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  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 1st


    Magazine Article 1 : Lauren Gelman (2014), Can You Get Healthier by Shopping?, The

    Reader's Digest Association, Inc..

    1.1 Thesis Statement

    Thesis statement in this article is a hitting the stores can boost your brainpower, lift your mood,

    and even burn calories. This sentence not only identifies how to get healthier by shopping but

    also how to stay a healthy life by keep the body in good health.

    The second thesis statement in this article is ashopping releases mood-lifting endorphins, boosts

    your immune system, keeps your brain nimble, and even fulfills basic social needs.

    1.2 Topic sentences

    A topic sentence essentially tells what the rest of the paragraph is about. All sentence after it

    have to give more information about the sentence, prove it by offering facts about it or describe

    it. For this an article entitled Can You Get Healthier by Shopping? , the first topic sentence is

    shopping can help you live longer.

    The author, in her article supports the point of view that Shopping builds your confidence

    because splurging on something you really love is good for yourself worth.

    Next, the more frequent walks can lower many risks, from diabetes to breast cancer even if

    youre strolling a mall instead of putting in time on a treadmill show that your activity level can

    really add up while shopping.

    The fourth topic sentence that been discusses by the author in her article that is shopping gives

    your brain a break and can provide a uniquely healthy timeout for your brain.

    1.3 Supporting Statements

    A paragraph contains facts, statements, example-specifics which guide us to a full understanding

    of the main idea. They clarify, illuminate, explain, describe, expand and illustrate the main idea

    and are supporting details. The first topic sentence will be supporting by this statement, one

    study of older adults in Taiwan found that those who shopped every day were 27 percent less

    likely to die than those who shopped less frequently, and the benefits werent necessarily tied to

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    splurging on fancy products,Time reported.The researchers think that people who are healthier

    tend to get out and shop more, helping to keep them physically active and part of a social


    Next, the supporting statement is activity level can really add up while shopping. The author uses

    statistic from StyleCaster.com to supporting the second topic sentence by this statement, one

    British survey published in 2013 found that women walk 180 miles a year, on average, while they

    shop-an equivalent of seven marathons, and frequent walks can lower many risks, from diabetes

    to breast cancer even if youre strolling a mall instead of putting in time on a treadmill.

    Third, through this article the next topic sentence is according to Business News Daily reported

    the researchers studied the way people felt after they bought an aesthetically pleasing lamp

    versus a more functional one. Those who bought the better-looking lamp had a spike in self-

    esteem afterward, which influenced their outlook and decisions later on.

    Last, based on this article the last topic sentence supported by this statement that online shopping

    can provide a uniquely healthy timeout for your brain. Its a relatively mindless, relaxing

    activity, she explains on PsychologyToday.com. Browsing e-commerce sites during an intense

    work project can actually improve your ability to focus and make good decisions. Studies show

    that our unconscious mind continues to work out problems while were engaged in a different

    activity, Yarrow said.

    1.4 Different Strategies of Introduction

    Introductions will usually define the topic, issue, question or problem to writing about. Through

    introductions will help to engage and interest readers and help to establish your authority and

    credibility as a writer. There are several example strategies for writing effective. For this article,

    the author uses the strategy to begin with a controversial statement. We can see from the first

    paragraph of this article, can you actually get healthier by shopping? You might think that so-called retail therapy is materialistic or hedonistic, but a growing body of research shows that

    shopping can be a positive, healthy activity. Shopping releases mood-lifting endorphins, boosts

    your immune system, keeps your brain nimble, and even fulfills basic social needs.

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    Furthermore, the author also uses the strategy with contradiction and use of the statistics as a

    introduction. This strategy we can find in the first topic sentence for this article. One study of

    older adults in Taiwan found that those who shopped every day were 27 percent less likely to die

    than those who shopped less frequently, and the benefits werent necessarily tied to splurging on

    fancy products,Time reported.

    1.5 Different Strategies of Conclusion

    Conclusions are important because it provides a summary of your major point. Writing a strong

    conclusion is as important as writing a strong introduction. There are four strategies for

    constructing a strong conclusion . first restate the thesis statement, second shine some new light

    on the subject, third is stay on target and lastly get the reader involved. In some combination,

    there several strateges that can be use for the author for an example judgment, culmination, send-

    off, pursue implications, come full circle and identify limitations. In this article, the author uses a

    several strategy of conclusion it is culmination, Its a relatively mindless, relaxing activity, she

    explains on PsychologyToday.com. Browsing e-commerce sites during an intense work project

    can actually improve your ability to focus and make good decisions. Studies show that our

    unconscious mind continues to work out problems while were engaged in a different activity,

    Yarrow said.

    On the whole of this article, the author also uses the come full circle as a strategy of conclusion.

    Whats interesting, though, notes theWall Street Journal,is that dopamine tends to surge with

    the anticipation of experience more than the actual actwhich is why window shopping or

    bargain hunting can be so satisfying.

  • 8/12/2019 Portfolio 1st


    Magazine Article 2 : Alexandra Sifferlin (2013), Mothers Who Smoke While Pregnant Put Kids

    at Risk of Substance Abuse, TIME Healthland.

    2.1 Thesis Statement

    The second magazine article review, I have read and evaluated by Alexandra Sifferlin entitled

    Mothers Who Smoke While Pregnant Put Kids at Risk of Substance Abuse. Thesis statement in

    this article is exposure to cigarette smoke in the womb may interfere with the brains reward

    system, and make children more vulnerable to addictions.

