population structure of...

73 CHAPTER III POPULATION STRUCTURE OF TRIBALS Sr. No. Unit Page No. 3.1 Introduction 74 3.2 Distribution of Population 74 3.3 Tribal Households and Population 77 3.4 Tribal Population 78 3.5 Tribes in Tehsil 82 3.5.1 Mahadev Koli 82 3.5.2 Thakar 83 3.6 Population Growth 84 3.7 Density of Population 87 3.8 Index of Concentration 93 3.9 Sex Ratio 97 3.10 Population Between 0 To 6 Age 102 3.11 Religious Composition of Tribals 103 3.12 Rural Urban Composition of Population 105 3.13 Migration 106 3.13.1 Duration of Migration 107 3.13.2 Number of Migrants in Family 108 3.14 Resume 109

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Sr. No. Unit Page No.

3.1 Introduction 74

3.2 Distribution of Population 74

3.3 Tribal Households and Population 77

3.4 Tribal Population 78

3.5 Tribes in Tehsil 82

3.5.1 Mahadev Koli 82

3.5.2 Thakar 83

3.6 Population Growth 84

3.7 Density of Population 87

3.8 Index of Concentration 93

3.9 Sex Ratio 97

3.10 Population Between 0 To 6 Age 102

3.11 Religious Composition of Tribals 103

3.12 Rural Urban Composition of Population 105

3.13 Migration 106

3.13.1 Duration of Migration 107

3.13.2 Number of Migrants in Family 108

3.14 Resume 109

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3.1. Introduction:

Maharashtra is considered as an important developed state in our country in

terms of education, industrialization and social growth, but scheduled tribes in

this state are found in backward state. The social status of tribes is far behind

mainstream society. They struggle for survival in forests. Therefore it is

immensely necessary to study and understand population structure and social set

up of study area. It gives population change over time and space and it studies

the various determinants of population change and the impact of such changes on

socio-economic development of area.

This chapter gives more attention to geographical factors and its

relationship with social and demographic setup in study area. It is always

observed that geographical factors are very closely associated with social and

demographic organization.

This chapter attempts to analyze population structure of tribal people who

are associated with child malnutrition. Population study for study area is based

on census enumeration of 2001 and 2011. Population characteristic of tribals

were studied and village-wise parameters like population size, religious

composition, tribe combination, population density, growth rate, percentage of

tribal population, sex ratio, working population etc have been taken in to

account.Tripathi and Viswakarma (1986) has stated that variables like growth

and density of population, literacy, proportion of non primary workers and

commercialization were important aspect of population.1

3.2 Distribution of Population:

Population of a tehsil is characterized by unevenness. James, K.S. and

Sathyanarayana, K.N. (2011) has mentioned that distribution of population

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means dispersion of population in study region. The differences from place to

place in racial and social character of population are studied in social science 2.

The study of population gives a clear picture about the dispersion of

population. The population distribution is studied with regards to population

concentration. In this concern it is interesting to study the population and their

changes in study area over time and space. The change in population is not only

change in its numbers but also in structure, composition and distribution. On the

one hand population of Akole tehsil is highly concentrated in certain patches, in

lowland area of Mula and Pravara River where agricultural productivity is high,

while on the other hand some areas of hilly mountains and thick forest towards

South, West and North are sparsely populated. Many geographic factors play

vital role in distribution of population. Some social, historical and political

factors also make remarkable impression on distribution.According to Clark ,

John (1972) cultural factors are more prominent in determining concentration of

population in an area.3

Total population of Akole tehsil is 2,91,950. According to 2011

population census enumeration total population is settled in 189 villages. Out of

this 47.86 percent (1,39,730) population of Akole tehsil is tribal which is

distributed in western part of tehsil. Western area of tehsil is characterized by

sparse population because of thick forests, hilly area and low productivity of

agriculture. Some villages like Rajur (10,046), Kotul (7917) and Akole (18278)

are major settlements in tehsil. Villages of Akole tehsil were grouped according

thier population from 2001 census.It has been observed that in 102 Villages

population is below 1046. In 62 villages population is between 1047 and 2242.

23 villages have population between 2243 and 4421. There are only 4 villages

where population is more than 15500.

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Large number of population is distributed in small hamlet and villages.

The population between 185 to1135 was distributed in 102 Villages of Akole

tehsil. This figure was same like last census data.

In the next population between 1136 and 2378 was distributed in 65

villages. In tehsil there are 20 villages where population between 2379 and 4883

is distributed. There are only four villages viz. Devthan, Akole, Kotul and Rajur

where population is more than 4800.

3.3. Tribal Households and Population:

There is very close relationship between size of population and number of

settlements. With increasing size of population number of villages were

decreases and with decreasing size of population number of villages increases.

Table No.3.1 No. of Tribal and Non Tribal Villages in Akole Tehsil

Sr.No Population No. of



No. of Villages having

Tribal Population

More than 50

No. of Non-



1. Below 500 22 18 04

2. 501 to 1000 63 52 11

3. 1001 to 2000 71 43 28

4. 2001 to 3000 15 04 11

5. 3001 to 4000 8 03 05

6. 4001 to 5000 6 00 06

7. Above 5000 4 00 04

Total 189 120 69

Source: Population Census 2011.

It is very clear that tribals are living in hamlets and small

settlements where population size is low. In Study region 44.97 percent villages

have population below 1000.

In case of tribal villages 58.33 percent villages have population

below1000.Whereas in case of non tribal only 21.73 percent villages having

population below 1000.Population data of Akole tehsil reveals that most of small

villages are inhabited by tribals while big villages are populated by non tribals.

