portman strategic plan v1 4

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  • 8/11/2019 PORTMAN Strategic Plan v1 4


    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019



    PORTMAN College

    Jul 2012 to June 2019

    Pre!are" #or t$e Mini%tr o# E"ucation& Mala%ia

    Pre!are" '( Ernie C$en& Jere) Lee an" Grace *ong

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  • 8/11/2019 PORTMAN Strategic Plan v1 4


    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    Based on a presentation to the Ministry of Education and various related organizationson 5thAugust 2014, at the Ministry of Education Building in Putraaya, !evel 5,P"#$MA% &ollege is resu'(itting the presentation report )ith the follo)ing changes*updates+

    e )ere infor(ed to update the -trategic Plan in the follo)ing areas

    1+ .pdate forecast 'ased on current year 2014 instead of the presented 2012forecast 'ased on the point of sale of college+

    2+ Prepare a forecasted strategic plan to 201/ 'ased on current situation+

    + Provide (ore details on infrastrature plans for the college+

    4+ .pdate details on enrol(ent of students* lecturers and progra(s delivered+

    5+ .pdate the financial details on the &ollege fro( 2012 to 201/+

    + .pdate on the plans for raduate e(ploy(ent3 proected for the first raduate in-epte('er 2015+

    + -ho) that )e have the pre(ise to epand our college

    6+ 7ndicate the path)ays for our raduates to further study and also for e(ploy(ent

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019


    1 E8E&.$79E -.MMA#:++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++5

    2 BA&;#".%< 7%="#MA$7"%++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2+1 -ituation on >uly 2012++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2+2 -ituation on August 2014+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    7%$E#%A! A%< E8$E#%A! A%A!:-7- "= P"#$MA% &"!!EE++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++6+1 -"$ Analysis++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++6

    +1+1 -trengths+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/+1+2 ea?ness++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++10+1+ "pportunities++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++11+1+4 $hreats++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++12

    +2 &o(petitors Analysis++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++12+ -econdary -chools Analysis+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1

    ++1 $he nu('er of secondary schools and student population )ithin the area+++++++++++++++++++++1++2 -econdary schools nearest to P"#$MA% &ollege++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1+4 Mar?et #esearch -urvey on Progra((es re@uire(ents++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++15

    +4+1 7ntroduction++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++15+4+2 Mar?et seg(ents+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++15+4+ $ypes of Mar?et #esearch .sed+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++15

    +5 #esearch =indings++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1+5+1 $he -u((ary of Mar?et #esearch -tudies on specialisation3++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1+5+2 $he su((ary of re@uire(ents*facilities3+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++16

    + #esearch "utco(es++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1/+ 7(ple(entation and Evaluation++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1/

    ++1 7ncentives++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++20++2 &o((unicating the proposition++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++20+6 &onclusion+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++20

    4 -$#A$E7& ="&.-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++214+1 $he Ai( of this Plan+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++214+2 "ur 9ision++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++214+ "ur Mission++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++214+4 "rganisational 9alues+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++224+5 &ollege !ong $er( &o((it(ent+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++22

    4+5+1 &o((it(ent in $raining and !earning+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++224+5+2 raduates )ith the P"#$MA%- A

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019


  • 8/11/2019 PORTMAN Strategic Plan v1 4


    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019


    $he Manage(ent $ea( of P"#$MA% ai(s to transfor( P"#$MA% &ollege to 'e a )orldDclassinstitution )ith high acade(ic standards, industrial connections and )ith eceptional student

    population )ith high e(ploya'ility rates+

    $o achieve this vision, )e have reD'randed P"#$MA% &ollege to specialise in Business Progra(sand have secondary progra(s related to &o((unications and uly 2012 to a college )ith nearly 200 full ti(e students and 2staff+

    $he (anage(ent tea( has put in place a co(prehensive and )or?a'le corporate strategy that isuni@ue in Malaysia and not 'eing done in other colleges+ =ro( the 'eginning, )e have alreadyenvisioned a 10 years corporate plan for the &ollege+ $his is due to college 'eing the final strategic

    puzzle to the A$&E% roup of &o(panies+ ithin the net 10 years, )e envision to have a studentnu('er of 5000 and offering progra(s fro(

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019


    As per current situation in >uly 2012, P"#$MA% &ollege H;P$ H>P-I 00D46*B*05I is located at %o2, >alan anuary 201, the o)ners of the &ollege incorporated a co(pany, P"#$MA% &ollege -dn Bhd to'e a 100J su'sidiary of %ota $echnology -dn Bhd As per 5thAugust 2014, the current o)ners areMr+ &hen ;o? eng, En #oslee 'in A'dul Aziz and Mr+ !ee ;ong Meng+

    Bet)een Mr &hen and Mr !ee and their various related parties, they o)n a large (aority of theA$&E% roup of &o(panies+

    271 Situation on Jul 2012

    As per current situation in >uly 2012, P"#$MA% &ollege H;P$ H>P-I 00D46*B*05I is located at %o2, >alan

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    272 Situation on Augu%t 201.

    &urrently P"#$MA% &ollege has (ore than dou'le the pre(ises of the &ollege fro( 111s@( to251s@(+ e have a total of 10 approved MA Progra(s consisting of &ertificates and une 2014 HunauditedI the co(pany is still loss (a?ing 'ut it hasalready 'ro?eDeven as the student nu('ers )as already at close to 200 students+

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019


    71 S*OT Anal%i%

    -"$ Analysis is a useful techni@ue for the &ollege to understand our -trengths and ea?nesses,and for identifying 'oth the "pportunities open to us and the $hreats that )e )ill face+ .sed in a

    'usiness contet, a -"$ Analysis helps us carve a sustaina'le niche in our (ar?et+

    hat (a?es -"$ particularly po)erful is that, )ith a little thought, it can help us uncoveropportunities that )e )ill 'e )ell placed to eploit+ And 'y understanding the )ea?nesses of the

    'usiness, )e can (anage and eli(inate threats that )ould other)ise catch us una)ares+

    More than this, 'y loo?ing at our &ollege and our co(petitors using the -"$ fra(e)or?, )e canstart to craft a strategy that helps us distinguish ourselves fro( our co(petitors, so that )e can

    co(pete successfully in the (ar?et+

    $his analysis is done through the survey of ,000 potential students, teachers and parents+ e haveconsidered our strengths fro( 'oth an internal perspective, and fro( the point of vie) of ourcusto(ers and people in our (ar?et+

    $he ?ey steps )e used in conducting a -"$ analysis include3

    1+ Brainstor(ing lists of strengths, )ea?nesses, opportunities and threats H?ey point is re(e('ering to?eep the focus internal for strengths and )ea?nesses and eternal for opportunities and threatsI+

    2+ $a?e the laundryDlist of ideas )ithin each category and reduce the( to the top to ideas Hper

    category so as not to confuse the relevant issuesI+

    + #evie) each category separately and discuss each of these ideas and the potential i(plications tothe organisation+

    4+ #e(e('er that the idea )ith -"$ analysis is to gain a 'etter understanding of ho) ourorganisation can relate to its eternal environ(ent+ As such, the net step is to loo? at the internalstrengths and )ea?nesses of the organization and see ho) they relate to the opportunities and threatseternal to the organisation especially to &olleges that are the sa(e size HpopulationI and also offeringsi(ilar progra((es+

