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Page 1: PORTRÆT NU Katalog Indholdportrait-now.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/PORTRÆT-NU-Katalo… · Contemporary Nordic Portraiture Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg 2009


Page 2: PORTRÆT NU Katalog Indholdportrait-now.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/PORTRÆT-NU-Katalo… · Contemporary Nordic Portraiture Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg 2009
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Brygger J.C. Jacobsens PortrætprisBrewer J.C. Jacobsen’s Portrait Award

Samtidig portrætkunst i Norden Contemporary Nordic Portraiture

Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg



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I 2006 lancerede Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg den første nor-

diske portrætkonkurrence, Brygger J.C. Jacobsens Portrætpris, hvor alle kunstnere

i Norden blev indbudt til at indsende deres værker til museet. Initiativet var oplagt for

Det Nationalhistoriske Museum, som rummer Danmarks nationale portrætgalleri,

og det lå naturligt i forlængelse af slottets og museets relation til portrætkunsten i

Danmark, som går langt tilbage i tiden.

Interessen viste sig langt større end museet havde turdet håbe på, idet over 500

kunstnere fra hele Norden indleverede deres værker til konkurrencen. Det nordi-

ske perspektiv blev yderligere styrket ved, at det lykkedes at etablere et udstil-

lingssamarbejde med Hafnarborg Kunstmuseum i Island, Amos Andersons Konst-

museum i Finland, Ljungbergmuseet i Sverige og Norsk Folkemuseum. De udvalg-

te værker turnerede efter udstillingen på Frederiksborg i sommeren 2007 rundt i

hele Norden. Turneen, der blev mulig takket være et generøst tilskud fra Nordisk

Kulturfond, endte i Norge i december 2008.

Efter de første positive erfaringer var det oplagt for museet igen at udskrive

konkurrencen. Det blev gjort muligt takket være fornyet støtte fra Carlsbergs

Mindelegat for Brygger J.C. Jacobsen. Konkurrencen blev udskrevet i efteråret

2008 med tilmeldingsfrist i december, og konkurrencens regelsæt blev det sam-

me som hidtil. Brygger J.C. Jacobsens Portrætpris er en konkurrence, som ikke

alene er forbeholdt maleri og skulptur. Alle kunstneriske medier er velkomne.

Der skabes stadig mange spændende malede portrætter, men beskæftigelsen med

det menneskelige, med identitet og personlighed, med sociale roller og med

biografi – alt sammen væsentlige elementer af portrættet – er også central i andre

og nyere medier som fotografi, video eller f.eks. netkunst. Her er der tale om en

udvidet portrætdefinition, der opfatter portrættet som kunstnerisk behandling af

spørgsmål om konkrete, virkelige menneskers identitet, person, roller m.v., uan-

set om denne behandling har form af et maleri, en video, en installation eller et




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For at få en varieret og sagkyndig vurdering af de indsendte værker sammensatte

museet en nordisk jury bestående af kunstkritikerne Peter Michael Hornung,

Henrik Wivel og Maria Fabricius Hansen, kunstnerne Peter Carlsen og Åslaug

Krokann Berg, samt museumfolkene, Magnus Olausson, Janike Sverdrup Ugel-

stad, Ölóf Sigurdardottir, Kaj Martin, Steffen Heiberg og Mette Skougaard. For at

sikre en uvildig behandling var konkurrencen anonymiseret.

Til vores store glæde var der atter en overvældende tilslutning fra kunstnere i

hele Norden, idet i alt 525 kunstnere meldte sig til. Heraf 329 danske, 119 nor-

ske 36 svenske 24 finske, 16 fra Island og en fra Grønland. Der var såvel maleri,

skulptur, fotografi som videokunst, installationer, tekstil og keramiske arbejder

blandt portrætterne.

Juryens vurdering foregik over to intensive dage på Frederiksborg i februar

2009. Her blev der valgt 50 værker til udstillingen og til dette katalog, vinderne

af 1., 2. og 3. prisen samt tre særpriser som anerkendelse af portrætkunst af sær-

lig original eller innovativ karakter.

Resultatet af konkurrencen viser den samtidige portrætkunsts alsidighed og

meget store spændvidde. Det er vores håb, at disse værker vil bidrage til at styrke

interessen for portrættet som kunstnerisk genre blandt kunstnere og publikum i


Museet ønsker hermed at takke alle de kunstnere, som har deltage i konkurren-

cen, og juryen, som har lagt tid og kræfter i den vanskelige votering. Endelig ret-

tes en varm tak til Carlsbergs Mindelegat for Brygger J.C. Jacobsen som har gjort

det muligt for museet at gennemføre dette projekt.

Mette Skougaard, museumsdirektør Søren Mentz, museumsinspektør


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In 2006, the Danish Museum of National History at Frederiksborg Castle launched

the first Nordic portraiture competition, the Brewer J.C. Jacobsen Portrait Award.

All artists in the Nordic countries were invited to submit their works to the muse-

um. The initiative was a natural one for the Museum of National History, which

houses Denmark’s national portrait gallery, and it formed a logical extension of

the long historical relationship of the castle and museum with portraiture in Den-


Interest proved to be far greater than the museum could ever have hoped for:

over 500 artists from across the Nordic region submitted their works for the com-

petition. The Nordic perspective was further reinforced when exhibition partner-

ships were successfully arranged with the Hafnarborg Art Museum in Iceland, the

Amos Anderson Art Museum in Finland, the Ljungberg Museum in Sweden and

the Norsk Folkemuseum (Norwegian Folk Museum) in Norway. Following an exhi-

bition of the selected works at Frederiksborg in the summer of 2007, a generous

subsidy from the Nordic Cultural Fund made it possible to send them on a Nordic

tour, which reached its conclusion in Norway in December 2008.

It was only natural, based on these positive first experiences, for the museum to

invite applications for a new competition. This was made possible thanks to new

support from the Carlsberg Brewer J.C. Jacobsen Memorial Fund. The competition

was announced in the autumn of 2008, with an application deadline in December.

The competition rules were the same as before. The Brewer J.C. Jacobsen Portrait

Award remains a competition that is not restricted to painting and/or sculpture. All

artistic media are welcome, recognising the fact that even though many exciting

painted portraits are still created, engagement with the individual and human, with

identity and personality, with social roles and biography – all crucial elements of

portraiture – is also central to other, newer media, such as photography, video, web

art etc. This is an extended definition of portraiture, which conceives of the por-

trait as an artistic treatment of issues surrounding the identity, personas, roles etc.


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of actual, real people, irrespective of whether that treatment takes the form of a

painting, a video, an installation or a work of sonic art.

