portfolio carlos garcía-sancho

Carlos GARCÍA-SANCHO Architect. Master of Science. MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences, TU DELFT, 2009. Valladolid (SPAIN) , 16th Dec. 1985 +49 157 84553808 [email protected] EDUCATION 2009 Graduated as a Master of Science with Distinction with the project “Alternative Urbanities: Invasive Densities”, as a part of the Urban Asym- metries: Mexico collective project (a team of seven architects and three urbanists). Grade: 9.50/10.00 cum laude. 2007/2009 Master of Science in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences (track: Archi- tecture) at the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands). The graduation projects belongs to the Future cities: Urban Asymmetries master program and is located in Ecatepec, Mexico City (Mexico). One month research trip to Mexico in December 2008. On-site collaboration with the UAM (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana), under the supervision of Ricardo Eibenschutz, and the Municipality of Ecatepec (Municipio de Ecatepec de Morelos). Participation in the conference “Henri Lefevre: Re-thinking theory and space”, TU Delft, November 2008. Midterm project presentation in the conference “Urban Emergenc(i)es”, Netherlands Architecture Institute, June 2008. 2003/ 2007 Bachelor in Architecture (four academical years) at the School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB). Grades of 8.00/ 10.00 in Urban Design Project (2nd year) and First Class with Distinction (9.50/10.00, MH) in History and Theory of Art and Architecture. Participation in the international workshop “Functional landscape”. 2001/ 2003 Science and Technology high school studies in Valladolid, Núñez de Arce High School. First Class with Distinction (9.00/ 10.00). PUBLICATIONS 2011 “Urban Asymmetries. Studies and Projects on Neoliberal Urbanization.” Ed. T. Kaminer, M. Robles-Durán, H. Sohn, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2011. 2009 Special number of ATLANTIS MAGAZINE, TU Delft. WORK EXPERIENCE 2011 Collaboration with Cohabitation Strategies at the ‘Evento 2011’ Art Biennale in Bordeaux, France (Art director: Michelangelo Pistoletto). Elaboration of the “Bordeaux Report”, a publication about the socio-spatial dynamics of the city of Bordeaux aimed at informing the artists involved in the Biennale. 2010 Collaboration with artist Eva Grubinger at her studio in Berlin. 2010 Collaboration at graphic design projects at media62 (Berlin). 2010 Freelance at Büro Rolf Peitzmeier (Berlin). Development of executive and detail planning in house renovation projects. 2007 One month stay at Alberto Merinos y asocia- dos (Valladolid, Spain), collaborating in the design process for a new school facility. 2007 Six month experience at Architecture Atelier ON-A Arquitectura (Barcelona), hired through the ETSAB Area of educative cooperation. Working as a collaborator in the design process for architec- tural competitions, buildings, and ephemeral archi- tecture. Drawings published in DETAIL magazine. 2005 Internship with teachers Marta Bayona and Josep Parcerisa (ETSAB) at the Urbanism and Regional Planning Department, helping in the production of a new General Urban Planning for Maó (Menorca, Spain). Field research in Maó and later colaboration at B+V Arquitectes Associats, Barcelona, Spain. COMPUTER SKILLS Mastering of Windows Vista, Windows XP and former versions, Mac OS and Microsoft Office. High competence in drawing and visual represen- tation with Autocad 2010 and former versions (3D and 2D), as well as Vectorworks. Broad experience with Adobe Photoshop, Illustra- tor and In Design, as well as Adobe Premiere Pro. Familiar with Rhino, Maya and 3D Studio. LANGUAGE SKILLS English: TOEFL iBT, Score: 108/120. Certificate in Advanced English, CEFR: C1. Fluent speaking, excellent writing and comprehension, several stays in the US and UK. Master studies developed entirely in English. French: Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française, CEFR: A2. Fluent speaking, very good writing and comprehension, several stays in France. Work experience in French. German: Zertifikat Deutsch, CEFR: B1. Fluent speaking, very good writing and comprehension. C1-level courses completed (Volkshochschule Berlin). Work experience in German. Catalan: Certificat A Elemental, CEFR: B1. Fluent speaking, very good writing and comprehension. Spanish as a mother tongue. OTHER INTERESTS/ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Broad experience in video editing. Several video courses and workshops with videoartist Marc Bouwmeester at TU DELFT, resulting in the exhibi- tion “Istanbul/Rotterdam: Media maps”. Experience in internet-based video advertising for About:blank, Berlin. Great interest in hand drawing and illustration. + More information, other work examples and updated information in: dedesign.tumblr.com Featured Project: Bordeaux Report Featured Projects: Urban Asymmetries Mexico (collective) Invasive Densities (personal) Featured Projects: Football Stadium in Guadaira, Spain (Competition with On-a Arquitectes) Student Housing in Zaragoza, Spain (Competition with On-a Arquitectes) Featured Projects: Funcional Landscape. International Workshop (School of Architec- ture of Barcelona) Industry dwellers: 165 dwellings in Colonia Sedó, Barcelona, Spain Badalona Tetris: New urban plan Badalona Sud. por tfo lio