    5+ $he final step is to loo? at the follo)ing areas3

    a+ $hose factors that represent 'oth strengths of the organisation and opportunities in the eternalenviron(ent+ $his represents a potential area for gro)th+

    '+ $hose factors that represent )ea?nesses of the organization and threats in the eternal environ(ent+$his represents an area that needs to 'e addressed+

    $he -"$ Analysis of P"#$MA% &ollege is as follo)s

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    7171 Strengt$%

    iI hat advantages does our organization haveK

    $he (anage(ent tea( has strong L hard)or?ing ne) (anage(ent tea( )ith acade(ic and industrialeperiences to (anage the &ollege+ ith this valua'le eperiences in 'oth 'usiness and highereducation )e )ill 'e a'le to ensure that all Acade(ic as )ell as Business strategies )ill 'e developedand i(ple(ented correctly+

    iiI hat do you do 'etter than anyone elseK

    P"#$MA% is part of the A$&E% roup )hich has the follo)ing 'usinesses3

    A$&E% People

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    vI hat factors (ean that you Nget the saleNK

    A$&E% roup is already )or?ing )ith several oversea universities to conduct their short progra(sfor corporate co(panies, the roup have negotiated training sessions for our students as )ell as adegree path in 'oth .ndergraduate and Postgraduate progra((es, )ith #M7$ .niversity, Australia,=ederation .niversity, Australia , Anglia #us?in .niversity, .;, -underland .niversity, .; and

    estern ;entuc?y .niversity, .-A+

    A$&E% roup also has good relationships )ith (any of the 7P- and 7P$- having )or? )ith the(previously+ #ather 'eing a threat to other 7P$-, )e )ill )or? as a tea( to ensure that )e supporteach other in the training and sharing of =aculty as )ell as trainer fro( the roup+ e have alsoesta'lished#ecruit(ent !in?s to reco((end students )ho are interested to study in areas that P"#$MA%&ollege )ill not 'e developing progra((es in+

    7172 *ea:ne%%

    iI hat could )e i(proveK

    $here is a lac? of registered approved progra(s 'y ;PM and accredited 'y MA+ $here is a need todevelop a series of progra(s i((ediately+ e have identified 4 ne) Business Progra((es and 1&o((unication progra((e to 'e developed to 'e started i((ediately+

    $he current 'randing is etre(ely )ea?+ e )ill need to esta'lish the FBranding of Port(an&ollegeG+ &urrent 'randing is poor and there is no standard Brand i(age inclusive of its logo+ $here isan urgent need to have a total reD'randing of the college+

    iiI hat should you avoidK

    $he receptiveness of P"#$MA% Brand &ollege has gone through several rounds of o)nership+#eputation (ay have suffered+ e (ust re'uild the current perception and avoid (isco((unicationof the Brand and 9ision of the &ollege no)+

    $he $eaching and !earning outco(es (ust 'e highlighted to potential students and parents so as toavoid the (isunderstanding of the old (ethodologies 'eing used+

    iiiI hat are people in your (ar?et li?ely to see as )ea?nessesK

    $he nu('er of students is at zero, and it is difficult to attract students+ $here is an urgent need to do(ore (ar?eting to students, parents and schools to ensure that there is a)areness that there is a ne)Manage(ent and style of teaching and learning )hich is very outco(e 'ased learning+

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    ivI =a?tor apa?ah yang (enga?i'at?an pasaran lunturK

    =asiliti ;ole adalah di dala( ser'a ?e?urangan, ?ita perlu (enai? taraf infrastru?tur 7$+ &ontoh yangdapat di'eri?an adalah seperti (a?(al ?o(puter, a?ses internet HBroad'andI, (ena('ah u(lah 'u?udi dala( perpusta?aan dan diserta?an dengan alat eletroni? yang (oden, pera'ot dan hiasan digantiH?erusi, (ea dan pengha)a dinginI, (e('eli ?o(puter dan ?o(puter ri'a serta proector 'agi setiap

    ?elas dan penyelenggaraan (aor perlu dila?sana?an+

    Bagi pasaran yang le'ih (eluas, ?ita tida? 'oleh (enga('il pelaar asing 'uat ?eti?a ini+ $erdapat'e'erapa pelan untu? (e(peroleh ;

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    717. Anca)an

    iI Apa?ah halanganDhalangan yang anda hadapiKBerla?unya 'anir di alan uta(a oleh ?erana ia 'erparas renda+ -ituasi tida? a?an (eneas?an ?oletetapi (e('eri ?esan ?epada lalu lintas+ 7'u 'apa (ung?in risau a?an ?esela(atan ana?Dana? (ere?a

    pada )a?tu huan ri'ut+

    ;a)asan se?eliling tida? di'ersih?an dengan ?erap, ?ita a?an (endapat perhatian MP-> untu?(enaga ?a)asan terse'ut agar ianya 'ersih+ 7ni ?erana ?eadaan alan raya dan perse?itaran(e(pengaruhi suasana ?a)asan ?ole+

    iiI Apa yang pesaing anda la?u?anK;oleD?ole te(patan (eniru strategi pro(osi dan sering (engeliru?an orang ra(ai+ ;a(i a?an(e(asti?an 'aha)a se(ua 'ahanD'ahan ?a(i3 a?ade(i? dan pro(osi a?an dila'el dengan elas dan

    ena(a 'agi (e(asti?an orang ra(ai (endapat (a?lu(at yang 'etul 'agi (engela??an ?e?eliruan+

    72 Anali%a Pe%aingPasu?an ?a(i telah (enalan?an ?aian di se?itar ;ole dan .niversiti+ Beri?ut adalah pene(uan?a(i 3

    ;urang dari radius 5 ;M

    O -E7 -eri ;e('angan D Mena)ar?an progra( dala( BM+O Antara 5 hingga 10 ?(O .niversiti Putra Malaysia, -erdangD tiada pesaing langsung, (ena)ar?an iazah dan ?e atas+O 7nfrastru?tur .niversiti ;! Bangi D tiada pesaing, le'ih ?epada progra( ?euruteraan+O .%7$E% Bangi D 'u?an pesaing ?erana ia (erupa?an se'uah universiti+O .niversiti Asia Pasifi?, Bu?it >alil uran pengaian adalah tinggi dan le'ih ?epada progra( 7$+O .niversiti Peru'atan Antara'angsa, Bu?it >alil D (erupa?an se'uah universiti peru'atan

    Antara radius 5 ;M 15 ;M

    O .$A# -g !ongDpesaing dengan yuran pengaian yang 'erpatutan+ 7anya uga di'iayai+O ;ole Putra, Puchong ?ole yang di?has?an untu? pelaar pina(an P$P$%+O Progra( .&-7, &heras Progra( yang sa(a dengan Port(an tetapi yuran pada harga yang le'ihtinggi+ >uga ta)arannya le'ih ?o(prehensif+O ;ole Era Baru, ;aang Pendidi?an 'erasas?an Mandarin dengan 'anya? pelaar ?au( &ina sahaa

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    7 7 Anali%i% Se:ola$ Menenga$-e?olahDse?olah (enengah a?an (enadi siste( su('angan pelaar ?e?ole+O ?a)asan pe('angunan ca(puran+ -e'ahagian 'esar untu? ru(ah