To ensure a varied, specialist evaluation of the submitted works, the museum

assembled a Nordic jury consisting of the art critics Peter Michael Hornung, Hen-

rik Wivel and Maria Fabricius Hansen, the artists Peter Carlsen and Åslaug Kro-

kann Berg and the museum staff Magnus Olausson, Janike Sverdrup Ugelstad,

Ólöf Sigurdardóttir, Kaj Martin, Steffen Heiberg and Mette Skougaard. To ensure

fair treatment, the competition was anonymised.

To our great delight, there was again an overwhelming response from artists

across the whole Nordic region: no fewer than 525 artists applied. Of these, 329

were from Denmark, 119 from Norway, 36 from Sweden, 24 from Finland, 16 from

Iceland and one from Greenland. Portraits included paintings, sculptures, photo-

graphs, video artworks, installations and textile and ceramic works.

The jury’s evaluation took place over two intensive days at Frederiksborg in

February 2009. 50 works were chosen for exhibition, and for this catalogue, along

with the winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes and three special prize winners, in

recognition of portraiture of a particularly original or innovative nature.

The results of the competition show the sheer diversity and extraordinary breadth

of contemporary portrait art. It is our hope that these works will contribute to

building the interest in portraiture as an artistic genre, both among artists and the

Nordic public.

The museum wishes to take this opportunity to thank all the artists who took part

in the competition, and the jury who devoted their time and effort to the difficult

process of selecting among them. Finally, warm thanks are due to the Carlsberg

Brewer J.C. Jacobsen Memorial Fund, which made it possible for the museum to

pursue this project.

Mette Skougaard, director Søren Mentz, curator

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Juryen tildeler den finske kunstner Matti Juhani Kolehmainen 1. prisen med følgen-

de begrundelse:

Kunstneren ser på den, der ser på kunsten – og på kunstneren. For det er et selv-

portræt, Matti Juhani Kolehmainen har malet. Og det er for dette selvportræt, at

den finske billedkunstner modtager Brygger J.C. Jacobsens Portrætpris.

Oprindelig er Matti Juhani Kolehmaines billede – som dermed også er et billede

af Matti Juhani Kolehmainen – den ene halvdel af et dobbeltportræt. Genparten er

et billede, som kunstneren har malet af sin hustru. Når de ses i forlængelse af hin-

anden, korresponderer de med hinanden, ligesom der er en korrespondance til det,

som kunstneren har kaldt dem hver især. For mens titlen på det ene er Jeg og du,

er titlen på det andet som en spejlvending af det første. Du og jeg hedder det. Og

mens lyset på Kolehmainens portræt af hustruen kommer fra højre, kommer lyset

på selvportrættet fra venstre. De to portrætter reflekterer hinanden som i gensidig

respekt, men de skal ikke nødvendigvis hænge side om side for at berettige sig


De kan også stå alene, som selvportrættet af Matti Juhani Kolehmainen nu står

alene. Ud fra kunstnerens data ved vi, at billedet forestiller en mand, der er om-

kring de 56 år. Han har fremstillet sig selv i lidt overnaturlig størrelse, som for at

være sikker på, at vi ser ham. Hans ansigt udstråler alvor, hans blik er fast og kon-

centreret, og i kraft af portrættets eksistens ved vi, hvad han ser på. Han har iagt-

taget sig selv lidt fra neden, måske i et spejl, måske gennem et fotografi, og med

sine pastelkridt har han langsomt og nænsomt overført sine indtryk til billedets

flade. I sit valg af farver – sort, gråt, okker, lidt brunt – har han betonet en

begrænsning, der understøtter selvfremstillingens tavse alvor. Det er samtidig den-

ne snævre kolorit, der definerer en nordisk kulturkreds og indskriver ham i en

koloristisk tradition, der set i det store perspektiv også tæller en Vilhelm Ham-

mershøi og en Helène Schjerfbeck. Farvens begrænsning står naturligt til figurens




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tætte beskæring. For her er alt tilsyneladende valgt fra, undtagen det mest nødven-

dige. Skulderpartiet, hvor den højre skulder løfter sig over den venstre, danner bil-

ledets ene diagonal, mens halspartiet og hovedet med håret udgør den anden.

Fremhævelse er altid en konsekvens af udeladelser, og havde kunstneren ikke

valgt at vise blot en del af sin overkrop og det øverste af sin venstre overarm, ville

hans ansigt ikke have været så eksponeret. Nu rejser det sig som kulminationen

på en ærlig selvfremstilling uden hverken prætentioner eller illusioner.

Konkurrencebetingelserne har defineret et portræt som et kunstværk, der søger

at gengive en bestemt person, og kræver desuden, at denne gengivelse baserer sig

på mindst ét møde med personen. Det krav er til overflod overholdt i dette portræt.

For ingen kender Matti Juhani Kolehmainen bedre, end den kunstner, der med

dette billede prunkløst og kompromisløst har fastholdt hans træk.

Matti Juhani Kolehmainen er født den 23. november 1952. Han er uddannet på

Det finske kunstakademi 1981-85 og har haft både separat- og gruppeudstillinger,

bl.a. i Vantaa, hvor han er bosiddende. I 2007/2008 var han blandt deltagerne i

den første nordiske vandreudstilling, der blev afholdt i forbindelse med Brygger

J.C. Jacobsens Portrætpris.

Peter Michael Hornung


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The jury awards 1st Prize to the Finnish artist Matti Juhani Kolehmainen, with the

following citation:

The artist here is looking at the one who looks at art, and at the artist. Because

Matti Juhani Kolehmainen has painted a self-portrait. And it is for this self-por-

trait that the Finnish painter receives the Brewer J.C. Jacobsen Portrait Award.

Originally, Matti Juhani Kolehmainen’s picture – which is thus also a picture by

Matti Juhani Kolehmainen – formed one half of a double portrait. Its counterpart

is a painting the artist made of his wife. When they are seen in conjunction with

one another, they correspond, just as there is a correspondence in the respective

titles the artist has given them. For while one is entitled Jeg og du (I and you), the

title of the other is a mirror image of the first: Du og jeg (You and I ). And while

the light in Kolehmainen’s portrait of his wife is coming from the right, the light in

his selfportrait is from the left. The two portraits reflect one another as in mutual

respect, but they need not necessarily hang side by side in order to justify them-


They can also stand alone, as indeed the self-portrait of Matti Juhani Koleh-

mainen now stands alone. Based on the artist’s information, we know that the

image represents a man who is around 56 years of age. He has presented himself

somewhat larger than life-size, as if to ensure that we see him. His face radiates

seriousness; his gaze is fixed and concentrated, and by virtue of the portrait’s exis-

tence, we know what he is looking at. He has observed himself slightly from below,

perhaps in a mirror, perhaps in a photograph, and he has used pastel chalk slow-

ly and gently to transfer his impressions to the image surface. His choice of colours

– black, grey, ochre, a little brown – emphasises a restriction that supports the

silent seriousness of the self-presentation. This narrow colour palette also defines

a Nordic cultural sphere, and includes him in a coloristic tradition which, from a

wider perspective, also includes such figures as Vilhelm Hammershøi and Helène




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Schjerfbeck. The restriction of the colour fits naturally with the close cropping of

the figure. Here, it seems that everything but the most essential has been elimi-

nated. The shoulder section, with the right shoulder raised above the left, forms

one of the diagonals in the image, while the neck, head and hair make the other.