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Ugale, Vilas (2006) has observed that Tribal zone is marked by small size

settlements in tehsil where more than 40 percent of tribal population is

distributed in the villages having population below 1000.However more than 65

percent non-tribal population settled in villages having size more than 2000.4

In map villages with brown colour like Brahmanwada, Akole, Rajur,

Devthan show higher number of household. Villages with light yellow colour in

map indicate small number of household.

It is observed that the eastern part of tehsil is inhabited by non-tribals

shows large numbers of household on the other hand western part characterized

by small households which is inhabited by tribal population.

3.4 Tribal Population:

There are three major tribal regions in Maharashtra: Eastern part known as

Gondwana zone, Northern part known as Satpuda zone and Western part known

as Sahyadri zone.

Many ranges of Sahyadri pass through Akole tehsil Therefore it is

homeland of many tribal groups. As per 1981 census of India, the scheduled tribe

area of Maharashtra is spread over eleven districts (Thane, Nasik, Dhule,

Jalgaon, Ahmednagar, Pune, Nanded, Amarawati, Yawatmal, Gadchiroli and

Gadchiroli District.)

Reddy, Sudhakar (1999) have stated that Maharashtra has an extent of

50,75 sq.Km (16.5 percent) under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) out of its total

geographic area 3,07,713 sq.Km.5 TSP is a state creation for planning and

development programme in areas where quite a substantial tribal population


In other words it has covered scheduled areas which constitute as pockets

of Talukas having more than 50 percent tribal concentration areas or which have

proximity to such areas with predominantly tribal population .Tribal population

out of 35 district in Maharashtra is largely concentrated in 14 districts.

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Table No.3.2 Tribal Population of Tehsil



2001 2011

Tribal Non


Tribal Non


1 Rajur 78.11 21.89 81.36 18.63

2 Akole 26.94 73.06 29.6 70.4

3 Kotul 43.43 56.57 46.04 53.95

Source: 2011 Population Census.

It is very clear that tribal population in study area has experienced rise in all

three blocks of tehsil. From distributional point of view tribal population of tehsil

has occupied remote places predominantly western block of Rajur, where 78.11

percent tribal population live in 2001.This figure goes up to 81.36 percent in

2011 census. In Akole block with majority of non-tribals only 29.6 percent

tribals are living in this block. In Kotul block46.04 percent tribals dwelled

according to 2011 census.


No.of Household of Akole Tehsil

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Map No.3.5

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Village wise percentage of tribal population has been shown in table

No 3.4.This Map is based on census of 2001.It is generally observed that Eastern part

of tehsil is inhabited by non tribal population but in this eastern part small number of

tribal population is located.In nearly 48 villages 0-17 percent tribal population is

concentrated.18 villages in the same part having tribal population between 18 and 37

percent. There are 20 villages where tribal population is between 38 and 67 percent.

Majority of tribal population was found in western part of tehsil.Therefore 24

villages in this area were inhabited by 68 to 87 percent tribal population. Highest

number of villages in this area belongs to tribals.It is observed that there are 81

villages where 87 to 100 percent tribals were residing. It is very clear picture about

tribal concentration whole western area is characterized by undulating topography

and forests.Therefore it is occupied by the tribals.

Tribal population in 2011has been presented in fig.3.5.In nearly 37 villages 0-

17 percent tribal population is concentrated. In 22 villages in same part having tribal

population is between 18 and 37 percent. There are 22 villages where tribal

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population is between 38 and 67 percent. Majority of tribal population was observed

in western part of tehsil. Therefore 18 villages in this area were inhabited by 68 to 87

percent tribal population. Highest number of villages in this area belongs to tribals.It

is observed that there are 91 villages where 87 to 100 percent tribals reside.

It has been observed that in Akole tehsil 2.27 percent positive change

in tribal population has been recorded in last decade. At the same time in rural area

2.54 percent growth in tribal population is seen.During last decade 76 villages have

recorded negative growth rate.Out of them 57 villages are tribal and only 19 villages

are non tribal. On the other hand only 15 villages have recorded population growth of

more than 10 percent in last decade. Out of these 15 villages 4 villages are

exclusively non-tribal.

3.5. Tribes in Tehsil:

In field survey it is observed that most villages and hamlets were inhabited by

Mahadev Koli tribe. This tribe is predominantly observed in Akole tehsil

everywhere, While Thakar is another important tribe in study region which lives in

westernmost hamlets and villages surrounded by dense forests.

Das and Palo (1995)6 and Siralkar (1977)

7 have pointed out that the tribals in

the state may be classified mainly into the following four classes.

1. Primitive Tribals –Madia Gonds and Kolams.

2. Tribals in Transition-Warli and Bhils.

3. Assimilated Tribals-Mahadev Kolis.

4. Economically developed Tribals-Raj Gond and Mahadev Kolis.

Mahadev kolis are in economically developed tribal group while Thakar are in

transition group.

3.5.1 Mahadev Koli:

Kulkarni (1987) has pointed out that Mahadev koli is second largest tribal

race in Maharashtra and it is mainly concentrated in the eastern part of Sahyadri

ranges. Mahadev koli is one of the major tribe in study region. 8

Enthoven (1920)

has described the traditional occupation of Mahadev koli as that of infantrymen.

Tribhuvan (2003) havs stated that they derived their caste name from the god

Mahadev. This tribe is concentrated in Pune, Thane, Ahmednagar and Nasik district

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of Maharashtra.9 Enthoven (1920) has rightly observed that Mahadev kolis has been

one division of the koli of Deccan and Konkani.10

Climate and topographical

conditions has been responsible for isolating and preserving tribal culture.