    ?os rendah dan pe('angunan industri + $iada organisasi (ultinasionalyang 'esar di ?a)asan itu+ Paling ha(pir adalah di $PMO -e'ahagian 'esar ?o(uniti 'erca?ap dengan (engguna?an 'ahasa&ina Mandarin dan ;antonis+O $erdapat 'e'erapa -M; 'esar dan -M>; di ?a)asan ituO $ahap pendapatan di sini ialah pertengahan dan pendapatan rendahO Berdasar?an daripada se?olahDse?olah (enengah di ?a)asan itu,prestasi a?ade(i? pelaar tida? 'egitu ?u?uh oleh itu ?ita tida? 'oleh

    (e)uud?an progra(Dprogra( yang sangat 'ersifat te?ni?al+

    771 Ju)la$ 'ilangan %e:ola$ )enenga$ "an !o!ula%i !ela;ar "i :a

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    / -M; Puchong >aya A 1246 246

    10 -M; Puchong >aya B 1250 250

    11 -M; &onvent, ;aang 1004 200

    12 -M; Bandar Baru -eri Petaling 12 1/0

    1 -M; Bandar $asi? -elatan 1642 2

    No7 Se:ola$ Po!7 A:anMeninggal:an%e:ola$

    14 -M; -eri -auana 165 26

    15 -M; Bandar $un Cussein "nn 2 24/ 4

    1 -M; Bu?it >alil 125 1/0

    1 -M;

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    7. 5a;ian Pa%aran Mengenai 5e!erluan Progra)

    7.71 Pengenalan

    Pel'agai enis pelanggan (e)a?ili pasaran yang 'er'eza untu? Port(an+ Pasaran 'agi per?hid(atanpendidi?an tinggi adalah sangat ?o(petitif+ Pelaar dan pelanggan yang 'erpotensi (e(punyai pilihan?ole dala( setiap negeri di Malaysia atau di la(an )e' untu? (e('antu (ere?a dala( (e(ilihhaluan pendidi?an dan ?eraya (ere?a sendiri+

    7.72 Seg)enta%i Pa%aran

    -etiap pasaran (a(pu 'er?e('ang seterusnya di'ahagi?an ?epada seg(en+ -eg(en pasaran adalahse'ahagian daripada ?u(pulan pelanggan yang 'er?ongsi ciriDciri tertentu+ 7ni ter(asu? fa?torDfa?torseperti u(ur, tahap ?ehidupan, geografi atau ?eperluan pe?eraan+

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    1+ -iapa yang patut (enadi pelanggan uta(a ?itaK2+ Apa?ah ?eperluan (ere?aK

    Ma?lu( 'alas dari soalanDsoalan yang di'eri?an a?an (e('eri?an a)apan secara fa?ta dan apa yangpatut dila?u?an oleh piha? ?ole+

    +4++1+2 Penyelidi?an ;ualitatif dan ;uantitatif-elepas ini ?a(i a?an ?e luar untu? pergi ?e setiap se?olahDse?olah, dan 'erhu'ung dengan i'u 'apauntu? (endapat?an pendapat+ !ang?ah ini a?an (engguna?an soal ?ai selidi? tentang analisis

    progra(+ ;eputusan ini diguna?an untu? (ere?od data (engenai pasaran itu sendiri, dan uga ianya'er?ait rapat dengan 'ahagian pe(asaran P"#$MA%s di ?alangan golongan sasaran yang telahditetap?an+ -ila lihat >adual 1 dala( +51

    Penyelidi?an ?uantitatif a?an dicatat (a?lu(atnya dengan cara yang 'erno('or, seperti graf, adualatau carta yang 'oleh diguna?an untu? (enganalisis (a?lu(at+

    -e'agai contoh, Port(an (endapati 'aha)a soal selidi? dari 61J daripada pelaar yang di?ai

    'er(inat untu? (enadi ahli perniagaan dan 6J lagi 'ersedia untu? (e(ula?an pengaian (ere?aselepas -PM+ Panel uga (e('eri?an (a?lu( 'alas yang 'ersifat ?ualitatif dan pada apa yang(enari? (inat pelaar teruta(anya progra( Perniagaan+

    Penyelidi?an ?ualitatif (enyedia?an (a?lu(at (engenai persepsi pengguna, seperti31+ 'agai(ana (ere?a perasaan (ere?a tentang produ? dan per?hid(atan2+ apa yang (ere?a su?a atau tida? su?a+ apa yang (ere?a (ahu daripada produ? 'aru+

    Piha? Panel a?an (enghasil?an sesuatu yang 'erpandangan dan 'erharga yang dapat diguna?an olehpiha? Port(an untu? (e('antu (enilai se(ulaDseg(en pasaran pelaar yang sedia ada+ 7a

    ?e(udiannya diguna?an untu? (e('angun?an ciriDciri 'aru dan 'er(anfaat 'agi (e(enuhi ?eperluan(enu'uh?an seg(en 'aru+

    +4++1+2 .ian&adangan progra( pelaar 'er?e'olehan tinggi telah pun diui dengan 'ilangan se'anya? 25 orang

    pelaar yang sedia ada dan 5 potensi 'aru+ 7anya dila?u?an (elalui la)atan ?e se?olah dan pendidi?anpa(eran dengan 'antuan soal selidi?+ ;u(pulan sa(pel (e('eri?an (a?lu( 'alas yang le'ih?ualitatif dengan apa yang (endorong (ere?a untu? (e(ilih ?ole yang (ere?e ?ehenda?i+

    alaupun ?ecil, sa(pel yang telah diperolehi (e('enar?an Port(an untu? (erasai 'agai(ana

    pelaar a?an 'ertinda? 'alas terhadap saranan ini+ Bagi Port(an, ia adalah penting untu? (engetahuiapa yang (e(otivasi?an pelaar untu? (e(ilih ?ole+

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    O pener'itan ?eraaan, statisti? ?e'angsaan (engenai 'ilangan pelaar ?ole 'agi setiap progra(

    Penyelidi?an ?edua (ung?in le'ih cepat untu? dialan?an tetapi 'oleh (e('eri hasil yang ?urangtepat untu? topi? yang 'er?enaan+

    74 @a%il 5a;ian

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    20 -trategy 0 0 10 20 0 0 0+2

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    7472 Ru)u%an 5e!erluanBFa%iliti(

    No 5e!erluanBFa%iliti

    Ran: 1 Ran: 2 Ran: Ran: . Ran:4 Ju)la$ang'er)in


    1 -tudy !oans 2,/2 16 01 /2 400 4,20 26


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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    + Casil Penyelidi?an

    Casil ?aian panel dan sa(pel pelanggan*pelaar (enunu??an 'aha)a3

    1+ Pelaar sering ?eliru ?erana 'anya? enis progra( perniagaan tetapi iany le'ih cenderung untu?(enadi progra( yang le'ih popular+

    2+ Pelaar 'ergantung sepenuhnya ?epada pel'agai 'entu? ?redit+

    + Pelaar (ahu dan sering (e(erlu?an gaet 'erte?nologi tinggi dan 'arangan ele?tri?, seperti?o(puter ri'a dan se'againya

    4 Pelaar (ahu lulus dengan laluan yang paling cepat dan (endapat?an pe?eraan

    5+ ManaD(ana insentif yang dita)ar?an tida? sahaa (e('eri (otivasi ?epada pelaar untu? (e(ilihprodu? itu+ Mere?a uga diang?a a?an (enadi se'ahagian daripada peranian terse'ut+

