positive attitude towards life

Positive Attitude Towards Life

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Positive Attitude Towards Life

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ObjectivesAt the end of this module the students are

expected to:• KNOW the benefits, strategies, overcome

challenges, and having self confidence in various notion of positivity;

• VALUE the significance of positive thinking;• PUT INTO PRACTICE in everyday life, whatever

learning one gets.

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The Power of a Positive Attitude

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• Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. ~ Buddha

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10 Things a Positive Attitude Will Give You

• 1. Career Success. • Your boss will notice if you have a positive

outlook. Since you’ll be more apt to solve problems and be creative in a positive mood, you’ll do a better job. Trust me, he’ll notice.

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2. Less Stress

• Instead of seing things as problems, look at them as challenges.

• « In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your enegery into something POSITIVE. » -Lee Lacocca

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3. Better Health

• Less stress equals better health!

• Being healthy means less sick days.

• Less sick days means productivity!

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4.Improved Customer Relations

• Your customers will more likely believe you if you show a positive attitude.

• People who believe in what they are doing and their products are more convincing than others who do not.

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5. Become a Better Leader• Lead by example. Your

subordinates are always watching you.

• By having a positive outlook, your enthusiasm will spread and affect the rest of your team.

• You’ll help them be able to achieve their goals and in turn, your organization’s goals.

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6. Happier Work Environment• Happiness is infectious; but so is negativity!• People will be drawn to your company since

you are positive; they won’t be able to help it. Then, they will be positive too, and so on.

• At the very least, the negative people will stop bothering you too!

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7. Improved Teamwork

By being positive, you are helping your team to be united in overcoming challenges, instead of being divided over issues and problems.

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8. Motivation• If you are positive, you will more likely take

chances. You will have the inspiration to spread your wings!

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9. Better Decision Making

• When you see things as challenges as opposed to problems, you will be more proactive and creative in your solutions and decisions

• “Choices are the hinges of destiny.”

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10. Improved Relationships

• People love positive people.

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Many people struggle from self esteem

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A person can become

insecure when he gets so

many people always

stomping on them

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Sometimes we tend to compare ourselves with


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“You are who you are”

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Positive eyesPositive lipsPositive ears

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All my flaws come together to make “me”

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As we wander through life, brother,

Whatever be your goal,

Keep your eyes on the doughnut,

And never on the hole!

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7 Strategies To Overcome Negative Attitudes

• 1. Five Pillars of Attraction – F.R.E.S.H• F: Finances• R: Relationship• E: Environment• S: Spiritual• H: Health

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2. STOP listening to that little negative voice.• Counter-punch the negative self talk

with a substantial dose of positiveness.

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3. LOOK for alternative explanations.

• In many cases there could be hundreds of them, unfortunately when you are frustrated you are unable to see the forest for the trees - sometimes referred to as Frustration Tunnel Vision.

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4. MOODS are contagious, both positive and negative.• Do something that will place you in a

positive mood, such as a daily delicious habit or speaking with anyone that is known for having a positive attitude or mood.

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5. CONTROL your frustration.

• Speak slowly, breath deeply into your heart, choose to remain calm or excuse yourself from the discussion take a time out. Stop drinking caffeine.

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6. STOP looking out the rear view mirror when that big broad windshield is staring you in the face.

• Your vision of each event or situation is totally up to you. You can either choose to be negative or positive your choice. Or, you can either focus on your negative past or look forward into a positive future.

• "Past failures don't equal current successes."

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7. WATCH with great care who you hang out with.

• Jim Rohn: “YOU become the average sum of the five people with whom you associate with.“

• Who am I around?• What are they doing to me?• What have they got me saying?• Where do they have me going?• What do they have me thinking?• What do they have me becoming?• Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay?

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How a positive mind helped overcome


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Having a positive outlook in life

• Positive mind-set help individuals overcome life’s challenges

• Help you grow and develop skills and techniques to work towards goals

• It will help you focus on putting your life externally and risking it for success while maintaining a positive mind.