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Page 1: Portfolio Carlos García-Sancho

Carlos GARCÍA-SANCHOArchitect. Master of Science.

MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences,TU DELFT, 2009.

Valladolid (SPAIN) , 16th Dec. 1985+49 157 84553808

[email protected]

EDUCATION2009 Graduated as a Master of Science with Distinction with the project “Alternative Urbanities: Invasive Densities”, as a part of the Urban Asym-metries: Mexico collective project (a team of seven architects and three urbanists). Grade: 9.50/10.00 cum laude.

2007/2009 Master of Science in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences (track: Archi-tecture) at the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands). The graduation projects belongs to the Future cities: Urban Asymmetries master program and is located in Ecatepec, Mexico City (Mexico). One month research trip to Mexico in December 2008. On-site collaboration with the UAM (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana), under the supervision of Ricardo Eibenschutz, and the Municipality of Ecatepec (Municipio de Ecatepec de Morelos). Participation in the conference “Henri Lefevre: Re-thinking theory and space”, TU Delft, November 2008. Midterm project presentation in the conference “Urban Emergenc(i)es”, Netherlands Architecture Institute, June 2008.

2003/ 2007 Bachelor in Architecture (four academical years) at the School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB). Grades of 8.00/ 10.00 in Urban Design Project (2nd year) and First Class with Distinction (9.50/10.00, MH) in History and Theory of Art and Architecture. Participation in the international workshop “Functional landscape”.

2001/ 2003 Science and Technology high school studies in Valladolid, Núñez de Arce High School. First Class with Distinction (9.00/ 10.00).

PUBLICATIONS 2011 “Urban Asymmetries. Studies and Projects on Neoliberal Urbanization.” Ed. T. Kaminer, M. Robles-Durán, H. Sohn, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2011.

2009 Special number of ATLANTIS MAGAZINE, TU Delft.

WORK EXPERIENCE 2011 Collaboration with Cohabitation Strategies at the ‘Evento 2011’ Art Biennale in Bordeaux, France (Art director: Michelangelo Pistoletto).

Elaboration of the “Bordeaux Report”, a publication about the socio-spatial dynamics of the city of Bordeaux aimed at informing the artists involved in the Biennale.

2010 Collaboration with artist Eva Grubinger at her studio in Berlin.

2010 Collaboration at graphic design projects at media62 (Berlin).

2010 Freelance at Büro Rolf Peitzmeier (Berlin). Development of executive and detail planning in house renovation projects.

2007 One month stay at Alberto Merinos y asocia-dos (Valladolid, Spain), collaborating in the design process for a new school facility.

2007 Six month experience at Architecture Atelier ON-A Arquitectura (Barcelona), hired through the ETSAB Area of educative cooperation. Working as a collaborator in the design process for architec-tural competitions, buildings, and ephemeral archi-tecture. Drawings published in DETAIL magazine.

2005 Internship with teachers Marta Bayona and Josep Parcerisa (ETSAB) at the Urbanism and Regional Planning Department, helping in the production of a new General Urban Planning for Maó (Menorca, Spain). Field research in Maó and later colaboration at B+V Arquitectes Associats, Barcelona, Spain.

