oiced thereat.7hereupon he en-oined him a penance for presuming in a -oyful manner

    to bring such ne#s to him.PETE".

    These are #onderful strange things #hich thou sayest. For in thedra#ing #ater our of a roc methins & behold in him %oses1 in raisingthe iron from the bottom of the #ater he representeth Eslieus1 in #aling

    on the #ater Peter1 in the obedience of the cro# & concei$e him anotherElias1 in be#ailing his enemy0s death & see !a$id. &n my opinion thisman #as filled #ith the spirit of all the -ust.


    The man of God Benedict had in him Peter the spirit of god alone#hich by the grace of free redemption replenished the hearts of all theelect of #hich St. >ohn saith4 5There #as true light #hich &lluminatethe$ery man that cometh into this #orld.6 Of #hich again it is #ritten4 5Ofhis plentitude and fulness #e ha$e all recei$ed.6 For the holy ones ofGod could indeed recei$e graces from God but they could not impartthem to others. He then ga$e signs of po#er to the lo#ly #ho promised

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    that He #ould she# the miracle of >onas to His enemies deigning intheir sight to die and in the sight of the humble to arise. So that the oneshould ha$e #hat they #ould contemn and the other #hat re$erence andlo$e. By #hich mystery it came to pass that #hile the proud #erespectators of His ignominious death the humble contrari#ise against

    death lay hold of the po#er of His glory.PETE".

    But declare & pray #hither the holy man remo$ed or if he #rought miraclesin any other place;


    The holy man by remo$ing changed his habitation but nor hisad$ersary. For after#ards he endured so much the more grie$ous battlesby ho# much he had no# the master of #iced ness fighting openlyagainst him. The castle called (asino is situated upon the side of a highmountain #hich containeth as it #ere in the lap thereof the same castleand riseth into the air three miles high so that the top seemeth to touchthe $ery hea$ens4 on this stood an old temple #here *pollo #as#orshipped by the foolish country people according to the custom of theancient heathens. "ound about it lie#ise gre# gro$es in #hich e$enuntil that time the mad multitude of infidels offered their idolatroussacrifices. The man of God coming to that place brae do#n the idol

    o$erthre# the altar burnt the gro$es and of the temple of *pollo madea chapel to St. %artin and #here the profane altar had stood he built achapel of St. >ohn1 and by continual preaching con$erted many of thepeople thereabout. But the old enemy not bearing this silently didpresent himself not co$ertly or in a dream but openly and $isibly in thesight of the Father and #ith great cries complained of the $iolence hesuffered in so much that the brethren heard him though they could seenothing. For as the $enerable Father told his disciples the #iced fiend

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    represented himself to his sight all on fire and #ith flaming mouth andflashing eyes seemed to rage against him. *nd then they all heard #hathe said for first he called him by his name and #hen the man of God#ould mae him no ans#er he fell to re$iling him. *nd #hereas beforehe cried4 5Benedict Benedict6 and sa# he could get no ans#er then he

    cried4 5%aledict nor Benedict #hat hast thou to do #ith me and #hydost thou persecute me;6 But no# #e shall behold ne# assaults of theold enemy against the ser$ant of God against #hom #illingly did hemae #ar but against his #ill did he gi$e him occasions of many$ictories.



    Ho# the man of God by hisprayer remo$ed a huge stone.

    O'E day as the brethren #ere building the cells of the (loister there laya stone in the midst #hich they determined to lift up and put into thebuilding. 7hen to# or three #ere not able to mo$e it they set more to itbut it remained as immo$eable as if it had been held by roots to theground so that it #as easy to concei$e that the old enemy sat upon itsince that so many men #ere not able to lift it. *fter much labour in$ain they sent to the man of God to help them #ith his prayers to dri$ea#ay the enemy #ho presently came and ha$ing first prayed he ga$ehis blessing #hen behold the stone #as as easily lifted as if it had not#eight at all.


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    Of the fantastical fire#hich burned the


    THE' the man of God thought good that they should dig in that place.7hen they had entered a good deepness the Brethren found a bra=enidol #hich happening for the present to be cast in the itchen suddenlythere seemed a flame to rise out of it and to the sight of all the %ons itappeared that all the itchen #as on fire. *s they #ere casting on #ater

    to :uench this fire the man of God hearing the tumult came andpercei$ing that there appeared fire in the eyes of the Brethren and not inhis he forth#ith bo#ed his head in prayer and calling upon those #homhe sa# deluded #ith an imaginary fire he bade them sign their eyes thatthey might behold the itchen entire and not those fantastical flames#hich the enemy had counterfeited.


    Ho# a boy crushed by the fall of a #all #ashealed by the ser$ant of God.

    *G*&' #hen the Brethren #ere raising the #all a little higher for morecon$enience the man of God #as at his de$otions in his cell to #homthe old enemy appeared in an insulting manner and told him he #asgoing to his Brethren at #or1 the man of God straight#ay by amessenger ad$erti=ed the Brethren thereof saying4 5Brethren ha$e a care

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    of yoursel$es for the #iced spirit at this hour is coming to molest you.6Scarce had the messenger told his errand #hen the malignant spirito$erthre# the #all that #as abuilding and #ith the fall thereof crushed ayoung mon son to a certain Senator. Hereat all of them much grie$edand discomforted not for the loss of the #all but for the harm to their

    brother brought the hea$y tidings to their $enerable Father Benedict#ho bid them bring the boy to him #ho could not be carried but in asheet by reason that not only his body #as bruised but also his bonescrushed #ith the fall. Then the man of God #illed them to lay him in hiscell upon his mat #here he used to pray1 so causing the Brethren to goout he shut the door and #ith more than ordinary de$otion fell to hisprayers. * #onder to hear the $ery same hour he sent him to his #oragain #hole and sound as e$er he #as before to help his Brethren inmaing up the #all1 #hereas the old enemy hoped to ha$e had occasionto insult o$er Benedict for his death.



