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PORTFOLIO Ana Sanchez Rodriguez


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PORTFOLIOAna Sánchez Rodríguez

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Office+Residential SpacesCarabanchel_Madrid.Spain

Space is the expression of society. Our societies are undergoing structural transformation, new forms and spatial processes. The purpose of architecture should be identify them.Society are flows, capital flows, information flows, technology flows, flows of images and sounds, etc.flows, flows of images and sounds, etc.

These flows can be parameterized through a system.This draft towers is a hybrid system of axes and nodes.

Axles: exchangers. Place of articulation of networks. topographynetwork that prioritizes the project as base exchangers. Inhabiting the curve relationship spaces between floors. Embracing flows

Nodes: Location of major strategic functions. Intensive programs. Nodes: Location of major strategic functions. Intensive programs. Real or abstract meeting place of the spaces. Structural andtechnological nodes are given.

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BEERGARDENMunich. Germany

We must create a device that generates architecture. The premises were clear, flexible adaptation to the environment and use.Is an event architecture.

The design consists of a wooden cube 3x3x3, easilyThe design consists of a wooden cube 3x3x3, easily transportable without fixing to the ground and easy use.Opening the device by one side, five panels you could have many ways unfolded.

The Cube fold depended on the type of grouping between the cubes and the relation of position of persons with it.

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DANCE ACADEMYMunich. Germany.

The site is on an edge. Its one hand, a way of heavy traffic and on the other a historical limit. The plot is a battlement, between the old and the new, between the car and traveled on foot. Is the membrane that closes the old town by the Is the membrane that closes the old town by the south. The building and program must recognize the longuitudinal character of the place.

The building has a rhythmic component in longuitudinal tour. This rate is given by the spatial freestanding metal structure. We found a clear section, which supports the program runs.

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VERTICAL STREETMultiprogramme building. Tokyo.JAPAN.

Vertical expansion of commercial uses.Japanese culture and its relationship to density. The metabolism as an idea for the future of cities as massive structures, flexible and dynamic.

The building as living organisms with an organic The building as living organisms with an organic tissue that mutates.The building was in the main street in tokyo, the Japanese broadway. With the largest index of stimuli per square meter.The vertical meter was highly prized.

The project consists of multiplying the vertical surface facade, as well as applications containing surface facade, as well as applications containing the building.

The building is made up of 8 floors and 9 facades.each facade is assigned a different program. There is no relationship between them. Only on the ground floor where you can find individuaLaccess to each of them.

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LOOKING FOR A STATEMENTChildren Garden. Retiro park. Madrid. Spain

The work is to identify project opportunities in madrid.There were two subjects that interested me, mutation and folds. In connection with the city and society.Vertical expansion of commercial uses.Japanese culture and its relationship to densitJapanese culture and its relationship to density. The metabolism as an idea for the future of cities as massive structures, flexible and dynamic.

The mutation to renew new conditions for living (the town planning regulations)The fold as a way to modify the space, compress, to bring things that were far away.In the Retiro park I found my mutable place.In the Retiro park I found my mutable place.

Project phases:1._Identification genetic Place 2._Mutation rules3_structural System3_Children garden project. Generating a new programmatic edge. This edge is extended or reduced according to the demand for neighborhood children.according to the demand for neighborhood children.Articulated metal structure.

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CONTROL AREARestaurant+Sleeping area inside a Shoping center.Nowhere

There are some spatial experiences where the program createssuch an intensy of use that architectural conditions feel stolen by the elements that comprise it. Surveillance and control programs,where conditions of use oppress us psychologically so that we where conditions of use oppress us psychologically so that we can neither experience, not feel spatialities; those where furniture,technology, flows, controllers or the repayment of our personality-through the reordering of our body., clothing or property- distract us to no architectural introspection. In short, those programs, due to their psychoprogramatic conditions, unbalance in a high percentage the possession different between architetural elementand conditions.and conditions.

These programs are not the only ones that create these imbalances-This situationcan also be obtained throughan on purpose manipulationof the space, using elements or vice versa , through the sole appearanceof imposed architectural conditions.

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