Ghurye (1957) has stated that Mahadev koli is leading tribe in

Ahmednagar district. They live in valleys in eastern portion of western ghat from

Mulshi in southeast of Pune to Trimbakeshwar in Nasik.11

According to one

opinion, this tribe lives from Trimbakeshwar to Bhimashankar and they are

priests .The Mahadev kolis have also been found westword especially in Jawhar

in north konkan. The cluster of tribal people lived near Thal pass (Jawhar Tehsil)

in fourteen century, they extended eastward in Balaghat or Mahadev Hills which

is traditionally home of Mahadev kolis. (Gazetteer of India 1976 &1982).Chari

(1972) has given information that Mahadev Kolis are predominantly Marathi

speaking community in Maharashtra.12

3.5.2 Thakar:

Out of 47 tribes in Maharashtra, Thakar is one of the dominant tribe. This

tribe is hosted in Thane, Raigad, Pune, Nasik and Ahmednagar District. Ka.Thakar

and Ma. Thakar are two major sub tribes of Thakar community in Maharashtra state.

Table No.3.3 Distribution of Thakar Tribe

Sr.No Districts Major Tehsils

1. Thane Mokhada, Jawhar, Palghar, Shahapur, Vada, Vasai,

Bhivandi, Murbad,Kalyan and Thane

2. Raigad Karjat, Khalapur, Pen, Panwel and Sudhagad

3. Pune Junnar, Ambegaon, Khed, Maval

4. Ahmednagar Akole, Rahuri and Sangamner

Source: Benchmark Survey 1996, TRTI, Pune

According to Benchmark Survey (1996) Maharashtra state is homeland of

1,82,018 Thakar population of which 92769 (50.96 percent) are male among

them and 89249 (49.03 percent) are female were observed.13

Tikone, P.R (2001)

has rightly observed that in Thakar community majority of ill people (52 percent)

try and are happy with domestic remedies.14

It is observed that in field survey

296 (78.93 percent) families of Mahadev Kolis were found in partly central patch

of Akole tehsil. Whereas 79 (21.07 percent) families of Thakar were observed in

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western part of tehsil. In tribe wise distribution western part is inhabited by

Thakar community and southern and internal part is inhabited by Mahadev Koli


3.6. Population Growth:

Population growth is one of essential aspects of population in overall

development of study area. Ian, O.M. Brocks and John, W. Webb (1973) have

stated that those geographers, who are interested in geography not only as an

academic discipline but as a geographic point of view to understand the world,

point out that it is useful to know how the various issues facing the world for

instance, rapid population growth, urbanization and race relations etc. assume

different forms in different regions.15

The growth in population is outcome of

birth, death and migration. In brief, change in population over a given period

with reference to area is called population growth. Population growth in any

region can be negative or positive. Village wise population data for 2001 and

2011 census were made available and population growth computed by using

following formula

P2 - P 1

Decadal Population Growth Rate = -------------------- x 100



P 1 Stands for Population of Previous Decade.

P 2 Stands for Population of Next Decade.

Population growth of Akole tehsil from 2001 to 2011has been computed

by using above formula. Population of Akole tehsil was recorded 2,66,638 in

2001and it slowly increased to 2,91,950 in 2011. There was population growth

of 8.66 percent in last decade. The tribal population in tehsil was recorded

1,21,566 in 2001and it is slowly increased up to 1,39,730 in 2011 at the growth

rate of 14.94 percent. It is observed that growth rate in tribal area is quite higher

than total growth rate of tehsil.

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Table No.3.4 Decadal Population Growth in Region





Decadal Growth in Percentage




Non –Tribal

Akole Ahmednagar Maharashtra India

1 2001 15.87 17.36 16.68 21.20 22.60 21.54

2 2011 12.99 4.69 8.66 12.43 16.00 17.64

Source: 2011 Population Census

It is very clear from the table that tribal population in region has

been increasing constantly where as non tribal population has decreased by four

times. It was 17.36 percent in 1991 to 2001 decade which declined by 4.69

percent in 2011.Overall tehsil shows declining trend of population growth. In

1991 to2001 decade, population has growing at the rate of 16.68 percent, In last

decade growth rate declined to 8.66 percent.

Population growth of Akole tehsil during 2001 to 2011 census has been

presented in fig.No.3.6.It has been identified that during this period, population

growth has been detected 9.49 percent per decade. At the same time population

growth rate for rural Akole is 5.73 percent per decade. The above map shows that

there are 24 villages in tehsil which show negative population growth between -6

to -34 percent per decade. Digambar (-34.26 percent), Bhandardara (-25.68

percent), Nilwande (-16.92 percent), Lavhali Otur (-15.81 percent) Kodani (-

14.68 percent), Nibral (-11.14 percent), Ghatghar (-8.27 percent)These villages

show negative growth rate.

This is mainly because of migration of population due to rehabilitation

and for employment purpose. Ghatghar, Bhandardara, Nilwande, Kodani, Nibral

these villages were displaced during construction of dam hence majority of

population were migrated from these places, which resulted in to negative growth

rate. Another important thing about negative growth rate is that maximum tribal

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population from village make groups (tolies) for working in farms of landlord in

irrigated zone.

This is also one important reason behind negative growth rate in Ekdara

(-19.02 percent), Shenit (-20.60 percent), Lavhali Otur (-15.81 percent.),

Manyale (-14.97 percent) Sherewadi (-11.42 percent),Vihir (-17.61 Percent),

Kohane (-9.86 percent) etc.