    &adangan atau )a)asan ini adalah 'antuan ?epada Port(an untu? (e('uat perti('angan cadanganyang paling (enari? untu? pelaar+ Matla(atnya ialah untu? (enari? pelaar 'aru+ 7a uga (ahu(enge?al?an pelaar se'agai pelanggan untu? hidup dala( hu'ungan yang (enguntung?an yang(e(enuhi ?eperluan ?e)angan (ere?a+

    Port(an ?ini 'oleh (ula untu? (eleta??an ta)aran yang a?an (enari? perhatian 'agi golonganuta(a pasaran+ ;e'i('angan 'agi piha? ?a(i adalah ?esela(atan ?e)angan, ?etersediaan ?redit,

    adual yang fle?si'el dan enis ha? insentif+

    7+ )!le)entation an" Ealuation

    7n -epte('er 2012, P"#$MA% set up a )or?ing group to oversee the setting up of the ne) studentproposition+ 7t used the insight fro( the research to esta'lish the ?ey features and 'enefits for thestudents+ $hese features are valid for the life of students studies3

    7+ Monthly fee to ?eep costs do)n for students77+ -chool (entor syste( for the early counselling of school leavers

    777+ =inancial Education79+ Professional

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    7+71 ncentie%

    "f several incentives tested )ith students, P"#$MA% found that an incentive 'ased on a (o'ile orteleco(s offer )ould have (ost appeal+ $his idea )as tested further )ith students on ca(pus+

    $he students epressed a clear preference for an incentive offering (o'ile 'road'and3

    'The broadband offer looks good...Id definitely go in to find out more. Its good if thebroadband offer is for the life of being a student at PORTMAN!

    $o esta'lish this incentive, P"#$MA% researched 'road'and providers+ 7t hopes to enter intopartnership )ith

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019


    .71 T$e Ai) o# t$i% Plan$he ?ey purpose of this plan is to develop, present and see? (anage(ent agree(ent on the strategic

    direction of P"#$MA% &ollege -dn Bhd, located at -eri ;e('angan+ $he ai( is to (a?eP"#$MA% &ollege a )orldDclass &ollege )ith high acade(ic standards, industrial connections and)ith eceptional student e(ploya'ility rates+

    .72 Our i%ionP"#$MA% &ollege vision state(ent is F$o 'e the Carvard of the EastG+$his enco(pass that in the longDter( P"#$MA% )ill have an etre(ely prestigious faculty providinga high level of teaching @uality for the institution and also to the corporate environ(ent+ =urther(orethe focus of the organization )ill 'e Business #elated+

    .7 Our Mi%%ionD*e e"ucate an" !ro"uce $ig$l co)!etent 'u%ine%% lea"er% to )a:e a "i##erence in t$e

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    .7. Organi%ational alue%

    Ent$u%ia%) 3 Eagerness in delivering eceptional custo(er service to custo(ers+Creatiit 3 #edefining the 'oundaries of thin?ing )ith custo(ers+ualit 3

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    up through the late 1/60s in Malaysia, is ?no)n as a traditional education syste(+ 7t focused oncontent Q )as content rich Q the ac@uisition of ?no)ledge )ith the raduate 'eing challenged touse the scope of that ?no)ledge to for(ulate a reasoned conclusion or udg(ent+ 7n this contetcontent (eans core ?no)ledge Q )hat (ost parents refer to as the three rs reading, riting, andrith(etic+

    "utco(eD'ased education calls for a shift in that paradig( H(odel,patternI,fro( "ontentto#ro"essin )hich a raduate is called upon to de(onstrate )hat he kno$sand "an doagainst standards esta'lished at the national level+ 7nstead of core ?no)ledge 'eing thefocal point of education, pro'le(s, issues, and challenges 'ased as onfuture trendspresented in thecontet of unit themesHalso ?no)n as the(atic unitsI 'eco(es the focal point+

    .nder outco(eD'ased education, the district undergoes a process of restructuring, the fra(e)or? of)hich is the esta'lish(ent of

    a (ission state(ent

    a 'eliefs state(ent

    student learning goals

    curriculu( and instruction aligned to the eit outco(es assess(ent tools to (easure )hether the raduate is 'eing (oved to (astery of the

    eit outco(es

    $he mission statementis a state(ent of the purpose of the organizationR the beliefs statementis astate(ent of 'elief a'out students and learning+ $he student learning goals are five or si 'roadgeneralizations of )hat the raduateshould kno$ and be able to doas the result or end #rodu"tofhis*her schooling eperience+ $hestudent learning goalsare called 'y various na(es in variousdistricts+ -o(e of the (ore generic ter(s for the( are e%it out"omes& #ro"ess out"omes& studentlearning goals& goals& learner out"omesand out"omes+ =or the purposes of clarity here, they )ill 'e?no)n as the e%it out"omes+

    Eit outco(es, stated in various )ays, are pivotal to the entire restructuring process, are 'asedonfuture trends, are co(ple de(onstrations of personal develop(ent, and are intended to producegraduates )ho3

    1+ are self directed learnersR2+ are critical thin?ers*pro'le( solvers*decision (a?ersR+ are co((unicators and colla'orators Htea( playersIR4+ can epress the(selves creatively, proactively, and responsi'lyR5+ easily adapt to changeR+ ehi'it selfDestee(R and+ de(onstrate concern, tolerance and respect for others as citizens in aglobalsociety S5T

    =urther defining the eit outco(es can 'e perfor(ance indi"ators 'road state(ents of criticalcontent that further define epected perfor(ance of the eit outco(es+ After the eit outco(es areesta'lished, attention then shifts to designing and aligning the curriculu(, instruction, and teaching(ethodologies to (ove the raduate to the eit outco(es )hat the graduateshould kno$ and beable to doas the end #rodu"tof his*her schooling eperience+ $his re@uires that the district designdo)n fro( the eit outco(es then align 'ac? to the eit outco(es to ensure that the curriculu(,instruction, and teaching (ethodologies are doing )hat they are supposed to do Q (ove theraduate to the eit outco(es+

    nit themesor themati" units, generalizing social or lifeDrelated issues, are centered pri(arily in t)ocontent areas social studies and science as these contain a greater range of concepts and

    the(es relative to social or lifeDrelated issues+ ;no)ledge is integrated Hthus the ter( integratedcurriculu(I and is incorporated in the contet in )hich the raduate )ill use and apply that

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    ?no)ledge in addressing unit themesor themati" units+ $his is the 'asis of the less is moretheory teaching less 'ut teaching it (ore inDdepth Has it is used and appliedI to social or lifeDrelated issues+

    $he process of developing and aligning curriculu( and instruction to the eit outco(es is an inDdepthprocess incorporating (any steps, processes, etc+ "nce the curriculu( and instructional processesare developed and aligned, the (easure of their effectiveness in (oving the raduate to the eitoutco(es is the assessment+

    $he pri(ary purpose of the assess(ent is to (easure )hether the raduate is de(onstrating the)anted#ro"ess, the )anted beha(ior)#ro"edure, as delineated 'y the eit outco(es+ $heassess(ent is also a teaching tool, structured to instruct students as )ell as assess+ $hey also teachto the test, providing infor(ation then directly assessing students on the infor(ation provided+ $hereare several types of assess(ent

    alternative assess(ents is a catch all se(ester for assess(ents that depart fro( the