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Life Lesson

• You are an individual, and have your own special purpose. You control who is in your life and who is not. It is time to take charge of your life and get rid of those who are bad influences or are negative around you. You are better off in the end and more likely to succeed if you surround yourself with supportive people. Time to work on that self-esteem of yours.

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• Self Esteem works two ways:• The Positive Cycle

and• The Negative Cycle

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The Positive Cycle

The positive cycle equals:

• High Self-Esteem• Positive thoughts such as:

• “I can do this!”• “I did wonderful job today”

• Gives you desirable behavior

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The Negative Cycle

The negative cycle means:

• Low Self-Esteem• Catch your self saying:

• “I can’t do this”• “Great! I failed again”

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• Challenge yourself to stay positive, even if you don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel, or if you find yourself seeing that your dreams are far from reach.

• Whatever bump you have hit on your path to success, remember that it is the bump that will get you there. Not stop you. (Positive mind-set)

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An example story

• Michelle Uy, even though as a yoga teacher, finds it easy to fall prey to negative thinking. Having negative thoughts play out like a movie can only bring you pain, something that she has experienced many times throughout her life. That’s what one small negative thought can turn into: a huge, speeding ball of ugliness.

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On the contrary, a small positive thought canhave the same effect blossoming into a

beautiful Outcome.

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This is her story

• My boyfriend of two years who I have had a long distance relationship with will soon be moving here and we will be living together. Lately, I’ve had negative thoughts of moving in with him knowing that my living routine will have to change and we will have to create a new routine together.

• Unfortunately, I’ve already jumped into the future and have had thoughts that we will not be able to come up with a living arrangement that will make us both happy. In my mind, I have seen myself already getting angry about our cooking and cleaning situation.

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• He came for a surprise visit this past weekend and boy, was it a surprise for him. We had a miserable weekend together. I did not enjoy his company because I was already angry with him and he was confused and equally frustrated with me. What could have been a really fabulous weekend ended up being a painful and heavy weekend.

• When we start to have negative thoughts, it’s hard to stop them. And it’s much easier said than done to shift your focus to positive thoughts. But, it’s the only way—especially if you want to avoid going down a path that is painful and unnecessary.

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10 things she did to overcome her negative thoughts and lived happily

afterwards• Meditate or do Yoga• Smile• Surround yourself with positive people• Change tone of thoughts from negative to

positive• Don’t play the victim. Create your life.• Help someone• Remember, no one is perfect, and move


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• Sing• List five things that you are grateful for

right now• Read positive quotes

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Happy Positive Thinking!

• Watch your thoughts, they become words.• Watch your words, they become actions.• Watch your actions, they become habits.• Watch your habits, they become your

character.• Watch your character, it becomes your


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Famous Positive People

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Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

• British Prime Minister in 1940 to 1945 leading the allied forces to victory over Germany in world war 2 and again in 1951 to 1955. A true inspirational leader noted for his speeches uniting the people of England, an officer in the British army, a historian and a writer earning the noble prize for literature.

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Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

• Born in Germany Einstein is best known for his work in relativity gaining the Nobel Prize in physics for his services to theoretical physics. Credited with over 300 scientific papers Einstein will forever be synonymous with the word ‘Genius’

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Helen Keller (1880-1968)

• She was an author and a political activist becoming the first deaf blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. A terrific author with many titles to her name, she became well travelled and was outspoken in her campaigns for Women’s Suffrage, Workers Rights and Socialism as well as many other causes.

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Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

• Gandhi was the political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian Independence Movement, with his inspired actions of peaceful protests for the civil rights and independence of his people from Britain. His autobiography entitled ‘the story of my experiments with truth’ is an inspirational read and a must in your life time.

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Abraham Lincoln born (1809-1865)

• probably the most well known presidents of the United States, successfully leading his country through the crisis of the American Civil War abolishing slavery by 1863. Lincoln was a great leader and inspirational thinker insistent on doing things his way leading from the top. Lincoln was also the first President of the United States to be assassinated.