Map No.3.7

On the other side certain villages were observed in medium population

growth of 10 to 25 percent per decade. This group includes these villages

Karandi (14.57 percent), Keli Kotul (15.03 percent), Manhere (13.58 percent),

Chichodi (10.50 percent), Shelvihire (19.98 percent), Ranad (15.46 percent),

Koltembhe (17.71 percent), Maveshi (12.18 percent) and Jamgaon (13.11


There are some villages in Akole tehsil in which high population growth

rate is observed. In this, population growth rate was found to be 26 to 72 percent

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per decade. In this group very few villages are tribal villages and rest are non-

tribal villages. Bari (37.56 Percent), Bhabhulwandi (28.43 percent), Samrad

(32.16 percent), Shinganwade (30.54 percent), Shivajinagar (71 percent),

Dhumalwadi (45 percent), Navalewadi (29.30 percent).These villages show

highest growth rate in decade. This is because some villages like Samrad,

Shinganwade and Bari have good irrigation facilities, this leads tougher

economic growth. Navalewadi Dhumalwadi, Shivajinagar such villages are in

sphere of Akole village Therefore high growth rate is seen in these villages.

The main villages in tehsil show medium population growth likewise

Akole (17.87 percent) Kotul (11.52 percent) Brahmanwada (7.45 percent),

Devthan (19.08 percent) only one town in Akole tehsil Rajur shows 12.60

percent population growth per decade.

3.7 Density of Population:

Here density of total population and tribal population were studid intensively.

Density of Total Population:

Density of population is one of the better measures of understanding the

variation in the distribution of population .It is always expressed as number of

persons per unit of area. Number of persons inhabiting in one square K.m. or

mile of area is known as population density. In short density is calculated by

dividing population by area. Thus it measures the degree of population

concentration. According to Sing, Deva N.(2006) tribal communities are

unevenly distributed largely in hilly areas and each tribe has specific socio-

cultural milieu and specific problems.Density of population helps us to

understand nature of population distribution.17

Population density of Akole tehsil

is 193 person per sq.Km.in 2011 Census enumeration,which is much lower than

National Average (382 person per sq.Km),State average (365 person per sq.Km.)

and District average 266 persons/Sq.km.in 2011.Population Density of Akole

tehsil was 179 person per sq.Km.in 2001.Agriculture is the main occupation in

this area and therefore density of population is high in low land area and fertile

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river basins. Thick forest and hilly region does not support population to settle.

Mainly western part of tehsil is occupied by tribals, which shows low density.



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According to 2001 population census 62 villages comprised low density

group where population density is below 100 persons per sq.Km. In Medium

density group 104 villages were included where population density is between

100 to 300 persons per sq. Km. In last high population density group 25 villages

were included and population density in these villages is more than 300 persons

per sq. Km.

According to 2011 population census density of Akole tehsil are 193

persons per sq. Km. and rural population density in Akole tehsil was recorded at

186 persons sq. Km. It has been detected that in low density group only 53

villages are included where population density is below 100 persons per sq.Km.

In Medium Density group with 100 to 300 persons per sq.km 113 villages were

included. In High population density group 28 villages were included where

population density was observed more than 300 persons per sq. Km.


It has been observed that volume of change between both 2001 and 2011 were

presented in Fig.no.3.9. It is very clear that during this decade population density

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changed slowly .The volume of change varies from area to area. This change ranged

between -87 persons to 537 persons per sq.km. In low change group negative change

in density was recorded. The villages which show population density less than o or

negative are in this group. Total 63 villages are there in this group. The villages

where population density observed between 1 to 20 persons per sq. Km are included

in this medium change group. Total 66 villages are there in this group. In the last

high change group, where villages having change of more than 20 persons were

included in this group. Overall 62 villages have experienced this change.

Density of Tribal Population:

Density of non- tribal and tribal population has quite a few differences in

many ways. Tribal villages and non tribal villages show noteworthy difference in

density Therefore tribal density were measured to study distributional pattern of

tribal population and their concentration in Akole tehsil. Even though total

density of Akole tehsil was 176 person per sq. Km and 193 person per sq. Km in

2001 and 2011 respectively in this same decade tribal population density for

tehsil was 80 person per sq. Km and 92 person per sq. Km.

Tribal density was categorized in five sub groups in ascending order in

that very low, low, medium, high very high groups are included. In this

classification 54 villages were sort out in first very low tribal density group in

which density was observed below 24 people per sq.km. In next class low

density group 42 villages were included in these villages tribal density was

between 25 to 69 person per sq. Km. In next medium density group 48 villages

were included in these villages 48 villages were categorized and density in these

villages were observed between 70 to 141 persons per sq. Km .In high density

group 38 villages were included and density in these villages ranges between 142

to 278 person per sq. Km. In last very high density group very few, only 5

villages were categorized in these villages population density were observed

between 279 to 507 person per sq. Km.

In case of 2011 data 74 villages were include in very low density group

density in these villages were below 47 person per sq. Km. In low density group

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46 villages were included where density is ranges between 48 to 111 persons

per sq. Km. In medium density group 42 villages were categorized where density

is ranges



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Between 112 to 186 people per sq. Km. In high density group 22 villages

were included in these villages density observed ranges from 187 to 320. In last

very high density group only five villages were included in which population

density was above 321 person per sq. Km.

Volume of change between 2001 to2011 was detected in Fig.No.3.12.