    (ultiple choice, nor(Dreferenced testsR

    perfor(ance assess(ents (easure content and process )hat the raduate ?no)s

    and can doR #ortfolio assessmentis a picture of the students classroo( )or? over ti(e, (uch as

    the artists portfolio of 'est pictures dra)nR

    authenti" assessmentsare assess(ents 'ased in the contet ofso"ial issues

    si(ulations of pro'le(s, issues, or challenges that a person (ight encounter in reallife+

    7f the curriculu( and instruction are not (oving the raduate to (astery of the eit outco(es as(easured 'y assess(ent, then the curriculu( and instruction are changed+ $his process is repeateduntil the curriculu( and instruction align )ith the eit outco(es and produce in the raduate thedesired#ro"ess+

    ith this focus in our teaching and learning3 it is envisaged that the P"#$MA% raduate )ill 'ecareer ready and )ill 'e a'le to contri'ute to the )or?place i((ediately+

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    -$#A$E7& ="&.- "= $CE &"!!EE

    Based on the -trategic Analysis in 4+0, our understanding of the longDter( vie) of the industry,P"#$MA% &ollege &orporate -trategy is prepared )ith a 10 year vie) updated on a yearly 'asis+=ro( 2012 to 202 the &ollege is divided into 2 distinctive =ocus+

    $he core focus of the &ollege )ill 'e Business and the 'uilding of Entrepreneurs+ e )ill also as perour vision, (ission and co((it(ent 'e instilling (uch lifeDs?ill and the co(petitive advantages in ourstudents+

    .78 1%t Focu%-2012 to 2018 i% Mala%ian Focu%

    e are see?ing to esta'lish ourselves as a co((unity college 'y 2015 )ith strong support 'y the localco((unity since the catch(ent area is large and )ith little co(petition+

    $hereafter in 201 and 201, the focus )ill 'e on recruiting (ore outstation students+ e see? to

    al)ays (aintain at least a 0J Malaysian -tudent population+

    e )ill continue to increase student population and staff force and the college resources accordingly+

    Based on the analysis of -ection =our, the follo)ing strategies )as develop to loo? into attracting,retaining and sustaining the student population+

    $he ?ey the(e for the initial 5 years is F!"&A! EMP!":AB7!7$:G

    Strateg Area 1( LOCAL FRST

    nitial 4 ear% i% loo:ing at 'uil"ing a co))unit college

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    Strateg Area ( NE E/TRA-CRRCLAR ACTTES

    6i##erent& niIue an" Practical etra-curricular actiitie% #ro) ot$er college% #or %tu"entengage)ent an" a"ocac"peration Plan

    Cave clu's such as Millionaire Business -chool, Entrepreneurship, 7ndustrial uru $al?s,7nvest(ent $al?s, EB$7 $al?s, Mentoring Progra(s

    FMa?e a

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    2+ Adding 7nteractive &ontent to our E(ail &a(paigns

    Content can become stale after a while, and shaking up our newsletter has paid off in increasedreadership. A short while ago, adding interactive features, such as social media sharing andvideo,was not easy for an email campaign. Now, with many email service providers, it is.Adding just one interesting video to our next email can increase both our response rate and thenumber of times recipients forward your email to friends. We have uploaded many videos on


    e also have P"#$MA% Business $9 )hich is the colleges very o)n appointed 'usinessedutain(ent station+ 7ts is a oint colla'oration 'et)een P"#$MA% &ollegeand )))+s(e'usiness+tvthat focuses on providing current, relevant and (ar?et driven content thateducate, entertain and inspire 'usiness students, s(e 'usiness o)ners, entrepreneurs, chief eecutivesand those )ith an interest in'usiness (anage(ent and entrepreneurship+

    + Partner )ith Another "rganization

    e have started a (ar?eting ca(paign )ith another, nonDco(petitive organization+ =or ea(ple, )e

    offer a oint event )ith another entertain(ent venue -&, that is good at our college locations and theother organisations+ e also share (ar?eting ca(paigns )ith $raining $ouch, a training consultancyunder the A$&E% roup to cross sell our products+

    4+ As? :our &usto(ers to Beco(e :our Advocates on -ocial Media

    e value trusted reco((endations fro( other consu(ers and this )ill (a?e a positive i(pact onconsu(ers decision to 'uy+ e )ill as? our (ost loyal custo(ers, those )ho truly 'elieve in the valueof our 'rand, to advocate for us on social (edia+ rassroots )ord of (outh can 'e one of our (ostvalua'le assets+

    5+ &reate &ontests on -ocial Mediae )ill add to our social (edia presence 'y as?ing custo(ers to )rite a story a'out their favoriteca?e recipe to pro(ote a ne) line of 'a?ing supplies, for instance+ 7nvite patrons of your artsorganization to create alternative endings to favorite plays, or share i(ages of their o)n art)or?+&usto(ers )ant to interact )ith your 'randDDgive the( the chance+

    + &reate a Paid -earch &a(paign Around an .nusual "ffering$o differentiate our offers )e use consider investing so(e (oney in an off'eat ca(paign, such as one

    pointing to a fun contest that )ould nor(ally 'e only used to pro(ote on our )e'site or in e(ail+$hese ca(paigns has generated strong results that an unusual paid search ca(paign generates thatecites the ne) 'reed of school leavers+

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    .7 2n"Focu% H 201 to 202 Mala%ian an" Oer%ea% Focu%7n late 201, the overseas (ar?eting ca(paign )ill co((ence+ e )ill 'e esta'lishing overseasnet)or?s and are prepared to have overseas recruit(ent offices+

    $he ai( is 'y 202 to have a student population size of close to 5000 and to have our o)n &ityD

    &a(pus+ $he 7nstitution (ust 'e )ellD?no)n )ithin the region and 'e seen as one of the $op 5Private 7nstitution in Malaysia+ 7t (ust also have etre(ely strong lin?s )ith regional .niversities+

    $he lin?s )ith &orporate &o(panies (ust also 'e strong+ =urther(ore, the 7nstitution (ust 'efinancially strong and has the acade(ic capa'ility to apply for .niversity &ollege status+

    Strateg Area AContinue t$e %trategie% a% !er 1&2&&. !reiou% !age an" ntro"uction o# Alu)ni Progra)%"peration Plan

    $he &ollege )ill have an Alu(ni

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    3ear Mile%tone%

    2012 et list of Business and &o((unications -chool Progra(s approved Aggressive &orporate #eDBranding

    201 #ecruit 50 -tudents 'y April inta?e $arget to tal? to at least 0 -econdary -chools 'y year end

    2014 -et up

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    4 T@E RECOMMEN6E6 PROGRAMS TO OFFER$he proposed plan is for the college to have schools that caters to the needs of the co((unity+ $heyare the -chool of Business+ $he -chool of &o((unications and Media and the -chool of

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    &ertificate in &reative Pen"ing?