    Of %ons #ho hadeaten our of their


    'O7 began the man of God by the spirit of prophecy to foretell thingsto come and to certify those that #ere present #ith him of things thatpassed far off. &t #as the custom of the %onastery that the Brethren sent

    abroad about any business should neither eat nor drin anything outsidetheir (loister. This in the practice of the "ule being carefully obser$edone day some Brethren upon occasion #ent abroad and #ere forced tostay later than usual so they rested and refreshed themsel$es in thehouse of a certain de$out #oman of their ac:uaintance. "eturning late tothe %onastery they ased as #as the custom the *bbot0s blessing of#hom he straight#ay demanded saying4 57here dined you;6 theyans#ered4 5'o#here.6 To #hom he said4 57hy do you lie; !id you not

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    go into such a #oman0s house; Eat you not there such and such meats;!ran you not so many cups;6 7hen the $enerable Father had told themboth the #oman0s lodging the se$eral sorts of meats #ith the number oftheir draughts they in great terror fell do#n at his feet and #ithacno#ledgment of all that they had done confessed their fault. But he

    straight#ay pardoned them persuading himself they #ould ne$erafter#ards attempt the lie in his absence no#ing he #as al#ayspresent #ith them in spirit.



    Ho# he repro$ed the brother of 2alentinian the %on for eating by the

    #ay. %O"EO2E" the brother of 2alentinian the %on #hom #e

    mentioned in the beginning #as $ery

    de$out although but a secular1 and he used to go to the %onastery fromhis d#elling once e$ery year and that fasting that he might partae ofthe prayers of the ser$ant of God and see his brother. *s he #as on his#ay to the %onastery another tra$eller #ho carried meat #ith him puthimself into his company *fter they had tra$elled a good #hile he saidto him4 5(ome Brother let us refresh oursel$es lest #e faint by the#ay.6 5God forbid?6 ans#ered the other 5by no means Brother for mycustom is al#ays to go to the $enerable Father Benedict fasting.6 *t

    #hich ans#er his fello#/tra$eller for the present said no more1 but#hen they had gone a little further he mo$ed him again to ear but e#ould not consent because he resol$ed to eep his fast. So the other #asa#hile silent and #ent for#ard #ith him #ithout taing any thinghimself. *fter they had gone a great #ay #earied #ith long tra$el intheir #ay they came to a meado# and a spring #ith #hat else mightdelight them there to tae their repast. Then said his fello#/tra$eller45So? Here is #ater here is a meado# here is a pleasant place for us to

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    ,O+ must Peter for a little #hile be silent that you may no# mattersfar more important. For in the time of the Goths their ing informedthat the holy man had the gift of prophecy #ent to#ards his %onasteryand made some stay a little #ay off and ga$e notice of his coming. To#hom ans#er #as made from the %onastery that he might come at hispleasure. The ing being of a treacherous nature attempted to try#hether the man of God had the spirit of prophecy. There #as one of hisguards called "iggo upon #hom he caused his o#n busins to be putand so commanded him taing on him the ing0s person to go for#ard tothe man of God three of his chief pages attending upon him to #it2ulderic "uderic and Blindin to the end they should #ait upon him inthe presence of the ser$ant of God that so by reason of his attendantsand purple robes he might be taen for the ing. 7hen the said "iggo#ith his bra$e apparel and attendance entered the cloister the man ofgod sat a little distance off and seeing him come so nigh as he mighthear him he cried to him saying4 5Put of son put off that #hich thoucarriest for it is not thine.6 "iggo straight#ay fell to the ground and #asmuch afraid for ha$ing presumed to delude so holy a man1 all hisfollo#ers lie#ise fell do#n astonished and rising they durst notapproach unto him but returned to their ing and trembling related untohim ho# soon they #ere disco$ered.



    Ho# he prophesied to ing Totila andto the Bishop of (anosa.

    THE' Totila came himself to the man of God #hom as soon as he sa#sitting afar off he durst not come nigh but fell prostrate to the ground.

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    The holy man t#ice of three bade him rise but he durst not get up thenBenedict the ser$ant of >esus (hrist our Lord deigned himself to cometo the prostrate ing #hom raising from the ground he rebued for hisdeeds and foretold in a fe# #ords all that should befall him saying45%uch e$il dost thou do and much #icedness hast thou done as least

    no# gi$e o$er thy ini:uity. &nto "ome shalt thou enter thou #ilt crosso$er the sea nine years shalt thou reign and die the tenth6 *t thehearing #hereof the ing sore appalled cra$ed his prayers and departedbut from that time he #as less cruel. 'ot long after he #ent to "omesailed thence to Sicily and in the tenth year of his reign by the -udgmentof *lmighty God lost both cro#n and life

    %oreo$er the Bishop of the (hurch of (anosa used to come to theser$ant of God #ho much lo$ed him for his $irtuous life. He thereforeconferring #ith him concerning the coming of ing Totila and the taingof the (ity of Tome said1 5The city doubtless #ill be destroyed by thising so that it #ill ne$er more be inhabited.6 To #hom the man of God

    replied4 5"ome shall ne$er be destroyed by the Pagans but shall be soshaen by tempests lightnings and earth:uaes that it #ill decay ofitself.6 The mysteries of #hich prophecy #e no# behold as clear as dayfor in this city #e see the #alls ruined houses o$erturned churchesdestroyed by tempuesuous #inds and building rotten #ith old age decayand falling into ruins *lthough Honoratus his disciple from #hoserelation & had it told me he heard it not himself from his o#n mouth by#as told it by the Brethren.



    HO7 $enerable Benedict dispossessed acertain cler from the !e$il.

    *T that time one of the clergy of the church of *:uin #as molested #ithan e$il spirit #hom the $enerable man (onstantius Bishop of that!iocese had sent to di$ers martyrs0 shrines to be cured1 but the holy

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    martyrs #ould not cure him that the gifts of grace in Benedict might bemad manifest. He #as therefore brought to he ser$ant of *lmighty GodBenedict #ho by pouring forth prayers to our Lord >esus (hristpresently dro$e out the enemy. Ha$ing cured him he commanded himsaying4 5Go? *nd hereafter ne$er eat flesh and presume not to tae Holy

    Orders for #hat time soe$er you shall presume to tae Holy Orders youshall again become a sla$e to the de$il.6 The (ler therefore #ent his#ay healed and as present punishments mae deep impressions hecarefully for a #hile obser$ed the man of God0s command. But #henafter many years all his seniors #ere dead and he sa# his -uniorspreferred before him in Holy Orders he neglected the #ords of the manof God as though forgotten through length of time and too upon himHoly Orders1 #hereupon presently the de$il #ho before had left himtoo po#er of him and ne$er ceased to torment him till he se$ered hissoul from his body.