It has been observed that volume of change was classified in to three major

categories, low, medium and high. Low volume of change was found in 36 villages

where change is in negative form. This change ranges from - 47 to -1. In medium

volume of change in 149 villages of Akole tehsil were scrutinized. In this group

change ranges from 0 to 50 persons per sq. Km. In the last group where tribal density

was found more than 50 people per sq. Km. In the only 6 villages were seen.

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3.8. Index of Concentration:

The index of concentration is an important tool to measure magnitude of

spatial concentration. This index can be calculated on district, state and national

level. The index of concentration shows share of particular area in state or country.

Index of concentration can be calculated with the help of following formula.

Total Tribal Population of Village

Tribal Index of Concentration=------------------------------------------------x 100

Total Tribal Population of Tehsil

The index values have been classified in to four groups. With the help of this

index of concentration the percentage share of each village in tehsil in total tribal

population, considered as hundred percent, can be calculated.

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Table No.3.5. Tribal Index of Concentration

Concentration Index Less than 0.50

Village C.I. Village C.I. Village C.I. Village C.I.

Dongarwadi 0.38 Bhojadarawadi 0.21 Unchkhadak kh. 0.39 Agar 0.09

Digambar 0.49 Nirgudwadi 0.47 Tambhol 0.33 Rede 0.07

Ladgaon 0.41 Jamgaon 0.33 Dhokri 0.08 Sugaon Kh. 0.15

Pendshet 0.43 Kauthewadi 0.49 Ambikanagar 0.25 Kumbhefal 0.07

Pimpalgaon Khand 0.21 Pimpalgaon Nipani 0.37 Unchkhadak Bk. 0.10 Dhamangaon Pat 0.24

Ranad Kh. 0.16 Koltembhe 0.35 Mehenduri 0.19 Sultanpur 0.01

Sarowar 0.28 Kumshet 0.47 Bahirwadi 0.27 Manoharpur 0.01

Sawargaonpat 0.29 Shirpunje Kh. 0.23 Sherankhel 0.34 Sugaon Bk. 0.20

Nagawadi 0.34 Maveshi 0.45 Mhaladevi 0.30 Parakhatpur 0.04

Tahakari 0.21 Wanjulshet 0.49 Nilwande 0.13 Agastinagar 0.04

Poparewadi 0.26 Khadki Kh. 0.48 Nimbral 0.42 Navalewadi 0.43

Kombhalne 0.26 Purushawadi 0.44 Rumbhodi 0.48 Aurangpur 0.03

Muthalane 0.38 Ambit 0.47 Induri 0.11 Ambad 0.30

Hivargaon 0.18 Pachanai 0.50 Manik Ozar 0.41 Vashere 0.05

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Dongargaon 0.34 Kokanwadi 0.35 Takali 0.30 Kalas Bk. 0.45

Tale 0.41 Ekdare 0.46 Belapur 0.23 Mogras 0.13

Shinde 0.13 Bitaka 0.15 Chaitanyapur 0.07 Shidawad 0.20

Vihir 0.31 Jaynawadi 0.31 Jambhale 0.02 Kodni 0.24

Somalwadi 0.43 Ghodsarwadi 0.07 Kalewadi 0.01 Thakarwadi 0.31

Shilvandi 0.37 Pisewadi 0.37 Badgi 0.00 Lingdev 0.10

Ambhol 0.11 Nachanthav 0.09 Jachakwadi 0.21 Sherewadi 0.01

Mahadeowadi 0.47 Abit Khind 0.50 Khuntewadi 0.23 Dhagewadi 0.20

Bholewadi 0.02 Umbarwadi 0.24 Bramhanwada 0.27 Pimpri 0.35

Bori 0.32 Morwadi 0.41 Manyale 0.08 Wagdari 0.42

Waghapur 0.23 Khetewadi 0.38 Chas 0.17 Lavhali Kotul 0.32

Lahit Bk. 0.25 Esarthav 0.40 Chand Suraj 0.09 Lavhali Otur 0.29

Lahit Kh. 0.26 Kalamb 0.20 Ganore 0.06 Khanapur 0.49

Pabhulwandi 0.41 Chital Wedhe 0.07

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Table No. 3.5 (a) show that there are 110 villages in tehsil where index of

concentration below 0.50 percent. It has been observed that these 110 villages

support more than one fourth tribal population of tehsil. In this group 28.86 percent

tribes were reside sparsely. It has been investigated that total 110 villages in tehsil

have index of concentration is below 0.50 percent.

Table No. 3.5.(a) Tribal Index of Concentration

Concentration Index 0.51 to 1.0

Village C.I

. Village C.I

. Village C.I

. Village C.I

. Bari 0.7

1 Katalapur 0.8

0 Garwadi 0.6





9 Jahagirdarw







4 Karandi 0.7

3 Balthan 0.7

4 Shenit 0.5









0 Gondoshi 0.6

4 Senit Kh. 0.8

4 Mutkhel 0.9

4 Shelad 0.8

6 Sakirwadi 0.9

2 Kohondi 0.8

7 Terungan 0.7









1 Malegaon 0.6

0 Vithe 0.6





5 Shiswad 0.5

5 Babhul

















0 Ambevanga



3 Virgaon 0.6

3 Pangari 0.9





4 Waki 0.5

9 Paithan 0.7

2 Kothale 0.5

1 Mhalungi 0.5

2 Shinganwadi 0.6

4 Ghoti 0.5









5 Ghatghar 0.6

1 Keli Otur 0.6









1 Samrad 0.5





8 Kohane 0.6

5 Titavi 0.6

4 Ratanwadi 0.7

9 Godewadi 0.8





9 Padoshi 0.9

6 Murshet 0.5

4 Kalas Kh. 0.9





0 Sangavi 0.7

6 Shendi 0.9

4 Deogaon 0.7









3 Ranad Bk. 0.7

9 Guhire 0.6


Table No.3.5.(b) Tribal Index of Concentration

Concentration Index 01.01 to 1.50

Village C.