Emphasis is always a consequence of omissions, and if the artist had not chosen

to show just part of his upper body and the top of his left upper arm, his face would

not have been so exposed. As it is, it emerges as the culmination of an honest self-

presentation, free from both pretensions and illusions.

The competition conditions define a portrait as a work of art that seeks to rep-

resent a particular person, and they also require this representation to be based on

at least one meeting with that person. This requirement is met in abundance in this

portrait. For no one knows Matti Juhani Kolehmainen better than the artist, who

has captured his features in this painting quite without grandiosity or compromise.

Matti Juhani Kolehmainen was born on 23 November 1952. He trained at the

Finnish Academy of Fine Arts from 1981-85, and has held solo and group exhibi-

tions in various places including Vantaa, where he lives. In 2007/2008, he was

among the participants in the first Nordic touring exhibition held in conjunction

with the Brewer J.C. Jacobsen Portrait Award.

Peter Michael Hornung


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Matti Kolehmainen (* 1952)

Finland / Finland

Selvportræt (Jeg og du)

Self-Portrait (Me and you)

Pastel på papir / Pastel on paper

140 x 100 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist

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Juryen tildeler den norske kunstneren Elly Prestegård 2. prisen med følgende begrun-


Fotografiet FREEZE viser en ung gutt som holder et isflak foran ansiktet. Han hol-

der i flaket med begge hender. Isen er ruglete, har flere sprekker, og noen steder

har den smeltet. Den har to hull der gutten kan, ikke bare se, men observere ver-

den. Han gransker verden gjennom et isflak.

Bildet overrasker og forundrer. Den unge gutten ser ikke umiddelbart tillitsfull

ut, heller engstelig og anspent. Isflaket virker som en midlertidig beskyttelse mot

verden der ute. Han stenger store deler av verden ute og isen blir som et filter, men

han kan allikevel ikke fortrenge den verden han etter hvert blir en del av selv.

Isflaket danner et skille mellom barnets verden og de voksnes verden.

Tryggheten gutten føler bak flaket er midlertidig, kanskje av svært kort varig-

het. Allikevel holder han flaket fast med begge hender og har på den måten en viss

kontroll. Han kan forbli i barndommen og han kan fortsatt la fantasi og lek styre


Men et isflak er et skjørt materiale som når som helst slår sprekker eller renner

bort. Slik er det også med barnets verden. Barndommen er en skjør konstruksjon

og mulighetene for at denne delen av et liv kan bli av alt for kort varighet, forstyr-

res eller ødelegges er alltid til stede. Barnets mot, tillit og glede blir lett forstyrret.

Prestegårds arbeid forteller på en original måte om trygghet, beskyttelse og

kanskje noe om styrkeforholdet mellom barnets uskyld i møte med de virkelige

realiteter. I det øyeblikket bildet er tatt har barnet full kontroll på begge verdener

sin egen, barnets, og virkeligheten utenfor.

Bildet sier også noe om hvordan barnet ubevisst søker å beholde noen av ele-

mentene fra lek og fantasi gjennom hele livsløpet. Hvordan en slik ballast kan

være en styrke og fruktbar kilde å øse av senere i livet. Isflaket skiller to virkelig-

heter den sikre og gjenkjennelige og den ukjente og utfordrende.




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Elly Prestegårds arbeid er et fotografi som er overført til Photoshop og så bearbei-

det digitalt.

Det umiddelbare og direkte i fotografiet blir videre utdypet og vektlagt gjennom

den digitale prosessen, der refleksjon og bearbeiding overtar. Øyeblikket der den

unge gutten holder isflaket er frosset fast, deretter blir lag på lag lagt til, og slik

antydes den unge gutten og vår alles fortelling.

Janike Sverdrup Ugelstad


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The jury awards 2nd prize to the Norwegian artist Elly Prestegård with the follow-

ing citation:

The photograph FREEZE shows a young boy holding a sheet of ice in front of his

face. He holds the ice in both hands. The surface of the ice is uneven. It has a num-

ber of cracks, and in places it has melted. It has two holes, through which the boy can

not only see, but observe the world. He is studying the world through a sheet of ice.

The image evokes surprise and wonder. The young boy does not appear entire-

ly confident, but somehow fearful and tense. The ice is functioning as a temporary

protection against the world outside. He is closing out large expanses of the world,

and the ice has become a kind of filter – but his attempt to hold off the world of

which he will gradually become part is in vain. The sheet of ice forms a threshold

between the world of the child and the world of adults.

The safety the boy feels behind the ice sheet is temporary, perhaps only of very

short duration. Nonetheless, he is holding the ice firmly in both hands, and this gives

him some small measure of control. He can remain in childhood, and can continue

to allow his existence to be governed by his imagination, and by play.

But a sheet of ice is a fragile barrier, which may break or melt away at any time.

So is the world of the child. Childhood is a fragile construct, and circumstances

that might bring this part of life to a premature end, or disturb or destroy it, are

always at hand. The courage, trust and happiness of children are easily disturbed.

Prestegård’s work tells us in an original way about safety and protection, and per-

haps also hints at the relative strength of the innocence of the child in its

encounter with actual realities. In the moment of the image’s creation, the child

has full control of both worlds: his own – the world of the child – and the reality


The image also suggests something about how a child unconsciously tries to keep

some of the elements of play and imagination through its entire life, and how such




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a trove can become a strength and a well of inspiration later in life. The sheet of

ice separates two realities: the safe and known, and the challenging and unknown.

Elly Prestegård’s work is a photograph imported into Photoshop and then digi-

tally post-processed.

The immediate and direct photograph acquires further depth and emphasis

through the digital process, in which reflection and manipulation prevail. The

moment in which the young boy holds the ice sheet is frozen still, and then layer

upon layer is built upon it, so suggesting the story of the young boy, and of us all.

Janike Sverdrup Ugelstad


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Elly Prestegård (* 1951)

Norge / Norway


Fotografi digitalt tryk / Photography digital print

40 x 60 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist

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Juryen tildeler de danske kunstnere Katja Boom Philip & Honey Biba Beckerlee 3.

prisen med følgende begrundelse:

Katja Boom Philip og Honey Biba Beckerlees 2-kanals video-installation Sand-

hedslege, Rollen og Forestillinger er et portræt af buntmageren og pelsgrossisten

Karsten Philip og handler – som titlen antyder – om illusioner og flere lag af sand-

hed. Og dertil om beskuerens eget mellemværende med eksistensen, som konkre-

tiseres i konfrontationen med kunstværket.