COMPUTER SKILLS Mastering of Windows Vista, Windows XP and former versions, Mac OS and Microsoft Office.

High competence in drawing and visual represen-tation with Autocad 2010 and former versions (3D and 2D), as well as Vectorworks.

Broad experience with Adobe Photoshop, Illustra-tor and In Design, as well as Adobe Premiere Pro.

Familiar with Rhino, Maya and 3D Studio.

LANGUAGE SKILLSEnglish: TOEFL iBT, Score: 108/120. Certificate in Advanced English, CEFR: C1. Fluent speaking, excellent writing and comprehension, several stays in the US and UK. Master studies developed entirely in English.

French: Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française, CEFR: A2. Fluent speaking, very good writing and comprehension, several stays in France. Work experience in French.

German: Zertifikat Deutsch, CEFR: B1. Fluent speaking, very good writing and comprehension. C1-level courses completed (Volkshochschule Berlin). Work experience in German.

Catalan: Certificat A Elemental, CEFR: B1. Fluent speaking, very good writing and comprehension. Spanish as a mother tongue.

OTHER INTERESTS/ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.Broad experience in video editing. Several video courses and workshops with videoartist Marc Bouwmeester at TU DELFT, resulting in the exhibi-tion “Istanbul/Rotterdam: Media maps”. Experience in internet-based video advertising for About:blank, Berlin. Great interest in hand drawing and illustration.

+ More information, other work examples and updated information in:


Featured Project: Bordeaux Report

Featured Projects: Urban Asymmetries Mexico (collective)

Invasive Densities (personal)

Featured Projects: Football Stadium in Guadaira, Spain (Competition with On-a Arquitectes)

Student Housing in Zaragoza, Spain (Competition with On-a Arquitectes)

Featured Projects: Funcional Landscape. International Workshop (School of Architec-ture of Barcelona)

Industry dwellers: 165 dwellings in Colonia Sedó, Barcelona, Spain

Badalona Tetris: New urban plan Badalona Sud.


Page 2: Portfolio Carlos García-Sancho

“Bordeaux Report” is the title of an interdisciplinary research on the city of Bordeaux, comissioned by Michelangelo Pistoletto, director of the “Evento 2011” biennale. The aim of the publication was to guide and inform the work of the artists, serving as an “operative cartography” of the city. Some of the main topics adressed, tak-ing Bordeaux as a case study, were the status and future of social housing in France, gentrification processes triggered by urban re-newal projects and the climate of competition between cities in the logic of neoliberal urbanization.“Bordeaux Report” is a project of “Cohabitation Strategies” for Evento 2011, carried out by Carlos García-Sancho (architect), Floriane Arrijuria Minaberry (urban sociologist), Guillermo Delgado (architect), Fanny Liatard (urbanist/politologist), Anne-Cécile Pare-des (photographer), Emmanuelle Roussilhes-Pouchet (urban soci-ologist). Supervised by: Lucia Babina, Emiliano Gandolfi, Gabriela Rendon and Miguel Robles-Durán.

In THIS PAGE, a“guide” for the neighbourhood of Grand Parc, which includes relevant information for the artist and local places of interest. In the PREVI-OUS PAGE, TOP RIGHT, a diagram showing the political contrast of the city of Bordeaux (right wing) and the surrounding cities of the metropolitan area (majoritarily left wing). TOP, LEFT, a hand-made diagram showing the diver-gence between the complicated overlapping of policies that shape the city and the ‘flattening’ image it projects. BOTTOM, a diagram showing different modalities of commerce in the neighbourhood of Saint Michel, an inner city neighbourhood.