    This holy man & percei$e understood the secret decrees of God inthat he ne# this (ler to be deli$ered to the po#er of the de$il lest heshould presume to recei$e Holy Orders.



    7hy should not he no# the secret decrees of !i$ine Pro$idence#ho dept the commandments of god #ince it is #ritten that 5he #hoadhereth to God is one spirit #ith Him.6


    &f he #ho adhereth to our Lord become one spirit #ith Him ho#

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    comes the same e3cellent Preacher to say4 57ho hath no#n the mind ofthe Lord or #ho has been His counsellor;6 For it seem altogetherunliely that he #ho is made one #ith another should not no# hismind.



    Holy men so far as they are united #ith God are not ignorant of Hismeaning for the same *postle saith1 5For #hat man no#eth the tings ofa man but the spirit of a man that is in him; So the things also that are

    of God no man no#eth but the spirit of God.6 *nd to she# that hene# things of God he addeth1 5But #e ha$e not recei$ed the spirit ofthis #orld but the spirit #hich is of God.6 *nd again4 5That eye hath notseen nor ear heard neither hath it ascended into the heart

    of man #hat things God hath prepared for those that lo$e Him but to usGod hath re$ealed by His spirit.6



    &f then those things #hich appertained to God #ere re$ealed to thesaid *postle by the spirit of God #hat meaneth he to mae thispreamble saying4 5O the depth of the riches of the #isdom andno#ledge of God1 ho# incomprehensible are his -udgments and Hissays unsearchable.6 But as & am saying this another :uestion arises4 forthe Prophet !a$id says to our Lord1 57ith my lips & ha$e uttered all the

    -udgments of Thy mouth.6 *nd #hereas it is less to comprehend orno# than to pronounce #hat is the reason that St. Paul should affirmthe -udgments of God to be incomprehensible #hile !a$id professethnot only to no# them but also to pronounce them #ith his lips;


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    To both these difficulties @ & briefly ans#ered before #hen & said4that holy men as far as they are one #ith god are not ignorant of themind of our Lord for all such as do de$outly follo# the Lord are also byde$otion one #ith God1 and yet in that they are laden #ith the burden ofthis corruptible flesh they are not #ith God. Therefore for as much asthey are untied #ith God they no# His secret -udgments of #hichlie#ise they are ignorant for as much as in respect separated form Him4and so they pronounce His -udgments incomprehensible #hich theycannot as yet thoroughly understand. But they #ho in spirit adhere toHim in this adhesion no# His -udgments either by the sacred #ords ofScripture or by hidden re$elations as far as they are capable1 thesetherefore they no# and declare but they are ignorant of those #hichGod concealeth. 7hereupon the prophet !a$id #hen he had said4 5&nmy lips & #ill pronounce all Thy -udgments6 as if he had said plainly45Those -udgments & could both no# and pronounce #ith Thou didst tellme for those #hich Thou speaest not #ithout doubt Thou concealestfrom our no#ledge. Thus the saying of the Prophet agreeth #ith that ofthe *postle for the -udgment of God are both incomprehensible and yetthose #hich proceed from His mouth are uttered #ith the lips of men forbeing so manifested by God they may be concei$ed by men nor can theybe concealed.



    By occasion of the difficulty & propounded & ha$e obtained a clearsolution. But if there remain aught concerning the $irtue of this man &pray you declare it.


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    HO7 he prophecied thedestruction of his %onastery.

    * (E"T*&' nobleman named Theoprobus #as by the admonition ofFather Benedict con$erted and for the merit of his life #as $ery familiarand intimate #ith him. He one day entered into the cell of the man ofGod found him #eeping bitterly1 #hen he had #aited a good #hile andsa# he did not gi$e o$er 8though it #as his custom in prayer mildlyto #eep and not to use any doleful lamentations9 he boldly demanded

    of him the cause of so great grief. To #hom the man of God presentlyreplied4 5*ll this %onastery #hich & ha$e built #ith #hatsoe$er & ha$eprepared for my Brethren are by the -udgment of almighty Goddeli$ered o$er to the heather1 and & could scarce obtain to sa$e the li$esof those in this place. His #ords Theoprobus heard but #e see them$erified in the destruction of his %onastery by the Longobards. For oflate these Lombards by night #hen the Brethren #ere are rest enteredthe %onastery and ransaced all yet had not the po#er to lay hand onany man. But *lmighty God fulfilled #hat he had promised to Hisfaithful ser$ant Benedict that although he ga$e their goods into thehands of the Paynims yet he preser$ed their li$es. &n this Benedict did

    most clearly resemble St. Paul #hose ship #ith all its goods being lostyet for his comfort he had the li$es of all that #ere in his companybesto#ed upon him.



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    Ho# St. Benedict disco$ered thehiding of a flagon of #ine.

    O+" mon E3hilaratus #hom you no# #ell on a time #as sent byhis master #ith t#o #ooden $essels 8#hich #e call flagons9 full of #ineto the man of god in his %onastery. He brought one but hid the other inthe #ay not#ithstanding the man of God although he #as not ignorantof anything done in his absence recei$ed it thanfully and ad$ised theboy as he #as returning bac in this manner4 5Tae care son thou drinnot of that flagon #hich thou hast hid but turn the mouth of it do#n#ardand then thou #ilt percei$e #hat is in it.6 He departed from the holy manmuch ashamed and desirous to mae further trial of #hat he had heardheld the flagon do#n#ards and presently there came forth a snae at#hich the boy #as sore affrighted and terrified for the e$il he had




    Ho# the man of god repro$ed a %on forrecei$ing certain napins.

    'OT far distant from the monastery #as a certain to#n in #hich nosmall number of people by the e3hortations of Benedict #ere con$erted

    form the #orship of idols to the faith of God. &n that place #ere certainreligious #omen and the ser$ant of God Benedict used to send oftensome of his Brethren thither to instruct and edify their souls. One day ashis custom #as he appointed one to go1 but the %on #ho #as sentafter his e3hortation by the entreaty of the 'uns too some smallnapins and hid them in his bosom *s soon as he came bac the man ofGod began $ery sharply to rebue him saying1 5Ho# hath ini:uityentered thy breast;6 The %on #as ama=ed and because he had

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    forgotten #hat he had done he #ondered #hy he #as so reprehended.To #hom the holy Father said4 57hat? 7as not & present #hen thoutooest the napins of the handmaids of God and didst put them in thybosom;6 7hereupon he presently fell at his feet and repenting of hisfolly thre# a#ay the napins #hich he had hid in his bosom.