Videoværket projiceres op på to skærme i et rum, så billedforløbene står over

for hinanden. Beskueren er ideelt set placeret midt imellem de to projektioner og

må vende sig frem og tilbage for at følge med i de to forløb, der på den ene side

spiller sammen og på den anden side spiller op imod hinanden på både billede og

lydsiden. Beskueren bliver på den måde en del af værket, dets udsigelse og det

spand af tid, som skildres. Splitscreen-metoden kendes eksempelvis fra den iran-

ske videokunstner Sherin Neshat, men hvor hun bruger det tvedelte medium i en

kønspolitisk konfrontation, bruger Katja Boom Philip og Honey Biba Beckerlee

konfrontationen til en leg om livet, og hvilke drømme mennesket møder det med.

På den ene projektion ser beskueren Karsten Philip som ung studerende, der

optræder i en skolerevy på Niels Brocks Handelsgymnasium anno dazumal. På

den anden projektion ser beskueren nutidens pensionerede Karsten Philip. I fem

små episoder kommer Karsten Philip ind i den samme sal, møder sit unge jeg og

mimer hans udsigelse på scenen. Visuelt og lydligt bliver det til et ritualiseret spil

mellem erindring og nutidig erkendelse, mellem drøm og virkelighed, hvor Kar-

sten Philip kropsligt og retorisk går i et med sit gamle sceniske jeg for til slut at

lægge masken i et forsøg på at blive den, han er. Visuelt er den teatralske rite

gestaltet ved, at videoen slår fra farve over i sort hvid og tilbage til farve igen.

Der er tale om en forførelse – også af beskueren. Ved første øjekast kan publikum

forledes til at tro, at det er en ældre skuespiller, der ser sit unge jeg og husker de




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roller, han spillede. Retorisk understreget ved de ord, den ældre Karsten Philip

knytter til sit unge sceniske jeg, og hvor han eksempelvis ikke uden vemod siger,

at han ikke længere husker sine roller, men alene ansigtet foran dem. Masken.

Men de patetiske overvejelser om en karriere på scenen som Karsten Philip

fremfører i videosekvenserne – som havde han i virkeligheden levet et liv som

skuespiller og ikke som pelsgrossist – er reelt citater, hentet fra tre bind af den

svenske skuespiller Erland Josephsons erindringer: Rollen (1989), Sanningslekar

(1990) og Föreställningar (1991), hvori han reflekterer over sit liv og sine erfa-

ringer som skuespiller. I Sandhedslege, Rollen og Forestillinger møder beskueren

således et menneske, der fortsat iscenesætter sig selv og lever på drømmen om et

andet liv, uanset hvilke erkendelser, der skulle have meldt sig undervejs.

Video-installationen konfronterer således ikke alene to livsaldre og skaber en

friktion mellem illusion og sandhed, den stiller også vedkommende eksistentielle

spørgsmål til de valg, mennesker træffer i deres liv, og til de konsekvenser, de

potentielt kan have. Den inddrager tillige elegant og foruroligende beskueren som

vidne og medvider i en proces, hvor Karsten Philips valg, drømme og iscenesæt-

telse ikke bliver hans alene, men også publikums. På den måde bliver rummet

mellem de to projektioner et sted for erkendelse, hvor fortryllelse, forførelse og

bedrag glider sammen med billede og lyd. Portrættet af den anden kan i kraft af

den kunstneriske proces blive et portræt af en selv.

Henrik Wivel


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The jury awards 3rd prize to the Danish artists Katja Boom Philip & Honey Biba

Beckerlee with the following motivation:

The 2-channel video installation Sandhedslege, Rollen og Forestillinger (Truth

Games, the Role and Performances) by Katja Boom Philip and Honey Biba Beck-

erlee is a portrait of the furrier and fur dealer Karsten Philip, and deals, as the title

suggests, with illusions and multiple layers of truth. It also examines the viewer’s

own relationship with existence, which is concretised in the confrontation with the

work of art.

The video installation is projected on two screens in the same room, so that the

sequences are opposite each other. The viewer is, ideally, placed midway between

the two projections, and must turn this way and that to follow the two sequences,

which in some ways play in concert, and in other ways play against one another,

both in terms of image and sound. In this way, the viewer becomes part of the work

of art, its expression and the span of time it depicts. The split screen method is

familiar from, for instance, the work of the Iranian video artist Sherin Neshat, but

whereas she uses the double medium in a confrontation of gender politics, Katja

Boom Philip and Honey Biba Beckerlee use the confrontation for a game of life

and the dreams through which people meet life.

One projection shows Karsten Philip as a young student appearing in a school

revue at the Niels Brock Commercial College, many years ago. The other presents

the viewer with the retired Karsten Philip of the present day. In five brief episodes,

Karsten Philip enters the same room, meets his younger self and mimes his per-

formance on the stage. Visually and aurally, the result is a ritualised game between

memory and present experience, between dream and reality, in which Karsten

Philip physically and rhetorically falls into step with his old, staged self, before

finally putting aside the mask in an attempt to be who he is. Visually, the design

of the theatrical rite has the video switch from colour to black and white, then back




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to colour again.

This is a kind of seduction, not least of the viewer. At first sight, the audience

might be deceived into thinking that this is an elderly actor seeing his younger self

and recalling the roles he played. This receives apparent rhetorical confirmation

from the words the older Karsten Philip connects with his younger, staged self,

and, for instance, from his remarking without regret that he can no longer remem-

ber his roles, only the face in front of them. The mask.

But in fact, the pathos-suffused musings about a stage career which Karsten

Philip performs in the video sequences – as if he had indeed lived a life as an actor

and not as a fur dealer – are quotations, drawn from three volumes of the memoirs

of the Swedish actor Erland Josephson: Rollen (The Role, 1989), Sanningslekar

(Truth Games, 1990) and Föreställningar (Performances, 1991), in which he

reflects on his life and his experiences as an actor. The viewer in Sandhedslege,

Rollen og Forestillinger, then, is encountering a man who is still staging himself

and living dreams of a different life, no matter what other insights he may have

gained on the way.

The video installation thus not only confronts two phases of life and creates a

friction between illusion and truth, but also poses relevant existential questions

about the choices people make during their lives, and the consequences those

choices may bring. Elegantly, yet creating a sense of unease, it draws in the viewer

as a witness and party to a process in which Karsten Philip’s choices, dreams and

self-presentation come to belong not only to him, but also to the public. The space

between the two projections thus becomes a place of revelation, in which enchant-

ment, seduction and deceit fuse with image and sound. By virtue of the artistic

process, a portrait of another can become a portrait of oneself.