I. Village C.I

. Village C.I

. Village C.I

. Pimparka



09 Kelungan 1.0





2 Akola 1.0

8 Manhere 1.




1.0 Gardani 1.1





3 Chichond



09 Baravwadi 1.0

5 Khirvire 1.3





5 Panjare 1.

08 Tirdhe 1.0

6 Kotul 1.0






Table No.3.5.(c) Tribal Index of Concentration

Concentration Index More than 1.51

Village C.I. Village C.I. Village C.I.

Waranghushi 1.97 Deothan 3.14 Rajur (CT) 2.89

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In next group of index concentration 62 villages of Akole tehsil are included where

0.51 to 1.00 percent tribal concentration has been observed. In these villages 45.26

percent tribal population resides. Most of the villages are from western tract of

tehsil.There is a set of 16 villages in which tribal share vary from 01.01 to 01.50

percent. These villages accounts for 17.77 percent of tehsil total tribal population.

Table No.3.5c Shows in Akole tehsil there are 3 villages where tribal

population concentration is more than 1.51 percent. These are villages like

Waranghushi, Devthan and Rajur where tribal concentration is 1.97, 3.14 and 2.89

percent respectively. These three villages account for 8 percent tribal population of

tehsil. .

3.9. Sex Ratio:

This is an important social indicator to measure the extent of prevailing

equity between males and females at given point of time. Sex ratio is generally

expressed in terms of number of females per 1000 males. Sex ratio is an index of

socio-economic conditions, revealing in the area and is useful tool to measure

regional development. Sex ratio also influences volume of population,

employment and pattern of consumption.Sex composition also influences fertility

potential and labor participation. According to Chandana R.C. (2001)the separate

data for males and females are important for various types of planning and for

analysis of other demographic characteristic such as a natality, mortality,

migration, marital status and economic characteristics etc.16

The balance of sexes

affects the social and economic relationship within community.

Table-3.6 Sex Ratio of Region



Sex ratio



Akole Non


Akole Ahmednagar Maharashtra India

2001 985 965 974 940 922 933

2011 987 963 974 933 925 940

Source : Census from 2001 and Census of India 2011

According to 2011 census, sex ratio of Akole tehsil is 974females per

thousand males, which is much higher than national average (940), state average

(925) and district average (933).Generally tribal region express female

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outnumbers than male.This is another an important characteristic of tribal

population. Graph No.3.1:Sex Ratio of Region

Source : Census from 2001 and Census of India 2011

Graph No.3.1 illustrates decrease of sex ratio in Ahmednagar district.In

2001 sex ratio was 940 which declined to 933 in 2011. Sex ratio of state is show

a little improvement, whereas sex ratio at national level indicates remarkable

growth in 2011.In case of Akole tehsil sex ratio remain same in both Census

whereas there is some variation in tribal and non tribal sex ratio.Tribal sex ratio

in tehsil is remarkably higher than any region.Nontribal group shows a little

decrease from 965 to 963 females per thousand males.Tribal group shows slight

increase in sex ratio.

Non tribal population sex ratio is given in Fig no.3.15 for 2001 census and

fig.no 3.16 has revealed sex ratio of non-tribal for 2011census.The volume of

change has been presented in Fig.3.17.Sex ratio of non- tribal population in 2001

census is recoreded as 965 females per 1000 males.This sex ratio was same for

rural Akole tehsil.On the basis of actual figures of sex ratio three groups low,

medium and high were prepared.It has been marked that 56 villages in tehsil

showed low sex ratio i.e. than 900 females per1000 males.In medium sex ratio

group 74 villages have been included here sex ratio is between 900 to 1000. In

case of high sex ratio group 61 villages were included in these villages sex ratio

is more than 1000 females per 1000 males. According to 2011 census 51 villages

show low sex ratio below 900.In medium sex ratio there are 84 villages where







io (P












Sex Ratio

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sex ratio is between 900 to 1000.and 56 villages have recorded in high sex ratio



Map .No.3.15

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Map .No.3.16

Map No.3.17


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The volume of change has been shown in Map no.3.17. It shows 97

villages from tehsil having negative change in sex ratio.There are 26 villages in

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tehsil which shows change between 0 to 50 percent and lastly there are 68

villages where change in volume is more than 50 percent.

Tribal population sex ratio is presented in Map no.3.17 for 2001

census.It is very clear that sex ratio of tribal population is gerater than non tribal

society.In low sex ratio group 35 villages were classified. In this group sex ratio

is below 900 females per 1000 males.In medium sex ratio group, 72 villages are

included where sex ratio ranges between 900 to 1000.In last high sex ratio group

84 villages were detected In this class sex ratio is observed more than 1000.

Sex ratio of tribal for 2011census has been revealed in Fig.no 3.18. In

2011 census tribal sex ratio shows increasing trend.Only 23 villages with low sex

ratio group were found.In these group sex ratio is below 900.In medium sex

group 82 villages were observed where sex ratio is between 900 to 1000.In the

last high sex ratio group 86 villages were icluded where sex ratio is greater than


The volume of change has been indicated in fig.3.19. It shows 95 villages

from tehsil having negative change in sex ratio.There are 45 villages in tehsil

which show change between 0 to 50 percent and lastly there are 51 villages

showing recorded more than 50 percent change in volume.

