
Writing as and for enthusiasts PORTFOLIO 2

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Writing as and for enthusiasts



• “It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” • ― Vincent van Gogh

From the Oxford English Dictionary

3 a. One who is full of ‘enthusiasm’ (see enthusiasm n. 3) for a cause or principle, or who enters with enthusiasm into a pursuit

Aficionado2.a. A connoisseur or dedicated student of some activity; (subsequently esp.) an ardent follower of any sport, activity, or pastime; a fan.

What do arts & humanities enthusiasts do?

Enthusiasts seek knowledge, information, understanding, enrichment from media

Portfolio 2

• Publication Analysis: practice together on The New • Publication & Genre Analysis: Group

project. This assignment will provide the class analyses of several publications to help you find the best audience and forum for the critical review article you will write. It will also help you understand how critical reviews written for enthusiast audiences reflect and are shaped by rhetorical context. (10%) Due March 13• Review article: Write a critical review

article, composed for the context you’ve defined. (20%) Due April 13• Annotated bibliography: Citations &

annotations of sources consulted for the critical article. Due April 13• Portfolio introduction: Reflect upon

and explain your work on Portfolio 2. (5%) Due April 13

Explore genres, audiences, and forums (or fora, if you prefer) for arts and humanities enthusiasts by analyzing select media and composing for non-academic audiences.

What will you write about?

Publication AnalysisObjectives—

• Enjoying

• Appreciating

• Evaluating

• Writing for


• Close reading: journalistic questions (5ws & H)

• Rhetorical analysis: analyze text and context to understand how it works toward its purposes with its audiences.

Publication & Genre AnalysisWorking incollaborative groups, we’ll apply what we practiced in analyzing The New Yorker to describing, interpreting, and analyzing other forums where enthusiasts can find arts & humanities writing, particularly criticism.

To better understand a rhetorical approach to genre, each group will also analyze the criticism found in the forum (publication) they analyze.

ForumsArts & humanities enthusiasts have a wide range of forums from which to choose when seeking critical writing about what they love. Some are general interest publications like The New Yorker, but others focus on a particular subject—such as visual arts, dance, history, politics, etc. Some forums focus a particular lens, such as feminism, on the objects of critique.

Final Portfolio: Article, annotated bibliography, & introThe final portfolio for P2 consists of a critical article you write for the audience of a publication, an annotated bibliography of sources consulted, and a reflective introduction that describes and defines the rhetorical situation for which you are writing, analyzes and evaluates the article you’ve written, and narrates and reflects on your entire P2 process.