Henrik Wivel


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Katja Boom Philip (* 1978) & Honey Biba Beckerlee (* 1978)

Danmark / Denmark

Sandhedslege, Rollen og Forestillinger

Truth Games, The Role and Performances

Video (HD) / Video (HD)

8:25 min.


Kunstnernes eje / Collection of the artists

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Juryen tildeler den svenske kunstner C. Flink en særpris med følgende begrundelse:

At et portræt kan tage form på mange måder, er en af pointerne ved Brygger J.C.

Jacobsens Portrætpris. C. Flinks værk, 64357 dagar, adskiller sig imidlertid fra

de fleste ved ganske eftertænksomt at udforske og udfordre grænserne for denne

kunstneriske form, uden at slippe portrættet i konventionel forstand af syne. I sin

hverdagsagtige brug betyder portræt vel en genkendelig repræsentation af et

bestemt menneske. Som sådan hænger portrætgenren sammen med en typisk vest-

lig individfascination. Det drejer sig om menneskefremstillinger, der som hoved-

regel vil indeholde et element af tidslighed: Sådan så han eller hun ud på akkurat

dette tidspunkt i livet. I denne form har portrættet eksisteret tilbage i oldtidens

Rom og atter fra omkring 1400-tallet og frem. Det afspejler en interesse for det

enkelte menneske – for det dennesidige, jordiske, tidsbundne – og bygger på en

formodning om, at vi alle er enere, at vi alle er forskellige, og at vores individua-

litet lader sig gengive i afbildningen af vores ansigtstræk.

Men C. Flinks værk undersøger mulighederne for at forstå et menneske som an-

det og mere end et sådant enestående individ. Installationen består af en række

plexiglasplader, hvorpå der i blodrød farve er påtrykt et kvindeansigt, øjensynligt

efter et fotografisk forlæg. Pladerne er ophængt med et interval på 50-70 cm, så

man både kan betragte billederne enkeltvis og i en samlet visuel overlapning, som

serien i sin helhed kan danne. Der er endda plads til ens eget hoved inde imellem

pladerne, så man selv kan blive en del af serien. De afbildede kvinders frisurer og

påklædning viser, at der er tale om personer fra forskellige epoker i 1800- og

1900-tallet. I sin helhed kunne det være en genealogi: En række af unge kvinder,

mødre, bedstemødre, oldemødre. Titlen 64357 dagar (hvilket svarer til 176 år)

antyder, at de semitransparente billeder i lag på lag repræsenterer det tidsspand,

som kvindernes liv tilsammen rækker over. Derved indeholder serien en tidslig-

hed, som også det konventionelle portræt gør det, men på et andet plan. For det




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serielle ved værket gør tidsligheden til et fænomen, der overskrider det enkelte

menneskes liv, og som således bidrager til at karakterisere det i en større sammen-

hæng: En kvinde er ganske vist sig selv, men hun er også en del af en slægt; hun

rummer noget af sin mor og hun videregiver noget til sin datter. De portrætterede

er omgivet af en form for ornamentale raster, som ved nærmere eftersyn viser sig

at være ganske små gengivelser af huse. Også dermed antydes de omstændigheder

omkring det enkelte menneske, som er med til at forme og danne det. Alt det uden-

værk, hun har til fælles med andre mennesker.

C. Flink billedliggør på fineste vis denne dobbelthed eller spænding mellem det

enestående og det almene. De problemer og ideologier, der kan ligge i et konven-

tionelt portræt med dets forsøg på at vise den afbildede som så karakterfuld en

personlighed som muligt, ophæves i anerkendelsen af vores fælles grundvilkår. Vi

opstår ikke af ingenting. Vi kommer af noget, der overskrider – og befrier os fra?

– det personlige og individuelle.

Maria Fabricius Hansen


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The jury awards a Special Prize to the Swedish artist C. Flink with the following


One of the principles of the Brewer J.C. Jacobsen Portrait Award is that a portrait

can take many forms. Yet C. Flink’s work, 64357 dagar (64357 days), distinguish-

es itself from most by very thoughtfully investigating and challenging the bound-

aries of this artistic form, without losing sight of the portrait in the sense conven-

tionally understood. In everyday use, the term ‘portrait’ generally means a recog-

nisable representation of a particular individual. As such, the portrait genre is

connected to a fascination with individuality that is typically Western. Such pre-

sentations of individual people will generally contain an element of temporality:

this, as it were, is how the subject looked at this particular moment in life. This

form of portraiture existed in ancient Rome, and has subsequently existed since

about the 15th century. It reflects an interest in individual people – and in the here

and now, the earthly, the temporal – and is based on an assumption that we are all

unique and different, and that our individuality can be reproduced in a portrayal

of our facial features.

But C. Flink’s work examines the possibilities for understanding a person as

something other – and more – than a unique individual of this kind. The installa-

tion consists of a series of Perspex plates on each of which a woman’s face is printed

in a blood-red colour, clearly taken from a photographed original. These plates are

hung up at 50-70 cm intervals, so that they can both be viewed individually and

in a complete visual overlap composed of all the images in the series. There is

even room for the viewer’s own head between the plates, so that one becomes part

of the series oneself. The coiffures and dress of the women depicted show that they

date from various periods of the 19th and 20th centuries. As a whole, the compos-

ite image might be a genealogy: a series of young women, mothers, grandmothers,

great-grandmothers. The title 64357 dagar (the number of days corresponding to

176 years) suggests that these semi-transparent images, layer upon layer, repre-



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sent the span of all these women’s lives as a whole. The series thus contains a tem-

porality, just as a conventional portrait does, but on a different plane. The serial

nature of the work makes temporality a phenomenon that transcends the life of a

single individual, and thus contributes to characterising that life in a greater con-

text: a woman is very much herself, but she is also part of a line. She contains

something of her mother, and passes on something to her daughter. The women

portrayed are surrounded by ornamental frames of a sort, which on closer inspec-

tion prove to be tiny reproductions of houses. This too suggests the circumstances

surrounding the individual person and contributing to their formation and devel-

opment. All the outer structures she has in common with other people.

C. Flink expertly illustrates this duality, or tension, between the unique and the

general. The problems and ideologies potentially inherent in a conventional por-

trait, with its attempts to show the depicted person as a personality of as much

character as possible, are dissolved in the recognition of our shared essential con-

ditions. We do not come from nothing. We come from something that transcends

(and frees us from?) the personal and individual.

Maria Fabricius Hansen


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C. Flink (*1968)

Sverige / Sweden

64357 dage

64357 days

Silketryk, plexiglas / Silkscreen, plexiglass

36 x 40 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist

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Juryen tildeler den islandske kunstner Erling Klingenberg en særpris med følgende


Klingenbergs Case-Face (Dobbeltgængeren) er et portræt, der opleves gennem flere

lag af sociale og kunstneriske filtre. Kunstneren, Erling T.V. Klingenberg, præsente-

rer en skulpturel afbildning af sig selv sammen med adskillige masker, der er præget

med hans eget billede. Vi bliver mødt med en parodisk silikonefigur i fuld størrelse iført

stribet jakkesæt, der lidenskabeligt gestikulerer mod himlen eller mod fremtiden.