    Ho# the man of God understood the proudthought of one of his %ons.

    O'E day as the $enerable Father late in the e$ening #as at his repast ithappened that one of his %ons the son of a la#yer held the candle tohim1 and #hilst the man of God #as eating he standing in that mannerbegan by the suggestion of pride to say #ithin himself 57ho is he

    #hom & should #ait upon at table or hold the candle unto #ith suchattendance; 7ho am & #ho should ser$e him;6 To #hom the man ofGod presently turning checed him sharply saying4 5Sign thy breastBrother #hat is this you say; Sign thy breast.6 Then he forth#ith calledupon the Brethren and #illed them to tae the candle out of his handand bade him for that time to lea$e his attendance and sit do#n :uietlyby him. The %on being ased after#ard of the Brethren concerning histhoughts at that time fold them ho# he #as puffed up #ith a spirit ofpride and #hat he spae against the man of god secretly in his o#nheart. By this it #as easily to be percei$ed that nothing could be eptfrom the no#ledge of $enerable Benedict in #hose ears the #ords of

    unspoen thoughts resounded.


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    Of t#o hundred measured of meal foundbefore the man of God0s cell.

    *T another time also in the country of (ampania began a great famineand all people suffered from great scarcity of food so that all the #heatin Benedict his %onastery #as spent and lie#ise almost all the breadso that but fi$e loa$es remained for the Brethren0s refection. 7hen the

    $enerable Father percei$ed them sad he endea$oured by a mild andgentle reproach to reprehend their pusillanimity and #ith fair promisesto comfort them saying4 A57hy is your soul sad for #ant of bread; Today you are in #ant but to/morro# you shall ha$e plenty.6 The ne3t daythere #ere found t#o hundred sacs of meal before the %onastery gatesby #hom God *lmighty sent it as yet no man no#eth. 7hich #hen the%ons beheld they ga$e thans to God and by this #ere taught in theirgreatest #ant to hope for plenty.



    Tell me & pray you is it to be thought that this ser$ant of God hadcontinually the spirit of prophecy #hen himself pleased or only atcertain times #ith some discontinuance.



    The spirit of prophecy Peter doth not al#ays cast his beams upon

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    the understanding of the Prophets for as it is #ritten of the Holy Ghost45He breatheth #here He #ill.6 So lie#ise must #e concei$e also #henHe pleaseth. *nd therefore 'athan being ased by the ing if he mightbuild the Temple first allo#ed him to do it and after#ards forbade him.This #as the reason that Eliseus ne# not the cause #hy the #oman

    #ept but said to his ser$ant #ho did oppose her4 5Let her alone for hersoul is in anguish and the Lord hath concealed it from me and hath notmade it no#n.6 Thus *lmighty God of His great mercy so disposeth inHis pro$idence tot he end that by gi$ing the spirit of prophecysometimes and at other times #ithdra#ing it the minds of the Prophetsbe both humility for by recei$ing the spirit they may no# they areinspired by God and again they recei$e it not they may consider #hatthey are of themsel$es.



    &t standeth #ith good reason #hat you ha$e said. But & beseech youprosecute #hat else you remember of the $enerable Father Benedict.



    Ho# by a $isionhe ga$e order to


    The%onastery of

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    *t another time he #as re:uested by a certain de$out man to send some

    of his disciples to build a %onastery on his estate near the city ofTerracina. To #hich re:uest he consented and sent some %onsappointing an *bbot and Prior o$er them. *s they #ere setting for#ardhe promised saying4 5Go and upon such a day & #ill come and she#you #here to build the Oratory #here the "efectory and lodging for theguests or #hat else shall be necessary.6 So they recei$ed his blessingand departed in hope to see him at the appointed day for #hich theyprepared all tings they thought fit and necessary for their Gather and hiscompany. The night before the appointed day the man of God appearedin sleep to him #hom he had constituted *bbot and to his Prior anddescribed to them most e3actly ho# he #ould ha$e the building ordered.7hen they a#aed they related to each other #hat they had seen yetnot altogether relying upon that $ision they e3pected the man of Godaccording to his promise but seeing he came not at his appointed timethey returned to him $ery pensi$e saying4 57e ha$e e3pected Fatheryour coming as you promised but you came not to she# us #here and#hat #e should build.6 To #hom he said4 57hy Brethren #hy do yousay so; !id not & come according to my promise;6 *nd #hen they said457hen came you;6 he replied4 5!id & not appear to each of you in yoursleep and describe e$ery place; Go and according to the direction gi$enyou in that $ision construct the %onastery.6 Hearing this they #ere muchastonished and so returning to the manor they erected the #holebuilding according to the re$elation.


    & #ould gladly be informed ho# and in #hat manner he coulde3press his mind to them so far off so they should both hear andunderstand by an apparition.


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    7hat is the reason Peter thou dost so curiously search out the mannerho# it #as done; &t is e$ident that the spirit is of more mobile nature

    than the body. *nd #e are taught by Scripture ho# the Prophet #astaen up in >udea and set do#n #ith the dinner he carried in (haldeaand after he had refreshed another Prophet #ith his dinner foundhimself again in >udea. &f then Habacuc in a moment could corporally goso fat and carry his dinner #hat #onder if father Benedict obtained to goin spirit and intimate to the spirits of his Brethren #hat #as necessary1that as the other #ent corporally to con$ey corporal food so he might goin spirit to inform them of things concerning a spiritual li$e;



    & confess that by this your discourse you ha$e gi$en full satisfaction to mydoubtful mind1 but

    & #ould gladly no# #hat ind of man he #as inhis common con$ersation.