3.10 Population Below 0 to 6 Age:

Population from 0 to 6 is important age group for demographic study in any

area. It also helps planners and policy makers for decision making process. Study of

this age group provides us specific information with regard to growth pattern and sex

ratio in coming generations. This population is more vulnerable in the context of

future population policy and three components of population changethat are fertility,

mortality and migration.

According to Bhende, A. and Kanitkar, T. (2006) Sex and age are the basic

characteristics or the biological attributes, of any demographic group and affect

not only its demographic but also social, economic and political structure, for

they influence birth, death, migration, marital status composition, manpower

,gross national product planning regarding educational and medical services and

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housing etc. 18

This age group is more vulnerable in respect of health Therefore in

present study this age group has been considered as target group.

Population of this group decreased from 43,251 in 2001 to 34,854 in

2011 with the negative growth rate of -24.09. For the same period male

population in this age group of area has experienced -20.46 percent growth rate,

while females have experienced -28.15 percent growth rate. Sex ratio below 6

has decreased from 950 females per thousand male in 2001 to 894 females per

thousand male in 2011.It is really pathetic that sex ratio of this age group

decreased drastically. Generally tribal area shows higher sex ratio but it is

alarming threat for future that sex ratio in this area is significantly low.

Map. 3.20.

Total Popualtion Below 6 Age

3.11 Religious Compostition in Tribals:

Religion is very important characteristic of population. People of every

religion have different socio-economic characteristics, food habits, taboos, traditions

and customs which reflect through disparity in its social, political and cultural life.

Khullar, D.R. (2006) stated that religion is a way of life in India and it affects the

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social, economic and political structure of society.19

Therefore TRB (1998) India is

considered to be an anthropological laboratory because of its regional, religious,

ethnic, racial and linguistic diversities.20

Ailaiah, K. (2003) has observed that a

conversion of tribals to Hindu and Christain religion, tribal group have been divided

into several sects on the basis of religion and hence tribal people are gradually

forgetting their tribal religion.21

At the national level many tribes are divided in to

religious group such as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and Buddhist. It is really

interesting that, very insignificant proportion of tribal population identifies itselves as

traditional form of tribal religion such as animism or totemism. On the other hand a

large number of tribal groups have moved in to Hinduism which is religion of the

land where they reside. It is observed that majority of tribes in mid Indian belt and

Himalayan tribes are more exposed to Hindu religion, On the other hand north east

tribal belt is mostly influenced by Christians. During British period emergence of

Christianity was traced in different tribes of Northeast and Chota Nagpur plateau.

Many Christian missionaries motivated tribes to convert to Christianity. Massive

number of conversion took place in such tribal area among tribes during British rule.

1961 census has enumerated 1.65 million tribal Christians, which constitute 5.53

percent of total tribal population. Their share in country’s total Christian population

was 15.41 percent. Raza, M. and Ahmed, A. (1990) has observed that the Buddhist

tribals are concentrated in sub Himalayan Northwest and Sikkim and Darjeeling.22

The Share of tribal Buddhist in total Buddhist population of country is however very

low, that is 3.08 percent only and at the aggregative level Buddhist tribals accounts

for only 0.34 percent of total tribal population of India.18

In case of Muslims only

0.20 percent Muslim population is tribal and they are residing in Lakshadweep and

Gujrat (Junagad, Kutch) and Maharashtra (Jalgaon). In case of study area Hinduism

is the dominant religion and bulk of tribal population of tehsil has been swayed to

Hinduism. In present study out of 375 households 375 families were follower of

Hindu religion. Geographically 100 percent households represent Hindu religion.

Hindus are predominant and majority in most of tribal area.

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3.12. Rural Urban Composition of Population:

The spatial pattern of tribal distribution is generally characterized by rural

population. Even today majority of Indian population live in rural environment.

Spatial pattern of tribal distribution is therefore characterized by rural segment. Very

small amount of tribal population resides in urban areas. According to 1971 census,

36.7 million tribes were lived in rural areas, which accounts for 8.36 percent of all

rural population. In this way share of tribals in rural environment is predominantly

high. Tribal population is characterized by high degree of concentration in a few

pockets of rural area. At a national level 95.59 percent Tribal population is

concentrated in rural areas. Rural terrains satisfy all basic needs of tribals, living in

the core of forests at the level of equilibrium with nature, they survive with minimum

needs. Their habitat and economy is closely associated. Economic activities

performed by tribes depend upon nature viz. hunting, food gathering, fishing,

sedentary agriculture etc. All these means of livelihood can be executed only in rural

periphery, therefore percentage of tribal living in rural area is proportionally very

high. Forests, hills, valleys were habitat of tribals, but in recent period encroachment

of non-tribal in tribal area has been brought about many changes. Large scale

deforestation, rehabilitation of tribal settlements caused by irrigation projects, canals,

dams create problem in their traditional economic ecology. Hence in contemporary

period tribals have started migrating towards urban centers for the sake of livelihood.

