population change 5 impact of migration

Impact of Migration

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Impact of Migration

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The impact of Migration on population structur e : Consequences of Emigration

Reasons for emigrating

� Economic Migrants ² few opportunities to

earn money other than poorly paid farm work.

Leave to seek higher paid and more regular 

wages of factory or service work. This is the

main cause for those leaving LEDCs and

moving to MEDCs E.g Polish workers

migrating to Lincolnshire to work on farms, incatering or as plumbers.

� Political Migrants ² refugees from civil war,

or a persecuted minority within their own

country. Seeking safety. E.g Kurds leaving N.

Iraq and E. Turkey and being rehoused in Hull.� Social Migrants ² seeking a better 

opportunity for their future lifestyle. Often

affects families seeking a future with more

opportunities for their children. E.g families

leaving Britain for Australia / New Zealand.

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Category Example area Push & Pull factors +ve consequences (SOCIAL + ECONOMIC) -ve consequences (SOCIAL,ECONOMIC



From NorthernEngland to SouthEast England

yFactory closure in traditional industrialareas (North East)yHigh rates of unemployment (NE)yHigher salaries (South East)yMore professional jobs (SE)yUniversities and social life (SE)

yReduced competition for jobs (North East)yLarge pool of labour (South East)yLarge market for goods (SE)yInflux of young, ambitious, talented peoplein 20·s-30·s (SE)

yLoss of ¶active population· (NE)yLoss of tax revenue (NE)yHigh demand for

accommodation --> rising houseprices (SE)yCongestion and overcrowdedservices (SE)


From Britain toAustralia / NewZealand

yCool grey climate (UK)yHigh urban crime rates (UK)yLack of unskilled/semi skilled jobs (UK)yOutdoor ¶sporty· way of life (Aus)

yYouthful, energetic culture (Aus)yLarge open spaces (Aus)

yLarger market for goods (Aus)yInflux of skilled workers (Aus)yIncreasing population in an underpopulatedcountry (Aus)

yLarger tax-paying population (Aus)yMoney sent back to elderly relatives (UK)

yLoss of families (UK)yIncrease in congestion (Aus)yIncreased demand for services(health / schooling) (Aus)

yRising demand for housing -->urban growth and rising houseprices (Aus)yPoor integration of newarrivals (Aus)


Rural-urbanmigration fromNE Brazil tocoastal citiessuch as Sao Paulo

yDrought/floods causing fall in farmingincomeyLack of schools/doctors for familyyNo desirable future for your kidsyLittle chance to own your own landyHope of regular paid work in the cityySense of modern lifestyle in the cityyShops, parks, buildings of the city

yLarger workforce in the city enablesindustries to select from a large pool oflabouryConstant influx of migrants means wagesare kept low (good for business owners)yThriving business culture in the city

yLack of affordable housingleads to slums (favelas)emergingyHigh levels of disease frompoor sanitation and watersupply in citiesyLow wages = bad for pooremployeesyGangs, crime and lawlessnesscharacterise the worst slumareasyRural areas lose youngestpopulation

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The impact of Migration on population structur e : Consequences of Emigration

Country of Origin Country of Destination

Advantages � Money is sent back to families on a regular basis

� reduces pressure on jobs ² more vacancies

for those who stay

� reduces pressure for farmland, health

services, education«etc

� reduces the birth rate (only ¶good· if the

country is overpopulated) as there are fewer 

in the ¶parenting· age-group of 20s-40s as

they are those most likely to migrate.

� Provides an increase to the economically activepopulation and increases income-tax revenue

� brings essential skills to the workplace

� provides a low-wage workforce

� provides a larger ¶economically active·


� increases consumer market for goods and

services� increases the birth rate as immigrants are often

of parenting age, and if coming from a Stage 2 or 

3 country have a higher fertility rate than the

Stage 5 ¶host· population. This may be welcome

in an ¶ageing· destination where the number of 

indigenous young people has been falling in

recent years.

Disadvantages � lose the most ambitious, intelligent and

skilled people

� lose the ¶parenting generation· ² may

reduce the birth rate (could be ¶good· if 


� leaves behind an ageing population

� those left behind become dependent on

money sent back

� lowers the general wages for all workers

� increases the need for housing

� increases the birth rate leading to a need for 

more maternity care and school places.

� schools have to teach students with many


� may contribute to racial conflict or ethnic

tensions with host population or between

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Impact of Migration on Population Structur e

Inner London Bradford, West Yorkshir e

In-migration to Inner London r esults in a

significantly higher µyounger adult¶ population

of 20-39. This is the age group most likely to

emigrate from one country to another. The 

larger-than-UK-average of this age group is

starting to produce a larger number of 0-4

year olds. Mor e people of par enting age 

incr easing number of births.

Bradford shows a µtypical¶ UK profile for most

age-groups except for the µunder 25s. The 

historical migration of immigrants from India

and Pakistan to work in the traditional textile 

industry is still evident in 2nd and 3rd

generation families with higher-than-UK-

average f ertility rates and slightly larger 

average family sizes.

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See news r eport on who is mostwelcoming to migrants

Migrant workers 'boost UK growth'

Migrant workers from Eastern Europe are providing a

positive boost to Britain's economy, according to a report.

New immigration has helped to keep inflation under control,boost output and raise tax r evenue, r esearch by Ernst & Younghas suggested.

Workers from Poland and Slovenia ar e among those "plugginggaps in a variety of industries", the r eport said.TheUK is one of only thr ee EU states to grant full labour rightsto citizens from the 10 r ecent accession countries.

The Ernst & Young Item Club Spring For ecast said immigrationhad helped keep UK inter est rates half a percent lower than they

would have otherwise been.

Crest of wave

Some 300,000 immigrants have taken jobs in ar eas rangingfrom agricultur e to hospitality in the last thr ee years, the r eportsaid."We ar e on the cr est of a new immigration wave," said Prof essor Peter Spencer, the r eport's author. "The steady flow to the UKhas proved r emarkably positive for the economy

."As a dir ect r esult, the UK workforce has become younger, mor e flexible and economical, easing the pensions burden andkeeping inter est rates lower than many commentators wouldhave pr edicted."

See news r eport on who is not

welcoming to migrants