    Ho# certain"eligious #omen

    #ere absol$ed


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    E$en his ordinary discourse Peter had a certain efficacious $irtue forhis heart being ele$ated in contemplation he #ould not allo# a #ord topass from his mouth in $ain. &f at any time he spae aught yet not as onethat determined #hat #as best to be done but by #ay of threatening his#ords had the same force as if he had absolutely decreed it. For not farfrom his %onastery t#o 'uns of noble race and parentage li$ed in aplace of their o#n4 and a certain "eligious man pro$ided them #ith allthings for their e3terior. But as in some nobility of birth causethbaseness in mind so those #ho bear in mind their o#n greatness do lesshumble themsel$es in this #orld. There aforesaid 'uns had not as yetrefrained their tongues by a "eligious habit but by their unad$ised

    speeches oftentimes pro$oed to anger the "eligious man #ho had careo$er them. 7herefore after he had for a long time endured theircontumelious language he complained to the man of God of the in-urieshe suffered. 7hich as soon as he heard he commanded them forth#ithsaying4 5Ha$e a care of your tongues for if you do not amend &e3communicate you.6 7hich sentence of e3communicationnot#ithstanding he did not pronounce by threaten. ,et for all this theynothing changed in their former conditions. 7ithin a fe# days after they

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    departed this life and #ere buried in the (hurch. *t such time as aSolemn %ass #as sung and the !eacon as the custom is cried aloud45&f there by any that communicateth not let him go forth6 then theirnurse #ho used to mae offerings to our Lord for them sa# them riseout of their gra$es and go forth. This she often obser$ed that #hen the

    !eacon cried in that manner they #ent out not able to remain in the(hurch and calling to mind #hat the man of God had said to them#hilst they #ere li$ing 8for he e3cluded them from communion unlessthey amended their language and manners9 she #ith great sorro#informed the ser$ant of god #hat she had seen. He presently #ith hiso#n hands ga$e the offering saying4 5Go and cause this oblation to beoffered to out Lord and they shall be no longer e3communicated.6 7hentherefore this offering #as made and the !eacon according to customcried out that such as did not communicate should go out of the (hurchthey #ere not seen to go forth any more. 7hereby it #as apparent that#hereas they #ent not forth #ith the e3communicated they #ere

    admitted by out Lord to communion.PETE".

    &t is mar$ellous strange that this man although $enerable and mostholy as yet li$ing in the mortal body should be able to release those #ho#ere standing at the in$isible tribunal.


    *nd #as not he Peter yet in this flesh #ho heard1 57hatsoe$er thoushalt bind upon earth shall be bound also in Hea$e and #hatsoe$er thou

    shalt loose on earth shall be loosed also in Hea$en.6 7hose place andauthority in binding and loosing they possess #ho by faith and $irtuouslife obtain the dignity of holy go$ernment. *nd that man and earthlycreature might recei$e this po#er the (reator of Hea$en and earth camedo#n from Hea$en to earth and that flesh might -udge of spiritual thingsHe became man for the redemption of manind. For god thuscondescending beneath Himself raised our #eaness abo$e itself.

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    For the $irtue of his miracles your #ords do yield a $ery good reason.



    Of a boy #ho#as cast out of

    his gra$e.


    +PO' a certain day a young %on of his #ho #as o$er/much affectedto#ards his parents #ent from the %onastery to their abode #ithout hisbenediction and the $ery same day as soon a he #as come to them hedied. The day follo#ing his burial they found his body cast up #hichthey inferred the second time and the ne3t day after it #as found in liemanner lying abo$e ground as before. Hereupon they ran straight #ayand fell at the feet of the most mild Father Benedict imploring his aid to#hom the man of God #ith his o#n hand ga$e the communion of the

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    Lord0s Body saying4 5Go and lay the Body of the Lord upon his breastand so bury him.6 This done the earth dept his body and ne$er aftercast it up. ,ou percei$e Peter of #hat merit this man #as #ith ourLord

    >esus (hrist sith the $ery earth cast forth the body of him #ho had notrecei$ed the blessing of


    & do plainly percei$e it and am much astonished thereat.



    Of the %on

    #ho lea$ing his

    %onastery met a

    dragon in the#ay.

    O'E of his %ons of a #andering and inconstant disposition #ouldby no means abide in the %onastery. *lthough the man of god hadoften repro$ed and admonished him of it he #ould in no #ise consent toremain in the congregation and often entreated earnestly to be released.So the $enerable Father o$ercome #ith his importunity in anger bade

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    him begone. Scarce #as he got out of the %onastery #hen he met in the#ay a dragon #ho #ith open mouth made to#ards him. Seeing it readyto de$out him he began to :uae and tremble crying out aloud4 5Helphelp for this dragon #ill de$out me.6 The Brethren upon this ran out yetsa# no dragon but too the panting and afrightened %on bac again to

    the %onastery #ho forth#ith promised ne$er to depart and from thattime he remained al#ays constant in his promise. He by the prayers ofthe holy man #as made to see the dragon ready to de$out him #hichbefore he had follo#ed unpercei$ed.



    Of the

    boycured of


    B+T & must not pass o$er in silence #hat & heard of a $ery honouralbeman named *nthony #ho affirmed that a ser$ant of his father fell into aleprosy insomuch that his hair fell off and his sin #as s#ollen so thathe could not longer hide the increase of his disease. 7ho being sent bythe gentleman0s father to the man of God he #as by him :uiclyrestored to his former health.


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    Ho# St. Benedictmiraculously procured


    For a poorman to

    discharge his


    'O" #ill & conceal that #hich his disciple Peregrine #as #ont to relate4ho# on a certain day an honest man constrained by the necessity of adebt thought his only remedy #as to ha$e recourse to the man of godand ac:uaint him #ith his necessity. So he came to the %onastery #herefinding the ser$ant of *lmighty God told him ho# he #as e3tremelyurged by his creditor for the payment of t#el$e shillings. The $enerablefather ans#ered him that in $ery deed he had not t#el$e shillings butyet he comforted his #ant #ith good #ords saying4 5Go and after t#odays return hither again for today & ha$e it not to gi$e thee.6 These t#o

    days as his custom #as he spent in prayer and on the third day #henthe poor debtor came again thirteen shillings #ere found upon a chest ofthe %onastery that as full of corn. These the man of God caused to bebrought to him and ga$e them to the distressed man saying that hemight pay t#el$e and ha$e one to defray his charges.

    But to return to those things #hich & learned of his disciples of #hom &spoe in the beginning of this boo there #as a certain man had anad$ersary #ho bore him deadly hatred and so great #as his malice thathe ga$e him poison in his drin1 #hich potion although it procured nothis death yet so altered his colour that his body became all specled lae

    a leper. This man #as brought to the man of God and #as :uiclyrestored to his former health1 for as soon as he toughed him the di$ersityof colours $anished from his sin.