In his paper on Jenu Kurubas who traditionally make their living mainly the food

gathering, specially collecting honey Misra, R.P. (1970) has provided interesting

example of the changing relationships between habitat, economy and society in the

context of economic development With the forests fully protected by laws and

agricultural land extensively usurped by other communities, the Kurubas have been

left with no alternative except working as coolies in forests and agricultural labourers

in plains. Neither does the traditional imperative permit them to escape from their

roots in the forested, hilly habitat.23

In Akole tehsil, proportion of urban population is

very less. According to 2001 census there is no single town or urban centre in Akole

tehsil, after 2011 census enumeration Rajur is the only urban center in tehsil. Out of

2,91,950 of total population of tehsil 1,39,730 is tribal population and out of them

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only 4043 population resides in Rajur town .Total percentage of tribals who live in

urban centers is only 2.89 percent,While on the other hand 97.11 percent tribal

population is living in rural area.

Table No.3.7.Rural Urban Composition

Region Urban



of Urban





of Rural


Total Percentage



4,043 2.89 1,35,687 97.10 1,39,730 100



6,003 3.94 1,46,217 96.05 1,52,220 100

Akole Total 10,046 3.44 2,81,904 96.55 2,91,950 100

Source: 2011 Provisional Population Census.

It is observed that non-tribal population residing in urban centers is much higher

than that of tribals. In tehsil 3.94 percent non-tribal population live in Rajur

town. On the other hand 96.55 percent non- tribal population resides in rural

zone. In case of total tehsil only 3.44 percent population resides in urban centers

and 96.56 percent lies in rural periphery.

3.12. Migration:

In study area it was observed that 145 (43.93 percent) families migrated from

their village to surrounding area, where as 185 (56.06 percent) families did not

migrate from villages. Banrjee, Arpita (2007) has stated that Socio-cultural

factors plays crucial role in decision making process, Historically poor and

assetless communities who typically belong to lower castes and tribes seem to

have greater propensity to move.24

Migration is a strategy of tribals to cope with

poverty and seasonal economic instability. Tribals migrate from their village to

surrounding big villages to earning their livelihood. Anonymous,(2010) has

stated that migration to towns and cities often negatively influences the tribal

culture and identity. In addition to dam construction and mining, there are

problems with access to forest resources where tribals neither have control nor

any kind of participation in forests, which once were their abode and were one of

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the major sources of their livelihood.25

According to Grigg, D.B.(1980) migration

is an important outlet for overpopulation.26

Tribal people are not sure and do not

have enough source of employment in their native place, Therefore they have to

migrate annually to nearby big agricultural villages or towns.viz Akole,

Narayangaon, Otur, Brahmanwada, Ghargaon etc. The details of migration

characteristics are given below. The proportion of migration is higher in villages

from Ghatghar, Panzare, Udadavane, Manikozar etc.

3.12.1 Durration of Migration:

The migration data collected by surveyor shows that very less number of migrate

only for a month. It was observed that with increasing duration of migration

number of migration decreases.Small spell of migration is not feasible and it is

not economically gainful to travel. Therefore very little number of tribals prefers

small duration migration.

Table No.3.8 Duration of Migration

Sr.No. Duration of Migration

(In Months)

No. of Migrants Percent of


1 0 to 1 34 20.48

2 1 to2 103 62.04

3 2 to 3 17 10.24

4 3 to 4 6 3.61

5 4 to 5 3 1.80

6 5 to 10 2 1.20

7 10 to 12 1 0.60

Source: Field Survey Data Compiled by Researcher.

Maximum tribals go for medium spell migration. Migration of 1 to 2

months duration is chosen by maximum tribals. More than 103 (62.04 percent)

families have chosen migration duration between 1 to 3 months. Generally these

migrants work as agricultural laborers in nearby agriculturally advanced area.

Here most of tribals move seasonally and in groups. Many times these tribal

people form a group of agricultural laborers and accept contract of harvesting

onions, Jowar, Bajara and some cash crops from land owner. Therefore duration

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of migration is equivalent to crop season. Usually duration between 4 to 12

months is very low. Only 10 (6.85 percent) families go for such kind of

migration. The tribals, who are mostly unskilled, work as agricultural laborers in

adjacent irrigated area.

3.12.2 Number of Migrants in Family:

In majority of villages male and females mostly husband and wife prefer to

migrate together. On the other hand old peoples stay at home to take care of

children. It has been observed that number of single migrant from family is quite

low. In tribal area only 40 (24.09 percent) families send single migrants outside

for employment. In case of 121 (72.89 percent) families 2 people from family

migrate to satisfy the need of bread and butter. Very few families show distinct

characteristic about migration by sending 3 persons from family. 2 (1.20 percent)

families send 3 people outside area for the purpose of employment. Only 3 (1.80

percent) families send 4 persons for migration.

Table No.3.9. Number of Migrants in Family

Sr.No. Number of Migrants

In Family

No. of Families percent of


1 1 40 24.09

2 2 121 72.89

3 3 2 1.20

4 4 3 1.80

Source: Field Survey Data Compiled by Researcher.

It was found during investigation that migration of family with all family

members is very rare. Insecurity of women and girls at work, trafficking of

women, women’s have incapability to do some laborious work, to look after and

protect house and animals, children’s education and care of old people were main

reasons behind family migration scenario in Tribal area.

3.13. Resume:

This chapter has provided population characteristics in Akole tehsil. In this

chapter details about population size, population of ST, growth of population, sex

ratio, density and migration were studied. Distribution of tribal population and its

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percentage gives idea about concentration of population. In this concern tribal

concentration index was prepared. It is observed that tribal belts are

demographically rich where high sex ratio is ever observed as compared to

nontribal belt. Population growth in tribal society is be marked with slow pace

compared to non tribals. Density of population is important factor which presents

man force for agricultural work. Migration is one important aspect of tribal

population which affects the economy of tribal. Problems related to migration

and their relations with malnutrition were also considered in this chapter.

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