Hans ansigt er lidt dystert og udtryksløst. Det er en naturtro kopi af kunstneren

selv, men livløs og steril og med en voksfigurs kitschede aura. Her står vi over for et

ukonventionelt medie inden for portrætkunstens traditioner med stærke referencer

til både populærkulturen og underholdningsverdenen. Værket har desuden et per-

formativt tilsnit, idet tilskuerne tilskyndes til at antage kunstnerens identitet ved at

tage masker på, der er præget med hans billede. Den Klingenberg, der er afbildet

her, er ikke en privatperson, men en offentlig figur, der retter tilskuerens opmærk-

somhed mod billedskabelse, og lader formode, at Klingenberg er kunstnerens alter

ego. Teorien om dobbeltidentitet understøttes desuden af Klingenbergs bekendt-

gørelse om “... at det er vanskeligt at være en kunstner i en rockstjernes krop”.

Denne legesyge tilgang til portrætkunsten er åben og vidtspændende, men er på

samme tid inspireret af den mediebaserede billedskabelse, der afslører hvorledes

vores syn på mennesker formes af medierne. Værket afslører ingen interesse i kunst-

nerens personlighed, men kun i hans sociale stilling og hans rolle som offentlig

person. Det materiale, han vælger, er upersonligt og giver ikke meget plads til det

traditionelle udtryk og personlig fortolkning. Vi kender voksfigurer fra steder som

f.eks. Madame Tussaud’s, hvor offentligheden opnår følelsen af at være sammen

med berømtheder og historiske personligheder. Voksfigurerne udtrykker ingen indre

mening eller ideer i modsætning til Klingenbergs voksfigur, der udstråler en kraf-

tig aura i museets lokaler.



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Dette ekstremt kunstige og iscenesatte værk udtrykker kunstnerens afbildning som

en offentlig figur med en overdådig flertydighed. Klingenbergs nådesløse tilgang

til selvportrætkunsten er original og trækker tilskueren med ind i en udtryksform,

der afspejles i samtiden. Værket er en del af en stigende begrebsmæssig tendens

inden for den moderne portrætkunst, der ikke kun retter sig mod personlig identi-

tet, men også inddrager sociale problemstillinger og vores besættelse af berømthe-

der, kønsmæssige spørgsmål og politik.

Ólöf Sigurdardóttir

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The jury awards a Special Prize to the Icelandic artist Erling Klingenberg with the

following citation:

The Klingenberg Case-Face (Doubleganger) is a portrait experienced through

layers of social and artistic filters. The artist, Erling T.V. Klingenberg, presents a

sculptural representation of himself and several masks imprinted with his own

image. We encounter a parodical life-size silicon figure, wearing a striped suit,

vehemently gesturing towards the sky or forwards towards the future. His face is

somber and expressionless, an exact replica of the artist but lifeless and sterile

with the kitsch aura of a wax figure. Here we have an unconventional medium in

the tradition of portraiture with strong references to popular culture and entertain-

ment. The work has a performative aspect as viewers are invited to take on the

artist’s identity by putting on paper masks printed with his image. The Klingen-

berg depicted here is not a private individual but a public figure directing the

viewer’s attention towards image making, suggesting that Klingenberg is the

artist’s alter ego. The theory of dual identity is supported by Klingenberg’s procla-

mation that “... it is hard to be an artist in a rock-star body”.

This playful approach to portraiture is open and generous but at the same time

inspired by media-based image making – revealing how our view of people is

shaped by the media. The work reveals no interest in the artist’s personality but

rather his social position and his role as a public figure. The material he chooses

is impersonal and leaves little space for traditional expression and personal inter-

pretation. We know wax figures from places like the Madame Tussauds where the

public is given the notion of being in the presence of celebrities and historical per-

sonalities. The wax figures do not express inner meaning or ideas unlike Klingen-

berg’s wax figure, which burrows into the museum space.

This highly artificial and staged work presents the artist’s image as a public fig-

ure with lush ambiguity. Klingenberg’s brazen approach to self-portraiture is orig-



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inal and draws the viewer into a theatricality that is representative of contempo-

rary society. The work is a part of an increasing conceptual tendency in contem-

porary portraiture which addresses not only personal identity, but social issues and

our obsession with celebrity, gender issues, and politics.

Ólöf Sigurdardóttir

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Erling T.V. Klingenberg (* 1970)

Island / Iceland

Klingenbergs Case-Face (Dobbeltgængeren)

The Klingenberg Case (Doubleganger)

Silikone, menneskehår, plasticøjne, tøj, sko, forlovelsesring, papir,

elastikker, frimærker, tæppe / Silicon (plastic rubber), human hair, plastic eyes,

clothes, shoes, engagement ring, paper, elastic bands, stamps, carpet


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist

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Juryen tildeler den finske kunstner Harri Larjosto en særpris med følgende begrundelse:

Porträttet av den finländske fotografen, videokonstnären och filmskaparen Harri

Larjosto (f. 1952) är en del av en omfattande serie på sammanlagt 29 fotografiska

personporträtt, som för några år sedan visades i utställningen Beröring i Helsing-

fors och i Mariehamn på Åland. Grundidén baserar sig på en aktiv växelverkan

mellan konstnären och den avporträtterade personen. Den sistnämnda har utgående

från sitt eget liv nedtecknat en händelse, en episod eller en process som ändrat

och format hennes öde och personlighet och lämnat kvar ett märke – ett ärr som

alltid följer med; därmed namnet Beröring. Berättelserna handlar om olycksfall,

drogmissbruk, våld, men även om kärlek, tro, sexuell identitet, kroppslighet, en kär

hobby, besatthet av ljud och ljus m.fl.

På basis av dessa texter har Larjosto fritt konstruerat porträtt av de deltagande

personerna. Som material har han använt de i texten givna referenserna och stäm-

ningarna, och de tankar och associationer som skildringen av händelseförloppet

väcker. Då bilden komponerades, nystade och spjälkade konstnären upp situatio-

nen som gestaltats av berättaren. Därefter sammanställde han fritt associerande en

helhet av de olika delarna. Intresset riktas förutom på själva personen, även på

dennas miljö och för henne väsentliga föremål. Slutresultatet är drömlika, ofta

iscensatta, med montage- och digitalteknik bearbetade miljöporträtt bestående av

tre eller fyra delar inklusive originaltexten.

Den avporträtterade och dennes situation ses genom konstnärens milda men

skarpa linser. Den färdiga bilden sammanfattar någonting väsentligt hos modellen

och hennes “aura”, ofta kryddat med humor och surrealistisk fantasi. Samtidigt

avslöjar bilden också konstnärens attityd, empati och förmåga att tolka och klä i

bild det osynliga märket i människans själ, som gestaltas inför honom.