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    Ho# a bottle#as cast

    do#n upon





    *T such time as the great famine #as in (ampania the man of god ga$eall he had in his %onastery to those in #ant insomuch as there #asalmost nothing left in the cellar sa$e only a little oil in a glass $essel.7hen one *gapitus a Subdeacon came earnestly entreating to ha$e alittle oil gi$en him the man of God 8#ho had resol$ed to fi$e all upon

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    earth that he might ha$e all in Hea$en9 commanded this little oil that#as left to be gi$en him. The %on #ho #as (ellarer heard hiscommand but #as loath to fulfil it. *nd the holy man a little #hile afterdemanded #hether he had done #hat he #illed him and the %onans#ered that he had not gi$en it because if he had gi$en it there #ould

    be nothing left for the Brothers. Hereat much displeased the good fatherbade some other tae the glass bottle in #hich there remained a little oiland cast it out of the #indo# to the end that nothing of the fruits ofdisobedience might remain in the %onastery. This #as accordinglydone1 under the #indo# #as a steep fall full of huge rough stones upon#hich the lass fell yet it remained as #hole and entire as if it had notbeen thro#n do#n so that neither #as the glass broe not the oil spilt.Then the man of God commanded it to be taen up and gi$en to him thatased it. Then calling the Brothers together he rebued the disobedient%on before them all for his pride and unfaithfulness.



    Ho# an emptybarrel #as filled

    #ith oil.

    H*2&'G ended the (hapter he and all the Brethren fell to theirprayers. &n the place #here they prayed #as an empty oil/barrel closeco$ered. *s the holy man continued his prayer the co$er of the said tunbegan to be hea$ed up by the oil increasing under it #hich ran o$er thebrim of the $essel upon the floor in great abundance. 7hich so soon asthe ser$ant of God Benedict beheld he forth#ith ended his prayer andthe oil ceased to run o$er. Then he admonished the distrustful anddisobedient brother to ha$e confidence and learn humility. So the brotherthus reprehended #as much ashamed because the $enerable Father had

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    by his admonition and by his miracle she#n the po#er of *lmighty Godnor could anyone after#ards doubt of #hat he promised since as it #erein a moment for a glass bottle almost empty he had restored a tun full ofoil.



    Ho# hedeli$ered a %on

    from the de$il.

    O'E day as he #as going to St. >ohn0s Oratory #hich stands upon the$ery top of the mountain he met the old enemy upon a mule in the habitand comportment of a physician carrying a horn and a mortar1 #ho

    being demanded #hither he #ent ans#ered he #as going to the monsto minister a potion. So the $enerable Father Benedict #ent for#ard tothe chapel to pray and ha$ing finished returned bac in great haste forthe #iced spirit found one of the ancient %ons dra#ing #ater andpresently he entered into him thre# him on to the ground and torturedhim pitifully. *s soon as the man of god returning from prayer foundhim thus cruelly tormented he only ga$e him a blo# on the chee #ithhis hand and immediately dra$e the #iced spirit out of him so that hedurst ne$er after return.



    & #ould no# #hether he obtained these great miracles al#ays byprayer or did them some times only by the intimation of his #ill;

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    They #ho are perfectly united #ith God #hen necessity re:uireth#or miracles both #ays sometimes they do #onders by prayersometimes by po#er. For since St. >ohn saith4 5*s many as recei$edHim to them He ga$e po#er to become sons of God.6 7hat #onder is itif they ha$e the pri$ilege and po#er to #or miracles #ho are e3alted tothe dignity of children of God. *nd that they #or miracles in both #aysis manifest in St. Peter #ho by prayer raised Tabitha from death andpunished #ith death *nanias and Sapphira for their falsehood. For #e donot read that he prayed #hen they fell do#n dead but only that herebued them for their fault committed. &t is e$ident therefore that thesethings are done sometimes by po#er sometimes by petition1 since thatby reproof he depri$ed these of their life and by prayer re$i$ed theother.

    But no# & #ill produce t#o other acts of the faithful ser$ant of GodBenedict in #hich it shall clearly appear that some things he could do bypo#er recei$ed from Hea$en and others by prayer.



    Ho# a country

    man #as loosed by

    only the sight of

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    the man of God.

    * (E"T*&' Goth named Galla #as of the impious sect of the *riansand he in the time of their ing Totila did #ith such monstrous crueltypersecute religious men of the (atholic (hurch insomuch that if any

    cleric or mon came in his sight he #as sure not to escape from hishands ali$e. This man enraged #ith an insatiable co$etousness of spoiland pillage lighted one day upon a husbandman #hom he tortured #ithcruel torments. The rustic o$ercome #ith pain professed that he hadcommitted his goods to the custody of the ser$ant of God Benedict. Thishe feigned that he might free himself from torments and prolong his lifefor some time. Then this Galla ga$e o$er tormenting him and tying hisarms together #ith a strong cord made him run before his horse to she#him #ho this Benedict #as that had recei$ed his goods. Thus the man#ent in front ha$ing his arms bound and brought him to the holy man0s%onastery #hom he found sitting alone at the %onastery gate reading.Then the countryman said to Galla #ho follo#ed furiously after him45See? this is Father Benedict #hom & told you of.6 The barbarous ruffianlooing upon him #ith enraged fury thought to affright him #ith hisusual threats and began to cry out #ith a loud $oice saying4 5"ise riseand deli$er up this rustic0s goods #hich thou hast recei$ed.6 *t #hose$oice the man of GCd suddenly lifted up his eyes from reading and sa#him and also the countryman #hom he ept bound4 bur as he case hiseyes upon his arms in a #onderful manner the cords began to fall off so:uicly that no man could possibly ha$e so soon untied them.

    7hen Galla percei$ed the man #hom he brought bound so suddenlyloosened and at liberty struc into fear at the sight of so great po#er hefell prostrate and bo#ing his stiff and cruel nec at the holy man0s feetbegged his prayers. But the holy man rose not from his reading butcalled upon the Brethren to bring him to recei$e his benediction. 7henhe #as brought to him he e3horted him to lea$e his barbarous andinhuman cruelty. So $an:uished he departed ne$er after presuming toas anything of the countryman #hom the man of God unloosed not bytouching but by casting his eye upon. Thus you see Peter as & said thatthose #ho are the true ser$ants of *lmighty God sometimes do #ormiracles by a commanding po#er for he #ho sitting still abated the furyof that terrible Goth and #ith his only loo unloosed the cords#here#ith the innocent man0s arms #ere fast pinioned she#ethe$idently by the s#iftness of the miracle that he #rought it by a po#errecei$ed. 'o# & #ill also she# you ho# great and strange a miracle heobtained by prayer.