    Pro!o%e" T

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    471 Pro;ecte" Progra))e%( ' S!eciali%ation& 6uration an" TotalFee%

    No Progra))e S!eciali%ation 6uration Total Fee%


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    15 Bachelor of Manage(entH"rganisation L !eadershipIH$)inning )ith =ederation.niversity, Australia I

    Manage(ent :ears #M4,000


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    472 Pro;ecte" Progra))e%& Stu"ent Po!ulation an" Facult #or 4ear%

    Bil Kursus

    Unjuran Pengambilan untuk 5 tahun

    Tahun 1 Tahun 2 Tahun 3 Tahun 4 Tahun 5

    P TP P TP P TP P TP P TP1 Certif icate in Business

    Studies40 2 60 3 80 4 80 4 80 4

    2 Diploma in BusinessManagement

    120 10 6 10 6 180 8 180 8

    3 Diploma in !"entManagement

    3 2 0 2 60 3 60 3 60 3

    4 Diploma in #ilm$%ele"ision & 'ideo(roduction

    2 1 30 2 30 2 0 3 0 3

    Certif icate in Contact)perations

    2 1 30 2 60 3 60 3 60 3

    6 Diploma in Sales andMar*eting

    40 2 60 3 80 3 80 3 80 3

    + Diploma in ,ccountanc- 2 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 + 3

    8 Diploma in etailManagement

    30 2 60 3 /0 4 /0 4 /0 4

    / Diploma in Mar*etingCommunications

    20 1 40 2 60 3 80 3 80 3

    10 Diploma in Mass


    0 0 30 2 60 3 /0 4 120

    11 Certificate inMass Communications

    0 0 20 1 30 2 0 2 0 2

    12 Certificate in Creati"eDesign

    1 1 1 1 30 2 4 3 60 4

    13 Diploma in rapicDesign

    1 1 30 2 60 4 /0 6 /0 6

    14 Diploma in MultimediaDesign

    0 0 1 1 30 2 60 4 /0 6

    1 Diploma in ( andSocial Media

    0 0 1 1 30 2 0 2 60 3

    16 Diploma in Mar*etingManagement

    0 0 0 0 30 2 60 3 /0 4

    1+ Bacelor of Commerceons %5inning 5it#ederation ni"ersit-$,ustralia

    0 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 80 4

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    Bil Kursus

    Unjuran Pengambilan untuk 5 tahun

    Tahun 1 Tahun 2 Tahun 3 Tahun 4 Tahun 5

    P TP P TP P TP P TP P TP18 Bacelor )f ,rts


    Communications%5inning 5it#ederation ni"ersit-$,ustralia

    0 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 2

    1/ Diploma in 'isualCommunications

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 +

    20 Diploma in Social MediaManagement

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 +

    21 Bacelor of ,rts 'isual& Media ,rts

    %5inning 5it#ederation ni"ersit-$,ustralia

    0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 3

    22 Bacelor ofManagement ons%5inning 5it#ederation ni"ersit-$,ustralia

    0 0 0 0 0 0 60 3 120

    23 Bacelor ofManagementMar*eting

    %5inning 5it#ederation ni"ersit-$,ustralia

    0 0 0 0 0 0 60 3 80 3

    24 Bacelor ofManagement)rganisation &7eadersip%5inning 5it#ederation ni"ersit-$,ustralia

    0 0 0 0 0 0 30 2 80 3

    2 Diploma in (roectManagement

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 3

    26 Diploma in Digital Media 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80

    2+ Bacelor of ,ppliedManagement Design%5inning 5it#ederation ni"ersit-$,ustralia

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 3

    28 Bacelor of 'isual ,rtsons

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 4

    Total Student Numberintake per ear( 9 (elaar %(9 %enaga(elaar

    48 80 13/0 1++0 23/0

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    47 MAR5ETNG STRATEG3 #or 2012-2019Based on our &orporate -trategy of P"#$MA% &ollege, see section +0 a'ove, the (ar?etingstrategy for P"#$MA% is also seg(ented to various periods align to the various strategic focus atdifferent periods of ti(e

    Based on our analysis on the advertising (ethods used for the open days at various Private &ollegesand .niversity, )e have found that they spend lots of (oney in (edia advertise(ents and otherne)spaper advertise(ents, radio advertise(ent and others+ Co)ever, this does not necessary relatedto student nu('ers due to the lo) physical engage(ent levels 'y the .niversity+

    P"#$MA% &ollege for intends to ta?e a direct yet infor(al approach to (ar?eting to attract studentsand parents+ e )ant our potential students to ?no) us and 'e involved )ith us through various(ediu( 'efore they even step into the college+

    47. Mar:eting OerieordanI offer significant opportunities forrecruit(ent gro)th+

    Co)ever, these (ar?ets also pose specific challenges )ith regard to political sta'ility and the relatedvisa sponsorship+ $he 7nternational

  • 8/11/2019 PORTMAN Strategic Plan v1 4


    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019 nternationali%ing T$e College

    e )ill develop fro( 'eing a college )hich is successful and highly regarded internationally to'eco(e a truly international college integrating an international and intercultural di(ensioninto our (ission and across all of our policies and strategies+

    -uch an o'ective re@uires the &ollege to (ove fro( a si(ple definition of international Hlargelyinvolving international student recruit(ent or the provision of progra((es overseasI to)ards a trulyintegrated approach )here internationalisation as a concept affects every ele(ent of our )or?+ $he&ollege )ill loo? to the 7nternational

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    &ollege, ho)ever, it is not sufficient to rely on the si(ple fact of overseas study as a desira'le part ofa studen s eperience3 it is dou'tful )hether an unstructured period a'road delivers all of theappropriate transfera'le s?ills )hich e(ployers (ay epect+ =or overseas study to 'e effective, thecurriculu( (ust 'e designed around it and staff (ust 'e a'le to ensure that the eperience is focusedand integrated+ here appropriate, the &ollege )ill encourage -chools to incorporate the opportunityfor overseas study as part of all acade(ic progra((esR

    eI international teaching and research colla'orations and echanges3 such colla'orations are oftendeveloped through the )or? of enthusiastic individuals and these initiatives should 'e encouraged+Co)ever, the &ollege )ill also ensure that it creates a supportive environ(ent for the( to gro) anddevelop+ $his )ill include further pro(otion of lecturers and ad(inistrator grantsR

    fI high @uality support syste(s for international students3 international students have, in (any cases,needs )hich have to 'e addressed 'y ?no)ledgea'le and )ell trained staff+ Co)ever, as )e 'eco(ean increasingly international &ollege, it should 'e an o'ective to enhance the @uality of the studenteperience 'y providing specific and general needs of international students led 'y the 7nternational

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    47+ n"irect Mar:etingAll indirect (ar?eting is directed to our alu(ni, corporate co(panies, corporate e(ployees, otherinstitution of higher learning, the social (edia engage(ent+ $hese activities are to epand the(ar?eting reach of students and parent and the co((unities )e do not engaged )ith+ $his is to

    ensure the P"#$MA% Brand is co((unicated to all related parties+

    47+71 n"irect Mar:eting 2012-2014

    As the A$&E% roup has lots of eperience conducting online (ar?eting via social (edia *)e'site)e )ill engage the co((unity online+ $his is also inDline )ith pro(oting the college and its activitieson =ace'oo? and hatsApp savviness of the students today+

    &areer tal?s on 'usiness L co((unication field )ith invitees for all+ $his is further develop ourstanding as a &o((unity Education provider and )ill create (ore a)areness for the &ollege+

    $ie up )ith &orporate Malaysia for internship or )or? after graduation+ As part of our &areer

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    contacts and rene) ac@uaintance )ith old friends+

    "ther services for alu(ni3

    $he &ollege )ill al)ays 'e see?ing ne) )ays to etend its lin?s )ith alu(ni, and offers various )ays

    to ?eep in touch )ith old friends fro( their ti(e at P"#$MA%+

    -u'scri'ing to P"#$MA%s free annual (agazine, $he P"#$MA%ian , gives our Alu(ni the latest

    ne)s on the years (ain events at the -chools, together )ith ne)s sent in fro( our alu(ni around the