Larjosto söker inte vanskapta, sensationella bilder och heller inte hjälteberät-

telser. Verken koncentrerar sig på händelserna och de anknytande metamorfoser-



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na, som på ett nämnvärt sätt har påverkat den avporträtterade och ökat hennes för-

ståelse för sitt eget och andras öde och liv. I sista hand är dessa porträtt en hyll-

ning till människans individualitet och särdrag, mänsklighetens mångfald.

Kaj Martin

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The jury awards a special prizee to the Finnish artist Harri Larjosto, with the follow-

ing citation:

This portrait by the Finnish photographer, video artist and film-maker Harri Lar-

josto (b. 1952) is part of a substantial series of some 29 photographic portraits of

individuals which was shown a few years ago in the exhibition Beröring (Touch)

in Helsinki, and Mariehamn on the Åland Islands. The fundamental idea is based

on an active exchange between the artist and the subject of the portrait. The lat-

ter, based on his or her own life experience, has written a piece about an event,

episode or process which changed and helped to form his or her destiny and per-

sonality, and which left a mark – a scar which is always there. Hence the title

Beröring, which as well as meaning physical touch, also suggests ‘effect’, ‘affect’,

‘influence’. The stories are about such things as accidents, drug abuse and vio-

lence – but also about love, faith, sexual identity, physicality, a favourite hobby,

obsessions with sound and light etc.

Based on these texts, Larjosto has freely constructed portraits of the partici-

pants. He has used the references and atmospheres provided in the text, and the

thoughts and associations kindled by the description of events. In composing the

picture, the artist has unravelled and dissected the situation depicted by the nar-

rator. Thereafter, he has used free association to bring the various parts together

into a whole. As well as the actual person, interest is also focused on their envi-

ronment and objects that are important to them. The final results are dream-like,

often staged, with environment portraits consisting of three or four parts including

the original text, processed using montage and digital techniques.

The subject and his or her situation are seen through the artist’s gentle but

sharp eyes. The complete picture summarises something essential about the mod-

el and the model’s ‘aura’, often spiced with humour and surreal fantasy. The pic-

ture also reveals the artist’s attitude, empathy and capacity to interpret and express



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in pictorial form the invisible ‘scar’ in the human soul, as it is portrayed for him.

Larjosto does not seek to create monstrous or sensational images – or heroic leg-

ends. The work concentrates on the events and the metamorphoses associated with

them, as they have significantly affected the subject of the portrait and increased

the subject’s understanding of his or her own destiny and life, and those of others.

In the final analysis, these portraits are a homage to the individuality and peculi-

arities of the individual and to human diversity.

Kaj Martin

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Harri Larjosto (* 1952)

Finland / Finland

Berøring – udvidede portrætter

Touch – extended portraits

Fotografi, pigmentink på stof / Photo, pigmentink on rag

60-110 x 150-310 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Torben Åndahl (* 1959)

Danmark / Denmark

Grafittimaleren Rune

Rune the Grafitti painter

Lamda print / Lamda print

100 x 150 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist

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Peter Brandt (*1966)

Danmark / Denmark

Mom & Dad

Mom & Dad


0:39 min


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Pia Stuer Lauridsen (* 1962)

Denmark / Denmark

Et selvportræt

A Self-portrait

Collage og akryl på lærred / Collage and acrylic on canvas

100 x 150 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Torhild Aukan (* 1960)

Norge / Norway

“Sophie”/ global blue

”Sophie”/ global blue

Træfinér, cyanotypi og pigment / Veneer, cyanotypi and pigment

150 x 150 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Torben Eskerod (* 1960)

Danmark / Denmark

CV 31-14

CV 31-14

C print / C print

150 x 100 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Johanne Seines Svendsen (* 1981)

Norge / Norway



Digitalt fotografi / Digital photography

60 x 40 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Niels Corfitzen (* 1980)

Danmark / Denmark

“Svendestykke” – Portræt af Svend Auken

”Svendestykke” – Portrait of Svend Auken

Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas

100 x 80 cm


Copenhart / Copenhart


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Anne Kari Berg Korsmo (* 1952)

Norge / Norway

Kunstmaleren Trine Folmoe

The artist Trine Folmoe

Digitalt fotografi / Digital photography

100 x 70 cm


Privat eje / Private collection


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Lene Bennike (* 1951)

Danmark / Denmark




3:54 min


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Jónatan Grétarsson (* 1979)

Island / Iceland

Islandske kunstnere

Icelandic Artists

Fotografi / Photography

100 x 80 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Ingrid Bugge (* 1968)

Danmark / Denmark

Mand med magisk magma

Man with magic magma

Fotografi på Dibondplade med halvmat laminat / Photography on Dibon plate

120 x 100 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Anni Holm (* 1977)

Danmark / Denmark

Student ID 2000

Student ID 2000

Archival inkjet på lærred / Archival inkjet on canvas

120 x 95 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Camilla Brodersen (* 1969)

Danmark / Denmark

Portræt af Rene Jensen

Portrait of Rene Jensen

Olie på masonit / Oil on masonite

20 x 20 cm


KKArt / KKArt


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Lotte Bro Barnkob (* 1973)

Danmark / Denmark

Torben 30 år. Blind som 27 årig. Årsag: Diabetes

Torben 30 years. Blind as 27-year-old. Cause: Diabetes

Fotografi. Lightjet / Photography. Lightjet

100 x 77 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Raimo Törhönen (* 1960)

Finland / Finland

Nenäni (min næse)

Nenäni (my nose)

Olie på træplade / Oil on board

10 x 10 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Päivi Pussila (* 1967)

Finland / Finland



Olie på træplade / Oil on board

37,7 x 31,7 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Sissel Annett Myklebust (* 1979)

Norge / Norway



Gelatine sølv print / Gelantin silver print

50 x 70 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Idun Caroline Huse Baltzersen (* 1987)

Norge / Norway

Selvportrætter med jomfru Maria glødende i mørket

(Jeg vil være som Paris Hilton når jeg bliver voksen)

Self-portraits with glow in the dark Virgin Mary

(I wanna be just like Paris Hilton when I grow up)

Akryl på mdf / Acrylic on mdf

144 x 116 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Thomas Kadziola (* 1962)

Danmark / Denmark



Granit / Granite

28 x 18 x 22 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Marianne Darlén Solhaugstrand (* 1975)

Norge / Norway

Johanulven i solen

Johan the wolf in the sun

Akvarel / Water colour

120 x 90 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Rosa Marie Frang (* 1975)

Danmark / Denmark



Video / Video

60:00 min.


