positive and negative impacts of tourism auto saved]


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Post on 08-Apr-2015




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Looking to tourism for Economic Growth and vitality

Resources for Govt. are primarily tax revenues that can be used to

Develop natural and human resources productively.

To pay for the many services a Govt. provide their citizens.

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Tourism And Foreign Exchange Rates One of the most important factors

influencing the level of International tourism to a country is the relative exchange rate of its currency for other currencies.

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Comparative Advantage

Tourism can be said to have a comparative advantage over industries if it yields a better return from the region’s human and natural resources input than any other industry would.

It may also be the best industry to develop if there are no other alternatives.

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First the region may be appealing to tourists because

It has features that are highly attractive It may be easily accessible to many

potential tourists It has the necessary infrastructure and

to abundant labor force to serve in the tourism industry

Tourism: may have a comparative advantage over other industries in two ways

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Other Economic Impacts

Tourism can provide stability in an Economy. Tourism provides Economic diversity : A

stable Economy is one which provides jobs and revenues from a variety of industries. Tourism can be added as another Economic Engine to the industry mix. Obviously the addition of any industry to a community will increase the employment opportunities of that community.

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However tourism provides a wide variety of job possibilities, such as:

a) Entry level employment for relatively unskilled and semiskilled workers

b) Positions for highly skilled crafts persons, such as chefs and artists

c) Many professional- level career opportunities for well-educated decision makers

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Tourism often provides the economic incentive to improve infrastructure that can be enjoyed by residents as well as tourists.

Unlike most manufacturing based enterprises, a tourism industry can be started an the form of a small business.

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NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF TOURISM International war and conflict Acts of terrorist, especially those

involving tourists A major criminal act or crime wave,

especially against tourists A natural disaster that causes

substantial damage to natural resources or tourism infrastructure

Epidemics of diseases that are highly contagious.

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Air pollution can become a problem with increased level of vehicle traffic in an area, along with other activities hat cause air quality problems.

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Noise pollution is becoming a new problem in many communities, especially with the relocation and/or/ expansion of airports. Also with the large no. of vehicles tourists are using.

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Most damaging impact that can occur to vegetation ,wildlife and precious historical attractions.

Unplanned or poorly planned developments can lead to the endangerment of flora and fauna species and to the slow erosion of the very sites that are the destination’s “reason for being”

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Environmental degradation

From heavy carbon emissions associated with air travel, overuse of precious resources like water, tourists in any country tend to leave behind a trail of environmental degradation.   

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Contributions to government revenues

Some governments collect money in more far-reaching and indirect ways that are not linked to specific parks or conservation areas. E.G. Funds collected from:

User fees, Income taxes, taxes on sale License fees for activities such as hunting and

fishing can. Such funds can be used for overall conservation

programs and activities, such as park maintenance etc.

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Financial contributions

Tourism can contribute directly to the conservation of sensitive areas and habitat.

Revenue from park-entrance fees and similar sources can be allocated specifically to pay for the protection and management of environmentally sensitive areas.

Special fees for park operations or conservation activities can be collected from tourists or tour operators.

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Environmental awareness raising

Tourism has the potential to increase public appreciation of the environment and to spread awareness of environmental problems when it brings people into closer contact with nature and the environment.

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Tourism can significantly contribute to environmental protection, conservation and restoration of biological diversity and sustainable use of natural resources. Because of their attractiveness, sites and natural areas are identified as valuable and the need to keep the attraction alive can lead to creation of national parks and wildlife parks.


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Numerous animal and plant species have already become extinct or may become extinct soon. Many countries have therefore established wildlife reserves and enacted strict laws protecting the animals that draw nature-loving tourists. As a result of these measures, several endangered species have begun to thrive again.

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or broad grouping of people who have common traditions, institutions, activities and interests.

CULTURE The practices of a

society ; its customary beliefs , social roles, and material objects that are passed down from generation to generation.

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POSITIVE IMPACTS By bringing people from a wide

variety of places and cultures together ,visitors and locals learn about each other, their differences and their similarities. May also become aware of new tastes and ways of thinking .

The opportunity to sell native crafts or to perform to an enthusiastic audience can entice local artists to continue traditional arts.

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Improved standard of living and greater educational opportunities, especially for women and young people.

Tourism provides opportunity to preserve the region’s historical and natural sites

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Newcomers or visitors to a society may cause problems due to overcrowding or by bringing unfamiliar behaviors.

Crime Decline in moral conduct of local people.

Like prostitution,begging, alcohol and drug use etc.

Effect on local language

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Guidelines for individuals Cultural understanding Travel with an open mind: cultivate the

habit of listening and observing ; discover the enrichment