    In this article, the second thesis statement is women say they smoked during the last three months

    of their pregnancy,despitestudies that have correlated lighting up with an increased risk of birth

    defects and heart trouble for their children.

    2.2 Topic sentences

    Commonly appearting at the beginning of a paragraph, a topic sentence expresses the main idea

    of a paragraph. The first topic sentence for this article showing that exposure to smoke in utero

    may interfere withproper development of the babys reward processing system in the brain.

    Next, the author in her article state the second topic sentence issmoking during pregnancy is one

    of the key risk factors for SID it also increases risks of miscarriage, early separation of the

    placenta, premature birth, low birth weight and birth defects.

    In addition the third topic sentence for this article is this result highlights the need for education

    and preventive measures to reducesmoking during pregnancy.

    Adolescence is already a time when the brain is undergoing dramatic changes in learning about

    risk and reward is the last topic sentence that been discusses by the author in this article.

    2.3 Supporting Statements

    Supporting statement is to clarify, illuminate, explain, describe, expand and illustrate the main

    idea which guide us to understanding the article. For this article the first topic sentence will be

    supporting by this statements, researchers from Technische University Dresden in Germany

    compared 177 teens between the ages 13 to 15 who had been exposed to cigarettes prenatally to

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    177 teens whose mothers did not smoke while expecting. To test how the teens reacted to being

    presented with a rewardwhich simulated the need to satisfy andaddictionthe participants

    were placed in a functional MRI (fMRI) scan to record their brain activity while they performed

    specific computer-based tasks. The teens were asked to press a button indicating on which side

    of the screen a figure popped up, and they were told there would be a reward if they were able to

    press the correct button fast enough. The scientists also varied the time that the targets appeared

    on the screen in order to evaluate how quickly the teens processed the anticipated task.

    Next, for the supporting statement in this article by this statement, According to ABC NEWS,

    Proportion of pregnant white women - 21.8% - who reported smoking cigarettes within the

    previous 30 days, in a recentgovernment survey. Among pregnant women of the same age (15

    to 44), 14.2% of blacks and 6.5% of Hispanics reported smoking. Smoking during pregnancy is

    one of the key risk factors for SIDS; it also increases risks of miscarriage, early separation of the

    placenta, premature birth, low birth weight and birth defects. The same survey found that black

    (12.8%) and white (12.2%) women drank alcohol at roughly the same rate in pregnancy,

    Hispanic women (7.4%) were less likely to drink while pregnant. Black pregnant women (7.7%)

    were more likely than whites (4.4%) or Hispanics (3.1%) to use illegal drugs.

    In addition, based on this article the third topic sentence supported by this statement, they saw

    less activity in this area of the brain among the teens whose were exposed to smoke in the womb

    compared to those who were not, which resulted in longer times to respond to the target. Similar

    inhibited responses may be behind some addictions, since muted activity of the brain chemicals

    that signal satisfaction may prompt people to continue to seek this high and become

    dependent on addictive substances or behaviors.

    The last supporting statement in this article is the results certainly dont suggest that cigarette

    smoking during pregnancy always causes addictions or substance abuse problems in children

    later, but they do add to the growing body of data documenting the harms that nicotine can haveon proper fetal development. With some women still smoking while pregnant, they hope that

    these data will fuel more education efforts that inform mothers-to-be about the dangers of

    smoking for the unborn.

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    2.4 Different Strategies Of Introduction

    Introduction act as a funnel in other words they move from relevant, general information

    regarding the subject specific, often culmination in a thesis statement which usually occurs in the

    last sentence of the introduction. There are several example that can be used such like

    contradiction and use of statistics, authoritative statement, use of a quotation, figure of speech, or

    reference to a current event. For this article, the author use the strategy of contradiction and use

    of statistics to started the introduction as we can see in this paragraph of this article, according to

    the Centers for Disease Control,13% of womensay they smoked during the last three months of

    their pregnancy, despitestudies that have correlated lighting up with an increased risk of birth

    defects and heart trouble for their children. Now, a new study published in the journal JAMA

    Psychiatry adds to that list of risks, showing that exposure to smoke in utero may interfere with

    proper development of the babys reward processing system in the brain.

    Besides that, the author also begin with use of a quotation as a strategy of introduction in the

    third paragraph in this article, The weaker responsibility of the ventral striatum to regard

    anticipation in prenatally exposed adolescents may represent a risk factor for substance use and

    development of addiction later in life. This result highlights the need for education and

    preventive measures to reducesmoking during pregnancy, thestudy authors wrote.

    2.5 Conclusion

    The purpose of a conclusion is to tie together, or integrate in the body of the paper and to make

    comments upon the any implications resulting from your discussion of the topic future trends and

    the need for further research. The article by each subtopic, the author uses a few strategy of

    conclusion and one of it is to send-off. The weaker responsibility of the ventral striatum to

    regard anticipation in prenatally exposed adolescents may represent a risk factor for substance

    use and development of addiction later in life. This result highlights the need for education and

    preventive measures to reducesmoking during pregnancy, the study authors wrote.

    The end of this article, the author uses a final judgment as a strategy of conclusion. The results

    certainly dont suggest that cigarette smoking during pregnancy always causes addictions or

    substance abuse problems in children later, but they do add to the growing body of data

    documenting the harms that nicotine can have on proper fetal development. With some women

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    still smoking while pregnant, they hope that these data will fuel more education efforts that

    inform mothers-to-be about the dangers of smoking for the unborn.