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    Ho# heraised a

    child from

    the dead.

    *S he #as one day in the field labouring #ith his Brethren a certainpeasant came to the %onastery carrying in his arms the dead body of hisson and pitifully lamenting his loss ased for the holy Father Benedict.7hen they said that he #as in the field he presently laid do#n the deadbody of

    his son at the %onastery gate and as one distracted #ith grief beganrunning to find out the $enerable father. *t the same time the man of

    God #as coming home #ith his Brethren from labouring in the field#hom #hen the distressed countryman espied he began to cry out4"estore me my son restore me my son.6 But the man of God ama=ed atthis $oice said4 57hat? ha$e & taen you son from you;6 To #hom theman replied4 5He is dead come and raise him.6 7hen the ser$ant of Godheard this he #as much grie$ed and said4 5Go Brethren go? This is nota #or for us but such as #ere the holy *postles. 7hy #ill you imposeburdens upon us #hich #e cannot bear;6 'ot#ithstanding the manenforced #ith e3cessi$e grief persisted in his petition s#earing that he#ould not depart unless he raised his son to life. Then the ser$ant of Goden:uired saying4 57here is he;6 He ans#ered4 5Lo? his body lieth at the

    %onastery Gate.6 7hither #hen the man of God #ith his Brethren #ascome he nelt do#n and laid himself on the body of the child1 thenraising himself and #ith his hands held up to#ards Hea$en he prayed45O Lord regard not my sins but the faith of this man #ho cra$eth toha$e his son restored to life and restore again to this body the soul#hich thou hast taen from it.6 Scarce had he finished these #ords butall the body of the boy began to tremble at the re/entry of the soul sothat in the sight of all #ho #ere present he #as seen #ith #onderful

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    :uaing to pant and breathe. 7hom he presently too by the hand anddeli$ered ali$e and sound to his father.

    &t seemth to me Peter he had not this miracle actually in his po#er#hich he prostrated himself to obtain by prayer.



    7hat you ha$e said is undoubtedly true because you pro$e by deeds#hat #as said in #ords. But & pray certify me #hether holy men caneffect and obtain #hatsoe$er they #ill or desire;



    Of the miracle #roughtby his sister Scholastica.



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    7HO #as e$er Peter in this life more sublime than St. Paul #honot#ithstanding three times cra$ed of our Lord to be free from theprics of the flesh yet could not obtain it; To this purpose & must tellyou a passage concerning the $enerable Father Benedict that there #assomething he desired and #as not able to accomplish.

    His sister Scholastica #ho #as consecrated to God from her $erychildhood used to come once a year to see him1 unto #hom the man ofgod #as #ont to go to a house not far from the gate #ithin thepossession of the %onastery. Thither she came one day according to hercustom and her $enerable brother lie#ise #ith his disciples4 #hereafter they had spent the #hole day in the praise of God and piousdiscourses the night dra#ing on they too their reflection together. *sthey #ere yet sitting at table and protracting the time #ith holyconference the religious #oman his sister entreated him saying4 5&beseech you lea$e me not this night that #e may tal until

    morning of the -oys of the hea$enly life.6 To #hom he ans#ered4 57hatis this you say sister; by no means can & stay out of my %onastery. *tthis time the sy #as serene and not a cloud #as to be seen in the air.The holy #oman therefore hearing her brother0s refusal clasped herhands together upon the table and bo#ing her head upon them sheprayed to *lmighty God. *s she raised up her head from the table therebegan such $ehement lightning and thunder #ith such abundance ofrain that neither $enerable Benedict nor his Brethren #ere able to putfoor out of doors. For the holy #oman #hen she leaned her head uponher hands poured forth a flood of tears upon the table by #hich she

    changed the fair #eather into foul and rainy. For immediately after herprayers follo#ed the inundation and the t#o did so concur that as shelifted up her head the crac of thunder #as heard so that in one and thesame instant she lifted up her head and brought do#n the rain. Then theman of god percei$ing that by reason of thunder and lightening #ithcontinual sho#ers of rain he could not possibly return to his monastery#as sad and began to complain saying4 5God *lmighty forgi$e yousister #hat is this you ha$e done;6 To #hom She mad ans#er4 5& prayedyou to stay and you #ould not hear me1 & prayed to *lmighty God andhe heard me? 'o# therefore if you can go forth to the %onastery andlea$e me.6 But he not able to go forth #as forced to stay against his

    #ill.Thus it fell out that they spent the night in #atching and recei$ed

    full content in spiritual discourse of hea$enly matters. By this it appearsas & said before that he desired something #hich he could not obtain1 forif #e consider the mind of the $enerable man he #ould #ithout doubtha$e had the fair #eather to continue in #hich he set out. But contraryto #hat he #illed he found a miracle #ored by the courage of a #omanin the strength of *lmighty God. *nd no #onder if at that time a #oman

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    #ere more po#erful than he considering she had long desired to see herbrother. For according to the saying of St. >ohn4 5God is charity6 and#ith good reason she #as more po#erful #ho lo$ed more.



    & confess that & am #onderfully pleased #ith that #hich you tell me.




    &n #hat mannerSt. Benedict sa#

    the soul

    Of his sistergo forthfrom her



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    THE ne3t day the $enerable #oman returned to her (loister and the manof God to his %onastery. 7hen behold three days after #hile standingin his cell he sa# the soul of his sister depart out of her body and in theform of a do$e ascend and enter into the celestial mansions. 7ho

    re-oicing much to see her great glory ga$e thans to God *lmighty inhymns and praises and announced her death to the Brethren. 7hom heforth#ith sent to bring her body to the %onastery and caused

    it to be buried in the same tomb that he had prepared for himself. Bymeans of #hich it fell out that as their minds #ere al#ays one in God

    so also their bodies #ere not separated in their burial.