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Helga C. Theilgaard (* 1976)

Danmark / Denmark

Rodløs #16

Rootless #16

4 x 5 polaroid negativ / 4 x 5 polaroid negative

200 x 160 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Birgir Snæbjörn Birgisson (* 1966)

Island / Iceland

Blonde Miss World 1951- 2006-2007

Blonde Miss World 1951- 2006-2007

Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas

120 x 120 cm

Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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James Hague (XXXX*)

Danmark / Denmark



Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas

90 x 70 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Disa Rytt (* 1984)

Sverige / Sweden



Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas

200 x 155 cm


Privat eje / Private collection


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Rasmus Albertsen (* 1977)

Sverige / Sweden

Bix Hax – et portræt

Bix Hax – a portrait

Video / Video

3:15 min


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Sissel Fredriksen (* 1963)

Norge / Norway

38 år imellem

38 years between

Tegning på papir / Drawing on paper

76 x 112 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Janusz Tyrpak (* 1963)

Danmark / Denmark

Teodor Bok

Teodor Bok

Akryl på lærred / Acrylic on canvas

80 x 120 cm


Agnieszka Bok


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Vladimir Voronin (* 1960)

Danmark / Denmark

Portræt 01

Portrait 01

Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas

51 x 41 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Anne Karin Court-Payen (* 1967)

Danmark / Denmark


Self Portrait

Olie på karton og lærred / Oil on cardboard and canvas

35 x 27 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Ken Hermann (* 1978)

Danmark / Denmark

Portræt af Kristian Devantier

Portrait of Kristian Devantier

Photo. Ilford Galerie Smooth Pearl Paper print /

Foto. Ilford Galerie Smooth Pearl Papir print

50 x 70 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Monica Reyes (* 1962)

Danmark / Denmark



Fotografi / Photograph

60 x 80 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Peter Rothmeier Ravn (* 1955)

Danmark / Denmark


The President by seniority

Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas

55 x 100 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Pernille Koldbech Fich (* 1971)

Danmark / Denmark

Introducing Viola

Introducing Viola

Digitalt C-print / C-print on paper

168 x 125 cm


Privat eje / Private collection


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Anne Stabell (* 1958)

Norge / Norway

I en anden skov

In another forest

Dobbelt transparent billedvæv i uld og nylon /

Double transparent picture loom, wool and nylon

100 x 70 x 10 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Birgitte Rubæk (* 1959)

Danmark / Denmark

John Tchicai. Jazz-musician, composer

John Tchicai. Jazz-musician, composer

Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas

120 x 90 cm


Privat eje / Private collection


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Margit Syhler (* 1952)

Danmark / Denmark

Liggende model

Laying model

Akryl på lærred / Acrylic on canvas

60 x 80 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Lone Eriksen (* 1981)

Danmark / Denmark

Untitled II

Untitled II

C-type print / C-type print

70 x 80 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Pia Schutzmann (* 1940)

Danmark / Denmark



Blyantstegning på papir / Pencil on paper

42 x 31 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Roar Kjærnstad (* 1975)

Sverige / Sweden


The doll maker

Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas

80 x 60 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Tarja Malinen (* 1961)

Finland / Finland

Portræt af min søn Pekka

Portrait of my son, Pekka

Keramik / Ceramics

33 x 30,5 x 24 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Camilla French (*1979)

Norge / Norway

Fra serien “Team French”

From the series ”Team French”

Fotografi / Photography

80 x 60 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Simon Høgsberg (* 1976)

Danmark / Denmark

Faces of New York

Faces of New York

Fotografi / Photography

100 x 46,5 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Jørgen Chemnitz (* 1957)

Grønland / Greenland

Jørgen Sanimuinaq fra Ittoqqqortoormiit, Grønland

Jørgen Sanimuinaq from Ittoqqqortoormiit, Greenland

Fotografi / Photography

100 x 150 cm


Kunstnerens eje / Collection of the artist


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Albertsen, Rasmus ...................................... 96

Aukan, Torhild ............................................ 52

Baltzersen, Idun Caroline Huse ................ 80

Barnkob, Lotte Bro ...................................... 72

Beckerlee, Honey Biba ............................... 20

Bennike, Lene ............................................. 62

Birgisson, Birgir Snæbjörn ......................... 90

Brandt, Peter ................................................ 48

Brodersen, Camilla ..................................... 70

Bugge, Ingrid ............................................... 66

Chemnitz, Jørgen ......................................... 132

Corfitzen, Niels ............................................ 58

Court-Payen, Anne Karin ........................... 104

Eriksen, Lone .............................................. 120

Eskerod, Torben .......................................... 54

Fich, Pernille Koldbech ............................. 112

Flink, C. ....................................................... 26

Frang, Rosa Marie ....................................... 86

Fredriksen, Sissel ........................................ 98

French, Camilla ........................................... 128

Grétarsson, Jónatan ..................................... 64

Hague, James ............................................... 92

Hermann, Ken ............................................. 106

Holm, Anni .................................................. 68

Høgsberg, Simon ......................................... 130

Kadziola, Thomas ........................................ 82

Kjærnstad, Roar .......................................... 124

Klingenberg, Erling T.V. ............................. 32

Kolehmainen, Matti .................................... 8

Korsmo, Anne Kari Berg ............................ 60

Larjosto, Harri ............................................. 38

Lauridsen, Pia Stuer ................................... 50

Malinen, Tarja ............................................. 126

Myklebust, Sissel Annett ........................... 78

Philip, Katja Boom ...................................... 20

Prestegård, Elly ........................................... 14

Pussila, Päivi ............................................... 76

Ravn, Peter Rothmeier ............................... 110

Reyes, Monica ............................................. 108

Rubæk, Birgitte ........................................... 116

Rytt, Disa ..................................................... 94

Schutzmann, Pia .......................................... 122

Solhaugstrand, Marianne Darlén ............... 84

Stabell, Anne ............................................... 114

Svendsen, Johanne Seines ......................... 56

Syhler, Margit .............................................. 118

Theilgaard, Helga C. ................................... 88

Tyrpak, Janusz ............................................. 100

Törhönen, Raimo ......................................... 74

Voronin, Vladimir ........................................ 102

Åndahl, Torben ............................................ 46


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© Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg 2009

ISBN 978-87-87237-91-8

Tilrettelæggelse: Korsager Grafisk Design

Tryk: Rosendahls · Esbjerg

Oversættelse: Marianne Mikkelsen (Lingtech)

Illustration på forsiden:

Elly Prestegård, FREEZE, 2008


Kat 35: Erling Lykke Jeppesen

1. pris, 3. pris, begge innovationspriser, kat. 15, 17, 18, 24,

25, 26, 28, 29, 37, 38, 39, 46, 55, 57: kunstneren

Alle øvrige: Kit Weiss


og kataloget PORTRÆT NU! er støttet af:

Carlsbergs Mindelegat for Brygger J.C. Jacobsen