    )orld+ Alu(ni )ill also 'e a'le to do)nload P

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    P"#$MA% has 'een developing tal? )ith our partner universities li?e #M7$, Australia, =ederation.niversity, Australia , -underland .niversity, .; H and*or via -egi .niversityI and Anglia #us?in.niversity, .; for our graduates to oin the local 7P$- )ith t)inning or to oin the "verseas.niversity directly+ "nce P"#$MA% gets their progra((es accredited for(al M".s )ill 'e signed+

    47872 E)!lo)ent Pat$$; 2004I )hich )as set up as aspecialist recruit(ent and eecutive search fir(+ $he ai( of the Agency is to our clients, precedence

    'y ensuring that they recruit the right e(ployee that adds value and 'enefit to their 'usiness+ $o ourcorporate talents, )e 'elieve in e@ual opportunity for all, regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin,religion, handicap or seual orientation+

    Our Co))it)ent

    Our i%ion

    $o 'e the leader in providing eecutive search and recruit(ent services in Asia+

    Our Mi%%ion

    $o find the right (atch 'et)een client and corporate talent effectively and efficiently+

    Our alue%

    Ent$u%ia%)3 Eagerness in delivering eceptional service to &orporate &lients and &orporate


    Creatiit3 #edefining the 'oundaries of value added services in recruit(ent to 'enefit all+


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    &o(panies )ant candidates to start contri'uting to the organization fro( the very first day of )or?+$hat is the ai( of -MA#$ -earch D &"%$#7B.$7"%+

    7n partnership )ith ATCEN S"n ,$", the -eri Mahligai A$&E% #ecruit and $rain -earch H-MA#$I,co('ines recruit(ent and training in one pac?age for our clients+

    &andidates are first screened and intervie)ed 'y us, thereafter trained and assessed again 'y A$&E%prior to placing the( at )or? in organizations+ $his innovative recruit and train approach ensures thatorganization using the -MA#$ -earch gets opti(u( value fro( their ne) hires+

    Benefits of -MA#$ -earch3

    O et trained talents that are ready to )or? i((ediatelyO -tringent screening and assess(ent 'y t)o different partiesO Ensure candidates are )ell a)are of their o' epectationsO =eed'ac? fro( the trainers on the perfor(ance of the candidatesO et 9alue for (oney recruit(ent and training for 1 reasona'le price

    As you can see our raduates )ill 'enefit fro( this full service Agensi Pe?eraan )hich already havean Etensive

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    $he 'elo) sho)s the targeted nu('er of students forecasted per year+

    3ear No7 o#

    inta:e%!er 3ear

    6egree 6i!lo)a Certi#icate Total no7

    o# %tu"ent%!er




    2012 0 D D D D D


    2 D 2 21 5 5

    2014 D 15 5 210 2

    2015 D 65 100 465 12

    201 50 50 150 650 110

    201 125 100 25 1/0 16

    2016 0 11/0 250 10 2450

    201/ 5 145 250 2/0 502

    U-chedule inta?e in April or >une and -epte('er

    + ORGANSATONAL C@ART AN6 @EA6CONTS$he charts and ta'les 'elo) sho)s the proposed organization chart and lecturers and ad(inistrativestaff needed to operate the college in the follo)ing years,

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    +71 E!ecte" Sta## Force

    3ear Total Stu"ent!o!ulation



    Li'rarian Mar:etingBStu"ent


    Total Sta##

    2012 D 2H2I

    2 1

    201 5 4H4I

    2 1 5 12

    2014 2 11H5I

    5 2 6 2+

    2015 12 0H16I

    6 .8

    201 110 45H2I

    6 4 10 +8

    201 16 60H46I

    12 12 111

    2016 2450 115H/I

    1 10 1 148

    201/ 502 140H64I

    2 14 20 198

    $he H I for !ecturing -taff are Masters Colders+ $he lecturer to student ratio is ta?en as 1325 for allprogra((es+

    e )ill also )or? to)ards 5J full ti(e staff and also hire (ore )ith relevant 7ndustry eperience+

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    T$e Pro!o%e" Organiation Structure #or Aca"e)ic Sta##

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    +72 T$e Pro!o%e" Organiation Structure #or Non Aca"e)ic Sta##

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    +7 Current %tu"ent !o!ulation a% !er #ro) Ma 201 to Ma 201.(

    2!13 2!141 Certificate in Business Studies 21 28

    2 Certificate in Contact Centre)perations

    : :

    3 Diploma in ,ccountanc- : :

    4 Diploma in BusinessManagement

    21 /

    Diploma in Sales and Mar*eting : 16

    6 Diploma in etail Management : :

    + Diploma in !"ent Management + 14

    8 Diploma in #ilm$ %' and 'ideo(roduction

    4 4

    / Diploma in Mar*etingCommunication

    : :

    T"T#$ STU%&NT P"PU$#T'"N

    P&( (

    3 121

    T"T#$ STU%&NT P"PU$#T'"N 1+4

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    P"#$MA% as per late 201 has 'een in discussion )ith the landlord HoldDings -dn BhdI of 10office 'loc?s Heach 'loc? consist of 4 units*storeyI high, total area rentDa'le is a'out 100 s@( thatsurrounds the original 2 'loc? that P"#$MA% &ollege is on+ $he result is a si(ple gentle(en

    agree(ent 'et)een P"#$MA% &ollege and the o)ners of oldDing on the nu('er of rented unitsto 'e reserved 'y P"#$MA% over the co(ing years+ Please seeA!!en"i A for the !etters of7ntent+

    -o far P"#$MA% has rented another 150s@( of space fro( the( at a reasona'le rate of rental+

    Additionally, )e also have contacts of other landlord of other vacant units consist of another000s@(+ e esti(ated that this space )ill 'e sufficient for us until at least 2016+

    $hereafter )e have also identified a vacant "ffice Building Bloc? net to Mines -hopping Mall andalso the office space in Ceritage -uite for further epansion+ $he &ollege )ill 'e (a?ing continuous

    invest(ents to upgrade the technology and infrastructure of the place+

    3ear S!ace>%I )?

    Cla%%-roo)an" Lecture



    Multi)e"iaB6e%ign Roo)

    Li'rar Canteen

    2012 111 1 0 1 0

    201 111 2 0 1 0

    2014 251 10 2 2 1 1

    2015 40 15 2 1 1

    201 4/0 25 5 1 1

    201 5 1 1

    2016 12000 50 6 4 1 2

    201/ 25000 60 15 5 1 2

    $he (ulti(edia design roo(s are to cater to the college =il( and $9 students*

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    FNANCALS 2012-2019Based on the -tudent 7nta?e sho)n in -ection +, the follo)ing 7nco(e -tate(ent, Balance -heet and &ashflo) -tate(ent )ere derived+

    71 nco)e State)ent #or t$e F3 2012- 2019


    Based on current student population, the college )ill start (a?ing profit 'y the =: 2015+

    $he profita'ility of the college )ill range 'et)een 14J H=:201/I to J H=:201I+ $he rationale for the drop in inco(e is due to the dou'ling

    of the college infrastrature in =:201/+

    e also see a drop in the profita'ility in =:201 and =:2016 co(pared to =:201 due to the overseas epansion+

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    72 A")ini%tratie an" Mar:eting Fee%

    )un*12 )un*13 )un*14 )un*15 )un*1+ )un*1, )un*1- )un*1.