bordeaux report

Page 3: Portfolio Carlos García-Sancho

Graduation Project, TU Delft (NL), July 2009. Mentors: Miguel Robles Durán and Heidi Sohn.This project, among others from the Urban Asymmetries master program, is included in the book “Urban Asymmetries: Studies and Projects on Neoliberal Urbanization”, Ed: T. Kaminer, M. Robles-Durán, H. Sohn, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam.The URBAN ASYMMETRIES studio is an intensive theoretically and empirically driven research and design studio that aims at the under-standing of the processes and conditions that produce uneven - or asymmetrical - development in contemporary urban environments. The first project presented is a collective effort of ten architects and urbanists proposing an alternative model of urbanization in the periph-ery of Mexico City, making an special emphasis in the production of social housing.The proposal is located in Ecatepec de Morelos, one of the largest peripheral municipalities of Mexico City’s metropolitan area. During the last decade several groups of “gated communities” have ap-peared in Ecatepec as new way of urbanization. These developments typically ignore their surroundings, clashing against the existing urban fabrics and enforcing a urban segregation, sometimes very tangible, like in the selected case study, “Las Americas”, which is separated by a wall from the rest of the city.The collective proposal consists of ten individual projects that work together as a strategy to counter this form of neoliberal urbanization, ranging many different scales: introducing new building technologies to achieve higher built densities, proposing new housing typologies, creating bonding public spaces which counter urban segregation, em-powering local economies to cut the dependency to the city centre, devising new models of housing cooperatives, or even plans which would affect at a territorial scale, like the re-flooding of the “Caracol”, an abandoned evaporation plant, which would have a massive environmental effect in the area.

On the LEFT, TOP corner, location of the project site within Mexico City and the Municipal-ity of Ecatepec, BOTTOM, an aerial picture showing the location of the different urban and architectural projects. RIGHT, TOP, a diagram of the existing urban conditions segregated by a wall (left) and a real aerial photo of a Mexican gated community complex (right, courtesy of José Castillo). BOTTOM, a projection of the developed urban strategy, which includes reuse of wastelands, flooding of “El Caracol”, densification of low-rise existing fabrics, and introduction of spaces for production.

+ Highway

+ Gran Canal (Open sewage)

+ Separating wall

+ Las Américas housing development (42 000 inh)

+ Mall

+ Jardín de Morelos neighborhood (112 000 inh)

+ El Caracol Old evaporation plant

Project: Making wastelands productiveby Taufan ter Weel [NL] and Tania Guerrero [MX]

Project: Reconnecting the socialby Levan Asabashvili [GE] and Tom Kolnaar [NL

Project: Proposing alternative urbanitiesby Carlos García-Sancho [ES], Phillip Lühl [NA] and Siebe M. Voogt [NL]

Unitary Urban Strategy: by Bai Yan [CN], Silvia Bizzarri [IT], Idan Zveibil [IS]

Project site

Mexico Cityest. 28 million inh

Municipality of Ecatepec(Part of Mexico City)3 million inh urban asymmetries

Page 4: Portfolio Carlos García-Sancho

Personal Architecture Graduation Project, TU Delft (NL), July 2009. Mentors: Miguel Robles Durán and Heidi Sohn.This project, among others from the Urban Asymmetries master program, is included in the book “Urban Asymmetries: Studies and Projects on Neoliberal Urbanization”, Ed: T. Kaminer, M. Robles-Durán, H. Sohn, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam.The production of ‘social interest housing’ (vivienda de interés social) in large parts of the peripheral municipalities of the Metropolitan Zone of the City of Mexico (ZMCM) creates extensive patches of low rise, suburban fabric. This developments are based on a short-term profit, create however long-term negative consequences, which the Munici-pality must later deal with.Through a new funding structure, VISOMEX, the Municipality re-gains the agency to plan their social housing developments. The Invasive Densities program tries to infiltrate in the existing “Las Americas” fab-ric, providing housing, commerce and neighbourhood facilities and ensuring a minimum density on one squate meter built per square meter of land, aiming at a more sustainable model of urbanity.

In THIS PAGE, on the TOP ROW, LEFT, a model showing the relation between the different architectural projects proposed to urbanize the strip of land be-tween “Las Américas” and “El Caracol”, the Invasive Densities housing blocks emerging in the back, and RIGHT a diagram showing the relation between the “Caracol” and the new proposed urban strip. On the BOTTOM, a detail of the groundfloor, which tries to introduce new uses besides residential and alterna-tive models of ownership. In the NEXT PAGE, an axonometry showing the plan-ning process, and the relation between VISOMEX, the potential dwellers, and the land owners (CASAS ARA).

invasive densities

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