    Ho# the #hole #orld#as repesented before


    Eyes4 and the soul ofGermanus Bishop of


    *'OTHE" time Ser$andus !eacon and *bbot of that %onastery

    #hich #as built by Liberius sometime a senator in the (ampania usedoften to $isit him for being also illuminated #ith grace and hea$enlydoctrine he repaired di$ers times to the %onastery that they mightmutually communicate one to another and at least #ith sighs andlonging desires taste of that s#eet food of the celestial country #hoseperfect fruition they #ere not as yet permitted to en-oy. 7hen it #as timeto go to rest $enerable Benedict #ent up to the top of the to#er in thelo#er part of #hich ser$andus the !eacon had his lodging and from

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    #hich there #as an open passage to ascend to the higher. O$er againstthe said to#er #as a large building in #hich the disciples of bothreposed. 7hile as yet the %ons #ere at rest the man of God Benedictbeing diligent in #atching rose up before the night office and stood atthe #indo# maing his prayer to *lmighty God about midnight #hen

    suddenly looing forth he #as a light glancing from abo$e so brightand resplendent that it not only dispersed the darness of the night butshined more clear than the day itself. +pon this sight a mar$ellousstrange thing follo#ed for as he after#ards related the #hole #orldcompacted as it #ere together #as represented to his eyes in one ray oflight. *s the $enerable Father had his eyes fi3ed upon this gloriouslustre he beheld the soul of Germanus Bishop of (apua carried byangels to Hea$en in a fiery globe. Then for the testimony of so great amiracle #ith a loud $oice he called upon Ser$andus the !eacon t#iceor thrice by his name #ho troubled at such an unusual crying out of theman of God came up looed forth and sa# a little stream of light then

    disappearing and #ondered greatly at this miracle. 7hereupon the manof God told him in order all that he had seen and sent presently toTheoprobus a "eligious man in the to#n of (asino ordering him to gothe same night to (apua and learn #hat had happened to Germanus theBishop. &t fell out so that he #ho #as sent found the most re$erendBishop Germanus dead and on en:uiring more e3actly he learned thathis departure #as the $ery same moment in #hich the ma of God hasseen him ascend.



    * #onderful thing and much to be admired but #hereas you saidthat the #hole #orld as it #ere under one sunbeam #as represented tohis sight as & ne$er e3perienced the lie so & cannot imagine ho# or in#hat manner this #as possible that the #hole #orld should be seen ofany one man.



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    *ssure yourself Peter of that #hich & spea4 that in a soul thatbeholdeth the (reator all creatures appear but narro#1 for should #epartae ne$er so little of the light of the (reator #hatsoe$er is created#ould seem $ery little1 because the soul is enlarged by this Beatific

    $ision and so dilated in the !i$ine Perfections that it far transcends the#orld and itself also. The soul thus rapt in the light of God is in herinterior lifted up and enabled abo$e itself and #hile thus ele$ated itcontemplates itself and it easily comprehendeth ho# little that is #hichbefore it #as not able to concei$e. So the blessed man #ho sa# theglobe of fire #ith the *ngels returning to Hea$en could not possiblyha$e beheld those things but only in the light of God. 7hat #onder thenif he sa# the #orld at one $ie# #ho #as in mind e3alted abo$e the#orld; But #hereas & said that the #hole #orld compacted as it #eretogether #as represented before his eyes it is not meant that hea$en andearth #ere straitened by contraction but that the mind of the beholder

    #as dilated #hich rapt in the sight of God might #ithout difficulty seeall that is under God. Therefore in that light #hich appeared to hisout#ard eyes the in#ard light #hich #as in his soul ra$ished the mindof the beholder #ith higher tings and she#ed ho# mean are all inferiorthings.


    & percei$e that it #as to my profit that & understood you not beforefor my slo#ness has been the occasion of so long and profitable adiscourse. But since you ha$e clearly e3plained these tings to me &beseech you continue your former narration.



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    Ho# he

    #rote a"ule for%ons.

    & 7O+L! #illingly Peter relate many things concerning this $enerableFather but some of purpose & omit because & hasten to spea of the actsof others. Only this & #ould not ha$e you to be ignorant of that the manof God among so many miracles #here#ith he shined to the #orld #asalso eminent for his doctrine for he #rote a "ule for %ons bothe3cellent for discretion and elo:uent in style. Of #hose life andcon$ersation if any #ish to no# further he may in the institution of that

    "ule understand all his manner of life and discipline for the holy mancould not possibly reach other#ise than he li$ed.



    Ho# hepropheticallyforetold his



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    THE same year in #hich he departed out of this life he foretold the dayof his most holy death to some of his disciples #ho con$ersed #ith himand to others #ho #ere far off gi$ing strict charge to those #ho #erepresent to eep in silence #hat they had heard and declaring to theabsent by

    #hat sign they should no# #hen his soul departed out of his body. Si3days before his departure he caused his gra$e to be opened andimmediately after he fell into a fe$er by the $iolence #hereof hisstrength began to #a3 faint and the infirmity daily increasing the si3thday he caused his disciples to carry him into the Oratory #here he didarm himself for his going forth by recei$ing the body and Blood of theLord1 then supporting his #ea limbs by the hands of his disciples hestood up his hands lifted to#ards Hea$en and #ith #ords of prayer at

    last breathed forth his soul. The same day t#o of his Brethren the oneli$ing in the %onastery and the other in a place far remote had are$elation in one and the self/same manner. For they beheld a #ayspread #ith garments and shining #ith innumerable lamps stretchingdirectly east#ards from his cell up to Hea$en1 a man of $enerable aspectstood abo$e and ased them #hose #ay that #as. But they professingthey ne# not he said to them4 5This is the #ay by #hich the belo$ed ofthe Lord Benedict ascended.6 Thus the disciples #ho #ere presentne# of the death of the holy man and so also those #ho #ere absentunderstood it by the sign foretold them. He #as buried in the Oratory ofSt. >ohn the Baptist #hich he himself had built upon the ruins of

    *pollo0s altar.


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    Ho# a mad#oman #as cured

    in his ca$e.

    &' the ca$e in #hich he formerly li$ed in Subiaco e$en to this daymiracles are #rought upon such as repair thither #ith true faith. For $erylately happened that #hich & no# relate. * certain #oman bereft ofreason and altogether distracted in her senses roamed o$er mountainsand $alleys through #oods and fields by day and night ne$er restinge3cept #hen forced from #eariness to lie do#n. One day as she ragedthus madly up and do#n she lighted upon the ca$e of blessed Benedictand by chance entered and remained there. The ne3t morning she cameout as sound and perfect in her senses as if she had ne$er been out ofthem and from that time remained all her l