    ,uditorsemuneration 4$000.00 4$800.00 $+60.00 8$640.00 10$368.00 11$404.80 12$4.28

    %a; ,gent1$300.00 1$60.00 1$8+2.00 2$808.00 4$212.00 6$318.00 /$4++.00

    Secretarial #ee1$/20.00 2$112.00 2$112.00 2$112.00 2$34.40 3$041.28 3$64/.4

    %ra"elling4$000.00 24$000.00 28$800.00 43$200.00 108$000.00

    302$400.00 846$+20.00 2$116$800.00

    (rinting &

    Stationaries 4$000.00 48$000.00 +$600.00 86$400.00 1+2$800.00

    483$840.00 1$20/$600.00


    (ostage & couriers2$000.00 12$000.00 14$400.00 21$600.00 4$000.00 11$200.00 423$360.00 1$08$400.00

    Dues & Su Scool fair6$000.00 30$000.00 4$000.00 8$00.00 146$20.00

    40/$00.00 1$146$600.00


    Depreciation43$324.00 +1$++.62 88$/86.6 12$816.4

    1/2$02.80 31+$8/8.03 /$/.21








    Mar?eting cost is calculated as a percentage of revenue+


    2014 5

    2015 5

    201 6

    201 /

    2016 10

    201/ 10

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    7 E)!lo)ent E!en%e%

    1 CEO L40$000.00 140$000.00


    162$000.00 1+4$000.00 186$000.00 1/8$000.00 204$000.00

    2 COO A24$000.00 +$000.00 +8$000.00 84$000.00 /0$000.00 /3$600.00 /6$000.00 102$000.00

    3 Registry Manager 1 a11$200.0

    0 $600.00

    4 Marketing Officer a10$000.00

    Student Counselor a/$000.00

    6 Cleaner a3$400.00 10$00.00 10$800.00 11$400.00 11$+60.00 12$000.00 14$400.00 1$600.00

    + Receptionist a3$600.00 14$400.00 1$600.00 16$800.00 18$600.00 1/$200.00 20$400.00 21$600.00

    8 Marketing Executive a/$000.00 36$000.00 24$000.00

    / Sen Mkt Executive a42$000.00 42$000.00 43$800.00 4$000.00 46$200.00 4+$400.00 4/$200.00

    10 Student Counselor a8$100.00

    11 Sen Lecturer l3$000.00 42$000.00 43$600.00 46$800.00 4/$200.00 0$400.00 1$600.00

    12 Sen Registry Manager a3$000.00 42$000.00 44$400.00 48$000.00 1$600.00 4$000.00 $200.00

    13 Librarian a16$000.00 2$800.00 2+$600.00 2/$400.00 31$200.00 32$400.00 34$200.00

    14 Marketing Manager a28$000.00 3+$200.00 3/$600.00 42$000.00 44$400.00 46$800.00 4/$200.00

    1 Student Services Manager a 12$000.00

    16 Head of Scool l1$000.00 60$000.00 63$600.00 6+$200.00 6/$600.00 +2$000.00 +4$400.00

    1+ Lecturer 1 l10$800.00 18$/00.00

    18 Lecturer ! l31$200.00 33$000.00 34$800.00 3+$200.00 3/$600.00 42$000.00 44$400.00

    1/ Lecturer " l21$000.00

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    20 Lecturer # l36$000.00 38$400.00 42$000.00 44$400.00 46$800.00 4/$200.00

    21 Ad$in Assistant a+$00.00

    22 Lecturer % l6$000.00

    Additional Lecturer Headcount38$400.00 1$3/2$000.00



    6$436$800.00 +$/00$800.00

    ,dditional ,dmin eadcount60$000.00 3/6$000.00 +6$000.00 /00$000.00 1$2/6$000.00 1$836$000.00






    8$43$400.00 10$48+$400.00

    1? statutor- deduction :++$1/0.00 110$+30.00

    3/$+00.00 34$834.00 8/6$130.00 1$268$010.00 1$+3$110.00






    /$+21$410.00 12$060$10.00

    !mplo-ee @nsurance2$00.00 2$00.00 6$20.00 10$000.00 16$20.00 26$20.00 36$20.00 4+$00.00

    Commission :$/1+./0 8$48/.30 2+$++.00 41$003./4 68$+03.30 /+$214.10 120$60.10

    Staff ,menities :11$83.80 16$/+8.60 $14.00 82$00+.88 13+$406.60 1/4$428.20 241$210.20

    %raining & De"elopment :$/1+./0 8$48/.30 2+$++.00 41$003./4 68$+03.30 /+$214.10 120$60.10

    2$00.00 61+$/61.6088/$13+.20






    Management fee 10?61$+/6.16 88$/13.+2 28+$800.80 428$06./8 +1+$13/.32 1$014$61.64 1$2/$043.04

    %)%,7 !mplo-ment #ee.,-/!5!0.2






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    7. Occu!anc E!en%e%

    )un*12 )un*13 )un*14 )un*15 )un*1+ )un*1, )un*1- )un*1.


    )ffice ental32$000.00

    /6$000.00 23$00.00


    +86$600.00 1$1/8$800.00



    Auit rent & ,ssessment3$4+2.00 6$/44.00 10$416.00 1$624.00 23$436.00 46$8+2.00 /3$+44.00

    (ropert- @nsurance/00.00 1$00.00 2$100.00 6$300.00 12$600.00 2$200.00 3+$800.00 +$600.00

    %el>nif- > Stream-; 1?1$000.00 4$800.00 $+60.00 $620.00 11+$//0.00 1+/$820.00 303$300.00 +3$300.00

    !lectricit- 2?2$000.00 6$000.00 +$200.00 /2$+00.00 1/6$60.00 2//$+00.00 0$00.00 1$2$00.00

    =ater ?144.00 1$800.00 2$160.00 18$40.00 3/$330.00 /$/40.00 101$100.00 21$100.00

    Se5erage 2?1+6.00 864.00 1$+28.00 +$416.00 1$+32.00 23$/+6.00 40$440.00 100$440.00

    epair & Maintenance 30?4$000.00 12$000.00 14$400.00 111$240.00

    23$/80.00 3/$640.00 606$600.00 1$06$600.00









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    74 ,alance S$eet a% at 0t$June #or 2012-2019


    $he college )ill 'e replacing (uch of the infrastrature in the college+ :ear on year as the college gro)s )e are see?ing to upgrade the

    infrastrature to the student population+

    $he &ollege also ai(s to (aintain a significant level of 'an? 'alance

    &urrently there is no intention to see? any eternal funds other than that fro( the

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    PORTMAN COLLEGE Strategic Plan 2012- 2019

    7+ Ca%$#lo< State)ent a% at 0t$June 2012 -2019


    $here is no intention of any eternal 'orro)ing currently+ Co)ever should the need arise, there )ill 'e )illing lenders+

    As can 'e seen, there )ill 'e significant invest(ent in purchase of plant and e@uip(ent fro( 201 on)ards+

    $he cash e@uivalent at 'an? is positive throughout the period+

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    9 A!!en"i A Letter o# ntent #or Rental o# Ne< Pre)i%e%

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    $CE E%